A Symbol of Hope
No One's P.O.V
"You've all got your costumes right?" Eraserhead asked his students while putting his hands in his pocket. "Obviously wearing them in public is prohibited without a hero or sidekick with you, and don't lose them either."
Class 1-A was currently standing in a train station with steel suitcase all in hand, all holding their costumes and equipment.
"Got Iiiiiiiit~!" Mina sang with a grin on her face, making Eraserhead sigh.
"Don't streach out that 'got it', Ashido. And make sure to mind your manners! Okay, let's go!"
Everyone started chatting as they slowly went their septet ways, going to different hero agencies all across the country.
Izuku stood next to Ochako, a slightly larger suitcase in his hands. The young archer was planning on driving to his internship on his motorcycle, since he was the only one in class with a drivers license.
Looking to the side both Izuku and Ochako looked to Iida with worry in their eyes. They had heard that Iida's brother, a pro-hero, was injured gravely by a tariffing villain. The villain had so far murdered 17 heroes in cold blood and crippled 23 more to the point of never being able to make a full recovery.
This villain was known as The Hero Killer: Stain.
Little was known about the serial killer, yet what was known was the villain went after heroes when they were alone before killing them or injuring them permanently. The villain had so far evaded the top heroes and the police for a few months, and their were no known leads on the villain.
The whole time Iida hadn't said a word to anyone, not even Izuku and Ochako.
"Iida," Izuku called out to his friend, making the speedster turn to them. "...If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to us. We're your friends, after all." The archer said while Ochako nodded next to him.
Iida looked to his friends and gave them a small smile. Yet both Izuku and Ochako could tell it was hollow.
"Sure." Iida said before turning around and walking to his train. The air growing cold around him.
Izuku wanted to stop Iida, to sit the teen down and force him to talk, to say anything. But before he could Iida had already climbed onto his train and left, making Izuku sigh.
"Well..." Ochako said in a nervous tone as she rocked on her feet. "I better get going, my train is going to leave soon."
Izuku smiled to Ochako and gave her a thumbs up. "Good luck at Gunhead's agency. I'm sure you'll do fantastic." Izuku said with a grin.
Ochako beamed at the archer and throw her fist in the air. "Okay! See you in two weeks Izuku! Good luck with Edgeshot!" The girl said before running to her train.
Slowly everyone started to part ways, going on different trains and or in groups together, all saying goodbye to one another. Once everyone left Izuku hopped on his bike and drove away to Edgeshot's hero agency.
"This is the place," Izuku muttered as he pulled up at Edgeshot's hero agency.
The building was fairly big, and had colors that matched Edgeshot's costume, being dark red and blue. At the top of the building it read 'Edgeshot-Dojo'.
Parking his bike in front Izuku quickly made his way into the building.
Inside Izuku was greeted with a common waiting room, a receptionist behind a counter.
The woman was in her mid-20's, with short black hair and wore a business suit.
The woman looked up and gave Izuku a smile while getting up from her seat while Izuku walked up.
"Hello, you must be the intern student from UA, Izuku Midoriya, right?" The woman said with a friendly smile as she stuck her hand out.
Izuku took the hand and shook it. "That's right, I'm hear to meet Edgeshot."
"Of course, Mr. Edgeshot is at the top floor training." She said while moving around the desk. "Let me give you a quick tore before we reach the top." She said before leading Izuku deeper into the building.
"The first is the gym." The woman said as she showed a gym with a few sidekicks workout inside the room. "Everyone has free access 24/7, so come by whenever you feel like."
One of the sidekicks noticed Izuku and smiled before running at Izuku at full speeds.
"Hey, hey, hey, I hear your the new guy that Edgeshot brought in!" The sidekick said, grabbing Izuku's hand and shaking it rapidly. "Don't worry knew kid, I'll teach you the ropes, just do everything I tell you and maybe one day you'll become a big a star as me! Hahahahah!" The sidekick laughed while throwing his head back.
Izuku blinked at the person before him and finally got a good look. The first thing Izuku noticed was that this person was short, a few inches shorter then him but not as short as Mineta. The person also looked young, maybe just 17. He also had spiky blue hair and a star shaped tattoo on his left shoulder. He wore black fingerless gloves, white baggy pants, and a black tang-top.
"Please don't scare the new person, it's only his first day." A female called out.
Another sidekick walked up to Izuku and this one looked completely different. This was a young woman, 18 or 19, and was a few inches taller then Izuku. She had black hair similar to Momo with a long ponytail and bangs in her face, not only that she was pretty well endowed. She wore a sleeveless long jacket with a black scarf around her neck, bandages around her arms, and white boots. She had a bright yellow star on her chest and seemed much calmer then the first sidekick.
The secretary smiled to the two before looking to Izuku.
"Mr. Midoriya, I like you to meet Edgeshots top sidekicks. Tsubaki Nakatsukasa and Black Star."
"It's very nice to meet you. You may call me Tsubaki if you wish." Tsubaki said while giving Izuku a bow.
"Yeah, hope you can keep up with a big star like me! Hahahaha!" Black Star laughed while putting his hands behind his head.
"Black Star, be polite." The young woman scolded the short guy, who just continued to laugh. "I'm sorry for my partner, he means well, he's just... like this." The woman sighed.
Izuku laughed and raised his hands. "Don't worry, I've dealt with worse." Izuku could tell Black Star wasn't trying to be mean. The guy was just arrogant and overconfident in himself, no where as bad as Bakugo. "So, how long have you guys been sidekicks to Edgeshot?"
