The final chapter in this fic and the journey it took to get here.

I really can't believe that we're finally here after so long. Sometimes, it feels like only yesterday that I started writing this story! Or first began to think of it...

Both Loki and Frigga's words stuck with Óðinn after their argument in the king's study, and he even woke in the middle of the night to his youngest's statement ringing through his mind.

"Hmm, for you to inform him he is free and that you will restore his All-Sight to him once more. Such was his self-righteousness and belief in what he did."

Surely, it could not be possible?

Nay, Heimdallr could not truly think thus. Could he?

Óðinn wished to be certain, but how could he given what Heimdallr had elected to do? Nor could Óðinn forget that particular moment and all of the horror he had felt watching Höfuð swing at what he had thought was Loki's neck. He was certain he would never forget it, no matter how long he still lived.

Given all of that, he found it difficult to believe his youngest's words, but Frigga's own about trusting their son refused to allow him to push them aside either. Thus, here he was, descending down into the dungeons to speak with his old gatekeeper and the would-be assassin of his youngest.

The closer he came to his destination, the greater Óðinn's rage, and he knew he would need to have privacy for this particular discussion.

"Your Majesty!" one of the guards exclaimed as he reached their command center. "We did not know you were coming."

"'Twas not planned," Óðinn replied. "I will see Heimdallr, but do not wish to be overheard. Mute all of the cells along the main corridor."

"Of course, as you wish. Would you like an escort?"

"Nay, that will not be necessary."

Though he did not come down here much anymore, he had spent a fair amount of time both delivering and retrieving prisoners from these dungeons during his time as crown prince. Nothing significant had changed since then.

The walk to Heimdallr's cell was quick and blissfully quiet due to the muting of the cells. Otherwise, Óðinn knew it would have been quite loud, since all of the prisoners rose and moved to the front of their cells to jeer and shout once they caught sight of him. The cells immediately around Heimdallr's were both empty as the other traitors had already been escorted to their work duties for the day. 'Twas an interesting punishment, and one he would need to think on further.

"My King," Heimdallr greeted, rising and bowing immediately upon catching sight of him.

Óðinn had a bad moment when he met those brown eyes with his own, but then it passed. Of course, the removal of the All-Sight would have left a visible effect. He had simply not thought of precisely how that might manifest itself.

"Heimdallr," Óðinn replied, neutrally.

He had come here wishing to have Loki proven wrong, but already it seemed unlikely for his former gatekeeper had greeted him far more properly than Lieutenant-General Yngvarr had said Heimdallr had Loki upon first encountering him after he had become regent.

"I am pleased to see you well and recovered," Heimdallr stated, glancing at Gungnir. "And restored to your rightful place."

"You speak as if I might not have been," Óðinn replied, shifting Gungnir to make clear of what he spoke.

"We feared Loki might take actions to prevent it."

And there 'twas, proof of precisely how Heimdallr viewed his youngest. Cold rage washed through Óðinn, and he felt his face harden.

"You speak as if you think my own son would move against me," Óðinn forced his voice to remain calm.

For now.

"He usurped Hliðskjálf," Heimdallr responded, seemingly oblivious to the signs of anger Óðinn knew he was not hiding well.

"Nay, he did not!" Óðinn snapped.

He had not intended to rouse his anger so soon, but the absurdity of Heimdallr's words broke his restraint.

"I placed Loki into the line of succession," he continued.

Aye, truthfully, he had never expected his youngest to sit on Hliðskjálf and the mere possibility had not even occurred to him until well after he had banished Thor, but 'twas not for one such as the gatekeeper of the Bifröst to question his decisions!

"He let the frost giants into Ásgarðr," Heimdallr replied. "He broke your trust and tried to steal Hliðskjálf from Thor."

The words were almost identical to those which had been uttered at Heimdallr's trial, and Óðinn wondered at how the former gatekeeper thought he would respond to them any differently than Loki.

"Such was his self-righteousness and belief in what he did."

Did Heimdallr truly believe Óðinn would overlook the attempted assassination of his son? For what? The goodwill of an Einherjar who had already proven himself to be both arrogant and traitorous?

