AN: Yes, I know another NaruDxD fic, however, this one will take place within the DxD universe. There is also a mechanic that I hope you all enjoy. I will say this now. The Devil Uzumaki will continue, I will not abandon it! This is the second last new story before I ignore any more plot bunnies or new story ideas. If you have any questions feel free to pm me.





Chapter 1: Death and Resurrection

The elemental nations were at peace. Madara had been defeated, Kaguya had been sealed away and the 10 tailed beast had been re-separated into the nine individual beasts that everyone knew. Shukaku went back to Gaara, the same goes for Gyuki and Killer-B. Naruto had ended up claiming the full power of his lifelong partner, Kurama.

Sasuke had been pardoned for his numerous crimes and was now on his journey of self-redemption and the hero, Naruto Uzumaki, was next in line to be Hokage.

Everything seemed picture-perfect.


Sadly, life has a way of destroying the sails just when things were sailing smoothly. On training ground 7, we find the savior of the world going through a training regimen and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings while his partner was snoring away inside the seal. Neither noticing that their lives were in danger.

Sasuke Uchiha had been biding his time, only pretending that he was reformed and went along with this "peace" that was making everyone weak and complacent. His journey of "redemption" was just a veil to hide his true actions; to train without being hounded and disturbed by ANBU. He had a plan to get the world back in shape and it involved killing their savior. With him gone and their anger and hatred re-ignited, he could have them focus all of that on him, making him the villain they needed to overcome.

Seeing that Naruto was so focused on his training, he decided now was the best chance he'd have. He knew that the moment he flared his chakra, the ANBU as well as any shinobi nearby would be on the location in mere minutes. With a quick flare, his Chidori was charged up and with his Rinnegan, he quickly closed the distance between before driving his jutsu through the blonde's heart, leaving a shocked expression on his face.



Droplets of his crimson life essence dripped from his mouth. "S…Sasuke…why?" His eyes rolled backed and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The traitor smirked, knowing that not even Tsunade nor Sakura could save him, and as he predicted, a squad of ANBU were already there with their weapons drawn.

"Sasuke Uchiha! You are under arrest for attacking the hero of the leaf. Come quietly!" The lead ANBU ordered while the others surrounded the last Uchiha.

"I think not." The ravenette said with a cocky smirk before using the body flicker to escape the village.

They would have followed but their top priority was getting the blonde to the hospital. "Send word to Lady Tsunade and Sakura Haruno! Get them to hospital on the double!"

"Yes sir!" The eagle masked ANBU replied before flickering away to carry out his orders. The others carefully picked up their hero and made their way to the hospital as quickly and carefully as they could.

The doors to the hospital busted open as Tsunade and Sakura came in. "Where is Naruto?! What happened?!"

"It was the Uchiha, we found him standing over Naruto and the hole through his chest suggests that the Chidori was used." Dragon quickly responded, doing his best to suppress his nervousness.

"Sasuke...? N-no that can't be... He…he changed! We were just talking about getting married!" Sakura said in denial. There was no way that Sasuke was still a traitor. He wouldn't have betrayed her and Naruto again.

"" The former Hokage stressed in a firm tone; not in the mood for a run-around.

"H-he's in ICU... We're-" He started but was pushed aside by the frantic medics.

When they arrived in ICU, their eyes instantly went to the charred hole where his heart should be.

Sakura started to tremble. 'No…no. This can't be happening.' Her legs gave way and she fell to her knees, covering her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Even Tsunade had tears in her eyes but she bit back her feelings and went into medic mode, doing everything she could do to try and save him. 'This is like Hozuki Castle all over again... only Ryūzetsu isn't here to save his life...'Tsunade thought as she used her Mystical Palm Jutsu.

After 30 minutes of trying, Tsunade realized that it was futile. She ended her technique and stood there looking at the corpse of the young man that she came to see as a son. Her body started to shake as memories of her time with this young man flew through her mind. Slowly, she put her hand on his face and ran her fingers over his whiskers.

He was so cold.

Tears freely flowed from the former Godaime's eyes. "I'm sorry, son. I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you." Reluctantly, she called the time of Naruto Uzumaki's death. She walked over to the weeping pinkette and helped her to her feet. "C-come Sakura. We…we have to let his friends and allies know what happened. W-we'll hold his funeral in a week."

The cherry blossom shakily nodded her head and they left the room.

[In the Void between Life and Death]

"Where…am I?" Naruto asked out loud, not realizing that he still had the gaping hole in his chest.

"You are between Life and Death, Child of Prophecy." A glowing womanly figure said in a silky voice getting him to turn around.

"Kami... Naruto, be respectful!"Kurama said from within the seal. "Though I am not sure how I survived since we were killed by that damned Uchiha you called a best friend."

"That would be because you and young Naruto are still needed. Both of your efforts brought peace to your world but there is another that is in need of your assistance. Should you accept, I can guarantee that you'll be reunited with three people that I'm sure that you'd love to see again." Kami said in her regal voice.

Now Naruto was intrigued. "Who would those be?"

"Your mother, Kushina Uzumaki, your big sister figure, Anko Mitarashi, and finally, the young lady from whom you learned your most treasured belief at the start of your journey." Kami answered.

Naruto narrowed his gaze at the divine being. "How can I be reunited with them, when they're dead?! Sasuke sacrificed Anko to resurrect Orochimaru and Mom died on the night of my birth." He asked in a heated tone, not caring that she was of a higher power. He's fought and beaten people claiming to be gods before.

She didn't take offense to his hostilities for it was to be expected. She'd have been worried had he not asked any questions. "The flow of time in your world is vastly different than the one you're going to. A year in the Elemental Nations is the same as a single day in the world you will be heading to. Therefore, it has only been 19 days for your mother and 4 days for Anko. However, to answer your question, only those deemed worthy are capable of going to this world."

Naruto lost his hostility upon hearing that and asked, "So, they'll be in this world that you're sending me to."

The divine being responded with a nod.

Kurama spoke up."How do you determine those who are worthy? For all we know, that damnable Uchiha could end up there if he meets your criteria."

"Fear not. Only those who possess a pure heart but were given a shoddy hand in life are eligible to go here. For instance, young Naruto here, Anko as well as his mother." The Deity said, reassuring the souls in front of her.