"Hmm!" Black Star's face scrunched up as he glared at Izuku. "I hate that! I'm no one's sidekick! I'm Edgeshot's partner! And one day I will surpass him, All Might, and even god!" The teen yelled out with a massive grin while pointing up. "Hahahahaha!"
"...Is he always like this?" Izuku asked Tsubaki, who sighed.
"Yes, I am sorry." The young woman said with another bow.
Izuku just smiled as he pulled out his notebook. "Since we're going to be working together, do you mind if I ask what your quirks are?"
Before Tsubaki could answer Black Star jumped in front of Izuku with a massive grin. "Of course! As someone who is as big as a star as me, everyone will want to know my power!" Black Star said as he held up his fist, and a moment later energy started sparking from it. "My quirk is call Wavelength Control: I don't know the details, but I can make energy I can use to attack and defend myself! Pretty cool huh?" Black Star said with a smug look.
Izuku write everything down and looked at Black Star's hand. From what he saw, it wasn't electricity coming out but some kind of aura, perhaps Chi or Ki. Without further investigation Black Star's quirk would be a bit of a mystery to Izuku.
The Archer looked to Tsubaki and the young woman smiled. "My quirk is called Multi-Weapon Form: I can transform into Six different weapon forms at will, or just parts of my body." She said before her hand turned into a steel blade.
Izuku quickly wrote this down with an amazed look on his face. "Amazing, I've never heard of a transformation quirk that could turn people into a weapon. Sure people can turn parts of their body into weapons, but I never heard of someone fully transforming. Can she still move and posses thought like normal, or is it sluggish because of the transformation? Is their a limit to how many times she can transform, stamina, virility, something unique in her blood or body? What happens if something breaks while she is in weapon form, can she still feel pain, is she aware of her surroundings? Mumble, Mumble, Mumble..."
Black Star, Tsubaki, and the secretary were giving Izuku shocked looks as they saw the teen was talking at such a fast pace.
"Hey, stop talking!" Black Star said while stomping his foot, making Izuku jump. "Your freaking everyone out!"
Izuku blushed as he quickly put his book away. "S-Sorry, it's a old habit." Izuku said with a small laugh, looking embarrassed. "Well, I hope we work well together."
With that the secretary led Izuku deeper into the agency, passing by some business workers and other employees. Soon the secretary showed Izuku a small room he would be sleeping in, before making their way to the top of the hero agency.
Once at the top Izuku was met with two large wooden doors with the secretary at his side.
"Edgeshot should be on the other side training," The woman said before smiling at Izuku. "I hope you enjoy your stay." She said before turning and leaving.
Izuku looked to the double doors before taking a deep breath and opening them.
"Whoa!" Izuku shouted while jumping up.
Beyond the double doors stood Edgeshot in the center of the room, which looked like a dojo. His fist were extended as a practice dummy was embedded in a wall.
"Ah..." Edgeshot grunted as he rolled his wrists. "Still needs work..."
"Wow..." Izuku couldn't help but be shocked by Edgeshot's supposed attack. "Is that a new super move?"
Edgeshot turned to the door and he smiled under his mask. "Ah, Midoriya, so you finally arrived. Please, come in and follow me." The Number 5 hero said before he turned around and started to walk away, Izuku quickly behind him.
The two found themselves in a small room with a low table, both sitting on each side. Edgeshot poured Izuku a cup of tea before pouring himself one.
"Thank you," Izuku said as he took the tea. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why did you offer me the internship?" Izuku asked while slowly sipping his tea.
Edgeshot also sipped his tea while giving a small hum. "Like most I saw potential in you. You might be Quirkless, but you fought harder then most and did more then even the strongest students. During the race you made first place without a quirk, instead you used your cunning mind to take a risk and it paid off. During the Calvary battle you commanded a team and managed to place first even when you lost the million headband. And finally the tournament. You fought students with offensive quirks and still managed to won and push the strongest UA student on the edge with minimal equipment. If heroes couldn't see the potential in someone like you, then they are blind."
Izuku smiled at the Pro-Heroes words. To have someone regard him so highly was a honor.
"But," Edgeshot said in a serious tone, making Izuku sit up a little more. "You are still young, and have much to learn about how to be a hero. I will take it upon myself to teach you whatever I can to make you a better hero." The Ninja hero said as he put the tea cup down and stood up. "Put on your hero costume and meet me as soon as your done." The Ninja Hero said before leaving.
Izuku opened up his suitcase and quickly slipped on his combat suit, quiver, Grapple Gauntlet, and Flash Fang before stepping out into the dojo like room.
Once Izuku stood in front of Edgeshot the Ninja hero raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't all that equipment weigh you down?"
Izuku grinned and shook his head. "Thanks to Mei, the girl who made all my equipment, all this is lighter then it looks, plus I train in this daily to I've gotten used to the weight." Izuku said, making Edgeshot nod slowly.
"Very well," The Ninja Hero said as he held his hands together and gave Izuku a serious look. "Come at me with everything you have, Midoriya."
Izuku nodded before taking a breath and letting it out slowly. He wouldn't hold back on Edgeshot, the man was the No. 5 hero, if Lila and Mirio could kick his ass silly with no trouble then Edgeshot could do it blindfolded.
Izuku jumped back with before pulling out a Flash Bang Arrow and fired, a bright flash blasting Edgeshot in the face. The Ninju hero grunted as his eyes tighten shut, yet the man barely flinched.
As soon as Izuku's feet touched the ground he jumped back again and fired two explosive arrows.
