A few days later, Harry, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Mackenzie, Hermione and Ron were sitting in the library. In front of them was the rudimentary map of the Forbidden Forest. Minutes later, John, Penny, Tulip, Ben Copper and Barnaby Lee entered and took their seats in front of them.
Hermione discreetly set up a silencing bubble around them. After all, it wouldn't do for Madam Pince to chuck them out because they were making noise. Harry spoke up in a low voice, "So, in between rescuing sleepwalking students, I've also been casing out the entirety of the Forbidden Forest."
Ben's jaw dropped, "On your own!"
Harry eyed him, "Of course not! You forget that I'm a Zoolingualist. I asked Hedwig and Buzz to fly over the forest to see how big it is. According to them, it's about 50 kilometres in length and 70 kilometres in breadth. Took them two days to clock the entire length and breadth. As for the terrain, I spoke to some deer and foxes to check it out. I even spoke to some unicorns. They said that the only harmless creatures are centaurs, unicorns, thestrals, bowtruckles, mooncalves and nifflers. The rest of the critters will kill you."
John leaned forward, "Did you find the location of the next Vault?"
Harry explained, "Well… I've got good news! I've triangulated a rough location of where it is. There's a small grove in that location. Only two ways to get in. I know a path through the forest that can take you there. The other route is through the air, where you can fly in via broom. I'd personally suggest that we split into two groups. One enters via air, and the other group through the forest."
Hermione cut in, "I vote for the forest. Sorry… I'm not comfy with flying."
After 10 minutes, they decided that Harry, Hermione, Neville, Barnaby, Luna and Penny would enter by the Forest. Ron, Tulip, Ben, Ginny, Mackenzie and John would fly in. Then, Harry shared a look with Mackenzie and she gestured with her head. Then he sighed, "Guys, could you come with me to Hagrid's hut? I need to show you guys something."
Ron caught on, "Mate… Are you sure?"
Harry nodded firmly, "Yes. We need all the protection we can get."
They cancelled the silencing bubble and got up. As they made their way to Hagrid's hut, Harry turned to Penny, "Hey, you remember when I saved you, Susan and your other Hufflepuff friends."
The blonde flinched slightly, "Hard to forget… That… Hellhound, was it? That was scary!"
John whipped his head around, "Hell-what!?"
Harry chuckled nervously, "What if I told you that I managed to tame one. She's bigger than the one I killed, but don't worry… She's very friendly."
Penny glanced at him in consternation, "Are you s-sure?"
Harry smiled, "It's okay, Haywood. She's just a giant puppy dog. Trust me."
Eventually, they reached Hagrid's hut. The man himself was nowhere to be seen, but Harry stepped away from the group. He fished into his robes and brought out a Stygian Iron dog whistle. Before they had left for Hogwarts, Nico had created another one after the original broke. The boy even joked that Stygian Iron was sturdier than Stygian Ice.
Harry blew into it soundlessly, and for a few seconds, nothing happened. Suddenly, a shadowy corner near the Forbidden Forest darkened. There was a loud and deafening ROOOOOF!, and the next thing Harry knew, he was flat on his back. The massive form of Mrs O'Leary was towering over him, her paws on his chest and she was licking him from head to toe.
There were a few screams, but they died down when they heard him laughing. Harry managed to wrestle her off him, "Whoa! Mrs O'Leary! Down girl! Down! Heel! No! I just washed these robes! No! Don't you dare slobber over me!"
The ones not in the know, slowly relaxed. Finally, Harry got up, "Guys… Meet Mrs O'Leary. The only friendly Hellhound. She'll be our protection in the Forest. Trust me, very few monsters will mess with us, with her around. Otherwise… I'm the backup plan. I told you I'm an Animagus, right? My form is a Dire Wolf."
Barnaby chuckled, "Man! Tuttle is going to be so jealous! She's nuts about magical creatures!"
Harry grinned and then got serious, "Okay, we've got that sorted. All the flyers, do you all have brooms?"
All of them nodded and John smiled, "Great! Let's do this! It's Wednesday today, we'll go on Friday night, since there's no class during the weekend. Until then, we'll stock up on Healing Potions and practice the Bandaging Charm, just in case things get hairy."
