Don't Own Rwby, Only The Oc



"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)

My hand wraps around Cardin's gauntlet as he grab's one of Velvet's Ears.

"Heya, friend, it would be in your best interests let. Her. go." I state.

"Who the heck are you?" One of the cronies begin.

I smile and look across the table. "Mind your business mohawk guy."

I look back to Cardin. "So, are you going to release her ear, or am I going to have to break your arm?"

"I don't know who the heck you think you are, kid, but if you don't let go of my wrist right this second you are going to regret it." Cardin growls.

My hand takes on a blue tinge and his metal gauntlet starts to creak ominously. "I said, Let. Her. Go."

The cafeteria is near silent at this point.

Sky quickly stands and throws a quick punch to the back of my head.

"Ow! Sky what the hell?!" Cardin shouts, the blue-grey haired teen's punch swerving abruptly and hitting Cardin in the back of the head without me even flinching, Sky did move a good ten inches to the side however.

The punch causes Cardin to release Velvet who quickly grabs her lunch and shuffles away as I release Cardin's forearm, then I boreally duck under a punch from Russel and walk my way back to the table with Team Rwby, Jnpr, and (T)n.

"I'm back~ and I didn't even throw a punch!" I grin.

Nora slowly blinks at me. "Holy shi-"

I watch as professor Oobleck dashes around the room, at this point, I am hardly even listening anymore, but the gauntleted hand exploding out of my torso is still steadily taking notes.

Cardin flicks a paper football down at the sleeping Jaune.

It simply bounces on the air and hits Cardin in the face, causing him to grunt.

"Mister Winchester!" The professor exclaims as he literally appears in front of the brown-haired bully. "I see you are finally contributing to class! This is excellent! EXCELLENT!"

"What is the answer?"

"I know it is a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

"And I know that you can cook a chicken in a single slap by hitting it at roughly five times the speed of sound, neither of these statements are really that important in Doctor Oobleck's lesson here, so kindly shut the fuck up, and stop being a racist pig, and I will stop revealing knowledge the world isn't prepared for." I deadpan from the back of the class. "Also, it was better vision, better hearing, and even a better sense of smell."

I hear Cardin scoff.

"That is correct, Teal, though it could have done without the vulgar prior statement." Oobleck nods "General Lagune made the mistake of trying to ambush the faunus while they slept, his army outmatched by the natural abilities of the faunus, and the general captured."

"Perhaps if he payed attention in class, he might have not been remembered as such a failure." I deadpan from the back with a shrug.


Cardin growls and begins to turn around and stand up. "Mr. Winchester, please take your seat."

Oobleck zooms over to Jaune, flicking him on the head in order to wake him up. "You and Mr. Arc can see me after class for some additional reading."

"Now, moving on!" He continues as he blurs across the classroom.

I let out a near feral grin and raise my hand. "Miss Glinda, may I fight today? I've noticed that you seem to be avoiding me the entire semester and I haven't even been able to fight anything since day one with that boar tusk in professor port's class."

Team Rwby and Team Jnpr look over to me in confusion, while Neo, just taps her chin in thought, probably thinking something along the lines of 'oh yeah, you really don't fight often... or at all...'.

The professor freezes slightly, sighs and reaches a hand up to one of her temples, then looks down at her tablet. "Fine, Teal... who do you wish to fight?"

"Team CRDL!" I exclaim.

I hop to my feet and walk over to the stage.

Yang leans over to Pyrrha. "You guys have never seen him fight, right?"

"There was that time in Professor Port's class-" Nora says while leaning most of her body to the side with a finger pressed against her cheek.

"That wasn't him fighting, that was just him killing it in the most efficient was possible." Ruby pouts. "when he actually fights... it is sort of ridiculous..."

"He beat both my sister and I without breaking a sweat and without fully tapping into his power." Yang nods. "He could maybe even beat our teachers in a one-on-one if he went all out."

I slowly cast my gaze across the four teens in front of me.


"Haaaa!" Cardin immediately rushes forwards and swings his mace downwards, making it collide with the floor and sending a wave of fire and explosive power towards me.

