Loosely based on Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon Rewritten Ending: Story 1
Story written by Ryan Ford
Script written by Silvertongue90
Additional characters not found in the books are created by Silvertongue90 and Ryan Ford
Demigod Live!
Intro music.
Elisha: Hi! This is Demigod Live! and I'm your host, Elisha Meyer, daughter of Apollo. Today in the studio with me is my co-host and nemesis, Ian Folcher, son of Hermes.
Ian: Nemesis? Please, I prefer brilliant and devilishly handsome mastermind.
Elisha: Ha!
Ian: I could get you to fall in love with me if I wanted to.
Elisha: (hysterical laughter) In your dreams.
Ian: And they're sweet dreams too.
Elisha: Ugh, barf. Okay, today we have three special guests for our segment. Give a warm welcome to Percy Jackson and the Stoll brothers!
Cue applause.
Percy: Hey!
Travis and Connor: S'up dudes!
Ian: Hey, hey, hey! Give an extra welcome to my brothers, Connor and Travis!
Long pause.
Ian: That means cue the clapping again.
Elisha: I think we've had enough clapping for today. So, let's jump right into the topic. In a few minutes we're going to run a recording of our last Capture the Flag game where Percy, Travis, and Connor were duped into believing the game was overshortly after it started.
Ian: Yeah, thanks a lot, dudes. We were waiting for the signal to attack and it never came.
Travis: It wasn't my fault!
Connor: Are you going to start that up again? It was totally your fault.
Travis: It was not!
Connor: It was so!
Travis: Not!
Connor: So!
Travis: Not!
Connor: So!
Elisha: Guys! We only have limited air time before Mr. D's Turning Water into Wine show comes on!
Percy: (sarcastically) Yeah, it would be terrible to miss that.
Sound of thunder rumbles.
Percy: Uh, I mean, yeah guys, cut it out so we can watch that awesome program!
Ian: Don't worry, Percy, that was regular I'm-totally-not-threatening-you thunder. It's suppose to rain in a few seconds.
Percy: (gives a nervous laugh) Worried? Whose worried?
With a loud crash of thunder, it begins to rain and a gust of wind causes papers to fly everywhere.
Elisha: Quick! Someone close that window.
Percy, Travis, and Ian: I got it!
Sound of glass breaks.
Ian: Dude!
Percy: Sorry, man.
Window shuts.
Elisha: (sighs) All right back to our topic.
Connor: Do we have to talk about this? It wasn't our finest moment. Hey, I know, let's talk about that brilliant idea I had about the golden mango trick."
Travis: You mean the one where the entire Aphrodite cabin put enchanted makeup on us? I couldn't get that stuff off for months!
Connor: Oh, yeah, I forgot. That was one of Travis' brilliant idea.
Travis: It was not!
Connor: It was too!
Travis: Not!
Connor: Too!
Travis: Not!
Elisha: Oh, don't start that up again. Someone just play the stupid video.
Percy: Or we could talk about our swordsmanship skills.
Ian: I have a better idea. Let's think up a good prank to do on the Athena cabin for our next Capture the Flag game.
Elisha: Moron! I'm on Athena's team this time so you can't talk about it in front of me and we're on the air so whoever is watching this will know your plans.
Ian: Oh yeah.
Elisha: Uggghhhh! Who picked this idiot to be my co-host today?
Ian: I'm not a idi-!
Weather report sound interrupts the broadcast.
Announcer: We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this weather report. Due to Zeus and Poseidon fighting again we should expect damaging winds and tsunamis felt around the globe! Mortals will be astounded and talk about climate change. It wouldn't surprise me if Chiron sends some poor schmuck on a quest to resolve their daddies issues! And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.
Weather report sound.
Loud thumping.
Elisha: Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Percy: Uh, Elisha? Ian's face is turning purple.
Ian: (makes choking sound)
Elisha: I'm going to kill you!
Connor: Is that red light supposed to be on?
Travis: I think it means we're on the air again.
Percy: Elisha!
