I was bored today and to be frankly honest procrastinating working on my main story. It will happen, I swear when this idea came to me. This is a one shot focusing on the blizzard of '68 Bunny mentions to Jack when they first encounter each other in ROTG, this is my little origin story of what happened. Told from Jack P.O.V
You wanna know my least favorite part of being stuck alone is? Not having anyone to help you get out of stupid situations you get forced into. I mean I don't even know what I did…sort of.
I've got a basic idea okay, but it still doesn't justify having a hundred creepy little walking eggs come at you, physically throwing you into the ground and into a massive tunnel that whisks you off to who knows where.
As I feel my feet go out from under me I quickly reach my hand up locking it around my staff yanking it down with me. There was no chance I was losing that thing. I can feel moss and grass sliding against my back as I'm whisked through the dark tunnels that kept turning and twisting as if unsure where to take me.
Too soon I can make out a dim light in front of me as my destination is chosen.
I wince and try to relax my body as I'm thrown out of the tunnel and land painfully against an old stone pathway. I quickly look around and grab my staff, which thankfully landed a few feet away from me, before the creature that summoned me here gets any ideas.
"Frost!" a voice then yelled. I wince at the anger clearly noticeable in the voice.
"Bunny, hi! So how are you?" I yell back putting as much fake cheerfulness into my voice as I can muster.
"What did you bloody do?" the pooka then asked as he came into my line of sight.
"What do you mean my friend?" I know I'm pushing it with the overdramatics but it's hard to resist getting to mess with him when I get the chance.
"You know bloody well what I mean Jackson!" I have to resist the urge to smile as I push myself to my feet and begin brushing dirt off of my hoodie.
"I'm so sorry, but I believe there's been a misunderstanding. I don't know what you're talking about." I say giving an over dramatic sigh as I run a hand through my hair feigning disappointment.
"Really well let's fix that shall we?" Bunny suggested as he shuffled over to me. I try to fight down the urge to be intimidated and continue on with my sarcastic and cocky facade.
"We should, I have to get to Burgess in like ten minutes though so let's make this quick." I say clasping my free hand on top of my other hand.
"Why did you do it hmm? What did I ever do to you!" Bunny asks. Suddenly I remember what I did earlier last week.
"Ohhhh, no disrespect intended, I was simply trying to have a little fun." I say with a small shrug.
"Well mate Sorry's not going to cut it, unlike you I have a purpose and have to take care of that so I don't need a screw-up like you around to mess it up."
I try not to wince at the harsh words as they slam into me echoing inside my head, instead I summon my signature sarcasm and give Bunny a small cocky smile.
"Now Bunny, I know you don't actually think that…"
"Enough with the games Frost tell me why you did it or else!"
"Fine, fine, don't get all upset." I call out as I float into the air relishing in the cold air that envelops me in a blanket of sorts.
"So where to start…" I sigh once I'm well out of his reach as I sprawl out on my back and tuck my free hand behind my head.
It had all started last Friday, the end of Winter had died down so that meant I didn't get to have as much fun as I wanted, even in the areas that tended to have snow and colder temperatures than normal I still had to limit it.
So I had tried to think of one of the places in the world where it wouldn't be uncommon for there to still be snow. As I flew through the air gratefully sucking in the icy cold air into my lungs as I flipped through the air a cry then snapped me out of my trance. I pause and listen carefully, unsure whether I was hearing things or not. Then a few moments later the cry echoed throughout the air again.
I pause and have the wind lower me to the ground in the middle of a small town. A large building was a few hundred feet away and around thirty children were outside of it jumping and running around the snow filled courtyard.
I look around happy that the kids are enjoying my handiwork. I then notice a small group of kids surrounding a smaller kid. My eyes began to narrow as the kid in the middle tried to move away but was blocked by another kid.
"Leave them alone." I can't help but scold them even though I know by now that they won't see me or even know I'm here. I glance around for any other adult but see none.
"Go figure." I mutter under my breath as I walk over trying to see what was happening. I know that even if I tried to do anything it wouldn't work but it's like I don't have any control over myself anymore, something inside of me is making me help this kid I don't know what though.
Silently I watch as the kid in the middle tries to shove their way past another kid only to be pushed to the ground. Subconsciously my grip on my staff tightened as I watched unable to do anything. A cold breeze blew around me and a light dusting of snow began to fall from the sky and jerked through the air circling the group of children.
An idea then struck me, even though I couldn't physically do anything that didn't mean I couldn't do anything. I glanced at my staff, a small smile spreading across my face as an idea then hit me.
I flicked my staff a small burst of snowflakes surrounding the kid that was blocking the other kid from getting free. I jerked my staff down causing a large amount of heavy snow to conveniently get whisked through the air and to hit them in the back. The boy jerked around in surprise and anger looking for the culprit.
I aimed my attention to the other two kids who looked at their friend in surprise. I tapped the end of my staff to the ground, a thin layer of ice spreading out from the tip and underneath the kids. I pulled my staff back and the ice grew slick. The two kids hung to each other trying to keep their balance only to accidentally pull each other down.
I turned to the final kid and looked at them as they glanced around in surprise. They seemed to be confused but I had expected that. I kneeled down and scooped a handful of snow into my palm before sculpting it into a ball and throwing it gently at the kids chest when they weren't looking. The kid looked around and then let out a small laugh and picked up a small pile of snow and threw it into the air crying out in joy as it came raining down on them.
Over the next few days I decided to stay in this small little town making sure the kids didn't decide to pick on each other again. I barely noticed a large blizzard that had formed over the small town until I went back to Burgess Saturday night. I knew I should go back and get rid of most of the snow since it would be well into spring by then.
I couldn't though and I guess I had never gotten around to before Bunny had managed to get there to deliver candy and eggs.
"Do you know how bloody hard it is to try and dig through snow and ice to hide an egg! The kids couldn't even find half the eggs making it so that half of the production for the town was wasted!"
I snapped my head up as Bunny's rant brought me back into focus.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to forget about the storm." I apologized trying to sound genuine. So what, he had a hard time digging through snow, he still managed to get the work done.
"Frost, I'm warnin' you now if you try to do anything like this again I won't let you off this easily."
"Message received." I say with a cocky smile as I grab my staff and take off towards one of the many tunnels that lead to different locations around the world. I darted into North America unsure where I was going yet but I knew this was going to be fun.
BAM! I did it, this was surprisingly a fun project I enjoyed getting to write a Jack centered story. I think it went well with it being my first, first person P.O.V story!
See you later y'all! (I will update, I swear chapter 6 is in the makings)