Time seemed to slow down. The blade approached Shirou's throat, doing it very slowly, as if it was only moving a millimeter per second.
And during this time, Shirou was preparing a plan of action, which he started immediately.
He could not deflect the blade with his weapon, as the blade was already very close. He couldn't project something behind the android that would attack her, because her weapon would get him faster.
All he could do was deflect the blade. But how will he do it? A difficult question and at the same time an easy one.
And in this event, he even won't need the help of Apeiron.
It'll only takes three steps.
The first. The left hand drops the weapon to the ground, because it needs to be clenched into a fist.
The second. The hand flies up. But not to grab the weapon with his hand, as Shirou saw in the comics as a child.
The third. A clenched fist hits the flat side of the blade, and throws it aside along with the hand, almost allowing it to graze the neck.
An empty but focused gaze of the android girl immediately lights up with surprise and under the influence of the force from Shirou's blow, she is slightly carried to the side.
At the same moment, Shirou projected his two blades, Kansho and Bakuya and took a defensive stance. Who was this girl? Why did she attack him? Aren't the androids supposed to be ... how to say ... respectful? Because of his humanity?
In fact, there were two options. Either she does not yet know that he is human, or she knows, but ... But "what"?
An order from higher authorities to kill him? Personal initiative?
Shirou couldn't even imagine.
Meanwhile, the android, beautifully twisting in the air, landed on the sand slightly sliding to the side and again rushed to him, attacking. The blades met, steel rang on steel, and crimson sparks flew into the air.
Her hands trembled slightly with tension because Shirou did not intend to give in in this confrontation. Losing meant death. His immortality, curse, or the blessing bestowed by the Fairy Queen and the Lady of the Lake, only influenced aging.
It had no effect on the wounds, which Shirou was very clearly aware of when confronted with Harp.
He could have killed her in many different ways. He really could.
But that's not the way. Not at all. Without looking back at Archer - not the way.
Pressing down, Shirou pushed her away again and the android jumped back.
She's quite mobile, he thought. Uses a style that allows her to skillfully avoid blows. Somewhat reminds me of the old Guiche, who did not want to fall under my blows.
The light in the android's hands blinked and in a split second a huge blade appeared in her hands, which Shirou had previously ignored. The one that actually hung behind her all this time.
She swung it with force and slammed at his crossed blades, shattering them. And Shirou projected new ones without any problem, causing a new surprised look. But then hatred followed in her eyes.
And then blows. A whole hurricane flurry of blows that could destroy any resistance. But Shirou hadn't been the one who held a sword in his hands only for several days.
And so he used Projection.
Shirou was adept at repelling her attacks, from above, from the side, from bottom to top, diagonally ... she couldn't reach him, and Shirou simply wouldn't forgive himself if he let her do it.
To the android's credit, it should be said that she was also good at defense. Although Shirou deliberately did not try to hit, he almost lost focus a couple of times and almost hit the exposed areas of her body.
Fortunately, he managed to restrain himself in time. She is a sentient being and he couldn't do what she clearly wanted to do to him.
After about twenty new pairs of blades, Shirou began to get tired of this dance. Apparently, the android did not even need to catch her breath, but Shirou before that, in principle, wasn't tired, but now he was already starting to get weary.
So there is only one option for those who do not want to calm down themselves.
"Trace on!"
The blades instantly fell out of hands and crumbled in the air in specks of Prana, not even reaching the ground. And instead of them, green sparks appeared in the hands of Shirou, who was preparing to take the sword with a two-handed grip.
Only one weapon is capable of opposing any weapon in the world.
The most durable.
"Gram ..."
And time seemed to have gone wrong not the way it should have gone. At least that's how it seemed to Shirou.
A powerful blow from above should cut him in half or worse. But this cannot be allowed.
The sword is already in Shirou's hands. One has only to wave diagonally or just horizontally and he will be able to cut it with her hands or even touch the torso.
Mentally kicking himself, Shirou took a step back so that it was easier to swing and forcefully slammed the wide and large sword of the android girl, breaking it apart.
But this did not bother her, apparently, she was subconsciously ready for the loss of her weapon, and therefore in flight, not even landing on the ground, she took in her hands the sword, which she used to initially attack Shirou and directed it at him.
For the sake of variety, Shirou slammed the flat side of Gram against her sword to see what she will do.
"I destroyed your weapon. What are you going to do with this stub now?"
Shirou nodded his chin at the shards of the big sword she wielded with ease, looking straight in her eyes.
"I am a weapon myself."
She muttered and threw herself at him, inflicting many stabbing and cutting blows.
