Esinon scrolled down the list of tasks she needed to complete for the day. They were supposed to meet up with the 501st today, she still needed to pick someone to go with Cody and Rex for a special mission…she tapped her foot. She couldn't send Bo, as much as she wanted him out of the ship. He was kriffing annoying and rude, and it was taking a lot of willpower not to let it slip how much Bo was bothering her. She had to keep her cool though, or Anakin would try to get her a new Commander. She could handle Bo, she was the woman in charge around here and she was going to prove it.

She also didn't want to send Jax. He'd been recently injured and he was the best one at keeping her sane. Glitch was still recovering from… the incident, and the upcoming mission meant she needed to keep her best heavy gunner Spitfire around. So that left Dej, which was perfect. He'd be best for the mission and could offer a certain strategic insight that no one else could. She set down the datapad as Admiral Sabella entered the bridge,

"General," she greeted, Esinon gave her a nod, "The Jedi Council are to contact us shortly, a new mission I suspect," Esinon gave another nod with a small sigh,

"No rest for the weary I supposed," Sabella gave her a soft smile,

"I'm sure you'll find some time for a cat nap, General," Esinon smiled,

"I always do, I'm going to go give Dej his mission since Rex is scheduled to arrive soon." Sabella nodded,

"I'll make sure everything is prepared," Esinon ducked out of the bridge and headed down the halls. Dej hadn't been acting any differently since their little… incident, but she could feel it. Constant shame radiated off of him. It could make her nauseous sometimes. He shouldn't be ashamed, but that whole good soldier complex he had going on would ruin any chance of him thinking she could trust him. Hopefully, some time with the crazy uncles themselves would help set him straight. Cody and Rex always made her feel better, she was sure they'd work miracles for their vod'ika. She soon found Dej, hovering where he always was, over her file cabinet. At least someone was keeping her responsible. "Good, you already have your armor on," Dej flinched at her sudden entrance "Rex is gonna be here soon."

"General," he greeted, snapping to a salute as Esinon rolled her eyes,

"I told you, you don't need to do that. You've been in my apartment, I think we've passed the soldier-General part of our relationship," she said, quickly making a stack of flimsi on her desk to clear some space. Dej said nothing, but Esinon could already feel waves of shame rolling off of him. "Anywho, I have a special mission for you, Rex and Cody are going to be here soon and they'll explain the rest of the details. They'll… give you some more insight." Dej's brow creased ever so slightly, Esinon smiled to herself, she felt like Obi-Wan, being all cryptic and Jedi-like. She passed him a holo-disk, "Mission parameters are there, and-" her comlink beeped, "and it looks like Rex and Cody are here. I'm sure you'll do amazing, stay safe out there," Dej nodded, saluting her again,

"Yes sir," he ducked out of the room, Esinon sat back with a smile, she really hoped this plan worked.

A few days later...

The last few days on the Duchess had basically gone to hell. Their last campaign had failed miserably-mainly to the consistent arguing of the 221st's General and Commander- and no one was in a good mood. Not after the losses and complete and utter humiliation they'd faced on Kashyyyk.

"Oh and somehow this is my fault!" Esinon shouted from somewhere down the hall, Jax groaned,

"Yeah sweetheart, it is your fault! Last time I checked you're the General! This failure- all of it is ON YOU!" Bo yelled back,

"OH YEAH! And where were you, you SELF ABSORBED PRICK? I led the ENTIRE campaign ON MY OWN. You're the Commander! So where were YOU!"


"This one's bad," Spitfire murmured, staring at the bridge door,

"As if I hadn't noticed," Jax whined, head flopped down on the holo table. The arguing continued until both Commander and General were in a full-on screaming match, using a lot of colorful insults. Suddenly it all stopped, and the bridge door slid open. The two of them were acting as nothing had happened, and if Jax and the entirety of the people in the bridge hadn't just heard their argument, he wouldn't have suspected anything had happened. Except for Esinon's bright red face, and slightly shaking hands.

"Captain," she greeted, "Would you like to get us started?" Jax nodded, flipping on the holo-table, Spitfire, Byte, Jeho, and Glitch joined them at the holo-table.

