Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, and I do not own Harry Potter. I make no money from the writing of this fan fiction

Chapter Twenty-Four

26 August, 1989

"Do you think that the guardian of Hermione's friend Harry could be right, Vince? Hermione is certainly intelligent, but to be offered a place at an exclusive school? And then to offer to allow Hermione to share tutoring with his ward, simply because there is a possibility she'll be invited to this school, wherever it is, to say nothing of what it's called? Because I don't recall Lord Black mentioning the name of this school, do you?" Autumn Granger asked, raising one brow.

"No, I don't remember Lord Black mentioning the name of the school either," Vincent Granger began, "but ever since that birthday party she was invited to for Harry in July, Harry Potter has been almost all she's talked about, especially since she's beginning to get to know him at the Summer Program facility. She's becoming more outgoing, and doesn't constantly have a book in her hands now. We were both worried she was isolating herself, due to the treatment she gets at Primary school, but when she's around Harry, she opens up more. If she wants to go to tutoring with this boy, I honestly can't see the harm in it. If nothing else, according to Lord Black, some of what she'll be learning with Harry will help her when she's older and goes to University. Knowing how to behave in various social situations will also help build her confidence, whether or not she gets invited to go to this school Lord Black mentioned."

"But beyond speaking to him briefly, we barely know this Lord Black, to say nothing of the fact that beyond knowing we're the parents of his ward's friend Hermione, Lord Black doesn't know us, either. Also, don't you find it strange that he never once brought up what this school our daughter might be invited to attend would cost in tuition, or even how this school would even know about her and whatever abilities she might have that would prompt the invitation to attend? I'll admit I'm not familiar with every private or prep school in the country, but the ones I have seen literature for require the prospective student's parents complete an application for admission; they don't send out an invitation to attend. The only other way is if the parent is an alumni of the school, and places the name of their child on a list to potentially attend when the child is born. In fact, didn't one of your patients last week mention how her husband had their son's name down for a school called Smeltings shortly after the son was born? So why, beyond Hermione making friends with his ward, would Lord Black be willing to do this for Hermione?" Autumn persisted, agitated.

"Autumn, I have the same questions you do, believe me, but I've also been watching both kids when we're there at the facility for more than the few minutes it takes to drop off or pick up Hermione. Her friend Harry seems to shy away from the other children, especially those who are larger than he is, either in height or weight, and he always seems to be trying to look for ways to escape. Chances are, he's been bullied in the past, and the way he opens up around our daughter tells me he sees her as being 'safe' to be friends with. And as far as the tutoring, you know as well as I do that Hermione will ask us to allow it every chance she has, if only to be allowed to learn during the summer. And we can write or call Lord Black about the classes Harry is taking. It sounds as if Harry is a bit behind where he should be academically, and that would be something Hermione would be glad to help him catch up with after the tutor ends the lesson. Not to mention, we can always put an end to the tutoring if we feel it's not a good fit for her, or she puts so much effort into the work the tutor assigns she begins to forget she's a child and needs to play sometimes."

"Fine. I can see where you're right, Vince, although I'm still not entirely comfortable with it. But I want to know from Lord Black what Hermione will be learning with Harry before we tell Hermione she can attend, agreed?"

"Agreed. I'll go look for the card that has the phone number Lord Black gave us and give him a call. Although, since the number also had an extension at the end, it might be his business line; do you think a letter would be more appropriate?"

"Play it safe and write a letter. We won't be giving Hermione our decision for a few days in any case, and she can still see Harry at the Summer Program."


Sirius had been observing his godson for a few days, trying to determine how best to follow his Grandfather's advice. It bothered him that his godson had been uncomfortable while listening to stories of the days he, Harry's parents, and their friends were at Hogwarts. Seeing Harry put down his quill and shake his hand a bit after finishing what he had been writing, Sirius cleared his throat.

"Harry? Can we talk for a minute? I have something I want to say to you."

Nodding briefly, Harry closed the quill writing practice book he'd been using and turned to face Sirius more fully.

"I thought a lot about what you said to me when you told me about your cousin Dudley and the way he and his friends treated you and other kids. I also thought a lot about the stories about the way your dad and I, along with our friends, acted at school, and you were right; we had been, to some degree, bullies. We just didn't see what we were doing as bullying. I'm not proud of myself for that, Harry, and I wrote a letter to the person we picked on the most to apologize for the way we treated him then. The person I wrote to knows he doesn't have to forgive me, although I hope he does. And I want to apologize to you, Harry, for not seeing those stories were making you uncomfortable and stopping. Will you forgive me, Harry?"

"Do you promise not to be a bully anymore?" Harry asked warily, "Because I don't like bullies."

"I promise, Harry, no more bullying. I'll probably still play pranks, but they'll be the kind to make everyone laugh instead of hurting them."

Harry thought for a moment, and, watching him, Sirius grew more nervous the longer the young boy was quiet. After a few minutes, he nodded.

"Okay, Uncle Sirius, I forgive you."
"Thank you, Harry," Sirius said, relieved, before taking Harry's hand and walking with him over to a small couch below a window and sitting down, pulling the boy to sit with him, "Now, would you like to hear a few stories about how your dad tried to get your mum to like him when we were only a few years older than you?"

"Yes!" Harry replied happily.

"Okay, the first time your dad tried to get your mum to like him was on the train to Hogwarts our first year..."Sirius began, feeling relief that his godson had forgiven him.


Mrs. Figg wasn't expecting anyone to visit, and the latest litter of part Kneazle kittens had finally been weaned, but she wasn't due to bring them to Magical Menagerie until Monday, so she was a bit startled to hear a knock on the door. Crossing the room as quickly as she could, she opened the door to find a pair of Muggle Aurors; Constables, she thought they were called, or 'bobbies'. Curiously, she looked from one to the other.

"Hello, may I help you?"

"Ma'am, are you Arabella Figg?" one of the Constables asked, after looking at something in his hand.

"Yes, is anything wrong?"

Nodding, the Constable handed over what he had glanced at briefly, then took a breath before speaking. He'd always hated it when he had to do this part of his job.

"Arabella Figg, you have just been served with a Claim for Possession notice by order of the Court as the owner of the property has filed the proper applications with them to do so. As you were never leased nor sold this property, 235 Wisteria Walk, according to the records of the owner, you have twenty-four hours in which to vacate the property, and may not return to it for twelve months. Do you understand what I have just explained to you?"

Both Constables leapt forward to catch her as Arabella fainted from shock.