Alright, here we are back again with this story, time for the good ol' chapteruno sixty something or other puno duno juno.

Standard opening here to let you guys know, If you want to read ahead in advance, with the Big P fucking me over, you'll need to head over to my subscribestar. You can find it under 0jordinio0, no spaces in their search bar, simple enough. There's a bunch of advanced chapters up there already. A few for this, the likes of this we're like 3 chapters ahead, Stacking The Deck, Scaped(which isn't up here yet) Systematic Shinobi:Multiverse Mayhem, Remnant Version, Dragon Tale, A failed Future(another one not up here yet), Systematic Huntsman, Remnant Verison, Power, Power, A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World, Power, Bleached Invader...and a bunch more shit. Heck, there's even Is It Wrong To Devour Monsters In The dungeon and a bunch of other shit.

Sorry it's been a while since I updated. A ton of shit happened over the Christmas period, such as a pipe bursting through the town and half the town being without water for over a week, and many other things as is my luck. Even the last...near ten days I've been laid low sick. 2025 is off to a shit start, then again I knew that as soon as I did my new year roll on Fate Grand Order, where four out of five options I wanted, and one was shit that I didn't want. 80 percent chance for something I want, only 20% chance for trash...and I got the trash. Such is my luck. I rolled on the Melusine banner FYI.

Now, let's get a move on and loot loot loot! Land Of Loot for the win!

While the original Daiki was facing down twin weapons of massive destruction with a grin on his face, one of his clones was soaring far above the clouds.

He had been created with a great purpose.

Multiple even.

And his first destination, was a small village on the edge of the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of- Loot - Rivers.

'Shouldn't take me long to get there.' he thought. He'd already traversed halfway across the Land of Fire, so in a few minutes at best he'd be there.

Shinno wouldn't know what hit him.


Once he got his hands on the Body Revival Technique, the progress of his physical training would be amplified massively.
'I'll need to be careful and not overload on it like that idiot would though.' he hummed.

Either way, it would go a massive way to making him feel more secure for the future.

He needed every advantage he could get in case Madara's resurrection actually did come to by.

Even if he killed Orochimaru and Kabuto, that wouldn't stop Madara. It didn't even matter that Obito apparently didn't know Edo Tensei. Because, while Kabuto did revive Madara in that timeline-

Madara already had a plan in motion to be brought back, his whole plan revolved around it after all. Yet because Obito didn't know the Edo Tensei, it meant that his plan to be brought back, didn't revolve around Edo Tensei.

Unless Madara taught Edo Tensei to Black Zetsu or something. Or perhaps he was relying on the Rinnei Tensei? 'But would that even work for someone who had been dead that long?' Daiki thought as he crossed his arms mid-air in thought, blasting through a cloud.

The real problem was, in the end he didn't know just what Madara's own plan for being brought back was. And considering Obito with Kamui literally bust out of the after life, it could be literally anything. For all he knew Madara had sealed a technique in his eyes Itachi style using his time manipulation abilities to warp time and space to respawn or some asinine bullshit like that.

Madara truly was his boogie man.

Honestly, the man could casually summon meteors, each of them being around four hundred kilometres in size.

That was forty times the size of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs on Earth. It was the size of a small country back on Earth even.

And Madara could summon them almost casually.

'Wouldn't just one of them hitting the planet fuck it up beyond all repair?' Daiki grimaced. Madara was an idiot, an overpowered idiot, if it weren't for Gaara and old man rock humper in that timeline, his whole plan for peace would have been destroyed from the get go because he would have wiped out everyone on the bloody planet.

Either way, that was the kind of monster he needed to surpass. Supposing he managed to cut off any and all plans for him to be brought back, then Daiki would have just been glad to be over prepared and not need it, than underprepared and get decimated.

It wasn't long later that he arrived at his destination.

It was a small village, built atop a marshy grassland on the edge of a large river that ran straight into the Land of Fire, from the Land of Rivers.

It had to have no more than a hundred residents.

Touching down on the outskirts, Daiki focused on his eyes and a second later, a familiar shimmer of red dust emerged from his eyes, before coating his body and fading from view.

His chakra being completely hidden.

'Now where are you.' he thought to himself, eyes roaming over the village and peering through the buildings, 'There you are.' he grinned, eyes landing on a building near the centre of the small village, a small hut like home, with only three rooms.

