In all of the commotion that came with finding out about the Akatsuki, the blonde Yamanaka forgot about the book "The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi."

After a hard days training, working on her chakra reserves, Ino sat down to read the book. Admittedly she wasn't at all concerned with reading it when she was training with Jiraiya previously before the chunin exams. When she saw that the main character in the book just before the Akatsuki arrived, was called Naruto, her interest sparked. She was confident that there was more to this, just she wasn't sure what it was. She just had a gut feeling.

As she was reading it, she couldn't help but see so many parallels between the main character in the book and the boy she was on a mission with. There has to be something here! Ino thought as memories of the preceding days where she watched the way Naruto interacted with her sensei.


Unaware of the thoughts going through the mind of his teammate, Naruto Uzumaki found himself working on the final step of the task that Jiraiya had given him. Naruto had managed to figure out how to pop the first water balloon after a couple of days and from there, popping the rubber balloon was fairly straight forward, given his chakra reserves.

Cognitively, Naruto had no idea what it was that made his training more effective over the past few days since the Akatsuki. Maybe it was the added pressure of finding out that there was a group of very highly skilled elite ninjas after his life. Or maybe, it was feeling of acceptance and reassurance that he got when he finally confided in someone his own age about the burden that had been placed on him since birth.

Ever since that conversation where Naruto divulged that he had been the Jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox, Naruto could not take his mind off of Ino Yamanaka.

Previously, Naruto had never given any thought to the girl as she was not on his radar at all. She was always the worst of Sasuke's fan girls and he hated the fact that Sasuke got all of the attention that Naruto wanted. In addition to this, she had called him stupid on occasion during their time during the academy.

She never trained hard to become a ninja and Naruto was jealous that she was the most popular person in class, where she had everything that Naruto ever wanted. Attention and validation.

She's changed though. Naruto was smart enough to see that the girl in front of him now had drastically grown from where she was. It must have started after the fight during the preliminaries. She then got Jiraiya as a sensei and she got stronger. Heaps stronger dattebayo!

It wasn't the strength that had Naruto's mind getting tunnel vision however. It was her personality.

He no longer saw her as the bratty, Sasuke obsessed kid who focused solely on her looks. Naruto now saw someone who was really nice, willing to listen and made him feel comfortable enough to talk about some of his deepest secrets. She saw Naruto for Naruto and not for the Kyubi which was his biggest fear.

A myriad of emotions flooded the body of Naruto that he had yet to properly process. He was still dealing with the death of a man who he considered his grandfather. A large part of his support system was gone from him and the one person that made him feel safe above everyone else.

Yet, hear was someone who he didn't like for all of his childhood so far and managed to put him at complete ease and allowed the Uzumaki to feel comfortable enough to talk. I don't think Sasuke, Sakura or Kakashi would have made me feel as comfortable talking about this as what Ino did. It was a hard pill for Naruto to swallow as Team 7 was supposed to be the family that he never had. He was always told during the academy that his team when he became a genin were going to be his squad, his family, his ride or die that would have his back through everything, no matter what!

The only person that Naruto could say that had displayed anything like that was Sasuke during the fight at the bridge against Haku.

Why is it that Ino-chan made me feel more at ease than what anyone in Team 7?


Ino was sat rested on the couch of the hotel they were in, reading The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi, when Jiraiya came into the room. A pensive look appeared on the face of Jiraiya as he saw the facial expression on Ino's face when she was reading. Something didn't sit right with the Sannin as he felt like a headache was incoming. Training one blonde was stressful and annoying enough. Here he had volunteered to train two! "Brat, I've got some new training for you that I think you specifically are going to like."

Jiraiya was hoping that when he said this, he would get Ino hooked on this new training rather than focusing on the book and potentially uncovering any secret related to his godson. Ire was drawn and a frown briefly appeared on the face of Ino before she gave in and bit the bait that her sensei had laid. "What is this new training sensei and why is it that I would specifically like it as well? Wouldn't Naruto enjoy it?"

The smirk that appeared on his face was enough to get Ino to sit forward in her seat. "Well, this is what you would call a soft skill, rather than a hard skill such as a ninjutsu and or taijutsu. As for why you would like this, well I know you love a bit of gossip." The Sannin said with a small wink on his face.

