Note: So, safe to say Akeno is in the pairing. Probably Raynare too, even though I'm getting mixed signals about her, though I get why since her portrayal wasn't precisely positive in the novel or anime. Though I feel like that's part of the fun, so I can actually make something out of her character.

Anyhow, I might add more later on. And thus this will be my first attempt at a harem story. At least the ground foundation as to how and why was settled in the last chapter.

Quick note, this chapter contains a lemon. And uh, I'm not sure if some of you would consider the lemon too long. Lmao. I wanted to get the mood right, so I didn't want to be just another "they bone" session. So yeah, 5k lemon, let's go kekw. Before anyone says anything about them moving too fast, please keep in mind that they've almost known each for almost 17-18 years, and they couldn't really do anything about it back in their 'own' world, and now that they have a chance, I wouldn't put it past hormonal young adults to go crazy, lol.

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-Chapter 6-



The young redhead sighed as he sat on a swing in the local playground. Chuckling a bit at the deja vu, he kicked his feet back and forth to get a bit of momentum going until he was just barely rocking back and forth.

Resting his elbows on his thighs, he leaned his cheek down to place it in the palm of his hand. He simply stared out into the dark evening, occasionally using his foot to push the swing back and forth.

While he could easily say things were going a lot better than he had initially hoped for, there were also some things he'd have liked to be different.

When he'd gone to see his sister, he hadn't expected to have to come up with a lie on the spot.

All he wanted was to have a quick talk and maybe some dinner, just to let her know he had gotten his own place. Instead, he had to fumble together a few sentences about how he knew Sayuri, and hope that she'd believe him.

Did he enjoy lying? Hell no, but he didn't know what he was supposed to do. It wasn't like he could just tell her that he was a child of prophecy that had died in an all-out monster smackdown with her best friend's younger sister. Oh, and also that all of that had happened in a different life in a completely different world.

He had never intended to keep it a secret forever, but it just felt impossible to really let her know the truth. Some would assume it was to save his own skin, but with how much Rias was stressed out about the whole Riser situation and the relationship with their parents because of their decision to marry her off like that, he didn't think it'd be in his best interest to drop the news like a boulder on her.

"What is with you and swings?"

Naruto blinked slowly as he raised his head to let his eyes land upon one of the girls occupying his thoughts. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as they curled upward into a small smirk, "I don't know, let's just say I enjoy the atmosphere."

A look of disbelief fell upon Sayuri's face as she rolled her eyes, yet decided to take a seat on the swing next to him, "You only sit on a swing when something is bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Since when can you read me like an open book?" He asked with an amused grin.

Once again, the dark-haired woman had to roll her eyes, but a smile was on her face as she did so, "It ain't that hard. You've always been an open book, except for when things were bothering you. All I ever had to do was notice when you were behaving differently."

Naruto gave her a look before he laughed out loud, "I guess that's right. I talked with Rias today, she said you two met."

The Himejima's eyes widened in an instant at that, "Oh… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep that from you. I should've told you."

The redhead waved his hands dismissively, "It's alright, I don't blame you for anything. I think we were both caught up in the moment of finding out we were both alive here, I probably wouldn't have given it any thought even if you had told me. All I could think about at that time was you." He admitted as he scratched the back of his head.

Sayuri gave him a soft smile as she reached over to grasp his hand, the smile only getting bigger as their fingers intertwined, "So what happened after?"

"Well, I couldn't exactly tell her the whole ordeal of being inter-dimensional travelers beyond death. Or whatever we are, I don't think it's that simple to explain. All I could tell her was that I'd explain it to you there and that in short, we know each other. Just that we didn't recognize each other at all when we stumbled upon each other," He explained.

Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, she looked over into his eyes, "Well, then you didn't lie. We didn't recognize each other, we'll just have to come up with an explanation that is… True for the most part."

He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to just straight out tell them what we are. They're dealing with enough as it is, but I do intend to tell the truth one day."

"Do you think Rias is going to tell my sister about this?" Sayuri asked slowly.

The former blond gave a small shrug, "I'd be surprised if she didn't. They're best friends, and I don't think Rias trusts anyone more than Akeno. Well, maybe me, but I'm her brother so I don't think it counts."

The dark-eyed girl nodded slowly, "I see… Do you know when we're going to meet them?"

Naruto clicked his tongue thoughtfully, "Rias isn't known to be the most patient in our family, so I'd imagine she either reaches out to me tomorrow or one of the coming days to hear if we're down to have a talk. It'll probably take place at their school, their little base of operation is in one of their clubrooms."

"Alright, we should get a story ready for that then. I don't want to lie either, but I agree with your points. We can't let them know the whole thing, not yet at least," Sayuri mumbled as she stood up from the swing, gently tugging on his hand for him to join her.

He gave her a curious look before he stood up as well, "Don't worry, everything will be just fine."

She giggled a bit as she looked down at their fingers, "Always the optimist."

"Well one of us gotta be," He shrugged with a teasing smile.

