Don't Own Rwby, Only The Oc



"Powerful Creatures Speaking, like a dragon or a god"

Divinity System

"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)


My eye cracks open at the loud noise, then suddenly I hear thumping footsteps rapidly getting closer.

The door crashes open, revealing Cinder looking absolutely panicked. "DAD! I THINK I'M DYING! I-I'M BLEEDING!"

"Wh-" I slowly blink off any laziness and appear by the girl.

Summer sits up with a low groan as she wipes her eyes. "Hn? What's going on."




I stare blankly at the panicking girl for a moment, a proverbial loading bar going through my brain as I silently wonder what the fuck is going on.

I'm struck with realization.


"I'm tapping out... going to the store... Summer, Kali, it's all you two."

I disappear into our bedroom mirror.

"So... is this your grand plan, then? Walk along these tracks until we get to the Gele compound?" Qrow asks with a raised eyebrow.

The blonde midget shrugs. "Got a better plan? Can that sword of yours turn into a moped or something?"

"A skateboard?" She continues.

"Maybe a motorcycle?" She smirks.

"Is your semblance being annoying, brat?" Qrow asks with a frown.

"I don't know, is your semblance being a little bitch?" The angel scoffs. "it's just a bit of walking! And it's not like we have any other choices!"

She scratches her chin. "Though, I suppose I could fly away and just leave all of you behind..."

The other four are being mostly silent as these two take verbal shots at each other.

"Why don't you?" Qrow scoffs. "All you've done so far is be annoying."

"And all you've done so far is bitch about me being annoying, shut the fuck up, honestly." The girl growls.

"Mittelt, Qrow." The black-haired girl of the group begins.

"hn?" Mittelt hums.

"Yeah?" Qrow asks.

"Shut up for a minute." The huntress growls.

"…" Qrow is silent.

"Eh, I'd rather not." The short girl shrugs.

"Of course, you're immune." The woman sighs.

"I have a question." Oobleck begins.

"And I may have an answer." The blonde shrugs.

"Why are all of you so adamant about killing Jacques Gele? Wouldn't it be better for him to live out his life in prison?"

"He'd get out." The angel shrugs. "The world works differently for rich people~ then he'd go back to hiring assassins, searching for the vaults, and doing human experimentation."

"H-Human experimentation?!" Oobleck gasps.

"Yep~" the blonde hums. "He's trying to play god..."

"T-Then shouldn't your creator step in?!" Oobleck asks.

"Well, he would, but his energy is still a little low after turning Menagerie into a peaceful wonderland." The girl states. "Also, the fact that he is a little self-conscious about his appearance, and doesn't like anyone looking at him."



"He's a shy shut-in god."

The cloudless sky above thunders briefly as a lightning bolt smashes into a tree in the distance.

"What?" Mittelt asks the sky with a shrug. "It's true."

"There is a roadblock ahead." Sakuya cuts in with a frown.

"A roadblock... beside train tracks?" The blonde asks. "Really? What's the point?"

"Why don't we just cut right through?" She raises a hand, making a small snipping motion, only to catch an arrow in between her index and middle finger.

She tilts her head and looks down at it. "Huh... didn't really intend to do that... but hey, it probably made me look pretty badass, so I'll accept it."

"Bandits?" Qrow mutters, the first thing he has said in- well, a minute...

"Loooooks like it~" the blonde hums.

Qrow's shoulder's slump. "Oh joy..."

Port chooses this time to speak up as more arrows and light gunfire begin to head their way. "This reminds me of the time I saved that entire village from the 'black fist' bandit clan, oh-ho, that was quite the battle, you see, all I had to do was grab a salmon-"

I stare blankly ahead as I place a box on the table, dark circles under my eyes, and a frown of full on disinterest.

The woman looks down at the box, then looks up to me with a knowing smile. "Girlfriend?"


She seems a little caught off guard by my answer. "H-How old are you?"

"Twenty seven." I answer.


She seems to do the math in her head, her eyes widening.

And I suppose if she was my actual daughter that would be a little... creepy... I'd have had to have banged someone at the age of thirteen or fourteen... instead, I waited until I was eighteen... not all that much better, all things considered.

