To say that Simon Masrani felt some relief, knowing that the Indominus rex was found and that there had been no human causalities. Even the animal losses were minimal. True, Owen reported to him, that an Ankylosaurus had been eaten by the runaway dinosaur, but that was probably just natural predatory instincts playing a role in it. However, he got a big surprise, when Owen also used the agreed code words for magic and familiar bonds, to explain the reason behind its escape. He knew about magic, being a squib himself, which was also the main reason why he integrated magic into the Jurassic World´s security. And if the wizards he employed formed familiar bonds with the animals, all the better because then it ran with less risk for lives and helped things run more smoothly.

But somehow, it didn´t occur to the man, that there was a possibility of the bond causing an animal to escape from its paddock and search for its wizard. And from what the raptor handler said, the wizard in question was a visitor/guest to the park. A teenager, at that. That made things worse, but hopefully, the teen and his guardians would be reasonable enough to talk about this. Maybe, he could make a deal with the kid, about getting a part-time job and working in the park. After all, what kid doesn´t like dinosaurs or would dream about working with the dinosaurs?

Keeping that in mind, the CEO leaned back in the car and let his driver get him to the meeting place. Which happened to be by the Raptor Paddocks, since it was the closest to the position, where they found the dinosaur. And it said a lot, about the teen´s ability to handle the Indominus rex, because they probably wouldn´t be able to get the dinosaur to the paddock this fast. So, there was some promise.

I watched the two-leggers talk on the metal branch above me. One of them was the adult male, which led us there, while there was another, dark-skinned one, there with him and My Harry. They were talking with My Harry, and if she understood them right, they were asking him a lot of questions, about me and him. I listened carefully, not wanting to leave anything to chance. The two small two-leggers from before were alright, even safe to be around My Harry, but the adults were a different story. If they are anything like the annoying two-legger from before I made my escape, then I will come after them. This place has much more openings than my old prison, after all.

A noise from the side caught my attention. I turned and saw some small, metal doors open and four creatures, about the size of the two-leggers, only more similar to me in shape. They quickly noticed me, regrouped and then got into positions that seemed to be both for defence and to get ready to attack. Instinctively, my body mirrored their action.

"Who are you?" hissed the small creature with blue markings.

"Why are you in our nest?" came from another one.

"My name is Enyo," I introduced myself, moving so that I was positioned between the metal branch and them. "I came with My Harry, on the words of one of the men above us."

"Alpha Owen?" the blue one inquired.

"Him," I agreed. "He said that me and My Harry can meet others that share similar bonds as us."

That made the blue one look at me. "This Harry…is he your special one? Like Owen is to me?"

I looked at her curiously. "Can you understand each other, too?"


"Then, yes. Did he give you your name, like My Harry gave me mine?" I inquired, relaxing my stance, and I lowered myself to the ground.

"Yes, he named me Blue and my siblings are Delta, Echo, and Charlie," she introduced herself, and she and the other three relaxed too. They slowly approached me, making curious noises, and asking me different questions.

I did my best to answer their questions and then, in turn, asked mine. At the same time, I made sure to pay attention to My Harry and the two-leggers who were with him. Just because I encountered something interesting, it doesn´t mean that I´m going to stop watching over him.

Well, that is interesting, Harry thought as he observed Enoy talking with the raptors. He could easily understand his familiar, but he couldn´t get what the four smaller dinosaurs were saying, since they weren´t bonded to him. However, from the noises they were making, it was possible to conclude that the five of them had no language barrier between them. And that made him wonder if his previous absent guess of Enyo being somehow related to the raptors would ultimately turn out to be true.

"She actually lets you and the kids ride on her back?" asked Barry, Owen´s colleague and fellow raptor trainer. "Just like that?"

The raven-haired wizard nodded. "She told me to get on her back by herself, shortly after I met her. In that case, she heard something that made her run…probably some other animal. And once she deemed Gray and Zach a non-threat to me, she didn´t mind them that much. There is also the fact that she was well-fed, after taking out the ankylosaurus. So, maybe that played a role too?"

