A/N: Sam and Jack find themselves dancing again! This time it's to Nora Jones' Come Away With Me. Thank you for all the comments and likes! These two never make it easy, but hopefully the more the struggle, the sweeter the ending! Enjoy!
Jack sat on his couch with a warm beer in his hand and a Simpsons' rerun on the TV. This had become a frequent routine ever since that day at The Broadmoor. It wasn't a surprise that he couldn't stop thinking about Carter walking down the aisle. What did surprise him was that he couldn't stop picturing himself at the end of it and how much desire flooded his heart when he thought about it. His phone vibrated on the coffee table interrupting his current brooding session.
"Hey Carter. Is everything alright?"
"Hi, sir. Everything's fine. Sorry to call you so late."
"Don't worry about it. I was still up."
"Ok good."
"Was there something you needed?" he asked when she didn't continue.
"Right. I was wondering if I could ask you a favor."
"Depends on what kind of favor."
"We're thinking of getting a live band and our wedding planner is doing another wedding this weekend that hired this band I'm interested in. She talked with the bride who agreed to let me check them out during the reception and I was hoping you'd like to go with me?"
"Is Daniel busy this weekend?"
"I actually didn't ask him but I can if you're busy or don't want to. I know it's last minute and I completely understand if—"
"I want to," he interrupted quickly. "I mean, of course I'll go with you."
"Oh, great. Thank you, sir." He could hear her smile and demeanor ease through the phone. "Um, sir, do you own a suit?"
"A suit?"
"It's the only thing the bride requested."
"I guess my dress blues would make me stand out too much?"
"Maybe just a little, sir."
"Ok, suit it is."
"Also do you want to ride together? We could meet at my place around 1900?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Goodnight, sir."
Jack hung up the phone and tossed it to the other side of the couch. He forced himself up and headed to his bedroom where a red-headed CIA liaison laid under the sheets. As he got in on the other side, she rolled over and put her arm around his waist.
"I was starting to think you weren't coming back to bed."
"Sorry, I was just unwinding a little."
"Oh, well if you still needed unwinding after earlier, I could've helped with that," she said giving him a teasing kiss on his neck.
"Next time," he replied with a half smile. "Hey I'm going to have to take a rain check on this weekend. Something came up."
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah, everything's peachy. Just have to help Carter with something."
"Anything I should be worried about?"
"No, no need to worry. It's not the end of the world." Well that wasn't entirely true. It sure felt like the end of his.
Jack knocked with five minutes to spare on Saturday. He cleared his throat and rocked on the back of his heels as he surveyed the neighborhood, nodding politely to a family walking by. He spun around when the door opened and all the air seemed to escape his lungs at the sight of the woman standing in front of him.
"Wow," was all he could manage. Her bashful smile and subtle blush rising to her cheeks completed the mesmerizing look that sent his heart hurdling. "You look great."
That was an understatement. She looked stunning and absolutely gorgeous. He allowed his gaze to travel across her pastel floral dress that was flowy somehow but still accented her curves. On their own volition, his eyes continued down her incredibly long legs to her heels and then back up again until they landed back on that smile.
"You might even upstage the bride."
"Do you think the dress is too much?!" Sam's stance suddenly became defensive at the thought that her outfit might offend.
"Oh no, that's not what I meant. It's not the dress," he corrected quickly. She stared back up at him confused. He chuckled to himself thinking about how this woman never ceased to amaze him—this time because she still had no idea just how beautiful she is. "Carter, you're the most beautiful woman in any place you go, regardless of what you're wearing."
Her small smile quickly turned into a huge grin. "Thank you. You clean up well yourself, sir," she tried to divert the attention away from the blush spreading to her torso. She took the time to look him up and down as well in his navy suit, grey tie, and crooked smirk on his face. It may not have been dress blues, but damn the man looked good.
"Shall we?" He offered her his arm which she readily took after locking up her front door.
Once inside the car, Jack couldn't stop stealing glances over to his passenger seat. He couldn't help himself. He needed something to distract him from how much he wanted to reach out and hold her hand right now.
"So, you got a wedding planner?"
"Yeah, after the mix up at the venue, we figured it would be good to have a little more help with the logistics in case anything else went wrong. Rachel's been really great with the details like color scheme and decorations, which I'm thankful for because I just don't have an eye for that."
"Sounds like she'll help make things easier. What do you have left to plan?"
"Well, the big decisions left are flowers, catering, photographer, and...my dress."
"So...it's almost done."
And then it would be over. There would be no more reason for these moments together. Everything would be set for her to get married and things could never be quite the same. The light mood that had surrounded them suddenly grew heavy.
"Sir, I know this is a lot to ask and don't feel obligated at all to say yes, but—"
"I'll be there."
"You don't even know what I'm going to ask."
"Doesn't matter. I'll be there," he replied with a soft smile and this time he did reach out across the seat to take her hand resting on top of her knee and give it a reaffirming squeeze.
They spent the rest of the ride in comfortable silence. By the time they arrived, most of the guests were still finishing up dinner. Not wanting to intrude before the dancing started, they took some time to walk around. The reception was outside in the gardens with a main stage and dance floor in the middle surrounded by several round tables. There was an area covered by a tent where the food, drinks, and cake were being served. As she watched some of the children running around trying to entertain themselves, something caught Sam's eye.
"Oh look, they have a photo booth!"
"Like what they have at the mall?"
"Yeah! Oh that's such a neat idea. C'mon, sir. Let's go check it out." To Jack's surprise, Sam took his hand and started dragging him towards the box off to the side.