"Do you have any proof of your claims?" Óðinn demanded, before continuing when Heimdallr opened his mouth. "Beyond those already stated at your trial?"

"Your Majesty?" Heimdallr questioned, looking baffled.

The surprise caught Óðinn off-guard.

"What?" he demanded.

"You would allow the trial to stand?"

Allow it to stand? Why would he not all-

"You think I would overturn Loki's justice outright," Óðinn realized.

So, not only had his son been right, but, if anything, Loki had been softening his predictions.

Guilt flashed through Óðinn that even with that, he had been unwilling to believe his son. Even with his best intentions to learn and treat Loki differently, he had utterly failed. Clearly, he would have to do more if he were truly to fix his relationship with his youngest.

Mayhap Frigga had been right to suggest he make their son an official advisor. It would force him to pay more heed to Loki's words.

"His actions were unjust," Heimdallr responded, still remaining confused.

"I may not have seen all in my sleep this time," Óðinn began. "But I did witness you attempt to behead my son and you would claim his actions unjust?"

"I was performing my sworn du-"

"Nay! You are sworn to protect and defend Ásgarðr and its king, not to assassinate him," Óðinn thundered. "Your actions were a betrayal not only of your own lack of honor, but of all the trust both I and General Týr had placed in you!"

"My King-"

"Me, but not Loki."

"I thought only of Ásgarðr."

"Nay, I rather think Loki was correct," Óðinn countered. "You thought only of yourself."

"He has ensorcelled you as he has Thor."

Shock silenced Óðinn's tongue for a few moments.


"You attempted to kill my son and think me ensorcelled when I will not overlook your actions?" Óðinn demanded in pure disbelief.

Was this truly how Loki was seen and treated by some?

Óðinn knew his son had earned himself a reputation for his lies, but he had not realized it had grown to such an extent others, like Heimdallr, would believe this more likely than the truth.

Horror unfurled within him as he realized precisely how disastrously events might have unfolded had any on the High Council thought as Heimdallr did. They might have had civil war or an actual usurpation of Hliðskjálf!

"Well, I do disagree with Loki on one point," Óðinn declared when he could speak once more. "And that is the severity of your punishment."

The brief hope which Óðinn saw flash in Heimdallr's eyes only served to infuriate him even further.

"I would have taken your head!" he declared forcefully. "And I still might."

Indeed, Óðinn rather felt like ordering the change immediately. Only his earlier promise to listen to his son more stayed his tongue now. If there was one thing he knew of Loki, 'twas that his youngest oft felt the need to extract more vengeance than a situation called for, not less. Therefore, while Óðinn did not think there was such a thing as too much punishment for Heimdallr's transgression, it did make him wonder if he were not missing an important element of Loki's chosen punishment.

He would need to inquire after it ere altering his son's sentence.

Dismay and horror were starting to creep into Heimdallr's expression, but 'twas still dominated by confusion and shock. It made Óðinn feel disgust to think any words on his part might have allowed the former gatekeeper to think his actions might ever have been deemed either acceptable or justified.

"My son, Heimdallr! My son!" Óðinn roared. "How, by the Norns, could you possibly think I would approve of that?"

The continued shock on the former gatekeeper's face was too much for Óðinn and he turned away, to leave. A whisper of sound from behind him when he had reached the end of the next cell, made him turn back and he was startled to find Loki standing in front of Heimdallr's cell.

His son wore simple leather trousers and a plain green tunic, with his hair pulled back into a short tail. All this, Óðinn noticed in an instant as his attention was caught and captured by the expression on his son's face. It mirrored the surprise on Heimdallr's own, but 'twas rapidly being replaced by satisfaction and triumph, and Óðinn's heart sank as he realized Ásgarðr's former gatekeeper had not been the only one to think he would release Heimdallr from his punishment.

What had he ever done to make Loki think him so indifferent to him?

"You must think me a tremendously powerful seiðmadr, Heimdallr," Loki said. "To believe I could ensorcell the king of Ásgarðr despite all of the protections to prevent precisely that."

