Disclaimer: The following story is a fan-made creation. I do not own Harry Potter, Type Moon or Highschool DxD. Please support the original material.

"Defying me to the very end, huh?" Speech.

"Enuma Elish!" Magic/Noble Phantasm Attack. Flashback Speech. Phone/Magic/Etc Speech.

"█▄██▄▄█▄▄█▄" Inarticulate/Bezerker Roar/s. Unknown/muffled/'staticy' speech

"Bow before your Death!" Monster-type Speech.

"Notice me!" speech that carries particular emphasis or weight to it.


'Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and lurked with wild beasts at the water-holes; he had joy of the water with the herds of wild game. But there was a trapper who met him one day face to face at the drinking-hole, for the wild game had entered his territory. On three days he met him face to face, and the trapper was frozen with fear. He went back to his house with the game that he had caught, and he was dumb, benumbed with terror.' - The Epic of Gilgamesh.



"The man that has been sent from the Vatican to lead the Church's assault team is particularly fanatic." The Enforcer continued, frowning in concern as to the very thought of meeting and dealing with the man he was referring to. "Father Matthias. Also known as The Iron Cross. He is fanatic to the point of insanity. Very Old Testament in his believe toward the slaughter and damnation of all Heretics, Witches and Monsters. While thankfully he will restrain his desire to attack us while on this joint mission by direct order from the Papal office, it would be in everyone's best interest if we avoided drawing his attention."

In truth, Harry wasn't really concerned by this Iron Cross. While it would be supremely arrogant to say it out loud; the fact was that there was very little that this human could do to threaten him. Harry could still feel his existence shifting as more and more of his humanity was overwritten by the divinity that had been building since his arrival. His strength and still developing power combined with the wealth of might within the Gate of Babylon? There was little that Hadrian of Uruk; Heir of Babylon had to fear from this priest.

But, nonetheless he understood the pragmatism involved in avoiding provoking this Father Matthias.

"I understand."


Smoke. Blood. Screams.

These were the first things that Harry, Cornelius and the other Enforcers could see, smell and hear as their boat rapidly approached Alimango Island.

Their flight had brought them to an airport on another island adjacent to Alimango Island; with the intention of avoiding any security Bounded Fields and Familiars that Norikata Emiya could have in place on Alimango itself to alert him of any and all new arrivals. The plan had been to take a boat from the harbor and infiltrate Alimango via a small, isolated beach on the south-eastern edge on the farthest side of the island from where Emiya's residence was.

With the sun setting at the time of their arrival it would further ensure that their infiltration went unnoticed by Emiya and any defensive measures he had on watch.

It would have been a handy tactic and method were it not for the fact that as they approached, Alimango Island appeared the sight of a war with smoke billowing up from the small towns that dotted it and the sounds of howling and shouting coming from the beach they were approaching.

Cornelius had ordered one of his men to dispatch a Familiar ahead of them to discover what was going on at the beach in front of them as he eased back on the throttle of the boat to slow it down. He wasn't about to foolishly risk his men without first gaining some insight as to what they were about to run headlong into.

"Well I do believe we've found why the Church didn't meet with us at the harbor." One of the Enforcers commented as his eyes moved about beneath closed eyelids. "I can see the Iron Cross and three other Executors attempting to hold a defensive perimeter. There is another on the sand behind them; dead I think. I cannot find the fifth."

"What kind of force are they facing?" Cornelius demanded, speeding the boat back up now that he knew that their 'allies' were under attack.

"I-I can't even." The Enforcer paled as he attempted to take account of the numbers of what he could see through the eyes of his familiar. "Ghouls there's no doubt to that. But, this amount. I-It's just not possible."

"Numbers Jones! How many?" Cornelius snapped, he had no time for a breakdown right now.

"H-Hundreds." The now named Jones stammered. "They're still coming. Piling out from the tree line. Wave after wave. It must be the entire population."