Inside it, he could see two figures. One, a short tan girl with long reddish-brown hair, a few years older than him sleeping in one room with her window open letting a cool breeze in, while in the main room, an older man with long white bushy hair was stirring a pot.

Amaru and Shinno.


Daiki moved, feet silent as he leapt into the air, landing atop one of the buildings and stealthily made his way over.
A few moments later, he silently touched down within the bedroom Amaru was sleeping within. It had two futons within it, so he assumed both the girl and old man slept in the room.

He eyed the older girl.

'She's really pretty.' he absently noticed. Her face was gorgeous, tan, blemish free, perfectly framed yet thick brows, dainty eyelashes. Honestly, she could pass for a noble girl.

And she was pretty stacked as well he thought, idly taking in the twin large mounds raising up and down with each breath she took.

'Shinno is a real cunt.' Daiki shook his head. His whole plan, revolved around making Amaru deeply and utterly love him, almost worship him. And then utterly betraying her to leave her a mess of dark emotions that could be used as a battery for the Zero Tails.

Kneeling, he pressed a palm to her forehead and with his chakra, sealed her consciousness. It would keep her asleep until the chakra powering it ran out. By which point, he'd be long gone.

And with that taken care of, he silently slipped out of the room, creeping down the thin hallway and pausing outside the room Shinno was sitting within.

Peering through the walls, Shinno none the wiser to his silent, hidden presence, Daiki made a single hand seal, 'Genjutsu: Sly Mind Technique!' he thought, scarlet red eyes glowing.

The genjutsu took effect, and a few moments later, Shinno gave a drowsy yawn and slumped over asleep.

With that taken care of, Daiki pulled the door open and walked over, kneeling down and just like Amaru before him, sealed the mans consciousness with a quick burst of chakra and his palm atop his forehead.

"And you're supposed to be a big movie villain?" Daiki snorted, "Don't make me laugh."

That was pathetic. A single low level genjutsu he wasn't prepared for at all was enough to defeat him.

Admittedly, he thought he was safe in his home, with nobody knowing of his identity whatsoever and no shinobi or kunoichi at all within the village.

But still.

"Well whatever, makes things easier for me." Daiki laughed lightly as he kneeled over the older man and pried open his eyelids, staring straight into his eyes.

Then with the power of his Shinkugan, dove straight into his mind.

There was little resistance to his eyes in the mans mind. And immediately, Daiki found himself in complete control of the mans thoughts and memories.

'Let's see.' he thought, focusing.

He tore through the mans memories, dredging up what he needed. First, the Body Revival Technique, and any other techniques related to it.

There was four in total revolving around the Body Revival Technique. The Body Revival Technique itself, the Revival Fist, the Super Revival Fist and the Darkness Wave.

They were techniques utterly reliant on outside and more potent forms of chakra than that of a standard humans. Luckily for Daiki, he had complete access to his own enhanced chakra combined with the energy of gellel and Isobu's own chakra.

Both which were far more stable than the dark chakra of the Zero Tails.

'Hoh?' he hummed in interest as he internalized the techniques. Putting aside the Body Revival Technique, the others were quite something.

The Revival Fist was actually quite simple, it allowed the user to release pulsing shock waves of chakra. It would go quite well actually when combined with his Force Palm jutsu.

The Darkness Wave jutsu, was another quite useful jutsu that allowed the user to expel waves of potent chakra outwards from their body, akin to the Hyuuga's Kaiten technique, but relying on the brute force potent power of enhanced chakra rather than technique.

And finally was the Super Revival Fist, which was actually quite a bit different from the normal Revival Fist. In practice, using it created a dense sphere of chakra, akin to a Rasengan without the spiralling effect. What caught his interest the most though, was the formation of the attack, that allowed for more and more chakra to be packed into the technique, by creating rings of chakra around the sphere.

'…With this…!' Daiki's eyes widened in realisation.

If he combined that formation, with the Rasengan….

Wouldn't it allow for the creation of his very own Spiralling Fear Wheel? Menma's absolutely absurd Rasengan variant?

This…he had not been expecting at all!

What a find!

He'd already had a good idea on how to go about re-creating the Spiralling Fear Wheel himself. But now with this, he could probably get it done in record time.