The next day, John caught up with Harry, "Listen, I found another Black Quill! It said, 'This is your final warning. Stay away from Hogwarts, and above all else, stay away from the Cursed Vaults. If you ignore this warning, you will not receive another letter, Madam Rakepick. You will simply cease to exist. -R'"
Harry frowned, "Man! Whoever this is, they're serious about it. Maybe they have something to hide. Also, I guess that eliminates Rakepick from the suspect list."
Two days later, they all went over the plan. Bianca would stay up to let the Gryffindors in, Susan would do the same for Penny, Cassandra for Barnaby, and Padma for the Ravenclaws. When night fell and everyone else went to bed, Harry borrowed the Invisibility Cloak from Bianca and draped it over the group. Of course, he had to enlarge it a few times, and enlarged it again when the met up with John, Tulip, Luna, Penny and Barnaby.
At last, they were out on the Courtyard, with the flyers on their brooms. Harry folded the Cloak and passed it to Ron for safekeeping. The groups split off, with Harry taking the lead. His better eyesight managed to steer everyone away from trouble, and his group assembled outside the Forbidden Forest. He whistled and Mrs O'Leary bounded over. He stroked her snout and whispered, "Hey girl. Do you think you could keep us safe?"
She wuffed as softly as she could and they walked in. Harry turned to his group, "Stay close! We don't want to lose sight of each other."
Harry took the lead and Mrs O'Leary brought up the rear. The walk was quiet, save for a few ambient sounds. Then he stopped and crouched, examining the ground. Luna sidled up next to him, "What is it?"
He grunted, "Footprints. Big ones. I'm thinking that it's a troll, or worse."
The group forged ahead. Suddenly, there was a distant roar and the sound of yelling. They turned to each other in horror and broke into a sprint. When they reached a clearing, they saw Ron, Ginny and Mackenzie struggling against a Laistrygonian. John, Tulip and Ben was cowering in fear.
Harry jumped in with no hesitation, summoning his bow and arrows. Hermione and Luna also charged in to attack, along with Mrs O'Leary. The battle was gruelling, but they eventually felled in in a shower of dust and blood.
They took a breather to heal up, and Harry asked, "Everyone okay?!"
Ben yelped, "Okay? Okay?! What the hell was that thing!"
Harry grunted, "It's a giant. Stay vigilant, you lot. It's only going to get more dangerous from here. Ron, do you have spare weapons? Pass them around. We're going to need it."
Harry turned to the others, "Haywood, Lee, how good are you with weapons? I don't think our wands will work against monsters."
Barnaby said, "I'm okay with a knife."
Penny nodded, "I took archery lessons when I was young, but I'm really rusty."
Harry responded by taking off his earrings and turning them into his hunting knives. He also took off his rings and transformed them as well, "Take these. For protection."
He activated his shield, "Ben… I'm guessing that you're not much of a fighter. Use this shield. Worst case scenario, you can bash anything that comes within range."
The boy struggled under the weight, before hefting it. With everyone sufficiently armed, they forged ahead as one big group. Then they heard a scuttling sound, like millions of feet scrabbling across the ground. Harry froze and paled, "F**k! If that's what I think it is… We're screwed. Giant ants… A whole swarm of them. We must be close to their lair."
He spun around on his heels, "Sorry mates… I'm not risking anyone's lives against those buggers. We've only just barely survived the giant. We'll pick this up another day. Chart a better location to that grove."
Most of the group slumped with relief. They all beat a hasty retreat before reaching the clearing. Then they all mounted their brooms, with the ground group riding pillion.
Once back in the Courtyard, they returned the respective weapons and snuck back into the castle.
Two days later, Tulip came shuffling over to Harry and John sheepishly, "So… Merula cornered me today and invited herself."
Harry raised an eyebrow, "Just her? Not Malfoy?"
She replied, "Just her. Also, she said that she has been doing some research on her own. We could use all the help we can get."
Harry frowned, "How do we know she won't try and get us all in trouble? I trust her as far as I can throw her."
Merula sauntered in behind her, grinning viciously and dangled a piece of parchment, "I found this the other day. It's supposed to be a closer examination of the entry point."
Harry sighed and gestured for her to sit. She did so and reluctantly slid the parchment over. He studied it carefully, "That looks like a centaur camp. We're going to have to go on foot this time. Can't exactly approach from the air."
