Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Naruto or RWBY, I'm just extremely bored.
Volume 0: Chapter 1. Naruto Ironwood
(Atlas Academy)
"General Ironwood, private Clover Ebi reporting with today's latest reports sir!"
Seated at his desk, the General looked up from his computer monitor and directly at the fresh recruit within his military with a friendly smile. Showing that the hardened military man still had a very charismatic and down to earth personality.
"At ease soldier." The General replied in a strong tone, while at the same time extending his hand out to his subordinate. "And thank you for these, I was actually starting to wonder when someone would bring these by. You said your name was Clover?"
Walking forward and handing a scroll of information over to the General, Clover striked a salute and held his stance. "Sir yes, sir!"
The General nodded and casually started to flip through some of the listed reports. Doing so made the expressions on his face slowly sour and a sigh to escape his lips. "My best operatives are missing, there are numerous Faunus riots and reports of Grimm drawing closer to our borders?" James laid the reports on his desk and shook his head. "Why is there never good news to report?"
"I'm sorry sir." Clover replied back, which caused the General to wave the man off.
"You're only the messenger you have nothing to apologize for. However, would you do me a favor and- . . ."
The General was halted the moment a massive explosion sounded off and the entire city began to shake. An event that caused the experienced General to twist up out of his chair and look directly out his window and directly at the growing plume of smoke in the distance.
"My god, what was that? The source looks like only a few miles from the walls of Mantle!" Clover shouted in shock, as he stood a few feet behind the General.
"Is she behind this?" James whispered to himself in a low voice, but loud enough for Clover to hear.
"What are you talking about General?"
Momentarily freezing, the General kept his eyes out on the horizon, while sirens began to sound in the city of Mantle below. A piercing sound that forced the General to snap into action and walk over to an intercom on his desk.
"This is General Ironwood, I want units mobilized in Mantle with the primary goal of lowering civilian fear and be at the ready for a potential Grimm invasion. Secondly I want no one going near that explosion until I see it myself and that's an order!" With that being said James stepped backwards and locked eyes with Clover. "Private can you fly?"
"Yes sir!" Clover replied without hesitation.
"Good you're with me then." James declared before motioning for his soldier to follow his lead.
(Explosion site)
Descending downward in a Manta airship, General Ironwood opened the sliding side door and looked over to Clover.
"Keep going lower private." The General ordered in a stern voice, while he firmly grasped one of his dual revolvers and pointed downward at the white cloud of smoke, while narrowing his vision to try and see what awaited him below.
"Are you sure this is wise sir? There might be another chain explosion!"
"Just do as you're told and get me closer!" James snapped back quickly, showing the man was on edge.
Clover nodded and slowly landed the airship against the cold snow beneath them. An action that caused James to hop out of the airship, but not without Clover following close behind.
"Keep your head on a swivel private. Visibility is low and whatever caused this explosion could be lurking in the smoke." James explained sternly, as he used his free hand to cover his nose and mouth, while his revolver led his movements.
Staying close to the General and grabbing his own weapon, Clover nodded. "I have your back sir."
James nodded, but a sound suddenly reached his ears. It was faint and could barely be heard over the roaring winds of the Atlas tundra, but nonetheless James knew exactly what he was hearing. So acting on pure instinct the man dashed forward without cation to the sound of a crying baby.
"General!" Clover cried out as he dashed after the man.
'Civilians? Was the explosion a downed civilian transport?' The General asked himself in thought, as he slowly approached the origin of the sound and the answer to his question. However, coming to a dead stop in pure shock, it wasn't long till James heard the sound of Clover running in the snow from behind.
"General there you-. . . Oh my." Clover began, but suddenly froze in place by his leader. The latter of whom was looking forward in a trancelike state, as laying before him was a woman surrounded by crimson snow.
The woman whose hair was a bright crimson to match the blood soaked snow around her was conscious enough to see both James and Clover. This of course caused the woman to tense up and bring the sobbing bundle in her arms shakingly to her chest.
"Watashi no akachan kara hanarete!" The woman growled with what could only be described as sheer willpower to even stay alive, let alone speak in some foreign dialect that neither men could recognize or understand.
James however, not being completely off guard held his hands up in surrender and bent down on one knee. "I'm not going to hurt you." The General began in a kind and soft voice, while extending his hand out. "Let me help you and your baby."
The woman looked at James with a sceptical eye, but as their eyes met her hardened exterior broke down and she showed her weakness to both men. Then slowly looking down with a smile, the woman began to hush the baby in her arms. "Sono daijōbu naruto, kono otoko wa yasashī me o shite imasu. Kare wa anata o anzen ni tamochimasu."
James was shocked to his core as the woman extended the baby within her arms out to him. An action that allowed him to see the gaping hole in the middle of her torso. Making him question how the woman was even still breathing except for her maternal instincts giving her the sheer willpower to survive and protect her child. However, being a hardened military veteran James shook off his surprise and accepted the baby from the woman.
"Naruto, kare no namae wa Naruto." The woman explained with emphasis on the baby's name as she spoke.
"Naruto? It's name is Naruto?" James replied as he brought the small bundle to his chest and began to cradle the baby to keep it warm in their current environment.
The woman nodded with a wide and bloody smile, as she seemed at peace. "Hai." The woman began before she slightly twitched in pain. "Kare o mamotte kudasai."
In a moment of mutual understanding, James nodded with pure conviction behind his eyes. "I'll protect him. I swear on my life."
"Arigato." The woman replied as her eyes began to slowly close, but her focus never moved away from her baby. "Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu Naruto."
Then with her final words spoken the woman collapsed forward and fell face first into the snow. An action that caused James to bow his head and slightly pay his respects. However, after a moment of silence James stood to his feet and turned to Clover.
"Carry the woman to our ship and make preparations to have her buried in secret." James ordered in a firm and unmoved voice.
"General!" Clover began in shock, as he finally regained his composure. "What are you talking about?"
"Look around private. We have a woman speaking a language I've never heard and was able to survive long enough with that wound in her chest. A woman whose a complete mystery as there is no sign of her origin or cause of injury. All we know is that she was in the middle of some sort of explosion. However, I'm starting to question if there was even an actual physical explosion. Considering save the smoke the child is unharmed and there is no surrounding damage."
"What are you getting at General?"
"What I'm getting at is that there are too many unknowns with this situation. Unknowns that will cause people to ask questions that could lead to panic and confusion. So officially this was a simple incident of a Grimm carrying some high volatile dust it had found from a dust mine, which exploded here. Do you understand soldier? This is a secret you will take to your grave or until I say so."
