Author's Note
Please forgive any spelling and/or grammar errors. I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what you think!
I had this planned from the beginning, and was just going to explain what happened or include it in Mae's story, but I figured I could go ahead and write it as a scene to say thank you to those that reviewed, and for any that have enjoyed this story.
The sequel to I Thought I Knew is now posted. It's called I've Been Missing You. Please check it out, even if you're not ordinarily a Jacob/Renesmee shipper, and let me know what you think. I love feedback :)
This is really just meant to be a glimpse of the future and proof that Alice and Seth can withstand the test of time and fate. Someday I might make it into a full-length story, but for now it's a one-shot.
PS I'm not Stephenie Meyer, so I don't own anything :(
Alice: Bittersweet Surprises
2081 - 75 years after chapters 1-25 in I Thought I Knew
It was an ordinary day. Nothing special. Nothing unusual. Alice was working from home with Esme. She'd 'graduated' high school the year before, and had returned to her favorite pastime of playing the stock market ever since. Typically, she worked from Seth's office at the hospital, but Esme had seemed bored this morning, so she'd decided to stay home and keep her company.
They had developed a new routine over the years with all the new additions to the family. Usually two or three households were established whenever they moved into a new area, and sometimes a couple would go somewhere else to have a few years alone. It made it easier to go unnoticed. The various couples took turns being Carlisle and Esme's adopted children and returning to high school. The others would pursue a personal interest and spend a few years working at it. Jake, Mae, and Seth were the only three exempt from pretending to be teenagers. None of them looked young enough for the ruse to be believable.
The sound of a car pulling out of the drive, the tires reversing in the mud registered a half moment before the quiet, hesitant knock on the front door brought Alice's attention away from the computer. Rapid breaths, fluttering hands, a racing heartbeat - or was that two heartbeats... What in the world?
Alice had been so caught up, she'd not even noticed the approach. The only humans that ever visited were Seth and Jacob. Or one of Jacob and Mae's children. Leah too, though more rarely now. It was getting harder for her to move about since her hip replacement surgery. Sometimes her two sons or grandkids came to visit their uncle Seth, but more often, Alice and Seth went to them.
Charlie and Sue used to drop in as well, but they'd both been dead over two decades now. Charlie, closer to thirty years now. His poor diet resulted in a heart attack. Actually, it would be the thirtieth anniversary of his death next month. Idly, Alice wondered if Bella planned to return to Forks to place flowers on his grave as she did most years.
Esme met her baffled look, but her mother just shrugged and moved to answer the door. Alice glanced out the large picture window, but couldn't see their visitor from her current position.
"Hello, dear, can I help you with something?" Esme asked kindly.
"My grandfather sent me here," a girl's voice answered, the sense of nervousness carrying to Alice as she noted the uncertain quiver in her words. "I think you know him - Jared Cameron."
The unexpected reference had Alice up and moving to see the girl without conscious thought. She'd hardly given any thought to the wolves from Sam's pack. Most of them had chosen to stop phasing or had already moved away when Jacob and Mae moved back, including Jared. Jake just, sort of, absorbed the remaining wolves into his pack as well as any new additions that popped up over the years.
The last time Alice had even seen Jared was Seth's graduation party all those years ago. Jared hadn't been one to come around for a quick chat when the family visited the Blacks while they'd lived on the reservation. Though she knew Seth stayed in touch with Jared and Paul, Brady too.
Alice could see the resemblance now when she caught sight of the girl. She had Kim's long, thick eyelashes, and her full lips. The same waist-length, stick straight hair too. Her skin was darker than most of the Quiluetes, however, more brown than bronze, likely inherited from her father. She was striking, truly beautiful.
Though it wasn't her appearance that had Alice's mouth dropping open and her eyes widening. Well, not the physical characteristics of her face at least. It was her protruding belly. The oversized sundress did little to mask her condition. Not at this advanced stage. The girl, and she was obviously still a girl, was most definitely pregnant.
She had said she was Jared's granddaughter, and not great-granddaughter. Right? She was so young to be pregnant.
