Summary: Finding herself one thousand years back in the past and in the legendary Kingdom of Camelot was something Hermione had never seen coming. But with no possible way back to the future and being stuck in the past, Hermione had no option but to form a new life for herself, and hopefully without changing the timeline. Unfortunately, matters of the heart cannot be controlled and she finds herself entwined in the lives of Prince Arthur and the great and powerful sorcerer, Merlin. Hermione x Arthur pairing.
Disclaimer: I do not own canon events and characters, they belong to J.K Rowling and the creators of Merlin, and the BBC. I am not making a profit from writing and posting this fanfic. I'm also making some big changes to the Merlin plotline so don't be surprised that nothing matches with canon. If I'm being honest, it's been years since I last saw the series, so I'm mostly going off what I remember and episode reviews and notes. And I've decided Arthur won't be dying.
If you haven't seen the results of the poll, the winners were 'Iron and Magic,' 'Pack Life,' and 'TDTSATWOOT'.
So, here's the first Christmas update. The second update will be in a few days, Christmas Eve/Day, and the third update will most likely be New Year's Eve/Day. Thank you to everyone who got involved and voted.
I hope you enjoy this update, trust me when I say, it was a pain to write.
RiseAgainstBulletForMyValentin- She will tell him about her past, but I don't have plans for her to confess about being from the future.
Blondie95 – I haven't decided yet, but more than likely, it will be Merlin defeating Morgana in order to stick to canon. And we're getting to that point now.
Hastingstrinity04 – Yes, Gwaine and Percival will be involved, but we haven't yet reached the time of their arrival in canon.
PerculiarFox – I might have a little meeting take place between her and her new sibling, but I don't plan to focus on it massively. As for her magic growing stronger, I meant exactly that. Her family magic has been unlocked, bringing with it a surge in power and capability.
Mirror Kyaw – Unfortunately, Morgana will not change. Whilst she was influenced in many ways by her half-sister, she did make an attempt on Uther's life before they even met.
Catzandbookz8 - I believe it is called a Pixiu, but my version has no relation to its mythology, and neither does it look like the provided photos online. I simply chose the dragon and the lion to symbolise the change in Hermione's life, and thought it would be cool. It wasn't until after that I realised it was a mythical creature.
Dramonie1028 – I don't plan to write him learning about her being from the future.
RoseSwan9 – I don't plan on it.
Snewby - We're moving into Merlin canon now that I've established Hermione and Arthur's relationship.
AnaWayne – I haven't decided yet but probably not, I'll likely just stick to canon.
Page count: 28
"Hermione?" Arthur greeted as he approached his intended, the Princess halting in her steps in the middle of the entrance courtyard and she turned to face him, a smile pulling at her mouth.
"Arthur," she replied brightly. "And how has your morning been?"
"Relatively dull," he responded, "Yours?"
"Busy," she tipped her head. "Is there something you needed?"
"Have you seen your father?" He questioned, watching her expression carefully and not missing the way her smile faltered for but a moment and her eyes flashed.
"No, I have not seen him since breakfast, he mentioned wishing to visit the marketplace."
Arthur didn't believe her.
"Are you certain? Sir Leon is adamant that he saw you walking the garden with him and Akela some time ago."
"Well, perhaps Sir Leon drank a little too much at the farewell feast last night and is now suffering the after-effects," she offered innocently.
Arthur felt his mouth twitch in amusement. She was lying to him.
"Hermione, his riding party is due to leave in but an hour," Arthur said gravely. "If your father wishes to return to Hogwarts before the birth of his child and your sibling, he must leave as scheduled."
"I understand," she nodded, "But I honestly do not know where he is."
Arthur's eyebrow arched in challenge, his eyes darting to her hands which were folded behind her back.
"What are you hiding?"
"Hiding?" She smiled angelically. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
"What are you hiding behind your back?" He clarified.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing," she denied.
Snorting, Arthur took Hermione by surprise when he darted around her quicker than she had a chance to step away or turn, and he stole the glass jar she'd hidden from him. One hand holding her at bay so she couldn't reach out and take the glass jar from him no matter how much she struggled and fought, the other brought the jar closer to his eye line, spying the beetle held prisoner as it flittered inside the jar, rebounding off the glass confinements once or twice.
Wondering why Hermione would have a beetle held inside a jar and why she'd deliberately tried to hide it from him, Arthur had the feeling this was no ordinary beetle. Squinting his eyes and taking a closer look, he curiously noted that this beetle did not look like the ones he'd seen inhabiting Camelot. This one had a copper tint to it as well as odd red and gold markings. It even appeared to have a... Beard.
Suspicion growing, he glanced to Hermione. "Hermione? This..." He hesitated, not actually believing the question he was about to ask, not even being sure if it was possible or if he was just being stupid. "This isn't your father, is it?"
"Of course not," she shook her head dismissively, still attempting to take it from his grasp but he simply held it above her head and she scowled in annoyance, not being able to reach.
Her voice had risen in pitch, he saw her teeth sink into her lip and her eyes flutter sheepishly.
Arthur felt his eyes widen in surprise.
"Hermione!" He whisper-hissed, darting a quick glance about the entrance courtyard to see that no one was looking. "It is, isn't it?"
His hand moved to clasp around hers before he tugged her after him, into the castle, down the corridor and into an empty guest chamber, being sure to close the door behind him.
"Okay, yes, it is," she admitted, giving him a guilty smile.
Arthur sighed and brought a hand up to his temple, feeling a headache forming.
"What were you thinking? You turned him into a beetle? I didn't even know that was possible."
"Very possible," she nodded. "But it's quite difficult, human to animal transfiguration. And I'm sorry, but he deserved it."
"Why?" He pressed.
"He said something to me I didn't appreciate," she shrugged, folding her arms over her chest and squaring her shoulders. At his arched eyebrow, she continued, "He made a comment, he compared me to someone, to King Salazar."
"And that is bad?" He tipped his head in confusion.
"Most certainly," she agreed. "King Salazar is known for being manipulative, calculating and sneaky. My father deserved it," she assured him.
Arthur's brow creased and his gaze darted from her, to the beetle buzzing about inside the jar and back again before a snort fell from his lips. Giving his head a shake, Arthur made a mental note to never find himself on the wrong side of Hermione.
"And the other reason for this?" He gave the jar in his grasp a gentle shake as to not harm the beetle inside. King Godric, her father, he reminded himself.
"Excuse me?" She blinked innocently.
"I know you," he reminded her, "Better than anyone. You didn't solely do this because he was teasing you. As I said before, your father is due to leave for Hogwarts in but an hour. Is this an attempt to delay his departure? If he cannot be found, then he cannot leave."
Hermione's folded arms dropped down by her sides, her expression saddened and her head lowered. Seeing this, Arthur felt sadness at seeing her saddened and he set the glass jar aside on the nearby desk before drawing her into him, his arms folding around her. Her own arms came up to slot around his back, her face burying in his chest.
"You don't want him to leave," he stated softly, knowingly.
"I know he must return to Hogwarts," she began with a sniffle and Arthur tightened his hold on her, his chest resting atop her head, "I know he has responsibilities and I know his wife is with child and he must return before she gives birth, but I'm not ready for him to go."
"He's your father," he nodded in understanding.
"He's my father," she agreed with another sniffle. "I've just found him, I'm not ready to lose him."
"You're not going to lose him," Arthur promised. "He loves you, and he has made many a threat over the last days that should I allow anything to happen to you, I am to face a fate worse than death."
"I am capable of protecting myself," she protested weakly.