"And unofficially sir?"
James kept a hard face and looked down to the sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes gazing over the whisker like birthmarks on the baby's cheeks. "I made a promise to that woman. So we will bury the woman and from this day fourth I'll raise this child as my own. He will be my son, Naruto Ironwood."
"I see very well sir. In that case I will do whatever you ask of me to help with this situation." Clover replied softly, while he walked over to grab the dead woman like he was ordered to.
James nodded and appreciated his subordinate's loyalty, thinking to himself that Clover has a potential bright future in the Atlas military. However, those thoughts were completely overshadowed by the small baby in his arms.
'Can I really raise this child?' The man asked himself in thought, while he turned to walk to his airship. 'And just where did you and your mother come from? Perhaps I could ask Ozpin for some answers.'
(Five years later)
It's been five years since James had found and adopted Naruto as his own son. During that time James along with Clover had lied to the public on two occasions. The first lie was what the two men had found, which was explained as a dust explosion. An explanation that the people of Atlas accepted without any question or speculation. The second lie was the origin of the General's new found son. A simple lie that started as a rumor saying that the General had a simple love affair and Naruto was the byproduct of that affair. Meanwhile the absence of a mother was again explained by saying Naruto's mother had died from an illness and was why the General was now raising the boy alone.
However, being the General of an entire nation's military meant that Ironwood was never truly alone with raising Naruto. Considering he could order any of his subordinates to help him with the young growing ball of energy. This duty of course mainly fell to Clover, who over the years had rapidly grown as one of the General's most trusted men. In fact Clover was the leader of James' new elite group of huntsmen the 'Ace Ops' or as many throughout Atlas referred to them as 'the Naruto Ironwood containment unit'.
A title that was fitting considering the group of elites often chased after the boy in consequence of some prank or scheme and today was no different.
"Get back here you little devil!" A dark skinned woman with blond hair sticking up in the middle with shaved sides yelled, while she chased after Naruto throughout the city streets of Mantle.
"You're too slow aunt Harriet!" Naruto declared in a giddy voice, as he managed to outrun the woman with a speed semblance.
Harriet grinned and watched Naruto take a corner. "I don't have to catch you kid."
Hearing the woman, Naruto didn't think much of what she said at first, but his eyes quickly widened when another member of the ace ops jumped out of an alleyway and directly into his path.
"Oh crap!" Naruto cried as he found a pair of aura extended limbs mere inches from grabbing him. However, once the aura was about to grab him, Naruto grinned and leaped into the air. "Sike!"
Laughing at the top of his lungs and flying over the failed attempt to capture him, Naruto shot both his arms up in victory. However, his celebration was short lived the moment he felt something tug the back of his shirt.
"Well that's not good!" Naruto mumbled nervously before being yanked backwards. Then by swinging back and forth, Naruto found himself suspended high above the ground. This was due to the hook that was attached to his shirt, while the wire was wrapped over a street light.
"How many times do we have to go over this Naruto?" The voice of Clover asked in an annoyed voice, which caused the blond to look down to the man. Unfortunately the moment Naruto saw the man's normally white special operative uniform stained in orange paint. The blond brought his hands to his mouth to hide his giggling, while his legs kicked wildly around. "This isn't funny Naruto! This is the fourth uniform you've ruined in two weeks!"
Still snickering to himself Naruto pointed down at the man. "Maybe you should talk to Dad about changing the regulation uniform colors!"
Clover's eyes twitched. "Oh trust me I plan to have a talk with your father, but for now we need to get you home. You have a dinner party to get ready for."
Naruto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Uncle Clover that is so boring! Can't I just hang out with you and train or something?"
"Naruto you're the son of a General who also holds a seat on the Atlas council. As such certain things are expected of you. For example not covering your father's elite team in orange paint and attending dinner parties." Clover explained in a stern voice, while Harriet and Vine both walked by the man's side.
"You want us to help escort the little brat?" Harriet asked as she glared towards the suspended child. The latter of whom stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry.
Clover sighed. "No you two can go back to your duties. I'll handle Naruto from here."
"Didn't you say that last week?" The bald member of the ace ops asked with slight interest. "If my memory serves right you chased him for an extra hour before catching him again."
Naruto laughed from his vantage point, but Clover didn't seem all too amused. "That won't happen this time. Right, Naruto?"
Naruto gave a mock salute. "Dad always said never make a promise you can't keep!"
Clover nodded with growing annoyance. "And while we are quoting your father. He also said to always obey an order from a superior officer."
"Well technically as a civilian I'm not your subordinate!" Naruto replied, which caused two of the three ace ops to chuckle.
Clover on the other hand merely lifted his brow. "Fine for assaulting a member of the Atlas military with paint you're under military arrest."
"Harsh, but fine Uncle Clover I'll go with you. No extra chasing involved. . . This time."
Clover nodded and slowly lowered the boy down to the ground. "Good, now let's get moving. After all, we don't have a lot of time and you want to look your best for the party."
Naruto rolled his eyes and folded his arms. "You know I hate stuffy fancy clothing. Dad won't even let me wear orange!"
Clover laughed and patted Naruto on the back and the duo began to walk off. "For starters orange isn't a good color on you. Second the party is at the Schnee family mansion and I hear they have a daughter your age. Look the part and you might even get yourself a little girlfriend."
Naruto stuck his tongue out and squinted his eyes. "Like I would ever worry about girls. They are the weirdest like Aunt Hare. I just want to be a strong huntsman!"
Clover laughed softly and nudged the young blond. "You know what? Come back to me with that in a few years and we will see what your attitude about the situation is then."
"Yeah whatever!" Naruto shot back in annoyance, which simply made Clover tip his head back in laughter.
(Schnee Mansion)
Approaching the massive steps at the entrance of the Schnee mansion, Naruto tugged desperately at the dark red tie around his neck. Considering the blond felt as if he was being strangled by the fabric around his neck. Meanwhile James, who was walking by Naruto's side dressed in his normal General's uniform merely smirked and bent down on one knee. Then with care he began to adjust the tie to better fit the blond's neck.
"Now I know how much you hate these boring parties, but I need you to promise me that you'll be on your best behavior." James began in a soft voice, while he watched his son slightly pout.
"But these parties are the worst! People just want to suck up to me because I'm your son!"
James laughed and rested his arm onto his knee. "Trust me I feel that same way as you do. Plus these fancy dinner parties never have any food worth eating so I have an idea. If you behave we will go down to that ramen stand in Mantle you like so much."
