When the gonging, ringing went signifying the end of Transfiguration Class and the last class he had today, Faeran was practically the first out of the door.
A rather rare event that drew odd eyes from his classmates, considering he generally tended to take things at his own pace.
He ignored the looks and pushed his way through the burgeoning throng of students and made his way out into the courtyard to find a bench to sit down on.
He collapsed into it with a groan, uncaringly dropping his bag at his feet and clutching his head.
It was fucking killing him.
After all, Faeran Shafiq, last member and heir to the once thought extinct Shafiq family of the Sacred Twenty Eight, all of a sudden while minding his own business in class, found himself beholden to the memories of fourteen year old Faeran Odhar.
It was a wonder he managed to keep himself composed at all in class, especially in a class such as transfiguration that required quite a lot of mental prowess to succeed, one of the most difficult magical disciplines of all to become accomplished in.
He had Harry Potter to thank for that, alongside his own innate talent.
He had always been quite the talented boy and the top of his year for the most part, but after learning under Harry Potter last year in the DA and being coached into mastering the incredibly complicated Patronus Charm, leagues ahead of the kind of magic he usually learned, Faeran found less complicated and difficult magic much easier to accomplish.
Combined with his own talent, it made him stand heads and shoulders above the rest of his year, besides Dennis and Nigel in Defence Against The Dark Arts, but they were also former members of Dumbledore's Army who learned under Harry.
But, he had to thank Harry Potter twice over in this moment. It hadn't been quite nice of him, but he'd tended to eavesdrop on Harry Potter and his friends now and then.
And not only because Granger was one fit arse bird.
But also because, Faeran had common sense and three years below Harry or not, he was able to put dots together pretty easily and actually pay attention and notice that when everyone else didn't believe what he was saying and the older teenager stubbornly dug his feet in, he tended to be telling the truth, just like in the Triwizard Tournament.
Harry and his friends usually had something quite juicy going on as a topic. And it was through that, he overhead their discussions of a magical discipline Harry was learning from Snape last year.
Occlumency and its counterpart Legilimency. The magical art of reading the mind and shielding and organising the mind.
He'd been very urgent to learn the subject when he found out Snape of all people could read minds. Alas, he hadn't made much progress because there was very little on the subject in the Hogwarts Library, but he'd learned some of organising his mind from reference texts.
And it was probably the only reason he hadn't passed out from the sudden influx of memories invading his psyche.
"Ugh..." Faeran groaned leaning back so far he almost tipped right off the bench he was sitting on.
And not only because of the pain. But because of what he had learned from the memories raping his skull into a little bitch.
A fictional childrens book. That was what this world amounted to in those memories, a book series centering around Harry Potter and his years at Hogwarts and his adventures on the way to defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort.
A childrens book he apparently didn't even exist in considering his apparent counterpart had read the books and found no mention of a Faeran Shafiq, not even in the fifth book that featured Dumbledore's Army learning under Harry.
He was actually quite grateful for the grating headache he had, otherwise he'd probably freak out and panic, maybe have an existential crisis. The pain was good though here, it made him focus.
And made him come to the conclusion that he didn't rightly care that he was apparently not part of the books. But rather, what this knowledge could do for him.
And also;
'There's translation charms that can be applied to the mind,' Faeran mused, 'The pokemon games come out this year in Japan, should already be out even, I can totally play those versions with a translation charm.'
But how to get his hands on a gameboy, batteries and the games? He had plenty money of course, a bit over ninety six thousand galleons, the fortune left behind by his family that came into his possession when he came to the wizarding world the first time and learned of his heritage.
That memory was what allowed him to form his patronus last year, a large stallion. The euphoria of learning of how special he was back then, and not really some cast off that was destined to never reach anywhere, who had been dumped at a childrens home in Glasgow, and the fact that he would never really need to worry about money or working if he was careful...
Well, it was the turning point of his life.
Why getting pokemon games and such one might wonder? Well, because there really wasn't much entertaining stuff to do at Hogwarts. Nobody even played any proper sports like football and instead were all obsessed with Quidditch.
'Maybe Slughorn could hook me up?' Faeran mused. He'd been avoiding the potions professor and most really this year. He had quite a bit of attention this year after all, with the Dark Lord's return announced and him not hiding anymore.
Hogwarts was tense right now, and while it had only been a month since they returned to school, many older year Slytherins were already laying the grounds for recruitment outside of school.
And since he was the heir to one of the Sacred Twenty Eight, he was quite a target of interest.
He'd been sticking to classes and his dorm. Not wanting to get involved. But now with his new knowledge, it wasn't just his family name and money he had as his advantage anymore.
Not to mention, he felt a bit different. Avoiding the dark affiliated trying to recruit him was the smart thing to do, and while frustrating and terrifying all in one, it was the only thing he could do beyond joining them or picking the other side, and he didn't want to get involved.
...The part of him that was now Faeran Odhar was just fucking pissed off at the thought of having to go out of his way for the arseholes. That part of him wanted to go find a seventh year slytherin and knife him, make a point and keep them from bothering him anymore.