"So people like Sasuke, who have given into their darkness out of hate or vengeance, are not eligible for this resurrection. Is that right?" The blonde asked and got a nod in return. "Alright. So, what is this world that you want to send me to?"

"It is a world of multiple religions and everything you'd expect from them, but I'll be sending you to a place that is the home to Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Yokai. There are also special artifacts known as Sacred Gear. And who knows, if you are lucky enough, you may just obtain one of these powerful artifacts for yourself." Kami explained.

"And knowing his luck, I'm gonna end up sharing his mindscape with something else…juuuust marvelous." The multi-tailed beast drawled in a sarcastic tone.

"Now, now Kurama don't be such a grouch. Who knows, these Sacred Gears may be necessary for us to help this world." Naruto said to his partner who rolled his eyes back at him. The blonde then looked to the Goddess. "Very well, I'll accept going to this world. But before that, can I see what's going on in the Elemental Nations. I'd like to see how they're handling my death."

"Thank you, young man." She said with a gentle smile before nodding. "And very well, I suppose that will supply some closure for you."

[Elemental Nations– 1 week after Naruto's Death]

It seemed that the entire world had shown up for the funeral of their hero. Everyone who had their heart touched by Naruto was standing in of the moment built for him, a statue made in his image. As a way to honor his lifelong dream, his face was constructed on the Hokage Monument as the honorary 7th Hokage.

However, it wasn't a peaceful funeral service, for even though they were there to pay their respects to their fallen hero, everyone was more than a little angry with Konoha.

"Firstly, I would like to thank all of whom are in attendance. It is a sad day for all of us, for we are here to honor the life of one of the greatest shinobi and all-around human, that we have had the privilege of knowing and to pay him our final respects. The vast number of you who are here just goes to show how many hearts he has touched in his lifetime." Kakashi, the 6th Hokage started in a solemn tone.

"He had a gift, an uncanny one that no one would believe that a shinobi should possess, but he was known as the most unpredictable shinobi, so I guess it checks out." The man joked light-heartedly, drawing chuckles from the crowd. "He could change the hearts and minds of almost anyone, make them see the error of their ways, and eventually…they'd turn over a new leaf. And this goes for both friend and foe. I'm sure that there are many of you in this crowd today, who can attest to that."

People such as Gaara, Koyuki, Inari, A, Shizuka, Shion, and Tsunade, as well as a whole host of others, all nodded.

"But unfortunately, he wasn't able to change everyone. Sasuke Uchiha…"

Just saying his name drew sneers and growls of hate from the crowd

"…the man who he spent most of his career trying to save, turned around and betrayed him. More than a few of us had tried to dissuade from saving Sasuke, for we saw that he was a lost cause, but Naruto…" the man chuckled, "…he wouldn't take no for an answer. He still believed that the traitor could be saved, and in the end, he convinced us to pardon him of his crimes."

"And what do you plan to do about this?" Shion, the priestess of the Land of Demons, said rather sternly.

"The Priestess is correct, surely you don't plan to sweep this travesty under the rug." Koyuki, Feudal Lord of the Land of Spring/Formerly Land of Snow, agreed.

Tsunade stepped up and spoke for Kakashi. "Rest assured, Sasuke Uchiha has been added to the Bingo Book as an S-rank criminal as well as Rogue Ninja with a kill on sight order. We have our Hunter Shinobi tracking him down as we speak. We have also been interrogating a known associate of his, Karin Uzumaki. She has been more than forthcoming with the information for she has already revealed to us the numerous hideouts and safe-houses they used when they were a team."

"I'm afraid that isn't good enough Lady Tsunade." Gaara, the Kazekage and dear friend of Naruto's, spoke gravely. "I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we demand the Uchiha's head on a pike before October 10th or Konoha may very well end up becoming the second Uzushio."

Shouts of approval soon erupted from the crowd, even from some of Konoha's residents. Tsunade herself was more than willing to agree about the course of action for Sasuke, the threat against her home, not so much.

Despite his conflicting opinions, Kakashi had his job to do as the 6th Hokage. "Since it is clear that most of you do not favor Konoha at this time, may we ask for assistance on this matter, not as Konoha's allies but Naruto's allies. Are you willing to do that?"

"Very well Lord Hokage. We will have our eyes everywhere looking for the Uchiha, but do not count on him being returned alive. That accursed bloodline will end before the Uzumaki's birthday." The Raikage said sternly getting nods from his fellow leaders.

Sakura had a mortified expression on her face at the thought of Sasuke being hunted so ruthlessly while being marked for death.

'I know he killed Naruto and his death would prevent Konoha from being annihilated, but this is too much. How did Kakashi Sensei deal with the loss of his team like this?'The pinkette thought in despair.

"Personally, I want Sasuke's head as a trophy. He took Naruto from me! I never even got an answer to my confession all those years ago!" Hinata said hysterically.

"You're not the only one, Hyuuga… Naruto made me a promise after he saved me from Mōryō to continue the Priestess line." Shion said getting a glare from the Hyuuga Heiress but Sakura chuckled upon recalling the memory.

"Yeah, but he was a naive idiot. He probably didn't realize what he was promising." She said before sighing. "He was so focused on trying to bring back Sasuke to keep his promise to me."

"Yes, and he was genuinely in love with you Sakura. I remember he turned down the duty he inherited from his Master, Jiraiya. He defeated me in combat and as per the rules and traditions, he was supposed to be my husband and rule Nadeshiko Village at my side." Shizuka glared at the pinkette.

Deciding to spare her apprentice from any more embarrassment, Tsunade intervened. "I believe it goes without saying that we all miss him. I saw him as a son; the one I could never have." A tear rolled down her cheek before a scowl appeared on her face. "Personally, I'd love nothing more than to destroy that Uchiha for what he did."

"Agreed. We all have our reasons for wanting the Uchiha dead. While he may have helped to free my country, it was Naruto that gave me the courage and ability to believe in myself; allowing me to continue my acting career while being a feudal lord. Know that you will have my full support in this matter." Koyuki said in a firm tone.

"Thank you, all of you." The 6th Hokage said with his patented eye-smile. "Is there anyone else that would like to say something before we depart?"