"You mean it!"
Nodding his head, James reached out and ruffled his son's spiky hair. "Yeah, but that means no pranks or incidents."
Naruto made a serious face and struck a quick military salute. "I promise that there will be no pranks or anything of that nature caused by my doing!"
"Very good, then your dismissed soldier." James replied with a soft laugh while standing up to his feet. "Now why don't we join the party?"
Naruto dropped his salute and grinned at his father before following the man up the stairs and into the Schnee mansion. Where after being let in by a Schnee family servant the father and son duo came upon the main event where dozens of wealthy citizens could be found mingling throughout the rather large mansion. In fact it was a little cramped and intimidating and wasn't an environment that Naruto enjoyed at all. It especially didn't help that the moment people spotted the General of Atlas they began to flock over to speak with the man.
This of course caused a decently sized crowd to flock around James, while at the same time slowly pushing Naruto farther and farther away from his father. However, Naruto seeing there wasn't any way his father could escape his situation. The blond began to allow his eyes to drift around the mansion. Taking his time to soak in the sights and people around him.
"Lots of white around here." Naruto mumbled in a rather uninterested voice, while he thought that the entire area would benefit from some orange paint. However, that thought caused him to smack himself on the top of his head lightly. "No bad thoughts. Dad said if I cause trouble I get no ramen and I need ramen."
Trying his hardest to avoid mischievous thoughts, Naruto began to slowly walk around the rather large house. However, as his eyes gazed around at all the impressive furniture and expensive art. Naruto eventually found himself walking without looking as to where he was going, which caused the blond to suddenly come to a halt and fall onto his backside as he collided with another individual.
"Ah, damnit." Naruto began in a low voice, while using a phrase he had heard his father mumble a few times as he nursed his aching backside. "That hurt!"
"How dare you! I demand an apology from you right now imbecile!" A rather crude and angry voice yelled, which caused Naruto to look forward with interest. Allowing him to see a girl with white hair around his own age on her backside and glaring at his direction. "You ruined my dress!"
Taking a moment to look away from the girls long beautiful white locks that cascaded down her backside. Naruto found that he had actually knocked some food off a plate the girl was holding, which had landed onto her dress and stained the clothing a deep shade of red. Of course this caused Naruto to cringe nervously and scratch the back of his head.
"Hehe, uh my bad?" The blond laughed in response, which didn't set well with the girl.
"Is that all you have to say to me? Do you even know who I am?" The girl asked with anger laced in her voice.
"Um, I'm sorry-. . ." Naruto began, while drawing out the last syllable in hopes that the girl would introduce herself.
"Winter! My name is Winter Schnee!" The girl revealed, while folding her arms with a cocky smirk. "The heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. So now do you understand how beneath me you are imbecile?"
Sitting cross legged and folding his arms, Naruto brought a hand to his chin and tilted his head. "Not really Ice Queen."
"Ice Queen!" Winter seethed in anger, while she jumped upwards and glared down at Naruto. "How dare you refer to me in such a way! I demand to know who you are now!"
"Oh sorry about that, how rude of me!" Naruto laughed as he extended a hand out to Winter. "My name is Naruto Ironwood!"
"I-ironwood?!" Winter shouted, while stumbling backwards. Realizing if there was one child whose family outranked her own it would be the one standing before her. Considering Naruto's father wasn't only the General of Atlas, but also held two seats on the Atlas Council. Making him the single most powerful man in all of Atlas.
"Yup that's what I said." Naruto mumbled softly, as he was annoyed by Winter's reaction. Considering just like everyone else she was treating him as the son of General Ironwood and not by his own merits. "General Ironwood is my Dad."
Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Winter suddenly regained her composure. "Well I don't care if you're his grandmother! I won't stand for your disrespect you annoying imbecile!"
Naruto's eyes were wide with surprise, as he looked at the rather nasty glare he was getting from Winter. A reaction he wasn't accustomed to and actually made the blond smile and release a lighthearted laugh.
"Do you find this amusing?" Winter asked, which made Naruto grin wide.
"You know what? I like you a lot Ice Queen!" Naruto declared boldly, which caused Winter to turn bright red the moment he reached out and grabbed her hand.
"W-what are you doing!"
Naruto grinned and pointed down at the stain on Winter's dress. "I have experience with cleaning paint stains off white clothing from all the punishments my Dad gives me for my pranks. So I can totally help you with your dress!"
Jerking her head to the side to hide her blush, Winter scoffed in response. "Well that's more like it. At least you know your place."
"You know, getting a thank you would be appreciated, Ice Queen." Naruto mumbled in a low annoyed voice, while Winter merely scoffed.
"Like I would ever thank you for anything! Especially when this is your fault!" Winter declared in a stern voice, which caused both children to slightly glare at one another and grind their teeth.
"Now what is going on here?" An unfamiliar voice asked sternly, which caused Naruto and Winter to turn and face the speaker. Causing Winter to turn pale as she saw the speaker glaring at her. "Winter I thought I told you to hold yourself with dignity and not to embarrass the family name, but look at you!"
Winter stepped forward in protest. "But father I-. . ."
"Enough!" The patriarch of the Schnee family yelled, as he cut his daughter off. A cold and angry reaction that made Winter recoil backwards in fear. "I'm beyond disappointed with your behavior and will have to make sure you see proper punishment."
Naruto looked up at the angered white haired man with a calculated gaze. Already realizing that the man was obviously Jacques Schnee. A man who Naruto had heard his own father speak of from time to time. However, Naruto had never heard his father speak of Jacques in a positive manner and from first impressions alone Naruto could tell why. Considering the man was clearly a terrible father, which spoke volumes for his other personal qualities.
Winter on the other hand was visibly upset and almost looked on the verge of tears, which didn't sit right with Naruto. So stepping between the father and daughter, Naruto puffed out his chest and tried his best to mimic his father in both speech and mannerisms.
"My apologies for the commotion Mr. Schnee. I accidentally walked into your daughter and caused some unnecessary damage to her dress. She was just a victim in my carelessness! So please forgive me." Naruto began in a strong voice, while at the same time bowing his head in respect to the man. The latter of whom snarled his nose and focused his anger directly down onto Naruto.
"So you're taking all the blame for all of this?" Jacques asked, which caused Naruto to simply nod.
"Yes I am, Winter was just scolding me for my reckless behavior and all the retaliation was from me. So if you wish to be angry with anyone take your anger out on me."