"She's adopted."

"oh." She mutters in a meek tone.

"My genetic daughter is eight."



"Not my plan, no." I answer.

"So, is your girlfriend-"

"Wife." I correct.

"Wife uh... crazy? L-like I don't mean that as a bad thing but, y-you said it wasn't your plan so that just leave your significant-"

"I mean, she coincidentally forgot how babies are made... so I'd place her as a 'fucking idiot' more than crazy..." I cut off. "But anyways, can we please stop digging into my insane life for a moment? I really need to get back home to the little girl who thinks she's dying."

"O-oh, right, sorry, sir." The woman stutters as she quickly rings up the product.

I grab my wallet and give her the lien, then take the bag and walk away.

"It's always the hot ones that are taken." She whispers to herself with a frown.

The blonde sits up in the branches on a tree with a frown. "Those guys were sort of pathetic."


"Mn nah." The angel shrugs. "I was doing something much more important..."

She holds up an opened scroll. "I have a signal right here."

"A Signal?!" Oobleck gasps. "That means we can call for reinforcements!"

"Yep." The girl shrugs as she quickly types in a couple numbers.

The scroll rings...

Then rings again...

A third time, then a fourth.


"Oh? You all survived? You have the tenacity of cockroaches I suppose."

Mittelt's small smile falls, and she stares at the scroll with a half-lidded glare as Jacques Gele's face appears on it.

"What's that? You expected to get through to Mistral? Peh! That's foolish. I own my very own CCT support tower... out here, I am a god. I control what gets through and what comes in."

"Thanks for bringing it to my attention that you are still alive~ kindly die."

There is a loud boom as something crashes into the ground in a nearby clearing.

"Say hello... to my GELEAN PALADIN!"

A huge robot busts through the tree line, a large box of missiles on its shoulders, one arm some sort of canon, and on the other, a hand that quickly flips out into a sword.

Galean Paladin: Gun: Armed, Sword: Out, Copywrite Claim: Dodged

The blonde girl blankly stares at the mech for a moment. *Sigh*

"Targets Spotted."

"Son of a bitch." Qrow growls as he stares up at the towering marvel of machinery, easily about twenty feet tall.

Mittelt hops out of the tree with a small growl, tugging the 'key' from her pockets and lighting it up, her white aura flaring briefly as a massive blade of light springs from the tip.

The sword really shouldn't be called a 'sword', it's a foot-wide rectangle of light, about six feet long with a pointed tip.

"I am tired of this already..." The girl states.

"Locked On."

The shoulder mounted missile launcher snaps open, the doors over the barrels folding outwards and revealing dozens of small holes.

A swarm of missiles spew from the box, arcing through the air as they make their way towards the six heroes.

The miniature angel dives forwards, sword cutting a large groove in the ground as it drags behind, missiles exploding just behind her as they curve downwards in an attempt to cut her off.

Across the clearing Qrow dives out of the way of oncoming blasts of ice and fire, he swings his great sword downwards and shoots the ground as he jumps, leaping up into the air as the ground detonates below him.

A green blur speeds around the forest in jagged angles, fully leaving behind the missiles targeted towards him and looking to get a better vantage point on the combat mechsuit.

He notices several cameras on the mech's body whirling around to try and keep track of him, but he is just slightly too fast. "It has sensors!"

A small fireball crashes into one of the domes surrounding the suspended cameras, the clear material not even gaining a scuff as the camera whirls around and focuses a laser dot on the black-haired woman who fired it. "They're tougher than they look!"

The tiny angel finally meets the robot and swings the sword in an upwards arc, but a barrier springs to life around the mechanical menace and halts the blade, the white light clashing against a sickly yellow light sending sparks cascading across the ground.

The robot is lifted fully off the ground and launched backwards as a pink spear crashes against the shield, fired from Mittelt's offhand that is now pointed forwards.

A crack forms in the yellow barrier as the mech's back crashes into the ground.

It slowly returns to its feet-


An entire tree smashes over its head, sending splinters and hunks of wood scattering everywhere.

"Take that you rapscallion!" Port laughs as he holds the unbroken half of the tree.

