In His Words
Bella returns home from Europe after a six-month work study. She takes a psychology class at UDub dealing with romance and erotic relationships. All throughout her textbook, there are written comments from its former owner and Bella feels drawn to his words, as she tries to find him.
A/N: Thank you to my queen... My Beta extraordinaire, Fran ... The woman has hawk eyes... But should you find any mistakes, they are truly mine... I stink at typing.
I can't believe Alice finagled Professor Radcliff into allowing me entrance to his class a few days after the deadline. I don't know how she managed it. Then again, I'd rather not know. At least, I'm in time for his debut class even though I'm sporting a jet lag, foggy brain.
As I approach the classroom door, I see her anxiously tapping her high-heeled foot. Her infamous tan tote with repetitive MKs hangs close to her Tinkerbell body. She turns to see me and shouts, grabbing me into a tight squeeze, "Hey, you look great. Europe turned you into a woman."
I question, "What was I before?"
"A mess," she giggles, backs away, digging a book from her "Precious' purse. "I don't ever recall you wearing pumps and a skirt with a fitted top … all matching." She hugs me, again, whispering in my ear, "You look very posh showing off your curves." She sings, "Your boobies look great, too!"
"Thank you, I think." Staring at the paperback with crumpled brows, I ask, "What the hell is this?"
"You asked me to enroll you in an easy accredited class. People fight to get in, and Dale's a hoot."
"You're on a first-name basis?" I sneer. "That's rather unprofessional."
She nods. "No. He demands that everyone call him by his first name."
We enter the room and find two seats in the second row.
Many kids enter and the professor follows behind, removing his sports jacket and placing it on the back of his chair. He's average in height and kind of slight in build. His bright toothy grin and wink to Alice makes me question how she did get us in here.
"Okay, settle down," Professor Radcliff says with his back to us writing on the chalkboard, "Call me, Dale!"
He turns, throwing the chalk on his desk with a loud clap of his hands and enunciating every word. "Right, I'm Dale. You just entered the most righteous, outrageous, raw, and a ball-busting class of any Uni." He raises his index finger. "One important fact," he runs his hands over his shiny head, "All bald men are viral." He removes his glasses tossing them next to the chalk with flare, and placing his hands on each side dramatically posing with his face held high.
The class laughs.
Grinning wildly, he holds up our paperback, "This book will bring joy and ecstasy." He shrugs. "And hopefully romantic fulfillment." Dale broadly smiles. "I intend to maintain my reputation of … love."
Alice sighs with utter admiration, as I roll my eyes and try not to yawn.
He continues, "There will be another book I will require for the second half of this class." He jokes with a deep chuckle, " And this one has pictures." He holds up a larger book showing the cover from side to side. "The Complete Illustrated Kama Sutra."
The guys pump their fists, hooping and hollering. I think Alice is frozen in space. I'm beet red with my mouth agape.
Dale briskly takes long steps to the front of his desk and sits on the edge, excitedly animated. "Love your reactions. Quite typical. The men are filled with raw anticipation of sexual drive, ha ha, while the women demurely blush from their embarrassment."
I outwardly blurt, "That's rather sexist … Dale! And you did catch us off guard."
He turns toward me. "Your name?"
He smiles. "Well, Bella, I was only stating a fact from experimental data."
"You wanted to receive such reactions," I playfully declare.
He smirks. "On the contrary, I certainly did."
Alice raises her hand.
Dale smiles at her. "Yes, Alice?" He nods for her to continue.
"Why the Kama Sutra?"
"Because, Alice, we are going to explore the one major drive every human shares. Sure, we need to eat and have shelter. We do need companionship, touch, and love."
I openly say, "But sex isn't always about love."
"No, it's not, Bella. But it's what we all desire. Possibly, raw in its naked truth."
As class wraps up, Dale approaches Alice and me. "Ladies, I hope you will enjoy this class. Please know, I have a great respect for women. None of my puns reflect against the stronger female gender. My wife can attest to that! Alice, you will give my regards to your mother."
She smiles, "Of course."
"And Bella?" He winks. "You have a divine blush."
And my face betrays me and burns scarlet. There goes Tara up in smoke!
We exit the classroom. Feet don't fail me now.
"Bella, where's the fire? Slow down," Alice pleads.
"What the hell, Ali?"
"Hey, you asked for an easy course," she defends.
