Brendan had once been told that 'a rough road leads to the heights of greatness.' He wasn't sure what their new home in Hoenn was like, but with how bumpy the road had been, it had better be a three-story mansion. The truck dipped again, rattling the back's contents. One of the precariously stacked boxes began to tilt, only for a steadying hand to slam into it moments later. Brendan gave a silent prayer of thanks for his reflexes, if not for them his mother and him would have been unpacking more shards than plates. A sharp beeping from his pocket had Brendan withdrawing his phone and answering.

"Is everything all right back there?" His mother Caroline asked, her barely audible voice crackling through the speakers. He quickly placed his free hand against his opposite ear, trying to dull the rumbling of the truck to listen properly.

"Yeah, nothing's broken." Yet, Brendan mentally added. He had nearly twisted his ankle trying to save one of the flowerpots. If he got injured protecting pottery, he would be having a few words with his mother. In her defense, he had volunteered to sit in back. It was either this or driving up with his father… which he would rather avoid. His mind was brought back to the call as his mother's voice came through again.

"All right, we are almost there. We are back on normal roads so I don't think there will be so many bumps. You can probably take it easy." He thanked her and ended the call. Easy or not, he would err on the side of caution. Still her assessment seemed to have some merit. Brendan waited several minutes but the truck's contents didn't so much as twitch. He allowed himself a brief respite, returning to the chair that had been set up for him. Perhaps he could get some light reading done. He reached into his travel pack, withdrawing a device before flicking it on. But even as the text sat before him, he couldn't bring himself to read a word. His thoughts swirled ceaselessly, threatening to consume him.

Brendan was moving. From everyone and everything he had known to some backwater town, just so his father could get a gym position. He would be lying if he said it didn't bother him, that he would transition seamlessly. He had doubts and worries, fears and uncertainties. But he wasn't a child anymore, he was sixteen. Even if he didn't agree with the decision, he understood why it had been made. So he shut his mouth and helped his mother pack away his childhood into moving boxes.

"Think of it as a new beginning," his mother had said, as the last box was seal shut. "You'll have a fresh start." He knew she meant well, but her words rang hollow in his ears. His parents already had connections in Littleroot, a family by the name of Birch. They wouldn't be starting from scratch, like him. But it didn't matter, he would persevere. Just as he always did.

Still there was one thing Brendan was looking forward to. He had just turned sixteen which meant he could officially start his Pokémon journey. Technically any child could pick up a bug catching net or Pokéball and after capturing a Pokémon call themselves a trainer. However, they would not have a trainer ID which was necessary if a person wanted to collect badges and participate in the league championships.

In the past there was no age restriction, as exampled by the famous champion Red, who started at the age of ten. However as more and more children dreamt of grandeur, many began to start their journeys far too early or even ran away. This led to each region's league issuing an age requirement to obtaining a trainer ID. In some leagues the age restriction was only fourteen, while some others demanded a minimum of eighteen. Hoenn was sixteen, which had been rather lucky. His father had promised to speak with the local professor to get him an ID and starter Pokémon. Hopefully this promise would be kept…

The screeching of breaks was his only warning before inertia tried to eject him from the chair. He locked his legs and braced himself, feeling the truck come to a stuttering halt. After a few seconds, the clanging of locks could be heard and then Brendan was blinded as the light flooded into the back of the truck. He took a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust to the onslaught before exiting the truck.

The first thing he realized was how small the town actually was. He hadn't been from a big city, but the scale of the town surprised him. There were only a handful of houses, with no Pokémon center or Poké mart in sight. The only non-residential building Brendan could see was rather far away, and it too seemed rather compact. The wind picked up, and he realized how fresh the air was. His hometown in Johto hadn't been polluted but the crispness of the air here was on a different level. He drew in a breath, allowing himself to taste the sweet atmosphere. Perhaps the it wouldn't be so bad here.

