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Chapter 43: Epilogue
"Yes! I finally did it! I conquered you Joseph!" Morgan cackled crazily, hands thrown in the air as she laughed madly at the ceiling as she was sitting on my lap.
Boobs jumping up and down, and wet pussy allowing my cock in and out of her naughty hole. Not the first time this happened, but never a habit I really picked up positively considering I was quite asleep during those occasions. And Morgan was known to be shy when asking for kinky shit like that, dropping the 'formality' of asking for the sake of just using my state of slumber to get the fun started. Creepy? yes. But was I opposed to this? I may have started this trend by mentioning it to her in a flirty manner. I just hadn't expected for Morgan to just... take this as an option.
There was a lot to say about this moment, especially since I just woke up with Mya giggling and having a camera on to record the sight. Then again, my dear wife did tell me that Morgan would have eventually caught up with her mind on this occurrence... I just didn't expect it to take about a thousand years and a half for this to happen.
Things have changed a lot in this long 'break' into talking about my life, but I have to say that I had my reasons to be 'distracted'. Starting with my ambitions for the Americas and also handling personal and international businesses, finding time to write down things in my journal became nigh impossible.
The colonization of the Eastern Coast, the integration of natives, the rapid diffusion of medicines to alleviate the wave of sickness coming from the old world into the new world and... well, exterminating those tribes that tried to wage war against our expansion for silly reasons, the 'conquering' of 'New Britannia' took a lot of resources and numerous decades to achieve, but the end result was a favorable option for everyone.
Those natives that were peaceful towards our arrival still had their tribes settled in their own lands, recognized as autonomous regions which bowed their head to the central Britannian authority and yet enjoyed special rights within their territories. Proper civilization in the form of cultural exchanges, resources, fashion and even medical advances were enough to settle these lands and acquire their permanent friendship. They recognized Britannian supremacy, but were keen to preserve their unique traditions to some extent.
With the Americas taking a while to conquer, Europe became the next focus for the time eventually approached me to solve the 'Heir' situation and there had been some temptation to personally help her in that regard. Yet, after listening to a few points raised by Mya, I ultimately decided to not get that sort of plan to go through. I suggested Vallia to a few candidates from my knights and she eventually picked Agravain. I wasn't sure what the woman saw in that guy, but, much to my surprise, the usually-cynical knight and administrator looked quite happier compared to his previous roles.
And yes, I know- why not broaden the 'harem' some more? The option was there, but that didn't mean it was without ramifications to keep an eye on. I wanted a big family, but I wasn't looking forward to making it Habsburgian through some unseen ties between family members. It was easy to keep the current list of kids from getting too close with one another and... yeah, that's all in that regard.
Speaking of keeping an eye on multiple issues at once, the Eastern Roman Empire struggled a fair bit to accept the rise of this Roman Federation, yet its effort to keep a centralized rule started to lose legitimacy while dynasties started to fight to obtain the Emperorship. Around 800 AD, what would have become Byzantium fragmented under the rivalries of various ethnic groups in the country and some of the nations that came out of it accepted integration within the Roman Federation. The Pope at the time would visit Constantinople to host a mass in 857, mending the relationship of the 'two Romes' due to the previous clashes between Latin and Greek rites.
Islam didn't gain the same momentum as in the original timeline as Arabia solidified within a singular country led by Christian and Coptic Arabs, with the capital being Mecca. That didn't mean the end of the religion, but it turned into a less expensive one as it would have been. Some traditions persisted, and they were recognized as a 'brethren-religion' by the Pope together with the Jewish group. Mosques existed, but most of the 'warlord-era' rulings had long been removed from the Quran.
The proto-modern nations started to ultimately change into proper modern ones by following my example. The United Kingdom of Iberia came to be from the Suebi decentralizing and allowing other cultures to obtain rights within their kingdoms, Gallia peacefully shifted in a non-feudatary system, Italy was shaped into a pseudo-Roman Republic that was still captained by the Pope, and the Frankish King... became Germania.
Clovis had not been a very ambitious man, but his kids proved to be quite precocious in expanding the lands they inherited from their father. At first, there was a genuine fear that the division of lands and the severe decentralization of the Franks would have led to a bloody civil war. But what many didn't expect to see was for the many 'Frankish Kings' to ally and cleverly split the lands of modern-day Germany among each other.
