This story begins several months before CSM canon.
The Defect of Equality
Chapter I
Give me all of you
An explosion lit the night sky.
A blast so powerful, so radiant, that it seemed as though the sun had risen over Tokyo—despite it being dark moments earlier.
Makima blinked.
She stood from the couch, stopped reading a book. Her dogs, numerous in number, whined in protest. All seven of them barked loudly. They encircled her, blocked her path, and refused to let her leave. It was as if they were protecting her, shielding her from something yet to come. She smiled softly, petting each of them gently. At her touch, the noise ceased. Her canines calmed down and finally let her move to a nearby window.
Her suite was located at the second floor of one of Tokyo's most luxurious buildings.
Here, she could see everything.
The city was grand, sprawled out before her. She overlooked countless humans as they walked below, each one like tiny ants on a planet so vast, going about their daily lives, most of them oblivious to the inner workings of the world—oblivious to the ones who pulled the strings from above.
This time was different, however, Makima noted. She tilted her head curiously, crimson locks spilling over her beautiful face. For once, people stopped their various activities. Cars braked to a halt, creating traffic jams across the city. She discerned the voices of thousands, her sense of hearing enhanced by lower lifeforms across Tokyo. From mice, to birds, to certain pets, she could borrow their ears and listen in on almost any conversation.
People whispered fearfully. Many stared at the night sky, perplexed, wondering what the source of that flash was.
Makima followed suit, golden eyes drawn to the upper atmosphere. A glow seemed to cover the world. And suddenly, she could see it, a display of power unlike anything since the Gun Devil's rampage. A display of power that rivaled—perhaps even surpassed—the Primal Devils.
Seconds later, a shockwave shook Tokyo—no, shook Japan and its surrounding nations.
Every window in the city either cracked or shattered. She didn't flinch as shards of glass flew her way. In fact, she didn't blink, even when they pierced her skin, drawing blood. She took the brunt of the blast wave, protecting her dogs from injury.
In a blink, her wounds were gone, healed almost instantly.
Then, nonchalantly, she put on a suit, tie, and black overcoat, and leapt off the top floor of the building.
She gently floated downward, defying gravity as she landed silently on a busy city street. Onlookers were shocked by her descent from above, but she ignored them. Her phone was already ringing, and dozens of messages were pouring in.
Makima broke out into a sprint. She became a blur, invisible to the naked eye. Her coat billowed in the wind. She jumped, bounding into the air, landing on the roof of another building.
She continued this pattern, leaping and running upon buildings until she was standing atop the tallest skyscraper in Tokyo.
There, she looked up and witnessed a battle like no other.
She could see it clearly. Three figures. First, a giant purple monstrosity. Second, an equally monstrous golden apparition—which resembled a fox, equipped with nine gorgeous flowing tails.
What a sight it was.
The last creature was more humanoid in appearance. It was a being with long white hair and pale skin and an eye on its forehead.
Makima marveled. The battle raged, sending more shockwaves through the city. The clouds around Tokyo were darkening. Thunder crackled through the air. Lightning flashed brilliantly, racing across the night sky. Soon, rain began to fall. Fat drops of water. Each one seemed to glow as they descended, tinted orange by unfathomable amounts of energy.
She was instantly drenched, water seeping into her suit, soaking every inch of her body. Yet she didn't move, didn't attempt to find shelter, didn't turn away from this battle, even when a stray bolt of lightning struck the roof of the building.
Her eyes narrowed. She watched the clouds closely, noticed something odd. A sort of spatial distortion. It was almost as though the creatures fighting above were both physically present and not physically present at the same time. Like two separate worlds were colliding. Merging. Splitting. Attracting each other. Then repelling each other once again, akin to identical poles of a magnet.
Her phones continued to buzz. The messages were ceaseless. So, finally, she answered one of the calls.
It was the Prime Minster of Japan.
As always, he sounded tense as he spoke to her, all too aware of the being he was interacting with.
"Control Devil," he began tersely.
"Prime Minister," she greeted calmly, a smirk on her lips. "We haven't spoken in quite some time. To what do I owe the honor?"
He ignored her question.
"I assume you're aware of the situation."