Sayuri rolled her eyes at that, "I can be optimistic."

"Uh huh…"

Not feeling like getting into that argument, she just sighed, "There is one thing I've wanted to talk to you about actually. I figured it was best to wait a bit since you likely had a lot on your mind."

Naruto raised a brow at her, "What's up?"

"Azazel had a proposal for you."

The redhead inwardly grimaced a bit. She was right, the governor general had indeed come to him with a proposal. At least now that Rias and everyone else were a bit more aware of everything that was going on, he had an easier time coming to a decision.

The former Uzumaki scratched the back of his head, "I've made a decision. I will accept the deal and take Raynare into my peerage. As long as the sister gets her sacred gear back, and the damage will be repaired, I'll be able to deal with the rest."

Sayuri gave him a soft smile, "Don't worry, I'll keep her in check. She won't dare to move against you with me around."

"How so?" He asked curiously.

The young woman gave a quick shrug as she readjusted her dark locks, "Let's just say that she respects me. And respect and admiration apparently go a long way for her. Seriously, you should see some of them around Azazel or Shemhazai, the term yandere would probably be a perfect fit."

Naruto had to sweatdrop at the mental image, "Well, I guess it's going to be alright then."

"What about our sisters? I know that with me around it's going to get a bit tense. And with Raynare around too, it might get worse." She asked, a hint of worry and unease in her tony as they swung back and forth slowly.

The redhead straightened his back with a tired chuckle, "As I said earlier, Rias isn't very patient. Either tomorrow or the day after, we're going to need to have explanations ready."

Sayuri nodded slowly, "Come on, let's go home. I know you could use some rest and you're going to need it if we're to meet up with our sisters tomorrow, it's been a long day."

He could nod in agreement as he began following her. Walking slowly through the empty streets of Kuoh, whilst never letting go of her hand in the process. It almost felt too good to be true that this was real, but he decided not to doubt it and simply enjoy it.

The walk home was slow and peaceful, the occasional small talk about their home was often on topic. It was quite amusing how many laughs they could share about their former antics, and especially the antics of their team combined.

Something told him he'd never be able to live down their genin test where he'd been tied to a post, and experienced Kakashi's… secret jutsu.

The smirk on her face let him know all needed to know.

"Hey, I've had a question. It's about yesterday, you know, the conversation we had." Naruto eventually spoke out, making her turn her head to him with a questioning gaze.

Sayuri blinked and just gave him a calm stare even though she knew what topic he was about to bring up, "Yeah?"

The redhead scratched the back of his head, "Are you sure you're okay with it all? Like, I don't know… You didn't say much about it yesterday. And I kept thinking, what if it's out of my control and I can't tell you beforehand? Like, I know it's unlikely, but I don't want to screw up."

The former Uchiha let out a sigh as she gave him a slight smack to the back of the head, "We waited a lifetime to pursue what we wanted. Do I dislike that you got to be with multiple women sexually? Absolutely. I don't want to seem like the possessive type, but I doubt any sane woman would prefer that scenario. However, I also know you. And I trust you enough to know you wouldn't just get in bed with any bimbo willing."

"Still unsure how you can keep so calm about it, but I guess I'm lucky like that, huh?" He joked awkwardly.

Sayuri rolled her eyes, "I got a question of my own in regard to it though. Could you just… Not do it? I mean, what would your family be able to do about it? Unless you're in some kind of odd contract as well."

Naruto thought about it for a second, "Given my dad's commitment to the family's 'greater good' I don't know what he'd do to someone like Rias, to guilt trip me into doing it. He has already put Rias into a contract with this Riser guy, and while I'm aiming to break her out of that arrangement, I got no clue what he'd do if he got angry with us. I know he is my new dad and all, but… I swear my old father would've rather died than force us into something like this."

The raven-haired beauty gave a soft smile as she rubbed the back of his hand, "Minato Namikaze was one of a kind, a rare case. Why don't we just kill Riser, we were shinobi. Nobody would know."

While it sounded mostly like a joke, Naruto had to gulp at the suggestion, "Yeah, we can't do that… This world seems like a lot more unforgiving, with all the stupid politics and shit…"

"Fine, fine." She relented with a soft giggle, "There is… One other thing though. About your arrangement."

"Hm, what is it?" Naruto asked.

Her cheeks heated up a tad bit as the thought she had came to the front of her mind, and she leaned up to his ear to whisper something only he could hear, "I want to be the first."

Unsure what she meant at first, Naruto was about to question what she meant, but the moment he figured it out, he almost fell over his own feet in realization, "Oh… To be honest, there is no one else in this world I'd rather want to be with as my first. As cliche as it sounds." He admitted with a slow scratch to the back of his head.

Sayuri's eyes widened a bit as she felt her heart begin to pick up the pace, shaking his head at his words, she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek, "Hmm… Perhaps one could say, no time like the present?"

"Wait, now? Out in the open is rather daring, even for you." He joked as he looked around teasingly.

She gave him a quick smack to the head, "Not here moron, y'know."