The process was tedious, with the brothers squabbling over who was to take what, but the end result was still enough to set them in a strange path that finished with a single king in charge of a federalized country. And one that was fairly powerful but, nowadays, also quite peaceful in nature. It had much to do with the fact that, through their expansion campaigns, Christianity spread far and wide, with its more tame outlook acquiring a few unexpected allies in the East.
"Also, dear, shouldn't you be... you know, getting ready?" I pointed out, gaining a questioning look from my lovely wife. "After all, a certain girl from the Japanese Entourage visiting today may be upset to know her mommy is not ready to welcome her."
In fact, what really took the cake unfolded in Asia, specifically in Japan. I could still remember the moment with fondness as it was one of those times Mya's stubbornness battled and crushed the will of an entire army for the sake of a single individual that she grew to consider a surrogate child of ours.
It was around the early decades of the 12th century, and we were enjoying our first royal visit in Japan. Everything was nice and pleasant due to how Emperor Sutoku wished to treat us as honorable guests and 'fellow Children of Heaven', but that nicety came to an end when Mya caught notice of a peculiar event unfolding in the Fields of Nasu.
For three days, Mya stood by the side of a frightened girl that was 500 years younger than her, the woman's magical prowess shown to its purest form as arrows couldn't pierce her barriers. It took me a day to realize my dear wife hadn't gone to check on her own some place in Osaka and that had gone to Togichi to help with the matter.
It also took me a day to beat my way through the mighty army hosted by the once-Emperor Toba. The man was outrageously infuriating and I took a degree of delight in smacking him around for what he was doing. His grief, his anger towards the one he came to know Tamamo-no-Mae, all of that became the last feeling he felt as he was felled by my blade while trying to attack me with a naginata.
What ensued was a bit foggy to me due to how intense the remainder of the week was. Tamamo stayed with us within our guest rooms, quietly trying to make sense of the situation while also many times sending letters to Emperor Sutoku for forgiveness, and coming many times close to end her life out of guilt. It took a massive effort to not cause a war, but we convinced the Emperor to let Tamamo leave for the time being. The fox girl was surprised by how many people just praised her arrival and decades-long stay, eventually making it back home during Emperor Rokujo's reign.
Her experience made her a valuable advisor for the Imperial court, but also made her a target of the ensuing shogunate. Things would change for good when she was granted by the Emperor Go-Nara the duty of 'securing the Heavenly Realm' during the Sengoku period. Five years later, Japan was unified under Imperial guidance, thus Tamamo's sins were 'forgiven and her name restored as a blissful connection to Amaterasu'. From then on she was the main diplomat for Britannian-Japanese circumstances, but also a valuable element of modern-day Japan's integration within the Western society.
Which brought us back to this very point.
"Wait, that means little Tamamo is visiting~!" Mya beamed, current task forsaken as she picked her clothes, rushed to the bathroom and surely planned to intercept a certain fox-girl that the woman had grown to see as a daughter of ours.
Morgan smiled cunningly, a most devious plan being concocted within the depths of her mind now that the last 'obstacle' to secure me as hers only and-
"Also, Ria and Gwen will come by too for our weekly day together."
Morgan thus deflated and fell on my now empty side, cum pouring from her womb while she struggled struggling to accept that her sister was soon going to visit. Ria was... well, the biggest change of them all.
Her pregnancy came through as a surprise for many and her court was sworn into secrecy when she revealed to them what her real biology was. None of her loyal courtiers revealed the truth, having spent years getting her court cleansed from potential troublemakers. Still, it was around 490 that she ultimately revealed the truth to the world. Our kingdoms had grown close enough that many of the laws still being used by both realms were the same and it felt easy to confuse the capital between Londinium and Camelot.
In the end, Ria came out with her real gender when her forms became too difficult to hide away. Her armor couldn't be changed anymore as her body had fully shaped up bountifully and no one could believe their 'king' was a woman. But still a king. And a king that already harbored a relationship with her 'brother in arms'. It was shocking, but even more was stunning the response from the pope, confirming Felix III as a proper mad lad:
He literally wrote a letter with just these words, and a smaller note congratulating for this situation since he found 'this ordeal, albeit unusual, quite amusing and fitting with the Lord's way of setting up a Kingdom of Love and Understanding'. Britannia thus 'absorbed' Camelot, with Ria accepting the title of King-Consort, while Guinevere was... well, happy to be Queen-Consort herself.