"I think the name of the bridge in the Land of Waves says it all. It was there Naruto began his path to peace. He helped us regain our lost hope and courage so we could stand up to Gato. Even today we fight off bandits that think we're an easy target. Inari to this day still idolizes that blonde idiot." Tazuna said in a weary tone, really showing his age. Behind him was his daughter, Tsunami in case he needed support.

'The Great Naruto Bridge, huh? I guess that was the start of it all. The first hearts he changed… Zabuza, Haku, and Inari.'Kakashi thought before speaking to everyone. "Thank you for naming your bridge after him. That truly was the start of Naruto's journey.

I would implore all of you to take the detour to the Land of Waves and pay your respects to the Great Naruto Bridge on your way home. He will be greatly missed by everyone here, and rest assured that we will meet your deadline."

With that everyone went their separate ways, those closest to Naruto stayed behind to mourn silently alone. However... before Shion, Shizuka, Koyuki, and their guards left, Sakura told them about Haku and Zabuza. She explained the impact that they had had on her teammate's life after hearing that they would be journeying to Wave in order to pay tribute to their favorite blonde. Gaara and his siblings would have gone with them but they wanted to begin the hunt for their friend's murderer. The other leaders just wanted to be rid of the cursed Uchiha once and for all.

[6 Months Later – The Land of Iron]

In the neutral territory of the Samurai, the leaders of the great nations were in assembly. Bound and gagged in front of them with his chakra sealed, was Sasuke Uchiha. He had been found within one of the old Akatsuki safe houses. Despite being heavily outnumbered, he did not go quietly.

200 shinobi faced him in combat, 50 were slain and the survivors were all heavily injured.

Now here he was, facing judgment for his crimes; not just for the murder of Naruto, but for every crime he has ever committed, including those that he had initially been pardoned for.

Konoha had lost a lot of the respect that they used to have as well as authority. This was due to the fact that while every other nation had sent out every available agent, this included spies, Jonin, ANBU, Konoha had sent out a mere 5 teams of ANBU and 3 teams Jonin to help in the Manhunt.

Mifune spoke. "Sasuke Uchiha." He paused, "For you numerous crimes across the five nations, their leaders have sentenced you to death. You and your despicable line of clansmen will end today." The Samurai leader spoke with a finality in his tone. "Also, do not believe that you will be granted the right of having a marked tombstone. You do not deserve the honor of ever being remembered. Furthermore, to make sure that your line remains extinct, your eyes will be removed and destroyed, your body incinerated to ashes for the wind to scatter, and just like your ashes…your memory will be forever forgotten."

"While we have decided not to remove your clan from the history books, they will not be looked back upon in a favorable light. The Uchiha have been a blight on our world for long enough and it's time the rest of the world knows it as well." Koyuki stated as Sasuke just kneeled there waiting for his death.

He was expecting to be beheaded by the Samurai but to his surprise, his biggest supporter and admirer approached him with death in her eyes.

Sakura had spent the last 6 months reflecting on everything. Mostly Naruto and Sasuke and where her true feelings lied. She realized that Naruto had always been there for her, he was the light in her life while Sasuke was nothing but a dark stain on her past. He had taken her confidence in him, dragged it through the dirt, and shoved it back in her face when he killed her best male friend. Now…now she was more than willing to put an end to his life.

"Sakura Haruno, apprentice and successor to Lady Tsunade Senju, has volunteered to be your executioner." Mifune declared, surprising everyone but the Last Senju or Kakashi.

Kakashi had tried to talk Sakura out of being the one to do it, telling her that she didn't want to have those kinds of memories that would haunt her for the rest of her life. He was speaking from his own experience, when he unintentionally killed his teammate, Rin. Sakura countered his argument by saying that she needed to be the one to do it, so she could move on in her life.

Sasuke couldn't help but laugh in his final moment. 'Oh, the irony. The one who admired me the most is going to be the one to kill me.'

Sakura however didn't share his amusement. She focused her chakra into her fist and spoke, "This is goodbye…Sasuke." She reared her fist back and let out her famous battle cry.

Sasuke closed his eyes in acceptance, just before her fist smashed into his face and destroyed his skull, splattering his brains and other entrails all over the execution site.

His headless body toppled over and blood spewed from his open neck. Sakura looked down at her blood-soaked fist and then back to the corpse of her former teammate.

Not a hint of emotion on her face.

Kakashi walked up to his last remaining student and place a hand on her shoulder.

No reaction.

The silver-haired man sighed before walking in front of her and made a single hand sign before he blew a fireball at Sasuke's corpse to incinerate it.

"With this death, Naruto Uzumaki's death has been avenged and peace shall remain in our lands. May his legacy of peace live on for many a generation to come." The old samurai said solemnly. "I hereby call this execution to a close. If there is more that needs to be discussed, please arrange to meet at another location. This was a special occurrence."

The feudal lords, Kage, and their respective companions all set out to leave for their respective lands shortly afterward. All feeling satisfied with the results and that the deadline had been met. October 10th would now be an international holiday from that day on.

Sakura and Tsunade had returned to Konoha feeling as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. Kakashi though didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he didn't want to lose anyone else close to him, much less two of his students but on the other hand, he knew that this was necessary to prevent the other nations from targeting his home and to maintain the peace that his departed blonde student had fought so hard to create.

[The Void between Worlds]

Naruto was conflicted.

While he was glad that so many people cared about him and showed up at his funeral, he wasn't sure how to feel about them threatening to wipe out his home should Sasuke not be caught before his birthday.

Moreover, he wasn't sure how to feel about Sakura being the one to kill him. Yes, the bastard deserved it but for Sakura to be the one to kill the man she claimed that she loved for so long, the one he spent most of his life to bring back to fulfill his promise of a lifetime to her, felt a little wrong to him.

Kami looked at her champion solemnly. She'd have like to give him more time to properly work through this but his time of departure was quickly approaching. "Naruto, I know that this is hard for you but it is time to go. Your new life awaits you and if all goes according to plan, you will be found and treated immediately

Question marks appeared over Naruto's head. "Huh, what do you mean?

Kurama face-palmed. "Idiot…you do remember the literal fist-sized hole in your chest, right?"The beast said exasperatedly.

Naruto looked down at his wound and panicked. "Hey! What the hell! Why couldn't you heal this, lady?!"

"Even I must uphold the rules of the multiverse, young man. People chosen to be given a second chance at life must arrive there in the state they died… no matter how grievous the wound or illness." The Deity said sadly. "Now, if everything goes according to plan you will be found by one of the Devil Faction, one who is part of the same family that has taken in your mother."

