I do not own Dxd or 'the gamer' system, Only the oc and any 'new' sacred gear I have created.



Itsuka, Setsuna, and Reiko look around the empty classroom, with myself, Azazel, and Mittelt being the only ones inside.

"Come on in..." Azazel drawls. "1A isn't going to be here today, considering the villain attack and all, but luckily we didn't unlock any of your gears, so we should try and get through that today..."

He stands up. "We should probably hurry up... we will be slightly behind schedule as we are going to have to unlock Uraraka's gear on Monday... and probably one of you three's as well if we can only manage two of you today..."

"Huh... we did all three?" Azazel murmurs to himself, as he looks over the three girls, the white haired 'ghost girl' on the far-left blankly holding her hand in front of a translucent amber keyboard with another blank amber screen above that... that caused me some momentary panic as I thought she got a Gamer system, but it turned out to just be the blank screens... for now... next is the big hand girl, Kendo who got two brownish gauntlets that created a massive crack in the ground as she tripped and tried to use her hands to protect herself...

Thus that faux city now has one less building...

And finally, the splitting girl... got a pen...

Just a pen.

Admittedly she MIGHT have something similar to my Runic Magic now, but for now, I just see a fucking pen...

Though it is a swanky jeweled black fountain pen, but still a pen.

Azazel slowly nods. "I have no idea what any of those do... besides Break Stuff" he points to Kendo "Write Stuff" he points to the splitting girl. "And Type Stuff" finally pointing at the white haired ghost girl.

The group of three sweat drops.

He slowly blinks to himself with a nod, cupping his chin.

His eyes stray to his watch causing him to widen his eyes. "Shit! The bell rings in less than a minute! You all need to quickly change for your next class!"

"""WHAT?!""" The three shout as they rush out of the room.

*Snrk-* there's actually ten minutes.

"Azazel why do you feel the need to troll?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Weeeell I don't have enough time to figure out what their gears do, so I decided to make the most of my time."

"Now we just need gravity girls' sacred gear, right?" Mittelt questions as she sits around a small distance away.

"Correct." Azazel nods.


"In the first years, at least..."

"…" I slowly frown. "Hey Azazel... small question. How the fuck do people have sacred gears here?"

He smirks. "Heaven exists."


"W-What?" Mittelt whispers.

"Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels exist here?!"

"Nope." He scoffs as he shifts through his clipboard.


"Then wh-"

"It's abandoned... same with hell... something happened here... killing everything supernatural."

"Lack of faith?" I ask as we begin walking back to the Ua academy building.

"No... Heaven had incredible damage, same with Hell."


"Then should we be worrie-"

"Nah." He waves off with a confident smirk. "A couple of salvageable magical recordings in hell revealed that the maximum for angels in this world was eight wings... so it's clear that this world was quite a bit weaker than our own... the sacred gear system is on its last legs as well... I predict that it'll only run for another one hundred or so years before falling apart... it was too damaged for me to find out too much about it, buuut it did clear up a couple of things... I seriously doubt that even the best longinus here would hold a candle to a couple of higher strength medium tier sacred gears from our world..."

"Hell, some of these actually makes a twice critical look impressive... hand girl has what would be counted as a 'Longinus' here."

"Hn..." I frown. "That's a little... sad..."

"It is what it is." Azazel shrugs.

I let out a small yawn as I sit in a chair, boredly tapping my finger on the arm.

'ugh, why do I need to be here?'

"I did a thorough search for any 'warp gate' quirks, however we seem to have come up empty handed..."

"So, what you're sayin' is, we've got nothin' to go on..." The cowboy hero mutters. "Once that ringleader of theirs pokes his head back in, he'll give us some grief, that's for sure."

"We've rounded up seventy two villains at the Usj the other day, they were all third rate thugs, the type to skulk in dark alleys... yet they all seemed to swear allegiance to this 'Shigaraki' character... and followed him without question."

"Hn." Azazel hums from his spot over at the tables discussing the Usj. "Well, as interesting as this has been... I really need to plan something for my next class."

He stands up. "I trust you all can figure this out... I'm certainly not a detective. Come on you two."

Mittelt and I stand up.