The arrows sored throw the air and looked as if they were going hit the Pro-Hero. That is until Edgeshot's body twisted and turned thin, the arrows harmlessly passing around him.
Izuku expected as much, given Edgeshot's quirk.
Foldabody: A Transformation quirk that allows Edgeshot the ability to manipulate the thinness of his body as well as stretch his limbs.
On paper the quirk didn't seem all that impressive or flashy, yet Edgeshot was the perfect example of never underestimating a quirk no matter how it sounds. While the other top heroes could punch buildings, burn down a city block, or turn into dragons, Edgeshot was that kind of hero who let his work do the talking of his skills, something Izuku admired.
Izuku chose to intern with Edgeshot for a number of reasons, one of them being that Izuku felt he could learn something from the Ninja hero, be it stealth or fighting. Lila and Clint taught him a lot, but there was still so much for Izuku to learn.
All Might had offered to hold Izuku's internship, yet the archer turned him down. That made both Izuku and All Might a little down, until Izuku told why he was going with Edgeshot making All Might see why it was such a great opportunity.
Pulling out another explosive arrow Izuku aimed at the heroes feet and fired.
But before the arrow was even half way across the room Edgeshot's body became like string, zoomed across the room next to Izuku, and turned back to normal just as the arrow exploded on the ground.
Izuku only had enough time to cross his arms to block the powerful kick from the Ninja, sending Izuku skidding back.
The Archer came to a stop and looked up to see Edgeshot was on him in a second. Izuku could only dodge and block Edgeshot's attacks with his arms or legs, the hero never giving Izuku a moment of rest.
"He's holding back," Izuku thought as Edgeshot kicked him in the side. "He wants to see how I'll react when I can't use my arrows or other toys. Well let me show him what I'm made off!"
As Edgeshot kicked Izuku in the stomach Izuku raised his hands and was bringing them together.
This made Edgeshot frown. "Predictable-"
However, at the last second Izuku's hands shot down to his belt and grabbed a smokebomb before slamming it down, that did catch Edgeshot by surprise as the hero jumped back.
"Clever..." Edgeshot thought with a pleased grin as an arrow flew throw the smoke.
Inside the cloud Izuku's glasses were telling him where exactly Edgeshot was thanks to his body heat. The archer fired arrow after arrow while moving around in the smoke, yet the Ninja hero was too fast and dodging all the arrows with ease.
"Arrows aren't going to cut it, Edgeshot is too fast and his reflexes are nearly perfect." Izuku thought while narrowing his eyes. "I need to catch him off guard, do something he won't expect."
As Izuku fired off another explosive arrow Edgeshot did something different. The Ninja caught the arrow in his hand, spun around, and throw it back into the spoke cloud. Izuku's eyes widen in shock as he jumped back as the arrow exploded.
With Izuku out of the spoke cloud Edgeshot jumped to the ceiling before jumping off with impressive speeds, flying straight at Izuku.
"Axe-Kick." Edgeshot said simply as he raised his foot in the air while flying to Izuku, who jumped back.
The heel dug unto the floor with an impressive amount of force, and Izuku knew that if that attacked landed he would of felt it.
Edgeshot didn't stop moving as he jumped forward far faster then Izuku was expecting, faster then Shigaraki during the USJ incident.
The Ninja hero embedded his knee into Izuku's stomach, making the archer hero heave in pain at the impact.
Yet Izuku didn't fall over. Instead the hero grit his teeth and slammed an arrow into the ground.
"AH!" Edgeshot yelled in shock and pain as he covered his ears.
Izuku also felt the pain, yet he was prepared for it. The archer slipped on his brass knuckles and clocked Edgeshot right in the chin, throwing him back.
What happened next was too fast for Izuku to keep track, though he did get the results. Edgeshot shattered the arrow making the loud noise before punching Izuku hard enough to send the poor boy flying across the room.
Izuku hit the wall with a powerful thud before landing on the ground.
The Ninja hero stood still for several second before realizing what he done.
"Oops..." Was all Edgeshot could say as he called the buildings doctor.
"Honestly sir, he just got here." A doctor grumbled as he finished wrapping some bandages around Izuku's chest.
Izuku was quickly taken to the doctor of the building and given a quick physical. Both Edgeshot and Izuku were relived to hear that Izuku only had minor bruising, thanks to the combat suit he wore before the fight.
"I am sorry again." Edgeshot said to Izuku as he bowed. "You caught me off guard and I reacted, yet that was still no excuse for me to react like that."
"Hey, I'll say I accomplished what I wanted. Pushing you to fight me seriously." Izuku said with a grin as he pushed himself up. "So what was that punch, because it was not a normal punch since it packed a lot of power."
Edgeshot raised his arm and his arm turned thin before coiling like a spring. "It was a new special move I was working on. I tighten my arm like a spring before throwing it." He said with a small laugh before his arm turned back to normal. "I felt I had to up my game after getting my two new sidekicks."
"Black Star and Tsubaki, I've met them."
Edgeshot nodded at the mention of their names. "Their both prodigies in their own right. Tsubaki is a natural hero, an expert in stealth, and advance marksmenship, not to mention she is natural with working with others and a cool head to boot. Black Star... isn't the brightest, or the stealthiest Ninja, but he is a prodigy in combat and has a high sense of honor along with a good heart. Together they make a duo that will easily surpass me one day."
A moment later the door to the doctor's office slammed open and in came running a blue blur.
"Hey, green! Are you still alive?!" Black Star yelled as he rushed to Izuku's size and started shaking the teen. "How did you get hurt!? I heard you fought Edgeshot! No fare, I wanted to fight Edgeshot!"