Shirou dodged everything, partly deflecting the flat side of his sword. But this could not last too long.
Eventually, the blow landed on Gram's blade and that android's blade snapped. And while her swing was ending, Shirou made a few more blows to the blade of her blade, leaving only the hilt that she could only throw at him.
"What now?"
But the android didn't seem to hear him. She cautiously took a couple of steps back, not taking her eyes off him, and suddenly, made a long jump back, made a somersault in the air and, having landed with her back to him, rushed headlong away.
Shirou just looked after her in bewilderment. He did not have time to explain to her that he was not a machine.
Dispelling the Gram in the air, Shirou examined the remaining fragments of the weapon in the sand. In all fairness, they did not disappear, which was what Shirou expected of them, and seemed quite real.
"I should show them to the blacksmith ... Maybe he will tell me something interesting about this metal?"
And with such thoughts and intentions, Shirou began to collect the fragments, placing them in the treasury of his Sarras sheath. The illogical and very vague excitement and anxiety did not leave his head. Partly because of the guilt for destroying her weapon. After all, this world is pretty dangerous. She can get into trouble.
This has to be expected if you want to attack someone with intent to kill.
After a short time, Shirou headed back, almost along the same route, more than once greatly regretting that there was not at least some form of transport, because he spent a lot of time just to get here. Of course, there was nowhere to rush, but still these few hours could be spent on something more useful.
For example, to communicate with the inhabitants of this world. Which was very important and useful, because if you have to live the rest of your life in this world, you will need to learn as much as possible about it. Apeiron could have suggested something from time to time, but still it was not enough.
Shirou moved along the sand, gradually approaching the very cave from which he got into this area. Very soon, at least a semblance of a shadow awaited him, in which he could rest. Although Shirou is used to the heat, he is not used to the desert and how dry it is.
Having materialized a bottle of water from his treasury, once again Shirou regretted that he himself could not enter into it, because the temperature there was ideally low.
After drinking and pouring water on his head, he threw the bottle back, making a mental note to replenish supplies.
"It will be necessary to pass by that lovely water stream again ..."
Jumping to a small height, Shirou pulled himself up and climbed the stone ledge, which led to the very cave. Slightly quickening his pace, he quickly overcame the rocky terrain, and five minutes later he did come to a small camp set up on the very edge of the desert. The ruins of the city and the saving coolness were already not far away. More precisely, it was also hot in the city, but slightly less hot than in the desert.
It was humid in the ruins. Wet heat is very different from dry heat. The ruins were like in Japan, in Shirou's homeworld so he was adapted to it. But dry heat ... Shirou has had been to the desert sometimes, but not very much. There was nothing to breathe. Constantly thirsty. Sweat drippin' everywhere.
Figuratively speaking, it's terrible. And in this world, you could easily multiply this by two.
Nodding to the android in the shadows under the tent, Shirou headed towards the Resistance Camp.
Looking at the outdated drink vending machine, the though arose again about how androids move between them so quickly. Anemone spoke about it and Pascal mentioned it. Shirou regretted not being able to do the same as they did.
However, thoughts of moving through space took a little wrong direction, forcing him to remember Caster ...
Shirou shook his head as if hoping to get the thoughts out of his head, but he couldn't do so outright as usual.
He didn't want to remember the Holy Grail War. Especially after his time-weary mind realized the whole truth.
Deciding not to think about it especially, Shirou directed his feet towards the Resistance Camp. The journey did not take much time, since he already knew where to go and therefore, stopping to replenish water supplies, the Magician quickly reached the androids' camp.
Nodding to the guards who stood outside in the shade, trying not to draw attention to themselves, Shirou went inside and ... felt a slight feeling of comfort, as if he had returned home from an expedition. Everything here was so cozy and home-like, no one attracted much attention and here it seemed ... safe.
One of the few places where you can really relax. Shirou, taking his time and throwing greetings with the androids, went to the very center of the camp, to the corner where the table was and where Anemone usually was.
There was nothing new here. There were no new peop… ehem… androids, and no one disappeared either, although he definitely didn't remember all of them. But that didn't matter now.
"Ah, Shirou," the head of the Resistance turned around, looking up from some data and waving at him. "Is everything okay?"
Meanwhile, Emiya walked to the table from the other side of it.
I haven't got even one machine core ...
"Yes," the Magician muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "The machines are destroyed and no longer pose a threat. Although it's hard for me to imagine how they would have made their way through that cave. It is much smaller than their size. But this is not important. I forgot to bring the machine core to the blacksmith ..."
"You'll deal with him yourself," Anemone smiled. "What's important that is those machines no longer pose a threat to us. Ok ... I'll transfer your reward to the terminal and some other useful tools."