Faeran Odhar was a lot more bold than Faeran Shifaq. At least he was, before they became one.
He was not going to do that of course. Because, tempting as it was, that would be fucking stupid. But, the heaviness on his shoulders and the need to keep looking over his shoulder eased and in a way, Faeran felt mightily free all of a sudden.
"Slughorn probably has a few headache relieving potions around." the teen wizard mused, pushing himself up to his feet and grabbing his bag. He may as well go take care of a few things here and now. And there were quite a few things the old professor could help him with, being a potion master and all.
Something specifically Snape had run him off for last year. The greasy haired prick.
Which reminded him, his eyes briefly flickering to the sun that was already beginning to set. Faeran reached into his bag and pulled out his wand, jet black a twelve inch, beauty of a wand. Twelve inches, Ebony Wood with a dragon heart string core. A wand suited battle, transfiguration and highly powerful spell casting.
He pressed the wand against his heart, "Amato Animo!" he declared, and golden light surged from the tip of his wand into his chest, lighting up his torso and spreading warmth into it, before it spread to his entire body. For a moment, he glowed like a golden light bulb before it dissipated.
The animagus transformation spell. Something he'd been fascinated with ever since coming to Hogwarts and looked fully into. Sadly, it wasn't quite as simple as casting as spell on yourself to become one. And the spell was needed to prepare the body, and had to be cast at sun rise and sun down every day for a month before ingesting a specific and highly complicated potion that would then force the transformation into the users animagus form.
He had mastered the spell last year. Unfortunately, his potion brewing skills were not sufficient enough to complete the potion and he had ruined it. And he could never find someone selling it on the open market.
His only option had been to ask Professor Snape, Faeran even offered to pay the man, but the greasy haired bastard had lambasted him and basically told him to fuck off.
Something told him, with the knowledge he now had, that Professor Slughorn would be much more amendable to helping him.
Either way, it had become a habit to cast the spell on himself just in case the opportunity ever presented itself.
Since his classes were ended for today, no doubt Professor Slughorn was probably just about done with his own and taking the time to fix up his classroom, and dinner was just over an hour away, though the great hall was probably already teaming with students at this point.
Faeran kept his wand in hand and swung his bag over his shoulder, then made his way out of the courtyard. As he did though, he caught sight of his reflection in one of the windows and frowned.
Pale skinned, average height and build and smart dark hair with bright blue eyes. 'I look like a fucking geek.' he snorted.
He was taller than Faeran Odhar, and better looking he'd say, but he was nowhere near as broad as his counterpart who grew up playing sports and had a heavily physically strenuous life, unlike him who stopped playing sports when he came to Hogwarts and had little interest in Quidditch.
All in all though, he didn't really stand out. Which, kind of bugged him now. How the hell was he gonna get into bed with girls like this?
He almost palmed his face as the thought hit him. His counterpart was clearly effecting him quite a bit. He hadn't even had his first kiss yet, where as his counterpart wasn't even a virgin, despite being the exact same age.
'Well I can't exactly do much about it now...' he huffed. He couldn't exactly get muscular with just a thought, though there were a few potions that could help and make it a lot quicker.
Well no, tell a lie. He could do something. His counterpart, in an effort to make himself more appealing had gotten blonde highlights in his hair. 'I can do that easily.' Faeran snorted to himself and lifted his wand up to his head, specifically to his fringe and focused only on his fringe, "Colovaria!" he said, using the colour changing charm. And before his eyes, his fringe went from black to bright blonde, and then he turned to his side and eyed the hair just coming down to his neck, "Colovaria!" he repeated the colouring charm and changed the tips of his hair at the back the same bright blonde.
"Hey, this looks pretty good." Faeran grinned at his reflection. It made him stand out and gave him a bit of a rebel look. Maybe an earring in his left ear would complete the look? His counterpart had a diamond stud, but he could maybe get like a dragon fang one. Bill Weasley had one of those right and he was getting to shag Fleur Delacour.
Damn he was jealous. That was one good looking woman, he'd wanked over her quite a few times in his first year here at Hogwarts.
And besides, he could totally charm it with some protective spells or something as well, that would be badass.
Despite his headache, Faeran was beginning to feel pretty good about things now.
And as he made his way to the dungeons, a whistle was on his lips.
Hogwarts is a magical castle in Scotland, and now the great magical Scottish bastard has appeared there ready to party, really, it was practically destiny, right?
Anyway, again, shameless Pa-atreon plug. I've got one, go by the same username on there, easy to find and all that jazz. Support me if you want, it'd be swell, but don't feel pressured lads and ladies, I'll be uploading my stuff outside it regardless and not keeping it all behind a paywall or anything like that.
Anyway, shameless Pa-atreon plug. I've got one, go by the same username on there, easy to find and all that jazz. Support me if you want, it'd be swell, but don't feel pressured lads and ladies, I'll be uploading my stuff outside it regardless and not keeping it all behind a paywall or anything like that.