Ian: (draws in ragged breaths through his abused throat)
Elisha: Oh! Um, cue the video!
Static sound.
Silena: Oh, Charlie, you were so brave! The way you jumped at that dragon was... (giggles)
Beckendorf: (embarrassed) Yeah, well, it was nothing.
Percy: (He snickers at Beckendorf)
Beckendorf: Shut up.
Percy: (he chuckles) Are you taking me to the infirmary, Annabeth?
Annabeth: Not yet. I need to check with my team to find out who won Capture the Flag.
Percy: (sarcastic) Cool, I can handle the agonizing pain in my foot a little longer.
Annabeth: I'm glad to hear that.
Percy: (mutters) I was being sarcastic.
Beckendorf: (clears throat nervously) So, um...would you like to go to the fireworks with me, Silena?
Silena: Of course! I thought you would never ask. See you around, Annabeth. (giggles)
Percy: Wait! Where are Beckendorf and Silena going?
Annabeth: C'mon, Seaweed brain.
Percy: But-
Annabeth: Come on.
Sounds of battle in the distance.
Athena cabin mate: Great job, Annabeth! It worked like you said.
Percy: What worked? What's going on?
Several kids from Athena cabin laugh.
Henry: You want me to take him?
Percy: Take him?
Annabeth: Nah, I'll do it.
Sound of dagger being unsheathed.
Annabeth: Walk!
Percy: Uh, Annabeth that dagger's sharp and you're pressing it to my throat!
Annabeth: Yeah, you're our prisoner now.
Percy: But - but Capture the Flag is over! Isn't it?
Henry: (laughs) Nope, but with you out of the picture it'll be over soon.
Percy: Annabeth! You told me Capture the Flag was over!
Annabeth: I lied.
Cannonball goes off in the distance and a loud crash follows.
Percy: You planned all this? Even that psycho bronze dragon?
Annabeth: (snorts) Oh, please, like I would plan all that. No, the dragon incident was something I didn't factor into my plans, but it worked out in the end. Now walk!
Sounds of battle are closer as Percy is walked to a makeshift jail.
Percy: This isn't fair! I thought capture the flag was over.
Jail door closes.
Annabeth: Have fun with Travis and Connor.
Travis: You can't keep us in here forever!
Connor: Yeah! What he said.
Annabeth: See you at the fireworks, Percy!
Percy: Did Annabeth just ask me out?
Travis: Who knows with girls.
Percy: You guys have girl troubles too?
Travis: Yep.
Connor: Nope.
Travis: What do you mean no? It's because of you we're in here!
Connor: Me? It wasn't me that got all googly eyed over a girl!
Percy: What happened?
Travis: You don't want to know.
Connor: Katie Gardner is what happened.
Travis: Shut up, Connor!
Loud cheering is heard along with chanting.
Crowd: Athena! Athena! Athena!
Percy (glumly) Sounds like they won.
Travis: Yep.
Connor: Anyone have a candy bar on them?
Travis: Shut up, Connor!
Static sound.
Connor: That totally wasn't me! I was framed.
Travis: Shut up, Connor.
Connor: Why do you keep telling me to shut up? I wasn't the one that got us captured in the first place.
Elisha: I thought you were framed.
Connor: Uh, I was.
Ian: Don't worry guys. I've got this awesome idea for a prank.
Travis: Let's hear it!
Elisha: Excuse me, we're still on the air.
Ian: (stage whispers) I'll tell you after the broadcast.
Elisha: Our time is just about up, so we won't be able to show the next videos. If you want to see more of our guests misadventures tune in next time on Demigod Live!
Percy: More videos? What did you guys do, hang out in the bushes recording us?
Elisha: I'm your host, Elisha.
Ian: And I'm Ian.
Elisha: Until next time!
Ian: May the odds be ever in your favor!
Elisha: Wrong book, you idiot!
Ian: Hey, it fits doesn't it?
Elisha: Ugh! Cut to the commercial!
Recording sings: Demigod Live!
If you want to read the original stories by Ryan Ford the link can be found on my profile.