A.N./Disclaimer: Most of the characters and the original plot belong to J.K. Rowling. I do not own them. Neither am I profiting from this nor do I plan to commercialize it. I am writing for fun.
Author's Notes:
This story is canon upto the happenings in the Chamber of Secrets. After that, it diverges from canon. The story will eventually lead to H/Hr. However, I do not plan on making them a couple before 4th or 5th year. I am not a fan of Dumbledore or certain Weasleys. Their bashing is to be expected. However, it will not be over the top bashing.
This is my first fanfic. Please R&R. I will try to update the story every 3-4 days, if possible.
Chapter 1
June 11, 1993
Hospital Wing, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
8:15 P.M.
Harry Potter, a scrawny, little twelve-year old lay on 'Harry's Bed' in the hospital wing of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Madam Pomfrey, the in-house medi-witch was fussing over him.
"I do not understand what made you take on a thousand-year basilisk on your own! Do not get me started with why the school was still on in the first place. The headmaster had been advised by everyone that the school needs to be shut down until the threat was eliminated', ranted Madam Pomfrey. "How are you feeling? And before you say, 'I'm fine', let me tell you that I won't take it for an answer. The basilisk got you with its fang. You have basilisk venom in your body and the only reason you are alive is because Fawkes' tears are counteracting the effects of the venom. Tell me, Mr. Potter, how are you feeling?"
"I have been better, Madam Pomfrey. I won't lie, I will feel better if I get some rest. May I ask a question if you do not mind?" said Harry.
"Sure, Mr. Potter. Ask away. As long as you do not ask me why I shall be keeping you overnight, I will answer it."
"Oh, no. I would prefer staying here for the night. I do not have the energy to walk back to the Gryffindor tower. Merlin forbid, if I passed out on my way there, it might cause you more trouble. I, for one, do not wish to give you any more trouble." It was a half-truth. Harry did not want to say the actual reason he wished to stay in the hospital wing. His mind went back to the silent mental conversation he had had with Adrian, the Sorting Hat, in Headmaster Dumbledore's office that evening.
Lucius Malfoy and Albus Dumbledore were caught up in a conversation regarding the recent dangers in the school. Harry Potter was distracted for the moment. His eyes were fixated on the beautiful sword that he had laid in front of the Headmaster.
'Hello Mr. Potter, please do not act alarmed. I am Adrian, the Sorting Hat. This is a mental conversation that must stay private between the two of us. You can reply to me by thinking your response. Shall we proceed?', said a voice Harry had heard during his sorting.
'Hello Adrian. I did not think this was possible, but this is so cool. Am I to assume when you say private, it has to be private from Headmaster as well?', replied Harry.
'Yes, Mr. Potter. This must be kept a secret from the Headmaster for the foreseeable future. However, I must warn you, the Headmaster is a Master Legilimens, and so is Potions Master Severus Snape. Therefore, unless you learn the art of Occlumency, please refrain from looking into their eyes. They can look into your thoughts and memories without your knowledge if you are not an Occlumens.', said Adrian.
'Alright, Adrian. I will do as you say. However, how can I learn the art of Occlumency? This sounds very useful. I do not want anybody to go through my memories.'
'Mr. Potter, you can look for books on Mind Arts. You may not find any in the Isles of Britannia, however, with the help of goblin friends, you might be able to get your hands on one from somewhere abroad. Though, if I am correct in assuming the outcome of our conversation, you might not need to purchase the books. I have but a small request to pass onto you from someone very important to you. They would like you to spend the night under Madam Pomfrey's care in the Hospital Wing. Before you ask, I cannot say who it is, but I can guarantee you it wasn't someone presently in the castle. I will talk to you soon, Mr. Potter. Remember, do not look into his eyes and spend your night at the Hospital Wing.'
'Thank you, Adrian. I will do as you say' said Harry.
"Good. I do not need to talk sense into you then.", said Madam Pomfrey. "Now what was your question, Mr. Potter?"
"May I know when the Restoration Draught will be ready, Madam Pomfrey? I miss Hermione and wish she was back", muttered Harry.
"The Restoration Draught will be ready in a week, Mr. Potter. Your friend, Miss Granger, will be back then. I will do everything in my power to bring her back. Now if there is nothing else, I would recommend you get some sleep", said the medi-witch.
"Thank you", said Harry and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over. He was confused why he needed to stay in the Hospital Wing as nothing out of the ordinary had happened yet. Not wondering any longer, he let his sleep take over.
Harry came back to his senses. He felt something cold and soft under him, but it wasn't his bed. Opening his eyes, he took in his surroundings. He was lying on a field covered with grass and different types of trees. The only building in sight was a magnificent gray castle. The castle was beautiful. It wasn't as big as Hogwarts, but it looked grand. Standing up, he admired the castle with awe.
"Hello there, young one. We meet at last,", came a deep voice from behind him.
Turning around, he saw a man and a woman walking towards him. The man was burly and carried himself like a warrior. He had reddish brown hair and beard. The peculiar thing though was how the man was dressed. His clothes looked something out of a wardrobe that was in use a thousand years ago. The woman was beautiful and carried herself with a grace of a noble lady. She was dressed in a silver gown and had a far-away look in her eyes.
"Er,..hello. Do I know you? How do you know me? What is this place?", asked a confused Harry.
"Really? Who am I? How do I know you? I thought you would have been able to guess it by now,", replied the man. Turning to the woman, he asked, "Care to explain him, my lady?"