This got his attention, so much so you could practically feel the excitement in his voice. "What can you tell me about them?"

"The Gremory Family is known for their vibrant crimson red hair, much like your mother's. They are one of the remaining 72 Pillars of the underworld and one of the highest-ranking (ranking at Duke) and famous Devil Families. They treat their peerage or servants as family. Their younger members such as the one that I am hoping will find you, has an ability known as the Power of Destruction. One of them rules the underworld as a Leader of the Underworld with the title of Lucifer." Kami explained with a smile.

"So… Kushina was mistaken for one of these Gremory then. That figures… The Uzumaki luck strikes again."Kurama sighed in disbelief getting a nod of confirmation.

"Good luck. I'm sending you there now." The Deity said as Naruto's and Kurama's vision start to fade. "I hope you enjoy your new life, my champion."

[DxD Universe, Park in Kuoh City]

A young lecherous teenager by the name of Issei Hyoudou was just wrapping up his first date with a busty black-haired girl by the name of Yuuma. Not that he knew that the name 'Yuuma' was just a hoax as well as the form she currently had.

"I had a wonderful day, Issei!" Yuuma said with a sweet smile before asking. "Can I ask you to do something that would make this date perfect?"

Ignoring the feeling of dread in his gut, the brunette horn-dog replied without hesitation. "Of course! Anything!"

"Wonderful." Yuuma said before an evil grin came over her face and her voice changed. "Will you die for me?"

"What…?" He asked as he watched her transform from a teenage schoolgirl into a grown woman in clothing consisting of black, leather, strapped dominatrix outfit. A very thin strap that was around her ample bust. A black thong with thin straps that went around her hips. Long gloves that covered the full length of her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them. A shoulder guard with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder and black thigh high heel boots, complete with a pair of black feathered wings on her back.

Not even taking into account that his life was in mortal danger, there was only one thought on Issei's mind.


"Ugh, you are so lame. Why did God think you would be a good choice to receive a Sacred Gear. And truthfully, if you were less of a pervert, you'd have gotten laid by now and not die a virgin. Aah well, not my problem. Goodbye…" The fallen angel summoned a pink spear of light in her palm and threw it through the pervert's gut. "…and good riddance."

'I should get out of here.' She opened her wings and with a single flap, she was air-born and flying away. 'I've been sensing that the idiot had a Devil Summon Flier on him. He's likely gonna unknowingly use it as he bleeds out.' She thought as she made herself scarce, never noticing the space-time disturbance. Neither did Rias Gremory as she appeared to grant to Issei's dying wish.

Rias, a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue-green eyes, and a voluptuous figure. She was adorned in the typical Kuoh Academy girl's uniform, which consisted of: a white, long-sleeved button shirt that had a black ribbon on the shirt's collar that was worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents and brown dress shoes with white crew-length socks.

As she was about to start her standard speech to those who summoned her, her attention was drawn elsewhere. The young man who had summoned her drew his last breath and as his chest rose and fell for the last time, a ball of dragonic energy left his body and traveled towards another figure that she hadn't noticed before now.

Curious, she took a read of his power before the ball made its way to him and she was shocked. 'Dear Satan…the power I'm sensing is staggering!' She then saw that the ball of energy was now fusing with his right arm and his power skyrocketed even more.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the corpse of the brown-haired boy that summoned her. 'I was summoned here by Issei, I should help him but…without his Sacred Gear he is useless to me. Besides, no one would miss him, he was just a no-good pervert anyway.'

She moved her vision from the dead lecher to the blonde hunk, taking note of the hole where his heart should be. 'He's not gonna last long with that massive hole in his chest.' She spared a final glance at the pervert. 'Sorry Issei, this is one contract I can't fulfill.'

Done with her inner debate, she summoned her Evil Piece Set, opened the case, and noticed that something was off. 'What the…? My pawns… I didn't have this many Mutated pieces before.'

Sure enough, half of her Pawns were now mutated, and even weirder was that they were all pulsing. 'Just how strong is this guy?' The Red-head thought in astonishment.

Shaking out of her thoughts, she placed all 8 pawns on the whiskered boy's chest and started the reincarnation process. "You who lay dying before me, in the name of Rias Gremory, join my peerage as my Pawn."

With that, the pieces sank into the blonde powerhouse and a massive explosion of energy erupted from him. The shockwave flung Rias backward where she smacked into a tree. All the supernatural beings within the city, suddenly stopped what they were doing as they sensed a massive influx of power.

[Meanwhile within Naruto's Mindscape]

At the same moment, the ball of dragonic energy entered Naruto's body, and a giant red dragon with emerald green eyes formed within the blonde's mindscape.

Kurama sighed in annoyance. "Juuust greeeeat." The beast drawled. "Not even 5 minutes in this new world and I already have a bunkmate."He growled.

"I see. So you and my new partner are from another of those worlds that are out there, huh? He must be something special to qualify for a second chance at life." The dragon said gruffly.

Kurama's brow twitched, "And who are you to call him your partner when you just got here?!"The fox roared. 'How dare this overgrown lizard just show up and start calling Naruto his partner!'

"Relax Kurama." Naruto said appearing in front of both of them with his arms crossed. "I'm sure that whoever he is, has a good reason for jumping ship and choosing me as his new host."

"Very intriguing. Not only are you so much stronger than my previous partner that it's laughable, but you are also so much smarter and also possess a purer heart than him." The red dragon started.

Naruto and Kurama gave the dragon deadpan stares. "Been there, heard that one before. So do you mind getting to the point." Naruto said.

"Very well. My point is, Issei, my previous partner, was a raging pervert and had little potential without someone lighting a fire under his ass. It just so happened that he was killed before he was even aware that I existed. Literally all he thought about were women's breasts and becoming a 'Harem King.'

"Ok, I get it. This Issei guy wasn't your ideal partner. That I understand but you haven't introduced yourself yet nor what power you represent. I'm gonna assume that you're one of those Sacred Gears we were told about." The Jinchūriki pointed out

"Ah, yes. I am Ddraig, the Dragon of Domination, and sealed within one of the 13 Longinus, known as the Boosted Gear. It takes on the appearance of a red gauntlet with a green jewel and two golden spikes that will manifest on my partner's dominant arm. It will double your power every 10 seconds until you reach your limit. There are other abilities that will be unlocked as you synchronize with the gear."Ddraig explained.

