Flames of Regicide
The Sages of Fire had originally been founded as a religious order dedicated to Agni, and it still was in many respects. But it had evolved into something far more important. So important that not even the Firelord dared do away with them entirely.
Much as the world was divided into four elements, the Fire Sages were divided into four paths: The Sages of Breath, the Sages of Light, the Sages of Warmth and the Sages of Ash. Each path was a deep philosophical understanding of Firebending and the aspects of fire. And each path had its own different responsibilities and duties to uphold.
Such as the Sages of Ash, who were the ones dedicated to the care and examining of dead bodies, along with aiding in arranging funerals for important figures.
"I assure you, Crowned Prince Zuko, there are no additional arrangements for a Firelord that has died on the day of the Black Sun," Sage Cheku assured calmly. As far as the Sages were concerned, one was not the Firelord proper until crowned and, in cases like these, after their predecessor's body was cremated and sent to Agni.
"That's almost surprising," Zuko mused with his arms crossed. "But I can't help much noticing you said "for a Firelord" instead of anyone."
"There has never been a Firelord that fell during the Black Sun. Nobles, princes and princesses even, yes, but never a Firelord," Cheku elaborated carefully.
"And what are the arrangements in those situations?" Zuko pressed curiously.
"Additional rites and incenses are burnt, along with talismans of good fortune. However, most of them are already considered inferior versions of what is normally performed for the passing of a Firelord," Cheku answered.
"So, it'd be redundant to add those rites to the funeral?" Zuko summarized in understanding.
Cheku nodded before looking uncertain and cautious. "Forgive me if this is out of line, but given the...nature of his death, I doubt many would worry for the Firelord's spirit, Prince Zuko. He didn't fall to misfortune, an assassin, or a spirit."
Zuko kept his face from snarling or scowling at his meaning, but only barely. His father died fighting another Firebender for the throne. No, died wasn't right. Zuko killed him, and that was the eternal truth of it.
"On that matter, we have finished examining the body of Firelord Ozai," Cheku informed, glancing behind himself with a small scowl.
"You seem distracted," Zuko noted with a narrowed gaze.
"Nothing important is amiss, Prince Zuko. Even if some of my fellow sages were too eager at times to make the verdict, or too cautious," Cheku assured meaningfully. Zuko didn't respond, knowing that had been Azula's influence. Or rather, counter-influence against those that were already trying to work against him. "The Firelord was indeed killed by Lightningbending. There is no other explanation. Therefore, he could not have been slain during the eclipse."
With that, Cheku held out a scroll to Zuko. The Firelord-to-be took it solemnly before opening it to read. It was the official word of the Fire Sages, detailing that the Firelord had died before or after the Eclipse, by Lightningbending.
It was amazing how heavy this scroll felt in his hands.
"Thank you, Sage Cheku," Zuko said with a nod, the sage bowing to him before Zuko turned to leave.
As he passed through the silent halls of the palace, he wasn't surprised when he saw Azula leaning on a pillar, casually joining his walk and matching his pace. "I trust by the look on your face that the sages played their part?" she asked knowingly.
"Why and how exactly are there sages already conspiring against me?" Zuko asked neutrally.
"Simple. A good number of corrupt sages knew that those pulling their strings wouldn't want you on the throne. So they took the initiative, or tried to at least," Azula mused as if it was obvious, nodding to the scroll in Zuko's hand. "That'll make dealing with the war council somewhat easier."
Zuko nodded in agreement. Even to him, it was obvious why the generals and admirals would hesitate to turn against him now. With the decree of the Fire Sage proving that he had killed his Father after the eclipse, and Azula not trying to claim the throne, that would mean anyone that thought he didn't belong on the throne would be speaking about rebelling against the Royal Family itself instead of just its current head. And for many, that alone would be a step too far.
The scarred teen stopped but didn't face his sister instantly. "Is there a reason why your hidden Dai Li have the entire area surrounded?" Zuko asked pointedly.
"This talk needs to be private, Firelord Zuko" Azula stated simply, trying to make herself looking as non-lethal as possible.