The woman turned to the man and replied in a singsong voice, "No wonder he wasn't a Ravenclaw, dear. Though he could have been. I sense a lot of wrongs within the boy. He needs to be looked after by a goblin healer soon." Turning to Harry, she said, "In case you were wondering, remember what the current Headmaster said regarding the sword you pulled out of Adrian?"
Harry recalled, "Only a true Gryffindor can call for it in the time of need."
"What the Headmaster doesn't know or doesn't want you to know is that only a descendant of Gryffindor can call for the sword. Not just any Gryffindor. I know this because I enchanted the sword with the help of goblins to do so, young Harry", said the woman.
"So that means, that means, you are Godric Gryffindor, aren't you? I am your descendant. However, if that was true, why would Adrian, the Sorting Hat, suggest me Slytherin?", asked Harry.
"It is for multiple reasons which we will address soon. However, one of the reasons might be that Adrian saw a cunning and ambitious side of you that you did not know you had. Adrian has never been wrong in his sorting, at least not until your current Headmaster took charge, anyway", replied Godric. He continued, "Let me introduce to my wife, Lady Rowena Ravenclaw. She has been very worried about you ever since you stepped into the castle."
"Hello, Lady Ravenclaw, Lord Gryffindor. I did not know you were my ancestors", said Harry with a subtle bow.
"Relax young one, you can call us Grandpa Godric and Grandma Rowena. Or just Grandpa and Grandma. However, you are yet to interact with many of your ancestors who will ask you to do the same, which is why we ask you to address us by Grandpa Godric and Grandma Rowena", said Godric.
"Now before we go further, let us address the main reason you are here and why Adrian had to ask you to remain in the Hospital Wing", said Rowena. "You see, when you entered the castle for the first time, we knew our heir had returned. When we were watching you, we were very displeased to learn that you were not educated of the ways a man of your station should have. Looking at you now, there are multiple things wrong. For one, you are very small for your age. Secondly, your scar, it reeks of dark magic. Third, your wand is not a perfect match. It is a good enough match but not the perfect match. Once you get rid of the dark magic in your scar, your wand will not be able to hold up any powerful casting. However, we would suggest not to get rid of the wand. Instead, hold onto it as one of your spares. You never know when it may come handy. You also have several core bindings that need to be removed. Here's what we would suggest. Once you wake up, call for that elf-friend of yours you rescued today. You might not know this, but Dobby has bound himself to you to honor your help in rescuing him from an abusive household."
"Wow, I never thought there might be so many things wrong. Is that why Dobby helped me when Lucius Malfoy attacked me? Sorry for interrupting", muttered Harry.
"Yes, dear. That was why he helped you. He was protecting his master. It's alright. You need not apologize", said Rowena with a soft voice. She continued, "Now as I was saying, call for him and write a letter to the chief goblin, Director Ragnok. Tell him that you have some grave concerns about your account manager. Never mind. We are running out of time. When you wake up, you'll find a note in your pocket. Use the content and address a letter to Director Ragnok. We will meet you son, grandson. We hope that the next time we meet, you will be in a much better condition. Look after my young ravens, my dear. Many of them have strayed away from their paths. Guide them if possible."
"Farewell, young Harry. Keep the name of my house high and respect the other houses where and when due", said Godric.
"Goodbye, Grandpa, Grandma. I hope to see you soon. I will work on that letter as soon as I wake up", said a teary-eyed Harry.
Waking up, Harry was confused. He found himself back in the infirmary. He remembered having a vivid dream about a conversation with Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw. The weird part was that they claimed to be his ancestors. He was even more confused when we recalled the end of the conversation. Rowena Ravenclaw had asked him to look for a note in his pocket. Out of curiosity, he checked his trouser pockets and to his surprise, he found a parchment in his right pocket. Opening the parchment, he saw a letter addressed to him. It was written in an elegant handwriting.
Dear young Harry,
You might think you had a dream. In a way, it was a dream. However, the conversation we had wasn't just a dream. It is a true incident and it is now time to act on it. Do not mention the contents of the letter to anyone but for Director Ragnok. Use your elf-friend to send him the letter with the content below.
'Director Ragnok,
Let me first apologize to you that I had to bring this to your attention. I know you have a busy schedule; however, this must be addressed at the earliest before any other mishaps occur. Last night, when I went to sleep, I had a vivid dream where I had a conversation with Lord Godric Gryffindor and Lady Rowena Ravenclaw, my ancestors. This was the first and the only conversation I have had with any of my ancestors till date. I am writing to you to discuss about an anomaly which was brought up during the said conversation.
Lady Ravenclaw pointed out that being the last and the only surviving descendant of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, I should have received a summons for the reading of my parents' will on my eleventh birthday. I did not receive any summons. When I had been to the bank with Mr. Rubeus Hagrid, we were handled by Teller Griphook and I was never taken or introduced to whoever happens to be my Account Manager at Gringotts. I did not even know I had a vault, nor did I have the key for it. It was handed to the Teller by Mr. Hagrid who was carrying it upon the request of Headmaster Dumbledore. Therefore, I would request for an appointment at your earliest convenience. I would also like to request for an appointment with goblin healers in a time chamber after an inheritance and blood test. Please, let me know when this can be arranged. I would request you to send the letter of my appointment to Deputy Headmistress McGonagall and request her to arrange my visit at your esteemed bank without the interference of the Headmaster. If I may be bold for a moment, I would also like to request that you send a portkey with the letter in order to avoid unnecessary spotting at Diagon Alley which will result in the Headmaster getting to know of our meeting.
I look forward to meeting you.
May your coffers fill with gold and your enemies crumble.
