A/N: At last, the final chapter of this story. One small warning, there is a mention of vomiting at one point. I don't think it's very graphic at all, but if that bothers you I would recommend not reading from the line "Almost as soon as Jennie was standing, her stomach suddenly flipped." to the line "Jennie waited a minute until she heard the front door open and close, then she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and sank to the floor."
"Are ya sure ya wanna do this? Ya don't hafta if ya don't wanna."
"I'm sure, Charlie," Jennie reassured him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze and smiling softly at him. "Absolutely."
It had taken less convincing than Jennie had thought it would to get Crutchie to agree to Katherine's idea. She had been relieved at first, but now that the day of the procedure had dawned Crutchie seemed to be having second thoughts.
"We don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable. This isn't just about me," Jennie said after a minute.
"No!" Crutchie exclaimed, drawing the stares of the few other patients in the clinic's waiting room. He flushed pink and lowered his voice. "No. I wanna do this, for both of us." He smiled at Jennie. "I'm sure. Absolutely."
Just then, the door at the end of the hallway opened and the nurse from Jennie's first visit stepped into the waiting room. "Mr. and Mrs. Morris?"
Jennie and Crutchie exchanged a nervous glance, then stood and walked hand in hand into the doctor's office.
"I'm home!" Crutchie called as he entered his and Jennie's apartment and took his coat off.
"I'm in the kitchen!" Jennie called back.
When Crutchie walked into the kitchen he found Jennie standing at the stove with her back to him, slowly stirring a pot of soup. Grinning to himself, he wordlessly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle.
"Charlie!" Jennie gasped in surprise, turning around to face him with an annoyed but loving expression on her face. "Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry," Crutchie said, though his tone conveyed that he wasn't sorry at all. "I thought you heard me come in."
"Well, I didn't," Jennie replied, turning back to the stove. "You can be quite sneaky when you want to be. Now, go wash up for dinner."
"Yes Ma," Crutchie said, quickly moving out of the way when Jennie moved to playfully smack him with her spoon.
"You are an impossible boy, Charlie Morris!" Jennie called as Crutchie left the room. She smiled to herself. "An impossible boy."
After dinner had been eaten and the dishes had been cleared away, Crutchie and Jennie sat in the parlor together. Crutchie was reading a book, and Jennie was carefully mending one of his socks. They sat in amicable silence, perfectly content with simply being in each other's company. Until Crutchie spoke up. "So… how ya been today Jennie?"
Jennie looked up, a slightly confused frown on her face. "Fine. Why-" she stopped when she saw the look on Crutchie's face. She knew what he was trying to ask. "It's only been a few weeks, Charlie. There's no way of knowing for sure until later."
Crutchie nodded, looking away from Jennie. "I know. I just… I'se tired of waitin'." He chuckled softly. "Jack always said I had the patience of a saint, but I sure as hell don't feel patient right now."
"Oh, Charlie." Jennie smiled sympathetically as she set her sewing aside and moved to sit down next to Crutchie. "I want to know too. So much that I think I'll burst if I don't find out this instant. But it doesn't work like that. We have to wait."
"I know." Crutchie sighed. "Wish it didn't, but it does."
Jennie smiled softly at Crutchie, then leaned over and kissed him gently. "We'll know soon. I have faith."
The sun was already shining through the small windows of Crutchie and Jennie's bedroom when Jennie woke up a few weeks later. Sitting up slowly, she frowned. Why did I sleep so late? She swung out of bed, quickly shrugging on a shawl to ward off the early morning chill in the room.
Almost as soon as Jennie was standing, her stomach suddenly flipped. She pressed a hand to her mouth and dashed over to the washbasin near the bed, leaning over it just in time to be sick.
As Jennie was in the midst of this, a knock sounded at the bedroom door. "Jennie? Are ya up? What's that noise?"
Jennie internally cursed, managing to get out "I'm fine, Charlie! I'll be out in a minute!" before she doubled over with nausea again.
"Okay." Crutchie sounded unsure, but he accepted what Jennie had told him. "I'm headin' to work now. I'll see ya this evenin'."
Jennie bit back a groan as she shakily took a breath. "Alright. Have a nice day!" she called.
"You too!" Crutchie called back.
Jennie waited a minute until she heard the front door open and close, then she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and sank to the floor. "What on Earth is wrong with me?" she wondered aloud. Then it hit her.
Jennie shot up from where she had been sitting and practically ran into the kitchen, ignoring how her stomach protested at the sudden movement. There was a small paper calendar hung on the wall next to the sink and she scanned it quickly, counting under her breath. "One, two three, four, five, six… seven weeks."
Jennie blinked, then counted again. "Seven… seven weeks." Her brain connected the dots. "I'm pregnant."
"Jennie? I'm home!" Crutchie called as he stepped into the apartment, the same as he did almost every day.
"I'm in the kitchen!" was Jennie's reply, just as it was almost every day.
Crutchie entered the kitchen, expecting to see Jennie standing at the stove like usual. What he did not expect to see, however, was Jennie sitting at the dining room table with a barely suppressed grin on her face.
"What's goin' on?" Crutchie asked, sitting down in the chair next to Jennie. "Is everythin' okay?"
"Everything's perfect, Charlie," Jennie said, her grin becoming even wider. "I have something to tell you."
"Okay," Crutchie said. "What is it?" Then, his expression changed. His eyes widened, and he clasped one of Jennie's hands tightly. "Jennie, are you…?"
Jennie nodded, positively glowing with excitement. "Yes," she giggled.
Crutchie stared at Jennie for a few seconds, stunned into silence, and then he leaned forward and kissed her deeply. "Oh my… we'se gonna be parents!"
"Yes," Jennie breathed. "Parents." She kissed Crutchie again.
"I love ya so much, ya know that?" Crutchie looked as though he might burst with happiness.
"I believe you told me that, once or twice," Jennie said. "And I love you too."
"A baby." Crutchie was still in a state of disbelief. "I… I can't believe it."
"I can." Jennie smiled, leaning in close. "I told you to have faith."
Crutchie chuckled. "I know, I know. An' you were right." He squeezed Jennie's hand. "I'm so glad you were right."
A/N: I will be writing more stories about Crutchie and Jennie in the coming weeks, I love this couple I've created too much to leave them alone just yet. Their baby will actually be entering the world in the next story, so if you'd like to guess about whether it's going to be a boy or a girl now is the time to do that. The next story will also mention Jack and Katherine's baby, so you can guess whether that's going to be a boy or a girl if you want to as well.