She nodded, cool rain trailing down her hair.
"Explain it to me, then. Just what are we witnessing in Tokyo?"
Makima hummed thoughtfully. "How about this? First, tell me what you're seeing, Prime Minister. After all, I perceive things differently than your kind. So, my account might not be the same as yours."
There was a sigh on the other end of the line.
"Fine. Let me take a closer look." There was shuffling in the background, whispering. His advisors, probably. They must've been seeing a live broadcast of the phenomenon. "There's… only a bright light. A ball of energy, glowing, floating above the city."
So, he couldn't see the battle occurring in the stratosphere. Not surprising, really. Her senses were more highly attuned than most humans, to such a degree that they might as well be blind when compared to her.
With the Prime minister unaware of what was truly happening, Makima decided to keep this little aspect of the event a secret.
"I see the same thing, Prime Minster," she lied, then continued to watch the clashing of otherworldly beings. "Just… a ball of light."
She heard him sigh again. "Then it's a natural phenomenon? Not related to a devil's ability?"
"As far as I can tell, this is not the work of a devil," Makima replied. "Many things happen in nature—things we cannot explain. Our only option is to protect the people of Tokyo and worry about the rest later."
"Very well. Continue your duty." The Prime Minister's voice grew distant as he barked orders to his subordinates. "Since this isn't a Devil Hunter issue, I'll be sending a battalion of Defense Force soldiers to Tokyo, as a precautionary measure."
A battalion, huh? He wasn't taking any chances.
Makima shrugged.
"I will contact you if the situation changes."
He ended the call. She shattered the burner phone to pieces, chucking it aside. Makima continued to look up, hands clasped behind her back in a dictatorial fashion. With each shockwave, she felt chills of excitement crawl up her spine.
This power. This energy. It wasn't of their world. It was something else. Something different. Something indescribable.
And she just had to have it—to control it.
The rain fell harder now, yet she stayed in place. She received many more calls. This time, on her primary phone. The most pressing one came from the higher ups. The leaders of Public Safety relayed instructions to her, as well as every Devil Hunter in the city. In short, they were to patrol the streets and keep an eye out for opportunistic Devils, those that might use the fear and uncertainty of this event to wreak havoc.
Makima frowned. She didn't want to stop watching just yet. The battle had grown fiercer. She could see a golden figure flying through the sky, engaging in close combat with the white-haired, horned assailant. He—she assumed he was male based on his physique—launched several energy projectiles at his opponent.
Another blast of air and energy shook Tokyo to its core.
Tearing her gaze away from the battle, Makima decided to get to work.
She was a well-known Devil Hunter, after all.
Thus, she had to keep up the appearance for now, lest she jeopardize her future plans.
(Shibuya – Tokyo)
The Prime Minister had been right, in a way. Makima admitted this much.
In truth, the phenomenon occurring in the skies of Tokyo wasn't caused by a devil. At least, not a devil she'd ever heard of. But it was, as predicted, causing a spike in devil activity throughout the city. Reports came flooding in after the initial explosion. Reports of supernatural creatures roaming the streets. Attacking civilians. Taking them hostage. Even devouring them.
Devils walked about. Some seemed to have a dazed look in their eyes. Just staring. Staring up at the ball of light. Their rampage, though seemingly random, had a purpose. They were all headed to the center of Tokyo, headed to where that sphere of energy floated.
Makima couldn't blame them. Even she felt drawn to the dazzling, warm, energetic phenomenon.
She resisted this urge, however, focusing on killing devils that threatened the lives of those around her.
"This is fucking nuts," Tendo hissed from behind her. She was a tall woman, armed with a sleek, black katana. She was pretty, too, Makima mused, looking at her for once. She didn't normally remember human faces. Only their scents. However, Tendo's features were unique enough for Makima to take notice. The scar across her cheek and nose added character to her face. She wore the standard Public Safety uniform, consisting of a black suit, white shirt, and black tie.
"Agreed," Kurose replied. He was a shorter man, holding a katana as well. His scar mirrored Tendo's, but it was on the left side of his face.
Tendo and Kurose had traveled all the way from Kyoto to aid in their efforts.