"Brendan!" Caroline called, halting his observations. "Come help unpack!" He gave a small sigh but readily complied. He would rather not put his mother in a bad mood. The remainder of the day was a whirlwind of activity as all the boxes were unpacked and stored. His parents had wisely furnished the house before moving day, cutting down on the furniture necessary to be transferred. Still by the time everything was unpacked and put in its proper place, the sun was already dipping below the horizon. Brendan collapsed at the dinner table, exhausted and starving. He knew he would be sore tomorrow.

"Why did we need to do everything today?" Brendan asked as he ladled a generous helping of soup into his bowl. His mother had insisted that everything be unpacked, regardless of importance. Dishes and silverware, he could agree with. Pictures and other knickknacks, not so much. The was a pregnant pause as his question hung. Finally, his mother answered.

"We'll be meeting the Birch family tomorrow," At her response he stilled. "They will be coming over around noon and I wanted the house to be cleaned up." She continued, trying to skip over her first point but to little avail. Brendan felt the spoon dig into his skin, as he tightened his grip in annoyance. They had exhausted themselves unpacked the entirety of the boxes, just to entertain guests. Specifically, his father's guests.

"And dad couldn't have helped us out?" The words slipped out before Brendan could stop them. He clamped his mouth shut, hoping that his mother hadn't heard. Caroline's pinched look told him otherwise. He felt his stomach drop as his ravenous hunger died. He quickly stood, excusing himself and went to his room. The bed creaked as he took a seat, massaging his temples.

Great, just fantastic. Leave it to him to ruin their first night in a new home. Brendan hadn't meant to put his foot in his mouth, but he had gone and done it anyway. Now he had the pleasure of enjoying the bitter aftertaste. He leaned back, collapsing into his bed. He would have to apologize tomorrow, maybe make his mother breakfast to show his sincerity. Plan in mind he switched off his desk light and closed his eyes. "Welcome to Hoenn," was his last bitter thought before sleep claimed him.


"Oh, Sara! Please come in, come in!" Brendan's mother eagerly invited in the guest. "We haven't talked in ages." Brendan watched with a careful eye as the woman, designated as Sara, stepped through the doorway. She was about his mother's age, chocolate tresses spilling down from her head. She gave the house a cursory glance before her eyes locked onto him.

"Oh you must be Brendan!" She clasped her hand together, eyes widening in excitement. "I've heard so much about you from your parents."

"Hopefully nothing too embarrassing." He joked, trying to give a genuine smile. He was only partly successful, but Sara didn't seem to mind as she laughed at his humor.

"I see you've inherited more from your mother than just your looks." Sara said with a smile of her own. "Though I hear you want to be a trainer just like you father." Brenden weathered the comment with a stiff nod, managing to keep his smile in place. The comment about his father had been expected, and he had been ready for it. To his relief, Sara didn't notice his reaction and continued. "In fact, our daughter just got her own license. I'm sure she would love to meet you." She turned to the still open door. "May, come in a say hello."

It was only then that Brendan noticed the girl hovering by the entrance. She wore a white pair short shorts revealing the black spandex underneath. Her deep red top was sleeveless, a common trait in the temperate Hoenn climate. Finally, a majority of her hair was tied back with a single bandana, allowing only two curtains of light brown hair to frame her pretty face. Her cerulean orbs locked on him as she flashed a wide smile.

"Nice to meet you," she chirped. "My father told me that another trainer would be getting his license around the same time as me. I didn't think it would be our new neighbors." She strode into the house, holding out her hand in greeting. After a moment of hesitation, he accepted the handshake. "I heard that your father is a gym leader," May continued eyes sparkling. "What type of Pokémon does he use? What kind of training regimen does he follow? What kind of food does he give his Pokémon?" Brendan was saved from the torrent of questions as his mother called them to sit at the table.