"But that does not mean I am not going to do everything in my power to ensure your safety. Your father might be returning to Hogwarts, but that does not mean he will no longer be your father, and should you need him, I'm certain nothing will stop him from coming to you."
"I'm being selfish."
"You're not," he disagreed. "You've had no more than a week with him, it's only natural that you wish for more time, and despite him leaving that doesn't mean it won't happen or that you won't see him again."
"I haven't had enough time with him. He hasn't told me everything about my birth mother, and he hasn't finished mentoring me. Now that he's unlocked my magic potential, it'll grow and I don't yet know how to control such power. He's the only one that can teach me, and whilst I've learnt more from him in a week than I have in my life regarding magic, there's still so much I don't know."
"I will help you," he promised. "Whilst I am not capable of magic and whilst I have not witnessed it on many occasions, the most being in the last few days with you, I will aid you in any way I can. Together, we'll get through this. We have little time before his departure so perhaps you may reverse the magic so we might inform his guards that he's been found."
"I don't want to," she all but pouted.
"I know," he chuckled, "But you have to."
Sighing, Hermione drew back from him reluctantly and wiped at her eyes with the backs of her hands before nodding in concession. Offering a smile, Arthur reached for the glass jar and removed the cloth covering, the little beetle immediately breaking free of its confinement. Taking a breath, Hermione's eyes fluttered closed and her brow furrowed in focused concentration, and Arthur found himself startling when the beetle, with a flash of white light, now stood before him as King Godric.
Arthur had witnessed more magic from Hermione in the last few days than he had in his life, and despite what he'd seen, it hadn't prepared him for witnessing a beetle transforming into a human.
King Godric's eyes were bright and a booming laugh fell from his lips as he gave Hermione a proud smile.
"Well done, little cub," he praised.
Arthur blinked slowly. He wasn't angry? He thought curiously.
"You are not upset, Your Grace?" Arthur inquired, his gaze darting between the King and his sheepish daughter.
"Angry? Of course not," he shook his head, smiling at his daughter. "Human to animal transfiguration, and animal to human transfiguration, is an incredibly advanced feat of magic, and my darling daughter was able to cast it perfectly. I am not angry but incredibly proud."
Arthur's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.
"And you are not going to punish her?"
"Whatever for?" King Godric questioned, his brow furrowing and head tipping in confusion. "She has done nothing wrong. I admit, I may have deserved it for my teasing, and I cannot be mad for my daughter wishing to delay my departure, and her method for doing so was not only advanced but quite clever. In that form, I am unable to perform my own magic and therefore, am at her mercy."
The Gryffindors were an odd family, Arthur thought. If the roles were reversed, his father wouldn't hesitate to punish him.
"I'm going to miss you," Hermione whispered, her face buried in Godric's chest and her arms folded around him as he held her to him gently.
"Just as I will miss you," he replied. "But we shall see each other soon, if not for your wedding then when your sibling is born, whichever may happen first. I know there is much I have yet to teach you, and I will continue your tutoring through owl correspondence as to not risk your safety or the discovery of your magic," he lowered his voice so no one would overhear and Hermione nodded her head in agreement.
He'd already gifted her a beautiful tawny owl by the name of Loretta, so they might stay in contact and not only that, but so Harrow could exchange letters with his brothers whilst he was away at Hogwarts.
It had taken several days to convince Charles to allow his younger brother to attend, and for reasons Hermione understood, he was apprehensive about allowing his brother to leave Camelot for a magical kingdom where his brother might be taught magic without his presence. He'd been furious at first that Hermione and Godric had suggested it and he'd put up a fight, but days later, he'd calmed enough to allow them to have a conversation with him. Harrow had been a ball of excitement for days and that along with Hermione's assurances that his brother would be safe, had convinced him to give his permission.
"I will write to you when your sibling is born."
"It's a boy," she said confidently.
"And you know that how?" Godric questioned amusedly.
"I just know it's a boy," she shrugged one shoulder.
"And do you have any suggestions for a name? I confess Anna and I are struggling."
"Richard?" He echoed thoughtfully.
"Richard Granger, the man that raised me," she explained quietly.
"And he did a wonderful job," he agreed. "Should it be a boy, we shall name him Richard."
"It will be," she corrected.
He laughed. "And should you be wrong and it is a girl? Perhaps you have a name?"
"Jean," she offered, "The woman that raised me."
"Perfect," he nodded, drawing back from her, noting that Hermione was slow in releasing her hold and he smiled down at her. "You will be just fine, little cub. Should you need me, you know all you must do is send word."
She nodded slowly and she swallowed the lump her throat, fighting back the stinging tears in her eyes as she watched Godric approach King Uther. They shared a few words before he moved to shake Arthur's hand, his dark eyes locking with his bright blue.
"I am entrusting you with both her happiness and safety," said Godric, his tone gravely serious. "Hermione is not only my daughter but my pride and joy."
Arthur held his gaze unflinchingly. "Hermione will always be safe in Camelot, and I will always ensure she is well protected and cared for, but not only that, that she is happy and loved."
There was a tense moment of silence before Godric nodded and then clapped Arthur on the shoulder with a large hand before he stepped back, looked to Hermione with a sad smile and then headed for the gathered riding party.
"Father!" Hermione called, lifting the skirts of her dress in her hands and running after him across the entrance courtyard, uncaring for the witnesses to her behaviour. He turned to face her and Hermione ploughed into him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for coming for me. I love you."
She hadn't anticipated it happening. She'd known him a little over a week and despite that, they'd been all but inseparable for the majority of that and despite her words previously about him not being her father, she had grown to consider him as such. He was the only living 'relative' she had.
"I love you too, little cub," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "No matter where I am or the distance between us, you will always be my daughter. And I pray that it is not too long a wait before our next meeting."
"Please, be careful on your journey back to Hogwarts. Limit your magic use, you know the laws around these parts and you won't truly be safe until you are within the castle wards."
"It is you I am concerned for."
"I'll be fine," she assured him. "I've Arthur and Merlin."
"A man who loves you with all his heart, and a young Sorcerer that is capable of more than he realises. I have done what I can for him in the little time I had..."
"And I will continue to help him whenever and wherever possible," Hermione interrupted. "I have the formal training but he has a greater magical power."
"Camelot is in capable hands," he commented before stepping away from her and moving to mount his hippogriff.
With a final glance over his shoulder, he took his leave with his riding party, Harrow perched on the back of a hippogriff with another man whilst he grinned and waved his goodbyes excitedly.
She'd already said her goodbye to the young boy earlier in the day and she felt a tear leak from the corner of her eye as she waved in return. She felt Charles sidle up beside her and despite knowing of his sadness and uneasiness of his brother leaving for the better part of six years, he refused to show it on his face.
"He will be well looked after," Hermione reminded him. "Hogwarts takes the safety and care of its students seriously and not only that, but my father will be personally watching over him. He won't allow anything to happen to him. Harrow will be safer than you or I."
"I know, and I believe your father will ensure his safety," Charles replied, his tone calm and collected. "Kenelm is upset he is not allowed to attend with him."
Hermione's mouth pulled into a small smile. "I am certain his mood will improve by dinner. And I know that you will miss him greatly, but this is what is best for him. I can only teach him so much. My father is an incredibly powerful man, and once Harrow completes his education, he will be well trained in all forms of magic."
"I best return to the medical hut," was Charles' reply before he took his leave without a second glance in her direction.
Hermione knew he was a little upset with her but she also knew he'd get over it in a couple of days, once he'd had time to process his brother leaving.
