I've decided to update this story twice in a row since there was such a large gap between the last two chapters. What can I say, I've made too many stories and I barely have free time anymore to devote to writing.

I might just decide to shelve a story or two for later and focus on completing one or two of them. I'll think about that over the course of writing this chapter. Speaking of which, enjoy!

Those two paragraphs were written in November. I'll explain what happened at the end.

"Well, All Might has been captured and can't break free because of the hostages. We're on our own for this. Melissa-chan, do you know where the control center for the island's security would be? That is our first priority, if we shut it down, or even better regain control, then we could free the heroes and end the hostage situation in one move." I quickly explained the situation for the non-party member's benefit after reading All Might's message through the chat.

My mind was swimming with plans and possible strategies, adjusting them as Melissa informed me of where our target was and how we could get there with the security system against us. She also told us what routes we could take to reach it the quickest, and with the least chance of being noticed.

Which left me with three options. Realistically two. The first, which I disregarded the second it came to mind was to go in guns blazing, smashing through the outer wall and jumping to the top myself, taking out the terrorists as quickly and efficiently as possible. The obvious downside is that if I was even a second off if I gave them even a little leeway or time to act, they could use the security system to kill civilians.

It was no option at all.

The second was to let Melissa lead me and the other hero students up the tower, slowly and carefully so that they didn't alert the terrorists of their movements. This was safer, both for its stealth approach, and because it would let me keep an eye on the others to make sure they didn't get hurt or worse. I was very tempted to go with this approach, but it lacked speed, which was crucial.

Lastly, was a blending of the first two ideas. I would go ahead by myself, sneaking out of the building and using my speed and friction runes to run up the building while the others went up from the inside. They would protect Melissa who would guide them while I'd rely on stealth takedowns and interrogation to figure out where their leader was. The sooner he was taken down the better.

Nodding to myself I turn to the others and tell them my plan, making sure to remind the girls to contact me via the chat if they were in danger so that I could teleport to them. At this point, they weren't even surprised that I had gained a teleportation ability and just went with it.

"Ok, if you think this is for the best. Do you have a way to get through these metal sheets, or would you like me to make a blow torch?" Momo offered, though I declined. I had one of those already, but they would be too slow for what we needed. I had a much faster and stealthy way to go about it.

'I guess this is as good of a skill as any to master.' I thought, pulling out my instant magecraft mastery ticket and picking material transmutation as my choice. I smirk. 'Ha! I knew this was the right choice.' I thought, nearly drooling over the description of the skill.

Material Transmutation(L) Level: MAX. Several skills unlocked and mastered!

Reinforcement(E) Level: MAX. "Increases the chosen statistics of any object the caster chooses by up to 5x. Maximum statistics: 10 per object. Costs: Varies, severely reduced due to mastery. Warning! Using too much mana may cause damage to the target. Level of control: Absolute. +2 END per level +1 STR per level.

Alteration(E) Level: MAX. "Allows the user to change, add, or subtract the properties of a target object. Maximum output: Total manipulation of existing object properties and up to 10 additions. Up to five objects at a time. Costs: Varies, severely reduced due to mastery. Increases with contrasting properties on one object. Control: Absolute. +2 INT and WIS per level.

Gradation Air(E) Level: MAX. Limit Break!

Gradation Air has evolved into:

Tracing(L): Rather than a hollow copy, the user can now create nearly perfect duplicates of objects including magical and chemical properties. Degradation and imperfections may occur depending on the familiarity of the user with the desired object. Costs: Varies, moderately reduced due to mastery, additionally reduced depending on familiarity with the object produced. Control: Near-absolute, objects are only reduced in quality by one parameter. +5 INT and WIS per level.

"Holy shit what a rush!" I couldn't help but yell from the sheer power running through my veins as I gained not only hundreds of stat points but a fairly massive boost to my internal magical power along with it. At that moment I felt like I was already using a good percentage of OFA in base. But more importantly-

"This might just be my most useful power so far." I said with a smile as I morphed the outermost wall of the tower, creating a hole just large enough for me to exit out of before closing it behind me. "Runes are cool too though." I corrected, using some freshly made runic boots designed to maximize friction and suction to the point that it made walking up the tower possible.