"Jared sent you to us?" Esme clarified, blinking in surprise before remembering her manners and ushering the girl inside. "Please, have a seat. You must be dead on your feet."
"That obvious? Thanks," she said, flushing as she cradled her bulging stomach protectively.
"You're glowing, dear. But you shouldn't be on your feet too much, especially after you've just traveled all the way here from La Push, I'd assume."
They were currently in Michigan, just outside of Harvey in the upper peninsula. It was one of the smallest communities they had ever settled in, but all the forests made it ideal for hunting and they had all the privacy they could ever wish for with so few neighbors.
"Well, Grandpa insisted that I needed to see Dr. Cullen. He's apparently the best, and from the stories , I'd have to agree. Grandpa was hoping you could help me," she said, obviously uncomfortable asking strangers for help, but she smiled at each of them in turn anyways.
Why would he send her to them? Wouldn't a closer doctor be easier? Was the child all right?
"He's at work, but I can call him. The hospital is only about two miles up the road in Marquette," Esme offered, raising her hand as though to push the girl's long hair back behind her ear or pat her shoulder, but she stopped short of actually touching her, remembering the wolves initial dislike of contact with vampires.
"Is something wrong with the baby?" Alice couldn't stop herself from asking. That would be so terrible.
No visions came to her, so she was resigned to asking in order to get answers. Grrr. She'd never get used to her limitations. Why couldn't she see anything? Was it just because the girl was related to the pack? That didn't seem to fit.
Or maybe it did.
She'd never seen anything about Kim or Emily or Claire before. Usually, she'd not even been able to see Sue if her mother-in-law had been on the rez. Never had she seen a vision involving Leah - not even after she stopped shifting. There genetics and close ties prevented it.
"No, he's fine," the girl said reassuringly. "Or he was. I think he still is if that can be judged based on how hard and often he kicks my kidneys and bladder," she added, wincing a little and rubbing at a sore place on her side.
Alice hadn't detected any motion from the baby. It would have been easy to see through the thin dress she wore. So it must have happened before she arrived, and it was just lingering pain she was remembering now.
They hadn't had a baby in the family since Jacob and Mae's three. The two ended up having twin girls and a son before Mae's unique fertile period came to an end. All three were grown now, and off traveling the world. The girls were like Mae, immortal hybrids in their own right, though they didn't age quite as rapidly as Mae. Bryana and Sarah were backpacking together like nomads. Edward, and his mate, Maggie, occasionally traveled with their granddaughters, and last she heard were with them now. Their son, Jensen, was his father's son. A wolf. He'd recently left the rez himself, determined to find other shapeshifters like him somewhere in the world.
"He?" Esme asked, pouncing on the pronoun the girl had used.
"Yes -"
"You're sick," Alice blurted, sensing it now. The sight of the baby had consumed her, but the smell filled her nose more insistently now, demanding her attention. She smelled the same way Billy had in the months leading up to his death. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she murmured, instantly regretting blurting it out the way she had.
Understanding dawned, a switch being thrown to illuminate the situation with radiant spotlights. Carlisle was her only hope of surviving. But the smell. It was too much like Billy in those final weeks. And there had only been so much Carlisle could do for him then. Cancer treatments had come a long way in recent decades, but there was still no cure for the disease.
"It's fine. Do you think you could call Dr. Cullen? Grandpa really wanted me to see him as soon as possible," she said, dropping her head forward and running a hand over where her child rested within, as though the baby provided her with a measure of comfort. Possibly it did.
"Of course," Esme said, face pinched with sadness. "Alice? Get - I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask your name," Esme gasped, covering her mouth with her hand in horror at the realization.
"It's all right. I'm Alyssa," she said, smiling shyly. A dimple appeared in each cheek when she did, making her look even younger.
"Get Alyssa something to drink, please - and some food. Poor dear, you must be starving after your journey," Esme instructed, going into the library where her cell phone was charging.