The blonde haired enforcer matched Jones' skin complexion as he too paled at that information. Even allied with the Church there was no way they were ready to deal with well over a thousand Ghouls. How in the name of the Root did Emiya even pull that off in the first place? There was no way his research had developed to the stage where he could transform an entire population like this.

A Dead Apostle.

Cornelius swore under his breath. It was the most logical explanation that could give reason to these kind of numbers that Jones was seeing which gained possibility given that Emiya's research was already delving into that area to begin with. Which meant that one of Emiya's test subjects or perhaps even Emiya himself had been successfully transformed into a very real, very dangerous Dead Apostle.

The man had more than half a mind to turn the boat around. He knew that he and his men were not equipped for something like this. Cornelius came from a family that possessed a potent Magecraft true enough but he had no illusions of him being on a level where he could contend with a monster on the level of a Dead Apostle of all things.

They needed to return to the Clock Tower. To inform the Vice Director of what had happened so a quarantine could be placed on Alimango Island and a proper, more equipped and seasoned team dispatched to deal with this.

The man was ready to turn the boat around; hands on the steering wheel and ready to turn it to take them back to the harbor they had come from when out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Mercenary; Hadrian step by him.

The silver haired man had a surprisingly stern expression on his face as he flipped open the boat's front window latch and stepped up to the bow of the boat, solid and unbothered by the rapid bobbing and shaking of the boat as it crashed through and over the water.

Cornelius wanted to shout out at the man. To tell him to get back down so he could turn the boat around without this, fool from falling off into the sea.

He wanted to. But was silenced when he felt a shift in the air itself.

When the world turned gold.

He had been warned of the strange Magecraft that this Mercenary wielded by the Vice Director. Some kind of portal based mystery that provided Hadrian of Uruk access to an unknown inventory. The example he had been provided had been of the Vice Director's account of her being witness to the casual usage of this Magecraft to summon a golden goblet filled with a rich red wine followed by a feeling of incredible magical power from more conjured portals that provided a theory of the possibility that this young man possessed at the very least one high quality Mystic Code.

Cornelius respected the Vice Director as all others within the Mage's Association did. But even he had found it difficult to believe that this freelancer, this unknown barely out of his teens could possess such a Mystery and still be completely unknown to everyone.

At first it was three portals that opened up in the air around the narrow eyed Hadrian. Then five. Then seven. More and more golden ripples in the very skin of the world blossomed into existence until at least two dozen rippling portals surrounded the man, shining brightly in the air above the boat as it sped toward the beach ahead.

The Magus winced and tilted his head away from the gleaming portals as a sharp whine pierced the air, a sound that grew sharper and higher in pitch with every moment that passed.

What happened next; it was as if the world itself went silent. The sea, the wind, the birds in the air and even the sounds of battle ahead; all lost their voice as if Gaia itself was enforcing a moment of hush for what happened.

This silence was shattered by a forceful crack as a number of golden streaks of light erupted from the Mercenary's portals toward the beach of Alimango Island. One of his Enforcer colleague's let out a cry of surprise and lost his balance when the shockwave of displaced air from the sheer force behind the expulsion of whatever Magecraft this silver haired kid had unleashed hit the water and rocked the boat even further.

It was only Cornelius' determination to witness the effect of this strange Magecraft that kept the man's focus fixated on the beach in the distance. A good thing too as barely a second after the Mercenary's Mystery had been fired a series of explosions erupted across the northern portion of the beach and the entire section of sand and forestry was obscured under an incredible haze of smoke, sand and earth that had been blown skyward from the sheer magnitude of whatever had been unleashed.

A quick glance toward the Mercenary that had been allied with them for this assignment and Cornelius felt a very real measure of apprehension cross him as he acknowledged a distinct lack of concern and even a trace amount of fatigue that should have been evident from the release of such a powerful Magecraft.