It wasn't very effective.
Zuko turned to eye her, trying to dissect where this might be going. "Then talk, Princess Azula."
"You're weaker than me," Azula stated flatly. "Even without my lightning, I would defeat you in an Agni Kai."
Zuko didn't deny it and, more important, didn't grow angry at the assessment. It would have made him mad, not too long ago. But that already felt like a lifetime ago.
"Eventually, you and me are going to need to fight. A little demonstration to show our family is not weak," Azula pointed out before scowling. "And, honestly? I don't think I can convincingly throw a match even if I wanted to."
"And that would prompt more issues of people wondering why you aren't ruling instead of me," Zuko acknowledged with a frown. "And, knowing you, you have a solution?"
Azula shrugged. "Just the obvious one. You have to get stronger."
"Says the most gifted prodigy in a century," Zuko pointed out dryly.
"Thank you for the compliment, Firelord," Azula said with a coy smile. "We have time. And a lot of excuses to put off any official displays. But the Fire Nation values power, Brother. And, I'll admit, you are powerful." Just not as powerful as her, the words went unspoken. "You just need to be willing to prove that."
A deep silence came over them for a moment as the words settled in the air.
"Azula," Zuko said with a furrowed brow. "You're sure this spot is secure?"
Azula rose a refined brow at the change in subject before nodding in confirmation.
"I've had a lot of time to think, as more and more areas reported in after the eclipse," Zuko stated with a frown. "And I wondered what would we even do if something happened."
"So, you're thinking like the Firelord," Azula summarized, getting a feeling that there was more to this.
"Which led to me to a worrying thought," Zuko continued. "Beside Ba Singe Se, what is the colony we're most likely to have a problem with?"
"Are you asking or do you already have an idea?" Azula asked with a drawl.
"Azula, think about it: where?" Zuko repeated firmly.
Azula paused in thought before her eyes slowly widened. "New Ozai?" she said, cupping her chin. "You think King Bumi can do what the Avatar's Earthbender can as well?"
"I don't know. All I know is that city couldn't be held if he got free, especially during the eclipse," Zuko stated with a scowl.
"And what, Firelord, do you want to do?" Azula asked pointedly. "It'll take days to learn anything from New Ozai, sending a force there "just in case" will make you look paranoid."
"I know," Zuko admitted freely. "It needs some...you-polish, but I have a plan."
"Well, don't keep me in suspense," Azula stated, giving Zuko her full attention.
"I obviously don't know everything about those new airships," he stated. "But they do make everything easier. So have one of them at all times patrolling the edge of the Homeland waters. It'll give them a decent head start to anyplace, New Ozai or not, that might need aid."
"That is...actually a decent plan," Azula accepted with some thought, tapping her chin. "And yes, it does need some me-polish."
Zuko rolled his eyes at her smirk. "I'll be honest, I also needed to get that off my chest so I didn't accidentally say anything to Mai. I'd rather not worry her over my hunch."
"It's a logical hunch," Azula complimented. "But yes, Mai doesn't need that stress. I believe we've both given her enough. Though, I'm sure you both work that off."
Zuko managed not to blush at the insinuation. Barely, and he still glanced away awkwardly. "When exactly will the War Council be convened?"
Azula smirked, savoring the minor victory. "Not long enough away for Ty Lee and Mai to return, unfortunately."
"It's been a while, Mai."
Ty Lee was positive she didn't miss the small smile on her friend's face as they exited the trolley and were greeted by the warden. "Uncle Jianyu," Mai greeted with a nod as she passed him a scroll. "Sorry, but we're not here on a family visit."
"Of course," Jianyu said as he read over the scroll, just a tad kinder than his tone normally was. "I see you're taking a prisoner off my hands."
"Trust me, you'll be having a lot more in the near future," Mai stated, jabbing a thumb to Ty Lee. "You might be seeing more of her."
"Hello!" Ty Lee greeted with a wide smile and a wave.
Jianyu rose an eyebrow. "I see my niece wasn't exaggerating about you."
"Awww, Mai! You told your family about me?" Ty Lee said cheerfully.