"Why am I not surprised you're behind all this? After all you're always causing trouble for the people of Atlas! You're just like your father." Jacques began, while showing he knew exactly who Naruto was.
"And what is so wrong with that?" A familiar voice asked with a slight chuckle, while Naruto's eyes went wide the moment he felt a strong hand ruffling the top of his spiky hair. "I'm proud of the man my son is becoming!"
Glancing upward, Naruto was glad to see the smiling figure of his father standing beside him. "Dad!" The boy chirped happily, as he felt more at peace with the man by his side
"You're proud of raising a trouble maker?" Jacques asked in a disgusted voice, while the General merely waved the business man off.
"No, I'm proud that my son would step forward and defend someone at the cost of himself. It shows both maturity and bravery, which shows me that my young Naruto is well on his way to becoming a splendid Huntsman and young man." James replied with an unwavering conviction that made Jacques click his teeth.
Winter on the other hand was left speechless, as she had never seen a parent act with such love and pride for their child before. She was only accustomed to her father's harshness and her mother's drunken absence. So as she looked between Naruto and James, she couldn't help herself from forming a small amount of respect for both Ironwood men. Considering one had defended her from her father's growing anger, while another had swooped in and displayed what a true parent was to her.
"Bwah, whatever!" Jacques growled in anger, while he threw his hands around and pointed at Winter. "I have more important guests to entertain! Winter go find one of the help and have them get you cleaned and into a new dress!"
Winter looked down and tightened her fists and was about to silently comply with her father's orders. However, before she could walk off James spoke up.
"You know this party isn't much of a place for children anyhow. Tell you what Jacques to show how sorry I am for my son causing such a scene why don't I take the kids out for a little while away from all this adult stuff." James offered to which Jacques showed mild interest.
"Hmm yes, that's fine with me. Do whatever you like James, just have the child home after the party is over." Jacques replied, while the man walked away, showing his outright disinterest with his own daughter.
James paid no more attention to Jacques and instead turned to Winter and smiled, while taking a knee before the girl. "How about it Winter? Would you like to accompany me and my son for a proper meal with less annoying people? After all, we know this great little ramen stand."
"What's ramen?" Winter asked with confusion on her face, which of course caused Naruto to leap forward in disbelief.
"What! You've never had ramen? The food bestowed upon us by the gods themselves! No wonder you're so uptight Ice Queen!"
"I am not upright you imbecile!" Winter snapped back with venom in her voice, while she glared at the blond.
James quickly intervened by holding his hands up between the two. "Now, children, there is no need to argue and cause another scene. Why don't we go and treat Winter to her first bowl of ramen?"
Winter huffed and turned her back to Naruto. "I will go, but I refuse to sit beside this imbecile."
Naruto stuck his tongue out and made a face, while James merely shook his head. Questioning himself as to what mess he got himself into. However, what James didn't know was that today was the day Winter would discover two things. The first being the start of her admiration and loyalty to the General, while the second. Well that would be the slow budding relationship that Winter would build with Naruto throughout their lives. A bond that would bring both children closer than they would ever imagine.
(Two year later, Naruto age 7)
It has been two years since Naruto had first met the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, Winter Schnee. At first both Naruto and Winter outright hated each other and would argue constantly. However, over the last two years Naruto and Winter found themselves being enrolled in the same private academy. Meaning that both children constantly crossed paths on a daily basis. So because of their constant exposure to one another, both Naruto and Winter eventually came to a mutual understanding and formed a friendship with each other. They weren't a perfect pair by any means and still fought with each other, but at the end of the day could still share a laugh together.
Speaking of sharing a laugh, Naruto was currently glaring at his father's right hand man Clover Ebi. Who was looking down at the small fuming blond with a loud laugh. See everyday due to Naruto's status as the son of General Ironwood, he required a private escort to and from his academy for his safety. Clover didn't have to be the one to accomplish this task, but since he was practically a surrogate uncle to Naruto. He was more than happy to take the escort assignment whenever he could. Especially when he got to tease Naruto about his little 'girlfriend' Winter Schnee.
"For the last time the Ice Queen isn't my girlfriend!" Naruto hissed in an annoyed voice, while a large blush covered his cheeks.
"Oh I'm sure that's the case!" Clover replied back sarcastically, while the man folded his arms and bent downward to look at Naruto. "I bet you're really jealous that she is spending time with her new baby sister instead of you!"
Pumping his fist out and shaking it at Clover, Naruto blew steam out of his nose. "She can spend as much time with Weiss as she wants! It's less time I have to deal with her always yelling at me!"
Clover rolled his eyes and smirked. "Sure whatever you say kid, but you are acting a little strange today. Can't deny that."
Naruto looked forward with wide eyes and subconsciously pulled the backpack strapped onto his backside closer to his body. "O-oh really?"
Clover nodded and looked at Naruto with one eye closed. "Yes really, so are you gonna tell me what's up? Or am I going to find out you've left some prank for me?"
"N-no that's not it at all!" Naruto replied back quickly, as suddenly his scroll started to ring. Something which Naruto outright ignored, while Clover lifted his brow.
"For some reason I have a hard time believing that." The man began before pointing down to where the scroll in Naruto's pocket was. "And are you going to get that? Or are you embarrassed for me to see your girlfriend calling you?"
"Winter isn't my girlfriend!" Naruto snapped back, which made Clover chuckle.
"But she is calling you yes?"
Grabbing his scroll and seeing the caller ID, Naruto slumped forward in defeat. "She is."
"Well better not leave a lady waiting brat."
Naruto's eye twitched, as he contemplated doing just that. However, he knew he would get an earful from Winter the next time he saw her for doing so. "Yeah, yeah I'll answer her." The blond grumbled, as he pressed the answer button on his scroll. Causing a video feed of Winter holding her baby sister Weiss to appear on his scroll.
"Imbecile, did you give Clo-."
"Hey Ice Queen!" Naruto cut in nervously, while he adjusted his scroll to include Clover in the background. "I can't hear you that well! I'm still walking home with Uncle Clover!"
Winter scowled at the fact she was interrupted by the blond, but by switching her glances between the special operative and the nervous child. Winter gathered enough information to simply close her eyes and nod.
"I see, well you know why I was calling and don't forget to mention how important I was in all of it." Winter replied sternly, while Weiss playfully babbled. "I expect a call soon imbecile."
With that said and nothing more, Winter ended the call. An action that made Naruto sigh, while Clover seemed rather confused.
