A/N: Covid was awful -long Covid isn't fun either!- I'm still not fully recovered, but at least I can write again.
New year equals sick Neon. Bit of an update on things here; would you kindly read this? It would mean the world to this tired old soul.
Running for the Edge, Apples and Atoms and Doctor of Demons will be updated this week most likely in that order.
Thursdays are, of course usually reserved for "Surpass Your Limits". I'm truly humbled by all the feedback that one's getting.
Foxfire is nearly ready, as is Dance of the Dread and Forgotten Son, Stag, and Shed No Grace on Me. I'm also debating making Vector Prime a story -see the last two fragments- as well as writing DBD -Dead By Daylight- story involving Naruto in addition to working MASSIVE OVERTIME to acquire a PS5 so I can finally properly play Baldur's Gate 3 and Honkai Star Rail.
I'm also doing all this while recovering from long Covid, to say nothing of updating other categories. Slifer and Advent are helping out, thankfully, as is Agurra.
And strangest of all, I'm getting requests for me to do a Naruto x Yu Yu Hakusho stories. Why that now?!
So please have mercy on this old soul while I get things up to par again.
With my fifteen year anniversary on this site finally here, I find myself reflecting on the little things in life. What was once a lazy pastime meant for me and a few friends really grew and evolved over time. There are days when I look back on the last fifteen years here and I wonder if anyone will remember me; if I made an impact, despite never making a single cent on any of these stories. Some days were happier than others, and some stories I enjoyed writing WAY too much; to the point where I'd stay up all night working on them.
And of course, there are times when I look to the future and wonder what will become of things when I'm gone.
Of course, I try not to dwell on the latter overmuch; I'm still alive and still writing. In an ideal world, I'd like to keep doing so for as long as I can. But old age is catching up to me and these days, the world is filled with so much madness and death. Even before that, so many friends and fellow writers I once knew are gone, now. Will I still be here in twenty years? Ten? Five? Its a chilling thought. But for now, I'm still here, still writing.
So here we go. The fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback determines the fate of this tale, and many others.
I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild world, one word at a time.
Time and feedback will determine if this remains a story. Simple as that.
As ever, I own no references, quotes, themes or memes. Not a one.
They're tributes to legends far greater than I.
"Teach someone to fish and they shall never go hungry.
Teach someone to fight and they'll never give up.
Teach someone to love and they truly live."
~A reference.
You Will Strive
"You seem rather distressed, my friend."
Was he? Naruto wasn't sure what he felt he right now.
Things had been going so well. He'd been so certain he was alive, not dead.
Everything pointed to it at the time! He still possessed all his abilities and more, Creation of All Things was very much with him, as was Kurama. He remembered every bit of his life. None of it had been spent as a hollow, mindless or otherwise. For the longest time, the lack of a visible weapon that all arrancars were meant to possess only helped further signify strengthen his delusion; proof that he was still himself, that he hadn't screwed up, that he hadn't lost his life.
Until it didn't.
Aizen really wasn't helping matters with that look of his.
When he'd first returned to Hueco Muendo triumphant, Naruto thought he'd feel some small semblance of satisfaction or at something. He'd successfully achieved what he set out to do after all. Despite that initial hiccup with Zaraki Kenpachi-and really it had been plenty fun!- he'd enjoyed himself in the so-called living world. At the time, he'd even considered dipping back in to check on Ichigo.
Now he just felt...tired.
Because you see, he was dead.
And he didn't know how he died, or why, or when; only that an entire chapter of his life was closed and he couldn't even remember it!
Kurama sighed. "...maybe that's for the best."
Ah, but Aizen was looking at him, and while he certainly didn't owe him anything, he wanted to respond, if only to blow off some steam.
"Sorry, I didn't realize shinigami were so...
Aizen granted him a wan smile and gestured to a seat at the table directly beside him. "Unique? Odd? Insane?"
"All of the above." Naruto claimed with a sigh and planed his head in both hands.