"No one should meet you without warning, Ty Lee," Mai stated simply, nodding to her uncle.
Jianyu returned the gesture and began to lead them into the infamous prison in the center of a boiling lake, flanked by two guards.
"Huh," Ty Lee said as they walked inside. "You know, I expect a lot of gloomy auras, but not from the guards too."
"Some of us have been getting...a bit on edge after the day of the Black Sun, waiting to hear what if anything has happened," Jianyu stated simply. "I heard there was a ruckus in Caldera."
Which was code to say that he knew about the invasion, but not how it ended. "The capital is safe and secure," Mai answered matter of factly. And it was true. She just didn't need to say anything about Firelord Ozai being dead.
"Good," Jianyu accepted without needing further elaboration. "How have things been between you and your parents?"
"I'm in the capital, they're in New Ozai. I think that's the best arrangement for all of us," Mai said matter-of-factly.
"I apologize for my brother's shoddy parenting, Mai," Jianyu stated with a small smirk of amusement.
"It's fine. They're doing better with Tom-Tom," Mai said idly.
"Well, here we are," Jianyu murmured as they reached the intended cell, nodding to his guards. "We'll have the prisoner subdued in a-"
"With all due respect, Uncle? We'll handle this," Mai requested.
Normally, even for his niece, Jianyu would say no. But she and her friend, along with Princess Azula, were the ones to bring this one in. Among others. "Fine," he allowed gruffly, nodding to the soldiers, who gave the cuffs to Mai as the door was opened.
"What is it-oh, great, you two again," Suki greeted with a glare.
"Hello again!" Ty Lee greeted with a grin, waving at the Kyoshi warrior.
"Look, just let Ty Lee poke your nerve and this'll be a lot less painful for everyone," Mai stated with a sigh.
"What do you even want with me? You and that snake of a princess already know I won't tell you anything, that's why you left me to rot here," Suki reminded with a groan. Yeah, resisting was pointless, but it might make her feel better if she could knock out one of these two in these confined spaces.
"Princess Azula didn't summon you," Mai stated with a small smirk. "The Firelord did."
Suki froze. She didn't know what the proper response to that was, really. Should she being paling or glaring? "The Firelord?" she repeated slowly. "And just what would he want with me?"
"You'll find out soon enough. So, easy way or hard way?" Mai asked, spinning the cuffs on her finger.
Suki was still debating that one.
Division General Jeeru had been to many war meetings in his career. He and two other Division Generals guarded the Hu Xin colonies along their south and south-east borders. It wasn't a position of much glory, mainly keeping out raiders and bandits from the Earth Kingdom. Their true purpose was to prevent any attempt to invade the colonies, but the only real reason three divisions were needed was the sheer length of land they had to patrol and guard.
As such, each of the three generals took turns on who would be sent to Caldera. Normally in order, but Jeeru had come due to his history of dealing with raiders that had snuck past their lines. All of that was to say, this wasn't his first time in this war room .
So he knew he wasn't imagining it, the room was filled with a great many powerful and tense military leaders. It wasn't hard to guess why. It had been some time since the eclipse, and the failed invasion. All and all, the Fire Nation had been enjoying another resounding victory. The Avatar had escaped, true, but they had captured almost the entirety of those that had attacked proud Caldera. No civilian losses, the city itself was barely damaged at all.
But something wasn't right. The Firelord had been unusually silent, both the man himself and those that reported to him. Normally, Jeeru and these men would have expected some display or speech made, about overcoming these fools that dared to attack the heart of their nation. Instead, there had been nothing. Silence.
Some tension left the collective as the Prince and Princess entered. Jeeru tempered his inner flame, relieved to have some answers.
"Princess Azula, Prince Zuko," Jeeru spoke in greeting, when he realized no one else had. "Where is Firelord Ozai?"
There was a strange look in Zuko's eyes as he took a seat. But not his seat.
He took his place in the spot reserved solely and only for the Firelord.
Jeeru's eyes widened and he didn't need to look around to know the tension had returned, with interest.
"Firelord Ozai is dead."