Arthur came to stand beside her, his hand settling on the small of her back as he peered down at her, a look of concern directed towards her.
"I miss him," she admitted. "He's been gone not five minutes and I miss him."
"He's your father," he responded simply and Hermione turned into him, Arthur's arms coming up to hold her to him and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Why is Harrow accompanying the riding party?"
"Don't be angry with me," she muttered.
"I've told you before, I can never be angry at you."
"Harrow has magic," she said quietly, not wishing to be overheard despite the entrance courtyard being all but empty now that the riding party had left.
"Magic?" Arthur questioned slowly. "How long have you known?"
Peering up at him, she noted his furrowed brow and his mouth tugging down at the corners.
Burying her face against his chest, she answered with, "Since the first day Thorley Harte was arrested."
"That was months ago."
"It was," she nodded slightly. "I accidentally witnessed him using magic to keep his brothers warm with magical fire. He was terrified and Charles might have harmed me to protect him had I not revealed my own magic to him. He was born with his magic, just like me. He doesn't practice the magic of the Old Religion. I've been teaching him to control his magic, but he will be safer with my father in Hogwarts, and he will receive a proper and complete education."
"And do his brothers possess magic?"
"No," she shook her head. "It's just Harrow, neither of his parents possessed magic; he is what we call a Muggleborn. But now that he possesses magic, his future children will also. He is still young enough to be taught how to correctly use his magic, and for good morals and ideals to be instilled in him."
Arthur was silent for a moment before he said, "It is best he leaves with your father, in your kingdom he will be protected and should my father have discovered the news, he would have sentenced him to death regardless of the fact he is but a child."
"Charles didn't wish for him to leave at first, he is upset with me."
"But he will soon realise you were only protecting Harrow the best you possibly could. He would never truly be safe in Camelot, not as long as my father is King."
"I know, but I am going to miss him as much as I will miss my father. I need a distraction."
"I've just the one. My father wishes to discuss the details of the wedding ceremony."
"I honestly can't think of anything I would rather do less," she grumbled.
He laughed. "I thought that might be your response. Our fathers have spoken in great length and most of the details have been discussed and finalised, and now our input is required."
"We must decide on a date, the royal seamstress must be given time to prepare new attire, guests must be invited, a feast must be planned and prepared..."
"I regret asking," Hermione interrupted with a sigh and he laughed at her.
"Let's begin with the easier task," he suggested. "A date."
"Well, I don't wish to wait too long given the time it took for us to admit our feelings to one another, but I also don't wish to rush the ceremony. As you said, we need to allow time for preparations to be made and I can only imagine the time it will take the royal seamstress to ready my gown. What are your thoughts on the matter?" She tipped her head back to look up at him.
"Neither do I wish to wait too long or rush the ceremony," he agreed. "And despite it being winter and we have yet to see snow, I believe a spring wedding would be best."
Hermione nodded thoughtfully. "The weather will warm considerably and given that our wedding is to be one of the biggest events to happen in Camelot since your birth, I am certain there will be celebrations that will last for days, if not, weeks, and that means citizens in the streets. The warm weather will better suit them. Perhaps three months?" She recommended. "By this time, we will be in the transitional period of spring and summer, and it should be plenty enough time for the royal seamstress, kitchen to plan the feast and for security to be arranged."
Arthur smiled down at her. "Three months is perfect," he nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Now, we best inform my father, he is waiting for us in the throne room."
Drawing back from her, he settled his hand on the small of her back and guided forward towards the castle.
"I'm not in the mood to be dealing with him this afternoon," she remarked.
Arthur chuckled. "And for that reason, I believe he will be on his best behaviour."
"I will believe it when I see it."
Returning to the castle after spending the day in the woods with Akela and her guards, Hermione hadn't expected there to be servants, guards and the like rushing the halls and corridors.
Pursing her lips in confusion, she continued on her journey to her chambers so she might change and ready for dinner. The moment she reached her rooms, Arthur could be seen running down the corridor towards her, his cheeks flushed pink, his sword hitting against his thigh and his cape billowing behind him.
Hermione never had the chance to smile and offer a greeting as he halted to a sudden stop, took her hand and then pulled her into her rooms, the door slamming shut behind them.
"Arthur!" She chastised. "There is no need for such behaviour," she protested.
"Hermione," he breathed out, his chest rising and falling and his eyes shining with worry as he peered down at her. His hands curled around her shoulders, his fingers brushing against her exposed collar bones. "I tried to protect you, I really did, but father wouldn't listen. It's happening. He's here!"
"Arthur," Hermione began calmly, "You are making no sense. Take a breath and speak slowly so you might explain."
He inhaled deeply and his eyes closed for a moment before his gaze locked with hers. He was worried, frightened, she realised. She couldn't remember ever seeing Arthur afraid.
"I'm sorry, I should have told you but I didn't wish for you to worry," he apologised. "I was hoping I could prevent it and I would never have to cause you any distress. I was hoping to protect you."
"I still don't understand," she sighed, pulling herself free of his hold and silently crossing over to her dining table. She took a seat and with a wave of her hand, a second chair appeared for Arthur to occupy.
"Don't do that," his voice rose in panic and his eyes grew wide, and despite them being the only ones present, he darted a glance about the room for any potential witnesses. "You don't understand, you're in danger, you must be careful, more so than usual."
"Again, you are making no sense," Hermione responded, knowing that her annoyance had edged into her tone.
Hearing this, Arthur drew his hand through his hair and moved to perch on the other chair but not before he dragged it beside her own. He took both of her hands in his, his thumbs ghosting over the backs of her hands as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees and he peered up at her.
"Yesterday morning, a woman came to my father claiming to have witnessed an act of magic in the woods."
Hermione's posture stiffened and her grip on his hand tightened. "It wasn't me, Arthur. Yesterday, all of my time was divided between helping to furnish the orphanage and aiding Charles with a child delivery. I don't remember using any magic at all," she promised, seeing his eyes dart towards her door suspiciously. "No one can hear us, I've erected a barrier. Sound cannot leave so long as the door is closed."
Arthur breathed a sigh of relief and gave his head a shake before his bright blue orbs looked to her once more.
"I offered to investigate the woman's claims, I was unsure if you were involved and I wished to protect you from discovery, and if I discovered that you were responsible for the magic she claims to have witnessed, I planned on disproving her claims. But my father denied my request."
Hermione felt her stomach twist into a knot and she swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of her throat.
"You said 'he's here'," she quoted. "Who's here?"
"Aredian. He's a Witchfinder, one of the most vicious in all the lands. I did everything I could to convince my father to allow my Knights and I to search for the one responsible, but he summoned him. He arrived an hour ago, and I offered my aid so I might run interference if needed but he refused. He's residing in the castle for the duration of his stay."
"Oh Gods," Hermione whispered in horror.
"He's notorious for his aggressive methods of investigation and he won't stop until he's found the culprit."
"What are we going to do?"
"Whilst he's here, you must not cast any magic, we both must be careful. I will do my best to keep him away from you but I can't make any promises that you won't meet. He's settling into his rooms and is expected to begin his search in the morning."
"Does Merlin know?"
"Merlin?" Arthur's brow furrow, puzzled by her words.
"He knows my secret. He's in danger, too."
"I believe Gaius is to speak with him. We must remain calm and continue our routines as expected; we must not give him any reason to suspect you. Thankfully, your duties require you to be in multiple places at once and so it will be difficult for Aredian to deliberately seek you out, and as a precaution, I am instructing Sirs Leon and Montague to join Michel and Emerick on guard duty. You are to never be alone, particularly when on the castle grounds."