The Association had theorised in the development and possibility of portal creation, but the most any working theory could provide that did not lead any researcher to the Third Magic; was that if possible it would be so opposed to the Will of the World, to Gaia itself; that the rejection would make such a Magecraft virtually impossible. He could not even begin to speculate on what had been fired from these portals, but the fact remained that by all of Cornelius' reckoning; this Mercenary should have been hunched over heaving for breath or at worst unconscious from the sheer Prana usage for such a Mystery. And yet; the man was simply standing there; unconcerned. As if he had put no more effort into what he had just done as one would put into tossing a scrunched up sheet of paper into the trash.

The man opened his mouth to speak, to ask for some, any kind of explanation from the young man when Hadrian lifted a hand to point across the water to the beach.

"An opening has been made for entry. I suggest we make use of it before more of the Undead are able to retake it."

The more pressing issue of the current mission overrode any interest Cornelius had in seeking answers for what the boy had just done and the lead Enforcer returned his gaze to the beach; eyes honing in on the area that had been 'cleared.'

They had gotten close enough to Alimango Island to be afforded a better sight of the battle underway on the beach and looking to the clearing that Hadrian had made; a cratered section of beach that looked like it had been subjected to intense mortar fire only raised more questions in his mind before he ruthlessly pushed them aside.

Steering the boat toward the makeshift beachhead, Cornelius beached the boat and swiftly cut the engine before turning to his men. A swift nod and gesture had the man climb out and face the swarm that was emerging from the newly adjusted treeline; intent on refilling the opening that had been made for them.

"Weber! Ferguson! Pull up a defensive wall, we need to ferry the Undead around and keep this area clear!" Cornelius ordered sharply. "Pentel; clear a path to the Church we need to rally a united defence immediately!"

Upon his orders four Enforcers split off from the main group. The two Magi Weber and Ferguson quickly manifested the Mysteries within their Magecraft to erect a hardened wall of sand and earth directly in the path of the advancing Undead; designing and structuring the wall so that it forced the Ghouls to navigate around in the direction of where the Church was currently making their stand.

At the same time the two Enforcer brothers of the Pentel family; large, imposing looking men lumbered off in the direction of the Church's position, hands clenched in preparation as they each made for the closest Ghoul in their path.

Satisfied that his orders were being followed, Cornelius turned to the remainder of his team and nodded in continued satisfaction when he saw his men checking over the immediate area for any lingering threats from the Mercenary's actions. When he too took the chance to examine the surroundings his eyes widened and he felt his mouth go dry.

The craters that littered the immediate area, evidence of the powerful bombardment that had assailed the beach were bigger than his initial estimate. At a glance they each looked to be within the range of three meters in diameter and half of that deep. Large patches of sand and dirt within the craters were glassed; telling that whatever had been fired from the Mage craft wielded by this silver haired teenager to have possessed incredible heat in addition to a clearly devastating impact force.

There wasn't even a single intact Ghoul to be noted let alone any possibility of a surviving foe to be dealt with within this beachhead that had been formed. Chunks of charred flesh and twisted, deformed limbs were littered throughout the field like leaves that had scattered at the whims of the wind itself.

The man found his gaze being drawn to the Mercenary responsible for this feat of power once more. Only to find said individual just standing there; hands in pockets as he walked behind the Pentel twins at a sedate pace.

"Mercenary! What are you doing? I did not order you to move." Cornelius called out, more his pride than anything else demanding that the young man follow his direction.

Hadrian simply cocked an eyebrow as he looked back. "I don't recall you ordering that I clear this landing zone for you and your men either. Do you intend to scold me for that as well Alba?"

The Lead Enforcer grit his teeth in frustration, unable to argue the point. "This area is not yet secure. If you are going to advance you must take this situation seriously. Otherwise remain behind in a properly defended position."

Hadrian simply turned his head to look around him at the ravaged surroundings and at the charred flesh that was littered around the area before foxing his eyes once more on the Magus. "I believe I'll manage."

