Hey there everyone, just the first chapter of a new fic I've been thinking about I'm still working hard on Dentelle as well. I've been thinking of doing a soulmate type fic for a little while so hopefully you all like it, let me know what you think! As always, I do not own Harry Potter.
Chapter One
Harry sat in his bedroom at number four Privet Drive staring out the window. It was stifling hot in his small bedroom even at this late hour. He had opened his window a crack trying to get a cool breeze in, but it wasn't helping. His body ached from the beating his Uncle and given him earlier in the evening. Harry hadn't even done anything, simply been in the way when Uncle Vernon had gotten home from work and that had been enough. Now that his Uncle knew that his Godfather was dead the limited protection, he had drawn from that was gone and his Uncle had no qualms in beating him as he pleased. He pushed all thoughts of his Godfather out of his head before the sadness threatened to overwhelm him. Or if not the sadness then the anger, the anger that left him wondering if things would have gone differently if Dumbledore had only been honest with him earlier. He clenched his fists, gosh he was just so tired, there was just always something during the school year and then year after year he is sent back to this hell hole. He squirmed gingerly in his seat, the wounds in his back twinging painfully. Harry sighed running a hand gingerly through his hair, he knew there was a good chance they would get infected if he didn't clean them soon but there was nothing he could do.
He looked at his watch, 10 minutes until midnight and his 16th birthday. He watched the minutes tick by trying to ignore the throbbing pain coursing through him. Hedwig hooted dolefully in her cage; Harry reached out a finger patting her gently through the bars.
"At least I've always got you" Harry said quietly continuing to stroke the soft feathers as the clock struck midnight.
As the clock ticked over Harry felt a warmth envelope his body, he looked down in amazement and saw that he was glowing, a soft gold radiating from his body. His whole body seemed to tense, and he stood up from his chair his back arching as he cried out softly in pain. He had no idea what was happening. The glowing and warmth only lasted a few minutes before slowly ebbing away. He felt different, a dull ache in his chest and he rubbed at the pain absently. He ran his hands over his body checking for damage but thankfully finding nothing more than was already there. As he lifted his hands to run them over his face, he noticed black swirling letters around both his wrists.
He froze for a moment remembering something Hermione had told him before Ron's birthday, something about soulmarks and 16th birthdays. Apparently, it was very rare, but some witches and wizards received a soulmark on their 16th birthday. The soulmark would be the name of their soulmate and would only appear if you were the younger and submissive of the partnership. The older wouldn't receive a mark but would feel a pull towards their soulmate once they met after the marks had appeared. The bond would strengthen the longer they spent together.
Harry took a deep breath trying to calm his pounding heart. He had a soul mate! Someone who was perfect for him, someone who would be there for him, maybe even grow to love him. But why was there a name on both of his wrists? Did the name usually appear twice? He had no idea, his knowledge of soulmarks limited to one conversation months ago.
He brought up his left wrist and saw the name Rabastan Lestrange swirling elegantly around his wrist and down his arm. He stared in shock, RABASTAN LESTRANGE! The notorious death eater was his soulmate! It was with some trepidation that he raised his right wrist to see the name Rodolphus Lestrange written there. Both of them, both of the Lestrange brothers were his soulmates! Harry was confused, how could this even be possible?
He ran his fingers absently over the black writing his breath started to quicken as he thought about the ramifications of this. There was no way that his friends would accept this, no way that Dumbledore would allow him to be with his soulmates. Did he even want to be with his soulmates after what they had done, would they even want to be with him he worried? After all he was the face of the light side, even if he had begun to have doubts about them after everything that had happened to him.
He began to pace his room thinking about Rabastan and Rodolphus, he knew next to nothing about them aside from that they were sent to Azkaban for torturing Neville's parents. The mere thought of it making him feel sick. He knew Rodolphus was the older of the pair, but he wasn't sure by how much. He also knew that they were both somewhere in their 30's, much older than his 16 years. They both worked for Voldemort, so no doubt wanted him dead and Harry felt a pang of pain that his soulmates didn't want him. But he knew if he stayed here, he could be dead by the end of the summer, with his treatment at the hands of the Dursleys worsening every day he didn't know how much more of it he could take. He was skin and bones already and covered in bruises and wounds, he had a feeling that without his magic he probably wouldn't have made it this far. With Sirius gone and the weight of his death laying on Harry's shoulders he began to contemplate whether a quick death at Voldemort's hands now would be a more preferable way to go.
Decision made he wearily stood up and gathered his few meagre belongings into a backpack, leaving behind all his schoolbooks and robes and only taking what he really needed. He thankfully had a pouch with some muggle and wizarding money in it that would hopefully get him by. He slid open his window silently thankful that Uncle Vernon had never bothered putting bars back on his window after Fred and George had torn them off. He opened Hedwig's cage telling her to find him again when it was safe, he took her to the now open window and watched for a moment and she flew off into the night before he climbed out of the window hanging by his fingertips as low as he could before letting go and allowing himself to fall to the ground. He bit back a gasp as pain shot through him but swallowed it down and started walking. He knew he needed to put as much distance between himself and Privet Drive before anyone realised, he was missing. He wasn't exactly sure how to make his way to Rabastan and Rodolphus, he supposed he would let the pull he felt for his soulmates guide him and hope for the best.