A floating purple orb hovers over Uraraka, small sparks of purple electricity arcing off of it every now and then.

"Alright... that's the last of you." Azazel states as he looks over the groups of students.

He looks at his watch. "And we even have forty minutes left... huh... well..."

He looks at the ground for a moment then shrugs. "Alright, I guess we can move on to my next plan for the day... training..."

The group all look absolutely ecstatic.

He looks over most of the students from 1B, then Uraraka.

"Alright, so this is how we are going to do it... some of you... I have a general idea of what your sacred gears do... I have deemed them safe- or, well, safe enough... those will be trained by my two aides."

"Those among you who have been deemed safe are... Green haired boy, Potion girl, and armor guy..."

Izuku looks a little disappointed he won't be personally trained by 'THE Azazel'

"Don't look so down, kiddos, I'm just trying to figure out if your friend's gears blow up the planet or something. Thomas and Mittelt over there know what your gears do and how to help you, just as much as I would."

Gamer's Mind Activated


I narrow my eyes slightly and look around.

Gamer's Mind Activated

'what the hell is that?'

Gamer's Mind Activated

'…' I frown slighlty.

"Yo, Azazel, I'll be right back."

"You do that." He shrugs.

I turn and begin to walk away, but before I can even get two steps away- *SHINNNN*

My gauntlet appears on my hand. "What the hell is with your mind, partner? What sort of mental defenses do you have?!"


I freeze in place, everyone in class flinches, while Azazel looks a little confused.

"Stop ignoring me, wyrmling! I asked you a question."

"Oh that? Yeah, anything mental just doesn't work on me." I state with a frown.

""I-IT TALKED!"" Everyone in class shrieks.

Except Azazel and Mittelt.

"Oh yeah, some sacred gears have sentient spirits in them." Azazel shrugs. "Might have forgotten to mention that."


"I'll be right back~" I hum as I quickly turn and sprint away.

After I get a considerable distance away I pause and step around a corner.

"Alright, what's the deal, Ddraig... Aur..."

"It's Ddraig."

"Hn, no... your brother's more or less just taken that up... I don't want people to think I have the Boosted Gear, so it's Aur."

"Goch?! He was sealed in one of these infernal contraptions as well?!"

"Correct. Aaaand it is quite a bit stronger than yours, sorry to say... I'd personally take doubling my strength every callout instead of just adding a multiplier of one, buuut I'll take what I can get... definitely better than the twice critical."


"So, sacred gears can evolve based on the thoughts of the wielders, correct? And I just so happen to have a sword made from the corpse of your brother... would that change anything?"

"Hrn... give it here. We'll see."

I reach into my inventory and draw out the blade, the white bone edge quickly being engulfed by black flames.

Nothing seems to be happening.

"Partner, you need to will it to happen... will the gear to absorb the sword."

I swap the sword to my gauntleted hand and close my eyes.

I take a deep breath, then breathe out.

Golden Gear Updated.


The sword is completely gone.

I open my skills page.

'what is... all this nonsense?'

'wait- what?!'

'ah I see... you have a power that enhances your abilities... it appears you have grown much stronger than when we first fought... you did not gain 'wrath' upon myself damaging you...'

'how are you- G-Gamer's mind?!'

'Take a look at the golden gear's ability, partner.'

The Golden Gear (Active) (Level 1: 0.0%)
The lost sacred gear of the gold dragon Y Ddraig Aur, the weaker sibling of Y Ddraig Goch, even though he was weaker than his brother, he was strong enough to take on most other dragons. This gear has been empowered by a piece of Y Ddraig Goch's body, increasing its power permanently.


Mental Piercing: (Passive)
As a holder of a sentient sacred gear, being forced to communicate verbally with them is just a waste, this skill lets the creature within your Sacred Gear pierce your Gamer's Mind and see The Gamer's system.

