Interlude: When It's Time To Investigate

A/N: I figured if I'm going to update one time travel story, I rather as well update the other big one too as I continue clearing out old word documents! Plus promote myself! Hopefully people don't get as confused on which version of Naruto or Hinata are talking!

This takes place around the first 3 chapters of the story when future Naruto and Hinata selves are still regarded as highly suspicious and still getting their bearings stuck in the past.

Current ages:



"I recognized you instantly. All of our lives flashed through my mind in a split second. I felt a pull so strongly towards you that I almost couldn't stop it."

― J. Sterling, In Dreams

Naruto (Future) & Jiraiya

"You know, I've completely gotten off topic just chatting here!" Jiraiya chuckles.

Naruto grins in return and he realizes he really can't find any hint of ill will or malicious intent coming from this guy.

Still, the smile slips from Jiraiya's face, laying back into the grass taking in the shades of greens and golds to the leaves up above. This would be a lot easier if he didn't look so much like his Old Man, many people both civilian and shinobi are going to believe Minato came back to life somehow.

'I suppose I need to get on with the parts about seriously looking into this guy.' Jiraiya sighs.

Hiruzen asked him to do a thorough search into this man who calls himself Naruto Uzumaki, blood test results be damned with how he along with his wife and kids screwed up the chunin exams. He wouldn't be Konoha's resident spy if he didn't case this man out as a possible imposter or very good at maybe creating genjutsus and disguising his scent and chakra.

Because despite all the evidence he's given him, he still holds a smidge of wariness too.

Wariness enough to make him toss a kunai straight at him.

Naruto catches it easily without even looking at him, half turns to gaze at him.

"Still don't fully trust me, huh Pervy-Sage? That's fair, I probably wouldn't trust me or Hinata either knowing there's our 12-year-old selves walking about! Granted, don't you think it would be odd for me to disguise myself as the village's current pariah?"

"Yeah, yeah, you make some good points. As long as you have no hard feelings against me Kid, I'm good." Jiraiya grins, sucking in a deep breath.

"Toad Oil bullet!"

Naruto is behind him before the sticky spray can even land, grass turning a dried out brownish-black where he once sat. Jiraiya half turns to see his palm open, a swirl of wind.


'Fast like his Old Man too.' Jiraiya scoffs.

But the rasengan he's formed is like one he's never seen before, swirl of chakra and energy encompassing it that gives him pause to draw out flame and oil.

"I'm not going to fight you Pervy-Sage; not in front of my children or out here in the open like this. Tell Old Man Third that I'm really who I say I am." Naruto warns. He compresses the size of the rasengan with ease, could strike his back at any moment he realizes.

Jiraiya studies him for a long moment, dark eyes peering up and down all over again.

He's strong he knows, stronger than himself even considering he isn't taking this little fight seriously.

He holds up his hands in mock surrender and Naruto laughs.

A knot unwinds from his stomach as Jiraiya pulls him in for a side hug. They used to spend long afternoons laying in the shade like this after morning training, watch the blue of the sky turn an amber-violet, observe rolling thunderstorms in the distance…

Death. He can stop Jiraiya's death.

All he needs to do is tell him Pain's true identity, tell him where he's currently located.

'But what if Nagato kills more people in retaliation for doing so before Jiraiya can get to him? He won't be as forgiving to resurrect the ones he killed if he gets directly found so easily; will he?' His gut churns.

He glances up to Jiraiya, throat tight. Tears prick at his eyes again remembering, the memory of knowing he died alone sinking into the sea…

"Naruto. Think about what you're about to say." Kurama points out.

Naruto ignores him, cerulean boring into onyx.

"Jiraiya, you should know that your former student-"

"Papa, no more fighting, no more fighting! Or I'll tell Mama!" Himawari interrupts, curling her arms around his legs to root him in place.

"No, keep going! I want to see more of how Mr. Perv guy fights!" Boruto chimes in.

Jiraiya blanches as the pair gaze at each other, an argument about to brew. First, they called him a frog, and now a pervert. Why would Naruto teach them to call him such horrible nicknames he doesn't even deserve?!

Naruto chuckles, bending himself to his kid's levels An audience has unfortunately formed to watch their spectacle, civilians whispering and pointing at Boruto and Himawari, shuffling to walk away from the scene quickly or watch safely from bushes a few meters away.

'So much for keeping a low profile.' Naruto sighs.

"We're done fighting; I promise Hima." He assures her, wiping at tears shimmering in her sapphire eyes.

