Words of Warning/Long Author notes.
The story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Wait. Wrong introduction.
The story you are about to read is created from the works of JKRowling, which I in no way own. Other than several hardback copies of all seven books, even more paperback copies, and several ebooks wandering around on various kindles.
This story will be AU. Full stop. I request no whinging about non-canon events or relationships. If you want to read about these, then please see the above-mentioned books. Full of canon, those are.
I suffer from dyslexia and dropped thread syndrome. In other words, this work isn't perfect. However, it is free. So, it's a great price for something that you know going in will have issues.
This story will mention slash, but nothing blatant will be portrayed. One of the OC's is gay. If this bothers you, please don't read.
The main relationship will be Lunar Harmony. Harry, Hermione, and Luna. They start as CHILDREN so their relationship will be age appropriate. I don't write lemons, so no lemonade being offered. Just some hand holding and chaste kisses to start. They might be mention of more later, but that part of the story is as yet unwritten. Again, nothing blatant.
Main canon character death is coming. It will be horrible, but there are some characters that remain safe. If the first name is Harry, Hermione, Luna or Sirius, they are safe. They are the only people guaranteed to make it in this story.
And Hedwig. Harry, Luna, Hermione, Sirius, Hedwig, and all future pets are safe. I tried to reach out to reader bahnannah, but was blocked. I completely agree that killing Hedwig was just wrong in canon. She is a beloved figure in our household, and we even have a build-a-bear version kicking around.
If this bothers you, exit now. Please don't review how I killed your sweet little 'insert name here'. You have been warned.
Neville is shy, but I want him to be in this story. Neville/Susan/Hannah. Sure, it's been done, but this is what is going to happen.
Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis will be mentioned. No plans for pairings between them and anyone else. Others might be plotting it. But Harry requested Hermione and Luna. He kinda wanted Tonks too, but Hermione put her foot down at sharing with one girl.
I personally think that Hermione was jealous of Tonks' hair.
Bill will be in a multiple relationship as well. No whinging.
There are a couple of OC's including a perky blonde for Sirius Black, because he requested one. He won't be in a plural relationship because his fiancé would take Padfoot to the vet if he tried.
There is a serial killer (or maybe two) that will be mentioned. Horrible violence will not be shown, but done off screen. If mention of torture or death bothers you, please keep yourself safe, and choose a different story.
This story's view is that Dumbledore is evil for Harry's abuse at home. Ginny is bashed, a lot, mostly for her view that Harry is hers, and the consequences of possession. I have tried to portray Ron as canon Ron, so he will act as Ron acts. Whether or not he decides to reform has not yet been written.
Expect Dumbledore, Ron and Ginny bashing. If you don't want to read this, then please choose a different story.
This story starts immediately after the end of year one. Where it will end is a mystery, even to the author.
If you have read this far, and accepted the above terms, and hit next, it is a binding magical contract that you will not whinge about plural relationships, mentions of slash, or whinge about Ginny not being with Harry.
If you see grammatical errors or dropped story threads, please send me a pm, and I will fix it. I gladly accept constructive criticism.
I do have help for this story, LtsHrIt4ThBoyz, but I might edit after she has reviewed, and introduce new and different mistakes.
This story is dedicated to Old Crow. He is a wonderful author. And an inspiration for some of the bits that follow.
updated 11/16/2021