Cornelius didn't even have time to gather his thoughts to return a remark to the insubordination being thrown his way before the silver haired Mercenary simply turned away from him and continued on his way; clearly having dismissed him entirely.

That attitude would have been beyond galling were it not for that part of the Enforcer's own mind pointing out that there was some merit to justify that level of arrogance.

Shaking his head in annoyance and frustration toward the Vice Director for saddling him with such a difficult 'ally', Cornelius turned his attention toward the men that would listen to his orders. They had a mission to complete and the horde of Undead were starting to rally together once more retake the beachhead.

"Do as you wish mercenary. I have better things to do than babysit you and your stupidity."


It had been quite some time since Harry had faced something like the Undead. In fact the last time he could remember was back in his former world when his old Headmaster had brought him along to collect one of Riddle's Horcrux's and the pair had run afoul of a nest of Inferi that the self proclaimed 'Dark Lord' had concealed beneath a lake as a security measure.

These Ghouls were just as mindless and simple as the Wizarding counterpart. Slow, clumsy and little more than make shift shock troops for all their heavy handed, simplistic capabilities.

He hadn't even needed to devote a single named treasure to the effort of clearing a landing zone to dispatch them. Nothing more than a single wave of nameless swords and spears possessing more than enough destructive power to leave nothing more than rotted chunks of flesh behind.

The young man ignored the orders being shouted from behind him as the Enforcers he had accompanied went about setting up a defensive perimeter. He was more interested in following the brutish looking Pentel brothers as they cleared a route toward where the Executors were attempting to make a stand.

While Harry was confident in his ability to eradicate the horde swarming onto the beach, he wasn't all that eager to have to. It made more sense to gather and rally the surviving forces of both factions together and have them do the work.

Lorelei had more or less 'hired' him to work along side a team of Clock Tower Enforcers to hunt down a Sealing Designation and secure any and all research to be recovered so it could be safely locked away from any and all curious hands. From what Harry could see so far; the hundreds of once innocent men, women and children all transformed into monstrous Undead, he could see the Clock Tower wanted it in more, reliable, hands.

Harry was here to assist and support. Not do the Clock Tower's work all himself. Plus if Harry had any say in it he would simply just burn the place to the ground, Emiya's precious research included.

A Ghoul brought Harry out of his musings when it bypassed the Pentel brothers and threw itself at him. Not a very effective tactic when the young man simply lashed out with a front kick before raising a hand.

The Gate opened in the air above Harry's raised hand to deposit the hilt of a sword there. He drew the weapon from the golden portal and swiftly impaled the blade down into the skull of the foolish creature as it collapsed to the sand with all its forward momentum having been put to an end by the sole of his shoe.

Flipping the sword around in his hand, Harry raised the weapon to casually rest it on his shoulder as he continued onward. Every so often one of the Undead would manage to break through one of the Pentel's guard only to be beheaded by a faintly smiling Harry who was more amused by the entire thing than anything else. The fact that, by the time the three had reached the still fighting Executors, Harry had saved both brothers from having their throat torn out at least once each only for not even a nod of thanks made it all the more amusing.

"'Bout time ye Godless heathens got here!" A powerfully built but short man shouted out, driving a fist into one of the Undead before stepping back to cut the Ghoul in two from shoulder to hip with what even Harry had to admit was a gleaming sword that almost looked like the blade was on fire.

The Pentel's offered no rebuttal to the Executor as they separated and continued to cull the Undead, leaving Harry the enjoyment of communicating with the most likely candidate for what the other Enforcer's had referred to as 'The Iron Cross.'

"My apologies preacher." Harry smiled as he flipped his sword around before throwing it past the Executor to impale a Ghoul in the stomach. "The traffic was simply dreadful."