Boruto crosses his arms, expression turning thoughtful.

"And you're not sad anymore either, right? No ouchies?" He clarifies.

Naruto ruffles up his hair, shaking his head. He isn't sure how he and Hinata, depending on how long they're stuck here, will broach the subject of dealing with people they know are dead once they return home.

Do they change the past, alter events more and more not knowing what will happen? Or should they just stay as quiet as much as possible to keep everything as much the same as they can be?

'It's too late, the future is already changing.' He knows.

He glances back to Jiraiya, feels that same nauseating surge of joy and ache.

"Guess I gotta tell Sarutobi and the Interrogation Division you're the real deal." Jiraiya muses.

His eyes flit to Boruto and Himawari once more who only coil tighter against his legs.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you two; honest." Jiraiya promises.

Boruto gazes at him cautiously, Jiraiya taking in same sunny blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

The spitting image of his Dad and Grandfather.

An ache starts to burrow into his chest, Naruto's younger version may soon learn the truth no matter how much Sarutobi and his aides try to prevent it.

"...You don't look like a ghost." Boruto murmurs, Jiraiya laughing aloud at the very idea.

He better at least become a world-renowned author before death takes him!

But no matter what his own future holds, at least Naruto is happy, created peace across the nations and started his own family.

"No, I'm not a Yōkai or creature from beyond the grave!" Jiraiya chortles.

Himawari keeps up her wariness, byakugan flickering to life in her eyes turning blue to an icy white.

"Ah, guess I can't blame them for being a bit afraid of me. Anyways, I'll get my report over, however that won't stop people gossiping or following you two around." Jiraiya mentions, stepping back.

Naruto nods, but he's not putting himself, Hinata, or the kids through more of anybody's poking to get blood and seemingly endless questions delving into their minds.

"Good, because I need to check in with my wife."

Hinata (Future)

"Ko, you can come out from behind those fruits and vegetables; I can see you even without the use of my byakugan." Hinata points out.

He'd been in view of catching a bit of her twin lion fist when the store's security guard got too close in trying to assess her, going back to patrolling seeing she wasn't going to back down from him at his wrongful accusation she was loitering.

'I can't even go to the store without creating trouble!' She frowns.

Though that doesn't mean she wants Ko to be hurting his back staying in that crouched position for so long.

And on top of that, people are staring at them enough as is. Each item she picks up gets her a brow of raised suspicion, maybe wonder if she has the ryo to pay for such items.

'It's lucky Naruto and I keep emergency ryo on hand within the house.'

But that will eventually run out the longer they stay stuck in this time period.

Ko stiffens at her blunt acknowledgement, glances around before reluctantly doing as she asks. Hinata smiles, Ko doesn't change much no matter how old she is. He lacks the wrinkles, smile lines, and peppers of gray to his hair, but his need to ensure her safety and eventually Boruto and Himawari's safety when out and about the village remains the same.

Except, right now he treats her as someone to be suspicious of; an imposter.

"Master Hiashi ordered me to track your movements, ensure you don't do anything else to further slander the clan's name." He explains.

Hinata blinks, sighing.

"What about my younger self? Is he worried about her?" She can't help but ask.

After all, Father already has the confirmation of their DNA, knows she has abilities only a Hyuga clan member could have.

Her younger self on the other hand is probably fretting, suddenly in a spotlight she didn't want. The chunin exams were postponed maybe indefinitely due to their house crashing in and Neji still wants to kill her...

Those should take priority.

Before she can say any of this though she feels Naruto's warmth nearby, pulled into his side taking in the comforting scent of grass and sandalwood upon him. Boruto and Himawari pry themselves from his legs, beaming.

"Mama! Look, Papa took us to get ice cream, y'know!" Boruto cheers, holding up his vanilla-cinnamon swirl.

Himawari holds up to her a mix of chocolate and vanilla. "Here Mama, I'll share with you since Big Brother isn't!"

Boruto instantly frowns, Hima must still be mad because he wouldn't share his games with her, even when she doesn't know how to play and instantly makes him get a game over before he can explain what button does what.

"I can share Hima! This one is Mama's favorite; see?!" He declares, holding his ice cream out as well.

Hinata takes in their sticky hands coated with bits of cone along with cinnamon and chocolate chunks.

"Ahh, that's okay you two! Finish eating and then we'll wash your hands to be all shiny and clean!"

Boruto looks down at his hands as polishes off his cone. They don't look that dirty to him compared to how they look after playing a game of Tag with Shikadai or Inojin in the woods or even after a fishing trip to the Naka river with Papa.