"Arthur, there is no need for such actions."
"There is every need," he disagreed, "You do not know him, the tales I have heard do not paint Aredian to be a kind man. He is known to burn suspected magic users at the stake, and that is not something I wish for you to neither witness nor experience. I am hoping that the woman's claims are untrue, but if there are, that the one responsible was just a traveller who is not in Camelot. Are there any other magic users in Camelot that you are aware of?"
"No, not that I'm aware of," Hermione lied, knowing that Merlin hadn't yet told Arthur about his magic and he wasn't comfortable in doing so currently. So, for the time being, she had to protect Merlin's secret even if it meant lying to the man she loved. "Harrow was the only one I knew of."
"And it seems him leaving with your father was perfectly timed. Had Aredian arrived a week ago, both your father and Harrow would be in danger of discovery."
Hermione shook her head. "My father's too clever and powerful to allow such a thing to happen. And in all honesty, Witchfinders cannot be trusted."
"True magic users are rarely captured and executed. More often than not, innocent people, mostly women, are tortured and executed. There is no true way to identify a witch. It's believed that should a suspected witch be tied up and thrown into a body of water and she floats, she is a witch. That's not true. It's believed that Holy water is harmful to witches, but it isn't, and neither is silver," she brought notice to her locket and earrings with a gesture of her hand, seeing his eyes follow the movement. "We do not fear God and we do not serve Satan. It's believed that should a suspected witch be pricked with a pin and she does not bleed that she is guilty, but that's not true. Witch's cake, Bible weighing, bleeding the corpse, Devil's marks, they are all false evidence. The only evidence of verification is physically witnessing the magic being cast."
"And if that is the case, everyone is in danger," Arthur remarked, his brow creasing in concern.
"Exactly," she nodded. "Whoever he deems responsible is all but certain to be innocent and they will be condemned for an act they did not commit."
"I'll do everything I possibly can to stop that from happening," he swore. "And I will do everything I can to keep you safe."
"I know," she smiled softly, her hand coming up to his face and her fingers ghosting over his cheek, seeing his eyes close and his head tilt closer to the touch. "Just as I will do the same for you."
"A King is nothing without his Queen, and I am nothing without you."
"You truly are a wonderful man, and I am not certain that I deserve you," she smiled. "Is dinner to happen as usual?"
"Yes, but I told my father that we would not be attending as he invited Aredian this evening."
"That's just as well," replied Hermione. "I do believe that I wouldn't have enough time to make myself presentable for this evening," once more gesturing to herself pointedly.
Arthur's mouth twitched into an amused smile and his head tilted slightly as his eyes examined her appearance, noting the mud and dirt staining her red dress, the dirt on chin, forehead and right cheek, and the leaves and debris caught and tangled in her wilder than usual hair.
"I see you have had a busy day," he commented, reaching up and pulling a brown leaf free from her hair, holding it before her as evidence.
"I spent some time with Kenelm and Farley this morning but I have otherwise been in the woods all day with Akela, needing to restock on some ingredients for my remedies."
"And your appearance?" He arched an eyebrow.
Her lips pursed as she admitted, "I may have gotten my foot caught in a rabbit hole," with a sulky pout. Arthur chuckled and he pushed her hair back from her face lovingly. "And I may have also tripped over a tree root, fallen on my face and rolled down a small hill."
Arthur blinked slowly, torn between amusement and concern.
"I am fine," she assured him before he could ask or search her for injuries. "The only thing hurt is my pride. Michel and Emerick found the ordeal entirely too amusing," she scowled before her mouth pulled into a smug smile, "And as repayment, Akela accidentally tripped them up when chasing a squirrel. Michel almost landed in a pile of horse manure and Emerick almost lost a tooth."
Laughter burst from Arthur and mingled with Hermione's.
"Quite the day indeed, Princess," he gave his head a shake as his laughter trailed off.
A knock on the door sounded and Arthur's eyes snapped to it immediately, his posture straightening and his hand automatically moving to draw his sword.
"Sound is prevented from leaving, not from entering," she explained, rising from her chair, Hermione crossed to the door, hearing Arthur stand from his own chair and step around the table. "Merlin," Hermione greeted, offering the anxious manservant a smile and hearing Arthur's exhale of relief. "Is there something I might help you with?"
Merlin deliberately peered over her shoulder and to Arthur stood by the dining table.
"I was hoping you might spare a moment to speak with me," he replied, barely batting an eye at her appearance.
"Of course," Hermione nodded, stepping aside and allowing Merlin into her rooms before they both looked to Arthur pointedly, the Prince being clueless to their silent request for privacy. "Arthur, might we have a moment alone?" Asked Hermione.
His eyes slowly moved between them, narrowing slightly but he otherwise nodded. "Of course. I must speak with Sirs Leon and Montague but I will return shortly so we might have dinner together. Orders had already been given to bring our meal to your chambers."
"Wonderful, thank you," she smiled.
As he took his leave, his eyes locked with Merlin's as he walked past him and Hermione shut the door behind him.
"Was it you?" She questioned.
"I think it was," Merlin admitted guilty, not bothering to ask for clarification.
"Merlin!" Hermione sighed, her hand coming up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "You must be more careful!" She chided.
"I'm sorry. I was collecting wood and thought I was alone. I was bored and wanted to practice the smoke manipulation spell your father taught me. I didn't think anyone would see me."
"Well they did," she deadpanned. "Arthur thought it was me."
"Gods, I'm so sorry, Hermione," he apologised profusely. "I didn't mean to get caught."
"The past can't be changed," said Hermione. Well, it could if she still had the time-turner, she silently corrected herself. "Right now, we have to be incredibly careful. Absolutely no magic usage until this has been resolved. Arthur is doing his best to run interference where he can and for the time being, we must follow routine and behave as we usually would. Arthur has asked that I avoid Aredian as much as possible and I suggest you do the same."
Merlin nodded. "I can do that, and no magic, I promise."
Hermione pushed a hand from her hair and moved to take a seat.
"Where's Akela?" Merlin shuffled his feet and awkwardly folded his hands behind his back.
"I don't know, more than likely, the kitchens begging for food, but I wouldn't be surprised if he understands the current happenings in the castle and he's patrolling the area, doing a little security surveillance," she shrugged lazily. "Why haven't you told Arthur about your magic? Now's the perfect time to do so."
"He's not ready," Merlin shrugged.
"He took the discovery of my magic quite well," she argued.
"Arthur loves you, you're to be his wife and Queen."
"And you are his most trusted and loyal servant, and don't tell him I told you this, but he believes you to be his best friend," she told him, seeing his slow blink of surprise. "He might be upset that you kept such a big secret from him, but I honestly believe he will take the news as he did mine. In fact, he was the one to tell me he knew about my magic. He will protect you as he has and does me, especially when he discovers all of the sacrifices you've made for him."
"He's not ready," Merlin repeated, shaking his head vehemently.
"I understand you're scared, I truly do. I was terrified when I discovered Arthur knew but his reaction was most unexpected. I'd feared the worst and he proved me wrong. He knew I had magic and still wished to marry me."
"He loves you," said Merlin.
"And he loves you. He might not admit it out loud, or to himself, but I know he loves you."
"He's not ready."
"Merlin!" Hermione snapped in annoyance.
Merlin flinched and his expression fell, his shoulders slumping. "I'm not ready," he corrected.
Hermione sighed heavily before standing from her seat and crossing to him, taking him by surprise when she reached up and pulled him into a hug. His body was tense and rigid for a moment before he relaxed, folding his arms around her.