"And of course, there's One for All. There are very few problems that can't be solved with the strength of a natural disaster at your fingertips…Maybe I should make a tier list? A-after the terrorist situation is solved, of course." It was then that I realized that my nerdy tendencies of stacking powers against each other to see which was best survived my transition into a Gamer.

'Ok, tension-breaking comedy aside, this is going a bit too smoothly. Though I guess I shouldn't complain…This should be high enough, now I just have to head to the main computer terminal.' I ran up the tower as quickly as I could but if I stayed outside for too long there was a real chance I could be spotted by either the terrorists or the security systems of the tower.

Opening and closing the outer wall of the tower once again, I enter and do a quick scan of my surroundings. 'Looks clear, but just to make sure…' I thought while pulling out a pair of infrared goggles from my inventory and activating Alteration again along with Reinforcement. Expanding the visible range to the full EM spectrum.

And morphing it into the shape of Geordi La Forge's VISOR. My inner nerd would kill me if I didn't.

"So cool." I mumble while double and triple checking my surroundings while walking. 'Still empty, nothing in the infrared. And radio waves are low and constant so nobody's communicating. This is very strange, you'd expect them to at least check in on each other regularly, but nothing. Something isn't right here.' I picked up my pace, checking every corner with extreme care as I moved to where Melissa said the control center was.

…Was this tower always this big? I could have sworn that I walked past the same hallway three times already. Now that I thought about it, I must have walked a full kilometer- "Oh shit, illusions?" I use analyze to confirm my suspicions, in the flavor text it noted that my eyes were messing with me. But it couldn't be a hypnosis quirk, I was immune to direct mental attacks…

Space-time distortion maybe? No, if the villains had a quirk that potent then they could have stolen whatever they wanted without all this heat. So there had to be some kind of limit or some trick that only affected this area. Meaning that someone was probably watching me. -800 "!"

"So you aren't invincible, you've somehow just increased your Endurance and defensive parameters through some means. Yet when those are bypassed you are just as vulnerable as any normal human." A voice came from all around me, with no clear origin. It wasn't a speaker though, I would have noticed any signals.

"Oh, how rude of me, I know you but you have no idea who I am. Allow me to introduce myself, I-" A figure with a modulated voice suddenly appeared in front of my face. I immediately analyzed and punched at it only for them to disappear just before the hit landed. "Ah, ah. You are quite fast, but you can't beat the almighty speed of-"

"Schweinorg. Next time if you want to keep your secrets, don't reveal yourself to play around." I punch the air above me and the ground below. Collapsing the two floors of this side of the tower simultaneously. "You bent space to a limited degree at will, causing me to make the wrong turn each time while making it look like I was moving normally. But that manipulation costs you quite a bit of energy." I smirk as the smell of ozone fills the air.

So my opponent was magical, guess I should have guessed given his name. And the increased volume was forcing him to expend more prana. Enough for me to track it through my enhanced senses. "Delaware Smash!" I fire in the general direction where the circulating energy originated. Hearing a heavy thunk as my opponent most likely got blown back into a metal wall.

"Uugh. I guess you aren't all muscle like your meathead predecessor. And your skill Material Transmutation is truly transcendent. The ease of use, and the way you discovered so much about me from a glance, some insane level of Structural Grasping maybe?" Sweinorg spoke from his crater in the previously smooth wall. His ability to speak after such a blow is undoubtedly thanks to his Epic level equipment.

Not responding to his question I sent an OFA-empowered chop this time. Since blunt force didn't do much, maybe a sharper blade of air would? 'Alright, maybe his boast of being fast wasn't all hot air.' I thought as Sweinorg dodged the air blade with seeming ease before oozing out even more mana. 'Insane reserves too, much higher than my own.'

