Chapter 1: Contact.
( Konoha. Night of the Kyuubi attack)
On this dreadful night the Kyuubi no kitsune was set free and is on a rampage throughout Konoha, the leaf village. Killing all villagers and Shinobi alike.
Minato Namikaze the 4th Hokage is putting a stop to the savage beast by using a ancient seal to seal it away.
In the Yondaime's arms was a baby boy. Blonde hair and is crying.
Minato glanced down at his son. With guilt on his face, there was no other way to do this. No other way at all. He couldn't seal the Kyuubi back in Kushina. Since her seal is weakened. He has no choice but to seal the beast in his son.. he knew the life all Jinchuriki has been through. He couldn't bring himself to ask another family to use their child... and he didn't want to turn his son into a Jinchuriki but what choice does he have? He hopes the villagers will see his son as a hero and not hate him like all other villagers do to their Jinchuriki. He entrusts Jiraiya, Sarutobi, Kakashi and Tsunade to look after his son. Hopefully the village will understand.
"Forgive me for doing this to you Naruto. Me and your mother both never wanted this to happen." Minato says. He glanced at the Kyuubi who glared at him.
He decided to lure the Kyuubi away from the village.
( With Kushina)
Weakened. Kushina tried her best to reach to Minato knowing he has her son and hopes he wasn't considering on sealing the beast in her son.
She was being supported by a invisible figure.
"Almost there..." She says
"You need rest... your too weak..." says a Deep distorted voice
"No. I can do this Dragon-san. Just help me get there." Kushina says as she tried to keep walking she was corned by 6 Root Shinobi.
"Kushina Uzumaki. Surrender and come with us quietly." Said the Root Captain with Kushina narrowing her eyes and scowling.
"So it seems that old fart Danzo. Still has Root Active behind Hiruzen and Minato." She says with anger.
"Come with us now. You are weak resistance is futile." The captain says while she laughed.
"I'm not going anywhere. You all are about to die." She says smiling.
Before the captain could question or do anything three red dots were soon on his forehead and out of no where a blue blast of chakra blew his whole head off.
The other Root Anbu, jumped back in shock.
Two other Root Anbu attempted to lunge at Kushina. But a flying disk went pass their necks beheading them.
The other three stood still looking around at what was attacking them, they couldn't see nothing.
The next one was sent flying into a tree impaled by something, revealing it to be a invisible spear that made itself known.
The last two Root Anbu were frightened what was killing them. They looked from all directions. The other saw a invisible figure sprint at him with sharp wrist blades and instantly stabbed him through the stomach killing him instantly.
The last Root decided to retreat only for a arrow to hit him in the back.
"Thanks guys..." Says Kushina.
The three invisible figures revealed themselves.
All three of them were armored and armed with weapons. Each of them were 7 foot tall. And wore masks.
The Third masked figure wore a bird-shaped mask, wearing black armor with feathers, it's skin color was a darker blue. Both shoulders are mounted with plasma canisters, it has double wrist blades extended 15 inch long. On it's boot has a jagged dagger in it's hostler, a net launcher, smart disk and it's melee weapon is a jagged sword. This one is named Falcon.
The second was a female She was colored dark yellow with black spots. She barely wore armor, just scantily clad lewd armor though. That's revealing. A thong with a drape on the front. Her mask is black with red lens. Her body was voluptuous. Her top was fishnet. Her weapons. A now and several arrows, a plasma canister on her right shoulder, in her left hand she was holding a whip, her right wrist double blades, 14 inch long, a net launcher, an Elder Sword on her right hip. And two smart disks. Her name is Artemis.
And the First wore a samurai-like attire colored in red skin color is green with a mounted plasma canister. A Katana on his hip along with holding a Combistick. Of course he has a pair of bladed gauntlets. This Samurai Predator was called Dragon.
These three are called Yaujta or predators. And how is it that Kushina knows them is and friendly with them.
It all started when the first Shinobi war had happened and when her clan Uzu was still active and alive at the time. The Uzumaki's made a secret pact with mysterious beings that come from the stars or in this case space. These mysterious beings were called the Predators, They came to Uzu to seek for potential worthy opponents to test their strength. They were the first clan in the elemental nations to be in Contact with beings that are not from their world. No other clan or village has ever had this opportunity. The Yaujta's challenged the Uzumaki Clan to see if they were worthy to be allies and formidable trophy's. And the challenge was that one Yaujta from a clan has to take down 7 Uzumaki in a gauntlet of the hunt. It took three days for the challenge to be over. 6 Uzumaki's were killed by the Yaujta. However One remained alive and gained the upper hand by defeating the Yaujta which earned its respect. After the challenge was over the Yaujta's deemed the Uzumaki Clan worthy and became Allies in secret. Not even those in Konoha knew about their secret alliance with the Yaujta's. Mito never told her Husband and his brother about the secret alliance.