"That could be useful… using it in conjunction with my own strength or even Sage Mode… Heh… the likes of Madara or Kaguya wouldn't have stood a chance." Naruto said looking at his lifelong partner.

"I'll admit this Boosted Gear has potential, but while I do have something in common with this oversized gecko, I will only work with him if absolutely necessary."Kurama snorted, resting his head on his paws. "He still hasn't explained why he's calling you partner despite just arriving."

Ddraig ignored the insult, for the time being, sensing the Evil Pieces entering his new host's body. "It's simple, I have been sealed within the Boosted Gear since the Great War. I've been within a lot of people over the years, most of them feel like a blink of an eye. I just believe it's better to work with my host during their short lives, rather than fight them at every turn.

If you're interested, you can ask the Devil who is in the progress of resurrecting you into her peerage in order to save your life about the war."

"So that's additional power I'm sensing entering my body… As if I wasn't strong enough before Ddraig joined us. What was Kami thinking when she laid out this plan of hers?" Naruto groaned in pain, his body unable to hold all that power. That is what resulted in the explosion of power that threw the Red-haired girl into a tree and alerted every supernatural being in the area.

"Naruto, get some rest. We'll get information out of the Gremory in the morning."The Fox said with hidden concern.

"We can talk more on this later as well young Uzumaki. Do as the fur-ball suggests and rest for now."The Welsh Dragon said ignored the snarling coming from beside him.

"Alright, but no fighting you two… Any damage you two will undoubtedly cause in here will hurt me. I'll work out a way for the both of you to hash out your differences without harming me later." The blonde said sternly before his mental image vanished.

[Outside World]

Moments after Naruto was successfully resurrected into a devil, two magic circles appeared in the park. One for the House of Gremory and the other for the House of Sitri.

Akeno, Rias' Queen, had brought along the rest of the peerage to see what was going on. The same could be said of Sona Sitri, Heiress to the Sitri clan, who had also brought along her own peerage.

A lady from Sona's peerage rushed to the unconscious blonde. "What's going on? Why is he here?" The lady asked in confusion as she gently scooped the man up into her arms. This woman was Anko Mitarashi. Big Sister figure to Naruto and a fellow pariah back in Konoha. She had purple hair that was tied into a fanned-out ponytail and brown pupil-less eyes. Currently, she was wearing a sports bra, a denim jacket that she leaves open to show off her flat, toned stomach, tight biker shorts, and Velcro sandals.

"I take it you know him, Anko Sensei?" Kiba, Rias' Knight, asked with curiosity. He is a handsome young man with short blond hair, bluish-gray eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye. He was wearing the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

Rias finally shook her head of the cobwebs from being tossed into the tree, seeing Kuoh Academy's gym teacher cradling her new Pawn. She then remembered that Anko was from a world of Shinobi. 'Could he be from there also?'

"Yes Yuuto, His name is Naruto Uzumaki. He is like my little brother. He's from the same world I came from." The purple-haired adult said carding his spiky hair with an enduring smile. "He was pretty strong the last I saw him, but nothing compared to what I'm sensing now… and that's not counting the additional power from whatever else was added to him other than the Evil Pieces within him... I'm surprised you were able to resurrect him into your peerage."

"His chakra…" Koneko said in a mix of fear and awe. "How...can one person have so much and not go insane…?"

She is a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. She was wearing the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, without the shoulder cape.

"Koneko, you know their world is different from ours." Rias said trying to comfort her Rook before looking to her fellow King. "We should take him somewhere to heal… That hole in his chest is going to need expert care. Can I ask for your family's help?"

"Yes, we'll be happy to help. As much as I'm reluctant to say this, we should inform my sister and your mother. I believe both of them have some of these Shinobi in their peerage…" The Sitri Heiress said with hesitation. Sona is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. She mostly dressed in a Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform.

"I know mom does, a woman that was mistaken for one of our clan… in fact…" The Gremory Heiress said trailing off. "Her last name was the same as Naruto. I think her name is Kushina…?"

"M…mom." Naruto mumbled in his unconscious state.

"Mom?!" Anko exclaimed in surprise. "I knew he was an orphan… but one of my friends back home told about a famous red-haired swordswoman that taught her everything she knows. She was known as the Red Hot Habanero within our village but known as the Red Death by her enemies. To think his mom was someone so famous."

"Then we should for sure let my mom know, but why let Serafall know?" The Princess of Ruin asked.

"Doesn't Lady Leviathan have a young girl Toujou's age? One with long silky black hair and Ice abilities?" The gym teacher inquired.

"Yes, I believe her name was Haku. She said she was killed trying to save the person most precious to her, but that's all I know about her." Sona said with a nod. "Let's get him to my family's healing facilities then contact them."

"He is quite handsome. It would be a waste to have him die as we just resurrected him." Akeno said with a sultry grin getting a stern look from her best friend. She is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair, and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. Like most of the girls at Kuoh Academy, she wears the customary Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, along with black calf-length socks.

Anko also glared at the raven-haired Queen. "Let the kid heal before you attempt to seduce him!"

"Oh my… Could be it you like him more than a 'little brother' as you said?" The Priestess of Thunder said teasingly, making the Snake Mistress growl.

"Enough. Anko, let's go. You'll be in charge of contacting my sister." The Student Council President said sternly, fixing her glasses as she summoned the transportation cycle with Rias stepping inside in.

Anko glared at the Queen once more before picking up her friend and entered the cycle and the 4 vanish from the view of the others present.

[Sitri Family Home]

1 day had passed since that night in the park. Naruto woke up and noticed that that the hole in his chest was gone without so much as a scar to show it was there, unlike the last time he took that damn technique through his chest. 'Nice, it seems this devil healing is even better than back home. So, where are we?'

"We are in the Sitri Family Home. The Gremory and her friend brought you here to heal you. That crazy snake lady has been at your side the entire time." Kurama said with Ddraig snorting in amusement.

Naruto's eyes widened and he looked to his side and sure enough, there was his big sister fast asleep on the bedside chair.

"That's some nickname for someone that obviously cares about our partner so deeply." Dragon of Domination said curtly.

