A.N. I started writing this snippet four years ago and it stayed on my HD unfinished. Initially, I thought I'd make it into a multi chapter story, but I didn't find the time nor the inspiration. It then occurred to me that I didn't need to make it a novel size story. A small vignette is just fine. So i wrapped it up and here it is. I hope you like it, but even if not, remember - it's free, so whatever you get is fine. You may just stop reading if you don't like it.
Warning: underage consensual sex.
Indian Ball
Harry had been very reluctant about the Yule ball. He had seriously considered skipping it, until it was made clear that as a champion he needed to take part in it, whether he liked it or not. Luckily, Parvati was available, and she even suggested her sister, Padma, to be Ron's date. Harry didn't think much of that. He didn't even wonder why two such attractive girls would not have dates, while most other girls, even those much less attractive, had secured their dates weeks earlier.
Despite his lack of previous experience, he managed to dance with Parvati without stepping on her toes, and even got complimented for dancing quite nicely. With that opening dance over, Harry thought he would sit at Ron's side and try to make him less grumpy. Unlike Ron, Harry didn't see any fault in Hermione dancing with Krum. He only wondered why he had failed to notice how pretty Hermione had turned to be.
The Patil twins had a different idea, though. As soon as he approached Ron, Padma stood up. "Care to dance with me as well?" she asked.
Harry was a bit surprised, as he hadn't expected he'd dance with both, but he didn't mind too much either. Padma, despite looking more serious, was just as pretty and as attractive as her twin. It was no sacrifice dancing with her. He took her hand and walked back to the dance floor, where Padma stepped closer and let him embrace her while dancing.
Harry found Padma even nicer to dance with than her twin. She let him lead, she made light conversation and she felt much closer than her sister, despite keeping practically the same physical distance. He wondered about that a bit.
He didn't even notice that the single dance soon turned into a series of dances. His eyes were focused on the smiling dark face in front of him, occasionally slipping down her neckline, where he could see hints of her firm breasts. He was surprised when someone tapped on his shoulder. "Do you mind exchanging partners for one dance?" Fleur asked.
Harry looked questioningly at Padma, who nodded slightly. He still felt surprised at the sudden interest the French champion was showing.
"I first need to apologize," Fleur said as soon as she was in his arms. "I should have not called you 'a leetle boy.' You're evidently not little." As if to explain her statement, she moved her body closer to his, brushing the evident bulge in his trousers.
Harry blushed. Fleur was a very attractive young woman, and her quite low neckline exposed her assets very nicely, although he found Padma's neckline more interesting. Even that bulge that Fleur was teasing, was caused by Padma's proximity, not Fleur's. He still tried to act politely. "Well, I'm much younger than the other champions, and I look even smaller than my age. Your reaction was understandable."
Fleur turned more serious. "You may be younger and slimmer, but you're actually taller than I am."
This seemed untrue to Harry. He had to lift his eyes to look at her. How could he be taller? Fleur seemed to sense this. "I'm on high heels," she explained.
Harry turned his eyes down, and Fleur moved her leg forward, exposing her foot. Harry could now see that her heels were adding at least four inches to her height. He smiled understandingly.
Despite Fleur being considered the most attractive girl around, Harry was relieved when he had Padma back in his arms. While Fleur made him feel like he was under test, Padma made him feel at home. It still made him wonder why each girl was giving him a very different feeling.
"Shouldn't I dance with Parvati as well? She's my date, after all," he asked after a few more dances.
"She's found another dance partner already," Padma said, pointing at her sister with a nod, "and I like dancing with you."
Harry didn't say anything. He felt quite content with Padma. Still, as time passed, their feet started aching. "Don't you like to pause? Maybe you'd like to drink something?" Harry suggested.
"Let's drink something and then go out for some fresh air," Padma said.