She opened the window in front of her, delving into it, and ... suddenly froze, with her hand raised up.
Shirou blinked in bewilderment, not fully understanding what terminal she meant. Anemone also blinked and closed the window, pursed her lips and looked directly at Shirou.
"I forgot, I'm sorry," she said and looked around clearly in search of something. "I'll figure out how to reward you. I am so embarrassed, I forgot that you are not an android."
"It's okay," Shirou waved his hand. "I don't need a reward. In the end, I helped you not for profit, but of my own free will. Just because I wanted to. Just because I have to."
"You don't owe anyone anything, Shirou," Anemone pointed out, looking at him seriously. "We expected help from the council of humanity, but the commander is helping us as much as they can. Troops, supplies ... that's enough. We are made to fight after all. Defeat machine life forms, fulfill the goal and ... and ..."
Shirou listened to her in silence, fully aware that the purpose of life for androids, in general, does not differ much from his. Help others. Save them. This is Emiya Shirou's goal. This is the price of his salvation.
Rescuing him from the fire in Fuyuki. He owes his salvation to all the people who died in it. All the children who suffered under the church for ten long years. And he will pay off this debt in full.
Just because he has to.
I have no regrets. This is the only path.
This is exactly what he will do.
"Actually ..."
Anemone was keep looking at him, expecting for continue.
"If you have any food ... Supplies. I would be very grateful."
"We will definitely find everything we can," Anemone responded instantly and immediately called several androids, quickly giving them instructions. They left after a couple of minutes, during which Shirou looked at the camp and its inhabitants.
"Okay, we've got it out. Meanwhile, Shirou," she caught the Magician's attention with a wave of her hand. "Someone really wants to talk to you."
She looked somewhere behind him.
"Call 2B and 9S."
The android, to which she told to do this, moved away somewhere in the opposite direction from them. In less than a minute, a perplexed Shirou, who had time to imagine every possibility of who is coming, heard a wild, surprised scream.
Shirou stood in a daze in front of the two androids from YoRHa. Branded black clothes, the young man is wearing a leather jacket and knee-length shorts, and the girl is wearing a dress with a short, knee-length skirt. Both had gloves on their hands and blindfolds. As far as Shirou understood, these were visors that complemented the visual functionality of the androids. Both had white, silvery hair. Emiya couldn't call it gray like the hair he had; they were just that silver.
And these androids were now looking at him with their visors. At least Shirou dared to hope that they were looking, because he couldn't see their eyes.
Anemone withdrew herself, deciding not to interfere with the process and Shiro was left alone with him. Leaning on the table, he just looked at them, expecting questions or ... anything at all.
The young man spoke first.
"You ... you ... are you really human?" He asked according to Shirou with a voice shaking with excitement.
"Yes, really," Shirou responded immediately. "I have nothing to tell you myself, so ask me what interests you. I don't know how much are you already know about… about humans in general.
The boy thought hard for a while, but the girl decided on the question before.
"We saw you fighting, sir," the girl began. Shirou did not yet know which of them was called 2B and who was 9S, but he planned to find out soon. "Could you tell us a little more about this? I saw you shot from a bow, and ... arrows, where does it come from?"
Shirou smiled, almost relaxed inwardly as it was about weapons, which he really liked.
"First, don't call me 'sir'. You can use the name and unformal 'you'. In response to this, the corners of the girl's lips slightly parted to the sides and squeezed into a thin line. Shirou got the impression that hierarchy and obedience are strictly hammered into the warriors of humanity.
"I can't do that. This is inappropriate behavior towards the creators," she gave it out.
Shirou got a little bit sad at the thought of having to tell them that there are no more humans at all. Although he himself could not completely believe it. Who was his contractor after all?
"You'll have to get used to it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a constructive dialogue and friendly manner of communication."
Shirou didn't know why did he said that. Perhaps based on the fact that they will travel with him? Technically, Shirou didn't need companions, as he was doing fine alone, but the constant stream of knowledge from normal persons, and not from any freeloaders, would be the best help in possible conflicts.
"Okay, I hope for understanding." Deciding to wave his hand, Emiya remembered that he had been asked another question. "I'm an Archer. Capable of firing projectiles from a long distance. But as for where I get them ... I just project. This is a magical art."
"Magic?" stretched the girl, tilting her head to one side.
"I read about it in the chronicles of humankind," for the first time that they were standing here, the young man spoke. "This is the process of changing reality by influencing it with internal energy," Shirou nodded with a smile and slight surprise, listened to what he said. "That's just ... The chronicles also indicated that these are just fairy tales. Not true."