"Mama, my hands won't be dirty if I lick them clean!" He offers.

Hinata shakes her head, Naruto stifling a laugh.

Ice cream might've not been the best option to go with as an afternoon snack, but it helped in keeping them temporarily calm.

His gaze turns to Ko, pearl eyes as equally guarded with suspicion towards him.

"Hi Ko! It's good to see you again! Despite the circumstances of our arrival y'know!" Naruto grins.

Ko looks between him and Hinata silently. Distrust falling in a curtain over his features.

"I have no idea who either of you two are to be so friendly with me or why you would impersonate being our village's jinchuriki." He remarks too coldly for Hinata's mood not to dampen some.

She sighs, so tired of his cruel stare, of other civilians gawking, of being stuck back in her and Naruto's preteen life.

"Can you at least tell Father and Neji I love them no matter what cruel words or actions they do to me next?" Hinata asks.

Ko pauses, probably not at all what he thought she would say.

'She really does look like Lady Hinata when she smiles.'

And if this truly is her older self, he is glad for her happiness and growth from the shy girl he knows. He's overheard from the Elders of the clan their worries regarding this older Hinata spilling clan secrets, but she's yet to do anything out of the ordinary.

"Alright. Though I can't promise they'll regard it seriously." He mutters.

Hinata simply nods, accepting of that fact.

'Why couldn't we have gone back to when we were engaged? Or on our honeymoon excursions?'

At least back then they got greeted with smiles and little touristy gifts from each village and nation they went to.

Naruto puts a comforting hand to her shoulder, squeezing it getting her attention.

"Let's head for the checkout and then go home." He offers.

Hinata tacks on a smile, nodding.

Everyone gives them a wide berth, cashier grudgingly accepting their ryo after getting the okay from his manager.

"Well, Boruto and Himawari aren't scared as much. That's good to see!" Naruto mentions, pair using the cobblestones to play hopscotch.

"Don't go too far you two!" Hinata gently orders.

"Okay!" Boruto and Himawari chime back in unison, more focused on counting stones various shades of gray to bronze, buildings they're used to seeing as skyscrapers.

Naruto sighs, Hinata intertwining their hands leaning against his shoulder.

"It's fine Dear; they must be so curious about Konoha's past, stores and businesses that don't exist yet!" She giggles.

"Yeah, I suppose it is a bit of a shock." Naruto murmurs.

He hopes they don't realize how much trouble they've truly caused, innocent games is how this all started.

Naruto & Hinata (Past)

"Damn it, we just missed them again; didn't we!" Naruto curses their horrible luck.

How do they keep escaping from them so fast?! Maybe they sense them coming and mask their chakra, use a transformation jutsu to blend in with the crowds.

"Um, we could always stop by their home again to see?" Hinata suggests gently, not sure if Naruto even hears her with his continued pouting. That house that crashed in on the exams is the only logical place they would go to after awhile.

'Father said to stop snooping.' A flicker of her thoughts worry.

She gazes upward taking in the sun's slow descent into evening, sky awash in dusky pinks and violets. A breeze chills her skin considering what they're about to get into. It was risky the first time to visit the house with it's crisscross of traps and guards situated about it.

Even riskier to catch a glance of them at that assigned building Lord Third put them in.

But though Lord Third assigned the couple to that old apartment complex/building for closer monitoring, she's sure that eventually they'll go back to their real house.

Naruto perks up slightly, nodding.

"Alright, let's get going!"

They take a less traveled path through the training grounds where they won't leave footprints, weaving through vine and thick brush hopefully out of sight of the mix of chunin and jonin standing watch around the area.

"What are we even guarding here Toichi? Is there anything in there even worth Lord Third's attention?"

Toichi nudges him harshly in return. "Keep it down Sato! Geez, this is better than having to stand watch at the Hokage Tower all night or do those patrols around the market district! They already ransacked the place, it's going to take awhile to study everything that was collected."

The pair grow silent once more, Hinata activating her byakugan.

"They seem to be the only two stationed on this side." She whispers, Naruto giving a nod, creeping forward.

'This oughta distract them for at least a few minutes!' He grins, putting up the hand signal.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

The parade of Naruto's rush forward, Toichi and Sato instantly straightening in alert.

"Hey Kid, you can't be here!" Toichi declares harshly.

The first Naruto in line merely shrugs, sticks his tongue out playfully to his poised kunai.