"Well mind telling me what was that about?"
Naruto chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "Well you see me and the Ice Quee-. . ." Naruto began, but stopped the moment he heard the sound of punches followed by grunts of pain. "What the?" The blond mumbled softly, while he looked towards an alleyway and began to walk forward to inspect the noise.
Clover hearing the sounds as well followed Naruto, as he wanted to inspect the situation and keep his young charge out of harm's way. Leaving the two standing at the end of the alleyway where two teenage boys were beating down on a lone Faunus. This of course made Naruto snarl under his breath, as one boy held the Faunus back from behind. Meanwhile his accomplice was facing the defenseless victim and beating into the Faunus like a punching bag. Showing no mercy as blow after blow the assailant continued to hammer away at the Faunus, while only stopping in between blows to toss around a few racial slurs and insults.
"You think you're hot shit in that uniform you filthy beast? You should know your place, freak!" The attacker yelled loudly, while he gave a hard kidney punch to the Faunus followed up with an uppercut to the jaw.
Holding the Faunus up and making sure it didn't collapse onto the ground. The second attacker merely smirked vindictively. "You should know freaks like you aren't welcome here! Go back down to Mantle with the rest of your kind!"
Hearing and seeing enough, Naruto balled his fists and ran forward. "Hey you shitheads leave him alone!"
The attackers turning to Naruto had wide fear filled eyes, but it wasn't for the child running them down. No it was because the leader of the Atlas special ops was walking towards them as he cracked his neck with a rather wrathful expression. Causing both teens to scream and toss the Faunus onto the ground before running away. This of course caused Clover to grab his scroll and click a button.
"This is special operative Clover reporting, I have two muggers fleeing the scene in quadrant G7. Will the nearest unit apprehended then for me? I'm going to check on the victim and am requesting a medical team on my location."
"We are already tracking them through surveillance cameras sir. They won't make it far and a medical unit is imbound."
Clover smirked and placed away his scroll, Naruto on the other hand was already on the ground and by the Faunus. Who appeared to be some sort of canine Faunus due to the Dark green tail that matched his dark green hair. However, the most interesting thing Clover noticed was the Atlas school uniform he was wearing, which was a rare thing for a Faunus to be wearing. Especially in this part of the world.
"Hey are you alright? Those bastards didn't hurt you too bad did they?" Naruto asked as he overlooked the Faunus, which allowed him to see all the bruises and bleeding caused from his mugging.
"I'm fine. Those two don't hit very hard anyway." The Faunus replied with pain behind his voice, while he tried to prop himself up.
Naruto smirked and nodded his head. "Yeah I got a feeling those guys were total pushovers! I mean did you see them run the moment they saw me?"
The Faunus chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think you are what scared them. I believe he can take that credit. After all, mugging a defenseless Faunus is one thing, but throwing down with the top operative in Atlas is a different story."
Naruto pouted and followed the gaze of the Faunus up to Clover. Who was standing by Naruto with a friendly face. "I'm just sorry I couldn't have been on the scene sooner. Mind telling me your name and why you were attacked in the first place?"
"My name is Marrow Amin, I'm a first year at Atlas Academy. As for the reason behind those jerks jumping me. Well is the fluffy tail enough of a give away?" Marrow asked, while he wagged his tail to further emphasize his question.
Clover closed his eyes for a second and merely sighed, as blind prejudice and racism was still a major issue within Atlas. However, before the man could speak Naruto beat him to the punch.
"Why would they attack you because of your tail? Were they jealous that you had something so cool and they didn't?" Naruto asked honestly, which caused Marrow to look at him like he was crazy. Clover on the other hand had a much different reaction.
'He's lived a sheltered life due to his father and has had next to no interactions with Faunus. Still his response gives me some hope for his generation.' Clover thought happily, as he ruffled Naruto's hair and decided to speak up. "What I'm more curious about is why an Atlas first year let himself get beat up in the first place. Last time I checked you kids were taught self defense."
Marrow merely looked away and balled his fists. "If I fight back I would just be the monster they call me. So I chose to be better, but I'll earn their and everyone else's respect. I'll become a huntsman that everyone can depend on and look up to. That's my dream."
"That's totally awesome Marrow!" Naruto Cheered loudly, which made the Faunus smile.
"I know right? I'm pretty cool!"
Clover grinned and noticed a few Atlas medics and soldiers coming his way. "You're an interesting guy Marrow. I'll keep some tabs on you and if you're good enough, I might even find a spot for you on my personal team."
The Faunus was stunned by the words of the special operative and didn't know what to say. However, he didn't get a chance to speak as Clover was already starting to walk off.
"Come on Naruto, let's get you back to the General. You know how your father hates when you're late getting home."
Marrow's eyes were wide with shock once more, as he realized the child by his side was the son of James Ironwood. Naruto on the other hand merely nodded at Clover before giving one last look to Marrow.
"See you around Marrow! Sorry I gotta run so soon, but I hope we can meet again! Maybe you can show me some of your actual fighting moves sometime!"
Marrow merely nodded at the bright child. "Sure kid, I can teach you a few tricks."
Grinning ear to ear, Naruto joined Clover's side as the medics began to look over Marrow. Then as the duo exited the alleyway, they continued on their previous path.
"You know Naruto, jumping forward to help Marrow was rather brave of you. Reckless, but brave."
Naruto chuckled happily and looked up to the taller male. "What can I say? I wanna be a brave huntsman like you and Dad! So I gotta be a little reckless you know?"
Clover shook his head and couldn't help himself from smiling at the infectious blond by his side. "Well in that case I'm going to have to make sure you're prepared properly to become a good huntsman one day."
Naruto suddenly stopped walking, which made Clover stop as well.
"Is something wrong Naruto?"
Said blond shook his head with a soft grin. "No, it's just you do so much for me and even the Ice Queen too despite your responsibilities." Naruto began, while he grabbed his backpack and began to dig inside. "That's why me and her wanted to give you something to show our appreciation."
Clover watched with a stunned face as Naruto fished out a rather poorly wrapped box from his backpack. A gift that the blond held out to him with an awkward smile.
"Naruto you shouldn't have."
"Ah don't be like that Uncle Clover! Besides this was all on the Ice Queen's dime. I just picked it out and wrapped it!"
Accepting the gift and shaking his head, Clover couldn't help himself from chuckling. "Still I'm just doing my duty as an Atlas soldier. I don't require any additional thanks."