"You are a tricky, sneaky coward who is-" Heimdallr began, but was cut off as Loki reached out to mute his cell.

"What is that?" Loki questioned, raising a hand to his ear. "I cannot hear you."

Óðinn snorted, making Loki glance at him with a large smile, though it quickly faded to a more sober expression. He mirrored it immediately. It had been far too long since he had seen his youngest smile so freely, and he could not believe he had failed to notice its absence at the time.

"Father," Loki said, walking towards him.

"Loki," Óðinn replied, staying where he was so they would not become a spectacle for any of the prisoners. "Invisibility?"

Loki shrugged. "I did not wish to interfere."

Unlikely after what he had seen on his son's face earlier, and Heimdallr's own conviction. Nay, his son had been here to see if Óðinn did as they both clearly thought he would.

"How did you know I was down here?" Óðinn asked, instead.

"I had a warning," Loki replied without actually saying how.

Ordinarily, Óðinn would not allow the evasion, but the answer was actually far less important to him than another one, and he did not wish to antagonize his youngest. Not after he had proven himself so well to Loki just now, as he knew he had nothing to regret about how he had interacted with Heimdallr.

"And how did you come to be down here so quickly?" Óðinn questioned. "Do the wards truly allow for teleportation?"

It would be a great weakness if they did. The dungeons should not be so easily accessible.

"Only because you marked me a member of the royal family to the wards," Loki replied. "Otherwise, I would not be able to do so."

That was a relief but raised another issue and Óðinn stepped closer to raise his free hand to cup the side of his son's neck, as he had witnessed Thor doing so oft over the centuries.

"Loki," Óðinn intoned gravely, ensuring he had his son's complete attention. "You are a member of the royal family."

His youngest swallowed even as Loki's eyes studied his own, clearly looking for something. Whatever 'twas, Loki seemed to find it as he inclined his head. Óðinn felt certain there was something more he should say or do, but he did not know what. Instead, he stepped back so the situation would not become awkward.

"Why did you not?" Loki asked as they walked down the corridor, side by side.

"Why did I not what?" Óðinn queried.

"Alter Heimdallr's punishment if you thought it too mild?"

"Ah, I wished to have words with you on it, and know why you chose to merely imprison him for life."

"He was highly respected and well known," Loki began, and Óðinn felt his anger rise once more.

"You did not feel you could have him executed?" he demanded.

Loki rose a single eyebrow. "As the unpopular second son no one, including yourself, had ever expected to see on Hliðskjálf? Nay, of course not."

The words were delivered in a very matter of fact way, with no emotion, and they made Óðinn pause.

"I watched the holo footage of the trial," he eventually replied. "You could have done it."

The fact he had to rely on that proved his son's fears in a way, and Óðinn would need to speak with Lord Ragnvaldr on the issue and see whether they had to implement any changes. Mayhap, though, they were no longer necessary after the way Loki had proven himself before all, but he would not simply assume so. Not after what he had just heard from Heimdallr.

"Potentially," Loki admitted. "It would have been a risk, however, and I already had an alternative plan."

"His imprisonment?"


The wicked smile which crossed his son's face then, unnerved Óðinn for a moment, but he forced himself to recall how similar 'twas to Frigga's when she was pleased at how someone who had dared cross a line was punished.

He still failed to understand how this was worse than a public execution.

"Explain it to me," he requested, stopping so Loki would be forced to do likewise and face him. "Why is this better?"

Loki hesitated for a moment, making Óðinn recollect all of the times he had felt his youngest had taken his vengeance too far and had punished him accordingly.

Did his son truly still feel he would not side with him after what Loki had witnessed?

"Heimdallr has always had his All-Sight," Loki began. "He was born with it."

"Aye," Óðinn encouraged. "'Tis, or 'twas, his gift."

"Ergo, he is used to seeing and hearing all he chooses to. By keeping him alive after he has been stripped of it, I ensured he would be locked in a cage which would be all he could see for the rest of his life. And all he could hear was that which came to him."