"Oh yeah, you think you can stop all of me?!" He taunts, throwing a dirt ball towards him.

And just like they hoped, the pair leave their posts chasing the Naruto's into the forest. The original Naruto beams, grabbing Hinata's hand rushing them into the darkness of this home that might one day be there's.

Smoke and ink linger in the air, Hinata taking in shattered tile in the kitchen, warped to cracked wood along the stairway. The crash landing this house had makes the inside look like an earthquake happened, ripples of dark cracks spreading along the walls.

To the side by the living room, open holes in the walls allow creeping vines and branches in various shades of light green.

"Be careful where you walk Naruto, this whole house has been damaged both inside and out." Hinata whispers.

Just as she says it she hears a loud OOF, rushing forward before Naruto twists his ankle on a fallen plank of wood.

"Heh, better late than never in telling me y'know!" He chuckles weakly as Hinata helps him to straighten.

Hinata feels a smile etch her face, hold lingering on his arms before reddening and hurriedly letting go.

She searches the room for anything of note, eyes falling on shattered frames, pictures of a time yet to happen.

Herself in a pure white kimono, violet hair pinned up with red and yellow flowers. Naruto beaming with a thumbs up to the camera in a handsome black haori.

'Our wedding day?' Her breath stills.

Next to the photos are what look to be the kids they saw with their older selves, tuffs of gold and violet hair like their own respectively...

"Is that from when we get married?" Naruto asks behind her making her jolt. Heat flushes from her face down her neck, half turning to look at him. Naruto arches a brow at her antsy behavior, chuckling quietly while scratching at his cheek.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you; I was just curious as well."

'I'm surprised anyone would want to marry me.' Naruto muses, most of the girls in their class have vehemently voiced disgust at having to sit near him, would rather fail an assignment than be partnered with him for a team-building exercise.

And yet Hinata looks completely happy at his side, cheeks ruddy with joy.

Her cheeks are red now too though, realization forming.

'Maybe Hinata's always liked me?'

"I-I think so." Hinata whispers, taking Naruto out of the idea for now.

Naruto smiles, hesitantly grabbing at her hand again. As he expects, Hinata's blush darkens. Though she holds his gaze and he wonders briefly staring into lilac if she can somehow see how fast his heart is drumming, notices the heat encompassing his chest that feels akin to him just finishing an extra large bowl of miso ramen.

They only have a few minutes left before those guards give up and return back to their posts.

Or maybe they'll truly cross paths with their future selves.

"You be the eyes, guide me where we should look next." Naruto quickly decides.

Hinata nods, squeezing his hand in return searching where the ripples in the sunlight don't reach.

"Ah, most of the jonin-sensei took a majority of the scrolls and books, but it seems they missed some along with a few photos."

She steps forward carefully weaving between fallen pottery and strewn toys, coming upon a group photo of the older Naruto and what looks to be the other Kage from each nation.

'This must be after a Hokage summit meeting.' She considers, passing the picture over for Naruto to see.

Beneath it lies a mix of torn books and scrolls, dust and soot covering them in layers.

She picks up and wipes at a scroll wrapped in white ribbon, unfurling to see its one from her clan.

'Foundations in taijutsu and meditation, volume 1.'

She recognizes this scroll, one her Father showed over and over during long afternoons of study and then sparring.

At the bottom though are remnants of colorful scrawls of what she thinks are birds, flowers, and trees.

Oh, the kids must've gotten to this.

Naruto meanwhile takes in the man beside his older counterpart, maroon colored hair he's sure he's seen before.

'Wait, that guy from Suna! The one who uses sand!' He recalls.

He'd heard some rumors of him burying one team back in the Forest of Death, sand swallowing them into darkness before they could fully scream out...

'I must get a lot stronger to be standing beside him like this!'

He sets the photo back down, certain what they should do next.

Naruto leans close to Hinata once more, shoulders bumping getting her attention.

"These two, if they're really our future selves then they gotta train us, y'know!"

Jiraiya- Hokage's Office

Hiruzen draws in a long inhale of his favorite tobacco, studies Jiraiya wearily.

He wasn't sure his trickster student was even going to show up with the moon already halfway in the sky now, the thin slice of the crescent moon shining on his back coats his white hair in silver.

"So you lost?" Sarutobi quips out.

Jiraiya wrinkles at his old sensei's tone, sighing.

"Lost is such a harsh way to put it! I prefer to say there was no winners or losers!"

Hiruzen refrains from rolling his eyes, takes in the scratch marks and bruises marring his arms.