"Everything will be fine. Things have a way of working themselves out, we just have to have faith," she promised.
A knock on the door sounded and Hermione called for the person on the other side to enter, drawing back from Merlin and spying Arthur's narrowed gaze at her close proximity to his manservant. She offered him a smile before taking Merlin's face in her hands, forcing him to lock gazes with her.
"I mean it, Merlin. Everything will be fine, just have faith."
"I will," he nodded.
Smiling, she released her hold on him and took a step back, and he took his leave, avoiding Arthur's narrowed-eyed gaze following each step he took.
"Did I miss something?" Arthur questioned innocently, folding his arms over his chest after he closed the door.
"No, I was simply calming Merlin. He is concerned about my safety, is all."
Hermione's mouth twitched. "Really," she confirmed, approaching him. "You have no reason to be jealous."
"I'm not jealous," he denied instantly.
She bit her lip to keep from laughing. "No? My mistake."
She came to a stop before him and she reached up, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth, seeing the tension drain from his body and his expression soften. His folded arms lowered and he drew her closer to him, his arms wrapping around her and locking her against him.
"I love Merlin, but only as a good friend and younger brother. You are the man I agreed to marry, you are the one that I love, and no one will ever compare to you. Just because I show affection to another does not mean I love them more than you or that I love you any less than I did the day before. You are to be my husband, the father of my children and one day, my King."
His hand lifted, pushing her hair back from her face and cupping her cheek. "Eleven weeks," was all he said, staring down at her adoringly.
Hermione smiled. "Eleven weeks," she echoed. "Eleven weeks and we shall be married."
"What in God's name is the meaning of this?!" Hermione's voice rose in disbelief.
Returning from the marketplace that morning and dismissing her guards despite Arthur's insistence they be with her at all times, Hermione had not expected to approach her rooms and hear voices from inside.
Pushing the door open completely, she noted three men present. One was tall and skinny, his greying-blonde hair combed back with a receding hairline, his nose long and straight and facial hair, short and scruffy. The other two were similar in appearance, most likely relatives, and they were shorter than the first man and rounder in the stomach with broader shoulders and dark, short hair.
And they weren't just in her room, they were searching it, and rather aggressively, she might add. There was absolutely no need for them to disturb her previously made bed and toss the pillows and blankets to the ground, there was no need for her shoes to be emptied from the cupboard or for her furniture to be in disarray.
"This is your chamber?" Asked the tall one, his dark eyes looking to her suspiciously.
"It is. And who might you be and why are you in here without my permission?"
"Jonathon Aredian," he responded simply, his arms casually folded behind his back.
Hermione swallowed. Arthur was not going to be pleased.
"I am here in search of a Sorcerer after a witness came forward to report an act of magic."
"That does not answer my question of why you are in my rooms without my permission," said Hermione, removing the basket from the crook of her arm and setting it aside on the ground. "And neither does it explain why you are being so heavy-handed. The items in this room are not your property and therefore you have no right to touch or damage it."
"I have King Uther's blessing to search any room I wish in this castle."
"That may be so, but again, that does not give you the right to treat my belongings so roughly. If I discover anything to be broken or damaged, you will most certainly be paying for a replacement," she folded her arms over her chest and squared her shoulders, standing her ground.
"Have you seen any unusual activity in the last three days?" He probed, not acknowledging her previous statement. "Anything that might be considered unexplainable or magical?"
"No, I can't say I have."
"Nothing at all?" He pressed.
"No, nothing at all," she confirmed firmly.
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "There is a drawer on the desk that is locked. I would like you to open it."
"I don't particularly care what you would like me to do. What is inside of that drawer is none of your concern."
"The cabinets are locked also. I would like them opened."
"No, inside those cabinets is something that I deem to be invaluable, priceless, and I don't wish for it to be damaged."
"If you do not respond to my request I will speak with King Uther and you will be punished for insubordination."
"No, I won't," Hermione replied confidently. "King Uther holds no power over me."
Their gazes locked in a battle of will and the only reason Hermione drew her gaze from his is she noted one of the men (both still searching her room) heading for her father's sword which was mounted on the wall.
"Don't touch that!" She cried, darting further into the room and towards the sword in an attempt to retrieve it before the man did.
As her fingers brushed the blade of the sword, she felt a meaty hand clamp tight around her upper arm and tug her backwards, Hermione almost tripping over her own feet and falling to the ground before she was able to find her balance.
"Release me," she ordered coolly but her eyes were the opposite, spitting and blazing with fire.
She felt the hand tighten its grip and pain spiked through her.
"Release me, now," she repeated, her tone growing darker.
"You are interfering in my investigation," said Aredian, drawing her attention.
"And he is hurting me. You might have permission to search any room you wish but you do not have permission to harm those in this castle. Release me, now, or it will be the biggest mistake of your life."
"Is that so?" He challenged.
A vicious snarl sounded suddenly and Hermione's eyes snapped to the doorway, seeing the bowed back, flat ears and bared teeth of her wolf.
The grip on her tightened painfully whilst a muttered curse of surprise was heard.
"If you do not release me, he will kill you. And I won't stop him," Hermione warned.
It seemed Akela's snarls had been heard in the castle as a rush of footfalls could be heard echoing in the hallway before Arthur burst into the room, his expression immediately morphing into murderous fury. Behind him were Sirs Leon and Montague, the two Knights looking equally as furious as they did horrified, their hands resting atop their swords and ready to draw at a moment's notice.
"What in the goods God name is happening here?!" Arthur demanded, his tone so low it had the same impact as if he'd had shouted it. "Unhand the Princess or I will have you imprisoned," he ordered.
"Princess?" Aredian tipped his head, apparently unconcerned.
The man was a few sickles short of a galleon, thought Hermione. Only an idiot would gamble with his life.
"Release her, or we shall use force," Sir Leon added, making a show of pulling his sword.
The man's grip loosened enough to allow her to pull herself free and she quickly crossed to Arthur, the Prince taking her into his arms and holding her to him tightly before drawing back and searching her expression.
"What happened?" He questioned, one hand settled on her unharmed upper arm and the other her cheek, seeing her eyes blazing with fiery fury and her cheeks flushed pink.
"I returned here from my trip to the marketplace to find them searching my room. Seeing the mess they've made and damage caused, I tried to stop them from taking my father's sword," she explained quietly.
She didn't think it was possible but his expression darkened. It reminded her of the day Thorley Harte had attempted to kill her.
"Where are your guards? They are supposed to be with you at all times."
"I had no plans to leave my rooms and I wasn't expecting any trouble; I sent them to the kitchens so they might have some lunch. This is not their fault, it's mine."
"No, it's not. You should be safe in your own chambers," he disagreed, drawing back from her and gently nudging her behind him, whilst Akela moved to stand before him, his snarls having stopped but he didn't lose his defensive stance. "I will be speaking to my father regarding this transgression," Arthur promised.
"I have King Uther's blessing to search any room I wish," replied Aredian calmly.
"Yes, but you do not have permission to enter a Royal's private chambers without their permission or presence, and certainly not that of Princess Hermione, my betrothed," said Arthur, his tone cold and his anger known in the flashing of his blue eyes and the hard expression on his face. "And he will not be pleased when he discovers that you allowed one of your men to lay hands upon the Princess. I will also be sending a missive to King Godric, informing him of this transgression against his daughter and I am positive he will demand punishment."
"All she needed do is open the draw and cabinets as I requested, but she refused."
"That does not give you leave to place hands upon her. Not only is she my betrothed, but she is a Princess by birth. Harming a woman above your station is grounds for execution."