"I'm more interested about what your father does." As they sat, Brendan shifted the conversation's focus. "What kind of research does he do? I have never met a Pokémon professor before." The distraction worked and May quickly stared to discuss her father's research. Apparently, he specialized in Pokémon habitats and distribution. It was a quite engaging conversation, and Brendan learned that May had been assisting her father for years. Just as he was adept at Pokémon battling due to his father's profession, though he loathed to admit it, she had the curiosity and drive to match her father's. The small lunch came to an abrupt end as May's phone when off.

"Looks like dad asked me to see him at the lab." May announced after reading the message. "I have to go." She hopped up making her way to the door when Caroline called out to her.

"Wait, you're going to Professor Birch's, correct?" she asked. At May's nod, she gave a smile. "Then could you please guide Brendan there?" She gestured to him with a small smile. "My husband informed me that the professor would be providing him with his starter and trainer ID. I'm sure he would appreciate your assistance."

"Splendid idea." Sara jumped in, clapping her hands. "I will contact your father and tell him both of you are on your way. You don't mind do you Brendan?" He slowly shook his head and stood to join May who was waiting at the door. Their walk through the town was filled with an endless number of random Pokémon facts that May seemed to know. It was when they were passing the entrance to route 101 that their conversation deviated. A sharp cry echoed above them as a Swellow passed above causing May to gasp.

"That was a Swellow! Their habitat is usually around the Petalburg Woods. What could have caused it to migrate all the way to Littleroot?" She immediately ran off to route 101 following the retreating bird.

"Wait, what about going to the lab?" Brendan shouted. He would have followed but wild Pokémon roamed the area. While they weren't the most dangerous, a bite from a Poochyena was something he rather avoid. May stopped shortly to yell back.

"Walk three blocks south," May immediately responded, hand gesturing wildly back into the town. "Then turn right and it will be the first building. Ask the secretary for my dad and you should be set." Brendan followed the general direction of her finger, locating the tall building he had seem the day before.

"Th-" He turned back to say his thanks, but she was already sprinting down the path into the woods. Brendan honestly didn't know how to deal with the girl. She was very much one to wear her heart on her sleeve, and he had little experience with such people. In the end he decided it was a refreshing change of pace. Meeting someone that held a dream and would chase it, quite literally, to the end of the world was inspirational to say the least. Still he could think about his new neighbor later, he had a professor to meet.

May's directions were thankfully spot on and ten minutes later Brendan found himself in front of Professor Birch's lab door. He pressed the buzzer and waited until a muffled voice told him to come in. The door slid open and Brendan's sight was immediately overwhelmed from the amount of paper in the room. Charts and maps were plastered across the walls, each covered with circles and notes. The desks as well were piled high, papers holding graphs and other diagrams scattered across the surface.

"You must be Brendan," The voice of Professor Birch tore Brendan's attention from the centralized chaos to the man seated at the desk. "Sorry about the mess," he said giving a nervous smile. "I would say you caught me on a bad day, but it doesn't really get much better than this." He frowned, as he finally realized that Brendan had been the only one to arrive. "Where is my daughter?

"Well, she kind of…ran off after seeing a Swellow at route 101." The explanation sounded completely ridiculous saying aloud. Even though it was the truth, he wondered if the professor would believe him.

"A Swellow?" Birch asked in surprise. "Their habitat is usually around the Petalburg Woods. What could have caused it to migrate all the way to Littleroot?" Brendan's eye twitched. That had been May's reaction, word for word. He quickly cut in, seeing as the man was already naming potential theories for the stray bird.

"I was wondering if I could get my trainer ID and starter?" Brendan asked, interrupting the man's muttering. The professor blinked, realizing he had gone on a tangent.

"Sorry, sorry. I can get your starter and ID ready, but your trainer care package hasn't been compiled yet." Birch explained. "We usually give our starting trainers some Pokéballs and potions to start but my order has yet to arrive. It should be here shortly. Still I wish my daughter was present. I don't particularly want to the give the whole trainer safety spiel twice in one day." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How about this? I will give your starter and ID. If you could find my daughter while I finish your care package, we can take out two birds with one stone. What do you say?" Brendan considered his options. It would take time to assemble the package, so he would have to wait either way. He could probably use the time searching for May to bond with his Pokémon as well.