He chuckled á bit as he wrapped his fingers around her hand, giving her a slight smile, "I know." He reassured.

Sayuri couldn't help but smile at the gesture as they began to continue their walk home, "You're really an idiot."



The rest of the walk home, there wasn't a word exchanged between the two. As they entered the front door, Naruto pulled off his jacket and hung it up in the hallway, and he could begin to feel his heartbeat quicken.

It'd be an understatement to say he was tense, especially because he knew what was about to happen.

Plus, he'd died a virgin once… At least he had Jiraiya as a teacher for a bit and being forced to read that old pervert's books had at least given him a few ideas, but he knew not to trust it too much.

After he'd hung up his jacket, he began walking toward the stairs leading upstairs. Seeing her standing there waiting for him, made him pause in his steps until she extended a hand out to him.

A smile lifted his lip as he reached out and accepted it, wrapping his hand around her smaller one, and letting her lead him upstairs.

The stairs lightly creaked with each step they took before they got to their bedroom door.

She entered first, and he followed right after. He closed the door with a soft thud, the natural light in the room dimmed by the curtains that were slowly swaying from the gushes of air brushing against them from the window.

He took a deep breath as he turned around to their dresser, and pulled out his wallet. Unsure of what to do or what he should do, being the first time for both of them, he'd hate to screw up or do something wrong that'd make her upset with him. For a little bit, he wondered if he was putting too much thought into it as he pulled a square package out of his wallet.

Rolling his eyes at it, he remembered the joke Sirzechs had made the day he got 'legal' per Japanese standards, and then given him a condom to 'make use of'' if he were to get lucky.

Though as he turned around, he was immediately dumbfounded with shock as he both felt and saw her smack the little plastic package out of his hand and onto the floor.

Before he could react, her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down to her. Her warm and pillow-soft lips landed upon his, making them experience the most heated lip lock of their lives.

After a few seconds, she slowly separated. Her lips looked just a tad bit puffier than before, as she gazed into his eyes with a slow shake of her head, "No… We don't need that." She whispered in a husky tone, as she traced a finger down the side of his face.

Naruto looked at her, a bit unsure as he wrapped his own arms around her waist to bring her close. Feeling the heat of her body began to warm him up, as he cast a quick glance down to the discarded protection, "You sure?"

Sayuri gave him a sly smile as she stole a quick kiss from his lips again, "We're devils now… And, I don't think it'll make too much of a difference. And if I were to get pregnant? I'd be happy that it's with you." She admitted as her cheeks began to heat up, her fingers tightening a bit on his hair as she did all she could to maintain the eye contact that was making her heart flutter.

The revelation came as a shock to him but seeing the look on her face, he knew it to be true, "I feel the same way." He chuckled, seeing the glimpses of happiness begin to show on her face.

A playful grin fell upon his lips as he ran his hand up and down her back, "Didn't we technically just meet yesterday?"

Sayuri lowered her eyes slowly, "We've been acting like a married couple for the better part of a lifetime." She responded swiftly as she reached down to grasp a hold of his shirt, moving it off his body to reveal his bare upper body as she let her fingers roam around freely, "This is long overdue. Don't you think?"

He gave a slow nod as he lifted his arms to let his shirt get dragged off his body, looking down at her as he began to let his own hands wander. Sliding his palms up and down her sides, feeling the tension that'd been built up through years begin to surface once again, "Way overdue."

She gave him a big smile as she reached up to cup his cheeks, "Then let's not stall or postpone any longer."

Any doubt or hesitation had been removed from his mind as he gazed into her dark eyes, the constant affirmation of how much they've wanted and needed this, brought to the front of his mind as he reached forward and grasped onto the purple vest she was wearing on top of her dark long-sleeved shirt.

Tearing it open from the top and down, hearing the buttons scatter across the floor he leaned forward to claim her lips again, hearing her sweet moan enter his mouth as she all but grabbed onto him with both arms and legs until she was no longer touching the ground.

Not letting words or question dictate their actions any longer, he wrapped his hands around her thighs and lifted her into the air. Letting the heat of her body wash over him while fighting to get the ruined vest off of her, the article of clothing joined his shirt on the floor.

Sayuri grinned down at him as she reached down and began pulling her shirt over her head, letting his grip on her thighs be the only thing to steady her in the air as she discarded yet another piece of clothing.

The redhead feasted his eyes upon the sight of her purple lace bra-clad chest, as he leaned in to place a few subtle kisses along her neck and collarbone, taking in the sweet scent of her perfume.

To him, her breasts were looking perfect. Not too big, or too small, but a size that complimented her body indefinitely.

Sweet and soft whimpers would escape her plump pink lips as she felt his mouth move across her exposed skin, the subtle marks beginning to form on her neck, visible evidence of the act they were committing as she desperately clutched his head in against her.

He reached up behind her back after, fumbling around a bit with the clasp of her bra as his back was pushed up against the wall. He looked up at her for a second, a bit uncertain if he was moving too fast, but the look on her face told him all he needed to know.