Yours faithfully,
Harry James Potter'
Send the letter to Director Ragnok. Request your elf-friend to get a reply from him for you if he wishes to contact you prior to sending your Deputy Headmistress of the appointment. Do not speak of it to anyone, neither your friends nor your professors regarding the letter you are about to send to the Director. Take his advice but be smart about it. You will discover the reasons behind it soon enough.
Take care, dear heir. Once you are done with your meeting, you will find ways to contact us.
Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor.
Rolling the parchment, he placed it back into his pocket. He decided to call for Dobby once he was out of the infirmary. Reaching for his wand, he cast Tempus charm. He noted that it was 6:30 in the morning. He waited patiently for Madam Pomfrey to scan him and clear him to leave the bed. He looked longingly towards his best friend, Hermione. She had been petrified two weeks ago. She would not be able to leave for another week. He missed her. Looking at her, all he could think of was how far away their friendship had come since the Halloween the previous school year. They might not have been good friends prior to the troll incident but they were great friends now. She helped him with his classes and assignments. He recalled how he had sat beside her everyday recounting the day's events, despite Madam Pomfrey's consistent reminder that Hermione will not be able to hear anything. He carried on with his daily visit as he felt it was something she would have done had the situation been reversed. So lost he was in his musing that he did not notice Madam Pomfrey standing near his bed ready to perform her scans.
"Good morning, Mr. Potter. How do you feel?", asked the medi-witch.
Snapping out of his trance, Harry turned towards the matron and replied, "Good morning, Madam Pomfrey. I feel much better than yesterday."
Waving her wand over him, she replied, "Good. You are better than you were last night. I would suggest you take it easy for the day and perform minimal magic. You should be fit come tomorrow. You can leave now if you wish. Else, if you want to join your classmates after breakfast, I can have some breakfast sent for you."
"Thank you so much, Madam Pomfrey. It won't be necessary. I will leave soon. I will just sit beside Hermione for a few minutes and will leave for Gryffindor Tower", intoned Harry.
"Alright, Mr. Potter. I shall leave you to it then", said the medi-witch and left for her office.
Getting off his bed, he moved towards the bed his best friend was placed. He sat in the chair beside her and took her hand in hers. He stared at her still form and said, "Hey Hermione, I spoke with Madam Pomfrey last night. She said that the Restoration Draught will be ready in a week and you'll be ready to leave then. You were right as always. The monster of Slytherin was a basilisk. I killed it. It won't harm you or anyone else again. I will see you tonight. Get well soon, Hermione. I miss you."
Squeezing her hand for one last time, he got up and left the infirmary. Before going to the Gryffindor Tower, however, he entered an unused classroom. Casting Tempus he saw that it was 7 in the morning. He still had two hours before the breakfast ended. He called for Dobby, "Dobby!"
A soft pop signaled the arrival of Dobby. "Mr. Harry Potter sirs be calling for Dobby?", asked the excitable elf, bouncing with excitement.
"Hello Dobby. How are you?", asked Harry.
"Dobby be knowing Harry Potter sir is great. Dobby not knowing Harry Potter sirs asking us elfs how we be. Harry Potter sir, Dobby be good. How be Dobby be helping Harry Potter?", asked a teary-eyed Dobby.
"Dobby, I have a few questions for you. Please sit", said Harry patting on the desk in front of him.
Dobby climbed on the desk and sat down with crossed legs. He looked nervous. This was a new territory for elf.
"Dobby, correct me if I am wrong but did you bond with me when I rescued you from the Malfoys? Please, do not punish yourself. I am just asking you this", said Harry.
"Dobby be sorry. Dobby be bonding with Mr. Harry Potter sir when Mr. Harry Potter sirs be freeing Dobby from old bad Masters. Mr. Harry Potter sirs be not wanting Dobby?", asked Dobby with tears in his eyes.
"Oh, no. Dobby, it isn't like that. On the contrary, I do want you. However, I have a couple of questions and a few rules. Would you like to go over them with me?", asked Harry, putting his hands on the elf's shoulders.
"Yes, Mr. Harry Potter sirs, Dobby be happy to", said Dobby bouncing with joy.
"Dobby, why is it that the elves are bound to wizards, witches or their families? Is there a reason behind this?", asked Harry with utmost curiosity.
"Mr. Harry Potter sirs, we elfs be needing bond to survive. Without bond, we be dying. We be bonding to wizards, witches or families to serve. Their magic be helping elfs to retain magic and live. We cannot be living long without a bond Harry Potter sirs", replied Dobby in a serious tone.
"Oh, Dobby. I am so sorry. I did not know I would have killed you by setting you free. It is good that you bound yourself to me", said Harry with a grave sincerity.
"Mr. Harry Potter sirs not be sorry. Dobby be happy to work for great Harry Potter sirs. Dobby is", said Dobby hugging Harry.
"Okay, now the next question. Do all the elves speak English like you do or is it due to the negligence on Malfoys' part?", asked the boy.
"No Mr. Harry Potter sirs. Elves not be speaking like Dobby. Dobby be speaking like this because Dobby not be taught by old bad Masters. If Harry Potter sirs says, Dobby be learning from the Potter elfs. Dobby know where the Potter elfs be after bonding with Harry Potter sirs", said Dobby.
"I did not know there are Potter elves, Dobby. After we are done with our conversation, will you do me a favor and get me one of the Potter elves? I have something very important to be taken care of", said Harry after a thoughtful moment.
"Dobby be doing so Harry Potter sirs", said Dobby.
"Brilliant", said Harry. "Now, lets get onto the rules, shall we? If you can fetch me a parchment and quill, I can write them down for you. While I write, you can go and bring me the senior most Potter elf."