Empower: (Stamina Cost Base Str+Dex*100)
Multiplies your current Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence (For the purposes of Magical Damage) by 1.5
Duration: 40 Seconds (Every additional Empower resets the cooldown)
Cooldown in between Additions: 40 Seconds
Maximum Additions you can currently handle: 15 (Vit/75)

Gamma Gold: (Mana Cost: 5000+½ of the original spell's Mp cost)
This lets you further boost a magical effect by spending your current level of empowerment on it, granting the ability a 100% boost, and, if it is a ranged attack or spell doubling the spell itself. (Resets your number of Empowers)

Sword: (Locked till Level 25)

Balance Breaker: (Locked till level 50)

Juggernaut Drive: (Locked till Level 80)

I let out a mental scream of anguish.


I smash my forehead into a nearby wall, causing it to briefly get covered in fire before I put it out with a wave of my hand.

I let out an extremely long sigh.

'alright then... I've done this twice before... I can do it again... is this going to become a gimmick for whenever you gain a significant upgrade?'

'I do not know...'

I begin slowly walking back to Azazel N' gang.

"Yo." He waves once. "You cleared things up with your sacred gear?"

"It evolved... thus making most of my training worthless... I can't even use the balance breaker right now... so I'm going to need a hot minute to re-train."

"Evolved you say?" Azazel asks with a small twinkle.

"Its now just a gimped boosted gear... one and one half instead of two."

"Ah. Little boring, then." He shrugs as he waves me off. "Yeah yeah, go train or whatever, I guess I've got this covered."

I wave at the students. "I'll see you all next week."

I turn and walk away.


I stand in the middle of a destroyed orc camp with a gauntlet on my hand, casually meandering about with a frown on my face.

I made ID create again... apparently nothing is stopping me from just re-creating the skills I demolish with runic magic... the skill exp was removed though, and that's sort of annoying considering it was the skill that took the absolute longest to grind.

A massive orc, about twenty feet tall rushes me.


His upper half is eviscerated, legs flopping to the floor.

"Hn. So this is the place I was residing?"

"Yep. You were over there on that giant mountain... if I kill all of the four secret bosses do you think I'd get another golden gear?"

"No... I was simply in the dimensional gap running out of power... I was ripped out of my wielder several millennia ago... simply drifting across the rainbow-colored void... when you called me here, I used all of my power to become a dragon, in order to look for someone I could bind myself to so I wouldn't perish. Fighting you took up a considerable margin of that... You even managed to chip my scales. Thus, I deemed you impressive enough."

"I see."

I roll my shoulder and smile. 'welp... that's cleared... boss is dead... pretty good clearing for grinding I suppose.'


"Do you have to do this with every skill?"

"Most... my regeneration and Wrath came pre-packaged at max level."

"I see."

I wordlessly sit in a plastic chair I tug from my inventory.


"This sucks..."

"Oh! You're back!" The pinked skined form of Mina Ashido exclaims. "Did you solve that little problem with your friend?"

"I did..." I slowly nod as the rest of the class slowly files out of the locker rooms. "And during my little training trip... nobody told me where all of you are up to... so I will just safely assume you all at least know what your powers do at this point."


She frowns slightly. "Cept' Midoria..."

"Power through anger."


"What?" The girl asks.

"What?" I ask back. "You didn't expect me see 'Asura's Wrath' as such the second he had a second pair of arms appear on his back? And while technically there was that one twice critical subspecies that granted the wielder four arms, that's neither here nor there."

"Asura's wrath?" Azazel asks with a raised eyebrow. "Really?"

"I don't want to hear it 'Blazer Shining Darkness Blade'

He does a full-body twitch as he recoils in shock. "How... How do you know that name?!"

I simply smirk at him. "Pretty cringy from the number three pro hero. I thought you were supposed to be cool"

He frowns. "That's coming from the kid that plays his own battle music when he fights."

I slowly blink. "That's not... cringy?"

"It is."

"Nono, it isn't!"

"it absolutely is."

"…" I narrow my eyes at him.

"And thus, my reason for becoming evil in the future."

Azazel snorts. "Doesn't change the fact that you're pretty cringy, brat."


"It's delusional." He shrugs, as Mina silently watches the trade of insults between us, mouth completely straight.


"Sorry I'm not into kids." He smiles innocently.

I sharply inhale and exhale. "Azazel, they'll never find your body."

"I'd hope not." He shrugs. "you'd probably do some really weird stuff to it."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very strangle-able?" I growl

"Shemhazai has on several occasions, but I'm not into asphyxiation."