"That sounds fine to me." Brendan replied. Birch gave a nod of approval before turning around and picking up a Pokéball.

"Allow me to apologize, but you won't be starting with a standard starter Pokémon." Birch said as he handed the ball to Brendan. "Your father's request was far too late for me to collect a fresh batch of starters. My daughter and two others from Littleroot took the previous set I had." At Brendan's wary expression, he gave a boisterous laugh. "Don't worry though, I got this one special from a colleague of mine. I promise you that it is not inferior in any way." Brendan nodded, curiosity wining out as he pressed the button releasing the Pokémon.

Blue eyes stared at his under a hard armor of silvery steel. A metallic cry echoed through the room as the small Pokémon gave its greeting. Brendan's eyes widened as he stooped down to examine it closer. While he was not native to Hoenn he knew the Pokémon before him.

"This is an Aron, isn't it?" He asked in awe as he gave the metal shell a few gentle strokes. The Aron gave a soft cry, though Brendan wasn't sure if it could feel his touch at all. Perhaps it simply appreciated the attention.

"That's right. Usually I would be hesitant to give this to a new trainer, but I have a feeling this isn't your first rodeo when it comes to dealing with Pokémon." Brendan nodded. Riding on his father's coattails for years have given him a deeper understanding of how to deal with Pokémon. Though his father specialized in normal types, he had been around quite a few more types through the years.

"What moves does it know?' Brendan asked as he straighten up to his height.

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Birch responded proudly handing him a Pokédex. "I installed it with your trainer ID, so don't go losing it." His eyes widened at the device. While Pokédex weren't particularly difficult to obtain, they were incredibly useful devices. Aside from giving basic data about a scanned Pokémon, they also had a plethora of help bonuses. Without waiting he opened the device and scanned his Aron, reading the data that appeared.

Aron, the Iron Armor Pokémon. This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Specimens have been known to eat manmade structures, when food is scarce. With one all-out charge, this Pokémon can demolish even a heavy dump truck. This Pokémon is male with the ability Rock Head. Its current moves are Tackle, Harden, Mudslap and Head Smash.

Brendan let out a low gasp of astonishment. The move pool was as he expected except for the incredibly powerful Head Smash. It was a volatile move, hurting the user for half the damage inflicted. However, Aron's ability Rock Head negated all recoil damage making it far more feasible.

"This is amazing, thank you so much professor!" Brendan could barely contain his excitement. While the Pokémon was certainly a surprise, he was more than happy for it.

"Don't thank me quite yet young man." Brich laughed. "We had a deal, remember? I'll finish your trainer package, so I hope you can bring my daughter back before it gets late." Brendan gave a swift nod before kneeling to his new Pokémon.

"Hey, I am your new trainer, Brendan. How are you doing, Aron?" The steel type gave him a curious glance before giving a shrill cry in happiness. It tottered on its stubby legs before nuzzling up against his outstretched hand. He winced at the weight behind the simple action. Aron could be almost one-hundred and fifty pounds and this one was no different. He silently hopped his hand wouldn't bruise. "I am going on a little trip to find someone. Would you mind giving me some help?" Again the Aron gave a small cry, bobbing it head. He gave a smile before he returned it to its Pokéball. While he would love to travel on foot alongside his companion, the poor Pokémon couldn't move quickly unless it built up speed. It would be simpler to have him carried in his ball. Brendan gave the Professor one last wave, before exiting the lab. He had a neighbor to find.