"Black Star, enough!" Tsubaki said in a stern tone before shopping the top of his head with the back of a metal sword, causing his eyes to bulge. Tsubaki then pull Black Star back by the collar and pulled him back. "I am truly sorry sensei." She said while bowing, pushing Black Star's head down the same as her.
Edgeshot gave a small laugh as he waved Tsubaki off. "It's alright Tsubaki, no harm done." He said before looking to Izuku. "After some resting we'll do some one on one training, then we'll go on patrol."
"What, your going on patrol!? Just the two of you!? No fare!?" Black Star shouted in a jealous tone before Tsubaki sighed and chopped Black Star at the back of the neck, knocking him out.
"I'm sorry." The young woman said with a bow before dragging Black Star out of the room.
"...She would be good friends with a girl in my school." Izuku said with a chuckle as he imagined a certain orange hair girl. "Speaking of Kendo, I wonder how she, Momo, and the others are doing?" Izuku thought as he climbed out of the hospital bed.
In Hosu City.
"Typically, there'd be tons of waiting by the phone for requests but recently, well... Hosu's gotten a bit hectic, too!" Mizushima Masaki, otherwise known as The Normal Hero: Manual, said to Iida as they walked down the sidewalk together in their hero costumes.
"Street patrols become a way to surpass crime." Iida said while glancing around.
"So it goes." Manual nodded before smiling to Iida. "Though I've gotta say, I'm happy Ingenium's little brother came along with me and mine." The hero said with a friendly smile, while Iida stood quiet. "I'm sure you had a tone of offers from heroes more capable then me."
Manual wasn't the kind of hero that stood out all that much, and was somewhat unremarkable with a simple Water-manipulation quirk and common feats in Hero Work.
Yet Iida chose to intern with Manual for one reason.
"Hero Killer... So elusive, he can't even be caught by the net of modern society." Iida thought darkly as he scowled under his helmet. "I know this might be in vain. Even so..." Iida remembered the state his brother was in, his older brother, the hero who he and other admired, may never walk again.
All because of Stain.
"Even so, I must go after him." The speedster thought while tightening his fists. "I... cannot forgive him!"
In the center of Tokyo.
"Frankly, I don't like you."
Bakugo stood in front of the No. 4 Hero-Best Jeanist in the hero's Hero Agency. The Pro-Hero was giving Bakugo a flat look, making the dirty blond blink.
"Huh?" Bakugo muttered, looking a bit lost by the comment.
"You only chose my agency because I'm one of the top five most popular heroes, right?" Best Jeanist pointed out while looking down at Bakugo.
That made Bakugo scowl. "You're the one that put in an offer!" Bakugo said while glaring at the hero, even if his words were true.
"True," Best Jeanist said while smoothing his hair. "Recently, I've only been getting good little kids," He said while looking at the many sidekicks and interns behind Bakugo, all dressed elegantly with nearly trimmed hair similar to the Pro-Hero. "So you were the first one in a while to strike a chord." He said while pointing to Bakugo. "I watched you at the sports festival. You were able to freely manipulate a quirk with high potential, and had a good grasp of the application as well. You're an outstanding talent already good enough to recruit as a sidekick." All that Best Jeanist said was true, but a moment later his eyes turned sharp. "However, you have a fatal flaw." Now that did grab Bakugo's attention as the blond narrowed his eyes. "You believe yourself to be the strongest, and you try to put that into practice not caring about how that looks-You have a ferocious nature."
The Hero's words made Bakugo start to shake. "Did you choose me to give me a lecture-"
Before the blond even took a step forward he found himself wrapped in string, holding him in place.
Fiber Master: Beast Jeanist is freely able to control fiber, such as clothing. This is extremely powerful quirk in modern day as most people and heroes ware fiber in most of their clothing.
"It is part of my work as a hero to correct people like you." Best Jeanist said as Bakugo grit his teeth, struggling against the string. "Heroes and Villains are two sides of the same coin. I'll show those glaring eyes of yours what makes someone a hero." He said while giving Bakugo hard eyes.
"What are you trying to do?" Bakugo asked in a gruff tone.
"Isn't it obvious?" Best Jeanist asked while the other sidekicks grinned around Bakugo. "I'm educating you to become an exemplary hero. The way you speak, your appearance, controlling your emotions, enforcing your morals... there are countless things to do. In the short time of two weeks." The No. 4 Hero said in a grave tone. "I will sew all that into your body." He said, while Bakugo continued to glare.
Both Tetsutetsu and Kirishima found themselves at Forth Kind's Hero Agency. The two were shocked to find themselves at the same agency.
Both brawlers grinned as they clapped hands. "Why are you here!?" They asked at the same time.
"We were able to put two offers in." The Chivalrous Hero: Fourth Kind, a hero with four arms said while glaring at the two brawlers. "Let's get started without ado."
"I look forward to working with you!" Both Tetsutetsu and Kirishima said while bowing to the hero.
Forth Kind sat down and gave the two a hard look. "I saw your guts at the sports festival. I like you two." He said before he narrowed his eyes. "However, being a hero's not so easy that you can rely on brute force alone. I will teach you that as someone with more experience."
"As expected of the Chivalrous Hero!"
"So manly!"
Forth Kind slammed his fist down on his desk. "Wait for me to finish!" He yelled at the two, making them jump.
"S-Sorry!" The two yelled as they bowed down the hero.
"I'll teach you manners properly, too" The Pro-Hero said with a sigh.