"They are, aren't they?" the mastermind hummed. "Soul Reapers are an odd lot. I may even miss my compatriots when the time comes to truly forsake my place there."
A blond brow rose. "You're planning on betraying them."
"I am, yes." he glanced over his shoulder. "And you've found your weapon, I see."
...yeah." Naruto cast the staff on his back a baleful look. "I kinda did. Not by choice, though...
A flicker of some nebulous emotions passed though Aizen's gaze; it might have been pity. Whatever it was, it vanished just as quickly as it came. "May I ask you a question?"
He shrugged. "Sure."
"Do you truly remember the entirety of your life?"
His pride prickled. "What kinda question is that?! Of course I do...well, most of it."
"Because I do not." Something froze in his old soul as Aizen said the words. "That is of course, assuming I had a good life. "I am told that I was not born in Soul Society like some, but came to it after being sent there by a shinigami. From that point on, I worked my way up from a raw recruit into the man you see before you now.
His words brought him up short. "How does that work?"
"There are essentially two given types of shinigami." the soul reaper reclaimed his own seat and raised a finger. "Those who are born in Soul Society, eventually rising to the ranks of Reapers, and those who are sent there when they die; those who do not accept their fate in this so-called afterlife and choose instead to rise above it. I am of the latter."
That was a thing? He hadn't known.
"But when a soul becomes a hollow, something different occurs." Aizen's finger fell, curling into a loose fist. "They become a mindless monster driven by their hunger and prey upon any soul within reach. Even when they evolve and regain sentience, those memories will not necessarily return. Few arrancar here, if any, remember their former lives."
...sounds rough."
"Indeed. It may be a blessing to forget who you were before. Ignorance is bliss at times.
Naruto's right hand twitched, fingers drumming restlessly against the table. "You really don't remember any of you life when you were...you know, alive?"
"I do not. "The complete and utter certainty in Aizen's voice told him all he needed to know; he wasn't lying. "There might have been a time centuries ago when I did, but I no longer do."
That...that was just too sad. He wasn't supposed to feel bad for this guy, he knew. But in this moment, he did. Just a little.
...I don't want to forget."
"Then do not." Aizen fixed him with a pointed stare. "Clearly your past helped build you into the man you are now. Your power hails from the past, but mine comes from the future. Together...well." he held out a hand to him. "Together we will make the present a better places."
Ohhh, he was good. He was very good indeed. But he wasn't the only silver-tongued devil here.
"Save your speeches." he waved a hand, cutting through his charisma like to much confetti. "Keep your word to me and we'll have no problems."
"Of course." the sly shinigami granted him a shallow smile. "I'm not foolish enough to try and fool you in the first place. Strength for you is strength for me after all."
"Didn't I tell you to spare the speeches."
"As you wish. It was simply my intent to console you, from one lost soul to another."
'Lost, eh...?'
A thought struck him.
"You sent that eyepatch-shinigami after me, didn't you?" his scowl deepened when his ally made no attempt to refute those words. "He mentioned someone wearing glasses giving him a tip. You wear them from time to time."
Aizen tugged a stray strand of hair behind his ear. "I may have given Zaraki a nudge, yes."
"Why?" he wasn't angry, just curious to see what his answer would be.
He didn't disappoint him. "I wanted to test you."
"Have I proven lacking?"
"Far from it." satisfaction gleamed in his gaze. "You seem to excel in drawing out the potential of others. Had that oaf proven too much for you, I would've sent someone to intervene." which implied that he also had some manner or means of watching him from afar as well. "But you handled him quite well. I would expect no less."
Dodgy, and he didn't completely buy it; but at least the man wasn't actively trying to kill him. He hadn't the time for that right now. "It trust our agreement remains intact?
"It does." with a wave of a hand, he conjured a spectral image between them. "I'm still looking into a way to create the Ouken without extinguishing so many lives.
"Are we sure this thing is a key?"
Aizen's brow furrowed. "What makes you say that?