He hurls it, causing it to bounce off the yellow shield, a portion of the barrier breaking off and dissipating into little motes of light.

A knife thunks into the armor underneath as it slips through the gap in the barrier right before it reforms.

Sakuya allows a small smile to appear on her face as-


The knife explodes, tearing the mechanical weapon's armor and causing the shield to fizzle out completely.

Mittelt lunges forwards again, and with a simple swing, bisects the mech from thigh to shoulder-mounted missile pod.

Sparks spew from the wound as the two halves of the robot fall backwards, a low whirring sound echoes out as oil and liquified electricity dust seep onto the ground like blood, causing sparks to crackle around the machine.

With a small 'vwum' sound the large sword of light disappears.

"Well..." Mittelt hums as she puts it back into her pocket and brushes her hands together. "Good riddance."

"Ruby! Put that down!"

"IT'S NOT A 'THAT'!" The short girl shouts in outrage. "IT'S PETAL!"

She is holding a massive scythe brimming with energy, a long sniper barrel acting as the handle, with a clip of ammunition and a trigger near her hands.

The blade twists so now it is pointing directly up, sort of like a spear with a curved blade, then the barrel shrinks downwards as the blade shimmers slightly, growing in length and bending backwards, leaving a curved sword in its place.

The blade splits down the middle, showing a single rifle barrel.


"Ruby! No!"


The sound of a single gunshot rings out as a beowolf in the far distance has its head exploded.

"Scythe, Glaive, Spear, Sword, Sniper Rifle... Now..." The girl mutters. "How do I turn it into a suit of armor... or maybe a mech suit."

"Ruby..." I sigh.

"Hm?" She hums.

"Maybe tone it down just a little bit."

"But whyyyyy?" She asks.

"Your near fanatical love for weapons may turn away future friends."

"I don't need friends! I have Yin, and Blake... and Weiss! And if people don't like all my quirks then maybe they shouldn't be my friend!"

I tilt my head. "Alright... that's fair I suppose."

"Are you ready to go back? Summer is nearly finished baking cookies."

Ruby gasps. "C-Cookies?!"

"Yep. Cookies." I nod with a small smirk.

She grabs my hand, holding 'petal' with the other. "COME ON! We need to get back! Use your portals!"

"mnnnn nah."

She lets out a horrified gasp. "WHY?!"

"We've still got time to get back... I said they were almost done... not that they were done." I shrug as I roll my eyes, glancing up to the sky above. "So why don't we calmly just walk on back and-"



She isn't standing in front of me anymore.

'where did she-'

I tap into my slight omniscience to see that she is now about a quarter of the way back to the house...

We were about three miles out... she is nearly almost a mile away from me... and I only took my eyes off her for mere seconds...


"That little brat."

I step into a mirror and reappear in front of the house.

I wait for about thirty seconds, tapping my fingers on the planter box to my left.

A purple blur bursts into the clearing, stopping just as it makes its way past the tree line.

I raise an eyebrow at Ruby who is standing there with her hands on her knees, panting and taking deep gasping breaths.

She covered just over three miles in under forty seconds...

That means she was running at about three hundred miles per hour... definitely impressive... but it looks like she tired herself out just a bit... probably used all her divine abilities that she had left after creating 'petal'.

Does she even have divine abilities? None of them have the divinity system, so I am sort of unaware of how exactly their power works... ah well... back to three hundred miles per hour.

I think I can output that much speed if I went into my intermediate deity form, but otherwise, I don't think I can catch her unless I do the classic 'put a mirror in front of her and pull a 'Portal'.' Then it's only a matter of reaching in and grabbing her.

She takes a deep breath, getting her breathing under control before looking up and flinching. "Y-You beat me?!"

"Yeah... I teleported as soon as I realized you were gone..." I nod with a deadpan expression.

She pouts slightly. "That's not fair."

I frown as I notice something. "Hey, Ruby?"

"Yeah, dad?"

"What did you do with your weapon?"

She holds up her hand and waves it. "Petal's right here!"

I see a small red bracelet on her wrist that bubbles and flows into her hand, extending into a handle that quickly shoots a blade out to its full length.

"See?" She asks as it begins bubbling again, quickly shrinking back down to a bracelet.