"I don't need instructions on getting laid."
"Yeah, but you'll know more positions," she sings.
"How does your mom know Professor Radcliff?"
"It's a long story."
"Oh, do tell." I huff. "But first, I need a coffee."
I take a slow sip of steaming cafè mocha, moaning as it slithers down my parched throat and hopefully, waking my tired lids. After boarding in Paris, I couldn't sleep on the plane. Landing in New York, I still didn't sleep; too anxious to arrive home. Cutting it close in Seattle, I see a police woman with a sign, Bella Swan. Dad, the lifesaver. I smile in my memory:
"Ms. Swan, I'm with the Seattle police. I'm Officer Daley; Carol Daley." She happily showed me her badge. "Chief Swan called in his instructions to get you to class via helicopter. Once we seize your luggage, we'll be on our way."
Becoming coherent in my thoughts, I focus on Alice.
She smiles. "Where did you go?"
I huff. "Charlie had a helicopter waiting for me at the airport. He called in a favor knowing the flight was cutting my timing short."
She giggles. "That's why the man remains Chief."
I nod, blowing over the steam. "I know, he keeps reminding me.
"Where's your luggage?" she asks.
"Officer Daley brought them to our place."
"Your dad gave her a key?"
"No, she has mine. Charlie figured I'd have to see him to get them."
"Such a smart man."
"More like devious dog. So, spill. How does your mom know Dale?"
"Do you remember when we were about six or seven and she volunteered to bake a zillion cookies for a charity event?"
I nod. "Yeah, there was flour everywhere and we helped her clean up."
Alice giggles, "And we made paste all over the kitchen floor."
I laugh. "Your father lost a great pair of Italian loafers."
"He didn't blame us. He just forbid my mother to ever step into the kitchen again."
"Is that when Mrs. Cope was hired?"
"Yes, ma'am. Dad and I finally ate three solid meals with snacks a day."
"So, what does this have to do with Dale?"
"Mrs. Cope was his aunt."
"Awww, that woman could make magic happen from your oven."
"You're telling me. I believe I grew boobs because of her."
"She taught us to do everything."
I sigh. "Yeah, she did."
"So, I want to hear all about Paris. Did you get to Milan?"
I frown. "Alice, you know I did. How many times did I Skype you? You saw more of Europe than I did."
"But you never had time to really talk. You'd turn your laptop around and disappear all over the place"
"I wasn't there for shits and giggles. I was on a work visa."
"Bella, you weren't working twenty-four seven," she scolds.
I intake a huge breath and sigh. With a playful smirk, I shrug, singing, "True."
"I hate when you do that," Alice whines. "Now, deetz, I need to live vicariously through you."
"What happened to the blonde guy you met, Jason?"
"Jasper. He's in Texas for a two-week seminar." She straightens up. "But he did say he was coming back on Sunday. I can't wait for you to meet him. And stop changing the subject."
"Sorry, but did you finally go out?"
"If you want to count driving him to the airport."
"It's a start." I smile.
"Okay he's twenty-three in a Masters program for something. Tall and lean with blueberry eyes and lemony hair."
"He sounds good to eat."
She purrs, "Oh, I plan to." I get the death stare. "How do you keep doing that?"
Innocently, I question, "What?"
"Changing the damn subject." She huffs, "Paris, now!"
"God, Alice, it's such a magical city. But in Marseilles, Monte Carlo and Cannes, I saw many celebrities."
"When did you go there?"
"A week before yesterday. I made a friend at work and he's a makeup artist for stage and screen."
"Wow. Did you…?"
"No, he's gloriously gay, gorgeous and gregarious. So, he says. He taught me to do drag makeup, styled me for any occasion…"
Alice interrupts, "I've been trying to do that for years."
"Don't be disappointed, you would have fallen for his techniques. The guy is an artist of mad magnitude proportions. He's a force to be reckoned with. And I can't wait for you two to meet."
She quietly comments, "He sounds like your new best friend."
I smile and stare at her. "He's a male you." Glaring at her with wiggling eyebrows, I confess, "You're my only best friend."
Happily, she smiles. "Continue."
"Jean Luc took me to the Cannes Film Festival. He dressed me in a metallic, royal blue halter gown with a slit that rose to my upper thighs. He held my hand all night, because he put me in matching six-inch, death platforms. I could barely walk one foot before the other."