"I know that, but me and the Ice Queen wanted to do this for you! So hurry up and open it!" Naruto replied with excitement in his voice, as he wanted to see that man's reaction.
Clover simply nodded and began to tear away at the gift and revealed a small black box. Then as the man lifted the top of the box his eyes grew wide and he slowly reached inside. Resulting in the special operative pulling out a four leaf clover pendant made of solid silver. Then his face shifting into a small grin the man was paralyzed with joy as he looked down at the small yet thoughtful gift.
"I love it." Clover announced softly, while he quickly attached the pendant to his uniform before looking at Naruto. "Thank you for this Naruto, I'll cherish this always."
Naruto grinned ear to ear and rested his hands behind his head. "Hehe your welcome! I'll make sure to tell the Ice Queen you like it!"
Ruffling Naruto's hair, Clover thought back to the day he and the General first found Naruto. Never imagining his life would be where it was today, but he wouldn't change it for anything.
"Yeah you make sure to thank your girlfriend for me."
Naruto growled and shook the man off. "How many times do I gotta tell ya she isn't my girlfriend!"
Clover merely waved the blond off and walked off, which caused Naruto to angrily follow the man and continue to declare how he couldn't stand the young heiress. However, Clover didn't buy into the blond's words one bit and just kept poking fun at his young surrogate nephew.
(One year later, Naruto age 8)
Sitting silently within his father's office, Naruto was off to the side of the room on a large sofa. The young blond was currently laying on his stomach and occupying the entire piece of furniture. Meanwhile his entire focus was directed onto the weapon schematic he was drawing out. However, while Naruto worked diligently on the blueprint for his huntsman weapon. His father shifted a glance to Naruto and smiled softly, as he cleared his throat.
"How goes the rough draft on your weapon?" The older of the two asked, which caused Naruto to look over to his father with a frown.
"Harder than I thought it would be." Naruto mumbled with a slight hint of frustration. "I just don't know what I want to make! My combat instructor told my class that when designing our weapons we should think about our semblance and fighting style."
James nodded his head, as he understood what his son was getting to. "Which is hard for you because you haven't unlocked your aura or your semblance."
Naruto just looked down sadly, as for the past few years Naruto was unable to unlock his aura or obtain a semblance despite James and others trying to help him do so. Leading the General to theorize that Naruto's inability to unlock his aura or semblance was most likely due to Naruto's mysterious origin. Something that James has kept secret from Naruto, as the boy was his son and that's all he needed to know. Still James reached out to the likes of Ozpin to try and figure out the truth of Naruto's origin and just what was with the blond's inability to unlock his aura. Unfortunately even Ozpin was just in the dark regarding the young blond.
"Yeah, I mean even the Ice Queen knows exactly what she wants her weapon to be because of her semblance." Naruto mumbled sadly, as he felt slightly defeated. Considering everyone else within his combat class had managed to unlock their aura and semblance. Leaving the blond feeling like a dead last of his class.
James absolutely hating to see his son down merely gave the best smile he could muster. "But I'm sure you'll unlock your aura and semblance soon. Until then why not do what I did when I was designing my own weapons in combat school."
"What did you do Dad?"
"I kept my design simple." James revealed as he unholstered his two handguns and held them up for Naruto to see. "You're still young and have a good amount of school ahead of you before you become a full fledged huntsman. So think of a weapon design that can compliment you and not lock you down a singular path. After all, you don't want to spend years only to discover you've created this rather intricate weapon that doesn't suit you at all. Also think about the type of huntsman you want to be. Do you want to be a field huntsman who is always fighting Grimm in the wild? Or would you rather deal with more domestic affairs within a city? These types of questions can also help you determine how you want your weapon to come together."
Naruto's eyes lit up in amazement. "Wow Dad you're really smart!"
James merely smirked and folded his arms. "I am the headmaster of Atlas Academy, so I do know my stuff."
"For sure! And now I got all these cool ideas for a weapon!" Naruto declared with new found enthusiasm, which made James chuckle.
"General Ironwood, your five o'clock appointment is here." The intercom on the General's desk informed him, which made the man click a small button.
"Thank you, please send them in."
Naruto watched with interest as the doors to his father's office opened to reveal two men dressed in lab coats. Leading Naruto to assume that both men were Atlas scientists. The first man Naruto noticed was a rather short man with dark skin and a kind expression on his face. Showing his gratitude for the General sparing time to speak with him. The man also had jet black hair and a full beard and mustache combo. Overall Naruto got a very positive first impression from the man, but his associate was a different story.
Right away Naruto could tell the man was smug and arrogant due to his facial features and the way he held himself. The man was taller than the other with a slim build and slightly tanned skin. However, like his fellow scientist, he had short black hair, along with a thick mustache and eyebrows.
"Dad, who are these guys?" Naruto spoke up from his position, which made the more slender of the two scientists sneer.
"James I didn't know there would be children about, I thought we were having a serious discussion."
James kept a hardened expression, but before he could speak the shorter of the two laughed and took a bow.
"Ah where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Doctor Pietro Polendina! You must be Naruto, I've heard many good things about you my boy!" The Doctor boomed loudly, while he released a jovial laugh that made Naruto grin in response. "Oh and this here is my colleague; Doctor Arthur Watts!"
"It's nice to meet you Doctor Polendina!" Naruto replied, while ignoring Arthur completely.
"Oh please my boy just Pietro is fine! I've never been one for fancy titles or formalities!"
Naruto nodded in response, while James merely coughed into his hand. "Well now that introductions are out of the way. I believe you both wished to speak to me about funding for your new projects. Unfortunately we currently only have the budget to back one of your projects. So please explain to me why we should spend Atlas resources for your research."
Arthur nodded and stepped forward. "If you don't mind General I would like to go first. As I, unlike this buffoon, have prepared a full presentation filled with data to back my research and project."
Naruto scowled at the scientist, while James merely gave the man the go ahead with his hands. Causing Pietro to merely smile and walk over to Naruto, who moved over to allow the man a seat by his side. This of course allowed the scientist to see the weapon the child was working on.
"Oh are you working on your huntsman weapon?" Pietro whispered with childlike wonder behind his voice, as he ignored the beginning of Arthur's presentation.
Naruto looked rather embarrassed and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm trying to, but I'm having a hard time with my design."
"May I take a look?" The man asked in an interested tone.
"Um sure." Naruto mumbled softly, as he handed the rough sketch over to the scientist. Slightly fearing that the rather well educated man would mock him for his lackluster idea.