"She will be fine," he said dismissively.
"That is no excuse," Arthur snapped, and sensing that he was losing his grip on his anger, Hermione set her hand on his shoulder, offering calm and comfort.
"I am fine," she assured the Prince. "They are lucky Akela did not attack on sight, or that I did not use my dagger."
"If you have nothing to hide, open the drawer and cabinets," Aredian challenged.
Hermione felt Arthur's tension but it wasn't caused by anger. It was worry and fear.
"Very well," she agreed, "But I am not having your men touch my belongings, I don't wish them to be damaged. Sir Montague, would you please do as the man asks?"
From beneath her sleeve, Hermione removed three keys on a key ring and pressed them into the large man's palm. Stepping around them, he crossed to the desk and silently opened the drawer, removing a jewellery box. Nodding her permission for him to open it, Arthur slipped his arm around Hermione and pulled her into his side protectively.
When Sir Montague opened the jewellery box, he showed the contents to those in the room, it simply holding a pouch of gold and an oddly, messily made necklace consisting of wire and pebbles.
"Kenelm made it for me, I didn't want to lose it," said Hermione quietly, and she felt Arthur's hand gently squeeze her hip in response.
Once the jewellery box was returned and the drawer was locked, Sir Montague crossed to the cabinets, opening them both to reveal a number of books, all appropriately fitted with an Illusion Charm to disguise the true titles. Only she and Merlin knew the truth.
"That is what you consider as valuable," remarked Aredian.
"Yes, it is," Hermione responded coolly. "Now that you have you gotten as you wish, I would appreciate it if you would return this room as to how you found it."
"Do not mistake her politeness," continued Arthur, "It was not a comment but an order. Do it."
"He laid hands on the Princess?" King Uther repeated slowly.
"Yes, Father, he did," Arthur nodded, his words coming out through gritted teeth.
His hands were fisted down by his sides as he stood before his father's throne, having just finished explaining the happenings in Hermione's chambers. He should've seen this coming. He'd wanted to keep her as far away from Aredian as possible and not even twenty-four hours later he was ransacking her rooms and allowing his men to lay their hands on her.
"I believe Akela sensed that something was amiss and we followed him to Hermione's chambers. I overheard her ask that he remove his hands from her, twice, and he did not listen. It's a wonder Akela did not attack on sight."
Arthur's gaze darted down to the wolf sat before his lady protectively but his gaze was held on the one that had harmed Hermione.
"Sirs Leon and Montague will stand as witnesses should it be required."
"Aredian," his father began, his gaze moving to the Witchfinder. "It is a crime to harm a Royal, and not only does Princess Hermione possess her title through birth, but she is to be my son's wife and one day, Queen. Should I not call for punishment, her father, King Godric, most certainly will. Guards, escort the one responsible to the dungeons, his punishment will be decided at a later date," he instructed, barely batting an eye when the man attempted a struggle but was ultimately led away. "Aredian, by all rights, you are susceptible to punishment as you failed to control your men."
"I was unaware of her status, or that it was her chambers, Your Grace," he defended calmly.
"That is no excuse," Arthur snapped, receiving an unimpressed glance from his father and feeling Hermione's hand curl around his bicep as she pressed herself against him from behind.
"And did you find anything of note?"
"A sword."
"We already know of the sword," King Uther gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "It once belonged to the Princess' deceased brother, the sword being a replica of her father's."
"Your Grace, are you aware that it is borne of magic? I can smell it."
"Magic does not have a scent," Hermione scoffed quietly from behind him, sending the Witchfinder a narrowed-eye glare.
"Yes, I am," King Uther darted a glance towards Hermione. "During his visit, King Godric discussed the making of his sword in great detail."
"Yes, you say his Kingdom is accepting of magic?" He questioned, despite already knowing the answer.
"If you have something you wish to say, then do so," Hermione voiced loudly.
"Very well," he tipped his head in acquiesce. "You hail from a Kingdom that accepts magic, and you are in possession of a magical artefact, both are factors that might be used as evidence to prove that you are a sorcerer."
Arthur's heart halted to a stop and his throat tightened to the point where he couldn't breathe.
"Honestly," Hermione sighed and gave her head a shake, Arthur noting the calmness of her body language and her voice. She wasn't worried, she had a plan, he realised. "Firstly, I am not a sorcerer, but I admit that I sometimes wish I did have access to such power. Imagine the people that could be helped and saved with the aid of magic. Secondly, if I was capable of magic, I most certainly wouldn't be dim-witted enough to perform such acts whilst it is known there is a Witchfinder in town, specifically searching for a sorcerer. I would be in hiding, not stood before you. And, finally, at the times of the witnessed magical acts, I was surrounded by two guards, two Knights and I was in the marketplace. It most certainly was not me, and I am most certainly not a sorcerer. Would you care for more evidence? I am wearing silver in my ears and around my neck. And if you are finished with your preposterous insinuations and accusations, I would like to leave. I am required at the orphanage to aid with finalising the furnishings so we might begin rounding up the children and help them transition into the home."
"That is all, Princess," King Uther nodded. "I apologise for all that you have faced today."
Tipping her head, she curtsied before turning and taking her leave, Akela at her side. As she stepped out into the courtyard, she paused in her steps and turned to face Arthur, offering him a smile and being unsurprised when he pulled her into a relieved hug or that he'd followed her.
"That was entirely too close for comfort," he said against her ear.
"I didn't lie. I am not a sorcerer, I am a witch."
Arthur huffed out a disbelieving laugh. "You are the most fearless women I've ever met." He drew back from her. "I was under the impression the orphanage is fully furnished," he tipped his head questioningly.
"It is," she nodded.
"You're planning something, aren't you?"
"Yes. Aredian is going to blame anyone he can. The only reason I wasn't carted off to the dungeons immediately after his accusation is that I'm Royalty. In most circumstances, those suspected of magic use would not be given the opportunity to defend themselves as I did. He's up to something and I'm going to find out what it is."
"Be careful," Arthur warned.
"I always am," she promised, reaching up to press a quick kiss to his mouth before she headed into the city, Akela, two guards and two Knights following her.
"What are we going to do?!"
Hermione watched in concern as Merlin paced back and forth, his hands buried in his hair and gripping at the strands.
"We've less than twelve hours to save him. He only confessed to protect me, it should be me in the dungeons, it should be me that's sentenced to death," Merlin muttered, his eyes glued to the floor.
"Merlin, you know Gaius would never allow that to happen," Hermione spoke, her voice soft and quiet. "And whilst we might not have much time, we will prove his innocence."
"You didn't see him, Hermione," he shook his head vehemently. "They were torturing him. He confessed because Aredian threatened to name me as an accomplice, a sorcerer."
"What he did was very brave, and I will be sure to give him the best treatment possible when we prove his innocence and he's released. Now, we best get to work, do we have a starting point?" Hermione stood from her chair and clasped her hands together.
Merlin released a grumbled sigh and finally halted to a stop, turning to face her and lifting his eyes from the ground, his expression guilty, dejected and hopeless.
"The bracelet Aredian found, it's not mine. I've never seen it before."
"He most likely planted it to frame you," Hermione surmised. "If he is in possession of one magical artefact, it is likely he has more."
"I'll search his chamber," Merlin suggested.
"It's too dangerous, we'll find another way, a safer way."
"We don't have the time," he protested.
"Very well," she admitted defeat, "But I will do it. You are already a suspect and should you be caught, you will be sharing Gaius' fate. Should I be caught, I am least likely to be punished and Arthur will not allow it."