Ino fell for it hook, line and sinker, the second the word gossip was mentioned. She was indeed a gossip queen and loved finding out information about other people. "What is it?"

"What are your thoughts on brothels?" Jiraiya questioned knowing full well that Inoichi was not going to like this one bit. Fuck it he thought I'm the Hokage and I can do what I want.

That comment right there through the girl for a loop as she was all built up to learn about what this new skill was and then now she was being asked about brothels. "They are disgusting! Women shouldn't be giving themselves away like that for money. Plus its gross! Doing that with any random man who rocks up. EWWWW! It's full of disgusting perverts… No offence sensei" she shrieked, horrified at the thought of having a random person touching her body like that, putting herself in the situation.

Spoken like a true clan heir and from a person in privilege… Jiraiya couldn't help but think. "You know Ino, very few of the women who work there, have a choice in the situation. For most, the pay is a chance to escape the situation that they are in and build a better life."

Fear and empathy marred the face of Ino as empathy flooded her, trying to imagine what it must be like to be in a situation where you must compromise on things to get by. Many times she knew that people had it less fortunate than her, especially as a clan heiress but she hadn't fully heard of the grim reality that took place outside of the walls of Konoha. It made her sick to her stomach.

"Don't you go into places like this Jiraiya-sensei!?" Ino asked with a look of anger on her face, furious her sensei would go to places like this and enable businesses like this to prosper.

"Ino, I understand your annoyance and frustration. There are terrible people out there in the world that take advantage of these situations and but both WOMEN and MEN in prostitution positions." The blonde slightly cooled off hearing that this was something that happened to both genders, not that it made it right. "In addition to that though, there are many places that offer this service reputably and ran in a way where everyone keeps their dignity and is safe."

Jiraiya lowered his tone and hunched over slightly to appear less threatening and make Ino feel at ease. It worked.

"Well then why did you bring up brothels when it came to training? Do you plan for me to work in one!?" The Yamanaka girl spiraled in panic. Horrified at the thought that her sensei would even suggest such a thing. She was not that sort of person!

Annoyed that she would even suggest such a thing, Jiraiya's voice rose. "No, I would never suggest, let alone force anyone to go down that path. Ino" Jiraiya said with a pause to get the girl's full attention. "I want you to think critically. What do you believe would be the reason as to why I would talk about gossip and then immediately start talking about brothels?"

The Yamanaka Heiress pondered on the thought and brought her hands up to massage her temples, deep in thought. Men are desperate. They'll say anything to get your pants. The words from Inoichi echoed in her mind. They'll say anything. Like a lightbulb, Ino shot up, feeling like she figured it out as she related it back to the brothel. Use a bit of charm, flirt with a man, make him feel like big king dick and he will blab all.

Ino understood kunoichi went on seduction missions. The phrase "The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body" rang in the back of her mind. "If you tell a man what they want to hear and have sex with them, they'll loosen up their guard and tell you information? Is that right sensei?" the inflection rose at the end of each sentence as the genin was sounding out her theory as she said it, wondering if it was right as she looked at her sensei for confirmation.

She was greeted with a proud smile Jiraiya's face! He was beaming with pride. "You got it Ino-chan! Brothels are a great place for gathering information. They are a place where you can have a drink, relax your guard and with the right words and touch, you can pleasure a person into spilling their life story to you. They say you catch more flies with honey and you can get as much information out of someone with pleasure as you can pain."

The Yamanaka heiress was well aware of various methods of information gathering. It was in her family DNA. Her family had always used the blunt method of forcing themselves into a person's mind with their ninjutsu. For those that didn't have access to it, they had to use other methods.

For a brief second, she was reminded of Naruto and how he told her about the Kyubi whilst only having been close to her since this mission. He is really starved for attention if he is willing to divulge information that easily to someone who he doesn't know well. A wave of sorrow fell over her as she remembered her blonde teammate before she got on track with what her sensei was telling her.

"What part do you play in this sensei?" She was curious to how this played to her sensei. Her posture had changed and now she was back leaning forward with her back straight, giving all of her attention to Jiraiya.

The grin stayed on the face of Jiraiya. He liked the fact that his student was taking an interest in all of this. Minato had never really been interested in this. "Multiple things. I have connections with brothels all around the world who are informants. They collect information over time and then when I visit, they give me the information."