"Thank you very much!"
"First, I'll tell you the major premise." Forth Kind started to explain. "Pro-Heroes receive wages from the government, so we are civil servants, but because of how this came about, civil servants and pro heroes are very different. Regarding the actual duties of a Pro-Hero-"
"Basic Hero duties involve controlling crime, see?"
Ochako walked next to the Battle Hero: Gunhead, looking up to the tall man as he spoke to her.
"When a crime occurs, the police will contact heroes for support. The request will come all at once by district, see?" Gunhead said, speaking in a surprisingly calm voice. "We file reports on the services we provide, like assisting with arrests or rescuing people, to the government office. And then, we receive pay based on an examination conducted by a special agency. We get a percentage." He explained to the brunette girl.
"The way he talks is cute." Ochako couldn't help but think as she looked at the hero with shock and a blush. It was truly surprising for a Battle Hero like Gunhead to have such a cute voice and personality.
"An impotent part of being a hero is knowing how to pass idle hours."
Mt. Lady was currently laying down on her couch at her hero agency while Mineta was vacuuming the room.
"Do you understand?" She asked while reading a magazine and snaking on some chips.
"Y-yeah..." Mineta, decked out in cleaning gear along with his hero costume, said slowly with a disappointed look on his face. "I'm not into this kind of stuff..."
At Tatooni Station.
"Heroes must practice and train every day. This doesn't change even if they are on patrol!"
Jiro was currently jogging next to Pro-Hero Death Arms.
The punk girl was struggling to keep up with the large man, yet didn't give up.
"R-right!" Jiro yelled as she panted, still keeping up somehow. "M-man, this is harder than class! I wander how Momo is doing?" Kendo thought with a blush before shaking her had. "Focus, patrol now, crush later!"
"I believe this is the place?"
"Really, this is not what I expected."
Kendo and Momo stood side by side in front of what appeared to be an abandon factory.
The factory looked old and disrupted, as if it was one bad day away to fall over.
"Are you sure this is the right address?" Kendo asked as she glanced around the dead street.
"Positive, I wrote everything down perfectly." Momo said as her eyes scanned the building. "M-Maybe the heroes are falling on hard time?"
That made Kendo sigh as she face palmed. "Man, I hope Midoryia knows what he is doing. I am not sleeping in an abandon warehouse."
"L-let's look around really quick and see if anything-"
"Good evening."
"Ah!" Both Kendo and Momo screamed in shock as the girls jumped back before turning around.
There behind them was what they could only describe as a butler. The man wore a black suit with a matching tie. He was aged, possible in his late 50's with a bushy mustache and a bold head.
"Ms. Yaoyrozu, Ms. Kendo, welcome." The butler said with a small bow. "May I take your bags and escort you inside?" He asked in a polite tone.
"Um..." Both girls looked to one another and handed their bags to the butler, though kept their hero costume close at hand.
"Right this way." The butler said before walking into the building.
The girls followed the man inside and quickly saw the inside also looked as abandoned as the outside.
The butler came to a stop nest to a steel beam that reached the ceiling, making the girls stop as well.
"Please watch your step." The man said, making the girls raise an eyebrow.
The butler placed his hand on the steel beam, and a pad lit up before scanning his hand.
"Recognized." A robotic voice said, making the girls look around in shock, but it wasn't over yet.
The floor started to lower, scaring the girls again as they slowly descended.
Momo and Kendo were beyond confused as they we lowered deeper and deeper while the butler remained stoic as ever.
Soon they came to a stop and what they saw was amazing.
It was a base, with monitors, a giant t.v, a table in the center with multiple chairs, and a few business people walking around.
The two girls stepped forward while looking around in amazement.
"Wow," Kendo said while looking around with a massive grin. "Okay, now I hope we're in the right place."
"Yes you are~!"
Momo and Kendo turned to see a group of people enter the room and walk up to them.
"Hello!" A young blond woman said in a bubble voice as she skipped over to Momo and Kendo. "You two must be the UA students." The young woman said before looking to Momo with glee. "And you must be Momo Yaoyrozu! Oh we are going to have so much fun together!" The bubbly blond said in a happy tone as she grabbed Momo and started to jump up and down, making Momo smile brightly.
"Sup." Kendo turned to her mentor for the next two weeks, another young woman with short black hair chewing on some gum. "We'll be working together, I'll show you the ropes." She said before blowing a bubble and it popped.
These two young woman were their mentors for the next two weeks.
The Chemist Hero: Honey Lemon
The Speed Queen Hero: GoGo
By themselves they were not the highest ranking heroes. Yet they were apart of something a bit bigger.
"Oh, let me be the first to welcome you," Honey Lemon said while waving her hand around. "To Big Hero 6!"
Both Kendo and Momo had massive smiles on their faces, both feeling thankful to Izuku for telling them to come here. The girls didn't know much about Big Hero 6, they were relatively new and only been arrowed for a year, but from what they read they've taken down multiple villains and stopped a madman from destroying the city with a tsunami.
"Wow, so you guys are the ones who fought in that tournament!" Suddenly a young man in a monster costume came up to them with a massive smile on their faces. "You two were awesome!" He shouted making the girls jump back as he looked to Kendo. "Your big hand were amazing, and how you where smashing the ground and throw those rocks, rocked!" He said before looking to Momo. "And that cannon you pulled out was awesome! I can't wait to see what else you can do!"
"Down Fred, don't scare the girls away." A large dark skin man said with a small laugh.