However, to Naruto's surprise Pietro slapped his leg and released a loud laugh that pierced the room. "Naruto my boy this is both innovative and unique! I thought you said you were having a hard time!"
"Will you be quiet, you buffoon!" Arthur yelled in aggravation, which caused Pietro to look up sheepishly and see a pissed off scientist and an uncaring General looking right at him.
"My apologies Arthur!" Pietro repiled, while bending down to Naruto with a wide grin and whispering softly. "But really you have something great here Naruto. You should stop by my workshop sometime and I'll help you make improvements and build the weapon."
"Really? That would be great Pietro." Naruto replied in a giddy voice, as he was really starting to like the scientist.
"I've heard enough." James spoke up in a powerful and absolute tone, which caused Naruto and Pietro to look up. "You really want to reroute the power used to heat Mantle in order to power city wide defenses? A majority of which appear to be located within Atlas and not Mantle! Absolutely not! Your request is denied!"
"But my data-. . ."
James slammed his fist onto his desk, which silenced the scientist.
"I don't give a damn about your data, I'm not taking heat away from the people of Mantle. Especially if the people of Mantle get next to nothing in return!"
Arthur clicked his teeth and stepped back. "Fine." The man grumbled, which made Pietro slightly laugh to break the tension.
"Well I take it as my turn to purpose my project!" Pietro spoke up, as he stood before James.
"Yes, you have the floor." James replied sternly, while taking a slight sigh. "I just hope you have better pitch than your colleague."
Arthur gripped his fists and was fuming in anger, but Pietro ignored the man. Instead the doctor's jovial side turned rather somber. "Well for my project I don't need to show you numbers of huntsmen and huntresses that are killed in the field. After all, with your position I'm sure you know that number by heart."
James nodded in confirmation. "I know every single one by name."
"As such I can assume you want to lower that death toll significantly. Especially with your son wanting to pursue the profession of a huntsman. This gets to my project which is creating an artificial warrior, which will receive aura from a human donor. Creating the first android huntress that can be built for combating the creatures of Grimm! Or as I like to call the project the Pioneer Energized Neo Nuclear Youth!"
"That's kind of a mouthful Pietro. Why not just call your android project Penny?" Naruto asked, which made the scientist glow with excitement.
"Naruto my boy there you go with another brilliant idea!" Pietro declared loudly, which made the blond smile. James on the other hand merely lifted his brow and looked at his scientist with interest.
"Could something like this actually be done Pietro?" The General asked, which made Arthur gasp in disbelief and step forward.
"General you can't actually be thinking of entertaining the notation of this fool's idea!"
"I am, after all it has more merit than your idea. So I guess that makes you even less than a fool Watts." James replied with a cold tone that made the scientist grind his teeth and turn his back to everyone before storming out of the office.
Pietro watching his fellow scientist leave with a disheartened expression slowly turned back to the General. The latter of whom didn't show any care to Watts and was waiting for the man to answer his early question.
"Well to answer your question sir, yes I fully believe my project can be done. However, even with the full support of your financial backing I would be nowhere near seeing any type of success. There are many hoops and trial runs along with many technological barriers I would have to overcome. I've already ran some numbers and without any setbacks we are looking at a ten year timespan for this project to be finished."
"And with setbacks?" James asked without skipping a beat, which made the scientist slightly frown and pause.
"With setbacks the project could run anywhere from fifteen to twenty years." Pietro began, while he folded his hands behind his back and gave the General a confident gaze. "But despite any setbacks I will achieve success that is a promise sir. This is my life's work culminating into something that will save countless people."
James folded his fingers together and seemed to soak in all he was told. A long pause that left Naruto watching his father's reaction, while Pietro was sweating nervously. Considering everything he was working on was currently on the line. The General suddenly glanced at his son from the corner of his eyes and seeing the young future huntsman finally gave the man a resolve to his decision.
"Ten to twenty years is quite a long time frame to be dedicating resources to something. However, the benefits to your research being completed could save countless lives. So since I can see the value from that alone, I will grant you funding for this project. So congratulations Pietro you're now the leading scientist on the." The General smirked and looked at his smiling son. "Penny Project."
Jumping to his feet and holding out a thumbs up, Naruto looked directly at the overjoyed scientist. "That's awesome Pietro! I can't wait to see your life's work come to fruition!"
"Me either my boy!" Pietro laughed loudly, while he took a slight bow to the General. "Thank you James, I promise I won't let you down."
"You haven't yet Pietro." The leader replied with a large grin. "Your current accomplishments alone is enough for me to have faith in your project."
"Man this is so exciting! I wish I could help in some way!" Naruto declared in a giddy voice, which made Pietro laugh.
"Well how about you help me then? James you wouldn't mind if I took your son as a lab assistant?" Pietro asked, which surprised the young blond.
"I don't mind, it would keep him out of trouble with all his pranks. He needs something to keep his attention away from causing mischief." James replied honestly, which made Naruto laugh nervously.
"Wonderful! Naruto would you like to be my assistant? It would mean you would have to pull extra hours after your combat schooling, but I can teach you more than any of your professors ever could and even help you build your weapon like I promised!" Pietro declared in a matter of fact tone, which made Naruto tilt his head.
"I wouldn't get in the way?" Naruto asked, which made the man shake his head.
"Of course not my boy! Besides I feel you have the markings for a young bright mind."
Naruto grinned ear to ear and pumped his arms. "Then count me in boss!"
Pietro walked forward and reached out to shake Naruto's hand. "Let's work our hardest to make this project a reality!"
"Yes sir!"
As the duo shook hands, James merely smiled as he watched the look on his son's face. As today Naruto had finally added another person to his growing list of special people.
(One year later, Naruto age 9)
Another year has gone and Naruto has only continued to grow more and more as time went by. However, unlike before, the young blond was incredibly busy with his new job as being a personal lab assistant to Doctor Polendina. A job that was taxing on the young child's schedule, but had taught Naruto so much in the short year. In fact Naruto's time as an assistant was also being counted as a secondary education of sorts. This meant that as Naruto worked with Pietro he was working on obtaining a doctorate education in robotics. So this would essentially make Naruto a full fledged doctor and scientist by the time he would enter a huntsman academy like Atlas.
Unfortunately Naruto's time with Pietro also meant he had to work with Doctor Arthur Watts as well. A man who Naruto grew to greatly despise, as the man from their first meeting left an awful impression. However, Naruto's feelings were returned with full on hatred, as Arthur couldn't stand the young blond one bit and wasn't afraid to let Naruto know that. This caused the two to constantly fight and argue, which was normally handled by Pietro who would separate the two and today was no different. Considering after another near fight Arthur and Naruto both were sent home for the day.