"Eh," he shrugged a shoulder. "call it a hunch. If push comes to shove, I guess I could try smashing my way up there, but I don't think its gonna be that easy." The best things never were. And besides, he was becoming rather curious about this palace himself. As to whether this "Soul King" was anything like Kaguya...well. He'd made that judgement when the time came.
Aizen made a noise that might've been a laugh, in another life. "If it were, we wouldn't have Squad Zero to contend with.
They shook hands. Their agreement remained, for now.
"How's Nell, by the way? I haven't seen here since yesterday."
"Relatively unharmed physically, though her pride took something of a beating I'm told."
"Where is she?"
Aizen hummed and looked back to him. "In her quarters, I believe-and he's gone."
Sure enough, all the remained was a fading plume of so much smoke.
"Well, I suppose that's one way to secure his loyalty...
Aizen Sosuke looked back to his hand and flexed his fingers every so slowly.
Why on earth did this baffling blond make him feel human again?
How very strange...perhaps he ought to ponder that later.
But with a power like this..Urahara Kisuke would fail.
And the worlds would finally change.
Nothing could stop them.
Urahara hid a rueful smile behind his fan.
Ah, the perils of booze. To think, he'd almost forgotten then!
You see, Yoruichi ShihÅin was something of an usual drunk. Her mood often fluctuated wildly where alcohol was involved. Sometimes she could be surly, sad, even sultry sometimes after a bit of sake; but after that last battle...well, in hindsight, he really should've thought twice before putting proper pint in her hand. He himself had other means of venting his frustrations, but her...
Too late for worries now he supposed-nothing to do but ride it out.
"Damnit!" Yoruichi slammed her now-empty tankard down on the bar and slumped against it with a snarl. "Blond bastard knocked me out with one hit! I've been slacking...I need to start training again. Might even have to use my Zanpakuto...
Oh, dear. Now there was an alarming idea. "Now, now, Yoruichi! Lets not be hasty...
Her mug whistled past his head and shattered against the wall.
His old friend rounded on him. "Kisssssuuuuukeeeeee!" she drawled his name out, hiccuping a little. Train with me!
All the blood drained from his face.
Well, this certainly boded poorly now, didn't it?
Wherever that Arrancar was, he hoped Naruto was suffering just as much as him right now.
Neliel wasn't in her room.
Surprising, but she did so love her little walks under the moonlight. He didn't begrudge her that. Maybe she too, needed time to think after that debacle in Karakura Town. She wasn't the sort who enjoyed violence but she liked being ganged up on even less. She might have a bone to pick that happy-hat-man as well...
That in turn gave him time to ponder.
He gave his staff a bleak look. "Now what am I gonna do with you...?"
Kurama offered the mental equivalent of a shrug. "Try to use it?"
...wasn't as though he had much choice. Maybe unlocking it would grant him with the answer of his death.
He shivered a little at the thought. Now that he knew he really was dead, he both anticipated and dreaded finding his killer in equal measure. Had he died well? Was it a good death? Had he taken his enemy to the grave with him? Or were they still out there somehow?
Those questions wouldn't answer themselves, he knew.
Lets get to work, then.
An hour later saw him out on the dunes, practicing with with his new tool...if one used the term practice loosely.
"Release!" he swung his staff in the air, drilling through an imaginary opponent.
Silence reigned supreme. Well, that was a bit of a spirit breaker.
Naruto glowered at his staff. "I said release."
It remained every much inert.
His temper sparked. Nel had made this look easy! He was pouring energy into his weapon! That was what he had to do, right?! So why wasn't it working?! Was it the word he used? Was he missing something here, or was it just sailing right over his head? He could hunt Nel down and ask for help...but the thought made him flush. No. He couldn't go asking her for every little thing! She'd already explained so much to him, done so much for him. Surely she deserved a little rest.
But this stupid stinking staff!
"Bah!" He flung it across the dunes in a fit of pique. "Who needs you, anyway?!"
