The three of them were sitting around a table laden down with fried chicken, gingerbread cookies, and egg nog. Beneath the decorated pine tree were two exquisitely wrapped gifts, one for Megumin and one for Darkness. Despite eating her fill Megumin had been giving Kazuma suspicious looks the entire evening.

"Okay, just to be clear," Megumin spoke up as soon as she'd finished scarfing down all the free food. "There is NO way I am getting dressed up and mud wrestling again! The mud got everywhere, and I was sore for a week!"

Hearing that Darkness bowed to her. "I apologize for being so rough. I m… may have g… gotten a bit too enthusiastic."

"I don't blame you; I blame him!" She pointed at Kazuma who was once again wearing a red coat, trousers and cap with white trim on them. "It was all his fault!"

Kazuma made a sad puppy dog face and placed both hands to his heart. "Megumin, you wound me! All I wanted was to share some traditions with the two of you. If you hated it that much you could have said no at any time."

"I did say no! Over and over again!"

"Oh? I must not have heard you."

The explosion loli crossed her arms over her chest. "Just so long as you understand I am NOT doing that again! I don't care if we're friends or how much free stuff you give me!"

Kazuma nodded, looking heartbroken. "I understand, and I promise you I won't ever ask you to mud wrestle again. Now then," he reached below the tree and took out the two presents. "Here are your gifts."

Darkness accepted hers while Megumin took it while still appearing suspicious.

Despite all her protests, Megumin was not one to turn down free goods and soon opened her gift to discover a single leather riding crop. It was the sort of thing a jockey would use to encourage his steed to greater effort. Meanwhile, Darkness revealed hers to have a leather bridle, reigns, and miniature saddle.

Before Megumin could even ask Kazuma was nice enough to explain.

"Now we'll have the traditional horsey ride between female friends. If the horsey doesn't move fast enough feel free to use your present as much as you want."

As Darkness gasped and hugged herself Megumin made a run for the door.


Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!