"You did fight seriously, right?" He frowns.

Jiraiya scowls right back at him, annoyed he'd even dare ask!

"Of course I did; honest! I'm telling you, he's stronger than me! The only reason I'm not more seriously injured right now is because this older Naruto didn't want to hurt me! If anything..." He pauses, catching himself.

Too late not for Sarutobi not to notice.

"If anything what?" He presses.

Jiraiya rubs at his head, curses himself for saying too much knowing it's partial exhaustion and partial curiosity over everything this Naruto told him.

"If anything, he said he was glad to see me again. Alive." He mutters.

A chill sets in over the room at his words, even Hiruzen's best ANBU guards shift slightly, uncomfortable at such an idea.

Hiruzen clears his throat as a wave of muttering still the air.

"And you think he's sure of that?"

Jiraiya nods. "He talked about things that would be hard even for the best of the best con artists and imposters to know. He easily knew secrets related to Naruto's or I guess his own life. Knew about Minato, Kushina, the Uchiha Clan massacre. Hell, he knows about Danzo and Root. He said Orochimaru will be back soon as well in the village."

Hiruzen shifts forward, takes in Jiraiya's serious look and feels his own uneasiness rise.

It corroborates with some of what Inoichi told him, what this older Naruto said himself.

But the Naruto he knows spends his waking hours doodling on the Hokage monument, didn't even take a serious photo for his ninja ID.

Then again, people change once they reach adulthood, get married, and have children.

'It certainly did for me.' He muses, blowing out a breath.

"Alright then, do you believe him?" Hiruzen asks.

Jiraiya doesn't even need to think about it, grinning.

"Yeah, they're one in the same alright!"

Sasuke & Sakura (Past)

'Where is that idiot?'

Sunrise came and went, sky moving from a pastel pink to a warm blue and still there's no sight of their blond teammate.

It's one thing for Kakashi-sensei to be late, but Naruto is usually on time.

Sakura gazes silently in the direction of Naruto's apartment, has spent the hour since her arrival oddly doing strength training. The accessories he's used to seeing her carry around have been replaced with dumbbells and stretch bands.

Part of him considers joining her in a spar, anything to get his mind off of this wondering where the other half of their team is.

'Weak. I'm going to get left behind if I don't train seriously.' He grits his teeth.

The ground abruptly shakes beneath him, cracks erupting rising dirt and grass, leaping back while glancing to Sakura who winces.

"Sorry! I'm studying and learning more earth related techniques. Though my upper body needs more muscle to do so according to Gai-sensei!" She smiles.

He studies the opened patch of earth. Strange how advice from the weirdest jonin actually appears to be working.

"I don't think Naruto's sleeping in? Though maybe he wants to train away from us for a bit." Sakura considers.

Sasuke frowns, what does she mean by that?

Verdant orbs twist to him feeling his stare.

"The other day I saw him at Ichiraku's with Hinata! They were deep in a conversation I didn't want to interrupt."

Sasuke regards her flatly and Sakura sighs.

Love isn't a subject Sasuke will probably ever be interested in, the very idea just seems to make him confused.

She smiles patiently. "That older couple from the exams? The ones who look like them in like 10 years or so? I'm sure Naruto is trying to get him to train him."

Sasuke scoffs at that. Naruto is still focusing on that strange man?

"Why? What makes him think he's so strong anyways?" He questions.

Despite all the rumors floating about the markets and even among all the jonin-sensei, he'd yet to see Naruto's apparent older counterpart do anything impressive or interesting.

"He's wasting his time and energy." Sasuke sneers with derision.

"No I'm not!"

Sasuke and Sakura freeze, Sasuke turning just in time to see Naruto in the trees beside him, hopping down with a grin.

'When did he get here? Why didn't I sense it?'

A familiar coldness slithers up him, clamping it down before it can settle in; take root.

"Where have you been?" Sasuke spits out instead, doesn't care that his tone is still coming out harsh.

Sakura sends him a pointed look he ignores, Naruto only smiling breezily.

"Busy! Lost track of time with Hinata and our older selves!"

Sasuke's stare hardens.

"You really are dumb. Naruto, you're only setting yourself up for pain when you realize they've been lying to you this whole time."

It's obviously going to hurt him when he realizes how foolish it is to hope for a family that doesn't truly exist or was built on lies...

Naruto instantly bristles.

"Yeah? And what proof do you have that they're lying? Or are you just mad that you can no longer see me as just Dead Last anymore?"

Sakura moves to stand, Kakashi poofing in between him.