As they have been Allies for years, they made trade offerings to the Yaujta's. Teaching them ninjutsu, sealing arts and what not that the Uzumaki clan were famous for.
They would take time in visiting the Uzumaki clan when they wanted too. And when the Second Shinobi war happened along with the Uzumaki's being hunted down and killed by the formed alliance of Suna, Kiri, Iwa and Kumo. They tried to send a distress signal to their Allies in space for help. And by the time the Yaujta's got there. They were too late and were enraged that their Allie's had fallen.
But not all was lost. Knowing it could be a possibility that some of the Uzumaki clan members escaped and made it out alive.
The Elder who made the alliance with Uzu had sent one of his elite hunters to find the princess of the Uzumaki clan. And that princess was Kushina Uzumaki and she was located in Konoha the leaf village. And that Elite is Dragon. Who wore samurai like armor.
Dragon met Kushina when she was a child. He had protected her throughout her whole childhood unseen and undetected. Seeing that she was strong enough to protect herself Dragon had stayed hidden but watched her. She and him were close and are friends. Since she was a princess and possibly last survivor of the Uzumaki clan. Dragon was her full time bodyguard in which he accepted. No one knows about him but her. Not even Minato knew.
As Kushina grown up. Dragon had left for a short period of time. He himself is getting teammates of his own, Falcon and Artemis.
The Yaujta's were aware about the nine tails and the other tailed beasts since they learned this from the Uzumaki clan and knew Kushina is holding the Kyuubi.
When Kushina turned on her distress signal when she was assaulted by the masked man and had the kyuubi ripped out from her. Dragon and his teammates were on the way to help her in anyway they can. Even if they risked being detected.
The four now went their way to Minato.
"You guys hide. I'll get to Minato." She says
"Kushina... Be well." Dragon says as he and his teammates cloaked themselves watching her get to Minato.
In the next 10 minutes.
The Trio had watched the sealing of the kyuubi being put into kushina's son. Along with hers and Minato's sacrifice. Dragon and his team went to the fallen family.
Baby Naruto cried as Artemis came by and picked him up.
"Dragon... I have one last Wish for you. Take my son with you.. Raise him and teach him... I can't let him stay in konoha if they knew about him having the Fox sealed into him. Let him know that me and his father loved him.." Kushina says looking at her protector who nodded seeing her now die closing her eyes.
Dragon and his team had left taking Naruto with them, since Naruto is now the last Uzumaki and he must look after him as he did with Kushina.
( Elsewhere)
Having left Konoha. Dragon and his team had got on their cloaked spaceship and decided to take off.
Now heading to Yaujta Prime.
( Yaujta Prime)
They traveled there in hyperspace since earth was very far from their planet.
They arrived heading to meet the Elder who assigned him to look after the last Uzumaki.
As the three bowed to the elder.
"Rise..." says the Elder.
"And what is... this you bring before me Dragon..." asked the Elder seeing his elite hold baby Naruto.
"Great elder... kushina Uzumaki has fallen. I bring you her son. She entrusts me... to look after him and train him." Dragon replies with his Elder getting off the throne and obseves Naruto.
"This is the princess's heir?" The elder asked seeing Dragon nod.
"Then. We will train him. And raise him. We will make him one of us..." The Elder says glancing at Baby Naruto who looked at his face.
To be continued.
An: I know i said i wasnt going to create another story until i finish either Bijuu Species or Stare of the basilisk king. But the urge to make another story was growing. I've recently deleted some stories of mine that was a failure and couldn't be updated. So look at it this way. This is a replacement for one of them. Rest assured this Summer I will eventually finish both Bijuu Species and Stare of the basilisk king.
I know you guys always wanted me to do a Naruto X Predator fanfic since I've done Naruto x Alien/ Xenomorph but never finished them.
So you get your wish.
Harem is to be expected. And yes Naruto will have one Female Yaujta in the harem.
What armor should he wear when he grows up? The Predator killer suit armor? You have to admit that armor looks badass.
Or he can make his own custom armor?
Or base it off The Uzumaki Shredder from Uzumaki Origashakusama.
Tell me what do you think.
Until next time.