Dobby snapped his fingers producing a parchment and self-inking quill on the desk. Looking at Harry, he said, "Dobby be returning soon Harry Potter sirs".
"Thank you, Dobby. I shall be waiting for you", said Harry and patted Dobby's head with affection.
With a soft pop, Dobby disappeared.
Picking up the quill and the parchment, Harry got to work, noting down the rules he wanted the Potter elves to follow. He decided to consult with the senior most Potter elf to make sure the rules were alright before putting them in place.
With two faint pop-pop, two elves appeared in front of Harry. Beside Dobby was a taller, healthier, and older elf dressed in a butler's tuxedo. The breast pocket of the elf had a crest that had a dragon in the center, two swords in below it in a cris-cross manner. Below it, in red was omni honore. He figured this was the coat of arms of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter.
Dobby broke the silence, "Harry Potter sirs, this be Tux, the head Potter elf."
Harry turned towards Tux and said, "Hello Tux, it's good to see you. I did not know Potters had elves. Otherwise, I would have called you sooner."
Tux bowed and said, "Master Harry, it has been so long. We, Potter elves have been waiting for you for 11 years. We tried looking for you, but your magic has been hidden from us. This is wrong. We need to correct it. If Dobby here did not come for me, we would not be able to leave the wards of Potter Castle. How may I help you, Master Harry?"
Harry replied, "Tux, it is alright. Now I know to call for you if I need your help. I know there are a lot of mistakes that have happened that need to be taken care of which I shall be handling in the days to come. I called you here today for a few things. First, Dobby has recently bound to me. He wasn't cared for properly by his old masters and abused by them. Can you arrange for him to be healed in the Potter Castle? I want him trained in the ways of a Potter elf. Meaning, he should be able to read, write and speak as rest of the Potter elves. Is it doable?"
"It shall be done, Master Harry. Being a Potter elf is a matter of great honor. Dobby shall be taught the ways of a Potter elf", said Tux. After a pause, he asked, "Do you wish Dobby to be trained in order to do something specific?"
Recalling the conversation that he had had with Godric and Rowena, Harry said, "Could you train Dobby to be my personal elf? I need an elf to be able to carry my personal correspondence with the goblins at the bank to avoid my bank mail from being intercepted. He should also be able to cook and clean, if necessary. However, my most important requirement is that he should be able to help in my communication with the goblins and be sneaky about it without alarming any unintended parties. Is it doable, Tux?"
Tux thought over what his young master had just said. Things did not seem and sound right. It all pointed towards the necessity of Dobby's training. After a brief period of silence, Tux replied, "It shall be done, Master Harry. Dobby will be ready to be your personal elf by the end of August this year. I would, however, recommend, another Potter elf for the time being. He will continue to be your personal elf even after Dobby's return to share the workload with Dobby. Is it alright, Master Harry?"
Harry took into consideration what Tux had just said and nodded his head. "It sounds good to me. Your suggestions are always welcome, Tux."
"Great. Let me call for the other Potter elf. Tony!", said Tux.
Another soft pop later, there was another elf dressed in a similar fashion. He looked at Harry and said, "Master Harry, it is good to see you. We have been waiting for you for so long."
"Hello, Tony. It's good to see you too. How are you?", asked Harry shaking Tony's hand.
Tony said, "I am well, Master Harry. How may I help you?"
Tux cleared his throat and turned to Tony, "Tony, you are to help Master Harry as his personal elf. Right now, you shall be the only one. However, you may call for Tabby's help if you need. Dobby here will return with me Potter Castle after this short meeting. He will be trained as a Potter elf should be. He will return by the end of August as the other personal elf for Master Harry. You must look after our young Master and help him in every way possible. If the master is unable to return to Potter Castle, you will travel with Master Harry and look after his needs. Help him in all his tasks and do not let anybody see you. Am I clear, Tony?"
"Yes, sir. I will hold up the honor of the Potter family, Master Harry", replied Tony with utmost sincerity.
"Thank you, Tony. I am sure we will have some good time", said Harry. Turning to Tux, he handed him the piece of parchment with rules for Potter elves on it. "Look at the rules, Tux. Let me know if they are alright or if they need any changes."
Rules for Potter elves:
Never punish yourself. If you feel you did something wrong, come and speak to me. Do not punish yourself. We will work together to fix the mistakes.
An allowance set up for the elves to spend on things of their need. It need not be pay per se, but an allowance. Thinking of 200 galleons a month if there are less than 50 elves in total.
All Potter elves must wear a uniform and be presentable.
All Potter elves must know to read, write, and speak proper sentences with proper grammar.
All Potter elves must take a day off every week. The head-elf can arrange a schedule for rotation.
If you need anything, please meet with me. Your needs are my needs. We are all a family.
Tux looked through the parchment and said, "Master Harry, except for rule 2, everything else is something we Potter elves adhere to. For the second rule, we are now 132 elves including Dobby. I suggest 500 galleons a month as an allowance, which is what we currently have."
Harry's eyes widened at the number of elves. He looked at Tux and said, "I am sorry. I did not know the Potter family had so many elves. In that case, why don't we increase the allowance to 600 galleons a month. I have a few plans that I shall discuss with you over the summer. Is it acceptable to you, Tux?"
"That is a very acceptable, Master Harry. Is there anything else you need to discuss before we leave?", asked Tux.
Harry shook his head and said, "No, Tux. You and Dobby may leave. I need Tony to run an errand for me after which he shall return to Potter Castle. He may come and go as he wishes when he is free. Is that acceptable to you, Tony?"
