I do not own RWBY or To Love Ru they are owned by their respective owners.
A big thick cloud of dust hung in the air so everyone had to keep their eyes,noses and mouths properly covered to keep from inhaling it and to keep it out of their eyes and it was quiet the sounds of battle having died the moment the giant robot toppled over not even the smallest sound breaking through total silence.
As the dust finally settles everyone looks over at each other as they uncover their eyes and everyone breakes out into cheers and first to react was Jaune who pulled both Pyrrha and Momo into a tight hug which caused Pyrrha to smile giddily with a blush and Momo to giggle as they both then hugged Jaune back who breathed their scent in.
Momo : Wow ey Jaune seems you're certainly pretty brave to be hugging the two of us all of a sudden.
Jaune : Eh hehehe I uh kinda don't know where that came from I'm just glad that we actually beat that robot.
Pyrrha : Don't worry Jaune really we don't mind at all you give pretty nice hugs at least both of us think so.
Nora : Whoo! that was one hell of a battle and Pyrrha what a use of your semblance that tornado rocked!
Ruby : Yeah the one moment they kept coming the next moment they were spinning fast all like whooosh!
Yang : That was impressive I didn't even know you could do that ey it's no wonder you're the champ!
Jaune : That's for sure seriously Pyr you are awesome like I knew you're awesome but that just proved it too.
Momo : I totally agree with them on this because you were amazing and here I thought I liked fighting more.
Pyrrha : Thank you guys also Jaune that means a lot coming from you I am really glad that you're my leader.
Jaune : No problem Pyrrha because I really appreciate you too you really are quite amazing.
Up in the sky the rest of the girls and Ren who were shielding each other's faces with one another pulled back from each other's shoulders and looked down to the ground where the giant robot was laying with it's smaller robots' remains strewn around it's one side and they were relieved to see their friends were okay and also looking at the carnage.
Blake : Wow those three seem like they are nice and cozy in that hug
I'm kinda jealous that looks so nice.
Ren : Jaune is too dense he can't even see two girls like him heck he hasn't even figured Pyrrha likes him yet.
Lala : Yeah I am surprised Momo liked Jaune since they met since she was still crushing on Rito until then.
Nana : Man I couldn't believe Momo had a crush on that beast when I heard no wonder she's always by him.
Mea : Rito-Senpai is just as dense as Jaune it would seem and Momo was too afraid of confessing to Senpai.
Weiss : I feel bad for Pyrrha and Momo both because both's crushes are really oblivious to their feelings.
Yami : Yeah Rito Yuuki and Jaune are too dense which is really unfortunate for Princess Momo and Pyrrha.
One thing was all too clear to Lala tho and that thing was that it isn't only Pyrrha and Momo who really like Jaune but the girls of RWBY team have also fallen for him despite what they told her about how Weiss could at first not stand Jaune,how Blake and Yang didn't even acknowledge him most of the time despite Ruby denying her feelings for Jaune.
Jaune : Good work out there guys you all followed my orders perfectly and you worked well here together.
Momo : I definitely believe the same I've never been part of such great teamwork before you were great.
Pyrrha : for damn sure though Jaune you gave the orders so you're also to thank for our cohesive teamwork.
Rito : Jaune I thank you for making sure my friends and sister are safe with your tactically thinking mind.
Mea : I can't help but also thank you I have grown attached to those I am friends with they are great people.
Mikan : Yeah truly we could not have thought out such a strategy on our own so you really have our gratitude.
Blake : You have grown a lot for sure Jaune so I think you will grow even more and we'll be happy to see it.
And so they all congratulated each other on a really well fought victory and then they went into the house.
Momo : Jaune look I wanna tell you I fell for you the moment I met you today will you accept me?
Jaune : I will accept to be your boyfriend definitely Momo I think you are really really cute.
Pyrrha : I uhm Jaune eh I know this won't change anything now but I've never told you but I really like you.
Jaune : Pyrrha are you absolutely sure I mean like would you really have liked to have gone out with me at all?
Pyrrha : Yeah really I would but hey I missed a perfect chance to confess to you however I'll get over it eventually.
Momo : Nah ah Pyrrha listen I have a better overall solution both you and I could go out with Jaune.
Jaune : Well if you are not against it Pyrrha uhm I'd like to date the both of you because I like you both a lot.
Pyrrha : I uhm yes really I could get used to sharing a guy since I'm bi I have no problem with a tri-couple.
The three shared a hug celebrated.
Bonus scene :
Oobleck : I just brought some Jaunes from doomed timelines so team RWBY girls here's a Jaune for you all.
Jaunes : Will you girls go out with us?
Blake : Well don't mind if I do.
Ruby : I think I definitely will.
Weiss : I'll not miss this chance again.
Yang : Don't mind if I do.
JNPR and RWBY got a completely sudden impromptu vacation on the