Alice quickly prepared a sandwich and a glass of apple juice. Alyssa watched her, a secretive smiling playing about her lips as she did. Considering she didn't offer any protests, Alice hoped she liked the food. Years of watching Seth and occasionally making food for him made it easy to do by rote now. Not eating any herself meant it might not actually be any good, but Seth wasn't likely to complain. He loved her too much and wasn't picky.
"How old are you?" Alice blurted, unable to make an accurate guess.
"Sixteen," Alyssa admitted, wincing a little and unconsciously covering her belly with both hands, as though to hide the baby from potential censure directed towards Alyssa.
"You must be scared," Alice said, clarity coming even without her sight. It was a difficult and undoubtedly challenging position to find oneself in. Her heart went out to the girl for the journey she'd undertaken so far.
Surprise crossed Alyssa's face, but she looked Alice over even more closely before taking a sip of the offered juice.
"Hmm," Alyssa finally hummed, either in appreciation of the juice or agreement to Alice's summation. Possibly the sound was meant to encompass both. "I know all about you. I grew up hearing stories about how Seth fell in love with you - a vampire - and chose to protect you against Uncle Sam," Alyssa said suddenly.
She looked at Alice as though she were a fairytale come to life. It was how Alice expected she'd have been if she'd been lucky enough to meet Coco Channel - still a missed opportunity she lamented.
"Well, he was helping Jacob protect Bella -" Alice tried to correct, but broke off when Alyssa quickly shook her head in denial.
"It was always all about you for him," Alyssa revealed. Had others been privy to thoughts shared in the collective mind that Alice had never heard about?
Seth had never mentioned anything specifically about her when he'd explained his desire to join Jake's pack, but Alyssa sounded so certain. A lightness and warmth filled Alice at the idea he'd been falling for her even then. It felt like only yesterday.
"I was never very romantic. My friends always had that covered in spades. But your story? That was the real deal. Epic. Something to admire," she added.
"Thank you," Alice said softly, grateful to know the wolves spoke kindly about her relationship with Seth. She'd hate for him to be maligned to future generations when they heard the stories of the cold ones just because of his association with her. "You didn't hope for a romance yourself?" Alice asked, curious now.
"No. I've spent the last few months watching my grandfather all but will himself to death. I've been the only thing stopping him up to this point. I can't ever imagine wanting to be that dependent on another person," Alyssa announced bluntly.
Alice didn't think that was quite the right way to look at things, but Alyssa's conviction in her words was so apparent, that she knew arguing would be pointless.
Carlisle and Seth arrived then, and Esme ushered them in. Alice had heard her on the phone with Carlise explaining the situation the whole time the two had been traveling towards the house.
There was a flash of momentary startlement when Seth caught sight of Alyssa, but it was fleeting, quickly replaced with concern. His hand trailed low across Alice's back, a caress hello, when he walked behind her to stand on one side of Alyssa while Carlisle took up residence on the other.
Alyssa chuckled at Seth, but didn't acknowledge him. Her attention was for Carlisle alone once he was seated beside her.
"I hope you don't mind that I brought Seth with me. He and I have been working together for many years, and given his area of specialty and relationship with your family… " Carlisle said, trailing off to give her leave to permit or refuse the situation.
"It's fine," Alyssa said, chuckling to herself again, though this time the light sound was almost self-mocking.
"Then, will you tell me what's wrong?" Carlisle requested, adding, "At least as much as you can."
A folder that Alice had largely ignored up until this point was handed over. Carlisle began perusing through it, handing a few of the documents over to Seth to assess as well.
"I went to the doctor a couple months ago because I wasn't feeling well. Chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, and a cough," Alyssa added, looking at Alice since the two males were preoccupied.
"Is that when you found out you were pregnant?" Alice asked, watching the tiny movement of the child pushing against Alyssa's left side. Some of those symptoms were consistent with pregnancy. She remembered from her research for Bella. Maybe her other illness had been overlooked and that's why it was so bad now.
"Yes, but that's also when I found out I have lung cancer, stage four," Alyssa added for the two women's benefit since they weren't reading the charts containing her diagnosis. "I'd chalked the chest pain up to grief, thinking I was imagining it for over a year. By the time I learned it wasn't a manifestation of losing my parents or all just in my head, it was too late."