"Hair and Jewelry?"
I move my hands around my face. "A French twist with dangling tendrils. The makeup was glittery blue eyeshadow and pale blue lips. I had on burrowed sapphire and diamond earrings, a slender sapphire, tennis bracelet and a delicate, filigree sapphire ring worn on the right hand. He said, "No rings on the left ring finger. Let them men know you're available."
Alice nods. "I like his thinking."
"I know I was a bitch about going to Paris, but you talked me into going."
"Bella, it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Six months of work experience in every creative genre that can be imagined." She giggles, "Even drag. I love it."
"God, Alice, the passion there. People love with intensity."
"All or nothing?"
"Yes, exactly. They're not afraid to take a chance. Jean Luc never forced me to try anything. He just lives what he believes. And don't get me wrong, he has had his share of hurt."
"So, how did he get you to dress better?"
I laugh. "I finally grew up.
"Bella, Bella, the girl to a woman will find her style. All in good timing, Cherie. Classic, Bohemian, whatever floats your little boat. Your art will speak to you."
Later that evening in the privacy of my studio apartment and with great trepidation, I stood before my full-length mirror, hastily pulling off my clothes and bearing my soul. Well, my naked, pale body. I examined my feet. I had to work myself up to the other parts.
They were slim and bony. Okay. My legs were rather shapely and longish-looking for a short girl. When did my hips round out? I smoothed my hands over my dark curls, no Brazilian on me. I lingered a little too long and heaved a heavy breath. I tilted my head to view my tiny waist. And when did my breasts grow firm and full? Squeezing them together, focusing on my very pink nipples, I pulled them. They puckered and hardened with ease. Hmm, that long? I took a deep breath and stuck out my tongue. I eyed my long, slender neck and slowly ran my hands through my hair, untwisting the hair tie and running my fingers through my thick, unruly mess that had fallen around my shoulders and back. I turned to inspect my ass. It was full and firm. Moving my head, I smirked into the mirror and was pleased with myself. Jean Luc's words ran through my thoughts, "If you want to attract success, you have to feel it from the inside out and dress the part."
I nod and repeat, "So, my light bulb went on. I want to attract success, and I have to feel it from the inside out and dress for it."
"Makes sense. Okay, let's get home. You're dog tired." Alice stands. "And I want to know what celebs you met."
Crawling into my bed, I feel the familiar comfort of my mattress. I mumble into my sheet fisting it close to me, "Oh, I've missed you." Running my hands over the surface and squeezing my pillows, I sigh. A couple of tosses and turns and I sit up. "Okay, too riled up to sleep." I scratch my head and stretch my arms.
Turning on the bedside lamp, my stare lands on my bookbag. Jumping out, I dig through and grab the poetry book from 'Dale's' class, rolling my eyes and mumbling, "Let's just see."
I slowly slide my glasses over my nose, fitting myself into place and surrounding the fluff of my pillows under and over me. Once the blanket cocoons me, I skim through the pages, noticing an elegant, hand-written script in black ink throughout ever margin of the poetry. I search the back and find the initials of the last user; E.C. "Well, they had a lot to say."
Sitting up, I mess my comfort and punch the hell out of my pillows. I sink down into my poof and begin to read.
The first poem touches on the subject of true love, understanding the with and without, (have or have nots), and realizing there is a difference. How empty life is without the person you love, comparing the before and after. E.C. writes his interpretations, feeling his emptiness. He seeks. His readiness for real touch and true love. He says he is barren without a female companion.
I laugh at myself. "How well I relate to that!"
Six months in the most romantic city in the world … alone. Not one romantic date. Not one encounter. The Eiffel Tower, the midnight cruise on the Seine River, the Wall of "I Love You's …Yeah, le sigh, I did not partake.
Jean Luc as my tour guide and men mentor, "You must think of yourself as a tasty morsel. Allow the men to smell your freshness, desire your fruit and beg for a taste, mon ami. Make them want you, Bella. No, not a slutty whore, but a vixen. Dangle that carrot in front of that ass, let them salivate over your rounded pastries, giving them a small peek. Shake it, and make them think they can take it."
Fatigue wavers through me and I catch myself nodding off. I place the book and my glasses on the nightstand, shutting the light and scrunching into a ball. I fade into visions of a stranger within a mist plaguing my dreams. I can't see as he walks in the opposite direction. I want to call out but I have no name. He drifts farther away until he is out-of-sight, but not of mind.