"There is that possibility," Owen mused before he glanced down at the Indominus rex and the pack of velociraptors becoming fast friends with each other. "I don´t know if I should be happy, that they get along, or worried about the potential mischief they could get into."

"Probably happy, since Enyo seems more curious than like she was plotting something. Besides, from our first conversation, I get the feeling she was pretty lonely before she escaped," Harry admitted. "Enough to become possessive over things she claims as hers."

The two men looked at him, and Owen asked "What makes you say that?"

"Several things. She keeps calling me ´My Harry´ when she talks to the raptors. She even calls me that to my face, sometimes. When I explained the familiar bond to her, she asked if it meant that she would never be alone again," the younger male explained to them. "And her body language and behaviour since she entered this paddock. Until the raptors arrived, she kept looking at us. Or rather, looking at you two and assessing if you´re any threat to me." He gestured down. "Even now, I can tell that, although she is preoccupied with the pack, she is still paying attention to us."

"That…could potentially turn out pretty ugly, if handled wrong," stated the dark-skinned man, glancing down. "How the hell did you get her to leave Claire´s nephews alone?"

Harry shrugged, helplessly. "She found Gray more amusing than threatening. The kid has a lot of energy and can talk up a storm, but he does it in an endearing way. And Zach had enough brain to treat her with respect and caution. Plus, Enyo is smart enough to understand when I explain something to her. Though I usually watch what I say to her since I can tell that she is… new… to a lot of things."

"From what they tell me, the people in charge of her kept her isolated most of her life, especially after the death of her sister," Owen commented with a frown.

The shorter male gave him a look. "Please, tell me that you´re joking."

"I wish I was."

"Great," muttered Harry with some sarcasm in his voice. "Hopefully, that won´t happen again. I doubt Enyo would handle it well." Besides the isolation didn´t make sense to him, considering the comment Enyo made about the annoying two-legger. But then again, was anybody aware that somebody was visiting her? If not, that could be a problem…

A new voice spoke up, pulling him from his thoughts. "Considering the familiar bond enhances more than just the familiar´s intelligence, that would be too big of a hazard to risk."

They turned around to see a well-dressed Indian man approach them on the platform. Both Owen and Barry quickly recognized him, but Harry was drawing a bit short.

"Mr Masrani. Thank you, for coming on such short notice," Owen greeted him, and the younger wizard finally realized who the man was.

"Mr Grady, Mr Sembène," the Indian man greeted him back. "Thank you for handling the situation up until now. Especially you, Mr Grady, for getting the Indominus rex here."

Indominus rex, Harry thought, glancing at Enyo. A fitting name for her species, particularly since it matched the name the wizard picked for her, without even knowing it.

Owen slightly shook his head at the praise. "It wasn´t my doing, getting her here. The credit for that belongs to Harry here," the brunet gestured to the raven-haired teen and motioned him to step forward. "Mr Masrani, this is Harry Potter, the wizard bonded with our escapist. Harry, this is…"

"Simon Masrani, the CEO of the Masrani Global Corporation and founder of Jurassic World and Masrani Energy," Harry finished in his stead, offering his hand. "It´s a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Likewise, Mr Potter. Although the circumstances could have been different," the CEO shook his hand, pleased by the teen´s politeness.

"I understand, sir. Truly. The only thing I can say in Enyo´s defence is that the pull between the bonded ones is insanely strong. I can say it from experience, since it made me leave the main area of the park and get deep inside the jungle, right towards the spot where I met her," Harry said with a soft sigh.

Masrani nodded his head. "I understand that must have been a shocker."

"I won´t lie, sir. I had no idea what was going on until Enyo got close enough to me to make physical contact. Before that, I was just afraid of her. Then, when her eye colour changed and I could understand what she was saying, I figured out the situation. Thankfully, I read a lot about familiar bonds last year, during school, so, I wasn´t shooting in blind." In hindsight, that was honestly the most useful thing Harry learned during his fourth year.

Seeing an opportunity to bring it up, Masrani started: "Speaking of your schooling, and your future, there are a few things that need to be addressed, considering this new development."

"Yeah, I figured as much. Although, I might need to learn more about Enyo and her circumstances before I make any plans about our future."