The gruff looking Catholic; a man who had to be no more than 5'3" with short, greying black hair and dark eyes, sneered at Harry before raising his burning sword and stepping back to ready himself for the next Ghoul to step up for the slaughter. "Woulda expected ye all to have turned tail the moment ye saw the Devil's ilk swarming here. Did ye sacrifice some poor wee lad for the courage to stand before a true Servant of the Lord?"

The way this Iron Cross's face twisted to show his disgust for him and the very idea of Enforcer 'help' seemed to distort the ugly scar that marred the side of his face, running from under the collar of his jacket up through his hair to the crown of his head. It almost reminded Harry of Mad-Eye Moody.

Harry dismissed the sword he had thrown to return back through the Gate and summoned another sword, this one a Falchion. Grabbing the weapon, he advanced toward where the Iron Cross was positioned and swept out with a diagonal cut.

The Iron Cross just grinned and stepped to the side, lowering his own sword that had been ready to cut open the Ghoul he had felt coming toward him from behind to allow the silver haired 'heathen' to cut it down.

"That's a pretty little knife ye got their lad. Ta think ye sold ya soul to ol' scratch just so ye could conjure a real man's weapon." The Iron Cross shook his head as if in pity before he spun around to decapitate the now wounded Ghoul. "Don't ya think I'll be offering ye any mercy when this is done boyo, The Lord offers none but fire to Witches."

"Don't you think this is a bad time to be planning a burning preacher?" Harry idly commented as he found a rhythm beside the priest, advancing further into the horde of Ghouls.

"Don't be so negative lad. There's always time for a good ol' witch burnin'." The man grinned savagely. "But I'll not be lighting a pyre for ye this day. These unholy abominations have set fire to me wrath and I'll be sure to send ye to Saint Peter through a righteous fire."

Harry cocked an eyebrow in the man's direction.

"The Book of James lad. Chapter 1 verse 20: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." The man lectured firmly. "But don't ye worry Heathen. Soon as we put these sorry souls to the Lord's mercy, sooner me wrath will cool and we can have a proper burnin'."

Harry just blinked slowly at the man. "How, comforting."

The Iron Cross brightened and barked out a laugh. "Glad ye think so Witch! Just remember ye sin's can still be forgiven if ye remember to repent. Even when I burn the wretched flesh from ye bones."

Harry shook his head before sweeping his blade out to remove another Ghoul's head; this one belonging to a poor young girl who couldn't have been any older than he had been when he had first gone to Hogwarts. He was ready to move to the next of the Undead when he and the Iron Cross both took a quick step back when the ground itself seemed to rumble and a thick wall of sandstone erupted from beneath the sandy beach to separate the horde and the surviving Executors and Enforcer arrivals.

"Well ain't that just typical of a Godless bastard." The Iron Cross shook his head bitterly as he turned to see Cornelius and the rest of the Enforcer's approaching. "Hidin' away when there's fightin' to be done."

The Priest raised an eyebrow in Harry's direction when he heard the silver haired young man smother an amused and agreeing snort before nodding in satisfaction. For a Heathen, the whelp wasn't entirely disagreeable.

"Ye do know that we can't get anything done if we hide behind this here wall of yours Heretic." The Iron Cross shouted over to Cornelius. "It'd be in ye best interests to not hinder me from showing those poor sods a mercy your kind would deny them."

"Last I checked Iron Cross; both the Church and the Association are in agreement to co-operate in this matter." Cornelius replied carefully. "Those Ghouls out there are meaningless. It is the Sealing Designation; Norikata Emiya that must be dealt with."

Harry frowned as he dismissed his Falchion back through the Gate and shook his head in disapproval. He had begun to gather the impression that these Magi were ultimately a selfish lot but this was beyond that impression. With how simple it was to destroy these Ghouls, provided one didn't get overwhelmed, it was only a matter of extra time to provide this mercy to the victims of the island.

Something this Iron Cross was more than willing to sacrifice.