"That stupid mustache bastard." Naruto grumbled in anger, while he walked in the direction of his father's office. However, Naruto wasn't alone during his walk to see his father. Since he had managed to stumble across his friend Winter, who decided to walk with him since she wanted to be anywhere besides her home.
"Oh calm down imbecile. I swear you and that man fight on a near daily basis. It's honestly sad you're a child and he's a grown man." Winter pointed out, which made Naruto glare at the girl.
"You know Ice Queen I can never tell if you're on my side or not."
"Perhaps if you would show me the respect I deserve, I would make that a little more clear for you."
Naruto rolled his eyes and looked away from the girl. "Respect is a two way street there Ice Queen. Besides you're lucky! You don't have to deal with that asshole."
"But I have to deal with you. So maybe I can understand his frustration." Winter pointed out in a smug tone, while she looked at the blond with a wide grin.
Naruto blew some air between his lips and looked at the girl by his side. "Actually Barfer Cocks has to deal with me because it's his job. You on the other hand are not forced to be around me, but are always sticking to my side when you can."
With Naruto's annoyed declaration, Winter's smug and condescending attitude shattered and the girl looked at the boy with a flustered blush.
"I-I uh, shut up imbecile!" Winter stammered loudly, which made Naruto wince and place a finger in his ear. Then as the boy lazily dug into his slightly damaged ear drums he sighed.
"Jeez it was just a joke Ice Queen, no need to damage my hearing."
Winter huffed and crossed her arms before she jerked her head away from the blond. This of course caused Naruto to take more interest in the girl's hair, which was tied back in a neat bun.
"And what's with the bun?" Naruto asked, while pointing at the girl's hair.
"You really just now noticed!" Winter growled in annoyance, while she snapped her eyes back to the boy. The latter of whom just nodded without a single care, which made Winter sigh. "I'll have you know it's a practical hairstyle for anyone wanting to join the Atlas military. It's a sophisticated and professional look you wouldn't understand!"
Bringing his hands behind his head and looking away, Naruto scoffed. "Whatever you say Ice Queen, I always thought you looked pretty enough with your hair down."
Once again Winter was a stammering and blushing mess and couldn't form any words to reply. Naruto of course took this as Winter being frustrated with him once again. So deciding to say nothing more, both children were relatively silent on their walk towards the General's office. However, as Naruto and Winter eventually arrived where they could see the entrance to the office. They were both surprised to see the door open and a man exit the room. A man who Naruto and Winter both recognized as none other than the headmaster of Beacon Academy; Professor Ozpin. An individual who instantly caught sight of Naruto and slowly approached the boy.
"Hmm correct me if I am wrong, but you're James son aren't you." Ozpin began, as he took a stop before Naruto and looked the boy over. Silently judging and assessing Naruto in person for the first time.
"Yes the General is my father, but my name is Naruto. Correct me if I am wrong, but you're professor Ozpin."
"You're right as well and who might your little friend be?"
"Winter Schnee sir, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company." Winter greeted with a respectful bow, which made the man nod.
Naruto folded his arms. "You're a little far from your academy. What brings you to Atlas?"
Ozpin merely gave a friendly smile. "Oh I just came to speak with your father about a few things. He even spoke about you for a while, he's quite the proud father. I must say he's even got me rather invested in your growth. I'll be keeping an eye on you Mr. Ironwood."
Naruto kept a calm and unmoved expression, while Winter was shocked. "Well is that so?" The blond mumbled in a rather rude voice.
"Yes, but if you will excuse me I must be off. I still have two other academies to visit before returning to my own." Ozpin explained, as he gave the two a wave and walked off.
Naruto watching the man leave grunted as he was suddenly elbowed by Winter in his side.
"What the hell Ice Queen?"
"I should ask you the same thing. You were acting completely disrespectful to someone who was being friendly to you. I mean come on imbecile one of the four headmasters said he was interested in your future! I would kill for that kind of attention."
"Well Ice Queen I'm not you and besides. There is something about that guy that feels off." Naruto explained softly, while Ozpin was finally out of sight.
Winter rolled her eyes. "There you go judging people you hardly know. See that's exactly why you and Doctor Watts don't get along, but none of this is important. Let's just go see your dad. I wanna ask him a few questions to help me with my homework."
Naruto didn't reply to Winter, instead he just followed the girl silently. His gut was telling him there was something wrong with Ozpin and his gut was never wrong and this concerned the blond. As the man was someone close to his father and it got the boy overthinking to himself. However, what Naruto didn't know was that this wouldn't be his last meeting with Ozpin by a longshot.
(End chapter)
So what do you think? I've been sitting on this idea for awhile so I thought why not just write the first chapter and see where it goes from here. Anyways like I do for most my stories let me address a few questions that may pop up.
Naruto: So this story is about Naruto at his birth being sent to the RWBY universe via a mishap during the sealing of Kurama. So a few things to note from this. One I didn't show the mishap because I didn't really have to and I want to save certain things for later. Two, Naruto does have Kurama inside him, but I'm not gonna do the whole Naruto befriend's Kurama at an early age and learns from him. Instead Naruto won't know about his abilities, but will be more akin to a smallville Kent Clark type. Meaning Naruto is an overwhelmingly strong individual, but slowly learns he has the abnormal traits that set him apart over time. Making a more fun way to write Naruto instead of him just being a God in this story, which if he was full powered in the RWBY universe is what would happen.
The world: I have my issues with RWBY, like a lot of them. Regardless I still find enjoyment and I want to take that enjoyment I do have and try to fix some of those issues I have with my writing. I only hope I can manage to accomplish that goal.
Timeframe: So I feel like I should address just what this story is getting you into. We are currently what I call "Volume 0" which is meant to show Naruto's childhood, huntsman training and what follows as a result of that. This will take several chapters to get through. Not sure how many until the story will get into the Volume 1 timeline where Naruto is more experienced and grown.
Will this be strictly in the RWBY universe?: Idk read and find out.
Relationships: This chapter showcased a lot of Naruto's relationships with people going forward, some of which I've slightly tempered with to fit the story better. Like doctor Pietro not being a cripple and making Naruto his assistant. All of these moving forward are incredibly important to Naruto moving forward and you'll see some of that next chapter.
Anyhow thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it and are staying safe and healthy during these rather strange times!