"Alright, I know we're all still feeling the losses of Kashyyyk, but we're going to pick up the pieces," Jax was used to being the positive light to his brothers. The optimist in a sea of pessimists, "I'm sure General Fisto will be able to turn this around with the information we've gathered for him! I mean we did capture a Separatist spy… they are… refusing to talk to us, but I'm sure that we'll crack 'em eventually. But still… uh- Byte! You were on the southern coast, how's it looking?"

"On fire," Byte replied, Jax's smile fell for an instant,

"Um… could you be more specific?"

"On lots of fire."

"Ooookay!" he said, trying to remain positive, "General Windcaster, you were up in the north, what was their status?"

"Secure. For now." she replied, "But the Seppies are working on it non-stop. Day and Night."

"Well we are too," Jax replied, giving her a smile, Esinon didn't smile back, "And good news is, Spitfire and Jeho saved everyone in the western forest! And Bo helped too… even though he kinda just showed up- and uh- didn't tell anyone,"

"Bo, that is blatant insubordination," Esinon snapped, "I told you to stay with Byte on the southern coast,"

"And he was doing just fine with General Archer when I left. I needed to go and help my brothers."

"And I ordered you, as your General, to stay put," Esinon said coldly,

"And last time you ordered me to do anything, a lot of my brothers died!"

"For the last time, I can't save all of you! It's a war Bo!"

"Ok!" Jax interrupted, "yep, it's a war, and we're kinda in the middle of fighting it so uh- is General Archer coming?"

"General Archer is uh… having some 'me time,'" Jeho replied, Jax forced another smile on his face, starting to feel the threads of his thin sanity starting to break.

"Meditational retreat," Esinon corrected,

"Great! Me time! Me time is amazing… we could all use some of that right now. So let's all check in on each other more often, and Bo if you could-" Bo slammed his hands down on the table, making the hologram glitch and flicker,

"I'm not going to follow some stupid orders if it's going to get a bunch of good men killed!" Esinon immediately stepped in front of Jax,

"You do not get to talk to him that way," she snarled,

"General, it's fine- Bo's just-"

"I need to stop the Separatists, in any way I can. We're done for today," Bo stormed out of the room before anyone was able to get a word in. Esinon groaned,

"Ugh, fine. Clearly, we aren't going to get anything done like this anyways," She ducked out of the bridge next,

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get some soundproof headphones before it starts getting loud again," Jeho said, rising up to a vent in the ceiling and disappearing into it. Jax groaned, flopping his head down on the table disappointedly,

"All in all, not the worst meeting we've ever had," Spitfire commented,

"I really could use a 'meditational retreat'," Jax grumbled, the way he took that was General Archer was checking out for a few days and covering it up with some Jedi crap he didn't understand, but he didn't know kriff about Jedi so he didn't really care. He'd love to check out too. Spitfire walked over and grabbed Jax up from the table, forcing him to a standing position.

"Don't blame yourself vod'ika," he said, Spitfire's jumped into his next topic without skipping a beat, "Hey, you know, I had this idea-not pre-planned at all- let's take a break and have a guys' night out on the town when we get back to Coruscant!"

"I should really stay in case Esinon or Bo need me," he said sadly,

"Oh come on," Byte said, "one night can't hurt,"

"Yeah, just us, a club, and lots of alcohol. What do you say?" Jax's face slowly turned to a smile,

"Yah know what? Why not!" Byte let out a whoop,

"Guys night out baby!" Jeho's head popped out of the vent.

"Can I lock General Windcaster and Bo in the brig yet?" he asked.

"No!" all three clones yelled at once. Jeho grumbled to himself, raising himself back up into the vent.

The next day; Coruscant's surface...

"Spitfire… when you said guys' night out, I thought you meant a night. Not broad daylight," Jax said, staring at Spitfire over his drink. Spitfire shrugged,

"The bars are quiet right now and I know that they usually trigger your anxiety with all the lights, and people, and-"

"Yeah, I know," Jax muttered, he didn't like talking about his anxiety much, mostly because soldiers like him weren't engineered to have such defects but he couldn't change it. All he could do was do his best to cope with it.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes, until Byte finally spoke up.

