Author's Note

I do not own the Dragonriders of Pern.

A big thank you to everyone who followed, favourited, and reviewed this story! For a hot mess of insanity written on a whim, this got a lot more support than I ever expected! Thank you to everyone!

A full list of the hatchlings, their riders, and some of the inspiration for them and the story. Hatchlings are organised by colour rank, with the unusual colour sports in place where they would come size wise. To avoid confusion, characters named in the story are listed by their full name with their contraction (if they took one) in brackets. Any impressions to characters not mentioned in the story are simply listed by colour, dragon, and rider.

Gold Zurailth. Impressed to Kuyaran (K'ran). Kuyaran mellowed with her impression to Zurailth, and was joint leader of her Weyrling class alongside Sirena. She was flown by Dorasa and her bronze Violith on her first mating flight, but the two women would eventually decide that they preferred just being friends (and occasionally flight partners) instead of starting a long term relationship. The inspiration for Kuyaran's character was as the arrogant gold (or sometimes bronze, as in Kuyaran's case) rider's daughter.

Gold Herabeth. Impressed to Mia. Mia grew up to be a very intelligent woman, forming a romantic relationship with Yariel, and, several years later Dorasa. She and Herabeth were transferred to High Reaches when she reached maturity, along with Dorasa and Violith and Yariel and Hyperioth, who flew her on her first mating flight. However, they would return to Sunspyre two years later due to personality clashes with the Weyrwoman. Mia was based off Hermione from Harry Potter (see more).

Gold Kirioriarth. Impressed to Rasia. As she grew Rasia kept her sweet and hardworking nature. She remained at Sunspyre Weyr (mostly due to the other Weyrs preferring full sized Golds to Sports) and became well loved by everyone there. Her dragon, Kirioriarth would never grow to be much bigger than a medium sized blue and was discovered to have some sensitivities to sound and light. As such, she was unable to fly Thread with the rest of the ranks. She rose to mate infrequently and was flown by Yornam's Dalaith, laying healthy, though small, clutches. Rasia was originally meant to be able to talk to all dragons, but much of that was either cut or given to Sirena due to lack of development in Rasia's character and she became more of an 'everygirl' in my eyes, aka a normal one amongst all the chaos.

Bronze Hyperioth. Impressed to Yariel (Y'rel). Unfortunately for Yariel, trouble would continue to follow him even after he became a dragonrider and grew into adulthood, and he would often be involved in fights and disputes. He remained close to Dorasa and developed a romantic relationship with Mia (who he would later agree to 'share' with Dorasa). He and Hyperioth were briefly 'loaned out' to High Reaches Weyr along with Mia, Dorasa, and their dragons and Hyperioth flew Herabeth on her maiden flight. They returned to Sunspyre two years later due to personality clashes with riders at High Reaches. Yariel was originally based off Harry Potter (hence the name and bits of the background) but kinda morphed into some kind of more generic omni-potent 'Chosen One.'

Bronze Violith. Impressed to Dorasa (D'ras). Where Yariel went Dorasa went, and she found a different kind of trouble in the form of men or boys either jealous of her riding bronze or annoyed at her assumed lack of availability due to her riding bronze. Now having a very violent and overprotective bronze dragon to back her up, Dorasa continued to solve her problems with violence. Violith flew Kuyaran's Zurailth on her maiden flight, but the two women eventually decided they didn't want a strict romantic relationship and would rather be friends with sometimes benefits. Dorasa would also eventually become romantically entangled with Mia after Violith flew Herabeth during one of her mating flights and developed an open relationship with both her and Kuyaran. Dorasa had less of a basis and in original designs would have been more of a foil/antagonistic towards Yariel, but I liked them much better being close.

Bronze Chemarath. Impressed to Zoveanon (Z'non). A bronzerider legacy determined to live up to it, Zoveanon became an outgoing, if sometimes a stickler for the rules, man. He eventually transferred to Dawnfall Weyr, where he would one day become Weyrleader. Zoveanon was based off the idea of the bronzerider legacy.

Bronze Rilonth. Impressed to Cassoneaval (C'val). A self-proclaimed genius and born leader, Cassoneaval grew to be far too cocky. He and Rilonth, along with his siblings and their dragons, would eventually vanish without a trace while exploring the Mysterious Western Continent. Cassoneaval was based off Chase from Lab Rats and not really given much development since he wasn't overly involved in the story.