'Soon.' he thought, almost giddily. Once he did, he would be able to make the Great Spiralling Fear Wheel as well, Menma's variant of the Big Ball Rasengan that could wipe out up to seventy miles of land casually.

And to think that was without combining it with an element like the Wind Style: Rasenshuriken.

Daiki shook those thoughts away for the moment and re-focused, he could get giddy over that later.

For the moment, he wasn't done.

There were a few specific sealing techniques he knew Shinno had knowledge on, specifically created to deal with the Zero Tails. And while he had little interest in it personally…or at least Isobu made sure he didn't, the sealing knowledge was useful for expanding his knowledge.

'Hoh, not bad.' Daiki thought as he pilfered the knowledge.

Actually, on that topic.

Where as the Zero Tails.

He pulled that knowledge from the recess of Shinno's mind, before blinkling blankly, '…You're kidding?'

It was here, in this small village.

Or well, on the outskirts of it, sealed in a simple boulder completely in plain sight. Shinno had brought it with him.

…...'Well, alright then.' Daiki shrugged mentally.

That saved him hunting it down.

Now, beyond his standard knowledge as a doctor, there was just one more thing that Daiki wanted to know.

Where exactly was Ancor Vantian, the flying fortress created by the Land of Sky.

'Oh you've got to be kidding me.' Daiki outright guffawed mentally as he pulled the information from Shinno.

As it turned out.

The massive flying fortress was buried and sealed, made to look like a long forgotten ruin.

In the Land of Rivers.

"Seriously," Daiki shook his head as he retreated from the mans mind, "Literally everything is there."

He was joking about it being the Land of Loot, but at this point it really and honestly truly was.

Though he supposed it made sense since Shinno took up residence in a small village like this right on the border of the Land of Rivers, he'd want to be close by, right?

Especially since the Zero Tails itself was required to work as the power source for the flying fortress.

Good thing Daiki had the far superior Isobro to power if he ever wanted to use it.

And on that note-

"Im'a steal it." Daiki decided. He could make a slight detour on his way over to yoink Shura's breathing technique method from him.

And on another note.

Daiki placed his hand on the mans chest, and with a quick application of his chakra, applied a dead mans seal to his heart. With a specific trigger in mind. Should he try to kill Amaru, or enact any of his silly little Sky ninja loser plans, it would activate and make his heart explode in his chest.

"And I'm done here." Daiki stood up, turning on his heel and leaving the failed movie villain behind.

The man completely unknowing of the fact that Daiki had outright came along and stolen away his life long ambition, leaving him with nothing at all beyond wasted years and effort.

Good game.

With Shinno taken care of, Daiki made his way out of the village, out into the outskirts.

He wandered through a large winding stone path, surrounded by large pillar like boulders.

Honestly, it was completely out of place for a small village like this one.

But it honestly came off as something more like the remnants of a larger city or town that once stood in the area. And considering how many villages and towns like that sprung up and disappeared over night during the warring clans era, nobody would really question it too much.

As it was, he stopped in front of a large ragged innocuous boulder midway through the path. Looking no different from any of the other boulders on the path, nobody would notice anything out of place about the boulder at all.
It didn't even leak any chakra or anything.

Daiki however, was built different and he stole an old mans most prized possession from him and life's work, and thus he knew it was exactly where the Zero Tails was sealed within.

"Alright then, let's make sure you won't wake up at all without my say so." Daiki grinned, pressing his palm against the boulder. Chakra ignited on his finger tips as he branded a four symbol seal.

With a seal powerful enough to hold back even an upper tier bijuu, the Zero Tails, a mangy little demonic leech, had no chance of busting out and getting free.

Between the Four Symbol Seal, and the seals specifically designed by the Land of Sky he'd stolen from Shinno, he could render the Zero Tails little more than a slave to be used.

'Maybe I really should give it to Yakumo.' he mused, thinking on Isobu's suggestion. He could easily seal it within her and use it to suck up all the negative emotions of her Edo personality demon thing.

He could take her on as an apprentice and make an amazing kunoichi out of her. Even if she was a year older than him if he remembered right.

But, well, he'd be Hokage, so having a disciple a year older than him wouldn't be a problem really.

'Would Hanabi get jealous?' he wondered, cocking his head to the side idly. That would suck, he wouldn't want his cute little shoulder loli minion apprentice to feel like he was replacing her.