Harry brought them both some drinks. He then thought they would go to the enchanted garden, created especially for the occasion, but Padma seemed to have a different idea. She led him through the corridors until they reached a somewhat hidden one, where the doors looked as if nobody had opened them for ages. Padma took her wand and cleaned one door. She opened it and cast some more charms on the room they entered, cleaning it and turning its furniture into a comfortable sofa and some couches. "I think you'll find this more comfortable than the garden," she smiled at him.
Harry wondered if he should sit on a couch or on the sofa, where she could sit at his side. Meanwhile, she cast some more spells that he didn't quite notice. She then came closer. "Kiss me, please."
He wondered about her request. She had never shown interest in him before, not even as much as her sister, yet he couldn't really refuse her. As a horny teenager, kissing this pretty exotic girl was something he could really enjoy. Padma took another step, pressing her body into his and lifting her head, clearly expecting him to respond. Harry simply had to respond. He moved his head forward, pressing his lips to hers, initiating a kiss.
It heated quite quickly. The innocent kiss soon turned passionate; hands started roaming, caressing and teasing. Padma removed Harry's robes and his shirt. He tried to free her from her clothes, but failed. Padma stopped the kiss to help him. "It's just wrapped around me in several layers. Here, take this end and I'll turn around."
Harry grabbed the edge of her garment and started pulling slightly. Padma turned around, letting the layer peel off, and then another, until the other edge of the cloth was freed, leaving her in her underwear only. Harry blushed at the view, as her tiny knickers and her skimpy bra didn't leave much for his imagination.
"Undress me," she said, almost in a whisper.
Harry felt unsure about her bra. It was something that he had heard many older boys curse. He looked apprehensively at the offending garment. She seemed to understand. "It has a front clasp," she said encouragingly.
Harry acted automatically. He took her bra off, staring at her erect breasts that got uncovered, noticing the much darker aureoles and the protruding nipples. He felt the bulge in his trousers get stiffer.
"Now my knickers," she urged him.
Harry moved his hand to her waistband and dragged her knickers down, exposing her nicely trimmed pubic hair. Harry felt almost intoxicated by the sight and the sweet smell made him feel like he needed to do something, yet he didn't know what. Reluctantly, he put his hand there, not knowing what he was expected to do. Padma took his hand a directed it between her thighs, putting his fingers on the moist folds of her feminine opening.
Harry let his fingers get acquainted with this new area. He was surprised at the voices she was emitting as he touched various places. He noticed that she got wetter as well.
"Now you are dressed way too much," she said, pulling him up. She then took hold of his trousers and pulled them down along with his boxers. Harry was unable to hide his stiff erection any longer.
Padma examined his naked body. "You're way too thin," she stated, "and I think we should take care of this overly large appendage."
Harry was not sure what she meant, but he had no time to think of it, as Padma pulled him to the sofa, where she spread her body and opened herself for him. "Make me yours," she pleaded.
Harry blushed deeper. "I've never been with a girl this way. I'm not sure..."
"I've never been with a boy this way either. Just pay attention and try to be gentle. I expect it to hurt a bit, and I don't mind."
Although he was barely able to think, seeing her naked body spread for him to enjoy, he still remembered one thing. "Aren't you afraid of getting pregnant?"
She smiled reassuringly at him. "I've cast the contraceptive spell just before meeting you. It should protect me for the rest of the night, at least."
Harry knew what was expected of him, eventually, yet he decided not to hurry, as he wanted to prolong both his pleasure and hers, not sure when he would have another chance. He caressed her body, enjoying touching the more intimate parts, where he was normally not supposed to touch; he kissed and sucked her breasts and her nipples and even tried to lick her entrance, making her moan with pleasure. He enjoyed seeing her bronze body glistening as she got more aroused and more excited. He was surprised when she started moaning almost continuously. Not willing to waste his chance, he moved between her thighs and plunged in. He felt her barrier stretch and break. He thought it could hurt quite a bit, yet Padma only grimaced momentarily and continued acting like before, hugging him tighter and then pushing him deeper in with her legs.