Bronze Kianeldorth. Impressed to Dasian (D'san). Dasian stuck to his guns and ideals as he grew into a hardworking young man. Kiandeldorth was undersized and never grew much bigger than a large blue, but the Weyr found having a smaller bronze came in useful in several situations and when coordinating the wings. I always intended to have Dasian Impress a runt bronze, though it was originally meant to be from the stands.

Red Tianath (Impressed to Cataeliana (C'lan)) and Red Taireth (Impressed to Ketielean (K'len)). The Impression of their dragons didn't help anyone with being able to tell the twins apart, as they were also very similar in appearance and both dragons were often riden by both twins, to the confusion of all. They did become slightly less self-contained and more distinguishable from each other as they aged and matured however, though they always remained close and kept adjoining Weyrs when they moved out of Weyrling barracks. They developed a close friendship with Sirena, as they found she was very capable of the same telepathic communication as them, and Taireth flew her Lairuluaith during one of her rare mating flights. Cataeliana and Ketielean were based off the idea of the 'half-identical twins' and 'creepy twins' tropes. Originally the egg that hatched their dragons was meant to be Violith's egg, and Violith's egg would have been Hyperioth's, but after I introduced Cat and Ket I knew what I had to do.

Brown Baudelth. Impressed to Katsu (K'sut). Katsu developed some self-confidence as he grew up and became an intelligent, strong young man who eventually became a Wingsecond at Sunspyre and Weyrmates with Ilisandora. Katsu was based off Klaus Baudelaire from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Brown Trevoth. Impressed to Venile (V'nil). Venile grew into a confident young man and would eventually become one of Yariel's closest friends as well as a Wingleader. Although we didn't see much of him, Venile was based off Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter.

Brown Billith. Impressed to Olareslay (O'slay). Feeling overshadowed by his large family, Olareslay would eventually transfer to Edgelan Weyr, where he became a Wingleader. We barely saw him in the story due to the lack of focus on the boys, but Olareslay was based off Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.

Brown Bionath. Impressed to Lussiel (L'siel). Cassoneaval's stepbrother, he and his dragon would eventually vanish without a trace while exploring the Mysterious Western Continent. Lussiel was based off Leo Dooley from Lab Rats.

Brown Mirath. Impressed to Darunican (D'can). Darunican would develop into an intelligent, though quiet man and keep a strong relationship with both his siblings and Katsu and Indigo. He was based off Duncan Quagmire from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Brown Helmeth. Impressed to Cimish (C'mis). Although he never did connect Naeressa to the girl that saved his life, C'mis would fill the Weyr with music during his spare time.

Brown Bemionth, impressed to H'ron.

Brown Herenth, impressed to P'sen.

Brown Pirioth, impressed to D'wir.

Brown Soranith, impressed to K'ler.

Purple Dalaith. Impressed to Yornam (Y'nam). Though she never became very good at playing politics, Yornam continued to learn and found a place for herself in the Weyr as well as a lover in Rasia and a family in her siblings. Dalaith grew big enough to consistently fly Kirioriarth (much to the annoyance of some bronze and brown riders). Yornam was based off the 'character with no memories of their life' trope. Yornam could (and was going to) be a bigger Sue, but I liked the idea of going to the literal and logical extremes of her not remembering *anything*.

Blue Kianeth. Impressesed to Indigo. Indigo proved to be very good with her hands and inventing and building things, and would eventually come to work with Imijin and Milenin, being able to work their designs so that they didn't explode. She became Weyrmates with Squiglerusay after Kianeth flew his Audith during her maiden flight. Indigo was based off Violet from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Blue Possibith. Impressed to Kimberlee (K'lee). Kimberlee remained annoyingly good at sports and helping people, much to Annaliessa's annoyance, and eventually became Weyrmates with Donerlay after many years of insisting they were 'just friends' to anyone who asked. Kimberlee was based off Kim Possible.

Blue Chionuth. Impressed to Ermut (E'mut). Ermut was intended to be the runner boy mentioned briefly in Annaliessa's chapter.