Putting his companion first, the CEO thought, pleased. That was a good thing. "Of course. We can discuss all of this, once we contact your parents."

"I´m an orphan, sir. I came to the island with my aunt´s family, but since I´m legally emancipated there is no need to contact them," Harry told him honestly, but with a neutral look on his face.

The thought of the teen being an emancipated minor rang all sorts of warning bells in the minds of the three men around him. After all, what kind of life did the boy have, to be granted the legal rights of an adult, before he reached at least eighteen years of age? Masrani managed to keep his expression calm, but Owen and Barry were frowning, and each man made a note to keep an eye on the teen and to look up his family.

Obvious to the thought process of his companions, the young wizard continued: "And if you can contact the local Gringotts Wizarding Bank, then I´m sure we can solve the problems more effectively…"

Harry didn´t finish, as he felt an odd sensation come through his and Enyo´s bond. It felt as if magic was being pulled from him and being pushed into her. Without thinking, he moved over to the railing, green eyes seeking out his familiar´s huge white form, but instead, he saw, what he first thought was an albino raptor. It was only, when the ´raptor´ looked up at him and saw a pair of fellow green eyes, that he realized it was her.

"Enyo?" he asked out loud, in disbelief, which was mirrored in the expression of his companions when they realized what they were saying. Harry even heard Owen mutter "What the fuck?" under his breath.

"Yes, My Harry?" the Indominus rex called back, looking at him expectantly.

"Why are you so small now? And how did it happen?"

The dinosaur seemed to think about it, for a moment, before she replied "I was talking with Blue and her pack, and they said that big predators were usually not allowed to follow their bonded ones around. Only the small ones, like them, can go to other areas. I didn´t like the idea of not being around to protect you. I wanted to be able to be small, too. Then my body felt warm, like when you first touched me. And suddenly, I was this small."

"Right," he said slowly before he carefully inquired "Could you turn back to your proper size, please? I don´t know if being this small is good for you, girl."

She made a confused sound. "Why would it be?"

"I don´t know, but it is something you never tried and I´m worried that you might get hurt," Harry quickly explained.

"I see. I´m sorry for worrying you, Harry," she apologized before she looked down.

The sensation from before was back, and the young wizard and his companions watched in awe and shock, as Enyo started rapidly growing in size until she was back to being the white giantess they knew.

"Good girl. I´m proud of you!" Harry called to her, and she let out a pleased noise before she turned back to the raptor pack and they kept chatting.

"…when you said that the familiar bond increases more than just the familiar´s intelligence, you certainly weren´t kidding, Mr Masrani," muttered Harry, before he referred to his companions, what did Enyo just tell him, and even described the odd feeling of her using his magic to do these odd things. At the end of the tale, the teen looked at the Indian man and firmly stated: "We should probably get the list of Enyo´s genetical make-up, just in case. And I mean the full list of what was put into her, not just what is known to the public."

"I agreed with the kid. The last thing we need is another unexpected surprise, like when she escaped by lowering her body temperature to fool us," Owen pointed out.

The teen rolled his eyes at the kid-word, but he didn´t say anything, since it wasn´t important.

"Yeah, I´ll have to look into that and have a more detailed talk with Wu, about her," Masrani nodded to himself.

The youngest wizard thought about it before he remembered something. "Also, you might want to check, if Enyo had any…visitors…during her stay in her old paddock."

"What do you mean by that?" the brunet inquired.

"When you and Claire came, she asked me about why were you scared of her. When I explained it was because she was an intimidating predator close to the children. She understood it and then reassured me, that she won´t harm you. During that, she mentioned that there was a human who used to regularly visit her paddock. One that didn´t exactly make a good impression on her," Harry explained. "I guess it might be a reason why she is a bit wary of humans in the first place."

"That´s a troubling thought," Mastani stated with a frown. "As far as I know, she was mostly isolated, until she was moved to her paddock. There is nothing in her files about her having a handler, nor did I assign anybody to socialize or examine her, until today with Mr. Grady."

Which begged to question, who was the unplanned visitor? And did anybody else know about him?

Harry only hoped that nothing bad could happen to Enyo. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt or put in danger because of some idiot with nefarious goals.