"But what do they get out of it? Like why would they tell you anything?" Ino questioned, wondering how all of this worked.

Jiraiya smirked which Ino picked up on. "Different ways for different places. Sometimes I am dealing with the owner of the brothel and I either seduce them, pay them a fee based on the level of information but mostly, it comes from being a repeat client and coming in and then forming connections with the people there and they are happy to tell me after I manipulate them. Don't ever let what you hear about me fool you Ino.

I am a bumbling old major pervert. That is true however, I am also a spymaster with a global information network who has been largely responsible for both disseminating information and mitigating leaks whilst also gathering information on both our enemies and allies." The firm look that Jiraiya gave the girl when he told her this, made her realise the gravity of just who she was standing in front of.

Ino had seen Jiraiya when he was standing in front of Kisame and Itachi. That was one thing. That was power. This was different though. There was so much more to being a generational shinobi and this was the first time she was truly seeing it. Is this what its like to be at the top, to be a monster of a shinobi.

The blonde was glad that her sensei told her this. She could easily see how people would take her sensei as a larger threat if they knew the real him. The bumbling pervert was an act. You don't get the top without being competent. Seeing her sensei like this inspired the genin. I want to be just like Jiraiya-sensei!

With a grin that would strike fear into the eyes of Jiraiya had he known what he was creating, Ino spoke up "I'm ready Jiraiya-sensei! Teach me everything!"


After a hard day of training where Ino was working on chakra reserves as well as her physical conditioning, the blonde found herself recked. Naruto wasn't much better as he was working on his final stage of the rasengan; his hands having blistered from the chakra burns. The duo of shinobi, along with their sensei Jiraiya made their way through the city of Tanzaku-Gai, looking for somewhere to settle for food.

"Hey… isn't this a bar!?" Naruto questioned as the trio of ninjas walked into where they would be eating for the night. Ino was about to call out the same thing until she remembered what her sensei had said about her new training.

This is a potential information gathering location. Alcohol loosens lips.

"Yeah, and?" Jiraiya questioned with a raised eyebrow and a deadpan response. What the two genin did not know, was that Jiraiya was fairly confident that he could feel the chakra of Tsunade on the other side of the door. He assumed that she as drunk and her ability to mask her chakra was faltering slightly.

Upon walking into the room, the Toad Sannin surveyed the room and immediately spotted Tsunade, confirming his estimation. A small smile appeared on his face as his heart started beating quickly. It was the first time in a very long time that he had seen Tsunade and a myriad of feelings came back.

The two veteran ninjas locked eyes as Tsunade had her eyes on the door from the position she was seated in. Her fight or flight response was on edge. She didn't know what was going to be coming shortly but she knew that it wasn't going to be good. Whatever it was, she got the feeling that it would change her current way of life and she didn't like that.

The trio of ninjas sat down at the table, opposite Shizune and Tsunade, with Jiraiya at inner most part followed by Naruto with Ino on the outside. Tsunade got out a pack of cards and started shuffling them, finding something to keep her hands occupied whilst she conversed. A tremor of anxiety ran through her.

"So, have you heard about the Third Hokage?" Jiraiya questioned although he was fairly confident that she would have heard by now.

Tsunade mirthlessly chuckled. "Today is a day down memory lane it seems. I heard it from Orochimaru himself." The trio of ninjas were shocked and only Jiraiya was able to school his expressions for Tsunade to not pick up on.

"Who are these brats!?" Tsunade slurred. Wanting to move the conversation on. "Didn't think you would get any more students." As much as the fact that she knew Tsunade was drunk, the feeling of pressure that Ino was feeling, being under the gaze of the legendary ninja had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. The feeling of being dissected by eyes alone filled her with fear.

"What can I say, when you find talented kids who carry the will of fire, it's hard to ignore." The Toad Sannin mentioned in response. Naruto beam with pride! It was rare for him to get compliments and to get one from someone as respected as Jiraiya about his abilities filled him with happiness. "They are Ino Yamanaka and Naruto Uzumaki"

Tsunade scoffed. Her drunken state lowered her inhibitions and in the process, lowered her filter. "That's low from you Jiraiya, subjecting these kids to the same fate as your previous students." She was used to insulting Jiraiya and he wouldn't fight back.