The marriage mess was, as one would expect, a mess. But it somehow worked due to numerous long-term factors which favored our revelation. Poligamy for our situation was justified within the 'we are immortals and divinely blessed' excuse, which worked nicely within internal and external affairs. Still, it also opened a few can of worms in the form of... well, attempts of some women to try and get in for the fun.
Tamamo herself was, to a degree, involved in this too, with Mya being keen to coach her 'brave vixen' into claiming the ultimate pot of cookies that was me. Many times I saw the fox-girl in the nude and, I could tell she was a hottie through and through, especially since her connection with Amaterasu made her a divinely gorgeous entity with those big tits and child-bearing hips, but that wasn't a possibility since she really put an effort to call me 'daddy' whenever I was around and it sure made me feel uncomfortable considering Lyanna still calls me that. And the rejections sure did little to assuage that whole insanity and... time has gone by, I just learned to accept peace was not an option when it came to this sort of stuff and-
Man, I miss Lancelot. I hope his jail- I mean, marriage is working well.
Last time I heard of my trustworthy guard was when he announced Galahad was once more busy exploring Africa or something like that. The boy had always been an explorer to heart, and a good part of the early books on global history were born through his extensive efforts. Just as I finished this thought process, Morgan and I turned to the door as someone kicked it open.
"This room," Artoria, now in her prime physical state, proclaimed with the most serious face and tone. "Stinks of mutt in heat."
The blonde was wearing a brown jacket over her honey-yellow blouse, a pair of skin-tight dark-blue jeans and a pair of brown boots. She looked quite fine in that fashion combo, and right now, her smugness against Morgan elicited some condemnation from her older sister.
"Curse you, sister. I am the one that claimed Joseph!"
Ria sighed. "We have been here before- I did it already with him and that's not a big boast to make after centuries of doing the same thing, Morgan."
The former witch scowled, but then tried to save face by pushing forth with her villainous monologue.
"Jokes on you, sister. I shall still have a child from Joseph and-"
"You already have Joshua and Morgause," I commented flatly.
"Yes, you old bat- you already have kids. I have kids with him, so, that's no ground to appear superior to any of us," The blonde cemented.
"Just let me have it for once, dammit!" Morgan exclaimed angrily, crying at how easily bullied she was.
...And this is how my life is now. I guess I couldn't ask for more. It's crazy, but fun- it's rough when it comes to paperwork, but family is around to make each day lovely.
Yet, while everything was fine here, in a different quadrant of the Nasuverse things were about to get... spicy.
? - ? - ?
"Master, stop ogling at our opponent and give me a command!" I shrieked annoyingly, dodging a couple of mana-based blasts thrown forth by a very annoying Servant foe.
The source of my grand frustrations was an individual that I, quite the frustrated Servant that I was, couldn't help but feel familiar and somewhat disappointed with her current mental disposition. Her first reaction to my words was the blush that burned half her face, and her tiny ahoge twitched in embarrassment.
"I-It's not my fault this crazy war has so many nice-looking guys involved! I am just a maiden after all!" Ria Pendragon, my Master, shrieked back in clear irritation.
I could only grit my teeth at that response, struggling against Archer while her master, a young man with red hair and yellow eyes, also perplexed on what the hell was going on right now.
There was only one thing certain as I felt the frustration melt before the familiarity and leave an odd amused smile on my face:
This unusual timeline sure feels familiar for some reason...
Next time, the first chapter of the newest story: Fate/Round Table. And as promised, this will entertain Fate Grand Order, yet it will start with a most peculiar disposition. This Fuyuki... isn't exactly the same as the FSN one. After all, Ria Pendragon exists, and Shirou Emiya is the Master of... Archer?
...Also, there's one last chapter that will be dropped in FFN and QQ version, which is the lewd for Morgan as I had promised. For AH and SB, the story is hereby completed!
P.S. I now have a discord server! Discord .gg/ceBMM2Zz6c