Not that it said much. After all, I was currently running on a single full circuit and a couple of barely functioning ones, hardly what anyone would call a prana factory.

*BOOM! "Looks like the ruffians found your classmates. Oh my, it's only a matter of time before those children get hurt by the big bad villains. You should probably get there as quickly as possible…If you can get past me that is." Sweinorg tried to egg me on, to his confusion when my reaction didn't go further than a raised eyebrow.

"To be honest, I'm more worried for the terrorists than Kachan. I'll start to worry for him when the explosions stop. You are right about one thing though, I need to end this quickly." Activating OFA at 100% I stack my newly mastered Reinforcement on top of it, multiplying all of my parameters fivefold, including durability.

"This is as good of a test as any. Full Reinforcement: 500%!" With my newly broken limits, I crash into my opponent's body in less than an instant. So fast that even a space warper, who likely had enhanced senses and reaction times, could not even more a muscle in response. His very prana moved in slow motion to defend its master to no effect, only barely rising in time to cushion the second impact made on the ground.

"What was this move called again? Oh yeah, the volleyball technique!" Inspired by a certain ancient show, the technique itself was playful…But highly destructive when done by someone with sufficient strength and speed. Always attacking from different angles, never allowing their opponent to land and right themselves.

'This is also too easy, this guy isn't even trying to fight back…' With a final double handed smash onto the floor, cracking the metal once again, I finish my assault. 'I have a name, but I also need a face. Time to take off that mask.' There was a crack of electricity as my hand came close to Sweinorg's mask, but with my durability I decided to ignore it and just yank the mask off.

-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 *Crunch

"...Ah, that explains the suicidal attack. You were just a distraction." I said to the jumbled mix of metal, glass, wood, and flesh that was my opponent's face. "An automaton familiar with pieces of its master's flesh and stored mana to mimic a real person. Enough so that it even fooled my analysis. Impressive." It was the first time such a thing had happened, though I suppose it made sense when it came to magic. Side-stepping the laws of the world is kind of its whole deal.

"Enough of this." I didn't even bother yelling out an attack name, simply going 100% full cowling, bisecting the familiar from the top down, no longer worried about taking my opponent alive. Moving forward to the tower's island security controls. 'Stealth is out of the question after that stunt against Sweinorg's familiar, so shock and awe it is!'

With that thought I tossed aside any semblance of subtlety and bolted around the tower at full speed until I came across a restrained David Shield and who I could only assume was the main villain behind this terrorist operation.

'Lots of metal on his body, shot in the dark he probably has a metal quirk,' and a quick analysis confirmed it. The villain had a fairly powerful ferrokinesis quirk which also explained the handgun. It would be much easier to manipulate a single bullet than the several dozen that would be fired by an automatic weapon.

All this passed through my mind as I was flying at a respectable fraction of lightning speed towards the man pointing a gun at my teacher's best friend. 'Cut off the hand with the gun first. The briefcase is probably also important but dealing with the threat comes first.' To make sure the cut was clean I decided to take out a simple stick of plastic, thin and sharp, and most importantly not metallic.

*Thump "AARGH!"

The villain's hand flopped to the ground along with his pistol, though I paid it no mind as I moved quickly to get David out of the way so that I could work without worrying. I had to slow down a bit in order to not jostle him too hard, but that still left me with plenty of time to run back and kick the villain straight in the stomach while he was still screaming about his lost appendage.

"Good work, you took down All Might by using the most advanced security in the world and the threat of hostages…Now what's your plan for me?"

Aaand scene. It only took me a month and a half. So, that explanation I mentioned at the start.

TLDR: I bought a house, I tried to buy Fiber internet but the parent company was Centurylink so that died before it could get off the ground, still in the process of getting my money back on that one.

After a week of waiting, I went to Comcast, took them another three weeks and two attempts to do a simple job. In summary, fuck American internet companies, they all universally suck.

Right, explanation(read: covering my ass) over. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, good news is I'll be mostly free for the next two weeks so that gives me ample time to dedicate to writing. Until next time.