The full implications still took a moment longer to come to Óðinn as 'twas not something he would ever have thought of himself, but as soon as it did, he understood it perfectly. The isolation was difficult for any to bear, but for Heimdallr, it would be infinitely more so due to his previous ability to see all at will.

To be restricted to so little after having had so much...

Óðinn could now understand the hint of desperation he had seen in Heimdallr's eyes when the man had realized Óðinn would not reverse Loki's punishment.

"He will go mad," Óðinn commented.

"Potentially," Loki allowed. "He will also die ignobly, likely forgotten by almost all when the time eventually comes."

But not by his son or any of the rest of the family. Of that, Óðinn was absolutely certain. Some of the desire he had possessed to watch Heimdallr's head roll abated, though not entirely. While Loki's punishment was truly something to be feared, it would take far longer for its true effects to be felt, and Óðinn wished for his rage and need for vengeance to be sated now.

Much as Heimdallr had betrayed him, though, the former gatekeeper's crime had been mainly directed at his son, and so the choice should be Loki's.

"And this is your preference?" Óðinn checked.


Óðinn inclined his head and commenced walking once more. "Then it will be so."

The surprise on the guards' faces as they passed amused Óðinn and he could understand why his youngest might enjoy provoking others thus.

"Your Majesty, Sire," the guards all bowed as they passed.

Interesting, there was that new form of address for Loki once more. Sire. He would need to think on it.

The urge to head out to Himinbjörg was not one Loki fully understood, but he supposed it had something to do with Loptr and all his temporal twin had told him. For, as bad as things had become for him, he knew 'twas nothing on what his former self had experienced; a thought which still made him shudder to think of even now. As such, he had collected some dried flowers he had procured on Álfheimr, a fresh cluster of jojo berries, and a focusing crystal from his chambers.

Past, present and future.

While not the perfect gifts for the Norns, they were genuine ones which had come from him and were not merely an ostentatious display of either his wealth or power. 'Twas what most of his studies had indicated were the more appropriate offerings for the exalted Three Ladies.

The ride through the city was quick enough as 'twas rapidly approaching the dinner hour and most were inside. His mare easily ate up the distance of the rainbow bridge, slowing at Himinbjörg. Dismounting, Loki gave her nose a stroke as she nudged him.

"Not until we get back," Loki said, knowing she was looking for a treat.

She snorted but lowered herself to the bridge as Loki entered Himinbjörg.

"Sire," Höðr greeted, clearly pleased with himself.

Loki shook his head, lips curling upwards slightly. No doubt, his old guard had witnessed his bemusement and confusion with the new title Lieutenant-General Yngvarr had bestowed upon him.

"Höðr," he replied.

"Where would you like to go?" Höðr asked, moving towards the Bifröst activation mechanism.

"I am not here for the Bifröst today," Loki said. "I have a more exotic purpose."

'Twas a word they had oft used to refer to his seiðr practice after Höðr had first thought of it to deflect an inquiry of Thor's. It had been when Loki had first started being able to truly trust Höðr, as most would not have done so, instead allowing his brother to censor him for his continued study of seiðr.

"A gift for the Three Ladies?" Höðr asked, seeing what Loki held.

"Hmm," he confirmed, impressed, though he supposed Höðr now knew what most of the Nine offered them. "What can you see now, beyond the mundane?"

'Twas not something Loki had thought to ask the new gatekeeper before, but he was not one to allow so perfect an opportunity to pass him by.

"Not the Three Ladies," Höðr replied, eyes going distant. "However, there is much which moves through the Nine unseen my most."

"Of that, I am not surprised. What of beyond the Nine? Can you see there?"

"I am learning to, but 'tis more difficult."

"Did Heimdallr speak with you at all after the trial?" Loki inquired, recalling the request he had received through General Týr.

Loki had approved it as he had seen no harm in allowing Höðr to attempt to have words with the old Bifröst gatekeeper.

"Nay, or at least nothing worth hearing."

Of that, Loki was not surprised, the angry undertone informing him of what Höðr did not explicitly say.

"What are you attempting?" he asked. "When seeking to look beyond the Nine?"

"I have found focusing on a planet seems to guide my gift, allowing me to... enhance my view of it to the same extent I can see within the Nine."