Ino's eyes widened. Her sensei had confided into her that he was once in love with his former teammate and she wondered why. This lady was a bitch. She saw the grimace of pain on her sensei's face, as much he tried to hide it. Ino was able to piece together what Tsunade meant by that comment as she remembered reading about her sensei back during the chunin exams.

Jiraiya's famous last student was Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. Judging by that comment from Tsunade, Ino was fair to assume that all her sensei's former students were dead.

That's such a low blow!

Naruto seemed to pick up on what Tsunade was saying as well. "Oi back off you old hag! I don't care who you are or how long you have known Jiraiya-sensei… don't be mean like that" the blonde haired boy stood up and said confidently, looking Tsunade directly in the eyes.

The stare down that Naruto was giving Tsunade was no skin off the woman's back. She had faced far stronger ninjas over her many decades of experience. "As if any of these brats could be close to your last student. Especially this one. The only thing they have in common is the blonde hair."

"Enough Tsunade." Jiraiya cut off Tsunade sharply. Everyone saw the change in the environment and it made Ino curious. Naruto's food arrived right as Jiraiya said this as his attention was on the server. The Yamanaka girl however, found something strange. She was well aware of some of the rumours that surrounded Naruto as a kid. People always wondered if Naruto was a part of the Yamanaka clan as they were the only other people in Konoha who had yellow hair.

There's though was a pale platinum blonde. The only other person who had blonde hair in history was the fourth Hokage and both he and Naruto have the same hair colour!

Naruto had the Kyubi sealed inside of him by the Fourth Hokage and then the Hokage died.

Naruto is named after a book which was written by the Fourth Hokage's sensei.

There's too many coincidences here!

Ino's eyes bulged out of her had as her mind was racing a million miles a minute, trying to put pieces together. Whilst she wasn't sure she was correct, her gossip senses were going off like crazy! This was something that

Both the Sannin picked up on it. Jiraiya's eyes fumed with rage at the situation. He leveled his gaze at Tsunade and focused his killing intent so that only Tsunade felt it. A look of shock fell over the face of Tsunade as she hadn't felt killing intent from Jiraiya in a long, long time. Not since multiple decades ago during a heated fight.

She had the decency to look sheepish, however Tsunade did not look sorry.

"We came here for a reason Tsunade." Jiraiya mentioned, getting the conversation back to business. He wasn't too pleased with the comments earlier and thought it best to leave this visit short. "The village is in dire need of your expertise. With the passing of Sensei, we need all the help that we can get and this would be the perfect time for you to implement your goal of changing the academy curriculum to have a med ninja on each team." Jiraiya stated, knowing full well the kind of reaction that he was going to get.

The blonde haired woman barked out a laugh! "Hah! Not a chance in hell. There's no way that I am ever going back to that stupid village."

"Oi! Don't you dare insult Konoha, take that back! Konoha is your home, it's done so much for you!" Naruto shouted back almost immediately, right in her face. Jiraiya winced, knowing that the situation was only made worse. He agreed with Naruto though.

"You don't know what you're saying you snot nosed brat. You wouldn't know what struggle, hardship and pain look like. Sit down and let the adults talk, child." Tsunade dismissed Naruto.

Seeing the look of hurt on the face of Naruto, Ino couldn't help but feel protective. Her eyes narrowed. "Look here Miss 'my contour doesn't match my foundation'" Ino called out, staring Tsunade dead in the eyes, full of confidence. Shizune had a look of horror on her face, Jiraiya spat out his drink with laughter and Naruto just looked confused. Tsunade frowned massively whilst she was directly looking at Ino. "You use a genjutsu to make yourself look younger… could you at least have made yourself not as ugly as well?"

This time Naruto got the insult and smartly decided to step down. This was a woman's fight and he wanted no part of it.

That fire. It's no wonder Jiraiya is training her. She is a mini me. Tsunade thought to herself, both insulted and impressed at the same time. The sheer confidence that Ino had made the Slug Sannin give all her attention to the Yamanaka.

"No offence but you're sitting here as a middle aged woman in a bar with your student who has given up all hope of happiness in her life due to choosing to follow you around in your alcoholic depression. You've pushed everyone around you away to the point where they don't want anything to do to you.