"Wonder how things are on the ship," he muttered, "Probably not the best to leave the General and Commander alone without Dej or someone around." Jax shrugged,

"Not much we can do," Jax failed to spot the twinkle in Spitfire's eye,

"Oh, I'm sure they'll eventually get locked in a room and kill each other," Spitfire replied, far too lightheartedly, Jax glanced at him with an annoyed brow. Spitfire stared at his brother over his drink. "What? You know General Windcaster wants to strangle him,"

"And he's tried to strangle her," Byte added,

"Will you two quit talking about this like it's nothing!" Jax snapped, "Bo's gonna get himself killed by the Kaminoans if he keeps this up! We're all just lucky General Windcaster hasn't filed a report and sent him back for decommissioning!" Both Spitfire and Byte went quiet after that. Jax pushed his drink away, "I'm gonna go back to the barracks, thanks for trying anyway," he mumbled, standing and heading for the door of the bar.

"We'll come with you," Spitfire said, jogging after his baby brother and wrapping an arm around him, Spitfire knocked his forehead against Jax's temple. "This is gonna pass eventually. It's not gonna be like forever, I promise."

"How do you know?" Jax asked,

"Because I have a plan," Spitfire said proudly, Jax cocked an eyebrow,

"What do you mean?" Before Spitfire could answer, the door to the bar opened to three large and gruff-looking men. The three men stared at the clones, not moving from the door.

"Excuse us, we were just leaving," Jax said, starting toward them hoping that would cue the men to move. It didn't.

"Well would you look at that," one of the men commented, "Three little clones all alone,"

"I'm sure the Separatists would pay handsomely for three clones," another commented, Jax's hand was instantly on his pistol.

"It's an ambush," he snarled, Spitfire grinned broadly,

"Nope, even better! It's a kidnapping!" he exclaimed, holding out his arms toward the men,

"What?!" Jax shrieked, "Spitfire what are you doing!"

"Don't worry," Spitfire said, as the men placed cuffs around his wrists, "This is all part of my brilliant plan,"

"Brilliant plan?" Jax hissed, "Brilliant plan for what?" The men grabbed Jax's pistol before he could react, tugging the clones' hands behind his back.

"My brilliant plan to get General Windcaster and Bo to stop arguing," Spitfire replied as the clones were loaded into a dark transport, "Trust me, this is gonna work," Jax dropped his head,

"You've done a lot of stupid things Spitfire but this takes the cake," he muttered, The door slammed shut, and outside Jax heard one of the men say,

"Call Dooku, tell him we've got what he wants." All three clones stiffened, Jax turned slowly to Spitfire.

"Spitfire… what did you do?"

"Messed up," The clone whispered,

Esinon chucked her datapad onto her desk, trying to quell her rising anger as Bo berated her concerning their most recent battle. She wouldn't lie, most of it had been a disaster but it wasn't due to her planning. She'd had a plan that worked with the information she was given. It wasn't her fault that she didn't know that the Separatists had three dreadnaughts worth of reinforcements waiting for them. And at least they'd captured a spy- who wasn't even her problem anymore, the 221st had already been given a new assignment.

In all honesty, maybe, just maybe, her plan would've worked better if Bo had just listened to her for once and stayed put. She was the General for kriff's sake! And Bo needed to trust her judgment. She wasn't some reckless General who cared nothing about her troops. Her goal was to try and get as many of them back onto the Duchess at the end of a battle as possible. She was trying. But her job was becoming nearly impossible because Bo had the need to bring his 'insight' onto every single decision she made. She was exhausted.

"And if you would listen to any of us for four minutes then maybe, just maybe we would have been able to keep Kasyykk!"

"We did keep Kasyykk, Bo," Esinon said as calmly as possible, "A loss doesn't mean we lost the planet. Master Fisto will take care of where the battle plan fell short."

"Because of your planning!" he shouted, "You, you're the reason the plan fell short! The Jedi should have never made you a knight. You're far too young for this! They should just stick you back at the temple where you belong." Esinon's fists clenched, she was glad her back was facing Bo at this point. "Yeah. I heard what General Archer said, and it's true; they only knighted you because they couldn't knight Commander Tano."