The next night, they were back in the same clearing, this time with Merula. To be honest, it was worth it, hearing her terrified scream when Mrs O'Leary came bounding up. As they walked, the girl complained, "How the f**k are we going to find the stupid centaur camp in this darkness."
Harry rolled his eyes, "Fine… I'll take lead on this. I'm a good tracker."
He stepped forward and examined the ground. Ron, Neville and John crouched around him. Harry pointed, "You see these tracks heading north west? Those are pawprints, so I'm assuming that those are foxes. They're too small to be wolf paw prints. And those tracks heading east, some kind of monster. Now those prints heading north, those are hoof prints. There aren't any more unicorns in the forest, since they were relocated back in our First-Year. So they have to be centaur hoof prints."
John nodded, "Aye, so we head north?"
"Yep. Stay close, all of you. Also, I'm on pretty good terms with the centaurs. Let me do the talking."
A short while later, Harry spotted light up ahead, the familiar glow of a campfire. As they moved closer, they heard hooves clopping. Finally, they saw the Centaur camp, and they looked like they were just mingling around.
One of the centaurs spotted them. He called out, "Hail Moon child and company!"
That got every other centaurs attention. They gathered around, and Firenze trotted over, "Students! It is late! What brings you all here?"
Harry stepped up, "Firenze! We've been investigating the recent goings on at Hogwarts. Many students have been sleepwalking and heading into the Forbidden Forest."
He gestured, "Come, all of you. Let us discuss this further."
Once inside, a centaur spoke, "So, what can you tell us about this sleepwalking."
Harry replied, "We believe it has something to do with the Cursed Vaults. We already managed to break two of the curses, last year. I believe John's brother Jacob had been investigating these Vaults before he went missing. John's only here to find his brother."
At that, another centaur stepped up, "I am Torvus. I aided your brother for a while. In return, he stole an arrow that belonged to me. It was my father's"
John dug into his pocket and pulled out the broken arrow, "Torvus? I sincerely apologise for my brother's actions. Is this it? We found it in the last Cursed Vault."
Torvus inspected it, "Where is the arrowhead?"
Harry replied, "We don't know, sir. This was all that we found in that Vault."
Torvus stroked his chin, "How did it get inside of a Cursed Vault? I know of the Vaults, but don't understand how something of mine could get inside."
"That's what we are trying to find out, sir."
Torvus hummed, "When I was a foal, my father told me about the Forest Vault. He warned me to stay away. I never gave it much thought until Jacob Silvertongue arrived years later. He claimed that someone disturbed the vault. That disturbance unleashed the curse on Hogwarts. I helped him find the Vault and he needed my arrow to open the door and break the curse."
Harry asked, "What does the arrowhead look like?"
"It's a jewelled arrowhead. A cherished heirloom that had been in my herd for generations."
The teen nodded, "Don't worry Torvus. We'll find your arrowhead. If we do, will you take us to the Cursed Vault?"
The centaur only said, "I will read the planets. They will tell me what the future holds. But know this Moon child, Tellus is stirring."
With nothing else to say, he clopped away and the group returned back to the castle. As they walked, Tulip asked, "So what did he mean by Moon child?"
Harry grunted, "Long story. Oh, and I should nip this in the bud, I'm not a werewolf."
Merula rolled her eyes, "Well duh! It's a full moon tonight and you haven't transformed,"
Upon reaching the castle, they split off and went back to bed. John promised to start looking for the arrowhead.
The next day, John took Harry to a room which Jacob supposedly turned into his hideout. The place was a mess, and Harry grunted, "How the blooming hell were you able to find anything?"
John laughed, "Been asking myself the same thing for a while."
They began searching in earnest, before John hit the jackpot. He called out, "I got something!"
Harry lit his Celestial Bronze wand and peered at it. He mused, "Huh… I was expecting a regular arrow with a jewel embedded in it. Not an arrowhead carved out of a gemstone. He drew it in red ink, so it's most likely a ruby. Oi! What's this say?"
John squinted, "Torvus will understand. This is the only way inside. The only way to hide it from both of them, is to bury it."
Harry tilted his head in confusion, "Bury it? And from two people?"
John shrugged, "How do you suggest we go about it?"
Harry guessed, "Maybe have Mrs O'Leary dig it up? Or I could do it in my Animagus form."