"Alright... I just didn't want you to lose it." I shrug as I open the door. "Summer, we're back!"

"How was your little adventure?" The silver eyed woman asks as she leans against a nearby counter, arms crossed as she watches the stove.

I glance up to see a couple of cabinets about eight feet off the ground and wince. 'why did I let her do that.'

"It was fun!" Ruby cheers. "We went out to the waterfall and I made Petal!"

"Petal?" Summer asks.

"Yeah!" Ruby cheers. "Then I used it to blow the head off a beowolf three hundred feet away! Do you want to see it?"

Her bracelet begins to bubble and shudder again.

"Ruby. No high caliber weaponry in the house."

She freezes in place for a moment, shoulders slumping.

"Awwww..." She pouts.

"Don't worry, Ruby, you can show me later." Summer smiles as she puts on an oven mitt.

"Noooow who wants cookies?"

"Cookies?!" A voice exclaims.

A head pops around the corner, two small cat ears twitching wildly.

A second black haired girl runs around the corner and hops up into a chair just as Summer sets a scalding hot pan down on the kitchen counter.

Said hand immediately reaches out and snatches a cookie immediately stuffing it into her mouth.

"YIN! NO FAIR!" Ruby shouts. "I CAN'T DO THAT!"

The black-haired girl giggles mischievously, unhindered by the literal molten lava cookie, she had just eaten.

"Yin, don't taunt them."

She flinches and scratches the back of her head. "S-Sorry dad."

Ruby smirks at her.

"Ruby, smug isn't a good look on you."

"S-Sorry dad." The silver eyed girl mutters as she looks down at the floor.

I wave my hand over the pan of cookies, causing two to levitate, then one slowly floats over to Ruby while the other seeks out Blake who had stepped around the corner.

Ruby shoves her cookie into her mouth without regard for her safety... luckily, I had cooled it.

"Mh Dhm!" Ruby hums with her mouth full.

"T-Thanks dad..." Blake timidly mutters.

"Anything for my girls." I shrug.

Hi... it's been a while... how have you all been? I've been okay... ish... I just lost all motivation to write even small things for a while there... just wondering 'what's the point' buuut I finally got my shit together and finished the second half of this chapter...

a guy called this a 'low effort mastabatory fanfic' once... that was fun, he even called it 'utterly worthless except for an example of the worst wish fulfillment'... and he didn't even read past chapter 1... clearly he hasn't seen some of the fics on this website. this is average effort at worst.

I actually think I'm cursed... I mysteriously lost all motivation after a friend forced me to read. 'Shegs and Goks kiddos' a DbsXScooby Doo fanfic...

Black magic, that's what it is...

It's nearly as bad as 'Loudhouse Revamped' but that one just stole my kidneys.

Also got acknowledged as 'the longest fanfic' while I was off in my depression slump.

Oh fuck. As I write this I realized he finally got to the Rwby fandom...

Fuuuuuck noooooooo

this bastard literally just copy-pastes the entire wiki, why?!

Guest Reviews:

Ah yes, sonic dub announcement bit. You gain one internet cookie.

He played college ball, y'know.

Would he ever really get the chance to hit on her? And to be fair, canon Weiss could just as easily do that as well.

Some Bot Maybe:
There's no place for a hero to call home n all that~
Maybe I should do that borderlands fic that was lost in 'Flame's Trash'… the only problem is that I have no idea how to do character motivations for those people, it's why I stick with Rwby, honestly... after the dozens of fics I've done for it, I more or less have character traits and lore hammered out.
Also the problem that I don't exactly know the entire lore of Borderlands... I've never played the first one, then skipped out on commander Lilith and the head hunter dlcs ah... I digress... the problem is that i care what people think even though I really should just pull a 'yo, I'm basically god here... Handsome Jack now has a fifty-five foot tall mechanical cock robot.'

oh shit I just basically described the pelvic thrusting final boss of the handsome jackpot...


Annnywaaaays I hope to get another chapter out soon... but don't hope to hard. If you all get bored within my disappearances, you can always check out my other fics, 'Flame's Trash' is over 100k words long and has quite a few interesting stories within it... the prototype for this is in there as well.