Despite the lack of experience, they both seemed to instinctively know what to do, as their bodies combined in the ritual of life until they reached their peaks seconds apart. Padma hugged Harry tightly as he rested over her, recuperating from the excitement of their copulation.
With his hormones quietened, Harry's mind was resuming function. "How come you cast the contraceptive spell even before we met? Have you planned it?"
Padma smiled, unable to feel any shame about it. "Parvati only accepted to be your date so that I could be closer to you. She knew I had a crush on you and thought that this could be my chance. I couldn't be sure it would go this way, but that spell has no side effects, so I didn't mind using it, just in case."
Harry smiled back. "I'm glad you did." He looked her all over once again and seemed to like what he saw even more than before. He felt his erection returning. "How long did you say that it would keep you safe?"
Padma felt his erection pressing between her legs and smiled wider. "It should hold for twenty-four hours, and even if not cast perfectly, for more than twelve hours."
"Care for a repeat?" he asked.
Padma spread her legs, making Harry slide in almost without noticing. They resumed their activity, soon reaching an even higher peak, that took quite a bit longer to fade down. "That was marvellous, love," she murmured in his ear.
"You love me?" he wondered.
"Didn't I just say so?" she teased him.
Harry felt content. He really felt love and acceptance that he hadn't even felt in Hermione's company. He admired the beautiful girl who gave herself so fully to him and became aware of some feelings stirring awake in him as well. He caressed her face, looking into her dark chocolate eyes and felt the warmth filling his heart, soothing and healing. By now, they were lying side by side. Padma also moved a hand to caress his face, making him even more relaxed. He hugged her closer and closed his eyes.
When he opened his eyes, there was some light coming in through the high windows. He blinked a few times and then saw the bronze-skinned girl cuddled at his chest, her arm draped over his body, just like his was keeping her close. Evidently, it was already morning.
Not wanting to wake her, Harry just moved his eyes, taking in her innocent beauty. Not even the remains of their nightly activity could detract from that impression. He was still unsure about what he felt for this young woman, but he knew he cared a lot about her. Whether he intended it or not, she had now become very important to him. He wasn't sure if even Hermione was still that important.
He looked at Padma, noticing how her expression changed as she was dreaming, her hold on him tightening. Soon enough she was also stirring awake. She looked blearily around and smiled as she saw him. "I had a wonderful night, Harry. I hope you liked it as well."
"It was just as wonderful for me. Our friends may be worried, though, as we disappeared before the end of the ball."
Padma smiled. "My sister knows what I had in mind. She could calm Ron down, at least about you, and Hermione as well."
Harry looked skeptic. "I hope so. I wouldn't like them to worry for no real reason."
Padma scanned him, noticing his "morning wood." "I see that you may need some help with that," she said teasingly, her fingers wrapping around the base of his erection.
Harry blushed. Despite having enjoyed each other in the night, it was still a very new experience to be naked with a girl at his side, and sex was even a bit newer.
Padma didn't wait for his answer. She moved to straddle him and was soon riding his erect member in abandon, making Harry wonder how the reserved and almost shy girl had turned into a wild sex goddess. The way she looked with some sun rays caressing her body and her tits wiggling in rhythm with her movements was almost too much for him. He let his fingers caress and tease her sensitive areas and she soon reached her peak, dragging him to his own, before she fell on his chest, sporting a wide grin.
"I think we need to return to our dorms," Harry said, when he was able to speak again, "or we may attract much more attention than we'd like." His hug gave a very different message, though.
"Yes, as much as I'd like to stay this way for much longer, we need to move," she agreed, not moving at all.
It took a loud grumble from their stomachs' area to finally make them move, although none of them was sure whose stomach made the noise. Harry opened his arms reluctantly. Padma kissed his cheek lightly and rolled down of him. She grabbed her wand and cast some cleaning charms on them both, and some more charms on herself. "What were these charms?" Harry asked.
"Some numbing charms, to help me walk normally. What we did during the night made some of my muscles ache, not being used to this. The charms will assure that nobody would know what happened, judging by the way I walk."