They were very close, these two—their souls bonded together by tragedy, by the Gun Devil's rampage. Makima gazed at them fondly, as an owner gazed upon her pets.
Humans never ceased to fascinate her. Their drive. Their willingness to fight that which was much greater than them.
With a glance, she could tell that, truly, these two did not want to be Public Safety Devil Hunters. They did not wish to put their lives on the line on a daily basis. They would much rather be doing something else, pursuing other dreams. But pride made it impossible for them to stray from the path circumstance had laid for them.
Killing the Gun Devil.
This was the goal of nearly all young Devil Hunters. The terror that befell humanity thirteen years ago was still fresh in their minds. Even if the task seemed impossible, countless people joined either Civilian or Public Safety for the express goal of hastening the Gun Devil's death.
Tendo and Kurose were no different.
Humans, she thought. So fascinating.
"Watch out, Miss Makima!"
Tendo's cry reached her ears. Her subordinate began running, blade drawn. A devil was approaching, barreling through the street. Shaped like a crocodile, it knocked over power lines and sent civilians scurrying like ants.
Tendo stood beside Makima, trying to aid her. She found it adorable.
"Please get back, Tendo," Makima soothed. "Focus on helping civilians."
Tendo hesitated but nodded.
Makima held up a single finger. The crocodile-like devil was the size of a building. It rampaged mindlessly, kicking up cars, cracking the ground beneath its feet.
She pointed at the creature.
An invisible, telekinetic force erupted from her finger, striking the creature head on. A single attack, and its skull exploded. Blood sprayed with much force, splattering buildings and people alike.
She wiped a spot of crimson from her face. Good thing it was still raining. Water falling from the skies soon washed the blood away.
Makima placed her hands in the pockets of her knee-length black coat, turning to her subordinates with an easy smile.
Both Tendo and Kurose stood there, stunned. They glanced at her, then the deceased devil with a mixture of awe. And envy.
Like every human she'd encountered, that spark of inferiority glinted in her subordinates' eyes.
To them, she was at a height they could never attain. At a peak too high to climb.
"Phone in the Civilian Hunters," she instructed. "Have them clean up this mess."
Kurose quickly snapped out of his stupor. "Of course, Ma'am."
While he made the call, Tendo followed after her.
"Miss… Makima?"
Hands still in her pockets, Makima turned with that ever-present smirk. "Yes, Tendo?"
"Uh..." There it was again. Tendo was avoiding eye contact. Looking everywhere else but at Makima. Feeling small. Inferior. "W-what do you suspect that thing is?"
She was referring to the orb in the sky. Makima shrugged. "I have no idea."
"Y-you think it's a devil? One like the Gun?"
Makima looked up. The sky was so wonderful, so dazzling. "If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say no. This is unlike anything I've ever seen."
Tendo looked sad, even though she tried to hide it, her calm, collected persona cracking. "I really hope it's not a powerful devil. The world can't take another tragedy."
As she spoke, Makima continued to stare upward.
Her eyes widened.
It was subtle, but the ball of energy had become brighter. The rain fell harder as well. The lightning grew more luminous, and the sound of thunder pounded against her ears.
Something's about to happen.
She could feel it.
"Tendo, take Kurose and find shelter. Now."
The sternness of her voice made Tendo stiffen. But she listened, dragging her buddy to the nearest building.
Hands in her pockets, Makima watched calmly as the ball grow brighter—to the point where she couldn't see the beings within anymore.
Then, suddenly, bolts of lightning flew from the orb. Purple electricity struck dozens of skyscrapers across the city. The largest one hit the very center of Tokyo, generating a cloud of smoke that rose into the sky.
Finally, one last bolt—orange in color—struck a forest outside the city.
Makima's gaze narrowed, eyes following the final lightning strike.
When it was over, that orb of energy was no longer there.
It had vanished without a trace.
The Defect of Equality
A young man awoke to darkness. And dirt. And trees. And rain. Pouring, pounding rain.
He sucked in a sharp breath. The smell of nature reached his senses, bringing with it a feeling he could not describe—a familiar feeling. One that reminded him of home.