Bowing his head, Tony replied, "It is acceptable, Master Harry. I shall wait."
Harry turned to Tux and said, "Take care, Tux, Dobby. I will see you soon."
Tux said, "Call for me, Master Harry if you need to discuss about anything, including Dobby's training. Farewell for now, I will see you soon."
Dobby launched himself to Harry for a hug, "Dobby be happy Harry Potter sirs. Dobby be ready soon."
Patting gently on his shoulder, "I will see you soon my friends, Dobby and Tux. Tell the other Potter elves, if they ever need to talk to me about something important, I am available for them. After all, you are all a part of my family."
Tux replied, "Your father and your grandfather would be very proud of you, Master Harry. Very proud indeed."
With that, Tux and Dobby disappeared with two faint pop-pop.
Turning to Tony, Harry addressed him, "Tony, can you please arrange a parchment and a self-inking quill for me? I need to send a letter to Director Ragnok of Gringotts Bank."
"Yes, Master Harry. Do you want me to take the letter to Director Ragnok?", asked Tony and snapped his fingers, producing the writing supplies.
"Yes, Tony. Once I am done with the letter, I want you to take it to Director Ragnok. Please tell him to call for you if he has any reply for me prior to setting up the appointment with the help of Deputy Headmistress. Can you do that?"
"It shall be done, Master Harry. I will take care of it", said Tony, bowing his head.
Harry took the writing supplies and penned down the letter as mentioned in the note. Folding it and sealing the letter, he handed it over to Tony. Tony snapped his fingers, disappearing the writing supplies.
"Is there anything else you need help with before I leave, Master Harry? The bank doesn't open till 9 in the morning", said Tony, stuffing the letter in his pocket.
"No Tony. That would be all for the moment. If I need anything else, I will call for you. Have a safe journey, my friend", replied Harry shaking his head.
With a bow and a soft pop, Tony disappeared. Harry got up from his seat and left the classroom to carry on with his day. He was looking forward to Director Ragnok's reply. If the conversation that he had with his ancestors in his dream was correct, the upcoming few days will have a few big revelations.
June 12, 1993
Director's Office, Gringotts Bank
9:10 A.M.
In the plush office, Director Ragnok sat at his desk, looking at the day's appointments. "Ah, it's one of those days. No scheduled appointments. Well, if nothing pressing comes up, I can spend my day preparing my son, Ragnok the Twelfth, for the day when he eventually will take over my duties", muttered the Director to himself. He was about to call for a goblin guard to fetch his son when he was distracted by a faint pop signaling the arrival of an elf.
The goblin saw an elf dressed in a tuxedo with the Potter crest. He hadn't seen a Potter elf meeting a goblin since the demise of the last Lord Potter, that Halloween all those years ago. It certainly seemed important if the elf had come to meet with Director without scheduling an appointment.
"Chief Ragnok, may your gold never run out and your blades never dull. I am Tony and I serve the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. I have a letter of concern from my young Master Harry Potter. He has requested that you call for me if you wish to reply to my young Master before setting up the appointment with him as requested in the letter", said Tony with a bow.
The Director was very pleased with the elf's behavior. He recalled that the Potters have always addressed the goblins as an equal. Never have they treated the goblins with disdain and prejudice that majority of the wizard population treated them with. Drawing himself out his muse, the chief addressed, "Well met, Tony of House of Potter. If you could please hand me the letter, I will call for you if I must reply to Heir Potter. I will maintain the confidentiality of House of Potter and address the issue at my earliest."
Removing the letter from his pocket, Tony placed the letter on the Director's desk with respect. Bowing to the goblin, he said, "I will be waiting for your call, Master Ragnok. May you crush your enemies and their fortune be yours."
The goblin, picking up the letter, bowed his head in return. Tony, taking the clue that he was no longer required at the moment, vanished from the Director's office. The Director opened the letter and was shocked with the letter's content. He read it over and over again, trying to make out how to address such a big mess up of one of the oldest and richest accounts. Calming himself down, the Director called for the guards to fetch him Teller Griphook and the Potter Account Manager. The Director was so furious, he smelled blood.
After a couple of minutes, the door to the office opened and in walked a young goblin. He looked scared. The Director did not address him yet. He waited for the other goblin to be brought in. Another couple minutes later, the door opened again and in walked another goblin, who looked older than the other, as if he owned the damn place. One look at his Chief and all his confidence deflated. The goblins had never seen the Director so furious.
"Now, before I lose my patience with you scums, introduce yourselves", snarled Ragnok.
"I am Griphook, my Lord. I am a Senior Teller, who works in the front lobby", replied the younger goblin in a feeble voice.
"I am Goldhorn, my Lord. I am the accounts manager for the Houses of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. All these are actually managed by House of Potter as well. I also manage the account of House of Dumbledore. I have been the account manager of House of Potter since Bogrod died in November 1981", replied the older goblin with pride.
"Give me a good reason why I should not feed you and your entire clan to the dragons. I have a letter here from Heir Potter addressing his concerns regarding the matter. Tell me, why wasn't he informed about the wills of his parents? Who decided that you would be the account manager if Heir Potter never knew about the will?", shouted Ragnok at Goldhorn. The goblin guards behind Goldhorn pressed their axe to the spine of the account manager.