The look of pure uncontained desire lit up her dark hues as she let the piece of fabric roll off her arms, releasing her breasts into the air. The slight jiggles captured by his eyes, and forever burned into his memory.

His body felt hotter than ever as he wrapped an arm around her lower back and moved away from the wall, stumbling toward the bed where he laid her down before he got on top of her, gazing down at the half-naked love of his life, that was just laying there forever grinning at him.

Any sense of uncertainty he'd ever felt suddenly felt very stupid as he dove down and kissed her as passionately as he could, letting their lips smack together as their saliva mixed. Their tongues soon came out to play as they danced around together, his hand landing on one of her breasts that he fondly squeezed, drowning in the ecstasy of the low moan of approval as she ground her frame against his grip.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled out between the rapid liplocks that were sucking the air out of his lungs.

She mewled a bit as her cheeks heated up again, "Stop talking." She laughed and reached down between, fumbling around in blind with the buckle of his belt to get him out of his pants.

Deciding to help her out, he lifted his body up and used his free hand to pull his pants down and kicked them carelessly onto the ground beside the bed.

Feeling as if she were wearing too much compared to him, a playful grin lifted his lips as he reached into the waistband of her pants. Watched her eyes widen briefly as he tugged them down, revealing those long and smooth legs that had just previously clung around his frame.

He licked his lips hungrily as his heartbeat quickened with desire, and grabbed onto one of her legs to tuck her completely against him. The only pieces of clothing left to separate them, being his boxers and her panties.

"Someone seems eager," She teased as she swung one of her legs around his waist.

Naruto raised a quick brow as he smirked back down at her, "I thought you said no talking?"

Sayuri gave a quick roll of her eyes as she bit his earlobe gently and whispered hotly against his ear, "Just shut up, and don't stop…"

The hot breath against his skin was enough to make goosebumps rise all over his arms as the small hairs rose at the back of his neck, his breathing getting heavier as he leaned down to her chest. Placing a few pecks along her nipples, before he flicked his tongue over one of them.

The sensation that ran through her body felt like an electric shock as she arched her back up against him, immediately snapping her fingers into his hair and pushing him down to do it again.

Seeing that she agreed with his choice of target, the redhead kept flicking his wet muscle over her pink nubs before guiding it into his mouth. Sucking tenderly on it whilst guiding his other hand to her free breast, clawing his fingers around it in a squeeze that filled his ears with the intoxicating sound of her approving moans that were becoming more and more of an addiction.

He switched between them swiftly, paying equal attention to both of her tits. Filling her smooth and pale skin with bite marks and hickeys as she desperately ground against him for more.

The hardness of his boxers became more and more uncomfortable as his desire for her rose to new heights, and he pulled away with a wet pop.

Taking one last look into her eyes as he slithered his fingers down her sides, and let his thumb under the string of her panties.

She gave him a slow nod, that told him all he needed to know.

She wanted this. No… She needed this. Each touch he put on her body, made her crave more. Her insides burned hotter than any fire technique she'd ever produced in her former life, as she watched him drag her panties down her legs.

Until she was completely naked beneath him in the dimly lit bedroom.

Naruto was drinking in the sight beneath him, how hot she was as each inch of the creamy and smooth skin of her birthday suit was completely visible to him and him alone.

"Don't just stare, idiot."

The former Uzumaki blinked in surprise as he looked up at her, and witnessed possibly the cutest expression he'd ever seen. He'd never experienced a shy Sayuri before, he often thought the fierce woman didn't have it in her, but the look on her face just proved him wrong.

He gave her a soft yet apologetic smile, "Sorry, I was just… Taken aback. You're gorgeous, y'know?" He complimented and he leaned his head down to kiss her, which seemed to ease her worries.

Her arms immediately snaked around his neck and back, her nails dragging marks down along his spine.

The kiss didn't last long before he broke it off, panting softly as he began planting a trail of kisses and licks down her throat and continued down her body. Placing sweet marks over the curve of her chest as he made his way down her stomach, basking in the ticklish twitches her body did, as he got closer and closer to her sex.

Sayuri's fingers tangled in his hair as her legs slowly spread apart, allowing him the access he was searching for. Her dark eyes were shut tight as she waited with anticipation, her heart beating so fast in her chest that it might as well burst straight through her ribcage.

As he got closer to her nether lips, Naruto began mentally going over what to do. He wanted to please her as much as possible, but with no idea of how, he was at a loss of how to begin.

Eventually, he decided to say screw it, and just go with the flow and what seemed to be the right thing according to her reactions.

He took a quick breath as he lowered his head to her pussy, placing a soft kiss on her pink lips. Immediately he was hit with a reaction, as if he'd pinched her, she jolted up against him. Her soft yet strong thighs squeezed in around his head.

With her fingers tightening in his hair, Naruto continued to go further and licked his tongue up her pussy. Humming softly, letting the brief vibrations further tease her, he began licking her leaking slit.