I swing the sword in my left hand downwards, creating a large blade of wind that cuts the wave in half slams into Cardin's chest, sending him skipping across the floor as he loses about twenty percent of his aura.

"Is that it?" I ask in a bored tone. "You guys are super disappointing."

His three allies rush forwards, Dove on the left, Sky through the center, and Russel from the right.

Sky's halberd skims off my sword as it barely deflect the stab to the side, then turning the sword ninety degrees, I stop dove's downwards chop with the side of my sword, Russel stabs one of his daggers towards my side, but I sidestep it, flicking dove's sword upwards as I turn my sword back to its original position, then I punch Russel in the face with my offhand and sweep one of his legs with the sword, forcing him to a kneeling position.

Sky slashes the bladed part of the halberd at me, but I lean back causing it to just go over my hoodie, then I just commit to the flip and do a single back hand spring.

A quick horazontal slash sends another blade of wind, this one larger than the one that hit Cardin, into the three boys, sending them each off the arena. "Mr. Thrush, Bronzewing, and Lark, are out of bounds."

I look over to my left to see a mace rocketing towards my face.


I parry the blow, but only just, the mace stopping about an inch from my face, being held back by my sword which doesn't actually seem to be touching the haft of Cardin's mace.

The air in between the blade and the mace seems to be twisting and shifting in turmoil, and it is actually a visible murky white color, then suddenly Cardin's mace is sent flying out of his hands and onto the floor behind him as the air explodes outwards.

The brown-haired bully is sent off balance by the blast and tries to steady himself, but I quickly kick him in the chest, knocking him onto his back.

I step on his chest and point the tip of the blade at his throat, casting a quick glance to the side to see he is still at about seventy percent aura... his friends also seem to be doing pretty well for themselves at about seventy-five, seventy, and sixty respectively, and I'm... at fucking ninety-eight...

"Surrender." I deadpan.

"Teal wins." Glinda sighs. "He has incapacitated all of his opponents or threw out of bounds."

I give a peace sign to the class and look back towards the four bullies. "Piece of advice from the team-fights I have seen you do... your teamwork sucks DICK, Cardin, you are a trashy leader and seem to hit your teammates more than your actual opponents."

"Bye~" I hum as I hop off the stage.

Glinda sighs once more. "Teal- while utterly vulgar- is correct... though in this match you were each overwhelmed to quickly to actually show your flaws... my only advice for this battle is to make sure you know when to group up and when to spread out."

I smirk as I sit down in my seat between Ruby and Jaune.

"those guys were too weak." I pout. "Why couldn't I have challenged your team, Ruby?"

"Because they made you mad?" She helpfully supplies. "And because I really don't want to get thrashed by you in a fight again?"

"Both are fair." I shrug. "but with two more teammates, you might be able to beat me, you never know."

"waitwaitwait- you are saying Teal went EASY on them?" Jaune asks.

"Mhm." Ruby nods.

"No real contest." Yang smiles.

"…" Jaune frowns. "I... couldn't even beat Cardin by himself."

"I mean, yeah, you are fucking Inept." I shrug. "Get some help from Pyrrha for fucks sake."

"Teal!" Ruby cries. "Stop being so mean to Jaune!"

I lean over to Ruby and hold up a hand to my mouth as I whisper. "I totally ship them."

"Wh-" Ruby suddenly stiffens and sits at her full height, a blush slowly passing over her face. "I- wh- n- okay yeah, I totally of see it now."

"I know right!" I grin for a few moments, but then turn to Jaune with a frown. "But I am serious about you getting help Jaune, it is what your teammates are for."

Jaune sighs "I don't need help."

"Ohoho! Yes you fucking do." I deadpan. "I get that you want to be a 'prideful hero' and not the 'damsel in distress', but what fucking happens if you get expelled for being too weak? What happens when your team is all slaughtered by grimm because you hold them back? What is that worthless pride good for when you are too weak to even kill a beowolf, Jaune?!"

"That's enough." Pyrrha growls.

"Teal!" Ruby exclaims. "That was uncalled for!"