Most importantly though, I can't believe my dad told me to look up and aspire to be like you one day." As Ino said this, she couldn't help but look at Tsunade in disgust. "I was excited to meet you, to find a role model for all kunoichi's. That women are just as capable as men and yet… I sit here and you are not even a third of the woman, that Jiraiya-sensei is a man."

Ino felt like she had a good read on Tsunade and tried her best to target the areas where she thought it would hurt the most. Judging by the look on both the face of Tsunade and Shizune, hit the nail on head with that.

For Tsunade, it felt like she was looking into a mirror and saw a younger version of herself. Seeing the child of Minato and Kushina was one thing but seeing a mini version of herself where she was so full of confidence and wit. Let's see if she can back it up.

Jiraiya felt pride in the fact that both of his students were so quick to come to his defense. Something I am doing is working.

"Who the hell do you think you are saying that!? What makes you think that I am going to let some snot nosed child talk to me, A SANNIN like that? Come on girl, let's go outside and find out if you are all bark and no bite!" Tsunade shouted as she stood up.

"Alright then!" Ino said, now nervous as to what she had gotten herself into. Here she was, a genin, going up against one of the Sannin!

Quick Ino think! What can I do? The only skill I have against her is surprise. She is better than me in every way… but she doesn't know what I can do.

"Don't worry Ino, I'll make sure nothing bad happens." Jiraiya said as he placed a hand on the girls shoulder, reassuring her.

As much as he knew Tsunade was pissed. He knew that she would never seriously hurt Ino despite what she said… He hoped.

Ino ran slowly towards Tsunade, at the speed in which she would have, had this taken place before the chunin exams. As she ran, the genin reached over her shoulder and grabbed the blade.

"Pfft. I expected far more than this from someone who was willing to run her mouth. The standard of Kunoichi in Konoha must really have fallen over the past decade." Tsunade stated whilst she waved her finger in front of Ino Yamanaka, thinking it was all she needed to defeat the girl.

Stay focused Ino. Don't rise to the bait. The Yamanaka told herself as she internally prepped her chakra. When she got within 3 metres, Ino spiked her chakra that she had been molding to the forefront.

SHIT! Tsunade thought as she saw the speed that Ino was moving at. Gone from moving at a low genin level, she moved at a special Jonin level. Tsunade quickly made a move to jump back and put some space between the 2 shinobi and then slam her foot into the ground.

Ino lunged forward and swung her blade with only one hand at full arm's reach. The sword sliced across the forearm of Tsunade, cutting the veins going up her arm. Both Jiraiya and Shizune's eyes widened as they noticed the blood come seeping out of the Slug Sannin.

No one was more surprised than Tsunade herself who fell to the ground and collapsed. Ino, not knowing quite what had happened, rushed forward again at her top speed to finish this fight. I want to beat a Sannin!

Before she could do anything, Jiraiya rushed forward and got between the two. "Stop Ino!" Jiraiya said with slightly more force than he intended to, due to worry for his former teammate. Shizune was also on the scene very quickly getting her hands in position to start healing the wound on her sensei's forearm.

"Ino. That's enough. You won the fight fair. Naruto, please take the two of you back to the apartment." The tone which Jiraiya used told both of the genin that it would not be wise to argue… As much as Ino wanted to know why such a cut caused the fight to be over.


"Why the hell did you bring those two kids Jiraiya?" Tsunade questioned, having gotten over the initial relapse of her Hemophobia. Frustration was evident on the face of the blonde sannin.

Jiraiya couldn't help but smirk whilst not having forgotten what was almost uttered at the table. "Whatever do you mean Princess?"

"Those two kids! What!? Don't think that I don't know for a second what you did. You brought the spitting image of Minato to show me a ghost of the past. You also brought a very talented kunoichi who is the looks similar and has the exact same personality as I did. Let me guess, trying to guilt trip me into feeling hopeful for the future so that I come back? Well I am not going to!" The blood loss from the wound only served to make Tsunade even drunker.

"If that's what you see." Jiraiya replied, not rising to the bait that Tsunade wanted to get into an argument to take her frustration out on Jiraiya, a safe space for her. "She's a spitfire that's for sure. Ino is Inoichi's daughter." Tsunade's eyes rose at the recognition of Inoichi.