John laughed nervously, "I'd prefer it if you did it. Mrs O'Leary may be friendly, but she still scares me a little."
Harry smiled, "Understandable, mate. She's a bloody big dog. By the way, what's the scene with Rakepick? I thought she was going to help break the curse."
The Ravenclaw replied, "She told me that she wanted to see how I handled this curse on my own, before she makes up her mind."
"Fair enough."
The next night, John and Harry snuck out to the Forest. Once inside, Harry transformed and they walked side-by-side. Once they reached the grove, John pulled out the broken arrow and held it out for Harry to sniff.
Once he got the scent, Harry began to sniff. He began following the trail and John jogged after him. Eventually, the scent led him to a small cave that was filled with various knick-knacks. Suddenly, his ears pricked up and he growled menacingly. John spun around to see a diminutive figure at the entrance of the lair. He blanched, "Bollocks! It's a Red Cap!"
Harry barked at John, and he didn't need to translate, 'Keep that thing busy while I search.'
The silver-haired teen whipped out his wand and began casting spells at the creature. While he kept it at bay, he dug out a Potion and chucked it at the Red Cap. In an instant, the hideous creature turned… cute?
With a shriek the creature ran off, and Harry paused his sniffing to raise an eyebrow at John. The other boy chuckled nervously, "I'll explain later…"
Five minutes later, Harry hit the jackpot. His jaws latched onto a ruby red arrowhead. John plucked it from his mouth and Harry transformed back.
Together, the boys beat a hasty retreat from the Red Cap lair. Heading for the Centaur camp, they met with Torvus. The centaur was delighted to see the arrowhead back, especially when John fixed the broken arrow.
He bowed, "My thanks to you, John Silvertongue and Harry Potter. As promised, I will take you to the Cursed Vault, but not today. What lies ahead will be dangerous, so it is best to have strength in numbers."
As they walked back, Harry raised his eyebrows, "What's the deal with the Beautification Potion."
John took a moment to speak, "Mate… Have you seen Penny? She's bloody gorgeous! Me… I just look like an average bloke next to her."
His cheeks reddened a little, "I… Might have brewed the Beautification Potion in secret, and was planning to use it on myself. Penny caught me just as I finished it. Man! I don't deserve her. She told me that I didn't need to look more handsome just for her. She liked me just the way I am. I had been meaning to get rid of the potion for a while. Glad I didn't."
Some days later, Harry and John gathered Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Bianca, Penny, Barnaby, Tulip, Andre Egwu, Talbott, Susan, Justin and Merula. Mackenzie volunteered to stay back because she had had her fill of action.
John and Harry shared a look and Harry took the lead, "Okay, so Torvus the centaur agreed to take us to the location of the Vault, but it's not going to be easy. I scouted the location last night, and it's as bad as I thought. A colony of giant ants took over the old Acromantula nest. We're going to need all hands on deck. I've encountered these creatures before, but never alone. They're known as Myrmekes. They've got really strong back armour, so spells will be useless against them. As if that wasn't bad enough, they can also spit acidic poison."
Ben shivered, "They sound bloody terrifying."
John leaned forward, "How do we beat them?"
Harry replied, "As you saw in the Forest the other day, I'm familiar with weapons like swords, bows and arrows and knives. I taught Mackenzie, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville. Bianca learned on her own, so what I'm thinking is that we'll handle the swarm. The rest of you head to the Vault. We'll join you when we've dispatched them."
On Friday night, the group snuck out once again, and made their way to the forest. Once inside, he, Ron, Neville, Hermione, Bianca, Ginny and Luna surrounded John and the others, forming. Protective bubble. Mrs O'Leary brought up the rear, and she was alert as well. Eventually, they met up with Torvus, and they were on their way to the Myrmeke nest.
After a while, Torvus raised his arm in a halting gesture. He said, "We are close to the ant nest. We should be careful from here."
Harry stepped up, "I'll scout ahead and try to thin the herd."
With that, he slung his bow onto his back and began shimmying up a nearby tree. The group watched as he got up to a good height and then began to jump from branch to branch. Ron whistled lowly, "Cor blimey! He's in his element!"
They watched as his figure slowly disappeared through the foliage. Then Torvus gestured, "Come… We must tread carefully now."
