Naruto Rose the Champion of Light

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Percy Jackson. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and RWBY is owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth respectively. Certain elements were inspired by various Naruto/RWBY crossover fanfictions. I asked permission from Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer to use certain elements like Naruto being the twin of Ruby Rose before I started and got permission.

Posted October 4/2019 (Friday)

AN1: New Story! (I get bored trying to think of new ideas for current stories all the time.) This is to celebrate RWBY season 7 in less than a month! This will get pretty infrequent updates as I only have basic plots in mind.

Remember this does not follow canon specifically (especially when Naruto starts affecting the timeline)

Chapter 1 Naruto is reborn!

Naruto Uzumaki the 7th Hokage, Jinchuuiki of all 9 tailed Beasts, saviour of the ninja world and many more titles finally was sitting on his death bed. Despite his Uzumaki vitality inherited by his mother Kushina Uzumaki he like all beings was still mortal so time had finally caught up to him.

He was about 112 and was surrounded by his 2 children Himawari Uzumaki and Boruto Uzumaki who were holding his hands on his death bed. The Tailed beasts also had shrunken down to chibi size to pay respect to their former jinchuuiki but none so much as Kurama the nine-tail fox who had been released from Naruto shortly before.

"Papa!" Himawari cried as Naruto gave her a brave and tired smile. Despite being a grandmother now she still was his little girl at heart as he squeezed her hand with what little strength he had left. It was decided that only Naruto's direct children would be allowed to be with Naruto in his final moments.

"Hima. When I meet your mother in the afterlife, I will tell her that you kept the smile on my face like you promised her." Naruto said to his daughter who cried harder.

"Tou-chan." Boruto said with tears running down his face as Naruto gave his son a proud smile. Despite their rough patches due to Naruto's constant work load and Boruto unable to understand his father they eventually made up.

"Boruto. Make sure you and everyone else works hard to keep the peace everyone sacrificed so much intact from now to the end of time ok?" Naruto asked his son as he coughed getting worried looks before he smiled.

"Tou-chan I promise you I will keep that promise and everyone will always remember you and what you did for them!" Boruto promised as Naruto nodded his head before he turned around to the tailed beasts who had gathered around his bed.

"Guys. Promise you will live happy and peaceful lives for me ok?" Naruto asked as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"We promise Naruto!" The Tailed beasts shouted as they had several tears running down their face just like when their creator the Sage of the Six Paths had died.

"That's good. I can rest easy now." Naruto said as he closed his eyes forever and that day everyone had mourned the loss of Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto coughed before he woke up and opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed he no longer had the fatigue that plagued him in his old age and he looked down and saw he looked the same as he did when he fought Kaguya with even both arms restored. Naruto's hair had returned to its blonde spikey hair, his sky eyes did not have the tired look anymore and although he did not feel Kurama inside of him he still felt his whiskers on his face.

"Huh? I never died before but I thought mom and dad would be waiting here for me when it was finally my time." Naruto wondered as he stretched his arms and looked around.

"You would if I did not summon you Naruto Uzumaki." A loud and calm voice announced as Naruto went into a defensive stance before he turned around. He saw what appeared to be a man shaped light. It was completely as white light with no actual face but it had a human shaped that appeared to be male. It appeared to quite tall towering over Naruto along with antlers and no clothes but it was just light.

"What are you?" Naruto asked carefully as although he could not sense the things power he did have a sense it was far more powerful than what it appeared.

"I am the God of light and we are at the border between Life and Death Naruto Uzumaki." The God of Light explained as it sat down and 'looked' at Naruto in the face.

"Ok Mr. God of Light. Why am I here?" Naruto said with notable sarcasm. He had another of the Ōtsutsuki clan claiming they were Gods.

The God of Light chuckled making Naruto abit more on ease. "I can understand your scepticism Naruto Uzumaki but to clarify I am a God not of your world." It claimed as Naruto put his arms down and looked deep in thought.

"So are you like Kaguya from another planet or dimension?" Naruto asked critically but to his shock the God shook his head.

"No. What you call dimensions and planets all exist inside a set dimension or if you wish 'dimension'. For clarity sake my dimension does not have chakra or even natural energy in the worlds." The God explained as Naruto looked wide eyed.

"Not even natural energy?" Naruto gasped. He knew that for his world chakra only started when Kaguya ate the fruit of the Divine Tree and her son spread it to humans through Ninshu. But the idea that natural energy which long predated chakra did not exist shocked him. "Ok even if I accept you are from another dimension why am I here? I thought everyone unless sealed away went to the Pure Land when they died?" Naruto asked in annoyance when he realized his question was skipped over.