"You decided against treatment?" Seth asked, glancing up from the page he held, and catching Alyssa's eyes.
Cancer was the area Seth had decided to pursue given his own medical history. He'd been an oncologist for a very long time now, though he often studies other things as well just for the diversity. A few times, he and Carlisle had opened their own private practice when there wasn't a hospital within easy commuting distance and they just did family medicine. Since Seth still had to sleep and he already worked quite a bit as it was, Alice didn't like him wasting hours driving each day when they could be doing something more fun, so a local office was preferable.
"I would have had to abort the baby," she said gravely. "I needed surgery and chemo if I was to have any hope, and even then it would likely have only been a temporary solution."
"You're awfully young. You didn't consider that an option? It could have worked." Carlisle suggested delicately. Alice could practically hear the words he left unspoken - if you had treated the cancer earlier, you could have lived long enough to have a half dozen babies later, instead of dying to have this one now.
"Grandma Kim was thirty-seven when my mom was born, a surprise. I was even more of one. Mom was almost forty when I came along, my sisters both already in college at that point. Then my parents died two years ago. Car crash. I was in the back seat," she shared, pausing to look at each of the four in turn. "It was a miracle I survived. I honestly believe this baby was the reason. I lived so I could have him."
Alice had never thought that way, given fate that much credit and control over her life. It almost went against her gift. To her, life was all about personal choices and possibilities based on those choices. Fate wasn't masterminding life. Things didn't happen to people, and they were just helpless puppets, along for the ride with no freewill to influence the direction. Life wasn't a rudderless boat set adrift in the ocean. The person living that life was steering - even sometimes if that meant guiding their boat through gail force winds and thirty-foot waves that seemed insurmountable.
It could also just be that she simply refused to believe Mae and Jake were only as happy as they were because fate decreed it. Fate had no part in the way they found their way back to one another and chose each other to love instead of others.
But she respected that people were allowed to have a difference of opinion on the matter, so she didn't roll her eyes or otherwise dispute the girl's words.
"I'm sorry," Seth said softly, sympathy pouring from him.
He looked at her as though the girl in front of him was Mae, someone precious that needed protection, even as he leaned closer to Alice, seeking the familiar press of her side to his.
"When was the last scan that you had?" Carlisle asked, filling back through the folder as though afraid he'd missed something. Unlikely.
"Three months ago," Alyssa admitted with a wince.
"You're a little over five months along now, yes?" Carlisle asked. "Closer to six?" Alyssa nodded.
"What happened after the car accident?" Esme said, moving behind the girl to run a gentle hand over the girl's head. Alyssa leaned into the touch the way a cat arches its back into a person's hand when stroked.
"I moved in with Grandpa Jared and Grandma Kim," Alyssa said.
"I thought… " Alice began, recalling Jake mentioning Kim's death about six months ago.
"She did," Alyssa said, understanding Alice's train of thought.
"Yeah… " Alyssa said, wincing slightly. "I was upset, wanted to feel alive, went to a party, and… well… this. Alcohol and grief don't usually lead to good decision " She rubbed her belly again, then added ruefully, "I'm the opposite of my family, having a baby so young."
"We should go to the hospital to run some more tests," Carlisle suggested.
"You'll come with too?" Alyssa asked fearfully, reaching out to touch the back of Seth's hand with her fingertips.
Seth looked from Alyssa to Alice, uncertain. Years of knowing him told her that he'd planned to stay behind because he wished to speak with her privately. He was uncomfortable with the request. Alice could read him so easily.
Oh, Seth, Alice thought wryly, unexpectedly amused at Seth's predicament. It wasn't difficult to form a suspicion as to the source of his discomfort. Alice gave him a pointed look, and glanced at Alyssa where she was still waiting for his answer.
"If you'd like," he agreed, but took Alice's hand. "Alice? Come with," he requested, wanting her to be a part of this process. Probably he was starting to feel a bit distressed at the reality of the situation and how to share his news.