Mrs O'Leary bounded ahead, with Bianca riding on her back. The rest stayed with Torvus. Two minutes later, they heard the sounds of loud barking, arrows flying and hitting their target, ants screeching in agony. Then they saw the battle. Ants the size of a small car, swarmed by the dozens, and in the midst of them were Bianca and Mrs O'Leary. Arrows also rained down at frequent intervals from different directions.
The swarm seemed endless, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Neville, charged in. Torvus lead John's group away from the fighting. Moments later, they came across a door built into a tree. John sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, "This is it… We're close."
He slowly opened the door, praying that there were no nasty surprises behind the door. Luckily, his prayers were answered and they entered without any incident.
John slowly approached the familiar pillar and touched it. He involuntarily flinched when he heard his brother's voice in his head, "You're almost there, John. Only the final vault is real. The rest are distractions. Decoys. Traps. I helped as much as I could from here. I'm trapped in the next vault. You're the only one who can set me free. Find the next vault. We will find the final vault together. You can't let them get there first."
Penny asked, "Are you okay, John?"
The boy snapped out of it, "Y-yeah… I heard my brother's voice. He said that he's trapped in the next vault. We can't find that until we find out what's in this one. Torvus? Can I borrow your arrow real quick? I'll give it back."
The centaur reluctantly passed his arrow, and John touched the pillar with it. In an instant, it opened. Just then, they heard footsteps and saw Harry and the fighters trudge in. John reached inside and pulled out a small jumper and a portrait of a dragon. Barnaby asked, "The ants?"
Harry wheezed, "Taken care of… For now. Let's get out of here. Don't think I want to find out if there are any more nasty surprises."
They all got out of there, though Harry was limping and Luna was cradling an injured arm. When they were at a relatively safe distance, Penny whipped out some spare potions and treated the wounded. She mused, "I hope the sleepwalking curse has finally been broken."
Ron grunted after a dose of Wiggenweld Potion, "Better yet, I hope the next curse won't be worse than this. Knowing our rotten luck, it might be."
John spoke, "Listen… In the vault-"
Harry interrupted, "Tomorrow, mate. It's late and we don't want to do this in the middle of the Forbidden Forest."
Soon, everyone returned to the castle and were back in their beds. The next day, John filled Harry and the others in on what they had missed.
Some days later, Dumbledore gathered everyone in the Great Hall to announce that the sleep-walking curse had officially been broken. In response, there was a deafening cheer.
One day, after leaving Divination Classroom and heading to the Great Hall for lunch, Ron turned to Harry. He said, "Mate… I've been thinking. What if that prophecy meanwhile the Wizarding World. Three worlds… Demigod world, Wizarding world and the mortal world."
Harry frowned, 'That could be possible. Maybe, now that Hecate is the Minister, she could ease the Wizarding World into the Demigod World. I still don't know how the mortals will be involved though. As far as I'm aware, they can't see through the Mist."
When they reached the Great Hall, they were joined by Hermione. She also had similar thoughts about the matter. Suddenly, their talk was interrupted by fluttering wings. Sure enough, Hedwig was flying in, with a letter in her claws.
Judging by the seal on it, it looked official. Ron blanched, "Blimey! That's the Minister for Magic's seal."
Harry opened the letter and read, "It is time. Time to begin the assimilation of wizards into the demigod world. I leave it to you to inform your fellow classmates. Once the student body is in the know, send word to me. I will hold a public press conference with Albus' help. Destroy this letter after reading."
Harry put down the letter and let out a low whistle. Placing it on the table, Ron cast a low powered Incendio and destroyed it. Harry propped his chin on a fist and thought to himself. He muttered, "How the bloody hell are we going to convince an entire school of students."
Ron perked up, "Mate I believe Dumbledore has a Pensieve in his office. We could use that!"
Hermione eyed him questioningly, "What's a Pensieve?"
The redhead explained, "It's a very rare magical item used to store and review memories."
It clicked for Harry, "Crumbs! I forgot about that."
Hermione queried, "Where are we going to gather everyone though? In the Great Hall?"
Harry shook his head, "I know a place. Hermione, can you ask Dumbledore to let us borrow his Pensieve? Tomorrow's Saturday, right? Ron, get word to Lavender to ask everyone to meet up on the Seventh Floor tomorrow morning. And I mean EVERYONE from all the Years. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin too, and yes I mean Malfoy and his lot, too."