"I know that!" Esinon yelled, "I know that alright! Don't you think that's what I think every single day that I try to lead this legion? When we fail OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN. When I get berated and yelled at by you! And you're not doing anything to help! You are SO lucky that I am your General and I care the slightest bit about you or you'd be on a one-way trip back to Kamino! If it were anyone else you would be decommissioned by now. What do you want me to do Bo? Huh? Want me to transfer you? Want me to drop you off on some planet so you can live the rest of your life alone? Would you like to be demoted? Do you want to go back to Anakin? What do you want!? Because I'm so sick and tired of you blaming everything on me! I can't carry the whole galaxy on my shoulders! I'm a kid! Just a kid, and that's all I am! And yes I should be back at the temple, yes I should still be a padawan, yes they only knighted me because they couldn't knight Ahsoka, and if you paid the barest amount of attention to me you'd know that I've been rejected by my own people." Her voice broke slightly, she didn't care, there was months worth of pent-up anger and pain that needed release. "They may say that I've been accepted by them, but I've seen the way they look at me. This Bo." she motioned the walls of the Duchess, "This is all I know. War is all I know. And I can't do anything but this! And neither can you. You're a clone. I'm a Jedi. All we're good for is war." She slumped into her chair, dragging a hand through her hair. For the first time in a long time, Bo was completely silent. His mouth hung slightly agape, as he studied the young Jedi before him.

"I'm made for more than war," Bo said after a moment, "And I don't want to leave this legion. Not unless my brothers are coming with me," they lapsed into silence as Esinon stared at the tally marks on his chest plate. She finally looked up at him, anger fading from her eyes, replaced with remorse.

"I'm sorry Bo," she replied, "I didn't mean that. And if you'd really like to be transferred elsewhere, then you can talk it over with your squad and I'll get who would like to be moved, moved."Bo stared at her,

"I…" Bo wasn't exactly sure what he wanted, he didn't want to leave, but he wanted to leave, everything was contradicting itself in his mind. He couldn't decide.

"And I wish I could understand why you're so angry with me Bo. If I've done something to upset you this much, I'd like to know so maybe I could try to make amends, but I understand forgiveness is… difficult to come by."

"It's- it's not just you, alright? It's Jedi, all Jedi, all of you have kriffed up so bad so many times and we never get an apology!" He pointed to the jagged scars on his cheek, "A Jedi did this to me and I got nothing. You Jedi are so high and mighty that you don't even care about us!"

"I do care Bo," she whispered, "I'm sorry, I know that it doesn't fix it but I am sorry. I wish I could've been there to help,"

"There's nothing you could've done anyways," he mumbled, they sat in silence, Bo shifted uncomfortably, sitting in the stagnant air of confrontation.

"Besalisk claws," Esinon said suddenly, Bo stiffened, "That's what the scars are from, aren't they. They're from Krell."

"Yeah, they are," he mumbled,

"I'm sorry Bo," she said, "The Jedi… are blinded by this war, and I know that we have failed so many people throughout it, and I'm sorry that you had to take the downfall from our blind sightedness. I wish I could change things and make them different, but all I can offer now is my apology."

"Why didn't you come looking for us?" he whispered, "We needed you and you weren't there," Esinon stared at her desk, refusing to meet Bo's eye line,

"Because… I- I was a kid. And they asked me to lead a campaign, and I couldn't figure out how to do that, and then everything happened, and I thought something was wrong but my senses were so messed up and confused from Obi-Wan dying that I… I didn't try hard enough and you had to pay for it."

"How do you think I could ever trust you after that? Any Jedi! He slaughtered my brothers for the sick fun of it! Jedi have so much power they could obliterate us in an instant and I have to stand by you every day knowing that you have more power than I've ever seen before and one little slip-up and you could murder this entire legion!" Esinon flinched, she rose to her feet walking over to a cabinet in the corner of her office, pulling open the drawer and removing a helmet. She ran her fingers over the orange paint, taking a deep breath before turning back to Bo.

"This was my brother Waxer's. Rex gave it to me after Boil… left." Boil had deserted not long after Waxer had died, he couldn't take the stress of the war anymore. Esinon couldn't blame him, she'd thought about leaving all this behind so many times before. "Waxer… was one of the first people when I came aboard the Negotiator to make me feel like I belonged there. There had been this unspoken distance between me and the clones. The difference between officer and soldier. And being twelve I didn't understand that. I was just looking for friends. Because I missed the temple, and my creche mates, and my friends, and Waxer was the first person to ever invite me to spar with the clones, to ever eat with them, play games with them, to share a comradery I'd never felt before. Not being a Jedi. And… you don't have to believe me when I say this, but that's why I could never hurt any of you. Because you all gave me something that is invaluable. And I'm grateful for that. I… just had hoped that maybe we could be friends, but I guess not, and that's ok too." She placed the helmet on her desk, "Thanks for telling me Bo," she started for the door,

"Esinon?" Bo asked,


"I'm… I'm sorry. I'm sorry they forced you into war so young," Esinon gave him a small smile,

"For what it's worth Bo, you're made for more than this,"

"You are too kid," Esinon gave him a small nod before ducking out the door,

Bo's gaze drifted to the helmet on Esinon's desk. Maybe… he'd been wrong about Esinon. He didn't know. It was still hard, but maybe if he could give it a try with this one Jedi he could start healing. After all, she had apologized, and no one had offered him that. So he thought he'd try.