For a time, he laid still. Staring. Just staring at angry clouds as they spewed water from above.
He was also under a tree, under its large sheltering branches.
When he finally tried to move, pain tingled through his entire body. So deep, so visceral was the pain that he was left breathless, panting, and heaving as waves of discomfort washed over him. A grunt escaped his lips. From head to toe, agony was there to greet. Like an old friend, it remained with him, held him, providing no respite.
What happened to me?
He was soaking wet. His clothes were torn to shreds, and there was blood. A lot of blood.
He craned his neck upward in an attempt to assess his physical state. Cuts and lacerations lined his body, etched deeply into his skin. Agony pulsed in his chest specifically. His skull pounded fiercely, and he could scarcely feel his left arm.
Helpless, he remained motionless, wondering why everything felt so… wrong.
Not only was he in a strange place, covered with wounds, and alone, but he also couldn't remember.
He couldn't remember anything.
Not what he'd been doing before.
Not where he was.
He couldn't even remember who he was.
It was a strange feeling. Not knowing anything. Not knowing yourself, even. He was aware of himself as a unique entity, as a human being with thoughts and feelings. But internally, he had little idea about himself. Little idea of where his story began and where it was now.
He closed his eyes, opening them a moment later.
Fine, then.
He wouldn't let that little setback get him down.
He'd start with something simple.
Like—a name!
Now, what was his name? He wracked his brain for ideas, drawing upon fractured memories that were barely within reach.
K... Kaguya?
No, that wasn't it.
An S?
An N!
Yeah! That was it.
After minutes of brainstorming, it came to him, suddenly and without warning.
"Naruto!" he exclaimed, before wincing in pain. That was it. That was his name. He grinned. It just felt so right. He couldn't put his finger on how exactly he knew, but he did. Afterwards, the surname "Uzumaki" returned to him as well, and for the first time, he felt a burst of happiness swell in his chest.
"Great," Naruto whispered with relief. "We're getting somewhere, at least."
Now, he had to figure out where he was, and what he was going to do about being out here, exposed to the elements.
The sound of splashing puddles made him freeze.
Then, a voice.
"Oh! Thank goodness, you're awake."
It came from behind him. He arched a brow. It was soft, high-pitched, distinctly female. She was wearing a raincoat, holding a device in her hand. The woman was young, average height, sporting short bluish-black hair that fell just below her ears.
Someone else was there, bringing up the rear. It was a male, young as well. He also had a raincoat, and was huffing with exertion.
"Holy shit, you really did find someone," the male said, catching his breath.
The woman shot him a look. "Why would I be lying?"
He rubbed his dark hair sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry. With all the rain and that strange light in the sky, I thought no one would be crazy enough to be out here practically naked."
"Well, we're crazy enough to be out here," she responded. The young woman knelt beside him, smiled gently.
"But we actually came prepared, and we're filming our movie. Pretty good reason to be out here," her partner argued back. Then he frowned. "He looks really hurt…"
The woman leaned close, shined a light in his face. "Hi there. Are you okay?"
Naruto groaned, closing his eyes. "I'm not sure..."
"I think you were struck by lightning," she explained. "Can you move?"
He tried to do so once more, finding that the pain was hardly any better.
"Don't try to get up," the young man soothed. He'd finally realized the gravity of the situation. "I'm calling for help. This spot's supposed to be safe from devils. You're lucky you weren't injured outside of the area. We got lots of Public Safety officers here."
"Public Safety?" he echoed.
After making a call, the man sat down beside him. He pulled out a waterproof tarp from the lady's bag, draped it over Naruto's body, then inspected him as well.
"You sure he was struck by lightning, Eri?" asked the young man, eyes wide. "Looks more like he was mauled by a bear. There's… a lot of blood."
"I'm not sure. I… I saw the lighting strike. It was large, golden. Very loud." Eri tried to explain it. She seemed to also notice the severity of his wounds, growing pale. "Yuta…"
"Hey," the male, Yuta, said softly. "What's your name?"
"Naruto… I think."
Why were they looking at him like he was going to die?
Yuta moved closer. "Naruto, huh? Wait, you think?"