Blue Jarleth. Impressed to Kerefid (K'fid). Only mentioned once or twice, Kerefid was the parallel to Fred Weasley from Harry Potter.

Blue Jerlath. Impressed to Regowes (R'wes). Only mentioned once or twice, Regowes was the parallel to George Weasley from Harry Potter.

Blue Kelzith. Impressed to Demekia (D'mek). Demek continued to prefer the company and lifestyle of the boys over the girls, though she did get used to the craziness of her classmates and even became close friends with Lily and Luna, along with Ritilia. Although it was eventually discovered she was biologically female she continued to present as gender androgynous.

Blue Jimath. Impressed to Imijin (I'jin). Imigin and his brother continued to be trouble, though their eventual friendship with Indigo would help with making their inventions less explosive. Imijin was based off Jim Possible from Kim Possible.

Blue Timeth. Impressed to Milenin (M'nin). He and Imigin continued to be trouble, though their eventual friendship with Indigo would help with making their inventions less was based off Tim Possible from Kim Possible.

Blue Dominath. Impressed to Docalakon (D'kon). He would become Weyrmates with Arwen Raven Nightshade, though the two of them would eventually be presumed killed somewhere on the Southern Continent. Docalakon was based off Doctor Drakken from Kim Possible.

Blue Dumith. Impressed to Areasiol (A'siol). Cassoneaval and Brizala's older brother, Areasiol was not very bright but Dumith loved him. Unfortunately, the two of them would eventually vanish without a trace while investigating the Mysterious Western Continent.

Blue Nenorth. Impressed to Taederren (T'ren). His impression was one of the few happy endings to come from the string of tragedies, as he was Naeressa's brother and only Searched when the riders had to return to his croft after her death.

Blue Kendulth. Impressed to F'dew.

Blue Brodraininth. Impressed to M'lon.

Blue Poglagrinth. Impressed to N'ker.

Blue Meynulth. Impressed to S'hay.

Blue Kolsoth. Impressed to B'ven.

Blue Tairnarnerth. Impressed to C'met.

Blue Kiraizionth. Impressed to B'lin.

Blue Zaralth. Impressed to S'hen.

Green Tilnath. Impressed to Ritilia (R'lia). With her Impression to Tilnath, Ritilia came out of her shell a little and became much more confidence in expressing herself instead of keeping her thoughts to herself. She became friends with D'mek, Lily, and Luna during her Weyrling training, and Blue Kelzith flew Tilnath on her first flight. Ritilia and her sister Jakeiria were based off the trope of the bitchy older sister / shier or more reserved younger sister.

Green Cindereth. Impressed to Ellador. Ellador kept her good heart, and with the support of Cindereth became an intrical part of the Weyr, offering support to those that needed it and helping with the day-to-day duties.

Green Ginith. Impressed to Revina (R'ina). Throughout her Weyrling training and the next few years, Revina would remain fixated on Yariel, something which only faded when he, Mia, and Dorasa were transferred and Ginith rose for the first time, being caught by Venile's brown Trevoth. Although their relationship wouldn't last, it would help her to start maturing and developing loose relationships with several other riders. Revina was actually based off the fanfiction idea of Ginny Weasley that is especially seen in H/Hr fanfics where she's some kind of evil manipulator/scarlet woman/whore.

Green Lueth. Impressed to Annaliessa (A'lis). Annaliessa loved life at the Weyr, and never lost her kindness, hope, or enthusiasm. She was based off Annie, from the musical.

Green Mareth. Impressed to Tummi. Tummi was the girl brought in with Annaliessa and was, unlike most of our crazy candidates, perfectly normal. She actually ended up with the short straw here, because in original drafts and actually up to roughly Sirena's second chapter, she was planned to Impress Zurailth instead of Kuyaran. I was even still considering it while writing the Hatching chapter! So what happened? Well, I fell in love with the idea of the 'wrong weyrbred girl' getting the gold, and I always had a fairly good idea who the other two goldriders would be, which bumped Tummi down to green.

Green Ereth. Impressed to Lily. Lily made her home in Sunspyre, and never did find her way back to Earth. She came to see Luna as a younger sister, and the two remained close. Miraith was undersized, and remained smaller than most greens, though she did outgrow Luna's Lovaraith. Lily was based off the trope of 'character from Earth transported to Pern.'