"Yeah, don't want the girls to think we're all a bunch of weirdoes." The blob thing with green eyes said while his hand turned into a chocolate bar and taking a bite.
"I think it's time we did some introductions." Honey Lemon said while sliding over to her teammates.
The first to step forward was the one called Fred. "I am the Monster Hero: Fradzilla!" The man said while pulling his monster head on and roaring a jet of fire while jumping high into the air, making Momo and Kendo look in awe.
The next one was the large dark skin man. "I'm the Plasma Hero: Wasabi." The man said as green energy blades appeared on his arms and he swung them around like swords, impressing the girls with his skill.
"And I am," The pink blob jumped in front as his arms stretched and wiggled. "The Goo Hero: Globby!"
"Wait," Momo said before she turned to Honey Lemon. "I count only 5."
"Hello," The girls yelped and spun around at the sound at the robotic voice. "I am Baymax."
Their stood a tall robot that looked like a giant marshmallow.
"Hello, Momo Yaoyrozu and Itsuka Kendo. I have compiled a copy of your medical records. Kendo, you will be pleased to know we do not have an cats for your Cat Allergy. I have also acquired medication should you need it."
Both Kendo and Momo blinked at the robot as Wasabi walked next to him. "This is Baymax, don't let his marshmallow body fool you." He said while poking his side, making it jiggle. "This guy is the power house on the team not to mention he doubles as the teams medic."
"Oh, there is one more person you have to meet, another intern." Honey Lemon said, surprising the girls.
"You took on three interns?" Kendo said in surprise.
"Oh it's easy when you have a hero team of 6." Fred bragged as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hiro! Come here, the UA students are here."
After a few moments the door opened and in walked a young teen.
The teen looked to be about their age, wore a red shirt with a blue coat and shaggy black hair. The teen was working on a laptop as he walked in the room.
"Alright guys I'll have BaseMax up and running in just a few minutes. And next time Fred, don't open anymore Spam mail." Hiro sighed before noticing what he walked into. "Oh, sorry." Hiro said with a blush as he closed the laptop. "I was working, anyway I'm Hiro, nice to meet you." Hiro said while he shook both his hands.
"Well, that's everyone on the team." Honey Lemon said before looking to the butler. "You already met Heathcliff, if you need anything go to him."
"I am at your call ladies." He said with another bow.
"Well, let's get to know each other." Honey Lemon said as she hugged Momo's side. "I'll show you my lab! We're going to have so much fun!" She said in a bright tone, making Momo smile as well.
GoGo looked to Kendo and jerked her head. "We might have different base quirks but I'll show you how to handle fighting someone faster then you. How about a quick spar, see what your working with?"
Kendo grinned as she lifted her suitcase. "I'm ready when you are."
GoGo popped her gum and grin. "Oh, I like you."
Just as they were about to go their separate ways Momo stopped.
"Wait," Momo said as she quickly reached into her bag and pulled out a purple notebook. "Our friend Izuku, the one who advised us to come here, wanted us to have each of you sign his book. If it's no trouble-"
"The 5th most important thing about being a hero!" Fred cut Momo off as he snatched the book, making the girl yelp. "Sighing autographs to our fans and admirers!" He said before writing a surprisingly elegant signature.
Everyone passed the book around signing there hero names on each blank page.
Once GoGo finished writing her name Fred snatched the book again and showed it to Heathcliff.
"Come on Heathcliff, you sign too!" Fred said in an exited tone, making the girls look confused.
"Were you once a hero Mr. Heathcliff?" Momo asked while tilting her head, curious about the butler.
"Oh, this guy was more then just a hero!" Fred said as he hugged the man in the side, yet the butler still remained stoic as ever. "Heathcliff was a British Hero way back and worked alongside my dad! Back then old Heathcliff when by The Gentlemen Hero: The Mongoose!"
That made both Kendo and Momo tilt their heads. "The Mongoose?"
The butler quickly wrote down his name with the same elegance Fred had shown. "I had a bit of a rivalry with a woman who could control snakes, after all, the Mongoose is the natural predator to snakes." He said before closing the book and handing it to Hiro.
The young teen quickly ran up to Baymax and held the book open for the robot. "Here Baymax, you write your name too." He said with a smile.
Baymax gently took the book and looked at it for several seconds before holding up his free hand and a pen tip popping out of his finger. The robot started to slowly write his name, taking several long seconds.
"While Baymax is being... Baymax." GoGo said as she jerked her head to the side while looking at her intern. "Why don't we hit the gym, see what you can do? So suit up."
"Right." Kendo grinned as she quickly followed GoGo.
"And we'll go check out my lab!" Honey Lemon said with a big smile to Momo, making the girl also smile. "I hope you like sparkled goggles~" She said before dragging Momo away.
"Hiro, we cannot fall behind!" Fred shouted as he slung his arm around Hiro, making the teen blink. "We must train to be better heroes!" Fred said before running away with a screaming Hiro.
Wasabi and Globby looked to one another and shrugged.
With that they left the room, leaving Baymax behind as the robot was still working on the B of his name.
Izuku gave a cry of pain as he hit the ground with a thud and stayed down.
Izuku and Edgeshot were currently back in Edgeshot's personal Dojo, both still in their hero costumes as they spared.
"Okay," Izuku grunted as he pushed himself up and stared at the hero. "How are you so fast?"
Edgeshot folded his arms and looked to Izuku. "What do you mean?"
The young archer pushed himself and started to think. "The way you move, that... way, reminds me of three people. Eraserhead, my older sister Lila, and Clint, my mentor. They could move with a speed that almost seemed impossible unless they had a speed quirk, the same speed you have been moving for the past hour." Izuku said with a grunt of annoyance, remembering how he was never able to land a single blow on anyone without some kind of trick to give him an opening.