Harry grimaced. "I'm not sure that would change much. People saw us leaving together and will know that we were absent at our dorms. It won't take much to understand what we did."
Padma nodded understandingly. "Sure, but I don't need to confirm their suspicions by walking funny, do I?"
She quickly put her underwear on. "I need your help with my Sari," she said.
With Harry's help. It only took a moment for her to look as impressive as she had been at the ball. "You should also get dressed, you know. I feel complimented by the way you look at me, but you should get ready as well."
Harry complied. By the time he finished getting dressed, Padma had already rearranged her hair and her makeup to look the way they had been at the beginning of the ball. Harry wondered how she did it. He assumed it was magic, as she didn't seem to have any supplies with her.
"Kiss me again before we go," Padma said.
Harry was glad to comply, kissing her passionately, leaving both a bit breathless when they parted.
Padma cast a few spells to let the room return to its previous condition. She then opened the door and grabbed Harry's hand. He walked at her side until they reached the point where each dorm was in a different direction. "Do you want me to escort you?" he asked.
"No, that's unnecessary. Besides, I'm only going to change clothes and then go for breakfast. I suggest you do the same."
Harry smiled. "I'll see you at breakfast, then."
"Yes, at breakfast." She kissed his cheek briefly and walked away as fast as her dress would allow. Harry still looked at her until she turned a corner. He then sighed and went to the Gryffindor tower, thinking fondly of the bronze-skinned beauty who shared the night with him.
Ron was still sleeping when he reached his dorm, as were the other boys. Harry was quite glad to be spared the interrogation that was sure to come. He changed silently, visited the bathroom for a short while and then, refreshed and alert, he descended to the common room.
He couldn't escape from Hermione. She was already waiting there, and as soon as she saw him on the stairs, she moved closer, clearly expecting them to talk. Harry wasn't sure about that, yet Hermione had been his best friend since the first year. It wouldn't be right to ignore her. "Enjoyed the ball?" he asked as a greeting.
Hermione smiled briefly. "It was nice, but I thought we'd have a few more dances together. Where did Padma take you?"
"Just an out-of-the-way room, so we could talk without interruptions."
She smiled with some mischief now. "Don't tell me that you only talked the whole night. You've only come back here a few minutes ago."
Harry shrugged. "We fell asleep, eventually."
Hermione's smile widened. "Poor Padma! I thought she wanted much more than sleep. Didn't she get it?"
Harry felt his face heat. "Well, I think I also gave her what she wanted," he admitted.
"How did it go?" It was clear that Hermione was interested in the general feeling and not in the technical details.
"I think it went well. The first time was a bit awkward, as expected, but the next were magnificent."
"How many times did you do it?" Now she was really curious.
"I'm not sure. I think there was one more before we fell asleep and another after waking up." He then frowned. "I shouldn't really speak with anybody of this. I think it should all stay between me and Padma."
Hermione patted his arm reassuringly. "She wasn't very secretive about her intentions, and she may be even less secretive about her success, as she probably sees it. Do you think she enjoyed it?"
He shrugged. "Would she ask for more had she not liked it?"
He then remembered. "We planned to eat breakfast together. I should go now."
"I'll accompany you. We may talk a bit on the way."
They went out. As they left their tower, the cold weather made itself felt. Although well clothed, Harry shivered lightly. He glanced at Hermione. She didn't seem to be affected as much. "How did you enjoy the ball?" he asked.
"Oh, I loved it. Viktor is not the best dancer, just like you aren't, but he was a very considerate date and he really helped me enjoy the ball. Had it not been for Ron, this could have been perfect."
"What did Ron do?"
"He accused me of 'Associating with the Enemy.' I tried to explain to him that Viktor was not an enemy, only a competitor. He wouldn't listen. Actually, Viktor said that the way you performed the first task, you probably fly better than he does."
"Didn't he invite you to the ship?"