'Hey! Don't call her that… I only called her that once when we first met but haven't since then!'The blonde admonished the fox.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Anko woke up in response and saw that Naruto was awake.

The door opened to reveal Rias who was relieved to see that her pawn was awake, and she also saw as the purple-haired woman threw herself at the blonde and brought him into a bone-crushing hug with his head being pushed into her bountiful breasts. Poor Naruto started flailing around signaling his need for air.

"Anko, I think you're suffocating him." The Gremory Heiress chuckled earning a sheepish chuckle from the Gym Teacher, who let go of the new Pawn. He in return gasp for air.

"It's… good to see you too Anko…" Naruto said between breaths. "You...know. I...was really upset when I...heard what Sasuke did to you."

"I'll admit being used a sacrifice sucked… but despite only being here for 4 days now, it's been far better than back home. Even if I am stuck being a gym teacher, at least I don't have to be nice about it." The Snake Mistress said with a shrug.

"I still wish you'd ease up on your warm-up exercises… I'm so sore after Gym Class I can't focus on my other classes." Rias whined a little before turning to the blonde hunk. "I suppose introductions are in order. I am Rias Gremory, Heiress to the Gremory Clan."

"I see, so you are the one Kami said would rescue me. So what does that make you to me if you are the one to bring me back to life as a devil?" Naruto asked before realizing he didn't return the introduction. "Oh, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Jinchūriki of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze."

Anko gasped when she heard that, which cause Rias to raise her brow at the Rook's surprise. She got her unasked question answered when Gym Teacher quickly got over her shock and snarled. "Those IDIOTS! You look almost exactly like him! How could those moronic villagers not see the resemblance between their exalted hero and his son! But Noooo, they had to treat you as a scapegoat and make your life a living hell, worse than they made mine."

"You've missed a few things Anko. You were on a mission when Pain of the Akatsuki attacked and leveled Konoha… I learned Sage Mode from the Toads, became friends with the Fox, whose name is Kurama, and learned to work with him. Reunited team 7 to end the war, defeated a literal goddess by the name of Kaguya. Brought peace to the elemental nations and was on my way to becoming Hokage, only to end up once again getting betrayed by Sasuke after he was not too long ago pardoned for his crimes." Naruto listed off nonchalantly.

"Well damn… I forget how much time passes there compared to here." Anko sighed with a shrug. "Though I'm not surprised the duck butt betrayed you again."

"I suppose I should have seen it coming, but you know me… Always wanting to the good in everyone." He said with a shrug of his own.

"Umm… excuse me?" Rias waved a little annoyed at being ignored, crossing her arms under her very generous bust.

"Eh heh… Sorry about that Rias." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head while Anko nervously chuckled.

"To answer your question before you two went off on your update… In normal circumstances, I would be your Master, and while I do have the ability to control you, I won't use that ability. I am the King of the peerage, but I see you and every one of said peerage as my family. No one is better than anyone else unless in what we call a Rating Game, which I will cover at a later date." The redhead began explaining.

"Now then, I don't know how much you know about chess or if your world even had the game…" She asked getting negative shakes of their heads. "OK, well, Miss Mitarashi is what is known as a Rook, or in the Rating Game, the heavy-hitting tank. Super Strength and able to take a beating. They usually lack speed though."

"Think of Choji and his clan, Naruto." Anko interrupted getting a nod of thanks from Naruto and a sigh from Rias, who quickly realized that she'd need the Rook's help with the explanation so that her Pawn could understand what she was saying.

"Then there are the Knights, quick and agile, often sword users. What they lack in strength, they more than makeup for in speed. So more often than not, you'll see knights using hit-and-run tactics. I also thought that you'd like to know that your mother is a knight." She saw the excitement and longing in his eyes and smiled. "My mother had required Kushina's help to take care of a few things. She should be on her way here sometime today."

"Next is the Bishop, people with high magical reserves able to fling spells left and right, often used as healers rather than offensive casters, but sometimes used as both. They usually lack any sort of defensive capabilities.

Honestly? After learning a little about you from Anko here and what sensed when we met, I wanted to make you a Bishop but my Pawns were resonating with you. I believe you have a former enemy turned friend that arrived here that serves as one of the Leaders of the Underworld's Bishop… Haku was her name?" Rias continued her explanation and when she saw the look of recognition in his eyes, she knew she was right.

"Hey, wasn't she the one who taught you that life lesson on your first real mission outside of the village?" Anko asked curiously.

"Yeah… 'When a person has something important they want to protect… that's when they can become truly strong.' It was something that I lived by and still do." He said fondly. "At least now I have a chance to become good friends with her… even if she's still 15 years old and I'm 19 now."

"She should be coming as well… since Serafall is coming by later to torment my King and she always brings her small peerage." Anko said with a grin. "In fact, I think you'll get along just fine with her. She's just as hyperactive as you used to be."

'Uh-oh…if Naruto gets along with Lady Serafall, then I fear for Sona's sanity.' Rias dreaded before she shook her head. "Anyway, moving on… the next piece you need to know about is the Queen. They are the King's second in command. They are the perfect mix of the Knight, Bishop, and Rook with all of their strengths but none of their weaknesses.

And last but not least, the piece you possess, the Pawn. Commonly known as the foot soldier of Chess. However, should they get deep enough into enemy territory, they can achieve the power of Promotion. This means they can gain the abilities of any other piece besides the King. They are by far the most diverse and unpredictable of the group."

"Heh. Unpredictable you say?" Naruto had a deviously foxy grin on his face.

Rias was confused by his grin, even more so when Anko started laughing. So she asked, "What's so funny…?"

"Rias… there is a reason your pawn pieces resonated with him so well." The purple-haired woman said as she calmed down from her laughter. "He is the most unpredictable shinobi the elemental nations has ever known. His first mission, the one we were talking about, Haku had his teammate trapped in her jutsu and was turning him into a human porcupine." She then pointed a thumb at Naruto, "What does this idiot do? Instead of helping from outside the icy dome, he jumps inside the dome and ends up in the same position as his teammate."

"Hey! In my defense, all I knew at the time was shadow clone jutsu and tree climbing, plus I didn't have the best aim either." The blonde pouted. "But she's right, one of my friends and the smartest person I know, often said that working with me was so troublesome." The blonde chuckled, "He's the type that will have carefully laid out plans and strategies and then I come along and ruin all of them with my unpredictable behavior. I just don't follow plans and tend to fly by the seat of my pants while making shit up as I go along."