Sympathy quickly replaced her amusement. This was not going to be easy for any of them. Least of all, her husband.
They had been married for fifty years now. Their anniversary was a couple months ago. Seth had planned the whole thing, surprising even her. He'd used what he knew of her favorite parts of all the other weddings she'd planned over the years for their family and friends, and comments she'd made when they watched movies or when she was involved with the fashion world.
It was a complete surprise thanks to the limitations of her gift. He hadn't even told the rest of the family, aside from Leah, until the day it was set to happen to prevent someone from making a decision that she might accidentally see. His sister had been in charge of hiring designers to custom make Alice's wedding dress based on a few pictures that Seth had discretely taken from her magazines over the years, each her favorite at the time. Even Charlie and Sue didn't know the real reason they'd been asked to visit until after they'd arrived to discover their son was getting married.
Perfect didn't begin to describe it. Just enough over the top to suit her, but elegant, fun, and filled with a million tiny details that had been painstakingly thought out and orchestrated to make the day spectacular. Okay, it had been a little extravagant, but he knew her, and knew she'd love that fact.
"So... Are we going to talk about this?" Alice asked from the backseat of the car. Seth had insisted Alyssa ride up front with Carlisle so she'd be more comfortable, while he rode in back with Alice.
"What -" Carlisle began to ask, but Alyssa talked over him, turning her head to look back at Alice and Seth.
"I'm not blind. I saw the look. It's how Quil still looks at Claire. I know you imprinted on me," Alyssa acknowledged, sounding only the slightest bit surprised that it had happened.
"Oh," Carlisle gasped, catching on to what was happening with his family.
"What are you hoping for?" Seth cautiously asked. Alice squeezed the hand she held in reassurance.
"Not anything romantic, so stop looking so terrified. I'm sixteen and pregnant. And I have cancer. My only family is my grandfather, and he's elderly. There are others, aunts and uncles, my sisters, but they've all moved away and have their own families," Alyssa said honestly.
"The baby," Alice said quietly, not sure if she was reminding her of her newest family member or because she was concerned what Alyssa had planned if the worst happened. Stage four cancer… Alice knew the odds weren't in her favor. Especially without treatment.
"My son. Yes," Alyssa agreed, not elaborating.
"You're not with his father?" Seth asked. Alice had wanted to, but if the guy, whoever he was, hadn't come with her, it seemed like the answer was obvious.
"It was one time. We're just friends that got carried away, and he's not ready for this," she admitted, glancing back out the front window just as Carlisle was pulling into the hospital's parking lot.
Alice squeezed Seth's hand again, urging him to speak. The gesture was a promise to support whatever decision he made. They would be in this together. Forever.
"We'll help. However we can," Seth offered, sighing sadly.
"Grandpa told me how you saved him. I wouldn't be alive today if things had gone differently with the Volturi that day so long ago," Alyssa said, glancing at Seth in the rearview mirror before opening her door. "I guess it makes sense that it'd be you to help me now."
Alice helped her to stand since she was the closest, and Alyssa's full lips stretched into the first true smile she'd worn since they'd met less than an hour earlier. This close, Alice could see the toll the pregnancy and disease were having on her body. It reminded her of Bella's pregnancy, though far less extreme.
Alice and Seth sat with Alyssa while Carlisle rushed the lab to get the results sooner, and the scans sent up. While they waited, Seth asked questions about her life and interests. Slowly, she opened up and shared little pieces of her past with them.
After a while, Carlisle caught Seth's eye, and the two went into the office they shared. The hospital had been so grateful to have two doctors of their caliber, that they'd given them the space when most of the doctors didn't have private offices of their own.
"Well? How bad is it? Just tell me," Alyssa demanded when they reentered the exam room they were in.
"The cancer has metastasized," Seth said flatly.
"What does that mean?"
"It's spread to your bones and liver," Carlisle supplied when Seth seemed unable. Seth's face was pinched miserably. It was awful to see him feeling so helpless.
Alyssa only nodded, unsurprised. "My son?" she asked next. She seemed to have already resigned herself to her fate, and now all of her concern was for her unborn child.