"She's not the standard Yamanaka. Most of them are all supporting shinobi." Tsunade mused from her memory of working with them in the field.

Jiraiya nodded his head in agreement. "True, she isn't. I am not sure if she would have the patience to be sat on the sidelines whilst waiting for others. She has too much energy and potential. I only started training her from 2 months ago and she was only capable of the academy three and her basic clan jutsu.

Yet now, she can manipulate her chakra, knows my hair ninjutsu and even has passed the beginner stages of elemental manipulation." Jiraiya said with every bit of confidence and pride. Tsunade whistled. If that's true… then she will be very strong in 3 years.

"I'm well aware she can manipulate her chakra… care to explain?" Tsunade asked, starting to sober up as she ate some food. She levelled a glare at her former sensei to get him to speak.

Jiraiya felt it but paid it no mind. "When I found out she had phenomenal chakra control, I thought to myself 'what would 'Nade do?' and given the circumstances, I thought that this was the best move." A small smile appeared on the face of Tsunade. She felt flattered that Jiraiya's first thought to think what would she would do.

"So what I did, was describe, to the best of my ability, how your chakra enhanced strength works. Then told her how she can turn that into Chakra enhanced speed instead." Jiraiya commented to which Tsunade nodded, impressed.

"So what's the real reason you came searching for me? It can't be for me to come back to the village. Who in their right mind would think that I, would willingly come back, even if it is to implement the hospital and curriculum that I always wanted." Tsunade questioned, having a rough idea who, given that very few people would know about the dream she had.

Jiraiya looked Tsunade in the eyes. "It was me Tsunade. I am asking you to come back to Konoha as a friend. There is now time for a change in Konoha. Change that will prevent lives being lost." He knew that he was pulling at heart strings but Jiraiya didn't care at this point.

"I am not coming back to Konoha Jiraiya! Get it through your head. That place is dead to me!" Tsunade defensively replied.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Alright then. I am now going to be asking as your Kage." Tsunade's eyes widened. To think that they made Jiraiya Hokage. Why did you take the role…? "You will be coming back to Konoha. I will need you to be beside me and if you choose not, to join and heal Orochimaru, then make no mistake, I will kill you." The intensity of the stare made Tsunade realize just how serious her former teammate was.

"They made you Hokage!? Why did you take it? I thought you were a wandering nomad these days!?" Tsunade questioned, her mind rushing about just how much had changed since she had been gone.

Jiraiya looked up to the ceiling. "I guess when you get older, you start to value things differently. There are people in Konoha that need me and when the only other option that the Daimyo is willing to accept is Danzou… then I did what I felt was right for Konoha, not what was right for me." Tsunade looked at Jiraiya in a knew light. She honestly thought he would be selfish to the point of not wanting the role. She was impressed and surprised.

"Please Tsunade. You know with me as the Hokage, I will input everything you suggest when it comes to the Hospital and the academy curriculum. I am also going to need an advisor and there is no one in the world who I trust more than you."

"I-i-I'll think about it." Tsunade said, still so shocked at the fact that Jiraiya had taken the offer to become the Hokage. Jiraiya really has changed.


Both Naruto and Ino were in the same room, after having fought Tsunade in the middle of the street. "I'm impressed that you beat one of the sannin dattebayo!" Naruto said, not sure if he would have been able to achieve the same outcome.

"I know!" Ino was so excited for herself. She knew it didn't count as anything real on the battlefield but just the fact that she was able to get a 'win' against one of the sannin caused her to jump for joy. "I was just so pissed off at the way she was treating sensei. He has done a lot for us and he loves her. It must have hurt hearing her talk like that." The Yamanaka princess mentioned, pacing around the room as she had a myriad of thoughts going through her mind.

Then she turned her focus to Naruto. "Shouldn't you be more offended at the way she spoke to sensei!?" Ino questioned, venting her frustration towards her fellow blonde.

Naruto was surprised at this; his eyebrows rose. "I was offended! You've just trained with Sensei more than I have Ino-chan."

"Well yeah, but she was saying things about you! Didn't you hear what she said?" The blonde haired girl questioned with disbelief as she looked at her friend.