Goldhorn, with the fear of death of his entire clan, decided to come clean about everything that has happened since the Halloween of 1981. "Master Ragnok, shortly after the deaths of previous Lord Potter, Senior Account Manager Bogrod passed away. Chief Warlock Dumbledore had come to the bank. He said that Heir Potter was his ward and the Will wasn't to be opened till he reaches the age of majority. He said that if Heir Potter was told about the Will before he reaches the age of majority, it will be catastrophic for the wizarding world. I know it is against everything the tradition stipulates. Heir Potter, being the last and only surviving descendant of House of Potter, should have opened the Will of his parents at age of eleven and taken over as the Head of his House at the age of fourteen. I was advised by the Chief Warlock till the age of seventeen. The Chief Warlock permitted me to obtain ten percent of all profits made by Potter accounts. In my greed for gold, I let Chief Warlock move around funds under the pretense of funds required for the upbringing of the heir. I was told that Heir Potter was instructed to not bring up the Will till he reached seventeen. However, in order to prevent from any of the Tellers to bring Heir Potter to me when he stepped into the bank on or after his eleventh birthday, I bribed Senior Teller Griphook to do everything in his power from bringing Heir Potter to me. I also promised to train him to take over from me when I meet my death. I will gladly hand over all the financial documents with information of every knut spent, every item sold, purchased or moved since Halloween of 1981. I have but a request. Please do not slaughter my clan. I have brought dishonor to the bank and my clan name, for which I deserve to die. Please let the clan members live", said the goblin taking the knee with his head hung in shame.
Ragnok, the Eleventh, looked at the goblin in front of him. Goldhorn was going to die, there was no doubt about it. However, with all the financial documents, it would be easier to audit everything before setting up an appointment with Heir Potter on the next day. Agreeing to the request, he snarled at the guards, "Take this scum away. Keep an eye on him while he collects all the ledgers. If he does anything other than collecting them, let it be known that his entire clan will be slaughtered. Send someone to fetch my son, Ragnok, the Twelfth. My son and I will take over all the accounts that belong to Heir Potter. We will address the House of Dumbledore later once we know the amount of damage that has been done."
The goblin guards having received their order, immediately cleared the Director's office with Goldhorn. Turning to Griphook, the Chief now addressed, "What have you to say for your slight against Heir Potter, Senior Teller Griphook?"
Griphook, having just seen the outcome of Goldhorn's misdoings, spoke in a feared voice, "I apologize for my mistake, my Lord. I will accept any punishment that you may deem worthy for the slight against Heir Potter."
Ragnok, looking at the young goblin decided that killing a young warrior would be a waste of blood. Having made up his mind, he snarled, "You will work in the dragon mines for 2 years, shoveling dragon dung. After the end of your punishment, you will start as a Teller again. If you do not bring dishonor to the Nation in the future, you may become an Account Manager. Dismissed."
Taking the cue to leave, the goblin guards left with Griphook. Director Ragnok now had three letters to write. One to Heir Potter, which was to be sent with his elf, one to Deputy Headmistress McGonagall setting up an appointment and another to the Potters' solicitor on retainer. Pulling out a piece of parchment, he started to pen down the letter to Harry. He was brought out of his meander when a goblin knocked on his door and stepped into his office.
"Father, you sent for me?", asked Ragnok XII entering the office.
"Yes son. Come and take a seat. I received an interesting letter from Heir Potter of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. After having read the letter, when I called for the Potters Account Manager, I discovered a level of corruption that I did not think any goblin, let alone one in-charge of one of the oldest families should be partaking in. Long story short, I have decided that you and I shall overtake the accounts. In addition to it, once he comes in, any other account that might have inherited will also be overtaken by us. We can get a team of Account Managers to help us with it, but they must be who you and I trust. We might need to get in touch with the Potters' solicitor on retainer. I wanted to keep your tomorrow free of any appointments. We might spend the entire day in time chamber. By the way, get four goblin healers ready as well. They will be required to help in healing of Heir Potter. Am I clear?" said Ragnok XI.
"Yes Father, it shall be done. Do you need any help in writing those letters?", asked Ragnok XII in an earnest voice.
"No. Come back in an hour from now. We will go over the documents and ledgers that Goldhorn will be bringing in a while. Dismissed", said Ragnok XI after a pause for thought.
Ragnok XII, got off his seat, bowed to his father, and left the office.
Director Ragnok, carried on with writing the letter. He was disturbed once again after fifteen minutes when Goldhorn and the goblin guards walked in with heaps of scrolls and parchments. Designating an area for the documents to be placed, the Director waited for the goblins to place all the documents on the designated table. Turning to Goldhorn and the guards, Ragnok said, "Now that you have handed everything related to House of Potter. You will be taken to the prison in mines. I will decide the means of your death once my son and I audit all those documents. In the meanwhile, there will be no alert sent to Chief Warlock Dumbledore regarding the change in his account manager. We will delay it for as long as possible to give us time to see the amount of damage done to House of Potter and its heir. Dismissed."
The goblin guards bowed to their chief and left the office dragging the prisoner with them. The Director returned his attention to the letters. After having finished all his letters, he called for Tony.
Tony appeared within a few seconds and bowed to the Chief of the Nation. "Chief Ragnok, how may I help you?", asked Tony.
"I have a letter for young Heir Potter. Please take it to him and see that you deliver to him when he is alone", said Ragnok handing the letter to Tony.
"It shall be done, Master Ragnok. Good day", the elf bowed and disappeared.
The goblin picked up the other two and called for his son to dispatch the two letters at the earliest. Waiting for his son to return, he began going through the documents. It was going to be a long day and the Director knew it. He also knew it was necessary. With a sigh, he began his work.
June 12, 1993
Office of Edward Tonks, Tonks, Greengrass and Doge Co.,
11:30 A.M.