"Ah, didn't I say you two can't do any serious fighting until the chunin exams are officially back on?" He notes.

Naruto huffs, stepping back.

"Running late from visiting the memorial stone again? I'm sure Rin and Obito are glad you always check in on them!" He states casually.

Sasuke notes the faintest shift in Kakashi's features. He peers to Sakura who sees it as well as their thoughts align.

'He's tensed up.'

"...That's right." Kakashi says after a moments pause, recalling again what that older Naruto said upon intruding into his house.

'You got your sharingan from your old friend Obi-'

Naruto nods, gazes back to Sasuke confidently.

"See, my older self wasn't lying! And pretty soon I'll be able to prove it on and off the battlefield y'know!"

Sasuke shakes his head.

"You didn't prove anything idiot."

But as his gaze turns back to Kakashi, he can see the cracks in his usual bored façade.

Naruto's words rattled him and clearly whatever else this older version of himself knows.

Naruto & Hinata (Future)

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Hinata giggles into his chest.

Naruto shrugs.

"I've had worse!"

He stifles Hinata's snickering with a light kiss. Hinata sighing, burrowing into his neck.

"Training our younger selves isn't your worst idea Dear. You know you came up with sillier ideas during our honeymoon. It's just I'm wondering how much this will alter the future we go back to; it will change our memories entirely." She murmurs.

Naruto nods, he's weighed with such thoughts all day.

Beside them the kids catch fireflies, flickers of neon yellows and greens chasing laughter in the dark.

"Mama, Papa! Look at how many I caught!" Boruto runs over, gleefully holding up a jar with at least a two dozen lightning bugs.

"Me too, me too!" Himawari points, counting them out with Boruto.

"Alright you two, now you have to release them so they can go back to their homes in the trees and bushes y'know!" Naruto advises.

Boruto deflates.

"Already? But we just caught them y'know!"

Hinata nods. "Boruto, they won't be happy being cramped up in that jar. You and Hima will see them again tomorrow."

Boruto stares from his jar to Himawari's before nodding.

"Come on Hima, let's release them closer to the trees so they know where to go!"

Himawari accepts his hand, Naruto and Hinata standing by that they don't go too far.

"We'll train our younger selves, warn everyone of the Akatsuki. Make a better tomorrow." Naruto regards as they watch the fireflies skirt back into leaves and brush.

Hinata nods, meeting his gaze.

"A better tomorrow." She agrees.

No matter what happens to the future they left.


Hopefully everyone feels in character both young and old characters along with strength wise. Lot of fun to step back into his work despite it having its ups and downs. Time travel is always fun for me and this made for a relaxing write when work and family have been exhausting. Red thread back next week hopefully!

NEW!: I've officially created a pa tre on! I go by The Lovely Midnight Writer there! I'll be posting my original writing works based on revamped fanfics/ideas I've posted here, NSFW NaruHina stuff, polls for things you want to see me write, and other random fic ideas I've never posted here. I've already posted two works there, so please check it out if you're interested!

Here's a quick snippet of the NSFW one:

Naruto's bathroom connects right from his bedroom, taking in the scent of lingering mint and pine in the air.

'Just like him.' Hinata smiles.

She peels out of her top and pants like they're a second skin, bits of noodles and beef slices still splayed about the fabric. A knock to the door startles her, Naruto poking his head in before she can even respond or rush to lock the door.

"I forgot most of my shampoo and lotion are guy stuff! But I can quickly run out to the 24-hr market and-" Hinata's toes curl at Naruto's stare.

'All my scars, they must look gross.' She squirms, trying not to squeeze her eyes shut.

He'd gazed at her with desire earlier perhaps not to this degree though. Because now he looks at her unabashedly, a new hunger glazing across his azure eyes.

Hinata shifts her top up to cover herself as Naruto slinks into the room, stopping her.

"Don't hide yourself; not from me." He murmurs into her ear.

Naruto smirks when Hinata's eyes drift from his to the tile, red pooling at her cheeks and ears. "Come on, I know you like looking at me and now you get all flustery when I do the same?!"

'I really was that obvious!' Hinata bites her lips, bemoaning her past behavior.

Naruto tilts her chin back up, forces lavender to meet blue as he shirt slowly drifts from her hands. He takes in pink scars thin and light in crisscrosses against her body, dropping a kiss to the one right between her chest eliciting a gasp.

"I want to see all of you Hinata, scars and all. Can I see all of you?" Naruto asks gently, resting her back against his counter.