This is just some drabble that I've been offhandedly working on for a while. decided it's time to post it.
Their thoughts screamed in its head, warping into a mesh of white noise that almost made it impossible to think. The memories of each soul who's cinders made up its massive body passed before its mind's eye as it stared deep into the flame it guarded.
The memories always flowed in odd ways, weaving together in infinite narratives from the random combinations of events. The strongest souls held the clearest memories, clashing with the hazier memories of those who barely managed to link the flame.
At some points I was the king of the gods, raining over my children and servants with the power of the flame.
Other times I was an exiled king, twisting the souls of those more powerful than me so that I may wield their strength, and protect my throne.
Yet other times, I was a pygmy searching for a cure to a curse that had none, gouging my soul in the hopes of retaining some semblance sanity.
Sometimes I was a legion of warriors bound together by the blood of a wolf, hunting the abyss, only to be swallowed by it and turn on ourselves.
Yet other times I saw the world as a giant, ruling over a people who hated me. Despair led me to linking the dyeing flame, as well as the hope of riding the world of that profaned flame.
Sometimes I was a pygmy again, striking down beings considered gods, being puppeteered by conniving serpents wishing to fulfill some ancient agenda.
The worst memories would have to be those of the cannibalistic glutton of a priest, who's mushy body was forced onto the first flame.
Ah… the first flame. The flame that brings me life, and my unending suffering. Bound am I to it, for the remains of those who linked it are what gave birth to me.
And yet comes another challenger. I feel the weight of their soul, and the souls that have been twisted for more tangible use. I feel how empty they truly are, Hollowed to the point of madness.
Let them come then. If they are truly worthy, then they shall strike me down and decide the fate of this age.
Come Ashen One, let us battle under this accursed eclipse!