The words might as well have shattered the world for those in the room.
"The Firelord, slain?!" another spoke, rasiing to his feet in rage. "Who was the craven that slew our lord in our darkest day?!"
"Sit down, General Raso," Zuko ordered sternly. When he didn't, Zuko narrowed his scarred gaze. "Very well. Azula."
Jeeru had almost failed to remember the younger sister was still there.
She heeded the command without hesitation, walking around the table. Slowly, deleberately.
What was she doing? The question was in everyone's eyes. They half expected someone to be summarially executed.
Jeeru held his breath as the princess stopped behind him. She might have met his gaze, or she might have not looked at him at all. Regardless, she crouched between him and the officer to his right, unrolling a scroll and placing it on the table.
"Read, both of you."
The order was pointed and clipped, promising ill fortunes if they disobeyed.
Jeeru tore his eyes from the deadly hands of the princess and regarded the scroll with interest.
Understanding came first. It was a scroll from the Fire Sages, confirming the Firelrod's death.
But then he read the message in full, and in his disbeleif, he read it aloud.
"The Firelord was killed by...Lightningbending?!" Jeeru in exclaimed in shock.
Every general inhaled and started, some gaping at the implication. General Raso sat down in shock as they began to mutter among themselves.
Lightningbending was known to belong almost exclusively to the Royal Family.
Jeeru's first instinct was General Iroh. He had been in a cell and he had heard rumors of his escape, among other things. But something didn't add up. Why this little show? Traitor or not, there was no denying the power Iroh weilded. No one here would need convincing that Iroh had the ability to potentially surpass his brother.
No, Jeeru's instinct told him this was something else. But if not Iroh, the next canidate was Princess Azula. He knew only the stories of her, but nothing spelled of trechery. And if she had done the deed, why wasn't she sitting in the Firelord's spot? But if she hadn't, the third canidate...
...was sitting in the Firelord's seat.
Jeeru slowly, carefully turned his gaze to Zuko. So did some others, coming to the same conclusion.
The young man released a deep breath, and the flames behind him rose at his will, silencing the murmuring.
"I killed Firelord Ozai."
There was no muttering, no talking after that. Just numbness taking over and slowly fading away as they all began to comprehend what this meant.
"You...you dare to...!" someone said as he rose in rage. "You vile-"
"Are you threatening the Firelrod?"
Azula's voice cut through the room like a deadly, poisonous blade. The general that spoke looked to her in shock and disbelief. "Princess-"
"Yes, I am the Princess," Azula said as she stood at her full height, regarding the man as if he was an insect. "And my brother is the Firelord. So, if you are threatening him, that would be...what's that word again, Firelord Zuko?" Azula asked with a smirk, glancing his way.
"Treason, Azula, that would be treason," he answered, his own gaze on the man that was now shivering in fear. "I claim the title of Firelord by every right. I am the Firstborn, the Crown Prince, and I have defeated my father in combat. Does anyone here wish to dispute my claim?"
Jeeru knew the foolish general had already been cowed, but his attention was elsewhere. If there was anyone, it would be the Princess.
But Azula merely walked back, and took her place on the space to Zuko's side.
There would be no challenge today.
Jeeru cleared his throat. "Forgive us, Firelord Zuko. We are merely caught in shock by this. I'm sure many of us aren't sure to offer our apologies or congratulate you."
By the look of several men on the opposite side of the table, they were still debating accepting this. But with Azula not disputing anything, they had no alternative. THe Prince and Princess were famous for taking Ba Singe Se, and nearly slaying the Avatar. No small feats.
Others, however, were more intrigued. There were schemers no doubt, but some wanted to see just what this young man would do.
"I require neither of those, General Jeeru," Zuko answered. "What I need is my war council to begin."
A man only a few years older than Zuko stood up. "My Lord, I am Captain Onshu of the Home Fleet. Ignoring the invasion, we've recieved word that all of the homelands are fine. No attacks, no raids."
"How did they even get through the Gates of Azulon?" someone spoke up.
"A new invention, a vehicle that allows them to transport soldiers underwater," Azula informed bluntly. "Our engineers are studying them now."