"I will be blunt. I need your help in my world so I did divine intervention to keep your soul from ascending when you died." The God explained as Naruto grew angry.

"What gives you the right huh? I wanted to see Hinata, Sasuke, Sakura, Tou-chan, Kaa-chan, Pervy-sage and everyone else when I finally died and now you are telling me I have to do something for you instead!" Naruto asked angrily with a tear in his eye. He never feared death but feared not seeing his loved ones when he died.

The God of Light was silent and although it had no expression on its face Naruto could almost sense some sympathy coming from it.

"My world is at the brink of destruction and there has been a stalemate that may soon end with the world's destruction once for all." The God of Light said as Naruto expression softened before it came stern.

"Tell me what has happened in your world before I agree to anything." Naruto told the God flatly as it nodded its head.

"Very well. Many thousands of years ago humanity lived in peace with me and my brother the God of Darkness. My brother had created Grimm which were born to eliminate life however humanity did not fall since they possessed powers born of my brother and myself called magic." The God started as it showed imagines as it spoke. It told Naruto of how humanity had magic until one day a woman called Salem lost the man she loved. She had pleaded with the God of Light to bring him back but the God refused since life only had value if it went one way.

Naruto felt sympathy for Salem but understood having seen death many times that life had to end at some point no matter how short. He agreed with the God of light as he watched the imagines continue.

The woman Salem unwilling to give up on her lover Ozma went to the God's brother the God of Darkness who accepted the woman's request unknowing on how she went to his brother first. The God of Light explained what treachery Salem had did so the God of Darkness erased Ozma reborn self to restore balance. The God of Light had cursed Salem with immortality for trying to destroy the balance of life and death for herself.

The tale continued where the God of Light told Naruto how his brother destroyed humanity with magic when Salem convinced them to rebel and how his brother and him left the world called 'Remnant' after humanity was destroyed.

"Naruto after we left Salem tried to end her eternal life by going into the fountain of Darkness only to have an insatiable lust for destruction along with her immorality. Seeing as I could not take away her immortality, I granted her lover Ozma life and the ability to live again and again to try and stop her." The God of Light told Naruto who grit his teeth at the injustice of it all.

The of Light told Naruto how Salem ultimately rejected Ozma and humanity which had been reborn without magic and started a quest to eradicate them all. Ozma continued to reincarnate into new lives after each death until he used the Relic of Knowledge left by the God of light to ask how to defeat Salem. Naruto and Ozma were shocked to learn that it was impossible to kill Salem at all.

"Ozma due to losing his children with Salem granted magic to 4 young girls who were dubbed 'maidens' and their powers also picked new hosts after the death of one of them. Each maiden was named after a season 'Fall', 'Winter', 'Summer' and 'Spring'. This circle of rebirth and death continued for thousands of years as Ozma continued to try to find a way to stop Salem while Salem tried to get the Maiden powers for herself along with the relics. If she gets them both my brother and I would eb forced to return and destroy the world once and for all." The God of light concluded as Naruto eyes narrowed at the story.

"So, in summary you and your brother screwed up massive many thousands of years ago, humanity is at the brink of destruction from either the Grimm or themselves and somehow you want me to fix everything. Is that about, right?" Naruto asked angrily as the God gave a notable sigh.

"In summary it is basically it." The God of Light admitted.

"So what is humanity to you? Pawns like how my people were just pawns/chakra food for the Ōtsutsuki clan?" Naruto asked as he glared at the God who looked down.

"It was never intended for this to go this far but I cannot change time or the past." The God said with some regret.

"Wait if you are in Outer Space now how do you know all this?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes.

"The relics being apart of me allows me certain amount of knowledge of what goes on although I cannot interfere with what happens with them or what happens to the planet." The God of light acknowledged. Seeing Naruto's accusatory look, he elaborated "Naruto if I were to go back to Earth and solve all the problems my brother would return and our fight would destroy the world once and for all. All I can do is send champions like Ozma to try and unite humanity." The God of light insisted as Naruto scoffed.

"A good load that has done." Naruto stated with bite after hearing of the large divide between Faunus and humans and even different kingdoms. It reminded him of his home before the Allied Ninja Forces combined everyone together to fight Madara and Obito.

The God of light sighed before saying "This time Salem may in fact win as humanity has gotten arrogant in this time of what they believed is peace and been fractured ever more. Salem however has gathered her forces strongly and, in the shadows, manipulated everyone. I need someone with your heart and soul to tip the scales and hopefully end Salem and the Grimm once and for all." The God of Light revealed as Naruto looked sceptical at him.

"Let say I even say yes. How would I even get your world? I don't have Sasuke's Rinnegan to travel from dimension to dimension and it sounds like even that would not reach Remnant." Naruto asked sharply as the God of Light looked at him directly.