"The King might perceive your behaviour as an act of insubordination and break your engagement to Arthur. I can't let that happen. He needs you, Camelot needs you."
"We need you, too," she argued.
"I'm replaceable."
"Not to me you're not, and neither are you to Arthur," she glared at him.
"I'm going to search his chambers, whether you approve or not."
Hermione sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "And I can't stop you," she admitted. He was too powerful. "But for the love of God, be careful, do not get caught and avoid magic use. I will wait for you here, if you do not return in thirty minutes, I will assume the worst."
"There were no magical artefacts that I could find, but I did find this," Merlin panted, his hands braced on his knees as he bent over at the waist, and he held the pinkish-purple petal out towards her. "Do you know what it is? I don't recognise it."
Hermione gave him a look of worry but he waved off her concerns and gestured to the petal that sat in the palm of her hand.
"It looks similar to a herb known as belladonna, or perhaps you might better know it as deadly nightshade."
"That's comforting," Merlin grumbled.
"It's used in numerous medicinal remedies," she explained, ignoring his comment. "It's easily sourced in this area, however, the colouring of the petals is too pale compared to the belladonna I use. Does Gaius use it in his remedies?"
"Not that I know of," Merlin shook his head and stood to full height, having recovered from his sprint from Aredian's chambers and to hers. "At least, I've never seen it in his stores. You said the colouring is different?"
"Yes, this is most likely a sub-species," she mused, "But as far as I'm aware, they all hold the same purpose." Silently, she summoned 1001 Plants and Herbs Native to Britain from her cabinet and searched through the pages until she found the section she needed, placing the book on the table and Merlin came to stand beside her. "Here it is," she gestured to the page and held the petal against the illustration, comparing them.
"Belladonna, you were right," said Merlin.
"As I said, they relatively have the same purpose, however, this particular sub-species appears to induce hallucinations when more than the recommended amount is ingested."
"Hallucinations?" Merlin echoed thoughtfully.
"Yes, seeing things that aren't there."
"Such as goblins dancing on fire coals, faces in water and toads jumping from a man's mouth," he supplied.
"Exactly," she nodded. "There is no reason for Aredian to be in possession of such a herb, and I can't imagine he knows where it grows. He would have had to buy it."
"The apothecary," Merlin's expression lit up with hope.
"The apothecary, I'm sure we'll get the answers we need from there, however, it will be shut for the evening. If you head there first thing in the morning, I'll do my best to delay the execution, if needs be, I'll cause a magical distraction."
"It's too dangerous and Arthur wouldn't allow it," Merlin argued.
"If it will help save Gaius, I'll take that risk. For the time being, try and get some sleep. Later this evening, I will sneak down to the dungeons and see about providing Gaius with some food and company."
"If you're caught..."
"I won't be," she promised.
"Your Highness, you should not be here," said the Court Physician, his eyes wide in disbelief as they darted towards the door.
"But I am," she offered a smile and slipped her hands through the cast iron bars, one offering a drink of water and the other, an apple, two slices of bread and some cheese.
"If King Uther discovers..."
"He won't," she interrupted, "Now, please eat, you know as well as I that it is important to keep up your strength after the ordeal you've faced."
"How did you get past the guards?" He questioned, reluctantly taking the offerings from her and moving to sit on the single stool in the centre of the tiny cell.
"I simply asked for a moment alone with you."
He arched an eyebrow, at least, she thought he did. She could never tell.
"What?" She smiled. "Whilst King Uther currently occupies the throne, he will not be King forever, and as the future Queen, the guards have made the decision to not anger me."
"Camelot will be in good hands," Gaius toasted before sipping from his water.
"It will," she agreed, "For you are not leaving."
"Your Highness..." He began with a tired sigh, but she interrupted.
"I will not hear of it, Gaius. Merlin and I are currently gathering evidence to prove your innocence, and although I do not have the time I would like, I believe we will be successful. Tomorrow is not going to be your last day."
"Arthur, you have to stop this," Hermione pleaded from her place beside him, unable to tear her gaze from the pyre that had been built, nor the Court Physician that was strapped to it.
"My father gave the order, I can't interfere," Arthur shook his head solemnly.
"To Hell with your father!" Hermione hissed, Arthur's eyes darting to her in surprise. He'd never heard her curse before. "We both know he's not currently in the right frame of mind to make any decisions, particularly one as severe of this. Is this the example you want to be setting? You're to be King, is this what your city is to be subjected to when you are crowned? That man has been in your life from the day you were born. He took care of you when you were ill, he treated you when you were injured, he offered sound advice when needed. Are you really going to let him die? What if that were me up there? Would you allow it? He is innocent, we both know he is. We just need to give Merlin as much time as possible to get back here, so we might present the evidence. The man I agreed to marry was willing to do anything to protect the innocent. Are you or are you not the man I thought you to be?"
His mouth had actually fallen open in surprise, and if the circumstances were different, she might have found it quite comical.
"You are not yet King, but you are the Prince of Camelot, and you do still have power. It is how you chose to use it that matters."
His mouth closed, his stance straightened and he nodded slowly.
"You're right. It's not right that this happens. Gaius has always been loyal to my family."
Turning away from her, his eyes narrowed and he stalked forward, Hermione watching in both relief and pride as Arthur tore the torch from Aredian's hand, preventing him from lighting the pyre.
"You undermined my authority, Arthur," King Uther said gravely, his anger barely controlled but seen in his eyes and body language.
"Yes, I did," Arthur acknowledged, his arms folded behind his back, hiding his clenched fists.
Hermione stood a little ways behind him, her eyes darting between the King and Prince worriedly. Morgana stood by the wall, Gaius was shackled and held by two guards and Aredian stood off to the right, his fury at being interrupted palpable.
"But it was the right action to take. Had I not, Gaius would have died," Arthur defended.
"As per my order," the King replied, his tone cold and serious.
"Your Grace," Hermione drew attention to herself and she moved to stand beside Arthur, ignoring his silent expression of warning for her to not get involved. "Do not blame Arthur. I asked him to intervene and delay the execution." She clasped her hands before her delicately and set her shoulders, lifting her chin. "Your Grace, Gaius is innocent."
"He confessed," said the King. "He has a history of practising sorcery."
"That may be so, Your Grace, but Gaius is not responsible for the claims of sorcery in Camelot. He confessed under duress, Aredian is known for his vicious methods of persuasion, or so I have been told. I must admit that since his arrest, I have been working alongside Merlin to gather evidence that we might present to you. We discovered that Aredian is in possession of belladonna, a herb that is used in medicinal remedies, but if more than the recommended amount is ingested, it is known to cause hallucinations. Merlin is currently speaking with the owner of the apothecary..."
Hearing footsteps and voices, Hermione peered over her shoulder, seeing Merlin enter the throne room with a man and three women in tow, the witnesses.
"That was perfectly timed," she remarked pleasantly. "Merlin, would you like to share what you discovered?"
"Your Grace," Merlin bowed briefly. "This is the owner of the apothecary, he has confessed that the witnesses Aredian presented purchased Belladonna from him, after Aredian forced him to sell it."
"Thank you, Merlin," Hermione nodded. "You see, Your Grace, Aredian is responsible, not Gaius. I confess, I did sneak past the guards yesterday evening to visit with Gaius and he swore he has never before seen the bracelet that was presented as evidence. Given what we know, it would not be unreasonable to assume that it was planted as a way to deliberately frame Gaius."
"I did no such thing!" Aredian protested. "He is the one responsible, not I."