Intriguing, only-

"What of the Void?" Loki questioned.

Höðr glanced at him, brow furrowing. The man still clearly knew him well enough to read him when he was not deliberately attempting to deceive. "You fear the Void, my Prince?"

"Premonitions and visions of the future are oft fleeting, ephemeral, deceptive, or all three," Loki replied, glancing back at the Void as he stepped to the edge of Himinbjörg. "But, aye, I fear the Void and what it may bring."

'Twas as close as he could come to speaking of what he knew, but Loki was rather pleased with how he had managed it. Höðr knew him and his seiðr well enough to heed his warning, yet he did not know enough of seiðr to question how he had come by the knowledge. Or know of what it could imply.

Loki used the pensive silence to cast his offerings into the Void. 'Twas much debated how to properly ensure tribute reached the Three Ladies, but even then, this was an unconventional method, he knew. Still, something felt right about it, and he was neither brave nor stupid enough to make use of the one certain method at his disposal of reaching them. The roots of the Yggdrasill were one place he had not ventured while exploring the World Tree.

"Are you feeling better, my Prince?" Höðr asked, after a moment or two of silence.

"Hmm, thank you," Loki replied, looking from the Void to his old guard as he stepped back.

"Good, then I have a confession to make."

"A confession?" Loki questioned, amused and intrigued. "What do you have to confess, Höðr?"

The man hesitated for a moment and Loki tilted his head to one side as he studied him, quite curious now.

"The day you collapsed in the vault..." Höðr began, trailing off as Loki went dead still.

He did not need Höðr to continue, not given what the gatekeeper had already said. He had feared this possibility when he had first regained consciousness in the vault immediately afterward. But that was all quite long ago now.

"Why did you not say anything then?" Loki asked, genuinely interested as he forced himself to relax.

Höðr would not harm him, and to react as if he would, was an insult to the man who had saved his life.

The gatekeeper gave a small shrug. "At first, I assumed 'twas an effect of how you were using the Casket of Ancient Winters. I had not been watching before the flash of seiðr, and you did say it got along quite well with the Óðinnforce."

Hmm, not even remotely correct, but Loki could see how it would occur to someone as aware of his shapeshifting abilities as Höðr was. The thought brought back some rather memorable moments, which only served to relax him further. Still, he was intrigued.

"And after?"

"Your conversation with Queen Frigga the following morning made the truth quite clear," Höðr replied.

Hmm, aye, Loki realized it rather would have. Especially, the part of his not having been aware of it until recently.

"And 'twas enough for you?" Loki could not help but ask.

After everything else which had happened recently, he did not think he was unreasonable to wonder at it.

"Who am I to question King Óðinn's decision?" Höðr responded, ere his gaze softened. "Besides, I know you, Sire, and though you may not always show or say it, I know you love Ásgarðr and her people. They were always safe in your hands, tempted though you may have been to pull a trick or two."

Loki laughed at the latter before he glanced down. 'Twas true, all of it, and proved precisely how well Höðr truly knew him. He wondered if it would still be the case if the man had been around the past few centuries, but it hardly mattered now.

Glancing back up, Loki gave Höðr a genuine smile. "Thank you."

"If I may be so bold as to enquire, was this part of why Heimdallr and the others betrayed you?"

Loki snorted, face hardening. "Nay, nothing so concrete. Besides, you heard them at their trials, do you truly believe they would not have taken the opportunity to inform all of Ásgarðr if they had known?"

"Nay, I suppose not."

"I believe you will find 'twas nothing more so complex as arrogance and self-righteousness," Loki replied, ere he paused. "Well, and a hefty dose of personal dislike for me."

"More fool them," Höðr stated.

"There are not many who would say that," Loki responded, calmly.

This was not a danger to his core as 'twas a fact he knew well, and long since had.

"Ah, once mayhap, aye, but now you have been king and safeguarded Ásgarðr from war," Höðr replied. "I believe you will find much has changed as a result."

Loki smiled once more. "You are no longer my guard, Höðr, you need not to keep such a close watch over me anymore."