He ducked out of General Windcaster's office and headed down to the mess hall, he gathered two cups of caf, even though he knew caffeine would do nothing to her, and set out to find the young Jedi. It didn't take long for him to find her on the bridge.

"Esinon, I wanted to-" The bridge door burst open with a shout,

"The boys are in trouble!" Jayla announced with conviction, "A droid told me! LET'S ROLL!" Jayla sprinted out of the bridge. Both Jedi and Commander glanced at each other before Esinon ran out after her friend calling her name.

"Jayla! What do you mean the boys are in trouble!" she asked, as Jayla refused to slow down, and Bo was falling behind.

"Just what I said. Byte messaged me, said he, Jax, and Spitfire all got caught by some seppies while out for a drink. They're being moved off-world soon to Dooku, we have to get there first."

"Ugh, only my legion would get clones caught while in the Republic capital," Esinon muttered, Jayla smirked,

"Well they do take after your recklessness," Esinon rolled her eyes,

"Hardy har, one of us has to make up for your lack of it Stiff," Esinon teased, Jayla muttered something in mando'a under her breath before turning back to Bo.

"Commander, inform the Coruscant guard. We'll need transports for these Separatists when we've captured them," Bo gave a salute before running off in the other direction. "Now, let's get to that warehouse." The three of them, along with Emily sprinted off the Duchess to a waiting speeder that Jayla had called ahead for. They hopped in, Jayla taking the wheel,

"Alright, when we get to the lower levels, Esinon you have to figure out which warehouse they're in," Esinon's head snapped around,

"How?" she exclaimed, "There are thousands of warehouses down here, was Byte specific at all?"Jayla pinched the bridge of her nose before glaring at Esinon,

"Esinon Upahara Windcaster-"

"Where did you learn my middle name?" "You are one of the most powerful Jedi to ever live, for the love of the force, use the force!" Esinon glared at Jayla, but closed her eyes and fell into a meditation searching the thousands of force signatures that resided within Coruscant. Searching, and searching, and searching, she did her best to get a lock on her men's force signature.

Suddenly a ping of gentle kindness flowed through her, mixed with the underlying anxiety she knew as Jax's.

"Turn left!" she shouted, and Jayla instantly veered the speeder. They continued in this manner as Esinon directed the elder Jedi through the bustling Coruscanti underworld. They finally pulled over at the desired location as Esinon rushed up to the door, she studied the lock for a moment as Jayla joined her. Both girls backed up in sync, "I'm gonna kick the door in,"

"But I was gonna kick the door in," Jayla replied,

"But I wanted to do it!"

"Uh Generals, I hate to interrupt this petty argument, but my brothers are in trouble," Bo said annoyedly, both Jedi cringed,

"Sorry Bo!" they said in sync,

"Alright we'll kick it in together, on three, one, two, three," Both Jedi slammed a foot into the door and with a satisfying creak of metal, it went flying off its hinges. Esinon snapped her wrist, a chord of lightning appearing within her grip. She flicked the deadly weapon forward, catching the first guy in her sight, she caught him, flinging him across the room as the two Jedi rushed in. Bo immediately headed to his brothers, helping to untie them as the Jedi made quick work of the men who had been holding the clones hostage.

Jayla worked on restraining the three men, as Esinon lowered her blade to the neck of the largest one.

"Who do you work for," she snarled, the man stared in horror at the glittering green blade inches from his face.

"No one!" he exclaimed, "No one, we were just trying to make a quick buck!" Esinon smirked,

"Guess this'll teach you better than to mess with my men," the man swallowed hard, trying to inch away from the emerald blade.