"Yeah…" he answered. "I'm having troubling remembering certain… things."
Yuta nodded, then placed a cloth on Naruto's chest, adding pressure to a nasty wound that would not stop bleeding.
Eri rubbed his bloodied hair and tried to call for help on her device once more.
"Do you have any family?" she inquired gently. She held his hand. "Anyone we can reach out to?"
Again, that look in their eyes.
Afraid. Uncertain.
Acting like he wouldn't make it.
Like hell he wouldn't!
Not after just waking up, and certainly not before he discovered who he was—who he used to be.
A burst of warmth flooded his body, responding to his emotional state. It surged from his stomach. The warmth, now a fire, headed to his chest, burning, his wounds hissing with steam.
Yuta and Eri seemed shocked, almost jumping back.
And then, a sudden, mighty wind blew, knocking Naruto away from the tree.
The massive gale made his eyes tear up, blinding him momentarily. But when he could finally see, he wasn't quite sure what he was looking at.
A large, mutated bird descended from above, beating its wings with such ferocity that the tree behind him was torn from its roots.
The lumbering trunk was ripped from the ground, where it collapsed with a heavy thud.
"Shit! A devil?!" Yuta yelled, stumbling toward Eri. He tried to pick her from the muddy ground, but another burst of wind threw both of them off their feet.
The being in question, a Devil, they'd called it, landed, splashing water and dirt into the air. Naruto stared, blinking. What the hell was this thing? It was a bird, yet many, many times larger, and it looked hideous, like a vulture, but much more monstrous.
It didn't hesitate, lunging at Yuta and Eri with horrible talons. They acted quickly, ducked as it sailed over head, as it rammed into a dozen trees, knocking them down in the process.
The black-feathered vulture screeched. It had been too eager, too careless, and gotten its beak lodged in the mud.
"Come back here, humans!" the creature bellowed, freeing itself from the ground.
It talks! Naruto wouldn't say he was surprised, though. Seeing as he had no frame of reference for what was normal, he took things in stride. No matter how bizarre.
Yuta and Eri looked as though they wanted to leave, wanted to escape this nightmare that had befallen them.
But they paused. They turned to him.
"W-we can't just leave," Eri exclaimed fearfully. "Naruto still needs our help."
Yuta shut his eyes tightly. "Dammit." He looked around, scared out of his mind. "Go ahead. I'll carry him."
Naruto was stunned. He gazed at them, studying their faces with amazement. Didn't they expect him to eventually die from his injuries? Yet, here they were, still willing to help, putting their lives at risk for the sake of a stranger.
Their kindness touched his heart. It left a profound impact on him in that moment.
Instead of escaping, Eri helped Yuta hoist Naruto unto his back.
"I told you to run," he hissed, glaring.
Eri glared right back. "I'm not leaving you behind."
The ground shuddered as the vulture came barreling toward them.
They ran like hell.
As fast as they could.
Rain pelted Naruto's face, soaking him to the bone. Lightning flashed across the night sky, striking trees, even starting a small fire, which was promptly extinguished.
Yuta panted. Eri stayed by his side.
Their display of courage, their perseverance in such a situation, triggered memories. Images of a past he no longer remembered. He saw many things. Many strange, confusing things. He glimpsed a war. Mirrors of Ice. Death. Destruction. Faces he could not recall.
A spear of bone ripping through his chest.
Naruto gasped, choking on blood. His wound hurt terribly. His chest burned, and he screamed. Cried to the heavens. The steam returned, rising from a hole near his sternum.
Eri turned, worry coloring her face.
The vulture was upon them, beating massive wings.
A gust of air nearly knocked the duo off their feet. Feathers flew from the creature like bullets. They moved fast, dozens of them, destroying trees in the distance.
One feather struck Yuta in the leg, tore a piece of flesh from his calf. He cried out, collapsing in the mud. Naruto was flung from his back, sliding against dirt and water. Eri fell as well, arm bleeding profusely.
The vulture came to a halt, chuckling.
"Food, food, food, food!"
It screeched, drool spilling from its beak.
Eri crawled to Yuta, who was panting, trying to get up. He looked at her. She looked at him. Time slowed to a crawl.