Sayuri's eyes were clenched shut as her breaths got ragged and heavy. The pleasure crawled up her body feeling better than anything she'd imagined.

"Oh shit..." She whimpered between gasps for air. "You're so good at that."

Naruto pulled back from her and gently lapped at her entrance again. With one last lick, he made an upwards motion and placed his tongue in her warm hole. His lips curled up into a smile, enjoying how tight it felt as he pushed his tongue inside of her.

Sayuri's legs wrapped around his head, holding him firmly in place. Her hips bucked up towards him, attempting to push more of his tongue inside, but he wouldn't let her. Instead he just lightly kissed his way deeper into her pussy. He knew Sayuri loved it when he did this to her, if her tightening grasp was any indication.

The soft smacking of his tongue against her clit sounded louder now. He could hear her whimpers of delight each time he hit it with his tongue.

In response, his tongue began to move faster, pushing harder against her sensitive nub. It seemed to have another effect on her, as she suddenly moved her hands away from his hair and instead grabbed his head and shoved it in closer.

This only encouraged Naruto to keep going, as he sucked her clit between his lips and then nibbled on it. At the same time, he used his free hand to pull her ass cheeks apart and get a better angle. The sight of his pink muscle working its way into her pussy made her hips jerk forwards, wanting more.

As he continued to pleasure her, Sayuri moaned out something incoherent before coming closer and closer to her high.

"Mmmn... I'm gonna cum. Don't you dare stop!" She said, panting heavily.

Naruto didn't reply, all he did was continue eating out her pussy. He could feel her walls tighten around his fingers as he pushed them deeper inside, making Sayuri moan louder.

Suddenly she went stiff, tensing up as her orgasm crashed through her. Her inner muscles clenched tightly around his lapping tongue, sucking it deep inside of her.

"Ahhhh!" Sayuri cried out, her voice breaking.

Her body trembled violently, her legs squeezing around Naruto's head as she came hard. He held her still as he lapped up her juices, licking up every little bit of her orgasm.

After Sayuri finished cumming, she lay there trembling and shaking beneath him. Her breathing was rapid and shallow, and she could tell she wasn't going to be able to stand just yet.

Naruto stopped licking her, and instead leaned up and rested his forehead against hers. Their eyes met and they stayed like that for a few moments before he spoke.

"How're you feeling?" Naruto whispered, kissing her.

She gave him a soft laugh in return, "Like my legs are made out of jelly."

Soon after, Sayuri chuckled as she looked up a bit, caressing his arms and chest with her hands as she gained a mischievous idea. She had just experienced perhaps the most intense pleasure of her life, so it only seemed fair if she were to return the favor.

A smirk spread her lips as she dragged a finger down his chest, "How about you go lay down for now, and I'll return the favor. It'll feel good, promise."

"Sounds good to me." He replied, giving her a quick kiss.

Sayuri giggled and sat up, helping him get down on the bed first. Once he was on his back, she grasped onto his boxers and began to pull them off.

Her eyes briefly widened at the sight of his member jumping free from the fabric's hold. A unique sense of nervousness washed over her, that she quickly dismissed. There was no need to worry. Everything would work out fine.

"Mmhm..." Sayuri mumbled softly, looking down at his cock as it pulsated in front of her face.

Walking slowly forward, she leaned down and pressed her lips to the tip, giving it a brief peck on the crown. Then she did the same thing again, but this time wrapping her lips around the head.

Naruto let out a surprised gasp at the sudden sensation, and Sayuri grinned. She could tell he liked it, and she thought it'd be fun to tease him like that.

He didn't say anything, and Sayuri simply kept going. Inch by inch she slid her lips down his shaft, feeling each ridge and bump on the way. Her tongue danced against his tip before sliding along the underside of his dick, leaving a trail of wet saliva behind.

Then she started bobbing her head, bringing his cock further down until she hit the base. Continuing to take him into her mouth as far as possible. Soon enough her nose brushed against his pelvis, allowing her bottom lip to touch his balls.

Sayuri's eyes fluttered shut as she focused solely on pleasuring him, her arms wrapped around his thighs. His body felt warm and inviting, and she didn't want to waste any time.

For a while she continued sucking him off, enjoying the way his cock tasted and moved within her mouth. After a minute or two, however, she decided to change things up.

Instead of bobbing her head up and down, Sayuri took a firm grip on his shaft and pulled it upwards. She moved her hand up and down, using it to fuck her mouth.

The slight change in motion caused Naruto's hips to buck forwards, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. Sayuri kept going, taking him deep into her mouth and moving her hand faster.

"M-Mmmn! Ahhh..." Naruto gasped, his head falling backward.

His knees bent slightly, and Sayuri followed suit. She leaned down further, propping herself up on her elbows as she kept her lips pressed down around his shaft.

"Mmm..." Sayuri moaned, shuddering as she felt his cock brush against the back of her throat.

Naruto's breathing grew heavier, and soon enough he was thrusting his hips up toward her. His cock swelled even more, and Sayuri knew he was close.