'You're not going to win, brat.'


'Me playing music when I fight isn't cringey, is it?'


'alright, fuck you too, you big yellow lizard.'

I sit on the hood of a car in the false city as I watch Izuku swing his two back arms around, punching a punching bag filled with... iron sand or something equally as heavy.

The car is fake, of course, just a hallow shell with weights in the bottom, but it's the only sort of seating nearby.

I let out a small yawn. "You sufficiently mad yet?"

He lets out a shaky sigh, red eyes fading. "Its... just so hard... I-I'm not one to get angry... at, like... all... so... why this gear for me?"

"All Might is a shit hero." I shrug.

His red eyes create trails of light, glowing ominously as he turns towards me, fists raised.


The eyes fade back into his green ones. "You're... just saying things to get me mad... aren't you?"

"Pretty much." I shrug. "But it worked."

He blinks slowly. "What?"

I point over my shoulder with one hand.

He blinks slowly and looks back, revealing that the two arms have turned to four, then gesture to the punching bag. "Try again."

"W-WHAT?!" He shouts as he looks to the two new arms, each coming out of his body under his original arms instead of the previous over the shoulder ones. "I-I got new arms?!"

"You going to punch the bag or what?" I ask.

"O-Oh!" He exclaims as he turns back to face the punching bag.

His eyes narrow, flashing red at the bag as the two arms on his shoulders curve forwards on a ball joint.

The bag ripples as he punches forwards, the heavy bag being knocked back, it slowly arcs back downwards under gravity's influence and gets smacked by the other arm, creating another ripple, this one slightly weaker than the first.

His eyes widen.

I smile briefly. "The more arms you have... the more you get out of your rage... let's say if you had eight arms... you being slightly miffed would be 'I just saw my parents get murdered' level if you had two arms."

I shrug with a smug smirk. "Who knew that insulting your favorite hero would get that sort of reaction~"

I glance over the sheet Azazel gave me. "Alright... let's work on a little something that should place you above some of the others..."

"According to Azazel, all of your sacred gear's joints are ball joints, meaning they can bend freely, even in reverse, and spin three hundred and sixty degrees... plus they are statically always five times stronger than your body... if you can get that quirk under control, you might have a Longinus on your hands..." I note with a small head-tilt. "hn, thought occurs... this should let you deal a little more damage with your punches..."

I stand up and walk over to him

"You're arms do not follow normal human body rules, the joints can spin, the forearm and upper arm can bend similar to rubber, and each of your fingers can flip around the other way... you could fight effectively while having your back towards someone if you really wanted... the way you get a leg up on other sacred gear wielders, is that you use this to your advantage.

"Your wrists can spin, so why not add a little extra oomph to your attack like a spinning bullet? Why not just grab a pole and spin it around in your grasp like an imitation helicopter? You will have several arms, so why not use a few to lock an enemy's weapons in place, then pummel them with the others?"

He slowly blinks, then raises one of summoned arms.

We both watch as he clenches the fist and begins rapidly spinning it.

He brings his hand down with a dull thump, there's a small ripping sound and a little spray of sand as the punching bag tears.

"Well." I hum, kicking my shoe on the pavement to rid it of iron particles. "it worked..."

I check my phone. "Class is going to end in like... five minutes... so we should probably finish up."

"Alright." He nods as he brushes off his shirt.

"Alright... Kirishima." I note as I look through the clipboard.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"I don't have much to teach you... I mean sure, I could give some ideas to you, but your sacred gear is based pretty much entirely on your imagination... you could make gears that resist heat, increase your strength and speed, let you heal people you touch, hell, maybe even fly..."

I scratch my chin. "Hn... if I had had your gear in this scenario, I'd make something that can absorb blunt force, much like that giant bird did... but instead of just absorbing it, you should make it so you can release it later..."

"That sounds AWESOME!" He grins as a suit of armor appears around him, red in color and having a knight-like visor that covers his face, a white cloak wrapped around his shoulders.

"Alright, I am going to put my foot down on this." I step behind him and give a small pull on the cloak. "No capes! If you don't know how to use them affectively in combat they are less than worthless, they may even end up killing you."