But then, all teams generally had a squad of three. And he liked the idea of training up a squad of his own and making them totally superior to the sannin.

…But who would be his third student?

"Thoughts for later." Daiki decided, placing his hand on the sealed boulder once more, and then, "Sunpo." he declared, fading out of reality as he phased into Isobu's dimension, dragging the sealed Zero Tails with him

Once the Zero Tails was securely stored away within Isobu's dimension, Daiki left it behind once again, and took to the air using his Mysterious Peacock Method technique.

Aura of chakra around his body in the shape of wings, he sped through the air once more, traversing past the borders of the Land of Rivers, towards his next destination.

A remote ruin in the Land of Rivers, or so it seemed to be, but was in fact not. Actually, it wasn't all that far away from the borders into the Land of Wind. The forests, lakes and rivers bled away into dusty, sandy deadmans land.

The perfect kind of place for a ruin to be, no?

Hiding completely in plain sight.

With the speed he could move it, it honestly didn't take Daiki long to arrive. The clone of the original Daiki touched down outside the middle of the abandoned and dusty 'ruins'.

The only sound at all besides his own breathing being the howling eerie wind. Daiki had to hand it to Shinno, he at least knew how to pick where to hide his shit.

Making his way through the 'ruins' using the knowledge he'd pilfered from Shinno's head, Daiki made a beeline straight for where he knew a sealing matrix was hidden near the centre of them.

Once there, with a pulse of chakra he revealed the matrix itself and kneeled down, pressing his hand to it and activating the seal.

Immediately, there was a reaction.

The ruins around him began to shake and groan audible, the ground itself rumbling as if a massive earthquake began to erupt from beneath him into existence.

The ruins around him began to shake and groan audible, the ground itself rumbling as if a massive earthquake began to erupt from beneath him into existence.

The ground beneath his feet cracked, and the ruins around him shattered, splitting apart and falling away like broken panes of glass.

The ruddy brown sandstone around him burst apart, and the ground itself began to rise. Gleaming grey limestone replaced the sandstone, and Daiki watched almost in awe as a massive, towering fortress elevated up out of the ground.
Gargantuan in scale, it stretched on for miles, reaching the size of a small town in scope easily.

With his Mysterious Peacock Technique, Daiki took to the air and peered down with a massive grin at the giant fortress that had spawned before him.

It really was such a grand sight. Though, he could do without that weird face carving spread out over the front of the massive grand fortress structure.

Crossing his legs mid-air, Daiki cupped his chin and peered down at Ancor Vantian, "…I somehow doubt that is going to fit in my Dimension Force Seal."

But more importantly, he needed to get rid of that dumb ugly face at the front. He'd need to replace it with something far more grand and impressive.

Maybe a leaf symbol?

Or wait, Isobu's face instead!

But wait, was that too gaudy? Would it look better with just plain buildings? Less was more, was a saying for a reason after all.

'Honestly, I haven't even planned out what I'm going to do with this thing.' he snorted. He just saw its location in Shinno's mind and decided he wanted it.

…Wait, could he renovate it maybe?

And live in it?

He'd make his home above Konoha itself. There was definitely plenty of space. And heck, he could probably design it to run on a few fragments of gelel while he was at it once he went and pilfered everything in that temple as well.

Even if he planned on feeding most of the gelel stone to Isobu to boost his power, he could keep a few for uses like that, right?

"Well, decisions for later…again." he snorted, cutting off the power to his Mysterious Peacock Method technique, and dropping to the ground.

Since he couldn't store something of this size in his Dimension Force Seal….quite yet.

There was only one place to store it.

'Yo,' he mentally prodded his inner turtle demon, 'Mind giving me a hit of your chakra? It'll make it easier to move this thing.'

'Hmm?' Isobu jolted mentally at the mental poke from the clone and turned his attention to said clone, 'Sure I suppose I'- Wait, what the absolute hell have you been doing!?' Isobu outright sputtered in shock.

'What…what the hell!? I don't pay attention to one of you clones for a literal half an hour and you…you do this?!' Isobu gaped.

Huh, neat.

It was so rare he got to see a shocked Isobu, score for one Daiki!

'You know what, I'm not even gonna bother, here take the chakra.' Isobu huffed, and a second later a familiar boiling red chakra shimmered into existence around his form, three bubbling huge shrimp like chakra tails wagging behind him.