She then sucked his shaft in and out of her mouth, letting her tongue play across the underside. She continued moving her right hand, and it wasn't long until Naruto couldn't take it anymore.

"Mhmm…" He grunted, his hips jerking with each thrust.

Sayuri smiled deviously, but didn't stop sucking him.

Naruto's eyes closed as he tried to hold himself back, and Sayuri enjoyed teasing him. She wanted to see him lose control eventually, but not too early.

"Naruto... Please keep going..." Sayuri breathed, encouraging him.

It didn't take long for Naruto to give in. "Ahh... shit..." He groaned loudly, his cock twitching and pulsating as he came inside her mouth.

Sayuri did her best to swallow as much of his seed as she could, her lips and tongue working hard to milk every drop. She swallowed several times until she was left with nothing to show for it.

With a satisfied sigh, Sayuri let go of his cock and licked her lips clean. She then looked up at him, "Thank you."

"Y-Yeah... thanks..." Naruto responded, his voice hoarse and strained, but with a stupid grin on his face.

Sayuri chuckled softly at his expression, looking down at his cock as it began to shrink. She gently stroked it a few times, ensuring it stayed nice and hard. If she let it go soft, they'd have to start all over. Which wouldn't do. They had so much time to make up for after all.

"You're welcome..." She said, smiling warmly.

After a moment of silence, Sayuri brought her hand up to Naruto's cheek and leaned forward. They met in the middle, their lips meeting halfway. Their kiss was gentle at first, neither one of them wanting to rush things, despite the tension that was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Their lips parted and Sayuri drew back, staring into his eyes. She reached her hands up and caressed his cheeks, then slowly ran her fingers through his hair.

Naruto took a deep breath, gazing back at her with lust-filled eyes. His cock was still rock hard, and Sayuri knew he wanted to do something about it.

"Sayuri..." He whispered, taking her right hand and kissing it.


"I wanna make you feel good..." Naruto said, reaching down to grab her ass, feeling the soft flesh melt between his fingers.

Sayuri nodded and felt him wrap his arm around her waist. A soft gasp escaped her lips as he turned them around. Her back met the soft bed as he got on top of her, and knelt between her legs as his shaft rested against her exposed pussy.

She gave him a lust-filled gaze, as she caressed his body. Inviting him to take the next step with her.

"Ready?" Naruto asked, staring down at her.

Sayuri nodded, "Yes."

He leaned down and kissed her once more, before pulling back. With a slow thrust of his hips, he pushed the tip of his cock against her wet slit. A grunt escaped his lips as began pressing forward, splitting her nether lips open, and began entering her.

Sayuri moaned softly as she wrapped her arms around his back, looking up at the ceiling above them as her back arched. The tingling sensation of pleasure twitched through her.

Naruto leaned down and kissed her neck, continuing to push deeper inside of her. The pleasurable filling made Sayuri whimper, her legs wrapping around his waist, trying to pull him deeper.

He continued to go deeper until began to feel a bit of resistance. Naruto gave her a quick look, as he had in the midst of the heat forgotten something.

They were both still virgins.

Well, he was at least. Though with what he just felt, revealed the fact that she was one too. Inwardly he chuckled at the irony, they both died as virgins and remained so until this very moment it seemed.

Taking a deep breath he gazed down at her, "I've heard this next part is a bit painful."

Sayuri gave him a slow shrug as she moved some of his red locks out of his face, "It's okay. You know I'm tough, and I hear that while it's painful. It's a beautiful pain."

Naruto gave a quick chuckle, she was indeed tough. With the doubt subtly leaving his mind, he placed a hand on her hip and gave a solid thrust forward, breaking through her hymen in the process.

The dark-haired girl gave a slight hiss of pain as she felt her virginity taken, before a sound laugh escaped her lips, "Losing my arm was worse."

At that, the Gremory sweatdropped, as memories of their arms getting blown off in their final attacks resurfaced, "Touche."

Sayuri gave him a quick smile, before she spoke subtly with a hand tracing down his cheek, "You can move now, I'm okay."

Naruto nodded, placing a hand on her thigh. He rubbed it softly, as he began to move, slowly moving into her. Goosebumps rose on his skin at the pleasure of her tightness wrapping around him, his eyes half-lidded and only focusing on her as he rubbed his palm up and down her leg to caress the smooth and warm skin.

Sayuri's eyes widened slightly as she felt him moving inside of her, her inner walls beginning to stretch, and accept his throbbing erection. With slightly unsteady breathing, she returned his lustful gaze. Soft chuckles escaped her as she began to get used to it.

After a little bit, Naruto groaned as he began to pick up speed, his hips bouncing against hers with each thrust of his hips. The bed started to creak softly as he picked up momentum, grunting deeply as he increased his pace.

Sayuri leaned up, grabbing onto his shoulders as she kept herself steady, "N-Naruto!"

"Hahaah! Sorry! I can't help myself." He laughed, smiling at her.