Green Prettith. Impressed to Brizala (B'ala). Brizala was much happier with a Green fighting dragon than she would have ever been with a Queen, and grew into a tough young woman. Unfortunately, both she and Prettith, along with her brothers and their dragons, would eventually vanish without a trace while exploring the Mysterious Western Continent.

Green Miraith. Impressed to Ilisandora (I'dora). Although we didn't see a massive amount of her in the fic, Ilisandora was based off Isadora from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Green Shegoth. Impressed to Arwen Raven Nightshade (A'wen). Originally intended to be the 'evil Mary Sue,' Arwen kind of mutated into some kind of mix between that and Shego from Kim Possible. I still have no idea exactly how that happened other than me not wanting to introduce another character. Anyways, she was originally meant to die, but she didn't, so, um, yay?

Green Sasirith. Impressed to Mary Sue. She was another one high on the list of potential goldriders, but got bumped off again pretty quickly. Mary Sue wasn't really based off anything, just the irony of having a girl who is very clearly *not* a Mary Sue called Mary Sue amongst all these characters who are.

Green Blosoth. Impressed to Sakura Shompoo Cherry Blossom (S'rey). Sakura and her sisters proved to have a great wanderlust, and when they weren't busy with fighting Thread or Weyr duties were often found travelling Pern trying to right wrong. Sakura was based off Blossom from the Powerpuff girls.

Green Cupebeth. Impressed to Sherazzo Connifer Bluebel (S'fer). Much like her sister, Sherazzo hated to be chained down. She also loved starting fights, particularly where she believed there to be 'injustice,' which proved to be somewhat of a problem for Sunspyre, who several times grounded her to the Weyr only for her to run off at the first opportunity she got. Sherazzo was based off Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls.

Green Bubbleth. Impressed to Siovati Ovature Bliss (S'tur). A sweet, overly sensitive girl, Bubbleth was less interested in justice than her sisters and more interested in rescuing and helping the injured, something which she was allowed to continue with so long as it didn't interfere with her duties. Siovati was based off Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls.

Green Dursleth. Impressed to Dudlen (D'len). Yariel and Dorasa's cousin and based off Dudley Dursley from Harry Potter, we don't see much of him. He was intended to be a bit of a bully, but gradually grew out of that with his life at the Weyr and Impression to Dursleth.

Green Dorableth. Impressed to Lendeer (L'der). For those that aren't sure, Lendeer was the young boy who found Naeressa's body. After completing training spent several years based as a Hold rider before finally being transferred back to the Weyr.

Green Credith. Impressed to Zindyl (Z'dil). Zindyl was Baliose's cousin.

Green Audith. Impressed to Squiglerusay (Q'ley). Although surprised to end up a greenrider, Squiglerusay was happy with the freedom it gave him and often spent his free time mapping out the continents. He became Weyrmates with Indigo after her Kianeth flew Audith. Squiglerusay was based off Quigley from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Green Stoplath. Impressed to Donerlay (D'lay). Donerlay remained in Kimberlee's shadow for several years and eventually became her Weyrmate before proving himself during a particularly hard Fall. He was based off Ron Stoppable from Kim Possible.

Pimeylulth. Impressed to J'ren.

Bidaloth. Impressed to T'lar.

Hadusolth. Impressed to S'may.

Silver Lovaraith. Impressed to Luna. Luna continued to be odd as she grew, though people did come to learn to listen to her. Her friendship with Lily also remained strong. Lovaraith grew to be healthy, though much smaller than most dragons. Luna was based off the idea of the 'mystical waif' trope.

Black Lairuluaith. Impressed to Sirena. Sirena might not have Impressed gold like her mother wanted and she'd once dreamed of, but she didn't care what colour her dragon was and didn't let it stop her from becoming joint leader of her Weyrling class alongside Kuyaran, who she became/remained good friends with. She became integral in the running of the Weyr and her ability to communicate more openly with dragons made her such an asset during Thread that she often helped coordinate while still a Weyrling due to the lack of adult Queens. Lairuluaith grew to be barely half the size of most greens and rarely rose for mating. Sirena was based off the Queen rider's daughter often seen in Pern fics.