"Carter, I don't think this is going to be big enough," Jack commented as he peered inside the small booth.
"You haven't been behind the desk that long sir."
"I meant that it looks like these things weren't designed for people above a certain height. What are you trying to say?" he asked as he looked down to straighten out his jacket.
"Nothing," she replied shaking her head at the man while pushing him inside. "We can make it work. Just sit down first and I'll squeeze in."
Jack did as he was told and, contrary to Sam's initial belief, it was a very tight fit. She tried to wiggle her way next to him on the bench but only managed to step on his foot and knock into his knee twice.
"Oh for cryin' out loud…" Jack mumbled as he took her by the hips and pulled her onto his lap. "Trust me, this is better for my knees."
The young photo booth attendant poked his head through the curtain. "So, this takes three pictures. Look at the camera here, push this button when you're ready, and it'll start counting down."
"Ok let's take a couple of nice ones then we can do a funny one," Sam instructed as she pushed the start button. Jack tried to process her words while distracting himself from the thoughts rushing through his mind among other places.
"A funny one? What's that supposed to—"
The booth flashed and the picture recap popped up on the screen. Sam sported a big smile while Jack was in mid sentence with confusion all over his face. Sam tried to stifle her laugh but failed miserably.
"Well that can count as our funny one."
"Hey, I wasn't ready!" groaned Jack.
Another flash. This time Jack had on his irritated diplomacy face while Sam was in full laughter. She didn't even try to hold it back as her hand landed on his chest inside his jacket and her head on his shoulder. The warmth and intimacy of her touch accompanied by the sweet sound of her laughter sent waves straight to his groin. The fact that she remained on his lap definitely wasn't helping.
"Uh, sir…"
"It's my sidearm?" He smiled innocently and she rewarded him with giggles. "What have I said about giggling?"
The last flash went off. Sam giggled some more before lifting her gaze to meet his. She was so close that all he had to do was lean forward an inch to kiss her. He searched her eyes trying to read what they were saying.
"Um, sir, ma'am, if you step out of the booth, I'll print off your pictures for you."
Sam gave the young man a smile as she slipped off Jack's lap and exited first. Jack readjusted his pants and took a couple deep breaths before stepping out to join her. She turned around holding two copies of the photo strip with an amused look on her face.
"I think they turned out great!"
He glanced over the pictures admiring how beautiful she looked when she laughed. The last laugh was his favorite—the one she seemed to reserve just for him. Suddenly, the sound of music started from the stage.
"Oh, the dancing's starting now! C'mon…" He quickly stuffed the photo strip into his inside jacket pocket before Sam grabbed his hand again and led him towards the main area.
As the sun set, several strings of twinkle lights lit the areas away from the dance floor. They sat around one of the tables along the perimeter of the reception area listening to the music and watching the guests dance through the night. The waiters had brought by a couple pieces of cake which, after triple checking that there was enough for all the invited guests, Jack happily accepted.
The band was quite entertaining. Carter had good taste. The singing and instrumentals were superb and they had an excellent flow to their set. A song ended to the cheers from the crowd. Then the familiar notes to Nora Jones' ballad sounded from the piano causing the mosh pit on the dance floor to dissolve, replaced by guests of all ages joining their partners for the intimate tune.
"I love this song," whispered Sam mostly to herself.
Jack looked over and saw her eyes close allowing the tune to wash over her. Before his brain could process what he was doing, he gently grabbed her hand resting on the table and gave a little tug silently asking her to join him. He led her underneath a nearby tree away from the main lights of the dance floor. Taking a brief moment to soak in the sight of her, he got lost in the full moon reflecting those big, beautiful blue eyes and illuminating the adorable shy smile creeping over her face.
As she ducked her head from his gaze, he slid his free arm around her waist settling on the small of her bare back. Her hand instinctively snaked up his arm and claimed its spot on his shoulder. He drew their joined hands so close to his chest she could feel the strong thudding of his heart as they started slowly swaying to the music.
He brought his lips close to her ear and started humming softly along to the melody. Stray strands of her hair tickled his nose in the soft breeze. He inhaled deeply letting the smell of her hair, her skin, her perfume invade his lungs. Dancing with Sam Carter was quickly becoming one of his favorite things.
"Come away with me, and we'll kiss
On a mountain top
Come away with me,
And I'll never stop loving you."
Jack's hands tightened around her waist. He clung to her. Not wanting to let go. Sam could feel his desperation.
"Hmmm?" He hummed in her ear.
"Why are you here?"
"Because you asked me to."
She smiled into his shoulder. "You know what I mean. I'm serious."
"So am I." He leaned back so their eyes could meet. His were completely serious, but gentle. "Sam, I will always be here for you. Believe me."
The words echoing the conversation she had with her hallucination on the Prometheus rung in her ears as the rest of the conversation replayed in her mind.
"No matter what?"
"Yeah, no matter what," he replied with a soft smile as he caressed the hand he held with his thumb. "Buckle in, Carter. You can't get rid of me that easily," he joked lightheartedly.
"I would never want to." It was her turn to be completely serious. "I just wish that..."
She wished what? Wished that things were different? Wished that she was allowed to love him? Wished he would ask her to go away with him—somewhere, anywhere? None of those things were remotely productive and didn't change the situation.
"I don't know exactly. I just wish…"
"Yeah." He sighed softly with a sad understanding smile. Her eyes started glistening. "C'mere."
He pulled her tighter into his embrace and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. There they stood holding each other underneath the moonlight as the reception continued on around them. In that moment, the General and Colonel completely disappeared and it was just Jack and Sam for what felt as though might be one of the last times.