Birch had warned him that his daughter was, like himself, easily sidetracked with her research. Like a Combee gathering honey she would flit from sample to sample writing down any observations she made. Thus, Birch cautioned him that she may have gone off the path. The next closest city, Oldale, was a day away by foot, so she couldn't have gotten that far. But after two hours of searching the forest near to LittleRoot, he hadn't seen even a hint of the girl. It was time to explore further. Without hesitation he began to dive into the brush.

Thirty minutes in Brendan had his first encounter. His loud movement into a clearing had startled a group of Zigzagoon, a majority fleeing as he drew near. However, one stood its ground growling at him. He stopped examining the raccoon Pokémon. He had researched this type due to proximity to Littleroot. At low level they were rather basic Pokémon and not the most threating. Still their tackle attacks could do some harm as well as their claws and bites. It would be best to eliminate it.

Brendan lips twitched into a smile. He had dreamed of this moment. His first ever battle. With practiced ease he reached for his belt, plucking the lone Poké Ball on his belt and throwing it forward. Aron emerged with a cry, before settling its eyes on the opponent. The Zigzagoon growl once more before charging in, moving in the zig zag pattern they were known for.

"Harden!" At his command Aron squeezed in on itself, proudly displaying its metal shell. The wild Pokémon continued to advance slamming into the Steel Pokémon. The effect was lackluster, and Aron didn't so much as budge. The Zigzagoon however cried in agony at the impact, its momentum sending it toppling over Aron. It finally came to a stop about three meters away, writhing on the ground in pain.

"Tackle!" Brendan was quick to order his next move, using the distraction to his advantage. Aron immediately leapt up and began its assault. Brendan winced as he watched Aron attempt to tackle the Zigzagoon. While the charge was not as slow as a trot, it was by no means fast. The tackle by the raccoon earlier had been quick and precise. In comparison, Aron only was moving at half the speed. Due to its lag, the Zigzagoon recovered and leapt out of the way. Aron slid to a stop, trying to pinpoint his target.

Brendan clenched his teeth. The Pokédex entry clearly stated that Aron could demolish a dump truck with a full-out charge. However, Aron needed time to build its speed to that point, unlike lighter Pokémon who could reach their top speed instantaneously. He needed to way to hold the Pokémon down. At least he thought so until Zigzagoon roared again, charging in for another tackle attack. Well there was solving a problem, and then there was brute forcing it.

"Meet it with your own tackle!" Brendan called, prompting Aron into action. If his opponent was going to come to Aron, then there was no need to hold it down. Aron leapt forward and soon both Pokémon impacted. Aron landed, practically unfazed from the collision. The raccoon was far worse off, having fainted from the impact. Aron gave a shrill cry in victory and slowly waddled over to Brendan, who knelt to pat on the head.

"Well done," he praised. "You did great." Aron rubbed its head again his hand, giving a small cry in happiness. Now that the excitement of the battle was over, Brendan was once again faced with his original task. Finding his wayward acquaintance. Fortunately, the search took less time that he anticipated.

"That was amazing!" A new voice echoed through the clearing as May rushed in from the surrounding foliage. "I heard your Aron's cry and came running only to find you in a battle! Was that your first battle or do you have previous experience?" She asked, eyes sparkling. Brendan was overwhelmed for a second before he snapped back, remembering why he was here.

"Where have you been?" He asked evenly, eyes narrowing. "I've been looking for you for a couple of hours." May started, blinking at him in confusion.

"I was following that Swellow," she answered. "But halfway, I got sidetracked by a group of Poochyena and then I…wait, a couple of hours!?" She hastily pulled out her Pokénav in panic and stared dumbfounded at the time. "I'm so sorry," May apologized as she flushed crimson. "I guess I lost track of time a bit…" A bit was an understatement, but Brendan wasn't here to argue.

"It's fine." It really wasn't, but further berating the girl wouldn't help either of them, so he let it slide. "You father should have our care packages complete by now. Let's head back before it gets too late." He moved to return Aron, but May stopped him.