Naruto had a look of annoyance on his face before he attempted to school his features. Ino caught it however. "Well yeah. It was rude what she said about the fourth Hokage."

"What was that look!" Ino all but demanded. She was raised to talk about your emotions. Plus, she was very curious. Naruto on the other hand was not at all used to talking about his emotions. Surprise etched onto his face, being put under the spotlight.

"What do you mean?" He mentioned, trying to play it off.

The Yamanaka girl spotted the sign of panic in his eyes. Why is Naruto panicking? Does he know something? She internally questioned. Her mind racing with a myriad of thoughts from her conversation tonight that had yet to be processed. "You had a look of panic on your face. Why is that!"

And so Naruto blabbed. "Well it just brought up memories that hurt okay!" Naruto screamed back at Ino. Taken aback, Ino instinctively took a step back due to the ferocity of Naruto's shouting. She hadn't seen Naruto like this.

As much as he was consumed by emotion, Naruto was able to see that he had caused Ino fear. Noooooo he panicked, riddled with anxiety at the thought of losing yet another person so close to him, when he had very few to begin with. What if she hates me and tells everyone my secret?

Naruto started babbling as tears threatened to break. "When I was a kid, I would always dream that maybe, Lord Fourth, was my dad or some crazy shit like that. I thought we looked similar with our hair and eyes but whenever I asked the old man, he would tell me that he didn't know who my parents were. So whenever something comes up that gives me hope, I squash that hope, because it is easier to not get excited and hopeful; about finding out who my parents are."

The girl's eyes widened, in shock. Tears started forming. That fear was quickly replaced with empathy as she could only imagine how much that must hurt. She ran forward and gave Naruto the biggest hug she could and started crying.

What the… Naruto wondered, confused as to what was going on. His anxiety was at an all time high, not entirely sure what he had done to now cause Ino to cry. In that moment as he just wanted to make Ino's tears go away. "Why are you crying!" Naruto called out, in a tone much lower than before, albeit the fear in his voice could easily be heard.

Sniffling, Ino wiped her tears away on her shirt and then pulled back from the hug. "I'm crying because I am feeling the emotion about what you said. That must be really hard to go through."

"I don't want your pity!" Naruto cried out, hurting Ino in the process of not knowing his own insecurities.

"I AM NOT PITYING YOU NARUTO." Ino shouted back, in his face, forcing Naruto into shock. "I care about you and hearing that makes my heart hurt for you. You shouldn't have had to go through that. I am trying to put myself in your place and see what that would feel like!"

Fuck! Now I have gone and made things worse! She really does care. Naruto thought to himself, now realizing that he was trying to push away someone close to him, in the hopes of avoiding pain.

Now Naruto was the one sniffling with teary eyes. "Sorry about that Ino-chan. It's a sensitive subject.

"I know it must be tough but to hear Naruto as it brings up so many painful memories. I can tell though you want to know." The Yamanaka girl stated as she looked at Naruto for reassurance that he agreed. "There is just too much for it to be a coincidence. Jiraiya-sensei gave me a book to read which he wrote, it is called 'Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi'. The main character's name is Naruto!"

The Uzumaki's eyes widened. Jiraiya-sensei has a book where the main character has the same name as me!? I've never heard of anyone having the same name as me… As he heard this, Naruto got a look in his eyes as he looked off into the distance, remembering what was said at the dinner table. Why did Jiraiya-sensei get so firm and cut Tsunade off when she mentioned that I looked like the Fourth Hokage.

There must be a reason for that! Naruto yet again found himself gaining hope that he might found information on his parents. He wasn't entirely too sure he liked it though. Last time he got hopeful about finding out, he had no idea about his potential father sealing the Kyubi inside of him, the cause of most problems in his life.

"What are you thinking Naruto?" Ino questioned, breaking him out of his thoughts. She had noticed him deep in thought and thought best to leave him to it for a while. Then her curiosity got the better of her.

"I am just thinking, what if, The Fourth Hokage is my father. We look really similar, Jiraiya didn't want to continue speaking about it when we were at the diner, I was born on the day he died and he sealed the Kyubi inside of me." Anguish marred his face, not able to fully process the brevity of what he just said.

Ino too was reeling from the gravity with Naruto's words. To think that Naruto is the Fourth's son… and we have treated him so bad.