That made Izuku's head whip up and look at the man with confusion. "What?"
"Experience," Edgeshot said again as he closed his eyes. "The reason the people you mention and I are able to move so well is because of experience. Through countless battles and years of training, we have found ways to move our bodies to hit harder and move faster." He said before taking a step back. "For example, if I were to hit you right now from here it would take me 2 seconds to reach you, now a lot can happen in 2 seconds. Such as you dodging or trying to block my attack, or attacking back yourself." He said, making Izuku nod slowly. "However, if I were to put my experience behind my next move."
Izuku blinked and found Edgeshot right in front of him.
"Whoa!" Izuku yelped as he fell back before quickly going to his feet. "What!? How!? How does experience make you faster?!" Izuku said in pure confusion, feeling lost.
"By learning how to move better." Edgeshot answered as he turned to the side and slowly moved. "Every time a person moves we waist movement in some way, be it positioning, shifting, control, strength, all these little things are what makes that second delay in attack and movement. However, experienced fighters like myself and Eraserhead have learned how not to waist any movement and energy when fighting, allowing us to maintain maximum speed for attack and movement."
Izuku was writing all this down in his notebook and was nodding his head. He could see now why the older people he fought like Eraserhead, Lila, Shigaraki, and Edgeshot all were faster then him without a speed quirk of some kind. They simply had more experience fighting and knew how to maximize their movements, something Izuku did not have.
"So," Izuku sighed as he put his book away. "The only way I'll become faster is through experience." Izuku said with a disappointed look.
The archer wasn't one to call himself impatient, but he felt that he didn't have time to gain experience to move his body in a way to negate wasted movement like the more experienced fighters he knew. Students in UA and other schools will be working harder to get stronger, so Izuku himself needed to get stronger.
"There may be another way." Edgeshot said, making Izuku's head whip up with a shocked expression. The Ninja looked thoughtful before looking back to Izuku. "I have been researching a way to train people to learn how to not waist movement and momentum without years of combat experience. It's unorthodox, and so fare it hasn't proven resourceful, but it is still a chance."
Izuku was already nodding his head. "I'll try anything, the worst that will happen is that I fail."
Edgeshot grinned under his mask and turned around. "Then follow me."
The two left and took an elevator to another training room Edgeshot owned. Once the elevator came to a stop and the doors open, Izuku was surprised to see the training room that was supposed to help improve his speed.
The room was mostly bear with the exception of two things. First was the floor, which was covered with footprints that each had lines connecting them.
The next were the guns on the walls.
The guns looked to be pellet guns all pointing around the room.
Edgeshot stepped forward with Izuku close behind.
"The training is simple, yet hard to execute." Edgeshot said as he stood in the center of the room. "The objective of this training is to teach a person how to move with maximum efficiency and control without wasting any unnecessary movement, or risk getting shot."
Edgeshot slowly started to step on each footprint on the floor slowly, no hesitation in any of his movement. Suddenly one of the guns went off and just as the pellet was about to hit Edgeshot dodged while keeping his feet perfectly in the footprint.
Edgeshot came to a stop and looked to Izuku. "The trick is never stop moving and avoid getting hit by any pellets. Once you get good enough, you'll be able to do this."
Edgeshot started to move and Izuku actually had trouble tracking the erratic movements. At the same time the pellet guns went off yet not a single one managed to land on Ninja hero. Edgeshot would seem to stay still for a split second before disappearing and reappearing just a few feet away.
Izuku's jaw dropped as he saw Edgeshot's flawless movements before the pellet guns came to a stop.
Edgeshot stood in the center of the room without a single wound on him before turning to Izuku. "While this training may help your body how to not waist unnecessary movements, it is only a theory. The only other people who have been able to do this were Black Star and Tsubaki, and they have talent and experience to pull it off."
The young archer knew Edgeshot wasn't sugarcoating it for Izuku. The young archer new it would take a lot for his body to learn how to maximize his movements, hell, he might not even be able to complete the training within the two weeks.
Yet that wouldn't stop him.
Edgeshot moved to the edge of the room and folded his arms. "Give it a try, I'll set the guns to low. As you get better at maximizing your movements the speed of the guns will increase, forcing you to move faster."
Izuku nodded as he shrugged off most of his equipment but left his combat suit on.
The archer stood in the center of the room with his feet perfectly matching the foot print before he slowly started to move. He made sure his foot matched the imprints as best he could and as efferent as possible.
Hearing one of the guns go off Izuku quickly swerved to the side and managed to dodged the pellet, making him grin.
"Okay, I think I understand. I just have to keep myself focus and-"
Hearing two more guns go off Izuku swerved again and managed to dodge one of the pellets only to feel the second one hit the back of his shoulder.
"This training will also sharpen your senses and be aware of your surroundings." Edgeshot said from the side as he watched Izuku's start from the center again. "Remember, don't expect to get it any time soon. This training is still experimental." Edgeshot warned.
"Right." Izuku said before he started to move again.
For the next few hours Izuku focused purely on gaining the control to increase his speed to the level Edgeshot had, though the results were not what he wanted.
At first Izuku slowly started to get the hang of the training, and managed to dodge several pellets until suddenly Izuku couldn't even dodge one.
"Don't look for a pattern and try to dodge before the guns go off. Dodge as soon as the guns go off." Edgeshot called out to the archer.