"Is it not also the duty of the gatekeeper to help ensure the safety of the royal family?"

Clearly, he was not going to win this argument without some effort, and, surprisingly, Loki found he did not care to apply it. If Höðr wished to check on his status among the people after his old guard had completed his other duties, then it would only benefit him. He was simply not used to thinking of the Bifröst's guardian as an ally.

"Hmm. And what of the warriors?" Loki asked, instead. "What say they?"

"Their words are not far different from those of the rest of Ásgarðr."

"Truly?" Loki had not expected that at all. "Even though I prevented their chance at true battle and diverted the King's Funds away from the military applications Father elected to fund?"

"It would appear news of both Fandral and Volstagg's injuries spread, and, now, most believe your recent illness was also obtained on Jötunheimr."

"Not entirely inaccurate," Loki mused. "This has made them more apprehensive about it?"

"It has instilled a note of caution and wariness which may not have been there before, making most less reckless about desiring a true war."

Loki supposed he could understand it. Despite all else, both Fandral and Volstagg were formidable warriors, so if the jötnar had managed to injure them, then it would make many others pause to reflect on their own chances of being injured, or even killed.

"As for the King's Funds, it would seem word has spread about the dire need of some of the alternative applicants."

Now that was interesting, and Loki wondered exactly who he had to thank for it. He could see it being either of his uncles or Lord Ragnvaldr.

Or Lieutenant-General Yngvarr.

He was not someone Loki would have thought of as a possibility before but, after everything which had happened in the healing gardens, he would not put it past the man. 'Twas something he would need to consider more carefully.

"Thank you for informing me of this, Höðr," Loki replied.

He could not help but glance back towards the Void as he stepped out of Himinbjörg and back to his mare. Everything which Loptr had told him of what would have happened had he fallen into it still haunted him and Loki knew that, on some level, it always would. Thus was the curse of having altered the timeline, but he had no regrets. His actions may have been illegal and forbidden, but they had been necessary.

As for Thanos and all the Mad Titan's plans, well, Loki hoped he would be able to thwart those as successfully as he had his own dark destiny. At least now, he had the time to attempt such a feat.

The End.

I just had to write that out as it's so unbelievable to me that I'm finally here, posting the last chapter of this fic. I can still remember starting it for NaNoWriMo 2017! Or finishing it at the end of 2020. I always had a general idea of how long it would take to post given the number of chapters, but that's definitely been a journey all of its own. One that's finally come to an end, and I can hardly believe it!

I'd like to say a massive thank you to all of my lovely readers, especially those of you who have left likes and reviews, they've been greatly appreciated, and I can't believe the stats this fic has achieved! We're over 750,000 unique views! And the reviews & likes!

As for the amazing artists that have done art of the fic, you're unbelievable and I love each and every one of them. If anyone missed any, there's a masterlist on my blog, so go view them!

Old Norse:

Höfuð - "man-head" - Heimdallr's sword

Himinbjörg - Heimdallr's home and where he dwells as watchman & also where the Bifröst meets heaven

Hliðskjálf - the high seat of Óðinn allowing him to see into all realms - i.e. Óðinn's throne

seiðr - witchcraft, sorcery / a type of sorcery practiced in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age - i.e. magic

seiðmadr - a combination of seiðr ("witchcraft") + maðr ("man") - i.e. wizard/sorcerer/mage

jötnar - "frost giants"

What's up next?

A lot of you know that I've been talking about a sequel to this fic; Aria of Jötunheimr. I'd hoped to have it fully finished by the time I finished posting this fic, but alas, I'm not quite there yet. Therefore, both it and the standalone prequel I've found myself working on will both be my focus for this year's NaNoWriMo.

I couldn't tell you which one will be done first, but as soon as one is (and I'm happy with the editing), I will start posting it here, marked as part Song of the Yggdrasill series. So, follow me if you want an email notification when it happens.

For updates on how things are coming along, keep an eye on my blog, as I will be posting updates there. And I have already posted about the progress and details of both fics there, so have a look if you're desperate for details!

Thanks again for coming on this journey with me!