They hugged, held each other in that moment. Held each other amid pouring rain. Amid flashing lightning and howling winds and certain death, and Naruto thought that this—this was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
He gritted his teeth, fists balling in the mud. He fought against the agony, eyes narrowed with rage. There was no way in hell he'd let these two die, especially after risking their lives for him. A complete stranger.
Fuck no.
The devil sprang forward, jaws agape, revealing two rows of razor-sharp teeth.
A familiar power surged in Naruto, flowing from his stomach, empowering every cell in his body.
Mud splashed loudly. He blurred forward, punched the ugly piece of shit's jaw, broke it's beak, and sent it crashing through a nearby tree.
Panting, he held unto his chest. The wound was healing, very, very slowly. But healing, nonetheless.
He heard Eri's voice, the shock, the amazement.
Naruto turned, only grinned.
He stood in front of them, protectively. The vulture recovered, blood leaking from its wrecked maw. It stared him down, fury burning in its beady eyes.
"Fool! You dare strike me!" the devil howled, readied itself for another attack.
It fluttered its wings, sending a hail of razor sharp feathers flying their way.
In truth, Naruto didn't know how he did it. Neither did he care.
The action was almost like a reflex to him, practiced for years—years that he no longer remembered.
The moment the creature's attack came, he raised both hands, felt that same surge of energy rising from his stomach.
A wall of dense, spinning water rose to meet the feathers, supplied by pouring rain. It was almost instant, stopping the projectiles from reaching, halting them in their tracks.
The water-wall then collapsed, splashing him, splashing Eri and Yuta.
Despite the situation, Naruto chuckled with glee. He could control water. Actual, fucking water.
The high of the moment gave him confidence. On reflex, he reached into the holster of his pants, grabbed a knife—a kunai!—and broke into a sprint. A dim glow surrounded the blade. Adrenaline masked the pain. He leapt up, high above the devil, skewering its eye as he landed.
It screamed in agony, trying to shake Naruto off, to no avail. He stabbed its other eye and blinded it. The creature rammed into trees, broke branches in an attempt to toss him asunder. Naruto held fast. He stabbed and stabbed and stabbed, piercing deep into the devil's thick hide.
In one swift motion, he sliced its neck in a long arch, effectively slitting its throat.
The vulture gurgled and slammed into more trees. Naruto gritted his teeth, taking the brunt of the force, blood bubbling up his throat.
Yet he held on, kept his kunai in place.
In desperation, the devil took to the skies, beating its great wings.
They flew upward, so high that the forest now seemed like tuffs of grass. So high he thought he could touch dark, angry clouds.
Though in pain, Naruto marveled at a city in the distance. It was massive, full of towering buildings and bright, twinkling lights.
He gritted his teeth, found that energy one more time.
This time, the wind obeyed, controlled by his will.
Again, on reflex—he didn't truly know what he was doing—Naruto formed a hand sign, and a blade of compressed air descended like a guillotine, slicing the devil's head off.
"You filthy huma-ack—!"
The words stopped in its throat, head separated from body.
It died instantly.
And so, victorious, Naruto let go.
He fell.
The dark, unforgiving ground raced to greet him.
This sucks, he thought.
Just when he'd started to discover some things about himself, he'd end up dying—injured, in pain, and plummeting from the clouds.
He smiled despite the agony, despite the fear as the earth loomed ever closer.
At least he could protect Yuta and Eri—the first people he'd ever met. At least he did something worthwhile. Something genuinely good.
The air was strangely gentle as he fell, peaceful. Utterly exhausted, he closed his eyes and let himself be held by it, let himself be carried and taken.
If the fall didn't kill him, his injuries were sure to do it.
He accepted it, strangely enough, accepted the fact that his life, though short-lived, was about to end.
Or so he thought.
Naruto felt something mid-fall. Something like gentle hands.
They wrapped around him, slowing his descent to earth.
This person, they were warm. They were soft. And they smelt good. Amazing, even. Like flowers and rain and sunshine. With a hint of blood.
They held him and stopped the fall. He didn't open his eyes. Not yet. He let himself be held, let himself be safe in this person's care, in spite of the rain and the pain and the freezing wind.