Sayuri smiled back, before leaning up to give him another kiss on the lips, "Don't apologize. That was amazing... I've never felt anything like this. Got a bit overwhelmed for a second I guess."

"Yeah..." He replied, his breathing starting to become ragged, as he tried to hold back from cumming too quickly.

"You can go faster again..." Sayuri whispered softly, her tone almost pleading.

Naruto nodded, and picked up the pace again, pounding into her faster than before, letting the muscles in his thighs begin to burn as he put everything into just focusing on her and every hot yet cute sound she made.

Sayuri closed her eyes and leaned back, moaning as she felt her insides repeatedly filled by his member, "Shit..."

"How does it feel?" He asked, teasingly slowing down his thrusts in the process. Letting his blue-green eyes mirror the playfulness of his actions, as he felt her grasp his hair with fingers.

She gave him a heated stare, her lips lifting with a smirk, "Good..."

"How good?" He continued to push, letting his eyes lock with her dark hues.

Sayuri rolled her eyes as she reached up and grabbed his hair, "If you stop, I'll cut your balls off." She started, her smirk continuing to grow, "That's how good I feel."

For a moment he was torn between being turned on and horrified, no man in the world liked the idea of being neutered, but to be able to hear he was making her feel that good? It was sending chills traveling up his spine, "Guess I'll have to keep going then, huh?"

She gave him a smile as she kissed his jaw, "Please."

A small grin formed on Naruto's lips, before he picked up the pace again, plunging into her over and over. His cock was throbbing with need, his stamina running low as he forced himself not to cum too soon. One of the few times he missed his old stamina.

Sayuri bit her lip as he sped up again, her eyes fluttering shut. The pleasure built inside of her with each time she felt his girthy member fill her up perfectly.

"Hey Sayuri," He whispered out through gritted teeth, his red locks clinging to his sweaty forehead.

"What?" She said in a husky voice, keeping her eyes closed.

"Are you close yet?"

She opened her eyes slowly, giving him a seductive smile, "I think so..."

Naruto grinned as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, "Then let me do this for you."

With that, he shifted his hips, taking her bottom in his hands, and began to thrust harder and faster, his cock throbbing inside of her.

Sayuri moaned loudly as he pounded into her. Her legs wrapped around him as she held tight, trying to ride his thrusts.

He continued to pound her, increasing his tempo, his hips slamming into hers. The bed began to shake as he picked up the pace again. The arm wrapped around her waist successfully lifting her off the bed, so only he was touching the mattress.

She'd continue to roll her hips to meet his thrusts, each impact causing her breasts to jiggle up and down. Sweat began to pour down their bodies, as they got closer and closer with each passing second. She clasped her fingers into the hair at the back of his head, using her free hand to cup his cheek.

Their faces were just inches apart as she panted hard, her face scrunching up as jolts of pleasure caused her body to shake from the legs and up.

Any sense of nervousness had been obliterated so long ago, that she didn't care that he saw her in such a state. In fact, she yearned for it. It made her feel hot inside, knowing there was no longer any barrier between them. And that anything like it, had been left behind in their past lives, never to be seen again.

As he hammered into her, his breathing became ragged like hers. His eyes snapped shut, and he could feel his cock throb in her depths. He tightened his grip on her bottom, trying to pull her more tightly against him. His limit came closer and closer, as she continued to get tighter around his length. The pulsing of her inner walls, massaging his left, pushing him toward the edge.

Sayuri's breath caught in her throat as she felt herself tighten around him. The tingling sensation in her core grew stronger and stronger until it exploded throughout her body.

Her vision blurred as the orgasm took her, "Fuck!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, her back arching as her head fell back into the air. Her entire body twitched with intense amounts of pleasure threatening to knock her unconscious from the pure bliss she was experiencing.

The feeling lasted for what felt like forever, but eventually, it began to fade, leaving her panting in exhaustion. A warm glow spread through her body as she tried to catch her breath, his thrusts getting slower, yet harder, and she knew he wasn't far behind her.

Naruto shuddered as his eyes opened wide, his hand tightening around her butt. His other was still wrapped around the back of her thigh, pulling her into him. He groaned deeply as he slammed into her, feeling the warmth of her contract around his girth as he came inside of her, emptying his seed inside her unprotected body. The pulsing of her inner walls made it feel like she was milking him for everything he was worth until he'd released every last drop.

He collapsed onto her the next second, pressing his forehead into her shoulder. He was completely spent, his mind a blank, all thoughts gone from it. He lay there for a while, catching his breath and enjoying the feeling of Sayuri laying underneath him.

They both remained silent, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, neither wanting to move. Eventually, they both broke the silence, Naruto sitting up first, so he could see her properly.

"That was amazing... Sayuri… Never felt so amazing." He whispered, his cheeks pinkening slightly.

Sayuri giggled softly, "Mhm, me too..."

Naruto smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. After a few seconds, he pulled away, his hand gently stroking her cheek.

"We better get cleaned up." He said, standing up from the bed, and offering her his hand to help her up.

