Greetings! It appears you have stumbled upon my work, my collection of the games. In this work of literature, you will be able to read about every single Hunger Games from the 74th Hunger Games, to the games end. I have had to re-watch each of them over and over to get them into perfect detail and easy use for you to read.

Each chapter will include the tributes, their age, training scores, odds of winning, the Official Capitol Betting System Bets (or OCBS Bets) and elimination order, plus some facts about the game and the victors.

This tome will also keep you up to date about who the President and Head Gamemaker were at the time and what the arena was.

Now, continue and you can read on about each and every Hunger Games onwards from the 73rd.

Pheovuis St Paul, Published Author, Capitolite

AN: Hi! Honestly, this prologue isn't the best thing I've ever written, but just trying to get a point out. So yeah, this is set in an AU where Prim and Peeta were never reaped, meaning Katniss never volunteered, starting from the 74th Hunger Games because that was the first games with noticeable changes.

P.S- I've looked through another few of these type of fanfic and included the basic layout, plus some other things I wish I saw in these more.

P.P.S- I'm always in there for a positive/constructive review, what do you think about the tributes, could I improve anything about the layout?