"I cannot take your soul into Remnant directly. Even talking in between Realms is breaking the rules between dimensions. What I can do is send your soul over to Remnant where you will be born as a baby of that world without tour powers you posses now or memories." The God of Light claimed as Naruto looked outraged.

"So, you want me to be born again without memories or chakra into your world? How would I even know I am supposed to be a saviour if I don't have memories?" Naruto demanded.

The God of Light answered "I can promise you that your memories will return at some point before your teens and merge with your memories of a happy life there.".

"And my chakra?" Naruto asked already dreading the answer.

"I do not know." The God o Light admitted shocking Naruto. "Despite what mortals believe Gods are not all powerful or all knowing. This kind of reincarnation has never been done across dimensions especially with someone as powerful as yourself. You may get chakra when your memories return or you may just have an exceptionally Aura and Semblance." The God of light informed Naruto who looked indecisive.

"This sounds way too much a gamble." Naruto muttered which the God heard.

The God waved his hand as a bubble appeared in front of Naruto showing a man, a woman, with a slight bump on her stomach and a little girl riding in the man's arms.

"What is this?" Naruto asked although he was drawn to the bubble which clearly showed happy people.

"These are your family if you choose to come with me. The man is Taiyang Xiao Long, the little girl is his daughter Yang and the woman is Summer Rose who is currently carrying a very early baby girl in her stomach." The God of Light informed a transfixed Naruto.

Naruto saw Taiyang had pale skin with dull blonde hair and blue eyes. Naruto instantly though that he had the 'dad' look down to a pat unlike his own dad who still looked far more serious. Yang was a cute 1-year old infant who had bright blonde hair and curious Lilac eyes. The person who drew his attention the most was Summer Rose who had fair skin with silver eyes and odd shoulder length black hair that had red tips. Naruto thought she had a motherly expression that reminded him of his own mother.

"So Summer is having her second daughter already?" Naruto asked still transfixed on the family he missed the almost amused look the God of Light sent him.

"Not quite." The God of Light told him as Naruto looked up in surprised. "Yang is Taiyang daughter from his first wife Raven Branwen who left him soon after their daughter was born. Summer decided to raise Yang as her own along with their daughter who is still growing as we speak." The God of light said as Naruto looked interested with a smile on his face.

"I see Summer is a super mom huh?" Naruto remarked with true respect for that woman. She had chosen to raise a child not connected to her through blood without any regrets.

"That's right so if you choose to go to that world you will be the girls twin as I will manipulate it so Summer Rose has twins born instead of a girl." The God of Light informed Naruto as he continued to look longingly at the happy family.

Truthfully as much as he loved his parents' part of him would always wonder what it would be like to be born with parents and even siblings. If he took this chance, he would get to experience a childhood not alone and filled with love. He also could not bring himself to look away when he saw the state of affairs of what was happening in that other world.

After a minute he looked at the God of Light who looked expectantly at him. "IF I do this can you at least tell Hinata and everyone why I won't be there in the afterlife with them?" Naruto requested having made up his mind.

"I already told Hagomoro everything and he has explained everything to your loved ones." The God of Light explained as Naruto gave him a crooked smile.

"I see you so you both knew what decision I would make already huh?" Naruto asked but the God of light shook his head.

"No despite what people think no one can know what another person will choose. All anyone can do is hope for the best and believe that the other person will pick the best option." The God of Light said mournfully as Naruto sent it a giant grin.

"Alright I officially agree to become our little champion and become Naruto Rose!" Naruto announced with a fist raised up.

"What makes you so sure your new name will be Naruto Rose?" The God of Light asked as it prepared to send Naruto off.

"Like you said I don't know but I believe that is what I shall be called." Naruto said with sass as he closed his eyes.

"Goodbye Naruto Rose. This will be my last interference. Truly the fate of Remnant will be its own without help from the Gods." The God of light announced as a bright enveloped Naruto and the God of Light. Next moment they both disappeared so Naruto Rose could be born in due time!

AN1: So yeah a Naruto/harem (with his sisters being at least the first two) story! Naruto will be 'Naruto' again (at least in memories) before the first 'episode' of RWBY canon starts.

Also, since Naruto will be Ruby's twin he will have Ruby's hairy style but with blonde and red tips (so he looks like a mix between both of his sisters).

What do you want his semblance to be? (I have a pretty good idea but I do read reviews and PMs). Also, Weapons? (try to not be too specific as I won't likely look up specific weapons from animes or shows I have not seen).

Also, people who don't want a new story simply don't follow or review ok? If I get bored with my current stories, I wont update anything at all.