I'm a cranky bitch, running on little sleep when I wake. The smell of coffee seeps into my
nasal passages and I moan, "Coffee."
Picking up my pace, I trot into the kitchen and grab a mug from Alice's 'Cup Tree', watching the dark liquid drip.
Alice walks in from the back door and greets me with a huge smile. "It's so good to have you home." She sees my face. "Maybe, not?"
"No, no. "It's okay. I'm tired not pissed at you," I grovel.
"Good to know," she shakes a finger, singing.
"You're in a good mood." I sit at the two-seater, small table.
"One of us has to be. I heard from Jasper this morning."
"Isn't he the anxious one?" I tease.
"We both are. The sexual tension you can cut with a knife. He wanted to Skype sex. I told him, I wanted our first time to be in person."
"Yeah, seeing the goods and not being able to touch is torturous. You really don't want to scare him away with your sex toys."
"Exactly." She giggles. "I bought this new gadget that looks like a stiff caterpillar. It has a button on the bottom that expands and twirls these rubbery arms. It's for multi-orgasms."
"Yeah, that sounds intimidating." I wrap both hands over the mug and take a sip.
"When Dale has a show and tell in class, I'm going to bring that one in."
"Dale's having a show and tell?"
"Well, it's not like Kindergarten. A former student told me he offers a class day for sex toys or creative ideas, and everyone brings in their favorite."
"What if you don't have any?"
"You watch and learn." She smiles.
'Oh, that reminds me. The book you bought for me has a former student's notes on each poem."
She impatiently asks, "And?"
"And they're amazing. He sounds like your lemony hair, blueberry eyed Jasper. He makes me want to lick him."
She makes a face sitting next to me. "Maybe, he's worth finding. I've never seen that hungry look in our eyes."
"Other than pretzels, that's all I've eaten in the past few days."
"Oh, Bella, my little grasshopper, you hunger for something else."
I quip, "Toast?"
Oh, the stink eye appears. "Don't be annoying. In his words, he has reached out to you. You'll have to ask Dale on Wednesday."
"Alice, he's probably long gone."
"Maybe or he's right under your nose. If you don't ask Dale, I will."
"Is that a threat coming from my best friend?"
She smiles. "More like a promise."
"You're infuriating."
"Okayyyy, but you have a twinkle in your eye I've never seen from you." She quickly flattens up her hand in my face. "No excuses, Bella. Now, go get me the book so I can read his pretty words." She bats her eyes.
This is the beginning of my obsession. I don't blame Alice because what she says is true. Well, in his words, I find a passion. My heart rapidly beats to his meanings. My breath hitches at every reference to his need for true love. My sexual arousal plagues my wetness with absolute desire for this man.
I fantasize our first glance … how everything stills of color and sounds become mute.
Alice feeds into the obsession and she allows me to remain in a haze, while she plans to make these dreams a reality.
My room is my haven, remaining in bed with the book. Alice brings me trayfuls of food and drink. She crawls in with me, as I read his interpretations, and she wants me to know E.C because she knows he will see all of this in my eyes.
Wednesday morning doesn't come soon enough for Alice. She drags me out of bed dressing her favorite Barbie doll. Contentment shines on her face as she looks over me and mumbles, "I'm better than Jean Luc."
I roll my eyes. "Are you happy? Can we go now?"
She taunts me, "Aren't you the teacher's pet. Class isn't until nine."
"And if we're going to ask him about the mystery writer, we don't want anyone around," I insist. "Right?"
"You don't want to share your find?"
"Alice, I don't even know I have a find. You know, Dale could have planted that book with all those alluring believes for some unsuspecting student to find."
"He's not that kind of guy."
"Oh, he wouldn't egg someone on?"
She's adamant. "Not that way. Besides, that could compromise his position. Dale loves teaching."
"He may not be able to tell me, too," I sadly add.
"Aren't you the new and improved Bella? Confident and bold?"
I snap, "There are some variables you can't control."
"But you can alter the outcome. Think fierce. Be that inside and out thing Jean Luc told you to be. E.C. is a romantic, Bella. He's not a game player and neither are you. It's fate you have that book."
"I don't want to get my hopes up," I whisper. "I've never felt this way."
"It's like he's calling you." Alice grabs my hand. "We'll find him."