"Actually, do you think we could have a battle right now?" Brendan cocked an eyebrow at her request, so she continued. "I only got my own Pokémon yesterday. So, I am not too experienced in the battling aspect. I was hoping we could have a mock one right now." She gave him a pleading look and after a moment he sighed.

"What do you say Aron? Up for another battle?" His metallic friend gave a loud cry in excitement, turning to face May. A wide grin spread on May's lips and she quickly snatched a Pokéball off her belt.

"Let's go Torchic!" A small, orange and yellow chick materialized from the bright light. It chirped lightly before blowing out a small plume of fire. He narrowed his eyes. Fire was doubly effective against steel, but Aron's rock nature should cover the weakness. Still it would be wise to stay cautious. Aron were well armored on top, but their underbelly was less protected. Furthermore, this was a trainer battle not a wild encounter. He doubted May would attack recklessly. Still he would need to test the waters.

"Aron, start off with a tackle." He commanded. He received a snort in understanding and Aron began forward. Just like before the attack was slow, and May quickly responded.

"Dodge to the side and use ember as it passes." She called and the Torchic readily complied. The tackle was dodged with ease and a burst of fire shot at Aron with surprising accuracy. Though the attack connected, Aron only gave a snort of discomfort. It had thankfully mostly glanced off his hard shell. Still a constant barrage of those would finish the fight quickly. He needed a strategy and fast. Thankfully, he had more in his arsenal than tackle and harden.

"Aron, tackle again." Aron assented, lowering his head and dashing forward. May gave a bemused grin before calling out her order.

"Same thing Torchic, dodge and counter." The bird cooed, tensing itself to do just that.

"Aron stop your tackle and use mudslap!" The steel type, quickly slammed its head into the ground, throwing up dirt and mud slowing it to a stop. However, the dug-up debris continued, slamming into the unprepared fire type. It gave a shrill cry and it was slather with muck, effectively blinding it. "Charge again, this time with head smash." Aron dashed forward at a much faster speed. It was completely reckless, but that only worked to his favor.

"Torchic dodge!" In her panic, May failed to give the Pokémon specific direction, leaving the bird indecisive. It hopped to the right in an attempt to get away, but the distance was far too small. This allowed Aron to hit his target with brutal force. The chick was launched back before slamming into the ground with a shrill cry. Brendan prepared to call his next attack when May called her surrender. "That's enough, I forfeit." Aron gave another cry bobbing side to side in joy and Brendan walked up to him. He scratched Aron beneath his chin though he doubt it felt it.

"That's two for two buddy. Let's keep this up." Aron gave one last victory cry before returned him to his Pokéball to rest. He looked to May who surprisingly had a smile on her face.

"That was fun, though I could have done without the losing part." She laughed at her comment and Brendan gave his own small smile. "I learned a lot, so I hope we can keep battling from time to time." Brendan nodded and she gave a small cheer before calming. "Well I think we took more than enough time. Let's get back to my father's lab before he sends out a search party." The two began to slowly make their way back, discussing their battle and their Pokémon in general.

Later that night, Brendan went over the last few items for his journey beginning tomorrow. He had packed spare clothing along with the care package the professor had given them. Necessities like food, water and a sleeping bag had also been secured. His mother had also generously slipped him 1000 Poké Dollars. Aron was curled up at his bedside, causing him to smile. Brendan certainly didn't think his journey would start this way, but he could say with confidence that he wouldn't change a thing about it. With that he fell to sweet dreams, ready for his journey to begin.


I originally wrote a Pokémon fan fiction years ago, when I was terrible at writing (though some would argue that it is still the case). It had all the classic cringy troupes, such as an overpowered OC, and having a legendary Pokémon. I long abandoned it for more interesting (and better written) projects, but my mind would always wander back to making a Pokémon story. Therefore after years of thought, I have decided to take another stab at it. Tell me what you think.

Please consider giving a favorite, a followed or a review. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a review or send me a private message. I will answer them as soon as I can.