Daiki laughed, placing his hand against the massive flying fortress that was Ancor Vantian, "Sunpo!" he activated the space time ninjutsu, overloading it with a massive amount of his and Isobu's chakra.

And a second later, he phased out of the dimension.

Dragging the colossal town sized fortress alongside him into Isobu's personal dimension.

'You know, I'm glad I accepted this mission, so so glad.' the clone of Daiki couldn't wipe the massive shit eating grin off of his face if he tried as he once more took to the air, and made his way into the Land Of Wind.

He had gotten his hands on a shit ton of chakra metal, and a seal to make more. Figured out the basis for creating Samehada, secured an alliance with the Mist, rizzed up the Mizukage, got his hands on a bunch of powerful techniques, stole a demon, stole a giant sky fortress…

'I bet you are, that's not even all of it either,' Isobu snorted, 'People dedicated their entire lives to getting even one of the things you've pilfered in the last few days. Meanwhile, a dozen absurd abilities, items or a demon later, and you're on your way to go grab up another technique near on the level of the Eight Gates and find the corpse of a kage.'

Some guys were just built different than the rest.

'Sure, let's go with that.' Isobu rolled his eyes.

Speaking of.

Daiki paused mid-air, bringing his hands into a familiar hand seal, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he declared.
There was a massive puff of smoke around him, blown away by the wind, to reveal a hundred clones, "Alright lads, you know what to do," he pointed out into the vast distance of desert below, the large winding sandy lands of the Lands of Wind, "Find me the corpse of a clown kage."

Moments later, the night sky was lit up with a hundred glowing absurdly handsome Daiki's as they tore through the sky clad in the Mysterious Peacock Technique.

He'd leave finding Rasa's corpse to them.

While he went on to Shira's village.

It didn't take him long at all to find Shira's village, nor Shira himself for that matter.

It was a tiny little village, even smaller than the one he found Shinno in. And, even though it was the dead of night, Shura himself stood out.

Specifically because the older teenager wasn't in in the vicinity of the village, but rather a small ways away from the village, training in the middle of a large rocky plateau.

Daiki peered down at the older teen as he worked through one handed push ups, his tunic soaked with sweat, a great big puddle of it having dripped down from his face to the ground below him.

"…23,182..!" Shira grit out.

Daiki respected the hustle, Shira was a real one who understood, like Lee and Gai, that the one true holy grind was the true path to strength.

It was too bad he had to steal the technique of such a great guy.

But needs must, and it would go to a good cause. Helping him be strong enough to overcome Madara should the worst come to pass.

Daiki blinked suddenly as memories pinged through his mind. The clones he'd made had dispelled, they had found Rasa's corpse rather easily.

He snorted, smirking as the image of Rasa's corpse, being put into a silly position with both hands forced into peace signs appeared in his head.

His clones it seemed, weren't happy with just taking a chunk of his flesh and DNA, but felt the need to leave his corpse in a humiliating position.

…Heh, good clones. He would have done it too.

'Alright then, I suppose it's best to get a move on.' Daiki thought, peering down at Shira.

Like with Shinno before him, Daiki made a single hand sign, his scarlet eyes glowing red as he reached out with his chakra, 'Genjutsu: Sly Mind Technique!'

He cast the genjutsu, and like with Shinno as well, he didn't alter his perception or anything like that, instead, he simply altered how he felt, to make the older teenager feel tired, drowsy.

With him already being so exhausted from training so extensively, it wasn't long before he yawned, lowering himself from his one handed push ups into a sitting position, eyes wavering, going half lidded.

And then he fell asleep.

Daiki dropped out of the air a second later, landing in front of him, "Sorry about this mate, but I need that technique." he apologized, even as he pried the older teenagers eyes open and dove into his mind with the Shinkugan.

It was childs play from there, to drag out the information of his technique, the Seven Heavens Breathing Method.

And one singular technique of Shira's as well.

He called it the Silent Fist.

A chakra cloak style technique, used by covering the entire body in chakra and suppressing all sound made within that chakra.

It would pair incredible well with his chakra fabrication technique.

Once he was done, Daiki cast one last look at the sleeping Shira, a little bit regretful, before-

Making a single hand seal and disappearing in a puff of smoke as he dispelled himself, transferring all his memories and everything he'd learned back to the original Daiki.