"He is fine, but… " Seth said quickly. They'd been sure to run as many tests on him as they safely could.
"How much longer do I have?" Alyssa asked without pause.
"There isn't much we can do while you're pregnant. With the strain the pregnancy is placing on your body. You probably won't even make it full term," Seth said dully. It was the last thing he wanted to tell her, but the pull of the imprinting demanded he be straight with her.
"But you can save him," she said knowingly, with so much faith and trust, that Alice believed it too.
"I will do everything I can," Seth vowed, nodding slowly, and sharing a determined look with Carlisle.
"And after? Do you have something in mind?" Alice asked, wondering which of her relatives she was entrusting her child to. If things went poorly, Alice wanted to be able to carry out Alyssa's wishes and honor her choice.
"He'll be raised by someone that will understand his heritage, protect him, and love him the way I would have," she said, staring intently at Seth. His lips slowly parted as he realized what she was saying.
"I think Alice and I need a few minutes to talk about this," he finally said, opening the door, and waiting for Alice to exit the room before he followed her back to his office.
"Take your time. We have weeks," Alyssa called out as the door swung shut behind Seth. Alice heard the words echo down the corridor.
The decision needed to be made quickly because Alyssa was dying - sooner rather than later.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't ever think this would happen," Seth began immediately, wrapping Alice in a tight hug. "If I'd known, I'd… Well, hell. I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong," Alice said softly, knowing nothing had changed between them.
"You're not hurt that I imprinted," Seth stated, realizing that she wasn't angry.
He sighed in relief, and kissed her neck just beneath her ear and slipped his arms down to circle her just beneath her butt. Easily, he lifted her so they were pressed together and eye-to-eye for the remainder of this necessary conversation.
"You're not leaving me for her, even if she weren't… " Alice said, trailing off. Not for a single second did she doubt that Seth would always pick her, but it made her sad that this girl was so sick, and that she'd be gone soon.
"I love you more today than I did the day we married, and more then than the day you agreed for us to try and be a couple," Seth said easily, resting his forehead against hers and gazing deeply into her eyes. The almond shape of his eyes narrowed as he smiled at her, hooding the dark pools.
He was so gorgeous. He'd been outside more recently, they'd gone camping together last week, enjoying themselves outdoors, and the sun had kissed his skin making it more golden than ever. The longer hair, thick, black strands, with a gentle wave from frequently getting tucked behind his ears, just brushed the tops of his shoulders. Alice ran her fingers through it now, unable to resist touching the soft tresses.
"I know," she whispered, giving in and kissing him. It never got old. Not after seventy-five years together. Never would either.
"You've never desired becoming a parent," he said into her mouth, lips moving against hers.
"I haven't," Alice agreed.
"I won't accept if you're not on board," Seth said, kissing her once more, gently sipping her lips, molding his to hers.
Alice took a moment to collect her thoughts. Sometimes it was hard to think with Seth around. He literally took her breath away and emptied her mind. Only he and the present moment existed.
"In all the time I worried about you imprinting - way back when," she added, tracing her fingers down his cheek and watching his pupils react to betray his desire for her. "I never considered that if you did, it would actually turn out to be an unexpected, if bittersweet, blessing for me," she said sadly.
"So we're to become parents," Seth breathed, letting her see a hint of the excitement he'd been masking. She appreciated that he'd tried not to influence her decision or unintentionally guilt her into a situation she didn't really want.
"Not unlike how Jazz did for Mae," Alice agreed, catching a bit of his enthusiasm. "Can you do an ultrasound? I want to see him!"
"Impatient, pixie?"
"Yes. Let's go see our son," Alice breathed, swallowing thickly at the thought.
Alyssa moved in with the family after that, and they spent the next two months getting to know her, and helping her with her pregnancy. Alice and Seth both really liked her. She was sweet, realistic about life and the world, and had a wicked sense of humor. Carlisle and Esme convinced Jared to move in with them as well, and they had him packed up and settled into the room beside Alyssa two days after he agreed. It was good letting them spend this last bit of time together.
