First chapter is in the works.

We're getting our outline done.

You will see the Story soon enough but details need to be ironed out, ideas are still in heavy development.

But thanks for your anticipation and excitement.

Here's a trailer for you all before the reboot comes out.

Rate Read and Review and as Always Have Nice Day.

Spirit Unto Dawn Teaser Trailerzzzz Plural

-The following are a collection of scenes and instances meant to emulate trailers with no effect on the main story other than conveying epic grandeur, badass characters and a whole lot of mayhem. Enjoy-

-Trailer 1-

Soaring through the skies above London, a Systems Alliance Trident Starfighter slowly lowers itself to the ground in a field of sunflowers.

What was a starfighter was no more than a model toy being played with by a young girl. The child pulls her toy back, spotting a ladybug in the process. She watched the insect take flight and instantly jumps up to chase after it.

She runs through the sunflower field she is in, holding her trident starfighter toy aloft.

Overhead, a squadron flies by, being joined by a Turian squadron.

In a military base, Human and Turian soldiers mingle, discussing random topics, all of whom sport matching tattoos and emblems.

A skull within a drop pod on fire with the name Helljumpers beneath it.

Some Asari and even several Krogan are there with them, comparing their weapons, training, armor and such.

Back in the sunflower field, the little girl is running around several sunflowers before she stops in the middle of a split road in the field.

She's about to keep running when a large shadow is cast over her.

Slowly, the girl turns to see just what was so big to blot out the sun and in her eyes was the reflection of a Lovecraftian menace.

A moment later, a squadron of Alliance fighters are shot down as gargantuan ships known as Reapers descend upon the planet.

Destruction, confusion and death reign down from all sides.

Soldiers desperately scramble, trying to mount a defensive whilst trying to save lives.

Those possessing the Helljumpers emblem slip on helmets that immediately polarize and they rush right into battle, knowing it will lead them to death.

Reaper Husks surround multiple soldiers, overwhelming the defenders of Earth before the ones called ODSTs rush in to assist.

Their assault was valiant yet for naught as the number of Husks simply overwhelmed them.

Fade to blackā€¦

What was once the scenic and beautiful sunflower field was now blackened and gray ash.

Walking through the ashen fields were several individuals.

A pair of armored boots came upon a toy starfighter underneath the soot and delicately picked it up.

Jane Shepard clutched the toy, her face conveying anger and grief at the toy that belonged to a child who likely perished here. Standing right next to her was her brother James Shepard, the man holding a stoic visage yet his eyes conveyed unbridled fury and rage at the enemies ahead.

The Shepard siblings weren't alone as the crew of the Normandy stood by their side, ready to fight with them.

Garrus Vakarian, Tali'Zorah, Liara T'Soni, Urdnot Wrex, Ashley Williams, Kaidan Alenko, James Vega, EDI and more.

Behind them, the army of the Systems Alliance is marching towards the group as they ready themselves for battle.

The Shepard twins stare ahead, spotting the seemingly endless horde of Reaper Husks. Both have their weapons pop up from their backs, grabbing them in unison and getting ready to bring the fight to these deadly foes.

Explosions go off, taking out the first wave of Reapers, the Normandy SR-2 flying by overhead with multiple starfighters in the wings to support the ship.

The Normandy crew were the first ones in, engaging the Reapers with heated savagery, cutting, shooting and exploding any Reaper they got their eyes on.

Suddenly, James Shepard is swatted aside by a Brute Reaper and his sister is tackled by several Husks.

James heard a ringing in his ears, trying to get to his feet whilst the large Reaper stepped forward, ready to kill him.

Then, two new figures rushed in, armored from head to toe.

One jumped and smashed his knee into the Brutes head before priming a shotgun and blowing the head away.

The other pulled out two knives, stabbing two Husks in the back of their heads whilst punting the head of the third right off its body.

James Shepard didn't even look up at his savior, only grinning as he reached up and grabbed a green armored arm and was pulled up.

Jane was similarly assisted by her savior in black armor, the woman smirking at the man as he, along with the green armored soldier handed the Shepard twins their weapons back.

The siblings gave The Master Chief and Noble Six appreciative nods, turning back to the fight.

The Normandy team regrouped and this time, they were joined by other Spartan Super Soldiers. Up above, the Normandy now flies side by side with the Spirit of Fire.

On the bridge, Captain Cutter gives a nod and the forces of the UNSC are deployed, joining the fight.

ODST pods reign down from the Fire as do Pelicans and Longswords.

Warthogs, Scorpions, Grizzly's and so on came down whilst the Shepard twins led the charge with the Normandy crew and Spartans against the Reapers.

Just as they were about to collide with the Reaper forces, the scene fades to black and a title appears.


-Trailer 2-

Within a battlefield, UNSC marines with other species like Asari, Turian and Krogan ran forward. They took position behind some cover before one of the Marines yelled at the others and several individuals turned around too late as the wall was bashed through.

A Reaper Brute was on the other side, with another wall being smashed in.

Abruptly, the chaos and battle slowed to a crawl as a lone man in a UNSC uniform strode across the battlefield.

Captain Cutter of the Spirit Of Fire.

He was nonplussed as to what was happening around him, instead looking ahead of him. Cutter walked by the Reaper Brute who was attacking the unit of soldiers that fought back.

From behind, a UNSC warthog with a marine at the wheel and a Salarian manning the gun drove at full speed, being joined by other warthogs. One Reaper Brute was quickly gunned down whilst another had its legs blown off before getting violently run over by another warthog.

The Warthogs drove at full speed to the enemy forces.

Suddenly, a large shadow loomed over the battlefield and once again, things slowed down.

The first ever Reaper, Harbinger looked down at the insects below, taking a moment to analyze the situation before everything resumed. Missiles came in and obliterated several of the warthogs, their wreckage flying past Cutter who unflinchingly strode forward.

From the rear, retrofitted UNSC Cyclops' ran at full speed to join in the battle.

Cutter looked above and saw the Spirit Of Fire with several additional UNSC frigates coupled with System's Alliance and Turian ships and the Normandy SR-2 flying down to the battlefield.

Coming from the ships were multiple ODST drop pods that crashed into the ground, taking out enemies with them.

Harbinger observed all this silently, instead locking onto Captain Cutter, the human fearlessly walking forward.

Dozens of drop pods had slammed into the ground and the hatches all burst open.

ODSTs ran out and they weren't the only ones in the pods.

Master Chief John-117 and Noble Six Nathan-B312 ran forward at full speed being joined by Jerome-092, Alice-130, Douglas-042, Carter-A259, Kat-B320, Jun-A266, Emile-A239 and Jorge-052.

James and Jane Shepard quickly fell in rank with the rest of the Normandy crew and the two opposing sides met in the middle, with everything slowing down.

Cutter stood, arms crossed with a challenging look directed at the skyscraper enemy of Harbinger, the Reaper glowing red.

All around the battlefield, Reaper forces engaged with the allied forces that came here to fight, the Spartans tearing a path forward whilst the Reapers were scoring victories of their own.