In an office by the window, sat a middle-aged man. The name placard on the door read Edward Tonks, Law Wizard. The man, Edward 'Ted' Tonks was going through a few files when his concentration was broken by a tapping sound on his window. Leaving his table, he proceeded towards the window to let the large eagle-owl into the office. Having worked in the field of Wizard Law for a while, he knew the meaning behind the particular eagle-owl well. Reaching to the bird's leg, he retrieved the letter. The bird did not wait for a reply and left the office. Closing the windows, Ted opened the letter.
Mr. Tonks,
Tonks, Greengrass and Doge Law Co.
It has recently come into my attention that there have been a lot of things wrong with the accounts pertaining to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. Based upon our findings, I have removed the previous account manager. My son and I will be taking over the accounts that belong to Heir Potter.
You happen to be the Solicitor on Retainer for the House of Potter. I have scheduled an appointment with Heir Potter for tomorrow (June 13, 1993) at 9:15 A.M. The nature of business from 9:15 A.M. to 2 P.M. does not require your presence since it is more about healing. The next four hours, 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. will require your presence to address the issues. Please be prepared for the use of Time Chamber. We, the goblins at Gringotts, intend to reconfigure the Time Chamber in a way such that 4 hours on the outside is equivalent to a month on the inside. Carry necessary belongings with you. I must warn you to keep the contents of the letter private. The findings of our investigation are very sensitive. Please make yourself available at the bank no later than 1:45 P.M., June 13, 1993.
May your gold overflow and your enemies crumble.
Director of Gringotts.
Chief of the Goblin Nation.
Placing the letter on the table, Ted was filled with numerous emotions. He was confused at first, then shocked and then worried. He knew Harry Potter was Heir Potter. He had been good friends with his father, James. Deciding to keep the confidences, he folded the letter and prepared for the appointment the next day. He let his secretary know that he has a private appointment for the next day. He would be gone at 1 P.M. and not return before Monday, June 14, 1993.
June 12, 1993
Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
12:00 P.M.
Harry walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table for lunch. As soon as he sat down, he felt the weight of a note in the pocket. Before he could pull out the note, he saw another note on the table in front of him. Picking up the note, he read:
Master Harry,
I have brought Master Ragnok's reply and placed in your pocket. Master Ragnok has asked you to read it in private. Call for me if you need anything else.
Having received his instructions, he placed the note together with the note already in his pocket. He started on his lunch with an aim to finish faster and leave so that he can read the reply sent to him by the Director of Gringotts. After having a light and a quick lunch, Harry left the Great Hall in search of an unused classroom. Entering the first unused classroom, he sealed the doors and took the letter out.
Heir Potter,
I apologize that you had to point out the grave mistakes carried out by the previous account manager of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. The goblin who was managing the account has been punished severely for his mistake. Teller Griphook has also been punished accordingly for his crimes.
My son, Ragnok, the Twelfth, and I have overtaken your accounts. We will personally manage your current accounts and anything that you may inherit after your inheritance test. With that said, I have arranged for an appointment with the help of Deputy Headmistress McGonagall as you requested. I have also requested her to avoid from Headmaster Dumbledore from knowing anything regarding your appointment. She along with your Solicitor on Retainer, Mr. Edward Tonks of Tonks, Greengrass and Doge Law Co., will attend the second part of our appointment. I requested Lady McGonagall to attend because she is your father, James Charlus Potter's godmother. I believe she and Mr. Tonks can give you sound advice on how to handle things going forward. You shall be in a time chamber. To the outer world, you'd be at the bank from 9:15 A.M. to 6 P.M., but you will be spending 8 hours in the Time Chamber, which will be equivalent to nine months. The first four-hour period from 10 AM. to 2 P.M. will be equivalent to 8 months and the next four hours will be for a month. I request you to bring two elves to help you when you are in the Time Chamber. You may show this letter to Lady McGonagall.
I look forward to meeting you, Heir Potter.
May your enemies be crushed and their fortune be yours.
Director of Gringotts,
Chief of the Goblin Nation.
Folding the parchment, he placed it into his pocket. He called for Tony to arrange for another elf to go with him into the Time Chamber. Tony appeared with the sound of elf-apparition.
"Master Harry, how may I help you?", asked Tony.
"Hello Tony, thank you for bringing Director Ragnok's response. Could you bring another Potter elf with you tomorrow at the bank? We will be in a Time Chamber, which will be equivalent to nine months of time", said Harry patting Tony's head with affection.
"Yes, Master Harry. I shall bring Star with me. She was your nanny when you were small. She will be happy to see you. Is there anything else I can help you with?", asked Tony in a merry voice.
"No, thank you Tony. You can return to doing whatever it is you were doing prior to my call. Good day", said Harry shaking his head.
With a bow, Tony disappeared. Harry unlocked the door and left the classroom to carry on with his day.
June 12, 1993
Deputy Headmistress' Office, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
12:30 P.M.
The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall was busy grading assignments. The end-of-term was near. She was ranting about being so caught up in three posts that she barely had time to take care of all the duties. Her rant was broken abruptly by a tapping sound on the window. Looking at the Gringotts eagle-owl, she was confused. She only received Gringotts mail at the beginning of every month and she had already received the mail on the first of June. Getting up from her desk. She walked up to the window and retrieved the letter from the owl. The owl left as soon as the letter was detached. Opening the letter, she read
Deputy Headmistress McGonagall,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Your presence is required at the Gringotts bank at 9:15 A.M. tomorrow (June 13, 1993) along with one Harry James Potter, Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. Some grave concerns were brought forward recently that need to be addressed tomorrow. Please refrain from addressing the appointment to Headmaster Dumbledore. We believe that the Headmaster might try to obstruct the appointment.