"I... what?" Kirishima asks, voice muffled.

"hn... you should be durable enough for a physical example..."


I flick the cape over his head and whirl around him, hand smashing into his lower stomach and slightly bending the armor, he is sent skipping across the asphalt of the fake city till he eventually smashes into a wall and creates a small crater.

His armor fades as he rubs his stomach. "Ow... that was blunt-force negating armor... that... WAS TOTALLY MANLY!"

He stands up with a colossal grin.

"Do you see the point I'm trying to make, though? Capes are bad... they can get caught on things... villains can use them to block your sight, you might get your cape trapped in a woodchipper and it pulls you in, nobody knows~"

"I... guess? What if I make it easily detachable?"

"Still bad in combat... the only good use of a cape is for misdirection... or draping over someone to make them feel safe... and you aren't the type for misdirection, are you? You'd rather meet someone head on, right?"

He raises a clenched fist with a smirk. "You've got that right!"

"Like I said, I've really got nothing to teach you... I guess you could go through armor sets and I can give them a rating and tell you what I think about them." I state as I move back to the car and sit on its hood.

With a flash a bulky red suit of armor appears, it even has abs chiseled out on its stomach...

Erijiou Kirishima Level 30

6890/7000 Hp
4250/5250 Sp
-/- Mp

Str (90) (40+50)
Dex 35
Vit 100
Int 10
Wis 10
Luc 5

"This one increases my strength by a lot."

"Only strength?" I ask.


"Hn, five out of ten... you're nearly half as strong as I am in my base form now... but you did more than double your current strength, so that is sort of impressive... yet you have a crucial flaw..." I hum as I lean back slightly on the hood of the fake car. "You are too slow... it doesn't matter if you are as strong as All Might... if you can't hit your opponent with that strength, it is fairly useless... I'd invest equally in speed and strength."

"Like... This?" He asks as the red armor loses some of its bulk.

Erijiou Kirishima Level 30

6890/7000 Hp
3750/5250 Sp
-/- Mp

Str (70) (40+30)
Dex (65) (35+30)

"MUCH better... that armor is actually statistically better than your earlier armor... its total increase to your abilities is more than your first's increase to strength. Seven out of ten easily. Great potential for growth as well, you just have to put more into it."

He slowly nods.

His armor takes on a slight fiery design as he flicks his hands forwards, shooting out a gout of orange fire.

It's like he put motorcycle flame decals over his armor.

"Hn, no real telling on how hot those flames are... five out of ten for a ranged attack, possible eight out of ten if you manage to get it to Endeavor-level... ten out of ten if you get it to my level."

"Your... level?" He asks slowly.

"Yep. I can use fire as well."

I point a finger up and a twenty-foot cone of black fire ignites the sky briefly. "That's my quirk... a little dangerous, but I manage."

"Awesome..." He murmurs.

"Mhm." I hum as I look at my nails. 'maybe I should fuck with Canon some more... but how?'

I quietly leap across the rooftops with a frown on my face. 'where is he... where is he?! The sport's festival is in an hour and I need to get there before people start asking about where the fuck I wandered off to.'

"False heroes..." I hear a low growl. "FALSE HEROES ALL OF YOU!"

I pause at the edge of a building and look down into the alley below.

I see a man, ratty unwashed black hair, a white bandana around his eyes and a tattered red scarf around his neck, he has bandages around his arms, several sheathes across his body, and wields a chipped katana in one hand, which he is holding above his head as he stands just before a prone armored figure.

"Die and make this corrupt hero system clean."

"DRAMATIC ENTRYYYYY~" My foot smashes into his forehead and sends him skipping down the alleyway.

I look down at the hero below me. "Ingenium..."

"Who... are you?" He grits out from his place face-down on the pavement, blood leaking from a gash in his arm.

"I'm just a hero for fun."

By this time Stain has finally stood back up as he stares at me with a disgusted sneer on his face. "Fun? FUN?! YOU WORTHLESS FAKE! HOW DARE YOU!"

"Calm down, buddy, don't want to pop a blood vessel, do you?" I smile.

My smile falls. "You are pathetic."