Kurama coughed pointedly, recapturing his attention. "On your left."
Naruto looked down and found his weapon back at his side. "Huh?"
A strange spooky staff that kept returning to his side no matter how many times he threw it away? Sure that wasn't concerning at all. Nothing to worry about here, no sirree! He'd just keep tossing it away, like nothing had happened!
Baffled, he snatched it up and flung it in another direction.
It landed in his lap as though he'd dropped it there..
His right eye began to twitch.
Enough was enough.
He burst to his feet and launched it at full speed. The loathsome weapon vanished across the horizon of Hueco Muendo with a sonicboom, broke the sound barrier and became a distant star in the perpetual night sky. Even then he didn't dare take his eye from said star until it faded for fear it might reappear.
A moment passed.
Three, now.
He let himself breathe. "Alright. Guess I'll figure out something else. I don't need no damn weapon to be strong!"
Said staff struck the back of his head from behind at speed and drove his teeth together with a painful click, sending him sprawling facefirst in the sand. His subsequent snarl was muffled by the dunes. Kuraman's laughter certainly didn't help any. His fingers fisted against the coarse grains, squeezing until they superheated into glas.
...what are you doing, Naruto?"
He was so busy raging at himself that he didn't hear Nel until she was right on top of him.
Mildly embarrassed by what he'd just done, he turned his head and spat out a wad of sullen sand. "Suffering."
"I can see that. she knelt beside him, patient as ever, lips quirked in that small, subtle smile of hers. "And why is that?
"Because of this!" He sat up and gave his staff a shake. "I keep trying to unlock this damn thing, but I can't figure out how! Nothing works!"
"Hmm." rather than retort she patiently sat beside him instead. "You've always been the dogged sort. I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later. You always do."
Those words of encouragement were just what he needed. A grin swept over his whiskered cheeks as his spirits lifted a little.. "Thanks for the pick me up. It helped. Appreciate ya."
Her face turned a pretty shade of pink. He wondered why. "You're still willing to working with us, then?"
"Huh?" he squinted at her. "Of course I am. Nothing's changed on that front."
"Dense as ever I see...
'Oi, oi! What's that supposed to to mean?!'
A dazzling smile lit up Nel's face and quite suddenly it was his turn to flush. "I'm so glad. Oh, and on your left, by the way."
His sixth sense shrilled a warning almost too late.
"For the love of-
Instinct compelled him to act; his right hand whipped out, idly blocking an emerald green cero before it could immolate the both of them. His palm sizzled as his fingers closed around it and squeezed. The energy shattered like so much glass, kicking up a wave of smoke in its wake. Coughing, he squinted into it, where a humanoid shape could be seen.
Nel sighed softly. "You know that's unnecessary, right, Ulquiorra? If you want to say hello, then say hello."
He turned to find a pale hollow garbed in white-on-black robes, a pale finger still raised in their direction. Green eyes shone from a pale face framed by messy black hair and a half hollow helm. It really said something when the latter seemed more expressive than the former.
"He told me I could try to defeat him again when next we met." as always, his deadpan tone gave absolutely nothing away.
"Did I...?" he tilted his head, vaguely reminded of why he'd made that promise; this hollow reminded him so much of Sasuke. "Oh, yeah. I might've said something like that...ya gonna try again?"
A poignant pause followed as the pale hollow considered him. "...not today, no."
His pensive expression seemed to suggest otherwise.
Why did arrancar have to be so complicated? "If you've got something to say, say it."
"Very well." his hand fell, hanging loosely at his side as he considered him anew. "Why do you exist?"
...seemed they were getting philosophical today
...you wanna run that by me again, broody mcbrood boy?"
Nel hid a giggle behind one hand. Ulquiorra glared at her, but recovered quckly enough.
"You are an arrancar, yet you exist outside of both Lord Aizen's power structure and ranking system." those cold green eyes drilled into him. "It baffles me. Why? You kill for the strangest reasons and yet protect others on a whim. It seems irrational and makes no sense. When last we met you told me it has something to do with a "heart". But we are hollows. We do not have hearts. So why?"
