Hey everyone!
This is the first fic I had started. You can check out my other work One Piece: Heather Strelitzia in my profile.
Before we get started, the first few chapters are a bit badly written (compared to the current chapter 27). However, the story and characters pick up after Chapter 8/9 so I'd ask you to stay patient until then.
Further, this page will serve as one for FAQs, important information and address any questions that you may have instead of answering the same questions in the A/Ns for individual chapters. Thus, expect regular updates here.
I have also made a Discord where you may find all updated related to the fic, ask questions and get early previews for the next chapters among some of the things. I hope to see you all there! The link is available on my profile.
If the link doesn't work, drop me a DM chaos#7844 and I'll send an invite your way.
Current Update Schedule
Monthly. Updates will be posted on Saturday's around 2230 hours (+5.5 UTC).
Q. What is the pairing? Will anyone else be involved?
A. Percy x Hestia x Artemis. Strictly.
No one else will be involved and no one-night stands or anything of the sort will take place. Further, no requests for change in pairing will be entertained. And for gods sake, no harem.
Q. Is the story going to cover all the book's and will there be any changes?
A. Yes, I will be covering all the books and there will be changes since the Percy here is much different than canon. There will be different quests and adventures for Percy which we're hammering out on lately.
Q. In most Myths, Orion and Artemis were friends while few others have them as lovers. In PJO canon they were friends, like the former, will it be the same?
A. Orion and Artemis will be ex-friends. Nothing more.
Q. Why isn't Percy using the points?
A. Percy is saving up on those points since it is fairly easy to level up right now due to lower XP requirements. Once it gets difficult to level up, those points can be used to provide a much needed power boost.
Q. Are you gonna maintain Percy's obliviousness when it comes to romance, especially now that he can physically see his bonds to other people?
A. Nope, he isn't going to be oblivious anymore but he won't become an expert right away. It would be something like him rejecting it than accept it to be true and live like that for a while before he starts picking up on the clues and eventually accepts things. It would be done properly and not rushed.
Q. Has Percy forgiven Poseidon?
A. Absolutely not. Percy may be acting cordial with him but that doesn't mean he has forgiven the god.