Throughout the weeks, her health continued to deteriorate. Carlisle ended up inducing labor early to give both a better chance. He and Seth agreed that with treatment, Alyssa could survive a few more months after giving birth if they did.
They were right. Alyssa lived to see the first four months of their son's life. It might not have been the best quality of life, but they all did what they could to make it sense less like a hospital had been created within the house to care for her. At least she had the chance to meet her son. Jason, Jase, was beautiful. He looked like Jared, russet skin and inky hair, but he had Alyssa's long, dark eyelashes. The elder wolf died just a few days after his granddaughter, thanking Seth for his part in looking over and continuing to protect his family.
Jasper, Bella, Mae and Jake all moved to town to be closer and help. They'd been living in New Zealand for the last six years. Edward and Maggie moved back too. Edward because he insisted watching Alice become a mother would prove far too amusing to miss out on. Alice suspected he just didn't want to make the same mistake twice. He'd been a huge presence in her of Mae's three children's childhoods, much to his daughter's delight.
Jake and Mae had lived in Seattle for just over a decade, before moving to La Push to raise their children and oversee the tribe and packs. They'd worked from home, and only left the rez to see the family, all of whom were living in Vancouver at the time, for those eighteen years to avoid questions. Afterwards, once their kids were grown and insisting on pursuing their own lives, Jake and Mae often chose to live near either Jazz and Bella or Edward and Maggie, occasionally with both sets of parents. Sometimes that meant living wherever Carlisle and Esme chose to settle the majority of them, other times, like recently they lived somewhere else altogether.
The excitement of the new arrival seemed to fill everyone in the family with a sense of wonder. Rose and Esme especially were overjoyed to help with raising a child again.
Occasionally, Alice felt guilty that being surrounded by vampires would no doubt trigger Jase's phasing at a young age the way it had Jensen, but Seth and Jensen himself had both insisted that it was a good thing and he'd love becoming a wolf. It helped that most of the Quileutes boys raised on the rez were better understood what could happen to them before they phased these days than they were back in Jacob's day. He'd taken a page out of Bella's book - prior preparation made all the difference after shifting the first time.
The only dark spot occurred when Aro wrote to ask if she'd consider raising the child in Volterra. Seth had been outraged, in a way Alice had never seen before. Alice, herself, was unable to write a diplomatic refusal. Carlisle undertook the unpleasant task for her. Only the fact that they'd extended the same 'offer' to Jacob and Mae when they'd had Jensen, and never done anything in retaliation after being refused, kept Alice from losing it completely.
Alice was finally starting to get the hang of juggling everything. Today, after over five months, was the first time she was completely alone in the house with Jase. Typically someone in their large family came up with an excuse to spend the day with the baby and one or both of his parents. Jacob had called an hour ago, saying that Seth mentioned Jase had been fussy all night and offered to come over and help, but Alice declined. She wanted this time to bond with Jase without all the usual distractions.
Today, though, his chubby cheeks were flushed crimson from crying, and his face was so scrunched that he didn't really look like a baby anymore, more a smooshed lump of clay. He'd thrown up five times already and it was barely four o'clock. Alice was fairly certain some of it was caked in her hair still, but she was doing her best not to think about it, more worried about her son's discomfort than her own.
With as much as he'd expelled, he had to be hungry. Rosalie insisted that premade food was too inferior for her nephew, so Alice had two pots on the stove boiling carrots and peas that Esme grew in their backyard garden. A chicken was in the oven. Multitasking. Cooking dinner for Seth and Jase at the same time. She had this covered - no help needed. Besides, she'd been the one to offer to do this before her husband went to work that morning.
She'd just pulled the blender from the dishwasher so she could puree everything for Jase after it was done, when Jase let out an especially disgruntled cry. The high, piercing note tugged at her heart, alarming her.
"Oh, no. Is my little man still not happy?" Alice asked, momentarily abandoning the kitchen to scoop Jase from the playpen assembled in the dining room. "Don't worry, momma is making you something to eat."