He opened his mouth to reply, but Nel beat him to it, laying her hand on his. "Do you need a reason to protect someone? Or to fall in love?
Perfect timing! "Yeah, what she said. I don't need a reason to do the things I do. I do them because they feel right, ya know?"
Ulquiorra considered him for a long moment. "You baffle me, Neliel. You as well, Uzumaki Naruto."
The blond laughed and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Aw, thanks, best buddy!"
He received a scowl for his efforts. "We are not friends."
"We totally are!"
Ulquiorra shook him off with a sullen sigh. "So illogical...well? What are you doing here?"
Aha! Progress! "Well, I have a zanpakuto, but how the heck do I use it?"
He paused. "Ordinarily one would use a command...
...yeah, I got nothing."
Nel giggled. "Well, its not that simple. The word encapsulates what you did while you were alive, or as a hollow." That drew an interested look from him. "What did you do while you were alive, Naruto? What did you do for those you held dear? Did you defend them?" she tried giving him another nudge. "Did you Swear? Did you Promise? Or perhaps...?"
It was like a key turning in a lock; something clicked in his head.
His eyes widened in realization. "Protect."
The world burst into white light.
A/N: Aaaaand scene.
Hope you enjoyed this story!
Do let me know if you want weekly updates~!
As ever, the Embers rule yet remains. Meaning, if folks don't like this story...well, it'll remain, but it won't be continued. So by all means, speak up! Every bit of feedback matters here! Truly, it does! That's no joke! I really don't have much time to write these days and feedback is the wind beneath my wings. Silence is a lead weight that just drags me down.
As ever, reviews/feedback keep me writing them. Without them, I lose all hope, creativity and imagination.
So...in the Immortal Words of Atlas...
...Review...Would You Kindly!
(POTENTIAL PREVIEWS. Be sure and vote for what you want to see~!)
She grabbed him by the face and kissed him.
Do you have what it takes?
Suppose that's the question.
Her fist slammed headlong into his face. He took it with a smile. Almost immediately she recoiled with a yelp.
What is your head made of, pure metal?!
Naw, I've just got a thick skull.
I noticed!
...you're noisy, Barragan."
"You dare look down on me, you lowly ant-
A shadow fell over him and swallowed his worlds whole.
"What is that?!"
Halibel, put the poor hollow down. You'll break him.
"Who says all arrancar are bad?" he turned his head and spat a wad of blood. "The world pushes hollows without mercy, and when some of us push back, the world points and cries 'evil!' And for what?" He climbed to his feet ignoring the seething light chains wrapping his body. "You think defending myself is evil? No. You haven't seen evil. You have NO IDEA. So screw you and your precious Kido. Here's one of mine. Made it myself, ya know.
"Nonsense! One cannot simply create a kido-
"Wanna bet, bitch?"
His right hand broke the binds and rose. The sky stained itself scarlet.
"In the beginning there was One. Then she was split into Nine. The Nine were scattered across the world.
Clouds ruptured overhead; bursting one by one, tearing themselves apart as he spoke.
"One tree. Nine beasts. Now only one remains."
A crazed grin tore across his face.
"I tell you of creation. I speak of destruction."
Ebony cracks crawled across the whole of reality itself.
"Before there was light, there was darkness. I walk to the beginning. Rushing forward toward an end not yet seen...
Cruel claws pushed through the tear in the world and a massive golden creature emerged. Its shadow dwarfed them all. Great gaping jaws opened wide. Black light glimmered within.
Some of them tried to flash away. It wouldn't save them. "Therefore...!"
Naruto grinned. "Bijudama."
Let there be light.
"Not you again?!"
"What, can't I check in on my favorite strawberry."
Is that a no?"
EDIT: Hey, you made it! Thanks for reading!
May your have a wonderful & lucky day!