Disclaimer: I didn't own Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail's P.O.V.
It's been two years since Lucy left and everyone has been looking for her but most of us stopped a few months ago. the only ones who haven't stopped are Juvia, Gajeel, Wendy, and all of Team Natsu. No one fights anymore and the new members are even down though they haven't met Lucy. The guild is very quiet these days. The last time Gildarts came back he asked if Lucy was here and everyone looked at him weirdly. He shut up and left but not on a mission and hasn't been back since and that was several months ago. The worst part is that people are gone constantly from the guild so they have to relay information from place to place so everyone is tired and sore constantly. Everyone is depressed and Lisanna left after our disagreement awhile ago. The worst part is that Natsu hasn't changed a bit and everyone just ignores him or avoids him cause they would just yell at him and cry and he would walk away or call them weak for crying over a slut like her. We all look at him with a grimace and think he is just an asshole.We have no idea what we should think about it all and some of us worry about if she is dead or someone found her first and is hurting her. We have no idea why we worry as much as we do but we do.
Natsu's P.O.V.
Everyone hates me and all I did was say my 'opinion' but it's not my real opinion. I know everyone thinks I hated Lucy but she was like my sister and my emotions got the best of me and I was really stupid. Now everyone hates me for it and I just hate it. I am starting to hear someone tell me the hate is a good thing. Like someone is next to me whispering in my ear but no one is there. I look for Lucy too so I can say sorry but I don't know. I spend most days in my basement or in the guild library. I know most people think I can't read or write or spell but I can really well and I am really good at other scripts and languages but no one gives me a chance. Sometimes when people can't find me and I walk out of the library they run into the library and look for anything burnt or ruined and I look at them with hurt cause they can't trust me. Eventually I only went to the guild for money so I could get food for me. Happy left me about a month after everything happened so I don't have to worry about him wanting fish or something.
Sometimes I go look for Lucy but no one knows about it cause they would kill me and say it was my fault so I shouldn't even try but that doesn't matter to me. I just want Lucy back so I can stop getting shit from the guild. I am going to leave the guild completely tomorrow in the morning so no one is really there...
Lucy's P.O.V.
It's been two years since I left and I doubt anyone remembers me at all. I have changed completely anyway. My hair is black with blue, red, green, pink and some other colors too. I now have silver eyes that flash black very now and then and I am much more flexible then I was before. My boyfriend Zeref has changed to. He has brown hair and bright green eyes that flash gold every now and then. Even our scents are different. I smell like nightshade and raspberries while he smells like dark chocolate and peppermint tea. We also changed our names too. My name is now Lola Sentry and his name is Zack Cyanide (Sia-nide). We have different types of magic now since we both trained. My new kinds of magic are telepathy, all demon slaying, all dragon slaying, all god slaying, and I also have water, earth, fire, and wind magic. Zack/Zeref has telepathy and earth demon slaying magic. I don't use my celestial magic much though unless I am with Zeref or alone. The only time they are aloud out in public is if they are in there other forms or change what they look like before they come out. Aries and Loke are dating now and it makes me laugh when I see them cause they are just so kawii and I can't help it (I haven't changed that much) most people look at me with disgust now when I laugh so I don't show emotion unless I'm with Zack/Zeref. Today we're going to the guild though to rejoin and hope nobody recognizes us or anything. I even have an exceed now. Her name is Lune. She is gray with gold paws and has two notches taken out of her right ear. Her wings are an unusual gold color and her eyes are a crystal green blue.
Mira's P.O.V.
It was around three in the afternoon when I heard the doors open. Only a few people really noticed though. They were all focused on food or what was in front of them otherwise. The only ones who noticed were Gajeel, Juvia, Wendy, Master Makarov, and The parts of Team Natsu that were there. Gajeel and Wendy turned and smelled the air and looked curiously at the strangers. Juvia walked up to the stranger and said "Is it really possible????" We all looked at her weirdly and asked who she thought it was. She ignored us and said something in a mumble so I couldn't make it out so but the woman nodded her head slightly and Juvia's eyes went wide. She smiled widely and hugged the mostly black haired woman. The black haired girl hugged back and whispered something I couldn't pick up. The woman the walked up and looked back at the brown haired male behind her and he shook his head in a comforting way and the woman looked at me and asked "Can you tell me where Gramps' office is?" I looked at her and said "You sure you're in the right place?" She just stared back at me and nodded. I said "It's to the right all the way up. Are you two planning on joining?" "Yeah maybe." She said in a monotone voice. She walked up the stairs and found the office with ease. She walked in and I heard Gramps start to cry but ignored it since it was normal when I heard all sound disappear.
Lucy's P.O.V.
I walked into the guild after opening the doors and Mira, Wendy, Juvia, and Gajeel looked at me. So did Erza and Gray but I ignored them. It's been two years since then and
I still haven't forgiven them. They won't even know it's me anyway. No one gives a flying fuck anymore. Juvia walked up to be and said almost crying "Is it really possible?!" I only nodded then she whispered "Lucy we missed you so much. Your finally back."
"Yep. I missed you guys so much. I'm finally back, for good this time too." I whispered back.
I walked over to Gramps office and said "Well you haven't changed one bit gramps-a-lot. Do you remember me?"
"Luce how could I forget? You have finally came back home." He said tears starting pour out of the old man's eyes. I looked at him sadly and replied " yeah, I'm back were I'm belong."
"Oh before I forget this is Zack my boyfriend, Lune my cat and we want to join."
"Okay," he replied "what is you magic types?"
"Mine are all Dragon, Demon, and God slaying, also Water,earth fire, and wind magic, oh yeah and telepathy." I pointed at Zack/Zeref and said "His magic is earth and all demon slaying and telepathy." I then pointed at my cat and said " Lune is also an exceed and has the same as Panther Lily but has telepathy to."
When I finished talking and he finished writing he looked up at me and asked "So how many magic compressors are you wearing?"
"About fifteen... I think"
His jaw dropped then his face went normal. "Okay let's introduce you Lola and Zack." He then said.
We walked out onto the balcony and got everybody's attention. Everybody stopped to look at him and was wondering what all the commotion was about. He made sure everyone was watching and said in a loud voice " Today we welcome three new members, Lola," he pointed to me. "Zack, and Lune" he then pointed to Zeref and my cat/exceed. Mine and Zeref's eyes flashed but no one noticed. Me, Zack and Lune walked over to Juvia, Gajeel, and Wendy. Their eyes watching us the entire time.