A/N: Hey guys!! Quarantine is still going strong, and The Rookie decided to have another skip week (seriously?!) so I thought what better time than now to start my next story! I hope you all enjoy it. Leave a review and let me know your thoughts please!

This is a sequel to my story Feelings, as Tim and Lucy are continuing their relationship.

Disclaimer: I do not own rights to The Rookie or its characters.

Summary: Sequel to my story Feelings. Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen are exploring their new relationship. When both of them are absent from roll call after a weekend off, their friends know something is wrong. However, something is going on that is far more dangerous than anyone would suspect. Someone is looking for revenge... and they won't stop until they've gotten it.

Chapter 1

Lucy Chen walked out of the locker room at the LAPD after a long week. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and curl up in bed to watch one of her favorite movies. She ran into her training officer, and boyfriend, Tim Bradford on her way out.

"Hey," he looked around to make sure they were alone before grabbing her hand and softly kissing the back of it. They hadn't told many people about their relationship. They were only five months into it, and were still exploring the relationship. The only people who knew at work were West and Nolan because they were Lucy's best friends and could read her like an open book, and Lopez because she had suspicions about Tim and Lucy, and West confirmed her suspicions. They all agreed to keep it quiet for now. A relationship between a rookie and their training officer would probably not be taken too well, especially by Sargent Grey.

"Hey," she responded smiling at him.

"I know we have a breakfast date planned tomorrow, but we have the whole weekend off, and I want to spend every minute with you. You want to come over to have dinner and watch a movie?"

"I'd love to," she would gladly put aside her own plans to go home with Tim. They hadn't gotten to spend much time together recently, so she wouldn't take this weekend for granted.

"We haven't had a Friday off together in a long time. I'll pick up dinner and meet you at my place." He reached in his pocket and handed her a key to his house. "I think it's time for you to have this."

She grinned at him as she took the key from his hand. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and they headed to the parking lot.

They ran into Lopez on the way out and she gave them a knowing smile. "I would ask if you guys wanted to go out for drinks, but it looks like you already have plans."

Tim nodded, "sorry, Lopez." He looked at Lucy and smirked before looking back at Lopez, "we'll take a rain check though."


Tim picked up dinner from their favorite burger place and headed to his house. As he drove, he was thinking back on when he first met Lucy. When she first came to the LAPD, he was tough on her, just like he was with all of his rookies. She was his "boot" and he made sure she knew it. Little did he know how much this boot would change his life. This was the first time in a long time that he was truly happy. He was imagining the rest of his life with Lucy.

He was distracted by his thoughts, which he usually didn't allow himself to do. There were too many dangers in the world for him to allow himself to not be on top of paying attention to his surroundings. But on this rare occasion, he let his mind wander to places he rarely ever let it go. In their line of work, anything could go wrong at anytime, and he didn't want to look too far into the future. But this weekend he was going to spend every second with the love of his life.

Because he allowed his guard down, he didn't notice a dark SUV subtly following him the whole way home.


Tim smiled to himself when he pulled into the driveway and saw Lucy's car parked in her usual spot. He was loving the little things that were becoming their "normal".

He grabbed the bag of food and headed towards the front door. He walked in and heard Lucy in the shower, so he set the table and got their plates ready. A few minutes later she joined him and they talked and laughed over dinner.

After dinner, Lucy volunteered to clean up and put in a movie while Tim took a quick shower. When he walked back into the living room she was getting a blanket to settle in. He sat on the couch and put his arm around her as she snuggled against him. She pressed the play button on the remote and the beginning of one of her favorite movies filled the screen.

It wasn't long before both Tim and Lucy had dozed off, curled up together on the couch.


It was a few hours later and Tim was awoken by the sound of the sliding glass door, leading to his patio and backyard, opening. At first he was disoriented, but he quickly gathered his thoughts in time to see five masked men entering his home, only a few feet away from the couch where they were sitting. When he looked them over and saw that three of them had guns, he cursed himself for leaving his gun in the bedroom.

He protectively wrapped his arms around Lucy, which caused her to wake up too. She must've felt his tension because she mumbled "what's wrong?" Then she opened her eyes and they went wide when she saw the five men standing in a semicircle in front of her and Tim on the couch.

One of the men spoke in a stern voice, "stand up."

Lucy instinctively reached up and grabbed Tim's hand, she started to get up, but Tim didn't make any moves to stand, so she stayed seated on the couch with him.

"What do you want?" Tim asked through clenched teeth.

"I want you to stand up," the same man answered, and Tim determined that he was the one in charge. Tim was racking his brain for a game plan. Five against two weren't good odds, and he didn't want to do anything that would put Lucy in more danger. After a few more seconds went by and Tim still hadn't stood, Lucy, following suit, hadn't stood either, the man swung his gun towards them and yelled, "NOW!"

Not knowing what these men actually wanted, and not wanting to take any risks, Tim stood and after Lucy had stood too, he stepped in front of her acting as a shield. He knew that she could take care of herself, but these men were in his house for a reason, and he'd be damned if she got hurt for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Two men stepped forwards and tried to shove Tim out of the way, but he wasn't going to give up without a fight. He swung at one of them, and Lucy caught on and swung at the other. The men were caught off guard and one of them pistol-whipped Tim across the cheek. He reached up and felt a sticky liquid running down his face. A quick glance at his hand told him it was blood.

He continued to fight as another of the men got involved. Lucy was still fighting one and she was giving him a run for his money. The fourth man helped Lucy's attacker grab her and the man in charge rushed forwards and put his gun to her temple, yelling "STOP!"

Tim had gotten a good hit on one of his attackers, who was now laying on the floor clutching his nose, which was pouring blood and likely broken. When he heard the yell, he looked over and saw Lucy with a gun to her head. That brief disruption allowed his other attacker a moment to swing, and his fist connected with Tim's jaw, knocking him out.

Tim came to a minute later, confused at first, but he quickly remembered what was going on. His head was pounding. He wasn't a medical expert, but he knew that a punch to the jaw could cause a concussion, especially if he was knocked out. From his place on the floor, he saw that the men had duct taped Lucy's hands together and put a piece of tape over her mouth. Two men walked her out the back door as the other three walked over to Tim. Two of them roughly sat him up and the man in charged just smirked at him.

"Officer Bradford." Tim wondered how the man knew his name. "I've waited a long time for this." Tim was racking his brain to figure out what the man meant, but the pounding in his head was making it impossible for him to think.

The man suddenly removed his mask, and laughed when a look of realization spread across Tim's face. "From the look on your face, I can tell you remember me. Good, I didn't feel like formal introductions."

Tim was shocked at who he saw in front of him. "You should be—"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth. You ruined my life all those years ago, and I'm going to make you wish my bullet had killed you that day."

Thanks for reading!! Review and let me know what you think so far!