There was some grumbles about that. Not everyone had been thrilled with the new "Air Force" addition to the Fire Nation's military, and the potential for an "underwater" division had about the same appeal to some from the old guard.
The flames rose again. Not enough to intimidate, merely to call for silence.
"The colonies have begun to report in. So far, there has been little to no problems," Zuko informed. "However, word of Ba Singe Se and several others have yet to arrive."
That worried most of them, it was obvious on everyone's face. Ba Singe Se was far away, and might be the last to report if all was well. If it wasn't...
"If I may, Firelord?" Jeeru addressed cautiosuly, getting a nod. "I only know the stories, so I must ask a question to you, Princess?"
Azula rose a sharp eyebrow. "And what would that be?"
"I know that our control of Ba Singe Se is aided by the Earthbenders called the Dai Li," he addressed carefully.
"And you are conscerned that they have turned on us, after they helped commit a coup while the Earth Kingdom was plotting a full scale invasion for the day of the Black Sun?" Azula asked dryly, celarly showing how absurd she thoguht the idea was.
"No, Princess. If you say they are loyal, I shall take you at your word,' Jeeru assured. "But I have never seen them fight. Nor have I had the pleasure of seeing Ba Singe Se in person. So I ask you, if the rest of the city were to rise against us, on the day our benders are robbed of their bending? Could they hold the city?"
"Ahh. An actually intellegent question," Azula said with shallow praise. "Yes, general. Each one is far ahead of the average Earthbending master. I have every confidence that the city is still in our control."
That satisfied some, but displeased others. The Dai Li, Earthbenders serving under the Fire Princess, that was a subject some had very mixed feelings about.
"For now, assume all is well, and we'll focus on what to do next," Zuko informed simply.
"What of Operation Phoenix?" another questioned.
The flames rose high, and this time it was definitely to intimidate.
"Let me be clear," Zuko said, and from this angle, it looked like sparks of flames might be coming from his mouth. "Operation Phoenix will never take place or be considered again. That madness died with my father."
Several fists clenched, others looked releived, but most just accepted the command for what it was. A command from the Firelord.
"Be that as it may, Firelord," the same one spoke. "What shall we do with the coming of Sozin's Comet?"
The flames lowered and Zuko obviously calmed at the subject change. "That will be decided next month, when things have settled and we know the state of everything."
Many were displeased by that lack of an answer, but Jeeru was content with it. This changed things. Caldera had been attacked, they had a new Firelord. The comet came once a century. It was best to plan how to use such a thing very carefully.
The meeting went on, filled with inane but important topics. And all the while, Azula watched them all with an impassive face, a far cry from her normal looks of confidence and sharp tongued comments.
Azula had learned that, if one had the right kind of neutral face, people will interpret the mask however they wish. And she could tell that some of the generals were reading her behavior as dissatisfied. That she was not content with her place. That she was accepting Zuko's rule, but only for now.
Traitors were easier to deal with when they advertised themselves. But not yet, no. They'd approach her in the near future. They'd appeal to her ego and pride, implying they would support her claim, while trying to be subtle about it.
All part of the plan.
Still, they couldn't weed them out too quickly. No, first Zuko needed to try to win them over himself.
Then, whoever remained disloyal...
She tried not to smirk as she glanced to her brother. Honor was important to him, more so than most others in their nation. So she'd be the good sister and deal with the dishonorable deeds.
After all, Ozai or Zuko, one thing hadn't changed.
Azula enjoyed getting her hands dirty.
End of Chapter
Had a bit of writer's block for this but ultimately got throguh it. Hope you all enjoyed this bit of politics, and me fleshing out the Fire Sages a bit. Azula is playing her A game to manipulate things, Zuko is thinking more and more like a Firelord, and the girls are running a prison errand.
I find I mainly use OCs in this fic to give a different point of view on things, to show how others are looking at the war and Zuko taking the throne instead of Azula. It helps convey the shock and how the fire siblings are manipulating potential traitors.
Anyway, that's it for now. Until next time!