Sayuri nodded, allowing him to pull her up. They both showered together, washed each other's bodies, and then got dressed. Once they were back in their room, they sat down on the bed, leaning back against the pillows, where she snuggled in against his side with her head resting against the crook of his neck.

Naruto put his arm around her, pulling her in closer to him. He let out a content sigh, happy with how things turned out.


The crimson-haired girl let out a tired sigh as she sat down at the dining table within her apartment. Various thoughts about her brother had failed to leave her alone ever since he left earlier, to the point where she had practically called an emergency meeting with her Queen who now had the pleasure of joining her.

Akeno eyed Rias for a few seconds from the doorway as the girl all but sulked at the table, before she placed a warm cup of tea down in front of her, "So…"

With a raised brow, the girl lifted her head, "So…?"

"Why are you moping around? Since Naruto isn't here, I'm guessing it has to do with him." Akeno thought out loud and took a seat beside Rias, warming her hands on her own cup of tea in the meantime.

Rias bit the inside of her cheek before she leaned into her seat, "There is just… A lot of things I don't understand. I thought I knew him, or rather that we know each other. That there were no secrets, but these days, after your sister arrived. Part of me is starting to wonder if I really did know him at all."

Starting to get a bit worried for her friend, Akeno placed a reassuring hand on her King's shoulder, "Come on now, give him a little credit."

A slight smile crept onto her lips, "Yeah, you're right. Still, I don't get it."

"What part of it exactly?" Akeno questioned, still not knowing all the details.

Rias took a deep breath, "He moved out. And before you ask, no, I'm not sulking because of that. Sure, I'd rather he stayed here like before, but it isn't why I'm feeling down. Your sister was looking for him, and I don't know all the details, but… He has moved in with her."

The dark-haired girl's eyes widened in an instant, "Why?" She asked in a fast and stern tone.

"I don't know. All I know is that she is his Queen now, and I didn't get much of an explanation. All he said was that, right now it might not make sense, but that they'd explain everything soon when we were ready." Rias mumbled, squeezing the cup within her grasp a tad bit tighter.

"He better have a good explanation." Akeno hissed under her breath.

Rias lifted her gaze and bumped her elbow into Akeno's side, "Take your own advice, give him a bit more credit. We'll just have to wait and see I guess, I can't say that I like all of this, but I can't do much anyway so what's the point in getting even angrier about it."

Taking a deep breath to calm down, the violet-eyed Queen took a few seconds to make sure she wouldn't just run her mouth based on what came to mind, "What about the other thing you mentioned on the phone?"

"The deal with the Grigori?" Rias asked.

Akeno nodded.

For what felt like the hundredth time, Rias sighed heavily, "He is considering it. I think he is being stupid and letting his good heart dictate his actions. It's just like him. Always looking out for anyone but himself."

Akeno looked at her for a few seconds, before staring into the liquid within her cup, "Do you think… That's the same deal with my sister?"

"Wouldn't surprise me. He has always been like that. Low or high-class devil, if he was able to help someone, he'd do it in a heartbeat. If she came to him hoping that he'd help her out or… save her, in broad terms, I doubt he'd deny her his help." Rias smiled softly.

A thing about her brother that she both loved and hated, the very thing that made him one of the best people she knew, was also one of the many things that could bring so much turmoil into her feelings about him.

Akeno just gave her a nod, "I guess I should be grateful then."

"I know your relationship with your sister is strained Akeno, I really do." Rias started, and paused so Akeno could pay full attention to her, "But what if all of this, also relates to your relationship? The talk we all had, what if she wants to make amends, and figured Naruto would be the key?"

The girl looked doubtful for a second, "Not sure, seems like we'd be grasping at straws assuming so, but… I guess what that idiot always said is to be optimistic."

"I think it's part of his catchphrase." Rias giggled.

Akeno shook her head, "Let's see what happens. I'm not keeping my hopes up, but I'll be… Open to surprises."

"Well, that's good to hear at least."

As a wave of silence washed over them, Akeno soon gained a teasing smile, "So, about your brother."

"What about him?"

Akeno rested her chin in the palm of her hand, "When are you going to confess?"

Rias blinked slowly, "Confess what? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Oh, you know what I mean little miss brother complex. After all, it seems to run in your family."


That's a wrap. I know that the lemon section was pretty long, compared to the rest, but I wanted to get the mood right. It was supposed to be a pretty meaningful moment, so it had to be sweet but also quite raunchy because of their personalities.

I'd normally have done more for the story, but I feel like with the way the mood was set, it wouldn't really fit in. Since the spotlight was on those two, expanding the plot in other directions felt wrong.

Let me know what you thought about it, I'm still new to writing lemons/limes, so any feedback would be great. Do you want the lemons to be the same length as this one, or would you prefer shorter ones?

Aside from that, we made a bit more progress on the peerage front. Naruto accepted the deal from the fallen angels, and they'll soon have to come up with a story that is believable enough for Akeno and Rias to believe.