Chapter 1
Ties that Bind
It was July 31st, 1980 at St. Mungo's hospital and in the room of Lily Potter happy chaos ruled as the Potter Heir was born. A very happy James Potter was on the phone to his cousin Henry Peverell, "Henry, a boy, it's a boy, Harry James". "Henry, I need to ask you something very important, if anything should happen to Lil's or me, will you come straight and take Harry someplace safe and raise him for us"? James, what are you talking about, you, lily and little Harry are going to be just Henry just promise me, things are going from bad to worse. Ok, ok I promise mate, I will always be there for Harry. Thank you, Cousin, I hope there will never be a need for it, but I wanted to be sure to plan for any circumstances, I will send a portkey with an alarm should the worst happen. Please keep it on you at all times. One last thing, please take Sirius with you, he is Harry's Godfather and a Hit wizard like yourself and it would make Wormtail our betrayer!
Now, Henry Peverell was not your ordinary wizard. He believed in his craft instinctively and treated it as his religion. He strived to be honest and dangerous in equal parts tenacity and reverence to his noble cause, that being to emulate Merlin. He was an assistant de frappe or Hit Wizard, who worked freelance for the French Département des Mystères. He lived a solitary life, much like a chevalier, devoted to truth and justice, generally in that order of importance. His Manor was just outside of Toulon and sat on over 500 acres of pristine wilds, that had numerous magical entities, including Griffons, Unicorns, Abraxans and Wood Nymphs. His God-Parents were Nicholas & Perenelle Flammel and they doted on their charge like Grandparents. A bachelor, he was a good-looking man standing 6'3" and 95kg, a true paragon of French Aristocrates. So, that being the case his promise to his cousin James was more of a sacred duty than a simple pinky-swear, he believed it an honor and a privilege.
The new year came and he heard rumors of dark forces seeking out the Potter's and he began to intensely search out any information on the perpetrators and the best way to dissuade them from their goal. The middle of March, Henry came across a safehouse for DE's and decided to persuade them of their wrong doings, he disposed of 10 and left the last one as a reminder that it was not a very good idea to continue their plan against the Potter's. If he had known about the prophesy, he would have taken a different approach, mainly killing any DE's he could find. About a month later, a group of DE's managed to find his general location and sent twenty brethren there to teach him a lesson. Chester, a golden Alpha Dragon, oh, I guess I forgot to tell you about Henry's familiar, he found the egg as a child and with Nick's help hatched and Chester bonded immediately with Henry, think Norbert, only about 5 times larger. Anyway, as you can imagine, Chester didn't like anyone trying to harm is bonded and ended that threat in a manner of minutes, needless to say DE's stayed far away from his lands after that.