The Iron Cross spat in the direction of Cornelius and tightened his grip on his weapon; the blade's edge glowing brightly as tongues of fire started to lick of its edge in accordance to it's wielders ire. "So ye just goin' to take out ye wretched kin and leave the mess behind? Abandon these poor souls to a damnation of ye own makin?"

Cornelius simply shrugged. "They are all dead already. What difference does it make at this point? Another team will very likely be sent to dispose of the refuse, but it is not our responsibility."

The Priest shook his head. This served only to needlessly confirm his animosity toward the Heretical society of the Magus Association and all those Godless Heretic's that belonged to it. Turning to look up to the silver haired lad that had interestingly come to fight at his side; witnessing the briefest moment of disgust aimed toward the Enforcer-Witch before it was concealed beneath a mask of amusement.

"And you lad?" He asked toward the Heathen, praying that he was not wrong in believing he saw some compassion in that boy's eyes. "Is there mercy in ye heart for God's wayward children?"

Harry just turned to look down to the shorter man; his mind thinking back to the feral expression on that last ghouls face. A poor girl who hadn't even had a chance to even make mistakes. Who hadn't even had the chance to deserve any fate, let alone this one.

"Yesterday I probably would have simply shrugged and pointed out I wasted all of my mercy." He muttered lowly. "It seems like I've not quite spent it all though. Sure Preacher. I'll lend you some of my mercy."

Cornelius stepped forward, throwing out a hand in refusal. "Absolutely not! You have your job Mercenary! And it is on this mission with the Sealing Designation. Not wasting time with dead things!"

Harry just shrugged in response and grinned at the man. "Don't worry Aldi, I'll make sure to check in on you later. I don't have the time right now to play babysitter with you and your stupidity."


A/N And so that is the end of Part 1 of this mini arc.

Alright so right off the bat. To those of you of the Christian persuasion. We would ask that you don't take any offence or issue with the usage of both the Bible verse as well as anything we may or may not have messed up in the portrayal of 'The Iron Cross'. This character being an OC has been made to be very Old Testament with a strict code of conduct.

For those of you who are interested; imagine a Chaotic Good Dwarven Paladin who's hero is Hellsing's Father Alexander Anderson.

He is the kind of person who once this is all said and done would have no issue what so ever burning every single one of those Enforcers with a smile on his face and consider it righteous.

It has been a VEEERRRYYY long time since Throne of Babylon got an update so be patient with us and please let us know if we have made a continuity mistake or even if Harry himself seems inconsistent in this chapter.

Harry is in a transitional phase right now so we are attempting to make him seem a bit...loose. Not sure if he is a hero, selfish, selfless or what. He is trying to find himself in a place where 'The Boy-Who-Lived' nonsense just doesn't exist.

He is also channelling a great deal of Gilgamesh obviously. After being trained and spending so much time with ; its natural he has picked up some behavioural traits.

Stay tuned for more to come.

Alright so we have create page to allow for any who would like to offer support to us in that manner. As it is a gratuity only kind of deal the only benefit any of you would receive would be a 'thank you for your support' at the end of every chapter where we would mention you and any and all other supporters by name.

Thank you for your support:

Our currently only Patron; to be forever honored and remembered in our hearts as the very best:

Parker Higgins.

Glitched Knights.

As always. Read. Review. Favorite and follow.

Leave us something and tell us how we are doing with this. Do you like? Do you not? Why for both?

On a side note. For those of you still reading. And for those who actually bother to read Author Notes; there is some news to inform you all regarding the Harry Potter x Warcraft Story 'Risen in Light, Fallen to Shadow'. After some consideration the story will be considered Discontinued pending a rewrite. This has come in accepting the fact that the Harry Potter part of this was more or less completely pointless. At the time of making the story we were not confident in outright making OC's.

So the eventual rewrite of Risen in Light will be done with the Main Character being an actual OC and not 'not-Harry Potter' reborn.