"Perhaps, Father, a search of his rooms might be performed?" Suggested Arthur, his gaze briefly darting to Hermione in surprised pride. "If this is true and he did frame Gaius, he cannot be trusted and a crime was committed. If he is in possession of one magical artefact, perhaps he has another."
"Guards! Search his chambers!" Ordered King Uther.
"I AM INNOCENT!" Aredian protested loudly. "I have never seen those items!" He gestured towards the pile of amulets that lay on the ground before King Uther, spilling out from the small chest that was unable to hold the full amount.
"They were found in your chambers," Arthur responded. "Not only did you attempt to persecute an innocent man, not only have you intruded on the privacy of a Royal and allowed harm to be brought to her, not only have you provided false witnesses, but you are the one responsible for the sorcery."
"No, I am not a sorcerer!" He bellowed, spittle flying from his mouth and his cheeks flushing in anger.
It was too perfect, thought Hermione, as in that very moment, the Witchfinder began dry heaving until a toad unexpectedly fell from his mouth, landing on the floor and hopping away. It seemed that Merlin hadn't been able to help himself, no matter of the fact she'd told him to cease in using magic for the time being.
It was silent for all of five seconds before King Uther called,
"Sorcerer! Seize him!"
As the guards in the room slowly advanced towards him, in his panic he reached for Hermione. Having not expected it, she wasn't able to escape his clutches and he tugged her against his chest, her back to him with one arm firmly slotted around her middle, her arms pinned in place and he held a knife to her throat, the one he'd pulled from the scabbard around his hip.
Gasps of horror sounded, King Uther rose from his throne and his hand went to his sword, and Hermione saw Arthur's expression fluctuate between fury and fear as he drew his sword and took a threatening step forward, halting when the blade of the knife pressed further into her skin as a threat.
"Don't take another step! I'll kill her!"
He was trying to edge his way towards the door so he might escape but even if he was successful, Hermione knew he wouldn't get very far. Not only was the castle filled with guards and Knights, she knew Arthur wouldn't rest until he was found and executed.
And when a vicious snarl sounded, Hermione's eyes being drawn to the doors as Akela made his presence known, he prowled forward, his teeth bared and growls rumbling in his throat as he stalked his prey.
Aredian's exit was blocked. If he wished to escape, he had to get pas her wolf first, and Akela wouldn't allow it. He slowly retreated backwards and if he continued, they'd soon be cornered. For every step he took backwards, the guards, Arthur and Akela took one forward.
Feeling his heart pounding in his chest against her back and hearing his heavy breathing, Hermione felt the slight loosening of his hold on her and she took the opportunity. Raising her leg, she stomped down on his foot, using his surprise against him and bringing her elbow back, it connecting with his stomach. When he huffed out a groan of surprise and pain, she spun to face him before her closed fist collided with his jaw.
He stumbled back, the knife falling from his grasp before she deliberately dropped to the floor, Akela taking a running leap over her body and landing with a soft thud. Aredian stumbled back further as Akela deliberately toyed with him, and when he tripped over the chest of amulets, he lost his footing, tumbling straight through the window and falling to his death.
All of that happened in less than a minute.
She hadn't even climbed to her feet before Arthur was crouched before her, his sword on the ground and his hands moving to cup her face, his wide, panicked gaze examining her, seeing the trickle of blood that ran down her throat. The blade had pierced her skin. That was the second time someone had held a knife to her throat, not including the times' swords and wands were used.
"I'm fine," she offered.
He looked only slightly relieved when his eyes closed and his forehead tilted forward to press against hers, exhaling sharply. Drawing back, his eyes opened and he peered down at her right hand, seeing the redness of her knuckles. One hand came away from her face and moved to gently grasp it.
"I have never been prouder of you," he muttered, bringing her hand up to his mouth and pressing a tender kiss to her injured knuckles. She smiled at him. "Let's get you tended to. If he weren't already dead, I'd kill him for daring to touch you," he promised.
"I believe you would have to speak with Akela first," she responded, both of their gazes darting to the broken window and the guards that hovered nearby, seeing that Akela was sat amidst the chaos, looking as dejected as a wolf possibly could.
"Is he sulking?" Arthur questioned slowly.
"Yes, I believe he is. He really wanted to kill Aredian."
Arthur's mouth twitched into a smile. "I believe he has earned a slice of apple pie, this evening, perhaps a generous helping of cheese, too."
"You spoil him," Hermione laughed softly and she allowed Arthur to help her to her feet, noting that he didn't release her hand.
"Princess," Hermione heard King Uther say, and he approached. "I am truly sorry for all that you have faced."
Hermione set her shoulders and lifted her chin, feeling Arthur's gaze on her.
"I wish I could say I forgive you, Your Grace, but I cannot. All of this could have been avoided had you listened to reason. I understand your hatred for magic and sorcery, but you are allowing it to cloud your judgement. This day, Gaius almost lost his life, and I might have suffered the same fate," she held his gaze, noting his surprise. "If you will please excuse me, I best tend to my injuries."
Without a second glance or the expected curtsey, she turned and took her leave, Akela falling into step beside her. Before she stepped through the doors, she nodded towards Merlin, seeing the sorcerer's smile and sigh of relief.
"I am glad this day is over, and Aredian is no longer able to cause problems," remarked Arthur.
Neither she nor Arthur had attended dinner with his father, they'd opted to take it in her chambers and whilst Akela slept before the roaring fire, she and Arthur were taking a stroll around the castle grounds before they retired for the night.
"It has been a stressful few days," Hermione agreed. "And I am sorry for my words to you this morning."
"You have no need to apologise," he assured her, the hand holding hers giving it a gentle squeeze. "You were right, as always. I have always found it difficult to stand up to my father, but you gave me the nudge that I needed to do so and I am happy that I did. Gaius is alive and well, and you were incredible, both in proving his innocence and fighting Aredian."
She smiled up at him, it had long since grown dark and she wasn't entirely certain he could see, but she smiled anyway. "Thank you, but I cannot take the credit. Merlin was incredibly brave in publicly accusing Aredian of being a fraud. He was the one to break into Aredian's chambers and bring me the evidence that led us to discover his use of belladonna, and he maintained Gaius' innocence. He is quite the young man."
"How are you feeling?"
"Perfectly fine," she swore, "There is no cause for concern. It is but a small cut and the swelling of my hand has already reduced, there is little pain. But given the events of this week, I feel I should share something with you, something important."
"And that is?" He arched an eyebrow, Hermione being able to see the gesture as they passed a lit torch, more appearing as they drew closer to the castle.
"My father shared something with me about my birth mother. Whilst she did not possess magic as we do, she was gifted with sight."
Arthur halted to a stop, turning to face her. "She was a Seer?" Both of his eyebrows shot up, disappearing beneath the strands of hair that fell over his forehead.
"Yes, she was. I feel it best I tell you this for the reason that, ever since I was a little girl, I would often have strange dreams, but I could never remember them or make sense of them. And I often find myself just knowing things, feelings things, without any explanation."
Arthur's brow furrowed thoughtfully.
"After speaking with my father, he believes that I might have some inclination for the gift of sight. As I age, it will either improve to the point I have visions, it might fade into nothing, or it might stay as it is. Regardless, sometimes I get these feelings..."
"And?" He prompted knowingly.
She sighed heavily. "And, I feel that what happened this week with Aredian is just the beginning. I feel that trouble has not yet finished coming to Camelot. And I feel that things are only going to get more difficult."
"As long as it does not occur during the week of our wedding, together we will triumph, as man and wife, and someday, King and Queen of Camelot. Whatever might be heading our way, I do not fear for I have you."