Ron nodded firmly and got up to find Lavender.
Harry turned to his other friend, "Hermione, do you have a spare piece of parchment on you? I need Hecate's help for tomorrow."
She handed the parchment to him and he quickly scratched a letter to Hecate and sent Hedwig on her way. However, Hermione also said, "Harry? Do you know where this place is? And can it hold all the students? Also, how can Hecate help?"
He spoke, "Tomorrow, we're going to speak about the demigod world. I figured that many will be sceptical, but I'm sure that Bianca will back me up. Pansy, Susan, Penny, Hannah, Diego, Ernie and Wayne will also help. Worst case scenario, Hecate will drop her mortal guise."
The girl still wasn't convinced, "What about Malfoy and his gang. He hates you for whatever convoluted reason. Knowing him, he'll definitely try and get people to think that you're insane."
However, he stood firm, "Hermione, this isn't the time to let schoolyard rivalries get in the way. If there really is a big threat out there, and it's as bad as I think it is, we're going to need all hands on deck. As per Hecate's plan, she wants all of us students to know about it, first. Then from there, she will reveal herself to the general masses. I suspect Skeeter will be very useful."
That explanation was enough to satisfy her. By then, Ron had returned, and with Neville in tow. The blonde boy asked, "So what's the gameplan?"
Harry rubbed his chin in thought, "Maybe I can show everyone memories of my various quests. I'll also write to Jake Mason from Hephaestus Cabin to deliver some training weapons. Also, I might need Ron and Hermione to provide their own memories too."
Hermione got up, "I'll ask Dumbledore for the Pensieve."
After she left, Harry got up and headed back to Gryffindor Tower. He got out some parchment and penned a few more letters. All that he had to do was wait for Hedwig to come back and deliver them.
The next morning dawned bright and early. There was an audible buzz in the Great Hall, and many heads seemed to be turning towards him multiple times. McGonagall even walked up and bent down to speak to him, "Potter, are you sure about this? If you are, I believe it would be prudent for the rest of the Hogwarts faculty to know about demigods. Professor Rakepick isn't here today because she had to take care of some Gringotts business. However, she informed the Headmaster that she should finish her business over the weekend."
Harry quietly asked, "Should we wait for her then?"
McGonagall shook her head, "If this threat is as serious as you say it is, then we cannot dilly-dally. Where should we meet and what time?"
Harry replied, "I was thinking after breakfast. Meet us on the Seventh Floor, left corridor, by the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to do ballet."
She nodded and briskly walked away. A while later, Harry and his friends had to wriggle their way through the crowd on the Seventh Floor at the designated location. Harry made his way to the front and muttered to himself, "What did Daedalus' notes say again?"
He faced a blank wall opposite the tapestry and began pacing back and forth. Harry thought hard, "I need a training room large enough to hold all the students and faculty, with sparring dummies and target ranges."
Harry locked onto this same thought like a mantra, and paced back and forth three times. Moments later, a highly polished door materialised in front of everyone, prompting shocked gasps of amazement. Harry reached out, seized the brass handle, pulled open the door, and led the way into a spacious room lit with flickering torches
The room was the size of the Great Hall and in the corners of the room, there were rows of training dummies and target ranges, exactly what Harry had asked for. Slowly, everyone entered the room, all gaping around them as the door closed. Harry grinned at the gathered crowd in front of him, threw out his arms wide and announced, "Welcome! To the Room of Requirement!"
He turned to Hermione, "You got it?"
She nodded and reached into her robes before pulling out the Pensieve and restoring it to proper size. Dean called out, "What's that for?!"
Harry raised his hands in a placating gesture, "I'll explain in a minute. We're just waiting for one more person."
Moments later, the door opened again, and newly-appointed Minister for Magic, Cathee Daly stepped through, "I hope I'm not late."
Dumbledore smiled, "You're just in time! As a wise man once said, 'A wizard is never late! Nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.'"
Justin gaped, "Professor Dumbledore! I didn't know you were a fan of Lord of the Rings!"
The Headmaster chuckled, "My dear boy, that is one of my favourite book series! Now, Mr Potter, shall we get this show on the road? You have the stage, I believe."