Hey Guys! It's Mia, and i have a random Keeper of the Lost Cities Sokeefe one shot. if you also have wattpad, i am Artemis4912. Anyways, hopefully you enjoy(or don't hate) this one shot!!

Keefe woke up, forgetting his surroundings for a second. Then he remebered that he was in the healing center with Foster. Foster was next to him, looking very pretty, might he add. Elwin had made them stay in the healing center overnight after the recent attack of the neverseen, even though they only had a few scrapes and bruises. he was about to turn around and fall back asleep when Foster started to toss and turn in her sleep. He figured that that was normal, but then, she screamed, a blood curdling scream filled with horror, pain, and sadness. tears started to pour down her face as Keefe was trying to shake her awake.

After a few minutes of relentless shaking and calling out her name, Sophie finally woke up, tears still streaming down her face. "K-Keefe?" she asked,he voice breaking. She reached out her hand, almost to see if he was real. "yeah foster, it's me." she pulled him into a hug, and started talking "K-keefe, i-i-it was b-bad. t-they h-had Grady and E-Edaline, a-and they killed them!!" Keefe just hugged her back, rubbing circles around her back. "It's okay Foster, Grady and Edaline are back at Havenfield, and their safe okay?"

Sophie modded and pulled back from

the hug. "Keefe?" sophie said, and keefe's heart fluttered at the way she said his name. "thank you."

tbh this was some real random crap. hoped you liked it.