"Sounds like you took after me a little too much Naruto." A red-headed young lady said upon entering the room with a proud smile on her face. "It's good to see you, baby. You can't imagine how jarring it was to get memories back from the chakra Minato sealed within you a few days ago after only being here for 15, but I do remember our chat within your mindscape while I helped you obtain the fox's chakra."

Naruto jumped out of bed and gave his mom a big bear hug. "It's good to see you too, mom. We have a bit of catching up to do since we talked."

"I'm sure, you look so much stronger than before." Kushina said as she returned her son's embrace. 'Although, I'm not sure if I can call him my son after missing 19 years of his life. Maybe I can be a friend instead.'

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Lady Kushina. I hope my mother and family politics haven't bothered you too much." Rias greeted her fellow redhead.

"Oh drop the formalities Rias, if anything I should be the one being polite to you since you're the next head of the Gremory Clan. Besides, I'm only a few years older than you." The Uzumaki woman waved her off, breaking out of the embrace of her son. "Just please, watch over Naruto for me since I know I won't be able to be around all the time, being Lady Venelana's servant and all."

"I can take care of myself…" The blonde grumbled. "I did fight in a war and happened to be the lynchpin of it."

"Yes, of course." The younger redhead said nervously. 'Both Anko and Kushina already know of my problem, but I need to talk to Naruto as soon as possible… I mean I know I just met him, but somehow I know he can help me get out of this.'

"She's hiding something… be on your guard. I have a feeling that our journey towards peace in this realm is going to start a lot sooner than we expect."Kurama warned.

"I agree with foxy… Your King is nervous about something… and if I'm right it's about Devil Politics." Ddraig said in agreement, ignoring the growl from the fox.

'Yeah, I know. Mom seems to know about it too. I'm sure Rias will talk to me about when she's ready.'Naruto acknowledged.

"Pardon me, I hope I'm not interrupting." A young girl with black silky hair tied into a bun said in a quiet but polite tone. "I was told a friend of mine was being treated here."

"Haku?" The Jinchūriki asked with tears prickling his eyes. "Is that you?"

"Yes?" Haku said uncertainly before she took notice of the whiskered cheeks. "Oh my… Naruto! You've gotten so much taller than me, and so much stronger than on that bridge."

'And he's gotten handsome as well. Hard to believe he's 4 years older than me now, but I wouldn't mind dating an older guy.' She thought to herself before being startled by being brought in a tearful hug.

"I honestly missed you, ya know… You taught me the most important lesson I've ever learned that day in the meadow." He said as tears rolled down his cheeks, not noticing his verbal tic, nor the annoyed looks from Anko or Kushina.

"R-really? I didn't know I had that much of an impact on you…" the Ice user said with a quiver in her voice. 'Wow, he's definitely filled out since he was a kid. It's like being hugged by marble.'

"Trust me girly, that mission was the start to his path to bringing peace to the Elemental Nations…" The Snake Mistress said, barely hiding her annoyance.

"I take it you know him well then?" She asked as she reluctantly broke away from Naruto's embrace. When she got a nod to her question. "Then thank you. I knew from the moment that I looked into his eyes that he was lonely, just like I was."

Anko waved her off nonchalantly, "Eh, it was no problem. Let's just say his past and mine were similar, to say the least."

"Anyway… where is Lady Serafall? I thought she'd come to investigate my new Pawn." Rias injected.

"She is...visiting her sister." The Bishop said awkwardly.

"I see…" The Red-headed King sighed. 'I don't envy her… my brother is the same way… only I think Serafall is worse.'

"You say that like it's a bad thing…" The Blonde said curiously.

Everyone else there just sighed. "Sorry Naruto, we forget you're new to this world… Serafall Leviathan is… eccentric to say the least." His King said awkwardly. "You see, she sees herself as a magical girl. Despite being older than her sister, she has a child-like body, albeit with relatively large breasts for her size, and has her own TV show."

"She's even more eccentric than Guy and his mini-me, Rock Lee, and highly protective of Sona." Anko said wearily.

"Yes… sadly my King is also a sis-con… the same could be said about Lady Rias' brother." Haku said exhaustively.

Naruto merely shrugs. "I will hold off on my judgment until I meet her myself. You said earlier that I'd get along with her so, we'll see."

"...You're always like this…" The purple-haired woman said dully before turning to the others in the room. "We won't be able to change his mind."

"Heh, I imagine not. Especially if he's anything like me, stubborn as a mule." The blonde's mother said with a proud smirk.

"He's worse. Even if someone has committed grave crimes such as mass murder, he's more likely to try to talk them down and change their minds before fighting them. He tries to find the best in everyone… It can be rather annoying at times." Anko said with a sigh, only getting more annoyed with Naruto and his mother with fox-like grins, practically saying "That's my boy."

It was then that a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye, wearing the standard female version of the Kuoh Academy Uniform and blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses, entered the room. "I see you're awake and feeling 100 percent."

"Honestly I'm surprised I was out for an entire day." The blonde said looking her over. 'Are all girls from this world ridiculously busty?' "Who are you by the way?"

"I am Tsubaki Shinra, I am Lady Sona's Queen. She asked me to check on you while she deals with her sister." She replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you Naruto. Anko's told us a bit about you."

"Yeah… you see, I'm Sona's Rook. So, we'll be seeing each other every day but there is a chance we'll have to fight someday if Rias and my King enter a Rating Game." Anko sheepishly said.

"Wait Wait wait wait wait!" Naruto said catching on to the implication. "You're telling me I have to go to school again?!" He asked with a horrified expression.

"Sorry, Naruto… Sona and I co-lead the City of Kuoh, where you arrived. We're currently in our 3rd year at Kuoh Academy and being a part of my peerage does mean you are required to attend school with me… Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, you'll be in the same class as Me, Sona, Tsubaki, and my Queen, Akeno, who'll meet later. We'll be able to help you with your school work and everything else."

"What do you mean 'everything else'? Just how different is this world?" He asked curiously.

"We've got a lot to cover brat… I'm still getting used to everything." The Snake Mistress said.