"I already called Commander Fox," Jayla said, brushing off her hands, "he'll be here soon to round these clowns up," Esinon gave a nod of thanks, as Jayla squeezed the younger Jedi's shoulder. She turned to her men, darting over to them, as they rubbed at raw wrists,

"Are you ok?" she asked, searching each of them for injuries, Jax smiled,

"We're fine, they didn't hurt us too badly," he said, Esinon let out a small breath,

"Thank the force all of you are ok," Byte smirked,

"It'll take more than a couple of goons to scare us General," Esinon let out a small chuckle,

"Still, I want all you to go and see Boomer just in case," the three troopers nodded, "Alright, let's get back to the Duchess," all six of them loaded up into the speeder, crammed as it was, and rode back to the cruiser. Jax, Spitfire, and Byte were all screened by Boomer, while Bo kept a watchful eye in the corner. Esinon had been hovering as well, keeping up a small conversation with Jayla until the elder knight gave her a nod, and ducked out of the room. Esinon eventually wandered over to her Commander, leaning up against the doorway on the opposite side. "Any word from Boomer?" she asked softly, Bo nodded,

"Their wrists are a little raw, but other than that they're perfectly fine," Esinon nodded,

"Well that's good, I'm just glad everything turned out the way it did, this coulda been a lot worse," Bo glanced at her before refocusing on Jax who was getting his wrists wrapped up by Boomer,

"Yeah," he paused, "thanks kid… for going after them," Esinon looked up at him in surprise before turning her gaze away,

"You're welcome Bo,"

A few days later...

Dej sighed as he returned to the vessel. Though he looked forward to seeing his brothers again he held no eagerness to have to reign in his temperamental commander again. Navigating those waters was taxing. Spending time under such renowned officers may have normally stressed him out, in comparison to the situation he left behind, it felt almost relaxing for everything to be so normal.

Dej wasn't even able to finish stepping off the gunship before he was tackled by his younger brother in a bone-crushing hug,

"You're home!" Glitch exclaimed, somehow managing to hug Dej tighter, the elder chuckled, shifting his weight to prevent himself from falling over,

"Glitch it's only been a week," Glitch shrugged, finally stepping away so their other batchmates could greet him, Dej glanced around,

"Where's Bo?" he asked,

"With General Windcaster," Jax replied nonchalantly, Dej raised a brow,

"Is that such a good idea… considering their history?" Spitfire shrugged,

"You'll see," he said slyly, almost on cue a squadron of clones passed, revealing General Windcaster sifting through some various supplies, a few moments later Bo came up behind her, holding two mugs. General Windcaster greeted him with a bright smile, taking one of the mugs gratefully. Dej's head tilted as General Windcaster said something that caused Bo to break out into a wide grin, saying something jokingly in reply.

"What… is going on over there?"

"They're friends now… or something," Glitch said, making a broad motion toward the pair.

"Since when? Bo can't go from wanting to murder her, then being her friend."

"A lot can happen in a week," Spitfire said with a coy grin, Jax smacked his shoulder, glaring at their brother. Dej's brow furrowed,

"Anyone wanna clue me in on what happened," Spitfire snickered,

"Maybe another time," Jax said with a content sigh, Dej decided to let it go, for the time being, sure he would get some wild story later on in the night. They carried on in conversation until General Windcaster and Bo spotted them, happily making their way over. Bo embraced his brother tightly,

"Glad to have you back," he said with a smile, Dej couldn't help but stare at his brother a little longer. Bo seemed different… lighter. Like his brother had let some of the weight he'd been lugging around finally go. His shoulders didn't sit so heavy.

General Windcaster smiled brightly up at him,

"How did the mission go?"

"Good, sir," he replied, in truth, Commander Cody and Captain Rex had done well to remind Dej just how competent he was. That cleared up a lot of doubts and issues he'd been having concerning recent events with General Windcaster, and Glitch. Only now did Dej start to suspect that maybe General Windcaster had sent him on the mission for a reason, judging by the mischievous and knowing glint in her eye.

"Well, that's good to hear, can't wait to read your report," she gave them all a nod, "gentlemen," they all snapped to a salute as General Windcaster left, Bo trailing in her wake.

Dej could not help a relieving smile that crossed his face, everything was as it should be again.

Hey yall! Still not back to a regular posting schedule, sorry I don't have more of an answer about when i finally will, but right now I'm just kinda taking it one step at a time, so thank you for all that continued support!

Next up on let's make this canon corner: Esinon is the offical wing woman of the 221st

Thank you for reading and make sure to leave a reveiw!