The second she started rocking the distraught baby, Jase quieted, snuggling into her neck. Alice grinned, loving the feel of his light weight in her arms.
Then he puked. Alice felt the hot, slimy liquid trickling down the back of her shirt. Lovely.
Between one breath and the next, Jase was screaming bloody murder. Nothing Alice did soothed him. He was working himself into a frenzy. A tiny, gulping gasp between screams was all he allowed himself, each one a struggle to suck the necessary air in through the collection of drool in his mouth and the contortion of his lips.
Then smoke began billowing up from the pots where all of the water had entirely evaporated and the food was now burning. Wonderful.
Alice moved to turn off the stove, and throw the destroyed remains in the sink with one hand while the other continued uselessly rocking the baby.
She'd have to start over preparing the food. There was a reason Seth insisted on cooking most of his own meals, even if he never admitted it. And Jase seemed to be settling into his stride, really getting into his fit. Perfect.
"Umm, Alice? Can I help?" Seth asked, smothering a smile as he watched her from the doorway.
He was a bit hazy as she looked at him through the black-tinged, grey smoke swirling through the kitchen. She'd been so caught up that his arrival didn't register, and she was surprised by his sudden appearance in their home.
"I love you," Alice said, immensely grateful that he'd come home when he had, almost thirty minutes early today.
"Come here, little man. Are you giving momma a hard time today?" Seth cooed, transferring Jase to his warm embrace.
Jase instantly settled in Seth's arms, nestling into them and closing his eyes. Alice glared, making Seth laugh when he caught the ferocious expression she leveled at him. Jase whimpered at being jostled, but didn't start up again.
Always, Seth had that effect on the baby. The two had instantly bonded, and Jase was enamored with his daddy. It was incredible to watch the two together, and Alice was repeatedly grateful to Alyssa for giving her husband this opportunity he'd never have asked for himself.
"I'd be whimpering too if she tried to make me eat that," Seth mock whispered conspiratorially when he glanced at the ruined food in the sink.
"That was for you," Alice deadpanned.
"I'm sure I'll relish every bite?" Seth tried, wincing and fake shuttering. Perhaps not entirely fake.
"I should make you just for that comment," Alice threatened.
"Then I'll be crying too," Seth said with a wink. "You've got -" Seth started, reaching for a towel with his free hand and using his head to gesture at a place that no doubt was still covered in traces of Jase's last meal.
"Not another word unless you want to sleep in Jase's room tonight," Alice warned.
"You look beautiful," Seth said anyways.
"Uh-huh, nice try," Alice said flatly, but when she caught sight of the look he was giving her, realized he meant it - even covered in baby vomit. She'd never stop loving this man. Never.
Alice absently stroked a finger down Jase's arm, and he whimpered again, breaking the moment.
"Why won't he stop?" Alice lamented.
"It's not you. Jase just started teething. See - look," Seth said, slipping a finger under Jase's lip to lift it up and show her the puffy gums.
Alice had noted them earlier that morning, but not realized that's what it meant. Mae and her children had all been born with a full set of teeth. They were her only regular experiences with children, having not been around day-in and day-out with Leah's sons to witness this progression of development.
"Poor dear. We never went through this with the others," Alice commented aloud.
How many other differences would there be? Probably many. Alice would need to look into this more. Rose and Esme wouldn't always be there to lean on when needed, and Bella was honestly as clueless as her despite having had a daughter herself.
Alice slipped her finger into Jase's mouth, resting it against the angriest red place. Her son immediately began gnawing on the cold digit like a soothing ice chip, settling even more into Seth's arms.
"We'll get the hang of this," Seth promised, knowing how worried Alice was about messing up.
"At least I don't need sleep, and can take some time off work," Alice agreed, nodding.
"You're incredible. We're both lucky to have you," Seth said, bending to kiss her lightly.
"I love you too," Alice vowed, silently thinking they were the lucky ones.
Life with him was never boring. Seth had once promised to surprise her, and he had. Every day for the last seventy-five years he had, and Alice knew he would continue to for the next seventy-five years. Longer. Forever.