"I am just telling it like it is, Jaune, you need to wake up. Stop being petty and get help from your friends." I continue.

After that day, we sort of stopped seeing Jaune for about a week, give or take a few days, he was always roped into Cardin's group, most likely doing their homework as well.

Ruby walks up to me in her pajamas. "Teal."

"Hm?" I ask looking at her from the corner of my eye as I lay on my bed.

"We are doing a stake out!" She grins while striking a dramatic pose. "The two team leaders must go assist their other team leader!"


"So, waiting for Jaune to come back to his room, or leave his room?" I ask.

"Pretty much!" She grins. "Come on! Let's go!"

I look at her with a half-lidded gaze, then simply pat my bed. "I am not getting up and waiting outside when I could easily just watch from here... sit down."

"What do you mea- oh... right... portals..." She sighs with a facepalm. "How could I forget?"

I scooch over slightly and she sits down beside me as I open a small portal in front of her.

"You watch, I'm going to continue playing... you tell me when you see him, then I will simply put you down there, alright?"



"mh- that's good."

Ruby blinks and looks over to me to see that I am holding a jar of pickles.


"Where did you get-" she begins.

"I wish a woman would love me as much as I love these pickles." I deadpan, cutting her off.

"W-What?" The red-haired girl blushes and quickly looks away. "Wh-what makes you say that."

"Hm?" I ask.

"d-do you want l-love or something." She whispers.

"No." I state in an emotionless tone. "I just needed something to say as a cry for help that could easily be laughed off as a joke if it went wrong."



"What was that last thing you said?!" She asks.


"No, before that!"



"Is this a comedy skit or something?" Yang asks from her position on her bed, playing with her scroll.

"Yes." I deadpan as I drop the entire jar of pickles into a portal, ignoring the shattering sound that comes afterwards.

Neo walks out of the bathroom with her pajamas on and briefly scans the room, looks to Yang laying on her bed, Ruby and I sitting on my bed, the portal floating in front of Ruby, Blake who is reading in her bed, Weiss as she walks past her, shutting the door to the bathr- she snaps her head back over to Ruby looking through the portal and shatters like glass, reappearing beside us.

"Need something?" I ask, now pickle-less.

She wordlessly points to the portal and then me.

"Yes, that is my portal..." I state with questioning glance. "Why..."

She just simply blinks and disappears, reappearing at her bed where she crawls under the blankets.

'you know... forever fall is... red... really red...'

"Yes, students, the forests of Forever Fall are indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see." Our teacher, Glinda Goodwitch, states as she walks forwards. "Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest... and I am here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

"Each one of you are to gather one jar worth of red sap." She hums. "However, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates."

I glance over to Neo who is standing not even a foot away from my left. 'mn that won't much of a problem...'

"We will rendezvous back here at 4-oclock... have fun~" she states.

"So, Where will we go, co-leader Teal?!" Ruby asks me.

"Mn, I know a shortcut to a really nice spot in this forest, follow me~" I hum as I turn and walk to my left, Neo following shortly behind and team Rwby following after her.

"Annnnd here we are!"

We walk through a bush and on the other side... is a small clearing with a large pool of water in the center, a small babbling brook slowly draining out of the side and down a cliff.

"Weren't we... not by a cliff?" Blake slowly asks.

"Shortcut." I shrug. "Basically, I just fold reality like a piece of paper, where we are now is about ten miles away from our starting point."

I let out a content sigh as I sit down on a flat rock overlooking forever fall.

"Wow..." Ruby gasps.

"Yep!" I grin. "One day I am going to build a house up here and it is going to be nice."

I abruptly stand. "Let's finish up the sap really quickly so we can goof off for the rest of the time here."

"Right!" Ruby exclaims, followed by Neo and the rest of her team nodding.

Hiya~ it has been a while! i just wanted to let you all know that i have a new story, Remnant, Life In The Shadows, or LITS if you prefer, and any of you who read the remnant gamer should check it out! because Sean is back! and i have put so much damned work into it, and all that jazz... annnyway, i'm off to go beat borderlands 3.