I clutch the book to me and barely whisper, "I hope so."
She hugs me. "We will."
When we finally enter the building, Alice drags me by hand into our classroom. It's empty, so we sit in our seats and wait for Dale.
Precisely at eight-thirty-five, Dale strolls into the classroom. "Ladies, you certainly challenge the early bird."
Alice nudges me. "Ask him?"
I shyly smile and nudge her, mumbling with gritted teeth, "Alice!"
"Is there something you wanted to say, Bella?" Dale questions.
Alice blurts out, "Dale, Bella's book has a former student's comments all through it. She's totally enamored with his thoughts." She grabs my book and waves it in his face. "Do you recall this student?"
Boiling from embarrassment, I wrap my hands over my eyes and moan.
"Yes, I know, Alice can be so … exuberant," Dale relates.
I look up to see a flash of recognition from Dale but he composes himself within seconds enough for me to wonder if I misread him.
"I can't say that I do," he retorts. "Why do you want to know?"
I whisper in my head, "He can't say."
"It's Kismet, Dale. He was reaching out to her. I bought two books. This one had to be Bella's."
"Alice, when this student wrote these comments they weren't meant for anyone in particular. They're just his reactions." He smiles. "I'm sure they weren't for anyone's view."
I nod.
"But her eyes fell on them." She points to me. "Didn't you once tell me that things happen for a reason? There's no such thing as a coincidence? This is fate."
"And you believe this, how?"
"C'mon, Dale. Like you said, in his words for himself, but Bella found them. She had an overwhelming reaction. Who's to say he won't feel the same about her and her reactions to him?"
He sighs, then glances in my direction. "Bella?"
"I can't explain this feeling. I'm dead tired from my trip, but for the past two days, I can't put this book down. I have to touch it. I read his words, over and over." I insistently explain, "I'm not that kind of person. I don't fall in love at the drop of a hat. I don't recognize if a man has an interest in me. Dale, I spent six months in Paris without one date!"
His eyes widen. "Really?"
"Yes, my closest companion was a gay guy.!"
"Oh, my," he huffs.
"Can't you help us find him for her?" Alice pleads. "Anyone from your last class with the initials of E.C.? Does his handwriting look familiar?" She shoves the book in his face.
"All papers were sent to me through emails. I've not seen anyone's handwriting."
"Could he have done a presentation? How about answering questions?" Alice digs.
Dale shakes his head. "Do you realize how many students are in one class? I have six with a few hundred head count."
"Alice, don't press him. He doesn't know," I say staring into Dale's eyes knowing damn well he's hiding something. And he knows I know.
Classmates start to file into the room. Alice and I settle into our seats, as Dale stands by his chair deep in thought. Shaking his head, he jumps on his desk. "Who wants to go on a magic carpet ride?"
Throughout the next few weeks, Dale keeps himself surrounded by students. Alice glares and he flinches. Everytime, we discuss a poem, I raise E.C.'s thoughts with the class. We discuss loneliness, heartbreak, and rejection. We ponder over if you date one person are you lost to another who could be your true love. My mind boggles in confusion and doubt, when I read his words, I feel hope, light-hearted, and free.
"I can't help think that waiting for the right one is my best choice," I say to the class.
Alice nodded. "I agree. I didn't have Skype sex because I wanted to feel my new man in person. I didn't want our first time over a screen. When he first kissed me, I felt every sensation. I tingled."
A tear ran down the side of my face. "I think all of us want that special feeling."
Tilting his head, Dale looked at me point blank with wonderment and he gave me my first clue. "Sometimes, we don't always see. Being aware can be quite illuminating. Kind of golden, like a halo of bronze."
As I exit the classroom with Alice by my side, the blinding sun comes pouring in from the front windows. At that moment, the scent of musk and male infiltrate my senses, and through the haze, I see wayward, bronze hair, and a knowing smirk pass me by. I quickly adjust my squinting eyes, but when my vision clears, the hallway is empty…
The End (well, to be continued)
A/N: This was my entry for the Babies at the Border Compilation. If you haven't read the comp, here it is. My Muse has been blocked for quite some time. It's very frustrating… But for me, my daughter became seriously ill, and I couldn't think of anything else… Almost lost her three times… She's slowly on the mend.
All of you are a strength to me. I appreciate your reviews, comments, and care. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. HUGE hugs!