"No, he's too much of a gentleman to act that way. I asked him if he could give me a tour of the ship some other time. He said that his headmaster forbids visits."
"Didn't you have plans similar to Padma's concerning him?"
She hit his arm quite hard, making him grimace. "Harry James Potter! It's none of your business what I do and with whom. I may choose to tell you or not, but you should never ask! Is that clear?"
He massaged his arm. "Very clear, but as you asked about me..."
"You're a boy. Boys usually brag about such things. Girls tend to keep it private, and I'm a girl, if you haven't noticed yet."
He smiled cheerfully. "The way you looked at the ball, you left no doubt at all about that. You really looked magnificent."
Her expression turned coy, for a moment. "Well, thank you. You looked quite dashing, you should know." They were getting close to the Great Hall. "I think Padma is already waiting for you."
Harry lifted his eyes and smiled as he saw the smiling girl that walked towards him. He opened his arms and she stepped into his embrace, kissing his cheek lightly. A moment later she turned around, grabbing his hand and walking at his side, just like Hermione.
"Had a pleasant night?" Hermione asked her.
"The best! It was all that I hoped for and then some. How was yours?"
"Viktor accompanied me back to the Gryffindor tower after the last dance. It was really nice, until Ron opened his mouth."
Padma frowned. "Ron? He didn't even try to dance at all. What did he have to say?"
Hermione sighed. "Let's not talk about him, please. I'd rather pretend it ended by me just coming back to the Gryffindor tower and going straight to bed."
"It must have been lonely in bed..." Padma teased.
"I actually like my privacy, thank you," Hermione said firmly. She then added, "Besides, I don't feel ready for what you did. Maybe in a few months… or years."
Padma laughed happily. "Don't delay it too much. You'll miss too much fun, you know."
Without noticing, Harry walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down, with the girls sitting at his sides. He then noticed that this was not Padma's regular table. "Do you like us to move to the Ravenclaw table instead?"
She smiled at him. "Why should I? The hat considered putting me in Gryffindor, but then thought that my thirst for knowledge was more dominant a trait than my courage."
"Really? It went the other way for me," Hermione said. She then looked at Harry. "What did the hat consider for you?"
Harry felt reluctant to tell, yet he trusted Hermione, and now Padma as well, not to disclose his secret. "It considered Slytherin, but as I refused it, mainly due to Malfoy being there, it decided to put me in Gryffindor."
Hermione chuckled. "Imagine how Ron would have reacted if 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' was sorted to Slytherin..."
Harry was not amused. Ron had been a sore point for him since Halloween, when he'd been chosen as a champion, and Ron's halfhearted apology didn't change that much.
Padma shrugged the subject off. "Right now, I think you should try to decipher the clue for the second task and then train for it. I think I can help you, if you want."
Harry looked at her with evident surprise. She understood. "After spending the night with you, I feel like I want you to stay in my life for much longer. Helping you to survive the tournament turns quite natural in that case. Don't you agree?"
Harry managed to overcome his surprise. "I welcome and appreciate any help. Actually, your different background may give you some advantage, compared to Hermione, when dealing with the tournament."
Padma looked very serious, addressing Hermione. "We should discuss how to share the burden between us. We both want him healthy and safe after the tournament, and we both still want to do well in class. Sharing the burden may help the three of us."
Hermione turned serious as well. "Would you like us to talk after breakfast?"
Padma smiled. "It can still wait for another day. Let's discuss it tomorrow after breakfast. We can use the library, I think."
Hermione nodded approvingly.
Despite the looming second task, Harry just couldn't feel depressed when Padma was pressed at his side while Hermione was sitting on his other side. He knew that Hermione had been his best friend since the first year. He wondered what role Padma would have. After the night together, he thought that "friend" was not enough to describe it. Could she be his girlfriend?
He just had to ask. "Are you my girlfriend now?"
Padma smiled widely as she heard the question. "Yes, if you'd like to be my boyfriend."
Harry smiled back. "I think I'd like that."