"You are calling ME pathetic?! You are nothing but a fake playing with the lives of people for your entertainment!"

I shrug. "Who cares if I have fun by saving people? Who am I hurting?"

He blurs forwards, sword arcing for my throat.

I don't attempt to dodge, in fact, I step forwards.


The blade hits the side of my neck and snaps violently, the tip flying off into the distance.

My hand smashes into his stomach and bends him around it. "You may call me what you will, but what are you doing for society?"

He stumbles backwards, flinging a kunai right for my eye.

On reflex my eyes close.

"…" I smirk as I realize what I've just done, opening one eye.

I flick my head and send the kunai that had been caught by my eyelid away. "Yep. I just caught that with my eyelid~"

Hero Killer Stain: Level 50

9886/11000 Hp
6250/8250 Sp
-/- Mp

Str 100
Dex 170
Vit 100
Int 10
Wis 10
Luc 10

He slowly draws two more knives with a frown.

He wordlessly blurs forwards, knife arcing for my jugular.

I catch his hand at the wrist and twist his arm out of socket as the other knife scrapes across my cheek.

My forehead promptly smashes into his nose- or what is left of it, snapping his head backwards.

I step back as he goes for another slash and cock a fist back. "You know the saying of UA, right?"



My fist smashes into his stomach, much faster than before and launches him out of the alleyway so quickly he actually creates a dent in the brick wall across from me.


Hero Killer Stain: Level 50

852/11000 Hp
6250/8250 Sp
-/- Mp

'he is unconscious.'

'anything else?'

'he has several broken bones.'

'I see... how can you tell?'

'His arms and legs aren't bending the right way.'

'hn, yeah, that'd probably explain it.' I nod slowly while cupping my chin. 'welp, time to call the cops.'

I let out a pant as I burst into the teacher's lounge. "Sorry about that, had to take care of something."

Mittelt raises an eyebrow as Azazel looks over. "oh good, you're here."

"What'd you have to take care of?" Mittelt asks.

"ooooh nothing much..."

"'Nothing much' he says." Azazel scoffs as he pulls out his phone.

"Hero Killer Arrested!"

"I had nothing to do with that."

He scrolls the story down, revealing a video of my confrontation with Stain.

"Mhm..." He hums with a half-lidded expression.

"Oi, don't look at me like that. It was something that needed doing. I was tired of that bastard running around doing as he pleased."

"That's fair... you missed the first event, though... and the break just finished."

He pushes a couple of buttons on his phone.

I look to the flatscreen up in the corner of the room, Midnight is stood up on the stage with a smile. "The top forty two have earned the right to advance... I'm sorry for the kids who failed, but perhaps next year, hm?"

"Now then! Onto the next heart-pounding event! I of course already know what it is, but the suspense is killing me~"

"What could it be? Well I'll tell you!"

A roulette wheel appears on the screen behind her and rapidly begins spinning.


"Capture the flag!"

"Noooow, the rules are quite simple~ all of you are going to group up... eight groups of four, and two groups of five."

The screen changes to a simple image of Present Mic, Thirteen, All Might, and Blood Hero Vlad crouched by a brick wall while Azazel stands in the background with an annoyed expression with his arms crossed, a flag similar to what you would see at a golf course stuck into the ground behind him.

"You will face a randomly selected member of the school's faculty... your goal, is to allow even one member of your team to slip past."

The image of Present Mic tip-toeing towards Azazel who glares at him as he lets out his wings.

All Might tip toes through the background and reaches for the flag

"If you successfully retrieve a flag, you and your entire team proceeds to the final tournament round! But keep in mind, the flag defender will be doing whatever he can to stop you~"

All Might is forced to sprint away as several spears of light fly through the air.

"Noooow why don't we just see whooo exactly will be our lucky teacher~ don't worry kids, All Might and Azazel won't be included~"

She cracks her whip as a roulette wheel rolls.

I slowly blink as the wheel lands on an extremely recognizable face...

"Thomas Jones!"

My own...

"What the fresh fuck-"


Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! What did you think? Good ol T(h)omas defeated Stain and (Unknowingly) did it on camera as well! Whatever officer leaked that is definitely going to get fired.

see you all in a year or so~ when I finally update this again!