They were floating now, suspended in mid-air.
Naruto finally opened his eyes. He looked up, saw the most enchanting set of eyes. They were golden. They seemed to glow, covered with two strange rings around each pupil.
Then he noticed her hair—fiery red. Two crimson bangs caressed her cheeks, tossed about by the wind.
Her face was… beautiful. Simply beautiful. Perfect by all accounts. She was smiling, too. It was a smirk, a confident twitch of the lips. She looked at him curiously, head tilted slightly.
She was dressed in a suit and tie, not concerned by his injured, bloodied state.
The woman held him steady, one arm under his back, the other under his legs. They floated down until the forest no longer seemed small and the trees were as large as they were supposed to be.
A glowing, ethereal chain, one attached to her abdomen, flickered out of existence when they landed.
She remained quiet. Howling wind and pouring rain filled his ears. Naruto looked up, studied her face. She'd taken on a more inquisitive look. She glanced around, spotting the carcass of that bird-like devil.
"You killed it," she stated. Fascination, rather than surprise, tinted her voice.
Naruto liked her voice.
She looked at him, smiled. "Even while so injured?"
He wanted to laugh, but even the thought made him wince.
"I guess so," he whispered. "I don't really know how I did it."
"You don't?"
"I don't."
She seemed even more interested.
"What is your name?"
"Naruto," he answered. "I think so, at least."
The woman arched a slender brow, but nodded.
"I'm Makima."
Makima. He thought. His hero. An angel. Another kind person, like Eri and Yuta.
She set him down so he could stand. He hardly could, wobbling on his feet. She steadied him with those slender, yet powerful arms.
They were close, so close he could feel her breath against his cheek.
"Who are you, Naruto?"
Her voice sent chills down his spine.
"I don't remember." He answered honestly. No use lying. Maybe she could help him remember. Help him get better.
"Is that so?"
"Uh-huh," he whispered tiredly.
She smiled that same gorgeous, all-knowing smile.
"If that's the case, then let me be the first to tell you this." She leaned closer, whispered, "Welcome to our world, Naruto."
Our world?
What did she mean by that?
His weight fully against her body, he struggled to keep conscious.
She ran her fingers through his hair, softly, gently. She massaged his scalp in little, soothing circles.
"I'll help you. Don't worry about a thing," she reassured. "As long as you listen to me, everything will be okay."
Naruto wanted to sleep, to lay down and close his eyes. He could barely process her words. He could hardly comprehend what she was saying.
He remembered Eri and Yuta in that moment, remembered their display of affection for one another.
Naruto wanted to thank Makima in a way that meant something—a way he felt was beautiful.
He looked at her. She gazed at him, blinked curiously.
Naruto reached forward. He wrapped his arms around her, held her as tightly as he could, rested his face in the nook of her neck.
"Thank you. For saving me."
Makima stiffened, froze against his touch. Her eyes widened, then quickly reverted to their usual size. Controlled. Unfazed. Like she always was.
She returned his hug and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pulled him into her. So close that he could feel her soft bosom against his own. The rain continued to fall, and their clothes were soaked beyond measure. They were practically skin against skin. Body against body.
"As long as you listen to me, you'll be fine," Makima repeated, eyes glowing hypnotically, a glint in her amber gaze. Her breath tickled his ear. "Well, Naruto. What do you say? Will you give me all of you? Will you give me the entirety of your being?"
He lost consciousness, her final words echoing in his mind.
Oh, yeah… Naruto mused.
He had to thank Eri and Yuta as well.
In summary, an amnesia-stricken Naruto appears before her, and Makima seeks to control him, to harness his power for her plans, but things aren't as simple as they seem.
I've had this story written for months now. So, in anticipation for the Chainsaw Man Anime, I decided to go ahead and post it.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
And yes, that was Eri and Yuta from "Goodbye Eri." Another great read by Fujimoto. I highly recommend it. While they technically aren't part of CSM canon, I thought they'd be a fun addition to the story – albeit a minor, cameo-like addition. Like an alternate universe version of the duo.
Anyway, thanks for reading.
Stay safe :)