Shirou shook his head, determined to be sure.
"What's your name?"
"Number 9 Model Scanner, sir."
"9S sir."
"Give up your sirs," Shirou winced.
"Yes, sir."
There was a chuckle of Apeiron inside and Shirou rolled his eyes.
It's useless to fight this ...
"Look, 9S. Do you believe in magic yourself?" Shirou jarred to name what he does 'magic', but in this world, no one really mattered. After the boy shook his head, Emiya continued. "And if you see something yourself, will you start to believe in it?"
"I don't believe it until I see it," 9S changed his words. Shirou nodded.
"Then watch carefully."
Shirou concentrated for literally one short moment; the trigger clicked and in his hands with a flash appeared a black with red hexagonal pattern, Kanshou. The pleasant weight of the sword always reassured him.
Emiya quickly twisted it in his hand and grabbed the very tip of the handle, demonstratively holding it point up, right in front of the astonished androids' faces, their lips parted in surprise.
"Sir, may I ..."
Shirou nodded, tossed the sword up slightly and caught it flat side in his palm, stretching it forward.
9S, mesmerized, touched the sword with his finger, and even the silent 2B came closer and bent down to look. There was nothing unusual about this blade for Shirou, but the very concept of magic was new to the androids.
Look who's talking about creating swords out of thin air, Apeiron reminded him, throwing up the memory of a long-haired android girl with whom he fought in the desert.
Shirou prudently kept silent. Even mentally.
"It will disappear as soon as it breaks or whenever I want," Shirou said, dissolving the sword in the dust of Prana. A fascinating sight for those who see it for the first time and has long been familiar to him.
9S tried to catch Prana in his hand, but naturally nothing came of it. Shirou just smiled at this attempt, while 2B took a step back. 9S, on the other hand, seemed to Shirou, just emanating a aura of curiosity that he was unable to contain. Actually, no one was against the questions. That is why we have gathered here.
But before 9S opened his mouth again, Anemone intervened.
"Why don't you team up with Shirou?"
At the same moment, several voices were heard at once.
"Not that it is necessary ..."
"Anemone, who allowed you to be so rude to ..."
"Can we? Is it really possible?!"
And all three fell silent, realizing that they had spoken together. To which Anemone just rolled her eyes, apparently accustomed to seeing something like that.
"Combat campaign unites people. There you can discuss everything you need to show, tell and the rest." She waved her hand vaguely. "The units in the desert need help."
"Anemone, what right do you have to give instructions to a human?" 2B began angrily, in such a tone that 9S looked at her with slightly open mouth.
The leader of the resistance camp looked at her expectantly, and then at Shiro. Emiya literally knew from that glance what was required of him.
"I actually came here for this," he began, and 2B, clearly about to say something, turned her head toward him. "To help you in all I can, this is my goal, which I cannot refuse. Save as much as possible. Whatever danger you face."
2B closed her mouth and put her hand to her chest with a loud clang of teeth.
"As you say, sir. For the glory of mankind."
She replied in a neutral and rather cool tone. Shiro immediately remembered Saber who responded in exactly the same tone when she was unhappy.
Don't even think about it, Shirou warned a nascent thought somewhere inside, where Apeiron dwelt in his mind.
"For humanity, right?" Shirou smiled. "It's good. If so, then I think we should go. We will discuss everything on the way."
Anemone quickly gave them all the details they were interested in and the androids, without saying a word, went to the exit, even though 9S asked a few additional questions, which ... in principle, it was not necessary to ask.
Shiro slowly walked out after them. Near the exit, already seeing the green of the abandoned city in front of him, he smelled smoke and turned around ...
... And saw how the whole camp was engulfed in flames. The androids screamed, running away from the machines that quickly caught up with them, and tore them apart with their toothy jaws. Their eyes glowed red, a much thicker and more intense hue than the one Shirou had already seen.
Air froze up somewhere in the lungs, not wanting to advance. The magician just looked at this picture until no one of the resistance remained alive, until the machines move towards him. As soon as the first of them reached him and rushed forward, a voice was heard behind.
"Sir, are you coming?"
Shiro turned around and saw 9S. He was without a visor, his gray eyes shone with crimson, just like the machine life worms behind him, and a smile played on his lips ...
... Suddenly there was not enough air. Shirou turned back to see only the blank gaze of Anemone standing at her desk. Looking back, he saw 9S standing a couple of paces behind, looking ... at him, maybe? He couldn't see it because of the visor.
"It's okay. Let's go."
Glancing back at Anemone, who waved at him, Shirou smiled slightly too tightly and turned around as he left the camp. He still felt the smell of smoke in the air.