After another two hours Izuku was sweating up a storm, is costume nearly drenched in sweat as he panted desperately for air.
"Enough." Edgeshot said as he cut the training.
"I-I can keep going!" Izuku said as he pushed turned to the hero on shaky legs.
"No you can't." Edgeshot said while shaking his head. "Tomorrow I will take you on patrol, so you will rest tonight. I can't take you on patrol if you are exhausted."
Hearing the logic in the Pro-Hero's words Izuku slumped down and started to focus on breathing. Suddenly the archer felt a hand on his shoulder, making him look up.
"You did good today." Edgeshot said with a small smile under his mask, making Izuku blink. "I can see you use your analyzing capabilities to fight and making snap judgment. That will be good if you are to learn this." He said before his face turned serious. "But this may also hold you back."
Now Izuku looked worried. "Why, why would my analyzing hold me back?"
Edgeshot folded his arms and looked thoughtful. "This kind of training would be better suited for a fighter who is driven by instinct. Someone who can react just before an attack happens. The way you fight is annalistic, you anticipate your opponents next move and even the move after that, so it's more likely you'll be struck from something unexpected."
Izuku remembered his conversation with his class at the sports festival and could now see this kind of training would work better for an Instinct fighter.
"You said it will hold me back, but you also said my style of fighting will help me." Izuku said with a determined grin on his face. "If you think I'm scared of hard work or the idea I might fail, then I'll say that's not the kind of hero I am. After all, becoming the first Quirkless hero is a road that has never been explored before." Izuku said as he slammed his fists together hard, enough to shake some of the sweat off his face. "And as Ronin, I will not only explore that road, but conquer it!" Izuku shouted as he looked Edgeshot in the eyes, his body giving off waves of determination.
Edgeshot looked Iz- Ronin straight in the eyes and couldn't help but smile. The Ninja hero has taken dozens upon dozens of interns over the years he's been a hero and in that time he has seen all sorts of potential heroes. Some were earnest and wanted to do some good with their quirks, others wanted fame and glory hoping they can be number one with their quirks, one or two just wanted to attract some girls and form a harem, and a good number just wanted to be heroes so they can use their quirks and because they thought it would be cool.
Yet with Ronin, it felt like a first. This young hero in training was determined to prove the world wrong and to prove himself. To show that anyone could be a hero with enough determination and work.
"Rest up, and be prepared to wake up bright and early tomorrow." Edgeshot said as he started to make his way out of the room. "I plan to give you as much experience as I can in the coming weeks. If your not scared of hard work, then be prepared for one of the hardest workouts you have ever experienced in your life." Edgeshot said before exiting the room.
Izuku felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt worry. "Oh hell, is he like a combination of Clint and Eraserhead..." Izuku moaned in fear as he shuffled his way to bed, hopefully prepared for the next day. "I might not live through this internship..."
21N: Hey, another glories chapter of my sweet, sweet, story goodness.
Sorry this chapter wasn't that long or interesting, but I hope it will hold off some readers until the next one pops up.
Now to go over the obvious question.
1: Yes, Momo and Kendo are interning with Honey Lemon and GoGo from Big Hero 6! I thought about sending the girls to other known heroes like Midnight or something, but I thought of doing something fun like this. As for why Globby is a part of the team, since hero is only 14 he can't be a hero, so I thought of the next best option. So if there is any questions I will answer them as best I can. Now I will give a list of the quirks Big Hero 6 has.
GoGo- Magnetic Field: GoGo can create a magnetic field around her body at a maximum of 5 meters. She can also shorten this to her body and suspend metal in midair. This makes it possible to use her Meg-Lev Discs and achieve high speeds.
Honey Lemon- Liquid Chemistry: Honey Lemon can make any base chemical on the periodic table out of the liquid in her body. Using her purse she hand combine those base chemicals for different effects. Too much use will leave Honey Lemon dehydrated.
Wasabi- Plasma Discharge: Wasabi can create Plasma energy from any part of his body, though too much use will weaken him. With his gauntlets Wasabi can focus his Plasma to create certain weapons such as blades or shields.
Fred- Super Jump: Fred can focus energy into his feet to preform super jumps and negate any the force from falling as long as he lands on his feet. (The fire comes from a built in flame thrower in his costume)
Hiro- Magnetic Pull: Hiro can attract any metal to his hands, with a strong enough force he can pull his body off the ground.
Globby- Chemical Lab: Globby can absorb any chemical in his body and shoot it out later. After an accident with Honey Lemon's purse Globby's quirk mutated, allowing him to now mimic and produce any element on the periodic table.
2: Black Star and Tsubaki: I thought about what kind of sidekick Edgeshot would have and it would obviously be a ninja. I then thought what kind of Ninja I should choose to be Edgeshot sidekick. I thought about choosing someone from Naruto, but that felt too obvious. So after some thinking I was hit with the idea to choose Black Star and Tsubaki as Edgeshot sidekick. For 1: Soul Eater doesn't get that much love and frankly it's one of my favorite anime and manga. And 2: Black Star is the kind of annoying and arrogant character I can actually get behind.
3: Izuku's training: I was giving a suggestion by multiple people on how I could improve Izuku's speed to reach a higher level. And after some talking and thinking I came up with this. It's unorthodox and might not work, but that's the beauty of it.
4: New Arrow-Sonic Arrow: A arrow that once landing it gives off a high frequency screech that hurts everyone's ears. It's been subjected and I figure this was the best place to use it.
Well, that's all for now! Don't forget to like, favorite, and follow me on P-A-T-R-E-O-N!