You will not be required to meet before 2 P.M.. The meeting from 9:15 A.M. to 2 P.M. will be a private meeting with Heir Potter in the presence of healers. However, you are required from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M.. You will be spending the four hours in a Time Chamber, meaning the four hours on the outside will be equivalent to a month on the inside. The findings of our investigation carried out due to the nature of concerns has yielded some sensitive results. Heir Potter will need his Solicitor on Retainer and his father's godmother to help him in addressing the issues without drawing too much attention. Please be prepared accordingly. Heir Potter needs to be here at 9:00 AM when the bank opens. I request you to be here by no later than 1:45 P.M.. A portkey has been provided with the letter to depart at 8:50 A.M. from Hogsmeade and bring you to the landing zone just outside Gringotts, in a secure area to prevent unwanted parties from knowing.
I look forward to meeting you, Lady McGonagall. I have heard good things about you.
May your enemies be crushed and their fortune be yours.
Director of Gringotts,
Chief of the Goblin Nation.
She read the letter over two times again. She was confused. Why was the Director of Gringotts looking into accounts of a client? Why was she supposed to avoid letting the Headmaster know? What had they discovered? Putting off the questions for later, she decided to do as she was instructed. It would not do her any good to go against the Chief of the Goblin Nation. She called for Ellie, her personal elf, and instructed her to pack her belongings required for a month. She then left for the Headmaster's office.
Reaching at the gargoyle guarding the entrance to the Headmaster's office, she gave the password for the time period, "Mars Bars". The gargoyle bowed at her and moved aside. She reached the door to the office and knocked at the door.
"Come in", came the Headmaster's voice.
Pushing the door open, Professor McGonagall walked in.
"Ah, Minerva, to what do I owe this pleasure?", asked the Headmaster in a grandfatherly voice.
"Albus, I was wondering if I could take Mr. Potter out tomorrow. He has had a very rough couple of weeks, even by his standards. I was thinking of taking him out to Godric's Hollow to show him where his parents were staying. Of course, I shall also take him to their graves. The lad doesn't remember anything about his parents. Since I am his father's godmother, I thought I could spend a day with him telling him stories about his parents. He could do well with a break, and I guess I could too", said Minerva.
Pondering upon this, Albus thought this would be a good idea if he can play it in a way such that the Headmaster was showing favoritism towards Harry. Of course, it will go a long way in making the young boy trust him more and more. Looking up at Minerva, he said, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Minerva. How long were you planning to be out for?"
"I was thinking if we left by 8:45 A.M., we will be back by 7:30 P.M.. That should give him a good day out. It is a Sunday as well. Come summer, he will have to go back to the house of those barbaric relatives of his. My old soul will feel better if I can spend the day with him", said Minerva, hoping to lay it a bit thick to get the Headmaster to agree.
"Of course, of course. That should be doable. I have but a request. Please let young Harry know that he is a special case for me, and I cannot let him go out all the time. You may leave if there's nothing else I can help you with", said Albus in a calm voice.
"Thank you, Headmaster. Good day", said Minerva with a nod and left the Headmaster's office. Walking towards her office, she sent an elf to fetch Harry. As soon as she got to her office and sat down, there was a knock on her door.
"Come in", she called.
Entering the office, Harry stood at the door, waiting for her permission to sit.
"Sit down, Mr. Potter", said the professor.
"Thank you, Professor McGonagall", said Harry taking the seat in front of her.
"Mr. Potter are you aware of the appointment at Gringotts tomorrow?", asked the Deputy Headmistress.
"Yes, professor. I am aware. I was brought a letter. I can show you the letter as Director Ragnok has mentioned that I may show you the letter to help you understand the situation better. And please call me Harry when we are in private", said Harry sincerely.
She cocked an eye-brow at this admission. "Thank you, Harry. That will be helpful", said McGonagall.
Taking the letter out of his pocket, he handed it over to his Transfiguration professor. Having read his letter, Minerva decided to keep things as much under the wraps as possible for however long she was required to. Handing over the letter back to Harry, she said, "Thank you. That certainly was very helpful. Meet me at my office at 8:30 A.M. tomorrow. We will leave at 8:40 A.M.. The portkey is to take us from Hogsmeade at 8:50 A.M."
Nodding his head, Harry said, "Thank you, Professor McGonagall. I will be here at 8:30 A.M.. If you do not mind me asking, how did you get the Headmaster to agree to let me be outside the castle for an entire day?"
Minerva recounted her entire discussion to the student in front of her. They proceeded to talk about Harry's parents for the remainder of lunch time. When it was time for Harry's next class, he got up from his chair, and addressed, "Thank you so much, Auntie Min. Can I call you that if you don't mind? I must leave. I have Potions in ten minutes. I do not want to give Professor Snape another reason to deduct points from the house if I can help it."
"You may call me that but in private of course. Now hurry along, don't be late. I will see you later, Harry", said Minerva with a small smile.
Harry gave a small bow and left her office. Minerva was lost in thoughts about another student all those years ago who had the same shenanigans. Of course, he was her godson. She might not admit but the Marauders were her favorites. So were the Weasley twins, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. She will never admit it, mind you, but if you observe her closely, you will find all the indications. Sighing, she returned her focus to the mountain of work in front of her. She decided to carry some of them with her the next day. She might find some time in the Time Chamber to finish the grading. With that, she carried on with her work.