This is probably a long time coming and most of you have kinda already realised that this is become a dead fic but I figure I should apologize for it taking so long to formalise it.
I mean some who have followed my other fics might have realised that its something of a habit that seems to keep happening after so long writing a story in that my focus gets taken onto a different story idea and after a bit of working on that one I find it hard to go back to the previous one I had been working on. Honestly, my muse is a pain in the ass in that way as I come up with cool ideas for moments but have trouble getting from one point to another at times or get annoyed at not taking into account a drastic increase in power could take out most of the challenge in it like with Gamer of Blades.
As such I'd like to formally say that these fics won't be seeing an update unless something drastically changes.
Atlantis Dragons
Hollow Dragon Devil
The White Dragon of Justice
Gamer of Blades
This doesn't mean that I've stopped writing but that my next story is something that I've been finding hard to pin down in some regards and took me a really long time to work on seeing as its another Gamer one that spawned from Gamer of Blades' system and easily became its own thing with trying to counter the issues in growth speed it had. Also I want to make sure that I wouldn't need to add in updates/tweaks as the plot unfolds which is also something I want to properly pin down in at least a book-esk format with each world being its own 'book' so to speak.