The blonde looked at her then at his mother and, Haku, who both nodded, then to the Queen in the room. "Umm Tsubaki?"

"Yes? What is it?" She asked remaining professional.

"Does this place have books on everything I need to catch up on?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Possibly…? Why?" The black-haired teen asked curiously, slightly concerned about the grin.

"'re not planning on doing what I think you are… are you?" Anko asked with a deadpan look.

'What is he planning…?' Kushina and Haku thought at the same time.

"Hell yeah, I am." He said, not losing his grin. He then looked at his mother. "I'm surprised you haven't caught on yet, mom. You have the chakra to do it after all."

"What are you talking about…?" Rias asked seeing her fellow redhead looking curious as well.

"You'll see. Can I get those books please, Tsubaki?" Naruto said with Kushina was confused and his sister figure just shrugged.

"Yes, of course, it may take me a while to collect them. Anko, Haku, can you help me?" The Queen asked politely.

"Alright, alright…" The Rook sighed. 'Geez, Naruto's going to show off and make Rias all the more glad she resurrected him.'

An hour later they returned with mountains of books in hand, most of them carried by Anko due to the strength granted to her as a Rook. Naruto was surprised by the display but he did remember what Rias said about Rook's strength.

"Alright Naruto, here are the books. These have everything you'll need to learn about our world." Tsubaki said evenly.

"Thanks." Naruto said with a smirk before dramatically cracking his neck and knuckles and then made his famous hand sign. "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

'Oh. That's what he's gonna do.' Haku thought in realization before her thoughts became confused. 'But why is he using Shadow Clones? Is there some secret I don't know?'

In a giant plume of smoke, hundreds of clones appeared surprising the two original residents of this world. "Alright, guys, each of you grab a book and get reading. Remember, don't dispel yourselves all at once. Do so in groups of 5, and in 10-minute intervals." Naruto said to his clones.

"Yes, boss!" The clones say all at once.

Rias was still in shock but managed to ask what was on her mind. "What was that…?"

Anko sighed. "That is Naruto's special way of training… The Shadow Clone Jutsu creates solid copies of the caster and when they are dispelled, whatever they learn or experience is sent back to the original. It doesn't work for physical exercise though, but it's good for combat training and building up your energy reserves."

"Heh, why didn't I think of that…? He's right about me having the reserves to use it but maybe it wouldn't have been as effective since I don't have the fox, but still." Kushina said with a sheepish laugh.

"When did he learn this? He didn't seem to know about the learning back in Wave." Haku asked in awe.

"I didn't learn about it until I started training to complete Dad's original Jutsu, the Rasengan." The blonde said. "My sensei, Kakashi, told me about it."

"You managed to add an element to the Rasengan?! Minato spent years trying to do that, ya know!?" His mother said in shock.

"Yeah, it turned out to be one of my best jutsu. I named it Wind Style: Rasenshuriken." He said with a smile.

"Isn't that the Jutsu you used to avenge Asuma against the Akatsuki?" The Snake Mistress asked.

"Yeah, but I've improved it since then. Now I can throw it like an actual shuriken." The blonde said with a smirk.

'Naruto is amazing… with his skills Riser doesn't stand a chance!'Rias thought excitedly before addressing her Pawn. "Would you be willing to show me what you can do at some point?"

"Well if we are going to be working together as a team, then yeah I don't mind." He said with a kind smile.

"So, she's interested in our power. Something tells me that whatever she's hiding involves a potential fight."Kurama said thoughtfully.

"I agree… the young lady is hiding it well, but her eyes are shining with excitement. Something to ask her about later."Ddraig said with a huff, flames shooting from his nostrils.

Naruto was brought out his conversation with his inner companions when a bubbly black-haired girl bounced in alongside an exhausted bespectacled petite girl with matching hair color. One had her hair in short pigtails and the other was fashioned into a princess-style cut with a small bob. Both were surprised to see hundreds of identical blondes reading books.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many of the same guy here?" Sona asked frantically.

"Ohhh! Is this one of those Jutsu you Shinobi can do?" The smaller, bustier girl said excitedly. "What's it do? Can you teach it to me?!"

"Lady Serafall, please calm yourself. Yes, this a jutsu from our world." Haku said, addressing her King before explaining what it was and what it did. However, when the former Kunoichi said she couldn't teach her the jutsu…

"What do you mean you can't?!" The Leviathan pouted angrily.

"Serafall was it?" Naruto said getting a nod in return. "From what I've heard, this world's chakra is different from ours. That and I don't sense any within you at all. I do sense an overwhelming amount of another energy, I think you call it demonic energy, within you, but I don't think that will allow you to use this technique."

"Oh phooey." She pouted, even more, looking adorable if he was honest with himself. However, she quickly got over it and started posing. "Well guess it can't be helped. I'm the Magical Girl Leviathan! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too." He said with a chuckle. 'They weren't kidding when they said she was hyperactive. She's shorter than the girl next to her but so much stronger and has the better figure.'

"Mr. Uzumaki… Can I inquire as to why you are studying like this so soon? You just woke up not long ago if I am to guess. You should be taking it easy." The Sitri Heiress said sternly.

'Wow, all business no play with this girl. She's far too serious.'The Boosted Gear wielder thought before addressing her with a shrug. "I'm fine. I'm never down for long. The longest I was out of commission was for a week when my arm was busted up. Something like a Chidori through my chest is nothing. My feeling factor coupled with my partner allows me to up and about pretty quickly."

"Regardless, I would appreciate it if you didn't do anything strenuous until our healers give you a clean bill of health." She said evenly. "In case it's not apparent already, I'm Sona Sitri, the next head of the House of Sitri… though in the human world I go by Sona Shitori."

"Umm OK? Why the alias?" Naruto asked curiously, clearing not understanding. "When Rias introduced herself, she didn't have an alias for the human world."

"Sona's just overly cautious." His King said offhandedly. "But as a result, I'm usually the one other factions come to when they want something."

He nodded in understanding while Sona sighed. For the rest of the day, the devils took the time to get to know the new pawn and his life before being sent to their realm while Naruto's clones continue studying.

AN: That's it! Chapter 1 is done! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please review and tell me how I did. I will reveal Naruto's Peerage at a later date. For now, all you need to know is that there will only be one addition from a video game that will be introduced later in the story.

As always, Updates will be slow, but I will update when I can.