2 Years Later

"Are you joining us for dinner?", Grover asked over the phone.

After selling his old house to Grover and his family, they instantly became good friends. Grover lived with his wife Juniper and his three children, who Percy loved very much.

"I can't tonight. Jason invited me to meet his fiance"

"Oh, good for him. Tell him I said congratulations.", Grover said. Percy heard some noise in the background. "Gotta go, Juni's making enchiladas."

Percy laughed. "Ok man, catch you later",he said and hung up. He sighed and got up to meet Jason. He was really happy for him, but today just wasn't his day.

Because 2 years ago, Annabeth died. She caught Luke, and then killed her. When Percy was offered a laurel for catching America's most wanted man, he simply took off his laurel and placed it on the picture of Annabeth.

She was celebrated as a real hero.

It was also the day when he opened the note Rachel left before she died. Percy opened it again to read it.

"Dear Percy,

I was a spy. I betrayed all of you and killed Beckendorf. Yes, Luke may have blackmailed me into it, but I'm the one responsible for my actions, so I'm sorry.

I'm correcting my mistakes now. He wants me to kill you and I'm going to say no, and he's going to kill me.

I'm leaving the keys to the 476th compartment of the office in my desk compartment. It has all the information on Kronos in it, all the files of the people who had a part in the crimes. It's up to you to catch them all.

I know you can do it.



Percy closed the letter. The truth was hard to digest, but everything made sense now, as it ended.

He realised that Annabeth knew she was going to die too. He also realised that she didn't kill his mother. He wished he realised all of this sooner. He could've saved her. He could have changed everything, but what's done is done and what's gone is gone.

The only thing he could do now was move on.

But still, it was hard.

Because love doesn't just go away

(but a broken heart can heal)
